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Lightning problem when weather is ON

Sergen shared this feedback 22 months ago
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There MUST be an option to disable lightning. It is not just unrealistic but also frustrating and annoying which is not a challenge but a headache. People wants weather without any damage inflicted, this can be understood by seeing many people opening topic about this. DEVS, give us reason to stay on planets even longer...

Solution 1 : add remove lightning option separately

Solution 2 : disable lightning automatically but keep weather when we set environment to SAFE

Solution 3 : keep everything same except lightning damage, reduce it to 0% when the environment is safe so no block gets destroyed

This is a must in the game considering we cannot detect or the game doesn't notify player when lightning hits and tells which blocks lost.

AND WE KNOW MODS EXISTS : but there are players who wants to play on vanilla servers!

AND WE KNOW ABOUT DECOYS : they are super inconvenient considering we have to replace them continuesly

AND WE KNOW ABOUT UNDERGROUND BASE : as we are not role-playing hobbit in middle earth, we want to have base in the open but this unwanted feature is the problemAND WE KNOW ABOUT WELDER AUTOMATED DECOY BUILDER : eats a lot of energy and pc system. Not to mention we have limited welder in some servers, good PvE servers

Players wants, wishes, desires, demands this so add this... People choosing safe environment for a reason.. Make it safe.

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