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Survival Update and Adding function to several ingame blocks

Molten Carnage shared this feedback 4 months ago
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Hey Keen Staff!

This is my pitch at a future update. Many blocks and elements to make this update feasible are already in the game. Please don't let this fall on deaf ears. So many have been begging for an update like this.

Thank you.


The Survival Update

New Player Status Bars

New Threats

New and Repurposed Animations

New Blocks

New Block Functions

New Materials

New Consumables

New Images

New Particle Effects


New Player Status Bars:

4 new status bars to indicate Hunger, Thirst, Sanity, and Well Being

Hunger - satiating Hunger by eating food adds minor health resilience

Thirst - satiating Thirst by drinking adds minor stamina

Sanity - satiating Sanity by using an LCD set to "Entertainment" or a bed adds minor performance increase (hand held welding, grinding, drilling, weapon accuracy)

Well Being - satiating Well Being by using the Toilet/Bathroom adds minor endurance to all status bars with some minor health regeneration

Failure to keep these status bars above 30% results in a decrease to all respective stats with appropriate degenerative status conditions. Failure to maintain Sanity, in particular, will result in incremental chance of incorrect commands in ship and grid controls.


New Threats:




Radiation Sickness

Poison (Sabiroid venom)




New and Repurposed Animations:

Kitchen Block - food and drink preparation (cutting, mixing, using the microwave)

Seated Table/Desk Block - eating, drinking (Helmet opens and Engineer eats animation - oxygen must be present)

Captain's Desk Block - eating, drinking, working on the computer terminal (Helmet opens and Engineer eats animation * oxygen must be present) Hunger Status bar increases

Toilet/Bathroom Block - Engineer enters and door closes, Well Being status bar increases, door opens and Engineer exits

All Blocks with an interface (Cockpits, Science Station block, Consoles, Vending Machines, etc)- Engineer pushes buttons and reads terminal screens, may use hand gestures to indicate success or frustration

General Well being or Negative Status Emotes - Emote animations (already exists) to hint at current status at random but sparse intervals)


New Blocks:

Algae Cultivator Block (used to grow basic algae protein) Hydroponic Pod (used to grow fruits,vegetables and grain ingredients)

Algae Processor Block (used to convert algae into basic food protein ingredients)

Hydroponic lights Block (used to grow algae, fruits, vegetables, and grains)

Cold Storage Freezer Block (stores ingredients and prepared foods)

Water Filtration Block (Filters water from the H2O2 Generator for ALgae production, cooking, brewing, and drinking)

MRE Vending Machine Block (a new prepared food vending machine with a glass viewing panel to display all the MREs for sale)


New Block Functions:

Kitchen Blocks (already exists but now functions to create food and drinks)

Drink Vending Machines (already exists but can now be stocked with brewed drinks from the Kitchen block)

Toilet/Bathroom Block (already exists but now functions to maintain Well Being)

Seated Table/Desk (already exists but now functions as a place to eat and drink to maintain Hunger)

Captain's Desk (already exists but now functions as a place to eat, drink to maintain Thirst)

LCD Block (already exists but now functions to maintain Sanity when set to Entertainment when player is within proximity)

Bed Blocks (already exists but now functions to maintain Sanity)

Vending Machine Block (already exists but now offers MREs for sale)

Science Lab Block (already exists but now functions to create Medipaks using Sabiroid Venom to temporarily offset status aliments)

Survival Kit Block (already exists but now adds soil generation from ice, stone, and bio-matter)


New Materials:

Algae (extracted from the Water Filtration Unit)

Water (extracted from the Water Filtration Unit)

Bio-matter (extracted from plants and trees with a grinder)

Soil (Ice, stone, and bio-matter combined in a survival kit)

Fruits (extracted from plants and trees with a grinder)

Vegetables (extracted from plants and trees with a grinder)

Seeds (extracted from Fruits and Vegetables in food preparation at the Kitchen Block)

Sabiroid Venom (dropped by Sabiroids)


New Consumables:

MRE - Meals Ready to Eat (3 basic meals prepared by the Algae Processors and Kitchen block - ie: Burger, Fires, Protein Bar) * Would you like a Klang Cola to go with your Klang Burger and Klang Fries?

Quality Meals - 5 prepared meals at the Kitchen Block (more ingredients required but offers greater benefits - ie: Molecular Synthesized Chicken Dinner, Protein Infused Steak Dinner, Radiation Free Ramen, etc)

Specialty Drinks - 5 prepared drinks at the Kitchen Block (more ingredients required but offers greater benefits - ie: Electrostatic Espresso, Milkyway Milkshake, Earle Grey Tea, etc)

Medipaks - Medical injection prepared at the Science Lab Block (for temporary relief of ailment status effects)


New Images:

A set of advertisements for the New Consumables (ie: Martian Medipaks, Burger Klang, Electrostatic Espresso)


New Particle Effects:

Low Burning Fire (not under pressure, RGB for different material burning effect)

Leaking Liquid (RGB with alpha channel for different liquids like coolant, transmission fluid, oil, or water)

Rising Heat

Cascading Cold Vapour


Hallucination (extreme Sanity deprivation)

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