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[SUGESSTION] Selective dampening of the 6 directions

Benson Mathison shared this feedback 2 years ago
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I'm thinking maybe more options for the dampeners might be popular. The context is this, I learned a long time ago to make a second thruster group on my ships, and put just the 'Backwards' thrusters in it, then when I'm traveling forward, I leave dampeners on, but disable the 'Backwards' thrusters, so that I can drift forward while still dampening in the other directions. It can get a bit messy though (accidentally toggling all thrusters, resulting in backward on and all others off, it also means the 'on/off' indicator on my toolbars isn't always accurate).

My thought was, make an option where you hold 'w' to move forward (for example) and while holding it, press 'z' to toggle dampeners, and instead of them toggling completely off/on, it'll toggle dampeners on in all directions except forward (the direction you're holding). This would remove the need to make an extra group and button to toggle off backwards thrusters, avoiding messiness of toggling them, allow you to dampen-drift in other directions as well (without thruster groups/buttons) AND would also let you do this kind of dampened drift while using your jetpack as well.

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