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Random encounters way too rare in space

Umbratherios shared this feedback 4 months ago
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The problem:

Currently, there are 2 types of encounters with the contact update that you can find: Factorum encounters, and random encounters.

Factorum encounters are those encounters that appear on your hud a few thousand KM away, and those are absolutely brilliant... However, the regular random encounters (at least in space) are lackluster.

Regular encounters, at least in space, are INCREDIBLY rare. I have played for 8 hours now and not found a single one (But I can find several in creative mode via the entity list I move around a lot). My encounters density is set to high, of course.

My suggestion (feel free to suggest more ideas):

I hesitate to say this is the only solution, so feel free to be creative and tweak my suggestion a bit.

The "high" density setting is far too low and encounters spawn way out of visual range of the player (not all of us have 4k monitors). I propose that the density of encounters be increased, that way a player has a higher chance of finding some encounters in space, where they are constantly hidden and obscured by asteroids.

Additional observation:

Encounters do not respawn once you go through an area. if I build a base, no new regular encounters will ever spawn again around my base, and as such, I will never be able to discover things around my base unless I abandon my base and venture out. this is a massive shame, because it means all the effort I put into my base was for nothing.

it would be amazing if random encounters could respawn (or if there was an option for them to respawn) so that, even if I stay within 15 km of my base (which is where I always am most of the time), I can still discover and see new encounters rather than abandoning my base just to have a tiny chance to find one.

Apparently encounters appear a lot more on planets, but as I play space engineers in space, it would be nice if the encounters in space could get a bit of tweaking.

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