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Please, fix the game consistence on behavior, naming and options.

Pedro Waksman shared this feedback 19 months ago
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I would really like to suggest the game consistence got fixed, there is just no excuse to not have those things behaving and having the same options and naming. The game should be consistent with its mechanics. Everything here already exists and works fine on one block or option, but for some reason, doesn't exist on other block that have exact the same option or behavior.

  • Not all "togglable" block variable have their respective TRUE and FALSE variants when adding it to action bar. Eg: if you drag any block with ON/OFF, you can choose between toggle, only on, only off. Which is perfect. But let's say for "Control wheels" or "control thrusters", also for Lock (hinge lock, rotor lock), parking and auto parking for magnetic plates and landing gears, battery charge. Anything that is just TRUE / FALSE switch should have the option as just on or off, true or false, etc. This is specially annoying with the event controller as you can't add the true and false conditions. And make it even more annoying when you just want to set it to TRUE or FALSE based on different triggers which is just impossible. The mechanic already exists in the game, it should just behave the same for all block options with a toggle behavior. If we need one block to serve as example for this, just look at the Tank, we have set stockpile as toggle, set to on and set to off, but if we look for Auto-refill bottle, then we just have the toggle option. Also visually on control panel, one is displaying as two buttons and the other is a checkbox. In summary, no consistence at all.
  • Event controller events name and trigger source. It should be either each block should have its own event, or we should just have a generic event for all of them, but currently we stand right in between. Let's say "Ready to Lock", we have connector Ready to lock, and also "Magnet Lock Ready". First off, naming should be either "ready to lock" or "lock ready", second there is no Landing Gear event for it, because it is under Magnetic. And the inverse for the Locked, we have for landing gear but not for magnetic. Would be much better to have just two very simple events "Locked" and "Ready to Lock" (anything has ready before locking, mag plate, landing gears, connectors, etc). No block naming prefix on the event name. That is how it is already done for "Angle Changed", we don't have two different angle changed, and they don't have the misleading block name prefix and its perfectly fine for rotors and hinges. Another naming example, look at "Rotor/Hinge attach/detached"... wtf? Following this, then we should have "Rotor/Hinge Angle Changed". Just be consistent with those stuff.
  • Event controller: we have lock events, we have on/off events. There is no event for rotor or hinge locked/unlock. And yes, if you asked when thinking about a generic Locked event, it should include connectors, landing gears, hinges, rotors, anything that has lock. That is what a consistent Locked event should do.
  • Event controller: Cargo Filled or Power Storage should be consistent. With the two current options you simple CAN'T make what it should be doing already, which is monitor the total of it. If you have 4 battery or 4 cargos, doesn't matter if you check or uncheck the AND option, it won't behave as the name imply, you simple can't make it. Let's say one set the cargo filled to 75%, so you will either have 1 cargo filled with 75% and all others empty, or 3 cargos full and one with 75%, none of that is actual 75%.
  • Filtering current ship when connected: We can filter the current ship when scrolling through the inventory list, which is perfectly fine and useful. But if you go to control panel, well good luck, there is no way to filter which ship/station you are. Same for production. It should have a simple drop-down list with the first one being "all" and followed by the name of each connected ship/station.
  • Production tab show/hide production blocks. Today we can show or hide something from the control panel, from the hot bar setup, for the inventory screen, which is perfectly fine and useful. But you can't hide it from the production list. Wtf? Why you guys keep doing stuff like that? So, if I want to have one master assembler and set all others as "slave" with the cooperative mode, which is part of the game already. You can, but, every time you go to the production, well you have a bunch of assemblers to choose from, and the first is usually not the one you want. So, you go find which one is the first of the list and set all the others as cooperative. great, every time you add a new assembler, the first assemblers that shows up change and you have to do it again. Why don't we have an option to hide it from the production list, or simple hide all that are set to cooperative mode (but this would be inconsistent with the game behavior for everything else). And no, naming one Master Assembler don't solve anything, it just helps you to see which one is selected first, but since you don't have any control over which one is shown first, the only thing naming does, is allow you to see which one you should mark as non-cooperative. "Oh, now this one is the first in the list, lets update the assembler's config again". Again consistence, why in the world we don't have a hide option for this already?
  • Thrusters power draw override: So, if we press forward, thrusters will immediately draw 100% power, which makes you go way to fast if you have an empty carrier so to speak. Well thrusters have an override, but it will set it to always run, not working with directional keys anymore. Ok that might be a game limitation, if we only had an option to override the max power consumption. But wait, wheels have this option, they have a Power consumption slider from 0% to 100% while also having the actual override for movement. Why in the world thrusters don't have this option? Even gyros have power override and direction override separately.
  • Weapon Range: Why we have the range show in the weapon if the actual range comes from the bullet? If the range comes from the bullet, it should be defined on the bullet description. Max aiming distance and max reach distance are two different things. You guys made it like this, so keep it consistent.

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