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Idea on current progression system

Jason Hemming shared this feedback 5 months ago
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So, you know how there have been some people saying how the current progression system is a bit underwhelming? I think I may have an idea on how to get people to use it. Chemistry. You already use chemical shorthand for ores in the base game, why not make a basic chemistry lab to do some of the fundamental stuff like iron, nickel, silicon, and cobalt, and then make an advanced one for more complex blocks? Then, to incentivize people into using this system, one, make new blocks altogether for the update, two, make upgrades for all tools, weapons, ammo, etc. For both players and ships.

And then the third thing is have rare block blueprints that are on their own advanced versions of basic blocks already in game, but can also be upgraded, but the trade off is you have to find them in places like random encounters or occasionally in the loot of a space spider or a wolf, giving the players incentive to go around and actually explore, maybe even power up their ships so their ready for PVE combat in singleplayer and the likes. Hey, you can use chemistry to add things in like oxidized fuel, like what's actually used in NASA rockets, which is more powerful than pure hydrogen, but the tradeoff being it's more flammable and therefor more dangerous to store. You can also add in new ammo types for various weapons, both ship and player weapons, as well as use this new method of research to create new types of weapons and tools altogether.

Look, at the end of the day, it is your game, KeenSoftwareHouse, do as you will, but I think this might be a worthwhile effort.

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