when creating a new creative world, if tool shake is set to OFF then no spawn in to start

James Montgomery shared this bug 4 months ago

cross references:

Keen ticket Respawn impossible at start of new game - repeatable, by RogueWraith909

Steam discussion thread:


issue: when creating a new world, if tool shake is set to OFF then no spawn into the world is possible (no medical rooms)

reproduction steps:

setup: create a new world, from a fresh install

1) start game

2) new game,

a) star system,

b) sandbox,

c) customize

i) creative toggle ON

ii) modify inventory, speeds to max

iii) modify advanced settings:

enable spectator ON,

enable tools shake OFF,

in game scripts ON,

enable supergridding ON,

enable Space Suit Respawn ON

3) start game

4) game shows Medical Rooms to spawn into (none)

Replies (1)


Hello James,

thank you for reaching our forum and providing all these information.

Issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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