Outdated Lighting Physics

Michael shared this feedback 4 years ago

NOTE: Important bits are bolded.

The physics of lighting have become quite outdated compared to the rest of game.

The only fixture you that uses any is the spotlight with a certain "throw" distance and angle.

This issue becomes quite obvious when one starts building any real base or an advanced ship.

I'm suggesting a (paid) DLC that would add 6-10 types of new light fixtures with adjustable light angles (similar to sensor but with no "back" light throw and with fall-off still still counting omnidirectionally for obvious visual reasons - essentially a half-sphere of light effectiveness).

IDEAS: These could range from flat, thin, block-wide centered or offset strips (like LED strips), through 90%-block-sunken spotlights, to 1-2 block high pylons with integrated lights - there's lots of possibilities here.

To make the above make more sense, I would also suggest making armor blocks and at least some bigger objects (like Interior Walls, Medical Room, production blocks, block-sized conveyor and storage parts, Decorative Pack objects etc.) able to block light from all fixtures (not just spotlights). This would allow for creating natural shadows and adding an incredible amount of visual depth to any construction. This should be part of an official update release and would also showcase the effect with just basic lights, adding to the interest in the DLC.

As these are just visual and cosmetic changes, there should be no reason not to put it out as a paid DLC because it wouldn't affect competitiveness of the game, thus avoiding any pay-to-win feedback claims. This is the way I would like to further support the developers and I would happily buy this kind of DLC for twice the price of a Decorative Pack.

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