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Ore distribution overhaul

Erik Blomström shared this feedback 3 years ago
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I would like to see the ore distribution redone to encourage more exploration, trade and fighting over good large deposits.

1. Add three quality tiers (low, normal och high) for ore. The higher grade produce more ingots when refined. Making it less attractive to mine and transport low quality ore. But low quality ore should be the most common.

2. Make large areas on planets (connected to terrain type) where one type of is more common and outer are more rare (or even not found at all).

3. Create very limited amount of very large deposit with high grade ore on a planet. Making players wanting to find and defend them.

4. Make small and low quality ore close to the surface and better deposit deeper underground. Finding a small deposit could be a indication that larger deposit could be close.

5. Large ore deposit should be deeper than current deposits.

6. NPC trade station can sell datepads with information on where were a certain type of ore is more common and where large deposit can be found. (no exact GPS)

7. Add ore distribution difficulty level option when creating a new world.

8. More ore types

This is a rough outline without going into balsing specifics but i'm happy to discuss more

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