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O2/H2 Generation Issues

P. Kerman shared this feedback 19 months ago
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I have two issues with the current O2/H2 Generator:

The first one is the Generators don’t give Oxygen farms time to refill the tanks, thus wasting ice. Shutting them down is not an option if you also need to refill your hydrogen tanks. While you can sort of solve this by having an entirely separate conveyor system, given the size and PCU cost of conveyor systems, that seems pretty wasteful and makes it even harder to go for aesthetically pleasing ships. It also would be really easy to fix, by just allowing us to switch the generators to only generate H2.

The other problem is you quickly need pretty ridiculous amounts of generators (not to mention ice) to fill your tanks as your hydrogen ships get larger, which is again a waste of PCU. I want to suggest a bigger and more expensive version of the Generator that can be further upgraded using the upgrade modules like a refinery. Could be set to only produce hydrogen by default or even only be able to produce hydrogen as you probably never need that much Oxygen.

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