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[Suggestion] - Allow weapon or tool groups on the toolbar (triggered by cockpit mouse signal)

MartyX5555 shared this feedback 13 months ago
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So, im kind of fan of having custom ai turrets and weapons you can control directly from the cockpit, but the normal scenario i find is as following:

  • You have a certain weapon block used as cockpit weapon.
  • At the same ship, you have a few custom turrets. They use the same weapon block as the cockpit's one. Note they are controlled by AI.

At this point, seems everything would go good....

However, under that current scenario, there's no a real (i mean, notorious) way to define what weapons the cockpit can use and what not, so the cockpit triggers every block the ship (including subgrids) has. (aka, we have alot of fireworks of all of my defenses, lol)

Possible Solution?

Possibly, allowing weapon/tool groups to be visible in the section where you assign the cockpit weapons can do the trick. I mean we should be still able to have the "global" groups as it is now, but adding any group we have done to weapons/tools.

What could we do with this?

The fact you can manually assign what weapons you want to be triggered allows alot of control when it comes to the fire systems of a ship. Some examples below:

  1. A ship, with frontal weapons, that has custom ai turrets use the same weapon block. You can fire your cockpit weapons without fear to fire from your custom ones.
  2. A dock or base with some cranes, all connected to the same grid. Each crane has its own welder/grinder, controlled exclusively.
  3. Another ship with many custom turrets. Every turret is manually controlled (too many cockpits triggering specific weapon groups)

Honestly. This feature should be truly considered : )

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