Deleted block image is removed but invisible block still remains blocking new blocks

George Maloy shared this bug 24 hours ago

Experiencing the following- I create block or lights. When I delete them to make changes the image of the object is removed but where they were I cannot place new objects sometime. Does not occur all the time with every deleted object. For example. I created some light temporarily to work. After I delete the lighting if I try to put a new block where the deleted light was is show red and I cannot place a block there. Still thinks the object is still there.

Another example. I place a floor or wall panel. If I deleted it even if it has other wall or floor pieces all around it, it will not let be replace it and hilights red like it is still there.

This appears to be arbitrary and do not know if issue with memory in game or network issue where deleted objects are not getting cleaned up in the game and still think deleted object is still there in the grid.

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