V1.205 One Planetary encoounter then... nothing more.

YAKFLY shared this bug 4 months ago
Won't Fix

Hi I tried two new empty worlds, one with "Encounter amount" on "Normal", then another one on "High density".

Each wolrd where modded, but NO PVE content, Only QOL mods and some blocs, nothing that can change the PVE content.

I had each time the same issue :

- From the start I get a planetary spawn (one base and one wreck).

- Then I conquered and entirely salvaged them, make them disapear.

- Then ... no more spawn, nothing even after 10 hours.

If it is the intended beahaviour of the spawner I thing this is way not enough, But I think something is buggy.

Also we should be able to change the Encounter amount in the "Edit settings" of an existing world. this parameter is not in the current "Edit settings" windows.

Thanks to all the team.

YAKFLY, France.

Replies (2)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for reporting this issue. We were unable to reproduce the issue with the attached saved world you provided. A planetary encounter spawned successfully on our end when we moved further from the base.

Here are some general troubleshooting steps for addressing issues with Planetary Encounters (PEs), that may prevent them from appearing:

- Ensure you're using the latest game version – Make sure you're on the latest version and have created a new world using the default settings for that version.

- Explore the surrounding area – PEs do not spawn near your base or other existing stations. Try moving around the area, as the default spawn range is about 6 km from the player and up to 10 km from static grids. Also, if you're too high above the planet's surface, encounters won’t spawn. If you want a new PE, you can delete an existing one to allow a new one to spawn nearby.

- Disable mods – Some mods may cause issues with encounters. Try disabling all mods and playing on a vanilla world to rule out any conflicts. (We tried your world with the mods and they should not have caused any issues on our side, but they still may have caused some unexpected problems).

Let us know if any of this helped and if the issue persists. Thank you.

Additionally, the "Encounter amount" cannot be changed in an existing world, as it involves parameters that can only be modified when creating a new world.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department.


Hello engineer,

as there has been no reply to this thread in some time, we will close it. If you're experiencing this issue, please create a new thread.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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