2019-09-06 21:08:40.164 - Thread: 1 -> Log Started 2019-09-06 21:08:40.165 - Thread: 1 -> Timezone (local - UTC): 5h 2019-09-06 21:08:40.165 - Thread: 1 -> App Version: 01_192_022 2019-09-06 21:08:40.166 - Thread: 1 -> Steam build: Always true 2019-09-06 21:08:40.166 - Thread: 1 -> Is official: True [NO][IS][NAMP] 2019-09-06 21:08:40.166 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.ProcessorCount: 12 2019-09-06 21:08:40.212 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.OSVersion: Майкрософт Windows 10 для образовательных учреждений (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17134.0) 2019-09-06 21:08:40.212 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.CommandLine: T:\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64\SpaceEngineers.exe 2019-09-06 21:08:40.212 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Is64BitProcess: True 2019-09-06 21:08:40.212 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem: True 2019-09-06 21:08:40.212 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Version: .NET Framework 4.7.3260.0 2019-09-06 21:08:40.212 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.CurrentDirectory: T:\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64 2019-09-06 21:08:41.279 - Thread: 1 -> CPU Info: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor 2019-09-06 21:08:41.279 - Thread: 1 -> IntPtr.Size: 8 2019-09-06 21:08:41.279 - Thread: 1 -> Default Culture: ru-RU 2019-09-06 21:08:41.279 - Thread: 1 -> Default UI Culture: ru-RU 2019-09-06 21:08:41.279 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Load() - START 2019-09-06 21:08:41.281 - Thread: 1 -> Path: C:\Users\vaner\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\SpaceEngineers.cfg 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> EnableDamageEffects: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> VegetationViewDistance: 1000 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> GraphicsRenderer: DirectX 11 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> DebugInputs: VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,Sandbox.Engine.Utils.MyConfig+MyDebugInputData] 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> Language: 4 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> ControlsGeneral: VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,System.String] 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> ControlsButtons: VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,System.String]] 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> FirstTimeRun: False 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> VideoAdapter: 0 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> ScreenWidth: 3840 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> ScreenHeight: 2160 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> RefreshRate: 59997 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> WindowMode: 2 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> VerticalSync: 0 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> FieldOfView: 79.71622 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> FlaresIntensity: 1 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> GrassDensity: 3 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> GrassDrawDistance: 1000 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> AntialiasingMode: 0 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> ShadowMapResolution: 2 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> AmbientOcclusionEnabled: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> TextureQuality: 2 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> AnisotropicFiltering: 4 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> ModelQuality: 2 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> VoxelQuality: 2 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> ShaderQuality: 2 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> LowMemSwitchToLow: 0 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> CubeBuilderBuildingMode: 2 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> ControlsHints: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> RotationHints: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> ShowCrosshair: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> UiTransparency: 0.9972753 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> UiBkTransparency: 0.675233 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> HUDBkTransparency: 0.6 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> MinimalHud: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> EnableReverb: False 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> WelcomeScreenCurrentStatus: 1 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> GDPRConsent: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> GDPRConsentSent: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> PostProcessingEnabled: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> ScreenshotSizeMultiplier: 1 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> FirstVTTimeRun: False 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> FirstTimeTutorials: False 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> HudState: 1 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> TutorialsFinished: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> CubeBuilderAlignToDefault: False 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> ExperimentalMode: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> EnableSteamCloud: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> GoodBotHints: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> ServerSearchSettings: VRage.Game.ObjectBuilders.Gui.MyObjectBuilder_ServerFilterOptions 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> EnableTrading: True 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> TreeViewDistance: 1999 2019-09-06 21:08:41.359 - Thread: 1 -> MutedPlayers: 2019-09-06 21:08:41.360 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Load() - END 2019-09-06 21:08:41.360 - Thread: 1 -> Checksum file is missing, game will run as usual but file integrity won't be verified 2019-09-06 21:08:41.684 - Thread: 1 -> All detected adapters: 2019-09-06 21:08:41.698 - Thread: 1 -> NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 - VendorID=4318, SubsystemID=862065762, DeviceID=7040 2019-09-06 21:08:41.698 - Thread: 1 -> Microsoft Basic Render Driver - VendorID=5140, SubsystemID=0, DeviceID=140 2019-09-06 21:08:42.124 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> Name = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 + DISPLAY1 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 7040, mem: 8471445504, shared mem: 8553881600, Luid: 65312, rev: 161, subsys id: 862065762, vendor id: 4318 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20190824000000.000000-000 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 0 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 8471445504 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = True 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = True 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:3840 Height:2160} 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> Display modes = { 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> DXGIOutput id = 0 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@72Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@56.25Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@56.25Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60.317Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60.317Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@72.188Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@72.188Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@56.25Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@56.25Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@60.317Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@60.317Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@72.188Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@72.188Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@56.25Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60.317Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@72.188Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60.004Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@70.069Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@75.029Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@59.81Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@59.81Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@59.81Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60.02Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60.02Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@75.025Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@75.025Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60.02Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@75.025Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@59.887Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@59.887Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.887Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.887Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x900@59.887Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@60Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.954Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.954Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@59.885Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@59.885Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.125 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.954Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@60Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@59.94006Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@59.885Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@59.951Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@59.951Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@59.997Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@59.997Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2160x1200@59.951Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2160x1200@59.951Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@59.951Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@59.997Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@59.997Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@59.997Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> } 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> } 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> Name = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 + DISPLAY1 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 7040, mem: 8471445504, shared mem: 8553881600, Luid: 65312, rev: 161, subsys id: 862065762, vendor id: 4318 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20190824000000.000000-000 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 0 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 8471445504 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = True 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = True 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:3840 Height:2160} 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> Display modes = { 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> DXGIOutput id = 0 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@72Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@56.25Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@56.25Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60.317Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60.317Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@72.188Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@72.188Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@56.25Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@56.25Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@60.317Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@60.317Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@72.188Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@72.188Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@56.25Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60.317Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@72.188Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60.004Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@70.069Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@75.029Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@75Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@59.81Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@59.81Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@59.81Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60.02Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60.02Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@75.025Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@75.025Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60.02Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@75.025Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@59.887Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@59.887Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.887Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.887Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x900@59.887Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@60Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.954Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.954Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@59.885Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@59.885Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.954Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@60Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@59.94006Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@59.885Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@59.951Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@59.951Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@59.997Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@59.997Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2160x1200@59.951Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2160x1200@59.951Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@59.951Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@59.997Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@59.997Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@59.997Hz 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> } 2019-09-06 21:08:42.126 - Thread: 1 -> } 2019-09-06 21:08:42.129 - Thread: 1 -> Steam.IsActive: True 2019-09-06 21:08:42.129 - Thread: 1 -> Steam.IsOnline: True 2019-09-06 21:08:42.129 - Thread: 1 -> Steam.OwnsGame: False 2019-09-06 21:08:42.129 - Thread: 1 -> Steam.UserId: 76561198084329921 2019-09-06 21:08:42.129 - Thread: 1 -> Steam.UserName: Титан 2019-09-06 21:08:42.129 - Thread: 1 -> Steam.Branch: default 2019-09-06 21:08:42.129 - Thread: 1 -> Build date: 2000-01-02 12:00 2019-09-06 21:08:42.129 - Thread: 1 -> Build version: 2019-09-06 21:08:42.209 - Thread: 19 -> CreateDeviceInternal - CheckSettings() 2019-09-06 21:08:42.209 - Thread: 19 -> CreateDeviceInternal - GetAdapter() 2019-09-06 21:08:42.211 - Thread: 19 -> CreateDeviceInternal - FixSettings() 2019-09-06 21:08:42.211 - Thread: 19 -> CreateDeviceInternal - Create device 2019-09-06 21:08:42.461 - Thread: 19 -> CreateDeviceInternal Steam Overlay integration 2019-09-06 21:08:42.537 - Thread: 19 -> CreateDeviceInternal Steam Overlay OK 2019-09-06 21:08:42.537 - Thread: 19 -> CreateDeviceInternal create swapchain 2019-09-06 21:08:48.593 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - START 2019-09-06 21:08:48.595 - Thread: 1 -> MyScreenManager() 2019-09-06 21:08:48.595 - Thread: 1 -> Game dir: T:\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64 2019-09-06 21:08:48.595 - Thread: 1 -> Content dir: T:\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content 2019-09-06 21:08:48.596 - Thread: 1 -> Found processor count: 12 2019-09-06 21:08:48.596 - Thread: 1 -> Using processor count: 12 2019-09-06 21:08:48.847 - Thread: 19 -> DXGI SetFullscreenState succeded 2019-09-06 21:08:51.020 - Thread: 1 -> Preallocate - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.022 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.024 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.024 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.024 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.024 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntities - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.119 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntities - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.119 - Thread: 1 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.119 - Thread: 1 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.119 - Thread: 1 -> MyTransparentGeometry - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.169 - Thread: 1 -> MyTransparentGeometry - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.169 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.179 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.179 - Thread: 1 -> MyMath - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.179 - Thread: 1 -> MyMath - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.179 - Thread: 1 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.293 - Thread: 1 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.301 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.301 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.301 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.475 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.475 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncDestructions - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncDestructions - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncEntity - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncEntity - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncScenario - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncScenario - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandCharacter - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandCharacter - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandConsole - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandConsole - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandEntity - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandEntity - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MyAiTargetManager - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MyAiTargetManager - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.477 - Thread: 1 -> MyClientDebugCommands - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyClientDebugCommands - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServer - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServer - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerBase - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerBase - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClient - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClient - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.480 - Thread: 1 -> MyServerDebugCommands - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.482 - Thread: 1 -> MyServerDebugCommands - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.482 - Thread: 1 -> MyAIActionsParser - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.482 - Thread: 1 -> MyAIActionsParser - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.482 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.506 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.506 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager - START 2019-09-06 21:08:51.577 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.577 - Thread: 1 -> Preallocate - END 2019-09-06 21:08:51.685 - Thread: 1 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - START 2019-09-06 21:08:53.156 - Thread: 1 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - END 2019-09-06 21:08:53.156 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END 2019-09-06 21:08:53.156 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - START 2019-09-06 21:08:53.156 - Thread: 1 -> Assembly.GetName: Sandbox.Game, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2019-09-06 21:08:53.156 - Thread: 1 -> Assembly.FullName: Sandbox.Game, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2019-09-06 21:08:53.156 - Thread: 1 -> Assembly.Location: T:\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64\Sandbox.Game.dll 2019-09-06 21:08:53.156 - Thread: 1 -> Assembly.ImageRuntimeVersion: v4.0.30319 2019-09-06 21:08:53.156 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - END 2019-09-06 21:08:53.156 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - START 2019-09-06 21:08:53.174 - Thread: 1 -> Win32_ComputerSystem.Manufacturer: To Be Filled By O.E.M. 2019-09-06 21:08:53.174 - Thread: 1 -> Win32_ComputerSystem.Model: To Be Filled By O.E.M. 2019-09-06 21:08:53.174 - Thread: 1 -> Virtualized: False 2019-09-06 21:08:53.206 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.ProcessorName: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor 2019-09-06 21:08:53.294 - Thread: 1 -> ComputerInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory: 17,107,763,200 bytes 2019-09-06 21:08:53.294 - Thread: 1 -> ComputerInfo.TotalVirtualMemory: 140,737,488,224,256 bytes 2019-09-06 21:08:53.294 - Thread: 1 -> ComputerInfo.AvailablePhysicalMemory: 7,265,415,168 bytes 2019-09-06 21:08:53.294 - Thread: 1 -> ComputerInfo.AvailableVirtualMemory: 140,696,450,609,152 bytes 2019-09-06 21:08:53.299 - Thread: 1 -> Drive C: | Capacity: 479,023,792,128 bytes | Free space: 56,363,528,192 bytes 2019-09-06 21:08:53.299 - Thread: 1 -> Drive D: | Capacity: 895,344,439,296 bytes | Free space: 74,088,177,664 bytes 2019-09-06 21:08:53.299 - Thread: 1 -> Drive S: | Capacity: 104,856,547,328 bytes | Free space: 47,784,054,784 bytes 2019-09-06 21:08:53.300 - Thread: 1 -> Drive T: | Capacity: 2,000,396,681,216 bytes | Free space: 113,242,144,768 bytes 2019-09-06 21:08:53.300 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - END 2019-09-06 21:08:53.300 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START 2019-09-06 21:08:53.300 - Thread: 1 -> Installed DLCs: 2019-09-06 21:08:53.539 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiGameControlsHelpers() 2019-09-06 21:08:53.989 - Thread: 1 -> Havok: Physics.Init 2019-09-06 21:08:58.861 - Thread: 1 -> Havok: Version: Release(0), 1800, [S} 2019-09-06 21:08:59.609 - Thread: 1 -> HkGameName: SpaceEngineers 2019-09-06 21:08:59.613 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START 2019-09-06 21:08:59.614 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START 2019-09-06 21:08:59.699 - Thread: 1 -> 4beb2957f4f02c6bb210113f7016f8c6eae781ab 2019-09-06 21:08:59.827 - Thread: 1 -> Loading scenarios 2019-09-06 21:08:59.843 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END 2019-09-06 21:08:59.843 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START 2019-09-06 21:08:59.843 - Thread: 30 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - START 2019-09-06 21:09:03.477 - Thread: 1 -> Loading sound definitions 2019-09-06 21:09:05.566 - Thread: 30 -> MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - START 2019-09-06 21:09:24.722 - Thread: 30 -> MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - END 2019-09-06 21:09:24.725 - Thread: 30 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - PRELOAD VANILLA SOUNDS AND VOXELS 2019-09-06 21:09:24.725 - Thread: 30 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - MyAudio.Static is null! 2019-09-06 21:09:25.048 - Thread: 1 -> Loading shadow textures definitions 2019-09-06 21:09:25.048 - Thread: 1 -> WARNING: Unexpected behaviour may occur due to redefinition of 'Text shadow sets' 2019-09-06 21:09:25.050 - Thread: 1 -> Loading voxel map storage definitions 2019-09-06 21:09:25.050 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END 2019-09-06 21:09:25.142 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.LoadData - START 2019-09-06 21:09:25.329 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.CreateX3DAudio - Device: Динамики (7- USB PnP Audio Device) - Channel #: 2 - Sample rate: 48000 2019-09-06 21:09:34.185 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.LoadData - END 2019-09-06 21:09:34.326 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager() 2019-09-06 21:09:34.663 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START 2019-09-06 21:09:36.087 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START 2019-09-06 21:09:36.087 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END 2019-09-06 21:09:36.087 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END 2019-09-06 21:09:36.348 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END 2019-09-06 21:09:38.432 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END 2019-09-06 21:09:38.786 - Thread: 1 -> Timer Frequency: 3515630 2019-09-06 21:09:38.786 - Thread: 1 -> Ticks per frame: 58594 2019-09-06 21:09:38.997 - Thread: 19 -> DXGI SetFullscreenState succeded 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.Apply(MyGraphicsSettings1) 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Flares Intensity: 1 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Field of view: 1.39131 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> PostProcessingEnabled: True 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Render.GrassDensityFactor: 3 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Render.GrassDrawDistance: 1000 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Render.DistanceFade: 1999 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AntialiasingMode: NONE 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Render.ShadowQuality: HIGH 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AmbientOcclusionEnabled: True 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Render.TextureQuality: HIGH 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AnisotropicFiltering: ANISO_16 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Render.VoxelShaderQuality: HIGH 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AlphaMaskedShaderQuality: HIGH 2019-09-06 21:09:39.303 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AtmosphereShaderQuality: HIGH 2019-09-06 21:09:40.358 - Thread: 1 -> Analytics uuid: 76561198084329921 2019-09-06 21:09:41.195 - Thread: 1 -> Analytics session: 6171649 2019-09-06 21:09:41.196 - Thread: 1 -> Analytics helper process start reported 2019-09-06 21:10:05.458 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:10:05.458 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:10:07.108 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:10:07.109 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:10:08.741 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:10:08.741 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:11:02.590 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Save() - START 2019-09-06 21:11:02.591 - Thread: 1 -> Path: C:\Users\vaner\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\SpaceEngineers.cfg 2019-09-06 21:11:02.648 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Save() - END 2019-09-06 21:11:02.766 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:11:02.766 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:11:04.366 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:11:04.366 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:11:06.142 - Thread: 1 -> Requesting dedicated servers, filterOps: gamedir:Space Engineers;secure:1;gamedataand:1192022 2019-09-06 21:11:06.154 - Thread: 1 -> Requesting dedicated servers, filterOps: gamedir:Space Engineers;secure:1;gamedataand:1192022 2019-09-06 21:11:50.193 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:11:50.193 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:12:27.117 - Thread: 1 -> Lobby join response: True, enter state: Success 2019-09-06 21:12:27.117 - Thread: 1 -> World requested 2019-09-06 21:12:27.124 - Thread: 1 -> World requested - connection alive 2019-09-06 21:12:38.271 - Thread: 1 -> LoadSession() - Start 2019-09-06 21:12:38.274 - Thread: 1 -> get 2019-09-06 21:12:38.275 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Save() - START 2019-09-06 21:12:38.276 - Thread: 1 -> Path: C:\Users\vaner\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\SpaceEngineers.cfg 2019-09-06 21:12:38.277 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Save() - END 2019-09-06 21:12:38.278 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:12:38.279 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:12:38.279 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:12:38.279 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:12:38.279 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:12:38.279 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:12:38.279 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:12:38.280 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:12:38.302 - Thread: 1 -> LoadSession() - End 2019-09-06 21:12:38.302 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenLoading.LoadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:12:38.303 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenLoading.LoadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:12:38.331 - Thread: 1 -> RunLoadingAction - START 2019-09-06 21:12:45.456 - Thread: 1 -> GC Memory: 245,197,288 B 2019-09-06 21:12:45.462 - Thread: 1 -> Process Memory: 1,422,815,232 B 2019-09-06 21:12:46.995 - Thread: 1 -> MyScriptManager.LoadData() - START 2019-09-06 21:12:47.032 - Thread: 1 -> MyScriptManager.LoadData() - END 2019-09-06 21:12:47.036 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadData() - START 2019-09-06 21:12:47.037 - Thread: 1 -> ERROR: Loading screen failed 2019-09-06 21:12:47.044 - Thread: 1 -> Exception occured: ParallelTasks.TaskException: An exception(s) was thrown while executing a task. at ParallelTasks.WorkItem.ThrowExceptionsInternal(Int32 runId) at ParallelTasks.Task.WaitOrExecute(Boolean blocking) at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.WaitForPreload() at Sandbox.Definitions.MyDefinitionManager.LoadData(List`1 mods) at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.PrepareBaseSession(MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint checkpoint, MyObjectBuilder_Sector sector) at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.LoadMultiplayer(MyObjectBuilder_World world, MyMultiplayerBase multiplayerSession) at Sandbox.Graphics.GUI.MyGuiScreenBase.RunLoadingAction() at Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenLoading.RunLoad() Task exception, inner exception 0: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.PerformPreloading() at ParallelTasks.DelegateWork.DoWork(WorkData workData) at ParallelTasks.WorkItem.DoWork(Int32 expectedID) 2019-09-06 21:12:47.044 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenGamePlay.UnloadData - START 2019-09-06 21:12:47.044 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenGamePlay.UnloadData - END 2019-09-06 21:12:47.044 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenGamePlay.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:12:47.045 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:12:47.045 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:12:47.151 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenGamePlay.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:12:47.151 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:12:47.152 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:12:47.157 - Thread: 1 -> Used namespaces in scripts: 2019-09-06 21:12:47.161 - Thread: 1 -> MySession::Unload START 2019-09-06 21:12:47.161 - Thread: 1 -> AutoSaveInMinutes: 15 2019-09-06 21:12:47.161 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.IsDedicated: False 2019-09-06 21:12:47.161 - Thread: 1 -> IsServer: False 2019-09-06 21:12:47.164 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.UnloadData - START 2019-09-06 21:12:47.230 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.UnloadData - END 2019-09-06 21:12:47.230 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.LoadData - START 2019-09-06 21:12:47.299 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.CreateX3DAudio - Device: Динамики (7- USB PnP Audio Device) - Channel #: 2 - Sample rate: 48000 2019-09-06 21:12:47.309 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.LoadData - END 2019-09-06 21:12:47.313 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Save() - START 2019-09-06 21:12:47.313 - Thread: 1 -> Path: C:\Users\vaner\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\SpaceEngineers.cfg 2019-09-06 21:12:47.315 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Save() - END 2019-09-06 21:12:47.527 - Thread: 1 -> Network readers disposed 2019-09-06 21:12:47.529 - Thread: 1 -> Network readers disposed 2019-09-06 21:12:47.533 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START 2019-09-06 21:12:47.688 - Thread: 1 -> Loading sound definitions 2019-09-06 21:12:47.696 - Thread: 1 -> Loading shadow textures definitions 2019-09-06 21:12:47.696 - Thread: 1 -> WARNING: Unexpected behaviour may occur due to redefinition of 'Text shadow sets' 2019-09-06 21:12:47.696 - Thread: 1 -> Loading voxel map storage definitions 2019-09-06 21:12:47.696 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END 2019-09-06 21:12:47.803 - Thread: 1 -> MySession::Unload END 2019-09-06 21:12:47.811 - Thread: 1 -> RunLoadingAction - END 2019-09-06 21:12:51.626 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:12:51.626 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2019-09-06 21:13:03.926 - Thread: 1 -> Application closed by user 2019-09-06 21:13:03.926 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2019-09-06 21:13:03.927 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END