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Grid AI beta test

James shared this feedback 2 years ago
Not Enough Votes

I feel the one report page i submitted was not enough so i'd like to submit this more detailed report.

Event Controller: for the most part this felt like the most finished block as i had no issues with it

AI Record Path block: i couldnt get this block to work at all, all the paths i recorded the AI would eventually botch or crash into something regardless of if collision avoidance was on or not.

AI Basic Task: this block worked ok for the most part but im concerned that you can set enemy beacons as a home point in that option. Players shouldn't be able to send drones to others bases without having first visited and made a waypoint.

AI Combat (Attack) block: my main issue with this block is that it utilizes the shoot on/off, problem is it doesnt always turn it off when the drones not facing the target using static weapons, on a large grid it didnt even face the correct way when moving towards a target just out of range.

AI Combat (Defense) block: this block is a bit misleading in its name as all it seems to do is detect enemies and give the drone the option to flee.

AI Move block: Collision avoidance doesnt seem to work on planets well, my drones constantly crashed into things and just adding more thrusters shouldnt be a way to fix this, the drone should adjust to a slower speed if its making more complex maneuvers at short distances to things so it has time to stop if its going to collide, this should take into account how much thrust it has on each side or at the very least not always use the max movement speed as it seems to want to do.

In all these ai blocks still need a lot of work before they are ready for official release and i know pathfinding is a pain in the butt which is why im taking the time to stress that these need more work.

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