Add a Paint Tool item

Endar949 shared this feedback 4 years ago

Currently, to paint blocks you only need to press MMB and the block changes colour. This has some issues, as with recent updates, only the owner of the grid can paint it. Even faction members can't paint it! My suggestion is to add a paint tool, similar to the grinder, welder and hand drill. Players could still place blocks with a certain colour, but to repaint that, the paint tool will be needed. The paint tool should be able to repaint any block, even ones not owned by you or in a different faction, but to stop people spawning and repainting an entire grid instantly to grief it, the paint tool should not appear in the player's inventory upon respawn along with the 3 existing tools. Instead it should be crafted from a basic assembler or a large assembler. MMB painting should still be available in creative or if the owner of the game decides to enable it in settings. Also, the shift+ctrl paint method to paint the entire grid shouldn't be usable except for the grid owner, or not usable at all, just in case people still want to grief with it.

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