Rockets Rework and Expansion

Napalm Price shared this feedback 22 days ago
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propose a fix for the lack of effectiveness for rockets in space engineers

firstly the cost of current rockets are completely impractical, secondly the damage also seems rather ineffective for their intended use. now instead of just simply changing the material costs of the ammo, i think it should go in a different direction, splitting the function into two main categories for LIGHT targets and for HEAVY targets

LIGHT armour: i think it should function more like AA where there is a large AOE damage but lacks in significant penetration

HEAVY armour: i think it should function more like AT where there is low AOE damage but has high penetration

Material Cost: this should be changed as the requirement for them, even if only one of the options for rockets is chosen weather it be AT or AA the costs for rockets should be much cheaper, lets say a hydrogen/ice cost and maybe use some Cobalt? making this more progression friendly is a must when currently there is no real benefit for making rockets.


i've been thinking about this ever since one of the dev's streams where they mentioned they would only add homing missiles if they were like the anime swarm style and i have an idea for how homing/guided missiles could be implemented. again splitting it into two things. we have swarm missiles and then we have the laser designator and also we could have something to combat against them. smoke launchers or even the flares could be an option

  • SWARM MISSILES - with these they would only be a static weapon block and not have a turret variant. this weapon should fire in a rapid volley of missiles which only start to track the laser designator after a short time at which point the missiles would then follow the end point of the laser this way for cinematic purposes you could have broadside swarm missile silos placed on the port/starboard side or simply having them placed on the bow and furthermore for the cinematics i feel the laser designator is the first clue, then the plume of smoke is the second before the swarm missiles fire
  • LASER DESIGNATOR - this could have similar functions to the custom turret controller where you can assign the weapons to the block except where the laser designator differs is that it can only assign the swarm missiles and possibly smoke launchers. the laser for this weapon should be a visible beam in the colour of the team for example personal/friendly lasers will be blue/green. or alternatively the laser could be coloured in the terminal like how you would for lcds or lights. this laser beam should be limited in range to the same-ish distance as the swarm missiles


  • SMOKE LAUNCHER - creates a wall of smoke that disrupts targeting for turrets and potentially has a chance to detonate missiles and rockets. maybe as soon as any projectile passes through said smoke wall it leaves a hole in the wall of smoke? this weapon should only be able to make essentially a static wall of which is a set distance from the weapon this could simply be a block or turret based weapon
  • POINT DEFENCE LASER - this would be a turret that looks much different to the laser designator and the function of this would be to only go after rockets or maybe even warheads.

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