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Suggestion: GPS UI Improvements

PriorUniform721 shared this feedback 2 years ago
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Maybe some way to show/hide many GPSs all at once would be helpful. When scouting for ores I like to tag all the asteroids I find so know what I've found and so I don't revisit ones that I didn't find anything on. Looking for Pt or U can result in 70-80 GPS markers and that's a lot of double clicking to hide all of the duds.

Multi-select? "Show/Hide Selected"

Maybe GPS tags?

[ ] Ores

[ ] Ag, Au, Co. etc

[ ] Stations

/gps :au :ag: :ice Jewlery Store Here!

/gps :ice :u Fuel Station!

Automatic Tagging?

Nearest celestial body and whether or not it's in p-gravity?

:earthlike :gravity

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