On server restart the disassembly queue swaps to the assembly queue

Peter C shared this bug 5 years ago

In dedicated server multiplayer, if you have a queue of items to be disassembled on server restart all of those queued items will be in the assembly queue. This has caused a situation for me on my server where I have 28.4k grinders because I had all hand tools to be dissembled on repeat.

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Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

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Keen Software House: QA Department


sorry for bumping this thread after a year but i cant help but notice that this bug has not been fixed. i host a dedicated server for a group of people online and recently this issue made the server unplayable. one of the assemblers in the base made so many tools that it started to drastically effect server sim speed (constant rubber-banding and thick soup like movement) our sim speed was toggling between 40% and 300% cpu loadplease. take a look at fixing this issue. and if you want to experience the problem for yourself. just spam a bunch of tools into a bunch of assemblers. and let them fill up. if you want i would be more then happy to provide a world file with this exact issue causing lag for you to examine

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