2025-02-22 12:35:31.244 - Main Thread -> Timezone (local - UTC): -5h 2025-02-22 12:35:31.248 - Main Thread -> App Version: 2025-02-22 12:35:31.255 - Main Thread -> Running application with arguments: 2025-02-22 12:35:31.255 - Main Thread -> Runtime Framework: .NET 8.0.13 2025-02-22 12:35:31.442 - Main Thread -> Pushing Core Configs {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.AI.Kythera.Definitions.KytheraCoreConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","NumberOfJobThreads": 4}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Core.CoreConfigurations.AllowMultipleConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","AllowMultiple": false}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Core.CoreConfigurations.AutoTestConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","Automated": false,"SkipRender": false,"MinimalisticVisual": false}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Core.CoreConfigurations.BlockDataGeneratorsConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","AssertOnEmptyOccupancy": true,"ValidateSharedOccupancy": false,"LoggingEnabled": false,"MountPointsEnabled": true,"MountPointsDebugDataEnabled": false}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Core.CoreConfigurations.DeterministicRuntimeConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","DeterministicRuntime": false}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Core.CoreConfigurations.ExtRenderLeaksConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","Enabled": false}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Core.CoreConfigurations.ProfileOptimizationConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","SkipProfileOptimization": false}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Core.CoreConfigurations.StatsRecorderConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","PerformanceTestRun": false,"PerformanceTestRecordRate": 0,"RecordFrames": 0}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Core.EngineComponents.LimitedDefSetConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","UseLimitedDefs": true}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Core.Platform.CrashReporting.CrashHandlerCoreConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","EnableCrashReportingOverride": null}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Voxels.Client.CoreConfigurations.VoxelRenderSettingsConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","EnableTesselation": true,"ClipmapQualitySettings": null}} {"$Bundles": {"Game2": "","System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "Game2:Keen.Game2.Client.RuntimeSystems.CoreScenes.GameRenderComponentCoreConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","DrawAlphaBanner": true,"DrawGameVersion": true}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Render.CoreConfigurations.RenderConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","AnyResourceErrorFatal": false,"AnyShaderErrorFatal": false,"AssertOnShaderMissingInContent": false,"AssertOnCompilation": false,"ApplyRenderOptionsPart": true,"DefaultFullScreen": true,"DefaultVSyncMode": "VSync","EnableShaderRuntimeAsserts": false,"EnableAGS": false,"EnableRenderGPUDebugLayer": false,"EnableRenderDebugLayer": false,"EnableSceneRendering": true,"ForceAllAdaptersSupported": false,"EnableStablePowerState": false,"EnableRenderThreadHighPriority": true,"WarningAsError": false,"GenerateRawShaders": false,"DetailedRenderLogging": false,"TextureRenderLogging": true,"UseUserShaderCacheOnly": false}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Render.CoreConfigurations.RenderDisplayDefaultsConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Render.FrameData.FrameDataConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","LogCommandBuffers": false,"OrderCommandBufferLog": false}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Render.Options.ForcedDisplayOptionsConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","Resolution": null,"FullScreen": null,"VSync": null,"EnableStretching": null,"TopMost": false}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.DCS.DCSCoreConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","JobOrderSeed": 0,"LogJobs": false}} {"$Bundles": {"Game2": "","System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "Game2:Keen.Game2.Simulation.GameSystems.GameCoreConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","TypeOfEntityToSpawnOnStart": "Character","StartDefaultWorld": false,"SkipMainMenu": false,"SpawnPillars": true,"DumpJobs": false,"SaveValidationEnabled": false,"AllowCorruptedGrids": true,"HighlightCorruptedGrids": false}} {"$Bundles": {"Game2": "","System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "Game2:Keen.Game2.Simulation.RuntimeSystems.Saves.SaveCoreConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","AutoSaveEnabled": true}} {"$Bundles": {"Game2": "","System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "Game2:Keen.Game2.Simulation.WorldObjects.CubeGrids.CubeGridCoreConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","AllowCorruptedGrids": false,"HighlightCorruptedGrids": false}} {"$Bundles": {"Game2": "","System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "Game2:Keen.Game2.Simulation.WorldObjects.Tools.ToolbarBlockSelectionConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","UseGScreenSizeCategories": false,"RememberLastSelectedBlock": true,"HardRememberLastSelectedBlock": false}} {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Client.EngineComponents.StatsPageConfigurationObjectBuilder","$Value": {"Guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","DefaultStatsPage": 0}} 2025-02-22 12:35:31.446 - Main Thread -> Info: Started loading definition set CoreConfigurations 2025-02-22 12:35:31.521 - Main Thread -> Info: Finished loading definition set CoreConfigurations 2025-02-22 12:35:31.527 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 25 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 12:35:31.589 - Main Thread -> Configuring worker pool as: (workerCount: 10, highPriorityBias: 0, forceSynchronousExecution: False) 2025-02-22 12:35:31.589 - Main Thread -> Workers configured. 2025-02-22 12:35:31.589 - Main Thread -> [Crash Handler] : Logging runtime paths data 2025-02-22 12:35:31.589 - Main Thread -> Command line argument 0: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers2\Game2\SpaceEngineers2.dll 2025-02-22 12:35:31.589 - Main Thread -> Working directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers2 2025-02-22 12:35:31.589 - Main Thread -> App Data Path: C:\Users\suble\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers2 2025-02-22 12:35:31.591 - Main Thread -> Crash reporting setup: EnabledForUsers -- Debugger attached: False -- Development process: False -- IsLocalBuild: False 2025-02-22 12:35:31.591 - Main Thread -> Native crash tracking path set to C:\Users\suble\AppData\Local\Temp\SpaceEngineers2\ProcessFailureDump.dmp 2025-02-22 12:35:31.641 - Main Thread -> Loaded Options part: {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Audio.Options.AudioOptionsPart","$Value": {"DeviceName": null,"MasterBusVolume": 0.5,"BusVolumes": [0.2,0,0.5,0.5]}} 2025-02-22 12:35:31.643 - Main Thread -> Loaded Options part: {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Core.Platform.CrashReporting.CrashReportingOptionsPart","$Value": {"ShareContactInformation": true,"ContactInformation": "Achilles Primes"}} 2025-02-22 12:35:31.645 - Main Thread -> Loaded Options part: {"$Bundles": {"Game2": "","System.Runtime": ""},"$Type": "Game2:Keen.Game2.Client.RuntimeSystems.EarlyAccessOptions","$Value": {"ShowDisclaimer": false}} 2025-02-22 12:35:31.664 - Main Thread -> Loaded Options part: {"$Bundles": {"Game2": "","System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "Game2:Keen.Game2.Client.RuntimeSystems.GameOptions","$Value": {"LastPlayedWorlds": [{"$Key": {"Name": "$Content:CRF"},"$Value": "2025-02-22T04:33:03.4295876Z"},{"$Key": {"Name": "QUINONES 1"},"$Value": "2025-02-22T04:32:07.1189069Z"},{"$Key": {"Name": "Fly PR-1"},"$Value": "2025-02-19T03:22:51.2007711Z"},{"$Key": {"Name": "Fly PR-2"},"$Value": "2025-02-19T14:49:08.5549637Z"},{"$Key": {"Name": "Concordia Research Facility 1"},"$Value": "2025-02-22T17:35:18.5037854Z"}],"LatestGame": {"Name": "Concordia Research Facility 1"},"AutoSave": true,"EnableToastNotifications": true}} 2025-02-22 12:35:31.668 - Main Thread -> Loaded Options part: {"$Bundles": {"Game2": "","System.Runtime": ""},"$Type": "Game2:Keen.Game2.Client.UI.Options.GUIOptions","$Value": {"UIBackgroundOpacity": 0.5,"SpeedUnit": "MilesPerHour","HideCrosshairWithUI": false}} 2025-02-22 12:35:31.671 - Main Thread -> Loaded Options part: {"$Bundles": {"Game2": "","System.Runtime": ""},"$Type": "Game2:Keen.Game2.Client.UI.Menu.LoadMenu.LoadMenuOptionsPart","$Value": {"CurrentSortMethod": 1,"SortAscending": true}} 2025-02-22 12:35:31.674 - Main Thread -> Loaded Options part: {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Render.Options.RenderDisplayOptionsPart","$Value": {"AdapterName": "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060","FullScreen": true,"Resolution": {"X": 1920,"Y": 1080},"VSyncMode": "VariableRefreshRate"}} 2025-02-22 12:35:31.703 - Main Thread -> Loaded Options part: {"$Bundles": {"System.Runtime": "","VRage": ""},"$Type": "VRage:Keen.VRage.Render.Options.RenderOptionsPart2","$Value": {"SerializedPreset2": "Low","SerializedAntiAliasing": "None","SerializedArmorBevel": "Disabled","SerializedRaytracing": "Disabled","SerializedFieldOfView": 1.5707964,"SerializedShadow": "Low","SerializedLighting": "Low","SerializedTerrain": "Low","SerializedTexture": "Low","SerializedParallax": "None","SerializedParticles": "Low","SerializedRenderingDistanceQuality": "Low"}} 2025-02-22 12:35:31.711 - Main Thread -> Info: Searching for project 'Guid: 079da0f2-4755-491e-8688-b68b91b2fad3, ModId: , ServiceId: ' at path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers2\GameData' in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers2\GameData\Vanilla\Vanilla.vrgproj'; project ID mismatch at path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\VRage\GameData'; directory does not exist at path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers2\VRage\GameData' in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers2\VRage\GameData\Engine\Engine.vrgproj'; found 2025-02-22 12:35:31.825 - Main Thread -> Info: Reading contentcache.json for mounted path 079da0f2-4755-491e-8688-b68b91b2fad3 2025-02-22 12:35:31.837 - Main Thread -> Info: Reading contentcache.json for mounted path 56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569 2025-02-22 12:35:33.243 - Main Thread -> Info: Started loading definition set Engine 2025-02-22 12:35:33.421 - Main Thread -> Info: Finished loading definition set Engine 2025-02-22 12:35:33.521 - Main Thread -> STEAM_API: Steam Active Status: True 2025-02-22 12:35:33.521 - Main Thread -> STEAM_API: GetCurrentBetaName returned result False and output name 2025-02-22 12:35:33.521 - Main Thread -> [Crash Handler] : [Client Branch] : default 2025-02-22 12:35:33.541 - Main Thread -> Adjusting Main Memory Streaming Budget to 5,363,572,992 bytes. 2025-02-22 12:35:33.557 - Main Thread -> Environment.ProcessorCount: 12 2025-02-22 12:35:33.557 - Main Thread -> RuntimeInformation.OSDescription: Microsoft Windows 10.0.26100 2025-02-22 12:35:33.558 - Main Thread -> Environment.CommandLine: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers2\Game2\SpaceEngineers2.dll" 2025-02-22 12:35:33.558 - Main Thread -> Environment.CurrentDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers2 2025-02-22 12:35:33.621 - Main Thread -> CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor, 12/6 Logical/Physical Cores, 3701MHz Nominal Maximum Frequency 2025-02-22 12:35:33.621 - Main Thread -> IntPtr.Size: 8 2025-02-22 12:35:33.621 - Main Thread -> Default Culture: 2025-02-22 12:35:33.621 - Main Thread -> Default UI Culture: 2025-02-22 12:35:33.621 - Main Thread -> LogEnvironmentInformation - START 2025-02-22 12:35:33.627 - Main Thread -> Win32_ComputerSystem.Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. 2025-02-22 12:35:33.627 - Main Thread -> Win32_ComputerSystem.Model: B550 UD AC-Y1 2025-02-22 12:35:33.627 - Main Thread -> Virtualized: False 2025-02-22 12:35:33.630 - Main Thread -> Environment.ProcessorName: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 2025-02-22 12:35:33.631 - Main Thread -> ComputerInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory: 68,637,298,688 bytes 2025-02-22 12:35:33.631 - Main Thread -> ComputerInfo.TotalVirtualMemory: 140,737,488,224,256 bytes 2025-02-22 12:35:33.631 - Main Thread -> ComputerInfo.AvailablePhysicalMemory: 61,098,688,512 bytes 2025-02-22 12:35:33.631 - Main Thread -> ComputerInfo.AvailableVirtualMemory: 138,256,191,565,824 bytes 2025-02-22 12:35:33.634 - Main Thread -> Drive C: | Capacity: 2,047,569,367,040 bytes | Free space: 1,578,349,494,272 bytes 2025-02-22 12:35:33.635 - Main Thread -> LogEnvironmentInformation - END 2025-02-22 12:35:33.684 - Main Thread -> Initialize Voxels 2025-02-22 12:35:34.344 - Main Thread -> RenderOptionsPart2.Preset = Low 2025-02-22 12:35:34.414 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 118 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 12:35:34.426 - Main Thread -> Initializing Render System 2025-02-22 12:35:34.435 - Main Thread -> Render Device initialized 2025-02-22 12:35:34.436 - Main Thread -> LOADING_TIME|Render_Init|110.60840000000007 2025-02-22 12:35:34.436 - Main Thread -> LOADING_TIME_FULL|Render_Init|701.1692 2025-02-22 12:35:34.454 - Main Thread -> Initialize DebugDraw 2025-02-22 12:35:34.581 - Main Thread -> 0 Mapping added to the GameInputProcessorComponent 2025-02-22 12:35:34.583 - Main Thread -> Initialize UI 2025-02-22 12:35:34.584 - Main Thread -> Initialize Stats 2025-02-22 12:35:34.585 - Main Thread -> Initialize DebugMenu 2025-02-22 12:35:34.682 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:35:34.742 - Main Thread -> Info: Started loading definition set Core 2025-02-22 12:35:34.964 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames'has a container 'QUINONES 2' with corrupted container info file. 2025-02-22 12:35:34.964 - Main Thread -> Original Message: '0x00' is an invalid start of a value. LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0. 2025-02-22 12:35:34.977 - Main Thread -> Original StackTrace: at Keen.VRage.Library.Serialization.Json.JsonDeserializationContext.Create(SerializationContext context, Span`1 utf8Bytes, Boolean expectArchiveFormat) at Keen.VRage.Library.Serialization.Json.JsonDeserializationContext.Create(SerializationContext context, Boolean expectArchiveFormat) at Keen.VRage.Library.Serialization.Json.JsonDeserializationContext.CreateFromParameters(SerializationContext context) at Keen.VRage.Library.Serialization.Json.JsonStreamSerializer`1.Deserialize(SerializationContext context) at Keen.VRage.Library.Serialization.SerializationHelper.DeserializeAndExposeBundleVersions[T](IStreamSerializer`1 streamSerializer, SerializationContext context) at Keen.VRage.Library.Serialization.SerializationHelper.DeserializeAsync[T](IStreamSerializer`1 serializer, SerializationContext context) at Keen.VRage.Library.Threading.AsyncStateMachineTaskBase`1.GetResult(Int64 taskId) at Keen.VRage.Library.Threading.AsyncStateMachineTask`2.Keen.VRage.Library.Threading.IAbstractTask.GetResult(Int64 taskId) at Keen.VRage.Library.Threading.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult() at Keen.VRage.Library.Filesystem.StorageManagers.ContainerInfo`1.LoadFromDirectoryAsync(IFileReader baseSystem, String subPath, Object lifetime) at Keen.VRage.Library.Filesystem.StorageManagers.ContainerInfo`1.LoadFromDirectoryAsync(IFileReader baseSystem, String subPath, Object lifetime) at Keen.VRage.Library.Threading.AsyncStateMachineTaskBase`1.GetResult(Int64 taskId) at Keen.VRage.Library.Threading.AsyncStateMachineTask`2.Keen.VRage.Library.Threading.IAbstractTask.GetResult(Int64 taskId) at Keen.VRage.Library.Threading.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult() at Keen.VRage.Library.Filesystem.StorageManagers.ContainerCollection`1.TryLoad(String containerName, String folderName) 2025-02-22 12:35:35.223 - Main Thread -> 26 Layers added to the GameInputProcessorComponent 2025-02-22 12:35:35.225 - Main Thread -> 201 Mapping added to the GameInputProcessorComponent 2025-02-22 12:35:35.225 - Main Thread -> 5 Alias added to the GameInputProcessorComponent 2025-02-22 12:35:35.334 - Main Thread -> Corrupted event file: Analytics_20250222_123452.vrpt 2025-02-22 12:35:35.440 - Main Thread -> [Audio]: Loading Audio Configuration 2025-02-22 12:35:35.543 - Main Thread -> [Audio]: Loading master bank Master.bank. 2025-02-22 12:35:35.573 - Main Thread -> [Audio]: Reloading paths. 2025-02-22 12:35:35.703 - Render thread -> LOADING_TIME|Render_SystemCoreInit|1022.2855 2025-02-22 12:35:35.748 - Render thread -> LOADING_TIME|Render_CreateDevice|1261.0213999999999 2025-02-22 12:35:35.748 - Render thread -> LOADING_TIME_FULL|Render_CreateDevice|1301.5211 2025-02-22 12:35:35.749 - Render thread -> Client frequency set to: 60.00024Hz 2025-02-22 12:35:35.749 - Render thread -> Render loop frequency capped to: 60.00024Hz 2025-02-22 12:35:35.749 - Render thread -> LOADING_TIME|Render_Window|12.34069999999997 2025-02-22 12:35:35.749 - Render thread -> LOADING_TIME_FULL|Render_Window|1314.7452 2025-02-22 12:35:35.754 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:35:35.755 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:35:35.755 - Main Thread -> Info: Finished loading definition set Core 2025-02-22 12:35:35.885 - Render thread -> LOADING_TIME|Render_FirstFrame|114.4658 2025-02-22 12:35:35.885 - Render thread -> LOADING_TIME|Render|1520.0591 2025-02-22 12:35:35.885 - Render thread -> LOADING_TIME_FULL|Render|2151.1196 2025-02-22 12:35:36.301 - Main Thread -> Info: [Input]: Device connected: Mouse[6f1d2b60-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000] 2025-02-22 12:35:36.305 - Main Thread -> Info: [Input]: Device connected: Keyboard[6f1d2b61-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000] 2025-02-22 12:35:37.039 - Main Thread -> LOADING_TIME|Application|5944.1483 2025-02-22 12:35:37.039 - Main Thread -> LOADING_TIME_FULL|Application|6510.4994 2025-02-22 12:35:37.039 - Main Thread -> LOADING_TIME|Main|5960.2611 2025-02-22 12:35:37.039 - Main Thread -> LOADING_TIME_FULL|Main|6526.6122 2025-02-22 12:35:37.220 - VRageWorker 2 -> Info: Started loading definition set World 2025-02-22 12:35:40.538 - VRageWorker 1 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:e15a14fb-4280-42f1-81cb-768feab9691f Vanilla\Blocks\LandingGear\LandingGear\100\LandingGear100_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[8]: Block contains 4 fractures which is above the limit of 2 for a block of size 1.00 2025-02-22 12:35:40.539 - VRageWorker 5 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:0695ae2a-4289-43ba-9fd6-052957c28e13 Vanilla\Blocks\GatlingCannon\GatlingCannon\200\GatlingCannon200_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 9 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 1.91 2025-02-22 12:35:40.540 - VRageWorker 5 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:49dece35-7926-43b1-9f21-9fe728117627 Vanilla\Blocks\GatlingCannon\GatlingCannon\200\GatlingCannon200_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[5]: Block contains 9 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 1.91 2025-02-22 12:35:40.542 - VRageWorker 2 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:4df599f7-dea6-4f5b-b517-91e0d4aacb95 Vanilla\Blocks\Lights\Interior\50\InteriorLight50_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 2 fractures which is above the limit of 1 for a block of size 0.50 2025-02-22 12:35:40.543 - VRageWorker 6 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:f3fa7214-4c64-4f33-8b02-456f1b1f4eea Vanilla\Blocks\Lights\Interior\50\InteriorLight50_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 2 fractures which is above the limit of 1 for a block of size 0.50 2025-02-22 12:35:40.547 - VRageWorker 9 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:bdc9716f-8b96-4c72-b2a1-6bbf8a651e90 Vanilla\Blocks\Gyroscopes\Gyroscopes\50\Gyroscope50_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 2 fractures which is above the limit of 1 for a block of size 0.50 2025-02-22 12:35:40.549 - VRageWorker 8 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:b4d170be-6b9c-44fe-8a72-7254a2ccaa68 Vanilla\Blocks\Thrusters\Ion\100\IonThruster100_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 4 fractures which is above the limit of 2 for a block of size 1.00 2025-02-22 12:35:40.551 - VRageWorker 1 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:4030ca9e-c269-479c-bb2a-a6b64c2411fc Vanilla\Blocks\Cockpit\Cockpit\150\Cockpit150_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 7 fractures which is above the limit of 2 for a block of size 1.48 2025-02-22 12:35:40.551 - VRageWorker 4 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:d9eb5e22-5cbf-4f41-86df-8de74933c5ea Vanilla\Blocks\ButtonPanels\ButtonPanels\250\ButtonPanel250_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 7 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.49 2025-02-22 12:35:40.553 - VRageWorker 9 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:07912b12-9f4f-4e98-90b1-755027b6fb6d Vanilla\Blocks\ButtonPanels\ButtonPanels\250\ButtonPanel250_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[5]: Block contains 7 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.49 2025-02-22 12:35:40.554 - VRageWorker 8 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:f2202f8e-452b-49c1-8be8-17c6ad92f5c6 Vanilla\Blocks\Doors\SlideDoorNarrow\250\SlidingDoorNarrow250_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 8 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.49 2025-02-22 12:35:40.554 - VRageWorker 1 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:eb6afe2b-d031-476f-9ca8-58743e68902f Vanilla\Blocks\Doors\SlideDoorNarrow\250\SlidingDoorNarrow250_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[5]: Block contains 8 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.49 2025-02-22 12:35:40.589 - VRageWorker 0 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:ac386800-9f5e-4aaf-a3e7-9075dc4f0f30 Vanilla\Blocks\LandingGear\LandingGear\100\LandingGear100_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[7]: Block contains 4 fractures which is above the limit of 2 for a block of size 1.00 2025-02-22 12:35:40.620 - VRageWorker 1 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:35d3221d-27e2-4d5a-b4b8-f697b3f8db32 Vanilla\Blocks\Thrusters\Ion\100\IonThruster100_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 4 fractures which is above the limit of 2 for a block of size 1.00 2025-02-22 12:35:40.621 - VRageWorker 2 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:6b13f876-c695-4b23-b669-b280bec96ca1 Vanilla\Blocks\Gyroscopes\Gyroscopes\50\Gyroscope50_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[5]: Block contains 2 fractures which is above the limit of 1 for a block of size 0.50 2025-02-22 12:35:40.638 - VRageWorker 2 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:806005e8-3943-483d-8272-6063b44dd165 Vanilla\Blocks\Cockpit\Cockpit\150\Cockpit150_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 7 fractures which is above the limit of 2 for a block of size 1.48 2025-02-22 12:35:40.737 - VRageWorker 3 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:86748fb1-14b5-4d75-819e-c34529c340ad Vanilla\Blocks\Handrail\Straight\250\Handrail250_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 6 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.41 2025-02-22 12:35:40.738 - VRageWorker 6 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:b1db4b6a-3901-40eb-95df-eeeed5db465f Vanilla\Blocks\Handrail\Straight\250\Handrail250_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[5]: Block contains 6 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.41 2025-02-22 12:35:40.738 - VRageWorker 5 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:4500cfde-b999-42aa-970f-827a941dedfc Vanilla\Blocks\Handrail\Straight\125\Handrail125_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 4 fractures which is above the limit of 2 for a block of size 1.16 2025-02-22 12:35:40.738 - VRageWorker 9 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:4f9b7db1-2432-4eca-a0e7-41009cd33a57 Vanilla\Blocks\Handrail\Straight\125\Handrail125_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[5]: Block contains 4 fractures which is above the limit of 2 for a block of size 1.16 2025-02-22 12:35:40.738 - VRageWorker 0 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:0651f84b-1021-47de-bf3d-68a932765871 Vanilla\Blocks\Handrail\Diagnoal\250\HandrailDiagonal250_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[5]: Block contains 6 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.40 2025-02-22 12:35:40.738 - VRageWorker 6 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:3f07d84e-ed36-4eb0-aea2-0b9fafa68cbe Vanilla\Blocks\Handrail\Diagnoal\250\HandrailDiagonal250_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 6 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.40 2025-02-22 12:35:40.739 - VRageWorker 1 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:10e97a11-8425-4090-a0df-aa14e5f69885 Vanilla\Blocks\Handrail\Corner\250\HandrailCorner250_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[5]: Block contains 12 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.42 2025-02-22 12:35:40.739 - VRageWorker 5 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:1516e120-9374-49d9-b52e-0e4f66825085 Vanilla\Blocks\Handrail\Corner\250\HandrailCorner250_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 12 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.42 2025-02-22 12:35:40.739 - VRageWorker 7 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:af63a471-457b-4d38-8a28-7c227a925493 Vanilla\Blocks\Handrail\Corner\125\HandrailCornerHalf125_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 8 fractures which is above the limit of 2 for a block of size 1.17 2025-02-22 12:35:40.739 - VRageWorker 8 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:9c81141e-fe59-4a61-ab7d-98400adc9003 Vanilla\Blocks\Handrail\Corner\125\HandrailCornerHalf125_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[5]: Block contains 8 fractures which is above the limit of 2 for a block of size 1.17 2025-02-22 12:35:40.743 - VRageWorker 3 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:56f6a42e-55da-42e0-a072-a14a0b5ca6f1 Vanilla\Blocks\Walls\Corner\250\InteriorWallCorner250_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 8 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.49 2025-02-22 12:35:40.744 - VRageWorker 6 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:ad112ca6-6e46-4e9d-b986-bdbb79b0e5d8 Vanilla\Blocks\Walls\Corner\250\InteriorWallCorner250_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[5]: Block contains 8 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.49 2025-02-22 12:35:40.753 - VRageWorker 3 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:8aa2b903-efac-4f20-8714-a4e4c6dccb93 Vanilla\Blocks\Pillars\CurvedThin\250\InteriorWallPillarCurvedThin250_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 7 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.47 2025-02-22 12:35:40.753 - VRageWorker 9 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:2e3ed033-9e9c-4755-a255-d8cef49b22a8 Vanilla\Blocks\Pillars\CurvedThin\250\InteriorWallPillarCurvedThin250_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[5]: Block contains 7 fractures which is above the limit of 5 for a block of size 2.47 2025-02-22 12:35:40.755 - VRageWorker 9 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:d1f8aacb-40da-413d-b1e1-2c9f06fcd5ca Vanilla\Blocks\CoverWalls\CoverWalls\125\HalfCoverWall125_ServerComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[4]: Block contains 3 fractures which is above the limit of 2 for a block of size 1.24 2025-02-22 12:35:40.755 - VRageWorker 1 -> Info: During definition validation of definition "Keen.VRage.DCS.Definitions.EntityCompositeDefinition:78c5b1cb-15ac-4d60-aada-a43b8cd97970 Vanilla\Blocks\CoverWalls\CoverWalls\125\HalfCoverWall125_ClientComposition.def". Member $Root.Ids[5]: Block contains 3 fractures which is above the limit of 2 for a block of size 1.24 2025-02-22 12:35:41.738 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key On in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:35:41.739 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Off in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:35:56.753 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:35:57.086 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:35:57.319 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:35:57.586 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:35:57.819 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:35:58.053 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:35:58.269 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:35:58.519 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:35:58.736 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:35:59.286 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:36:34.666 - Main Thread -> RenderOptionsPart2.Preset = Custom 2025-02-22 12:36:34.666 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = None ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:36:34.667 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = FXAA ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Low Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:36:34.667 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = FXAA ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Medium Lighting = Low Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:36:34.668 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = FXAA ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Medium Lighting = Medium Texture = Low Terrain = Low Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:36:34.668 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = FXAA ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Medium Lighting = Medium Texture = Low Terrain = Medium Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:36:34.668 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = FXAA ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Medium Lighting = Medium Texture = Medium Terrain = Medium Parallax = None Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:36:34.668 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = FXAA ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Medium Lighting = Medium Texture = Medium Terrain = Medium Parallax = Low Particles = Low RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:36:34.669 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = FXAA ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Medium Lighting = Medium Texture = Medium Terrain = Medium Parallax = Low Particles = Medium RenderingDistance = Low } 2025-02-22 12:36:34.669 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = FXAA ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Medium Lighting = Medium Texture = Medium Terrain = Medium Parallax = Low Particles = Medium RenderingDistance = Medium } 2025-02-22 12:36:34.669 - Main Thread -> RenderOptionsPart2.Preset = Medium 2025-02-22 12:36:34.669 - Main Thread -> Applying render preset: Preset { AntiAliasing = FXAA ArmorBevel = Disabled Raytracing = Disabled Shadow = Medium Lighting = Medium Texture = Medium Terrain = Medium Parallax = Low Particles = Medium RenderingDistance = Medium } 2025-02-22 12:36:41.876 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key When you look at the twin stars of the Almagest, remember: nothing in space needs to remain fixed forever. in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:36:42.713 - Main Thread -> Info: Blocks occupancy and mount points loaded in 513 ms (133 block definitions patched) 2025-02-22 12:36:42.776 - Main Thread -> Info: Finished loading definition set World 2025-02-22 12:36:43.111 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 332 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 12:36:43.309 - Main Thread -> Loading save Concordia Research Facility 1 2025-02-22 12:36:50.036 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 296 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.188 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid256-005.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.267 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid64-002.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.270 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid_composite_64_02.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.272 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid_composite_64_01.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.274 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid_composite_64_03.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.277 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid64-001.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.280 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid64-003.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.283 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid128-002.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.291 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid_composite_128_01.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.315 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid256-015.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.375 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid64-004.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.378 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid64-006.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.381 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid128-005.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.389 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid128-003.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.420 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid256-014.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.458 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid64-005.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.460 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid_composite_128_03.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.470 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid256-006.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.562 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid_composite_256_05.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.593 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid128-001.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:50.603 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid_composite_128_04.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:36:53.124 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 328 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 12:37:09.338 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid256-017.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:37:09.376 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid128-006.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:37:09.391 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid128-007.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:37:09.407 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid256-018.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:37:09.441 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid_composite_128_05.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:37:09.457 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid_round_500_01.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:37:09.661 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid128-004.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:37:09.673 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid_round_500_04.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:37:09.791 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid_potato_500_06.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:37:09.851 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid_round_500_05.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:37:09.926 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid256-016.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:37:09.947 - Main Thread -> Loading voxel storage from file 'Content:56dacb76-e25e-468a-9432-21964a9a0569\environment\asteroids\asteroid256-019.vx2' 2025-02-22 12:37:11.490 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:13.340 - Main Thread -> STATS_RECORDING_LEGEND,FRAME,TIME,PROCESS,GCTOTAL,GCDELTA,AVAILABLEMEMORY 2025-02-22 12:37:13.341 - Main Thread -> STATS_RECORDING,4299,71.6497134,102.9508871,1536949184,0,Normal 2025-02-22 12:37:13.342 - Main Thread -> LOADING_TIME|Session|31472.8946 2025-02-22 12:37:16.005 - Main Thread -> Info: Active device changed to Keyboard 2025-02-22 12:37:34.027 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Window Slope Long with Side Left in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.270 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:A} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.270 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:D} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.270 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:Q} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.270 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:E} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.464 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key (unset) in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.464 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key All Blocks in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.478 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key All in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.479 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.479 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Light Armor in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.480 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Inputs in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.480 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Antennas in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.481 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Cockpits in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.481 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Detailing in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.481 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Fuel-Based Power in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.482 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Renewable Energy in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.482 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Doors in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.482 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Lighting in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.482 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Spotlights in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.483 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Storage in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.483 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Gravity in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.483 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Gyroscopes in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.484 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Parking in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.484 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Space Propulsion in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.484 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Components in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.485 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Survival in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.485 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Catwalks in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.485 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Ramps in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.486 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Walls in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.486 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Windows in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.486 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Mining in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.486 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Static Weapons in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.596 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Armor in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.597 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Automation in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.597 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Character Gear in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.598 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Communication in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.598 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Control in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.598 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Creative Tools in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.599 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Decor in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.599 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Energy in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.599 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Entrances in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.600 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Illumination in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.600 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Logistics in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.600 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Movement in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.601 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Production in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.601 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Revival & Recharge in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.601 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Structural in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.602 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Tools in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:34.602 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Weapons in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:37:53.158 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:37:53.158 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,110.7662236,6646,6646,6904644000,1677373000,6973638000,3.1189,0.82,0.3224,5.946487,16.66897 2025-02-22 12:38:48.739 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-123848-249_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 12:38:53.162 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:38:53.162 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,170.3493186,10221,10221,7579972000,2087778000,2320518000,1.5133,0.6417,0.2655,4.800079,16.80824 2025-02-22 12:38:56.103 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key The flora of planet Verdure bears strange similarities to Earth's plant life, defying scientific explanation. in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MEDIAN_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MEDIAN,6812917077.33333,1474759390.66667,16941.3333333333,1.8598333597,5.4807333333,16.6637333333 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_PEAKS_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_PEAKS,6990011733.33333,1775356513.33333,3467429.33333333,5.0824166934,9.6695333333,19.7659333333 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_AVERAGE_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_AVERAGE,6877872071.71601,1550205959.18992,417256.537870113,2.2226168803,5.8196919347,16.8161554122 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MAX_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MAX,7670251520,2357986464,568226792,373.1192932129,749.9827,758.4932 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MIN_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MIN,6694334464,1096600600,0,0.6789999604,3.8268,6.4164 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_STANDARD_DEVIATION_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_STANDARD_DEVIATION,234185680.487557,278054364.634607,9493526.41674067,7.2028201842,9.6954333023,9.7495354607 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> Global GC Memory Delta: 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> Frame start-0: 6610393888 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> Frame start-0: 6748210888 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> Frame start-end: 9298900104 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> Frame 0: 137817000 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> Frame 0-end: 2688506216 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> Frame end: 2550689216 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> Percentile frames: 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> MEDIAN_FRAME,5496,5500,5466,5168,5324,5211 2025-02-22 12:38:56.331 - Main Thread -> PEAK_FRAME,5604,5597,5888,5629,5319,5904 2025-02-22 12:38:59.678 - Main Thread -> Loading save QUINONES 1 2025-02-22 12:39:11.298 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 296 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 12:39:13.330 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 328 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 12:39:33.535 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:J} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.557 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:LMB} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.557 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:RMB} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.557 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:R} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.557 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:T} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.559 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:W} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.559 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:S} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.559 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:B} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.559 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:P} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.576 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Cube 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.626 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Snapping: 0.5m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.656 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key LMB in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.658 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key RMB in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.659 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key R in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.660 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key T in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.661 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key J in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:33.665 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:Control} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:39:34.424 - Main Thread -> STATS_RECORDING_LEGEND,FRAME,TIME,PROCESS,GCTOTAL,GCDELTA,AVAILABLEMEMORY 2025-02-22 12:39:34.424 - Main Thread -> STATS_RECORDING,10629,177.1492914,244.0346892,2356487824,0,Normal 2025-02-22 12:40:08.156 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Snapping: 0.25m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:40:13.340 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:40:13.340 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,216.0658024,12964,12964,9559192000,2375885000,16028020000,2.7554,1.2582,0.5051,6.447133,16.66553 2025-02-22 12:40:16.707 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Press 'F' to enter in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:41:13.356 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:41:13.356 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,276.082229,16565,16565,9603482000,2372500000,274765800,1.9736,0.9648,0.4553,5.670465,16.66545 2025-02-22 12:42:13.372 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:42:13.372 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,336.0986556,20166,20166,9025634000,1836576000,218904600,1.7863,0.9559,0.2975,5.858493,16.67181 2025-02-22 12:42:45.289 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:Shift} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:42:45.295 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key SHIFT in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:04.200 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Window Slope 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:06.774 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Gravity Generator 5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:08.258 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Interior Wall Pillar Curved Thick 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:08.290 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Stairs 5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:08.324 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Cover Wall Half 1.25 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:08.373 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Catwalk Square Base 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:08.523 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Window Flat 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:09.440 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Window Slope Long 5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:10.088 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Window Triangle Slanted Inverted 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:10.120 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Window Triangle Slanted Large 5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:13.387 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:43:13.387 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,395.915083,23755,23755,8944628000,1896173000,456691700,2.4952,1.2941,0.5246,7.045273,16.61715 2025-02-22 12:43:15.510 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Q in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:15.511 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key W in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:15.511 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key E in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:15.512 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key A in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:15.512 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key S in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:15.513 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key D in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:15.514 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key B in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:15.516 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key P in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:53.036 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Slope 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:53.102 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Corner 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:53.186 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Inverted Corner 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:53.586 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Narrow Sliding Door 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:54.028 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:MMB} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:54.044 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key MMB in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:54.066 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Ion Thruster 5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:54.067 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Snapping: 0m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:43:54.119 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Window Triangle Side 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:44:13.404 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:44:13.404 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,455.9315096,27356,27356,8959807000,1935944000,512980000,2.2052,1.1593,0.473,6.442639,16.66916 2025-02-22 12:44:40.515 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-124439-766_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 12:45:13.414 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:45:13.414 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,515.4312716,30926,30926,9841070000,3446201000,3632953000,2.5599,1.6705,0.2723,6.556693,16.67337 2025-02-22 12:46:13.431 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:46:13.431 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,575.4476982,34527,34527,9842106000,3452348000,528463900,2.656,1.3809,0.5609,6.899804,16.67903 2025-02-22 12:47:13.447 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:47:13.447 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,635.4641248,38128,38128,9556173000,1886070000,538918900,3.1735,1.5396,0.8432,6.637957,16.67073 2025-02-22 12:47:51.978 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Half 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:47:52.046 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Interior Wall Pillar Flat 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:47:52.709 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Handrail 1.25 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:47:52.759 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Ramp 5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:47:53.825 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Long Slope Corner Tip 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:48:13.460 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:48:13.460 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,695.3138854,41719,41719,9578283000,1933314000,560349200,3.3413,1.4043,0.6215,6.334545,16.65609 2025-02-22 12:49:13.475 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:49:13.475 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,755.330312,45320,45320,9566388000,1951774000,346001400,1.9496,1.0434,0.3021,6.104906,16.66559 2025-02-22 12:49:41.210 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-124940-409_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 12:50:13.491 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:50:13.491 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,814.8800738,48893,48893,10003300000,3573457000,3313052000,3.51,1.8411,0.8355,6.405122,16.6617 2025-02-22 12:51:13.507 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:51:13.507 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,874.8965004,52494,52494,10027130000,3591278000,611926000,2.9621,1.2816,0.6504,8.718341,17.98389 2025-02-22 12:52:13.523 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:52:13.523 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,934.912927,56095,56095,9596469000,1871989000,511864800,2.6848,1.1064,0.6094,6.155416,16.66765 2025-02-22 12:52:15.977 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Light Armor Wide Half Corner Tip 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:52:16.061 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Button 0.25 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:52:16.095 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Detailing Cube 0.25 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:52:16.146 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Interior Light 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:52:18.125 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Spotlight 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:53:13.526 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:53:13.526 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,994.7293544,59684,59684,9601528000,1936995000,674830300,2.7268,1.2578,0.6104,6.586344,16.65122 2025-02-22 12:54:06.853 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Create Blueprint in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:54:13.541 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:54:13.541 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1054.495782,63270,63270,9618215000,1975914000,376997900,1.8537,0.9544,0.2646,6.10164,16.69878 2025-02-22 12:54:44.208 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-125443-410_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 12:56:15.347 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:56:15.347 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1087.912315,65275,65275,9938227000,2276920000,6241720000,85570.02,0.6989,0.5339,4.061982,16.66693 2025-02-22 12:56:16.114 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-125615-341_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 12:57:15.362 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:57:15.362 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1147.9287416,68876,68876,9639535000,3082166000,2946769000,1.7063,0.8824,0.304,4.70848,16.67502 2025-02-22 12:58:00.351 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Each faction sees their own future for The Almagest. All are willing to fight for them. in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MEDIAN_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MEDIAN,9553206423.08197,2427418283.01639,89374.8196721312,2.441265583,5.8869924242,16.6527969697 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_PEAKS_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_PEAKS,9587767396.72131,2527803768.13115,2519320.91803279,6.6138688189,8.4169893939,19.7259 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_AVERAGE_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_AVERAGE,9556183117.92017,2429647006.04551,361392.931896113,4.0807521946,6.0988494881,16.7536265933 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MAX_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MAX,10185224192,4210139472,2899569040,85570.0234375,730.7981,723.2962 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MIN_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MIN,8932495360,1833742128,0,0.5339999795,1.4189,2.0614 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_STANDARD_DEVIATION_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_STANDARD_DEVIATION,305989708.627904,664254820.822928,15286825.6735257,346.7155870386,5.9341887366,5.8200002452 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> Global GC Memory Delta: 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> Frame start-0: 15806972168 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> Frame start-0: 15853554752 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> Frame start-end: 37880815344 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> Frame 0: 46582584 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> Frame 0-end: 22073843176 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> Frame end: 22027260592 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> Percentile frames: 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> MEDIAN_FRAME,60139,60476,60163,60433,65112,65532 2025-02-22 12:58:00.578 - Main Thread -> PEAK_FRAME,60947,60941,60879,60931,65162,65866 2025-02-22 12:58:14.582 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Concordia Research Facility in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:58:14.585 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Ten thousand years in cryosleep feels like a dream. Or was the dream our life before? in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:58:14.914 - Main Thread -> Loading save $Content:CRF 2025-02-22 12:58:16.042 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 296 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 12:58:16.711 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 328 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 12:58:21.748 - Main Thread -> STATS_RECORDING_LEGEND,FRAME,TIME,PROCESS,GCTOTAL,GCDELTA,AVAILABLEMEMORY 2025-02-22 12:58:21.748 - Main Thread -> STATS_RECORDING,72073,1201.2118618,1371.3590151,2196888600,0,Normal 2025-02-22 12:58:43.339 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Half Corner 0.25 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:58:47.023 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Half Long Slope 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:58:50.796 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Inverted Corner 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:58:50.987 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Wide Half Corner Base 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:58:53.887 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Long Slope Corner Base 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:58:53.920 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Wide Half Corner Tip 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:58:55.887 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Long Slope Inverted Corner Tip 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:58:55.905 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Long Slope Inverted Corner Base 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:58:56.629 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Slope 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:58:58.512 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Corner 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:59:06.558 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Debug Gun Tool in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:59:06.606 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Paint Tool in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:59:10.107 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Gyroscope 0.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:59:10.141 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Landing Gear 1 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:59:10.257 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Ion Thruster 1 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:59:11.312 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Ion Thruster 1.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:59:16.720 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 12:59:16.720 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1255.8116434,75349,75349,9172320000,2490809000,41135280000,1.8835,0.8331,0.3322,5.382158,16.71927 2025-02-22 12:59:22.319 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-125922-053_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 12:59:27.151 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Interior Wall Flat 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 12:59:34.997 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Fly Ship P.R. 3 in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 13:01:10.940 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:MouseWheel} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 13:01:11.320 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:01:11.320 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1278.7282184,76724,76724,8885281000,2662704000,2920854000,90961.09,0.9897,0.3834,5.449615,16.65323 2025-02-22 13:02:43.963 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:02:43.963 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1278.744885,76725,76725,10066980000,3112181000,1510961000,92905.61,741.0296,0.4429,28.6239,29.6241 2025-02-22 13:04:21.994 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:04:21.994 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1279.8115474,76789,76789,14561610000,4174195000,5082173000,92203.59,25.0557,0.3841,11.04819,16.60253 2025-02-22 13:05:22.018 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:05:22.018 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1285.1781926,77111,77111,15203910000,4178371000,7169376000,25.0897,24.0291,0.3031,12.00464,24.24563 2025-02-22 13:06:22.039 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:06:22.039 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1324.1113702,79447,79447,15084290000,2613153000,36550570000,24.6133,23.4854,0.4877,11.79918,16.68112 2025-02-22 13:08:09.521 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:08:09.521 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1329.5613484,79774,79774,13533660000,4381268000,7993762000,85751.53,114.9828,0.3734,10.66951,16.66891 2025-02-22 13:09:09.579 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:09:09.579 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1338.494646,80310,80310,11778930000,3402663000,8434868000,109.839,107.6523,0.3788,11.28995,16.62035 2025-02-22 13:10:09.630 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:10:09.630 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1347.4446102,80847,80847,11772430000,3381369000,8413200000,110.0766,108.9057,0.4922,11.37288,16.65896 2025-02-22 13:11:09.722 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:11:09.722 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1356.4279076,81386,81386,11772390000,3380642000,8444510000,109.9506,108.7872,0.3346,11.2357,16.65488 2025-02-22 13:12:09.723 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:12:09.723 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1365.3612052,81922,81922,11772000000,3142307000,8397545000,110.3946,109.2123,0.5023,11.19474,16.60427 2025-02-22 13:12:19.161 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Snapping: 2.5m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 13:13:09.739 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:13:09.739 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1368.411193,82105,82105,11778550000,3504008000,2459345000,2.0363,1.0154,0.3186,467.4105,377.2511 2025-02-22 13:14:09.756 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:14:09.756 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1428.4276196,85706,85706,11658760000,2824356000,252788700,1.8979,0.9643,0.2656,6.307272,16.66996 2025-02-22 13:15:09.772 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:15:09.772 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1488.4440462,89307,89307,11595050000,2826611000,252690400,1.6561,0.8611,0.4095,6.213635,16.66501 2025-02-22 13:15:25.424 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-131524-980_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 13:16:09.778 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:16:09.778 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1548.0604744,92884,92884,12640870000,4433452000,2569044000,1.7963,0.9568,0.2258,6.183883,16.65557 2025-02-22 13:17:09.792 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:17:09.792 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1607.8769018,96473,96473,12530420000,2842916000,248381400,2.152,0.8656,0.3843,5.441001,16.65674 2025-02-22 13:18:09.808 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:18:09.808 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1667.8933284,100074,100074,12530890000,2864311000,212795400,1.8445,0.893,0.3146,5.659172,16.66564 2025-02-22 13:19:09.824 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:19:09.824 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1727.909755,103675,103675,12530700000,2858733000,195412000,1.2418,0.5823,0.2808,5.256193,16.66754 2025-02-22 13:20:09.825 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:20:09.825 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1787.909515,107275,107275,12526520000,2867168000,175112200,2.4489,0.8146,1.2056,4.95935,16.65839 2025-02-22 13:20:26.905 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-132026-313_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 13:21:09.827 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:21:09.827 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1847.49261,110850,110850,12648220000,4473284000,2485305000,1.4767,0.7685,0.2926,5.302484,16.66545 2025-02-22 13:22:09.844 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:22:09.844 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1907.5090366,114451,114451,12475250000,2716031000,191758300,1.9796,0.804,0.5063,5.225187,16.66788 2025-02-22 13:23:09.844 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:23:09.844 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,1967.5087966,118051,118051,12471270000,2756149000,578289700,2.9422,1.3203,0.6635,6.030864,16.66703 2025-02-22 13:24:09.861 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:24:09.861 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2027.5252232,121652,121652,12509830000,2755276000,317685800,2.6472,1.1474,0.7689,6.254261,16.6619 2025-02-22 13:24:42.559 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Heavy Armor Cube 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 13:25:09.861 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:25:09.861 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2087.5249832,125252,125252,12474260000,2767581000,524107800,3.3595,2.3232,0.4555,6.430497,16.66424 2025-02-22 13:25:27.846 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-132527-273_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 13:25:51.736 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-132551-166_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 13:26:09.865 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:26:09.865 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2146.7747462,128807,128807,13659000000,5749459000,4834312000,1.6247,0.7236,0.4625,4.509109,16.66296 2025-02-22 13:27:09.878 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:27:09.878 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2206.3411746,132381,132381,13676110000,3815393000,2539897000,2.0279,0.9385,0.4218,5.014889,16.67636 2025-02-22 13:27:34.701 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Every great achievement started with a single decision to begin. in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MEDIAN_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MEDIAN,12375158916.129,3343755987.09677,1383584.51612903,6.771603169,7.6119042553,16.8354542553 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_PEAKS_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_PEAKS,12516102804.6452,3524424609.41935,7319174.96774194,14.484687063,12.1188425532,21.1337819149 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_AVERAGE_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_AVERAGE,12393630914.3566,3363945518.12037,1836615.80430984,15.2133754202,9.5319507159,18.6370664636 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MAX_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MAX,15253032960,7023276480,2268735768,92905.609375,51832.7242,52018.819 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MIN_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MIN,8885194752,2196896824,0,0.5850999951,3.3477,4.992 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_STANDARD_DEVIATION_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_STANDARD_DEVIATION,1197766622.63056,870133330.177093,17187665.9631157,780.8731717701,285.113046225,285.8097764201 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> Global GC Memory Delta: 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> Frame start-0: 40365106408 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> Frame start-0: 40456035768 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> Frame start-end: 153980931864 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> Frame 0: 90929360 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> Frame 0-end: 113615825456 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> Frame end: 113524896096 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> Percentile frames: 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> MEDIAN_FRAME,61713,61406,61392,61790,93488,93785 2025-02-22 13:27:34.928 - Main Thread -> PEAK_FRAME,61809,61804,61372,61793,93325,93467 2025-02-22 13:27:39.890 - Main Thread -> Loading save Concordia Research Facility 1 2025-02-22 13:27:46.306 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 296 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 13:27:47.948 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 328 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 13:28:01.231 - Main Thread -> STATS_RECORDING_LEGEND,FRAME,TIME,PROCESS,GCTOTAL,GCDELTA,AVAILABLEMEMORY 2025-02-22 13:28:01.231 - Main Thread -> STATS_RECORDING,134006,2233.4243996,3150.841721,3278363928,0,Normal 2025-02-22 13:28:48.125 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:28:48.125 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2280.1242128,136808,136808,13083850000,3319162000,158301400000,1.7792,0.7607999,194.5759,4.635074,16.86313 2025-02-22 13:29:01.748 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key The Vitus Moon Base wasn't just our first foothold in the Almagest - it was proof that anything is possible. in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MEDIAN_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MEDIAN,13066293248,3493308928,14312,1.4342250228,4.8721,16.65665 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_PEAKS_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_PEAKS,13079989248,3890741130,4545642,5.0679249167,7.6099,19.98895 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_AVERAGE_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_AVERAGE,13070267667.3661,3479792674.03644,652908.704583103,1.7430625051,5.2331143095,16.8397203272 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MAX_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MAX,13114036224,4895337328,565997120,231.862701416,704.0558,707.4601 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MIN_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_MIN,13030924288,3271571256,0,0.5206999779,3.6719,6.015 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_STANDARD_DEVIATION_LEGEND,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> AGGREGATE_STANDARD_DEVIATION,17491421.6348344,338337691.43653,13045662.8681725,5.3432372757,11.671081071,11.6044900037 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> Global GC Memory Delta: 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> Frame start-0: 158153497136 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> Frame start-0: 158190936968 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> Frame start-end: 160555772296 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> Frame 0: 37439832 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> Frame 0-end: 2402275160 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> Frame end: 2364835328 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> Percentile frames: 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> MEDIAN_FRAME,3258,3458,3443,3295,3090,3476 2025-02-22 13:29:01.976 - Main Thread -> PEAK_FRAME,3063,3616,3224,3212,3375,3319 2025-02-22 13:29:05.157 - Main Thread -> Loading save Fly PR-1 2025-02-22 13:29:11.027 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 296 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 13:29:12.349 - Main Thread -> Sorting jobs for scene of 328 jobs with seed '0' 2025-02-22 13:29:23.496 - Main Thread -> STATS_RECORDING_LEGEND,FRAME,TIME,PROCESS,GCTOTAL,GCDELTA,AVAILABLEMEMORY 2025-02-22 13:29:23.496 - Main Thread -> STATS_RECORDING,137800,2296.65748,3233.1066317,5173830848,0,Normal 2025-02-22 13:30:12.362 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:30:12.362 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2345.5239512,140732,140732,13288890000,5184134000,164531500000,3.4969,1.7438,0.6048,6.967953,16.66406 2025-02-22 13:30:55.088 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Antenna 1.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 13:30:59.184 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Antenna 12.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 13:31:12.369 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:31:12.369 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2405.3403786,144321,144321,13277980000,3407806000,454279200,2.5978,0.9565,0.6561,6.254029,16.38903 2025-02-22 13:31:19.602 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key {KeyCode:Escape} in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 13:31:19.609 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Escape in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 13:31:19.610 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key MouseWheel in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 13:32:12.385 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:32:12.385 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2465.3568052,147922,147922,13281340000,3396446000,306741200,2.071,0.7742,0.2917,6.102934,16.66771 2025-02-22 13:32:30.384 - Main Thread -> LOCALIZATION WARNING: Could not find key Control Seat 2.5 m in the culture set en-US. Evaluating to string id. 2025-02-22 13:33:12.385 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:33:12.385 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2525.3565652,151522,151522,13278120000,3406144000,456491000,2.7578,1.0762,0.6605,6.515418,16.67155 2025-02-22 13:34:12.390 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:34:12.390 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2585.1896592,155112,155112,13302660000,3455452000,265207800,3.0515,0.9095,0.2919,7.083067,16.99226 2025-02-22 13:34:27.714 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-133427-226_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 13:35:12.391 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:35:12.391 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2644.7227544,158684,158684,13279940000,4589231000,2448261000,2.2481,1.1427,0.492,7.405449,16.6662 2025-02-22 13:36:12.407 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:36:12.407 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2704.739181,162285,162285,13275700000,4597480000,325500900,2.5502,1.1459,0.3049,7.517341,16.63085 2025-02-22 13:37:12.423 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:37:12.423 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2764.7556076,165886,165886,13275700000,4591878000,94224380,1.6711,0.8342,0.2599,6.699257,16.67336 2025-02-22 13:38:12.440 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:38:12.440 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2824.7720342,169487,169487,13276170000,4592927000,67715070,1.9451,0.9498,0.3134,6.074303,16.67162 2025-02-22 13:39:12.456 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:39:12.456 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2884.7884608,173088,173088,13276890000,4596728000,236798000,1.7949,0.9352,0.2279,7.53963,16.65857 2025-02-22 13:39:28.439 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-133927-905_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 13:40:12.466 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:40:12.466 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,2944.3715558,176663,176663,14126830000,4173956000,2357395000,1.8957,1.0075,0.2392,7.100169,16.66919 2025-02-22 13:41:12.483 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:41:12.483 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,3004.3879824,180264,180264,14119420000,4183766000,260800500,2.0481,1.1167,0.4678,6.81102,16.66364 2025-02-22 13:42:12.499 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:42:12.499 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,3064.404409,183865,183865,14119420000,4177607000,260751400,2.3117,1.1086,0.2737,7.000361,16.6643 2025-02-22 13:43:12.515 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:43:12.515 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,3124.4208356,187466,187466,14119670000,4171532000,260833300,1.8629,1.0141,0.2465,6.943509,16.66868 2025-02-22 13:44:12.516 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:44:12.516 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,3184.4205956,191066,191066,14120080000,4178385000,287096800,2.2358,1.1011,0.8468,8.326719,17.00971 2025-02-22 13:44:28.625 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-134428-123_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 13:45:06.624 - Main Thread -> The container type 'SaveGames' doesn't contain a .container-info file in the container '250222-134506-121_0' it attempted to load. 2025-02-22 13:45:12.519 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:45:12.519 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,3243.7703582,194627,194627,14241530000,6133917000,4429808000,1.8454,0.8991,0.2814,5.348016,16.71741 2025-02-22 13:46:12.541 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS_LEGEND,time,SimulationFrameCounter,RenderFrameCounter,ProcessMemoryTotal,GCMemoryTotal,GCMemoryDelta,MainThreadTime,ClientSessionTime,ServerSessionTime,RenderThreadTime,GPUTime 2025-02-22 13:46:12.541 - Main Thread -> STATISTICS,3303.5034526,198211,198211,14258930000,6176166000,130662400,2.8495,1.0832,0.3949,6.546748,16.66005