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More functional and cosmetic small grid blocks

Nick Strong shared this feedback 3 years ago
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We need more small grid blocks that are both functional and cosmetic. As a perfect example, the large grid conveyor pipes, the round ones added with the heavy industry dlc. It would be awesome to have those for small grid.

Another block that comes to mind is the large grid freight containers added with one of the decorative dlcs. Would be great to have them in small grid, as they look like they would fit a 2x2x2 square.

Small grid collectors, small grid vertical and diagonal widows (the ones that are like the barred windows but are only large grid and aren't dlc) Small grid interior blocks (would help add detail and break up flat surfaces) small grid neon lights from the sparks of the future dlc. Large gid barred windows.

And this is a personal request but a single barreled static machine gun. Not a gatling like we have, but something like the autocannon, but using gatling ammo. Something akin to the Browning M2.

Attached file is proof of concept for small grid freight containers

Replies (2)


And i think they should also add the neon lights for small grids


+1 from me but please not as DLC

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