Add Direct Connect button to Main Menu; OR Do not immediately start searching for servers

AccidentallyTheCable shared this feedback 5 years ago

I've been fighting with some connectivity issues (unrelated), and started looking at TCP connections while I had the game open / running, etc, to try and see if I could find a problem.

During this, I noticed when I clicked 'Join Game' the network connections list expanded very quickly, and a lot of them stayed for quite some time; Each one appeared to be a server from the Join Server list.

The amount of connections could become problematic as more and more servers arise, especially since the filters seem to never stick from session to session (And also my server never seems to stay in favorites or anywhere, when I direct connect).

My proposal is:

A) Add a Direct Connect button to the main menu, which would then bypass the Join Server page

B) Make the Join Server page not immediately start scanning, so if you're looking for a server, you need to push a button, but anyone who knows what server, knows where to go already (or has it in their favorites list)


- Fix Favorites so Direct Connect servers are saved, and do not require waiting for the server list to refresh (my server, and I'm sure others, have unlisted servers)

- Fix Filter save/state persistence

- Set Lower connection close time on connections when gathering server information.

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