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Space Suite Suggestion - Mini O2/H2 generator & refinery built in

Stephen Aronson shared this feedback 17 months ago
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Greetings Minions,

i was thinking that it would be more effective if your space suit built into it.

Idea's for example if your grid gets blown up, or you start the game in spacesuit only or lack of power to your girds shutting down your refinery and h2/h2 generator. In this case if you found ice on a roid or planet, you could put it into your suit and keep your h2 and o2 charged.

The mini refinery build in is good in the event the same event's above happened; like base / ship is destroyed / crashed, etc and suddenly your now on a planet or space with nothing but land or roids around you. Well wouldn't it be nice to be able to make a base just with the portal device built into your suit so you can re-make the basic foundation of a base or ship so then you can turn around and use your newly created stuff to build more advanced stuff. and with your h2/o2 gen built into your suit & having finding ice; you can sustain yourself during this vulnerable time.

In short - a engineer should be able to build the basic's just with the portal stuff built into their back. To refine ores as basic as the standard survival kit.


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