Artificial Gravity on the Player

de_mon shared this feedback 5 years ago


I got a nice little idea while building my space station... what if the player character could have kind of an artificial mass attatched to him. Let me explain. As we know the artificial gravity isn't working like the planetary gravity. So the planetary gravity is constantly affecting the player. if you are in artificial gravity, you kind of shut you artificial mass off when you start your jetpack so the artificial gravity won't affect you anymore except for when you turn of the innertia dampeners. What if that would be splitted apart. you get another button so you can shut down and activate your artificial mass. That would enable you to make crazy things using gravity generators without getting mad by constantly working against them. I hope, you understood what I wanted to say in my broken english xD

Tell me what you think about that idea! ;)

Yours sincerely


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