The awesomeness of Space Engineers can be enhanced with lack of loneliness.

Jack NSA shared this feedback 4 years ago

Space favorite game of all times. I've been following this game made by Keen since I first saw it appear. For me, it has the creative and the exploration I need to escape in another world. Building and flying from planet to planet, driving rovers over rough terrain...all the good stuff just makes my day. But lately It started feeling strange a bit, even depressing that my ships are hollow somehow, lifeless and lacking in internal movement so to say. My request from Keen is to start small with actual human NPCs, maybe a crew for your ships, maybe colonists to fill up the NPC bases, anything to erase that feeling of last human alive. That's it, just a small advice and a personal note about Space Engineers that still remains my favorite game ever and I am sure many can relate!

Thank you!

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