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[Suggestion] Oil as a fuel source and a overhaul to energy

Proleterrier shared this feedback 3 years ago
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This is a really long one but please read this cause I did put a lot of thought and research into this so pls hear me out. Just like in real life there should be different methods of powering our stuff within SE. Currently there are three ways. Renewable, Hydrogen, Nuclear. But Id like to see a 4th way. Oil. But instead of having a Hierarchy of what is the most viable option and it only be surface level where it'd go from least viable to most (Renewable, Oil, H2 then nuclear), Id like to see modern day issues used as inspiration on how energy works in this game. I'm not saying in game currently that a particular form of power is inadequate late game in vanilla SE, I'm saying that when more power sources are added commonly this is the route many developers go in the survival genre and I would like to see all power sources remain as relevant late game as they did early game cause they fit a specific role.

1) Oil

- Oil can be found in solid form while in sand. That'll get around the lack of liquid mechanics in SE. can also be solidified in cold temperatures so colder areas on earth like could have it in dirt or stone. Also if aliens NPC's are added down the line it would allow for Oil to be found on other planets, the rest of this article will be making points as if this is the case and there are Wildlife NPC's on other planets.

- It is by far the easiest viable way of releasing energy outside of burning coal or wood.

- different materials can be acquired from Oil via Fractional Distillation. Which means we come to my first suggested industry block, A fractionating column. When Oil is placed in it out comes Petrol, Diesel, kerosene and Naphtha.

- Petrol (Gasoline), will be the most basic level of Fuel available, will be used from early to late, specifically limited to small grid only. Engines can come in big and small, Fuel tanks can also come in big or small, both being smaller than the hydrogen versions. Will be used late game as some planets have little ice and would mean some grids are adapted to certain planets due to not just the environment as it is currently in SE but also for logistics, these will not release as much energy as hydrogen engines but as they are smaller, easier to build and burn their fuel less quickly meaning they can run for longer this will allow them to stay relevant till the late game especially for smaller builds

- Diesel, Basically the Large grid version of petrol, exactly same premise

- Kerosene. Unlike petrol and Diesel which would be a Planet only form of fuel as zero gravity I believe doesn't allow for those types of engines to work properly. Kerosene can be used as it is in real life as rocket fuel for space craft. however Id like this change to bring a nerf to both hydrogen Engines and would be Rocket Fuel engines, in that they require oxygen to burn in space. The CO2 can be caught, and then use the oxygen farm to produce oxygen, which means oxygen farms will also be nerfed too. player also releases CO2 as well passively. this means that the Ion thrusters which aren't as strong as hydrogen or rocket fuel engines have a new advantage as they only require power and not require any fuel. Kerosene and Hydrogen though will have no differences apart from Hydrogen giving more thrust, but kerosene lasting longer.

- Naphtha will be used to produce plastics which will in turn be used to make more components such as polymer for guns or tools, programmable blocks, LCD screens etc. It Will require a new industry block called Catalytic Cracker. Here Different polymers are made which will be used to make the different components.

2) Renewable

- Not much changed for renewable, just the components that they require would be made from Plastic. I only use them for grids I wont be visiting often like satellites and the early game which I want to replace them with fossil fuels anyways

3) Hydrogen

- Nothing changes

4) Nuclear

-Only one major change I would like to see implemented. To Nerf the reactors as the end game power source, When damaged they become unstable. If the reactor is still on while damaged, it will harm all players in its vicinity and the reactor will start to take damage over time, the greater the damage the greater the radius that the player will start to take damage and the faster the damage will start to be dealt to both the Player and Reactor. This will also introduce a New Ore, Lead which can be used in lead armour blocks used to shield players from leaking radiation, there are now also lead versions of all doors. the Lead armour blocks will be incredibly weak to physical damage and weapon damage and only real use will be to protect players from radiation. As damage to the reactor will always come from external sources, that means there will be at least a breach in the lead armour somewhere. So radiation will act like a light source, Emitted from the core of the reactor in every direction it will be absorbed by the lead armour blocks but all other types of armour will let it through causing it to be a constant threat to the player caught exposed.

This will not be perfect and I'm sure many would hate for this as it was rushed in a lot of places, but I have been working on this for 1hr and a half and I need to get on wi my life. I would at least like to know if other people do think the same way about adding new power sources for different situations. And if people oppose this I would like to know why as well.

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