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Add ejection override switch to cockpits/flightseats

Ronin Planetary Industries shared this feedback 23 months ago
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There's a lot of task management that happens from a cockpit. The cockpit may end up remotely controlling turrets, viewing cameras, controlling other grids, and so forth. These actions pivot around the "F" key on a QWERTY keyboard. You can back out of controlling these fuctions when you are done viewing or controlling.

The "F", however, happens to be the same key you use to eject the player's avatar from a cockpit. Under situations of duress, complex task completion, or even just one too many key-presses and you have now left your cockpit/seat.

Depending on game settings, manuevering by another player this can be catastrophic.

My suggestion is to create a toggle button on the menu for every cockpit or flightseat that overrides ejecting the player from the seat/cockpit. The override defaults as OFF and is always off unless the player manually sets it to ON. Upon leaving the seat, the setting hard resets to OFF. This will make sure that the action is always voluntary to set it. It's akin to putting on a seatbelt after getting into an automobile.

The action to toggle this switch on and off should be available as an action for the cockpit toolbar. It would be convenient to be able to set this. The icon should simply be a common icon that you would find in a commercial airplane.

Considerations: defaulting the override to "OFF" and forcing the player to manually engage the override means that current gameplay as players would have to opt-in to use the safety feature. Allowing the setting to be used as a toolbar action would allow the player to visually inspect the setting and change the status without going into the menu system, which can be dangerous while in motion.

Extra features:

1. Add an icon for it on the HUD when in a cockpit. It could be set to display green or red depending on the status of the override. Flashing it when the player first sits in the cockpit/seat would be a nice reminder to maybe set it.

2. An emergency eject action that could be added to a toolbar that overrides all settings. I'm not sure if that's a good idea as a player might get confused. But it might be worth testing.

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