Corners for "Warfare 1"-Passages

TekFan shared this feedback 3 years ago

Could you add corners for the new passages, to build complete corridor-passages?

T-Sections and stairs would be awesome as well.

Replies (3)


This is exactly what I don't understand. Developers create new set of building blocks, but it seems that they are not thinking about types of new blocks as "OK, I want to have this type of block in the game, what all possible forms do I need to be able to built 99% of usual builds?". Same with windows, same with armor blocks (especially when half blocks have been implemented), blast doors etc. Isn't it obvious that there are not only straight corridors?


I was also a bit surprised and disappointed that there were no corner blocks. Missing T-intersection passages was not a surprise to me. They don't even have T-junctions for conveyors, so I would have been very surprised if the passages had them.


We have a corner but we need a open corner without a middle pilar

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