Z and Y

error 404 shared this bug 44 days ago


I apear to have a QWERTZ keyboard.

In SE 1 the key to toggle dampeners is Z, the one on the top center keyboard location, just under 6 and 7 number key.

Y turns whole grid on or off., the Y down left close to left shift.

Now in SE2, the Y, next to left shift is the key that toggles dampeners, and the Z (up next to 6 and 7) does nothing.

So whats going one, did you change the dampeners key, is it a typo, a mistake ( i see a lot of english mistakes btw) or something ealse .

Again, i must protest against some changes, Return the SE1 block rotations, G and K menu, you wanted a new engine to fix clang and other aspects of the game, fine, i support you. Menus were fine. Do not fix it if it isnt broken.

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