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Missile Launcher/turret rework

Ketsueko shared this feedback 2 years ago
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Hello fellow engineer,

Right now, missiles are way too expensive for little damage and accuracy. I think they should be rework to become a viable alternative to artillery and assault cannon.

Here are my ideas:

Global change:

  • Change the unify missile ammo to two alternatives: Rocket (for small grid) and missile (for large grid)

Weapon behaviour change:

  • Rocket launcher and the now renamed "rocket turret" for small grid will now use the rocket ammo. Those type of projectile will be dumb-fired and go in a straight line while being slightly impacted by gravity (less than artillery and assault shell).
  • Missile launcher and missile turret for large grid will now use missile ammo. Those types of projectile will go in a straight line without being affected by gravity and have a homing property depending on the platform launching them.
    - Missile turret's projectile will wire-guided, meaning the missile goes in a straight line if the turret's line of sight is lost.
    - Missile launcher will now justify their pcu cost: their homing missiles are lock based, meaning that when an enemy is locked, the missile launched will converge onto the enemy. If enemies aren't lock, the missile will be dumb-fired.
  • Missile/Rocket Velocity speed:

I think that right now the velocity of missile are too low. Even with homing properties, I would like them to be faster so here an idea:

- Missile and rocket will now go to a maximum of 400m/s, launching at 200m/s and accelerating to the max speed in 1s.

  • Rocket/Missile target range

I think that the range of 600m for small grid is acceptable, but the 800m range of the large one is really small. So here a possible change:

- Rocket will have a max target range of 800m (when locked) and missile will have a max range of 1800m (slightly less than artillery and railgun but more than assault cannon)

Those range changes are here for a reason: with the new homing system, missile needs better range because they will obviously need to move more and turn.

  • Ammo cost and damage

I find right now that the missile cost too much based on their damage and accuracy. So here a few ideas:

- General idea: Rocket ammo will cost the same type of resources than gatling ammo with emphasis on magnesium powder and deal 500 damage (no more platinum or uranium, making them good early game weapon)

- Idea 1: we keep the uranium cost and platinum cost of missile, but now they deal 2000 explosive damage in 4m radius against 500 right now.

-Idea 2: we remove the uranium and platinum cost and replace them for gold and bonus magnesium powder cost, making them able to be created on planets. (deal 2000 damage)

- Idea 3: we implement both idea and the uranium missile deal 2000/3000 damage (don't know what to choose) and gold missile deal 1000 damage.

  • Homing missile precision

Homing missile, especially the missile launcher, could be really overpowered if the homing property is too strong, so i will precise some things on that by using an example:

I think that, at a range of 1000/1400m, a missile launched by a missile launcher placed at 90° from a static target should correctly direct the missile onto the target At a 600/800 range, it should be normal in that setup that the missile looses the target

Here my were my ideas. What are your thought on that?

I wish you all a nice day

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