2025-01-17 00:40:28.721 - Thread: 1 -> Log Started 2025-01-17 00:40:28.721 - Thread: 1 -> Timezone (local - UTC): 0h 2025-01-17 00:40:28.721 - Thread: 1 -> App Version: 01_205_026 2025-01-17 00:40:28.726 - Thread: 1 -> Is official: True [NO][IS][NAMP] 2025-01-17 00:40:28.726 - Thread: 1 -> Branch / Sandbox: SVN 2025-01-17 00:40:28.726 - Thread: 1 -> Client Build Number: 0 2025-01-17 00:40:28.726 - Thread: 1 -> Server Build Number: 0 2025-01-17 00:40:28.726 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.ProcessorCount: 32 2025-01-17 00:40:28.765 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.OSVersion: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.26100.0) 2025-01-17 00:40:28.766 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.CommandLine: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64\SpaceEngineersLauncher.exe" 2025-01-17 00:40:28.766 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Is64BitProcess: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.766 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.766 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Version: .NET Framework 4.8.9290.0 2025-01-17 00:40:28.766 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.CurrentDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64 2025-01-17 00:40:28.770 - Thread: 1 -> CPU Info: AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 16-Core Processor 2025-01-17 00:40:28.770 - Thread: 1 -> Default Culture: 2025-01-17 00:40:28.770 - Thread: 1 -> Default UI Culture: 2025-01-17 00:40:28.770 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Load() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:28.770 - Thread: 1 -> Path: C:\Users\faild\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\SpaceEngineers.cfg 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> NewNewGameScreen: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> EnableDamageEffects: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> GraphicsRenderer: DirectX 11 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> EnableReverb: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> DebugInputs: VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,Sandbox.Engine.Utils.MyConfig+MyDebugInputData] 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> ControlsGeneral: VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,System.String] 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> ControlsButtons: VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,System.String]] 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> FirstTimeRun: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> ExperimentalMode: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> VideoAdapter: 0 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> ScreenWidth: 3840 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> ScreenHeight: 2160 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> RefreshRate: 60000 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> WindowMode: 1 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> VerticalSync: 0 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> FieldOfView: 70 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> PostProcessingEnabled: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> FlaresIntensity: 0.4800119 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> TreeViewDistance: 3000 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> GrassDensity: 4 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> GrassDrawDistance: 1000 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> AntialiasingMode: 1 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> ShadowMapResolution: 2 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> AmbientOcclusionEnabled: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> TextureQuality: 2 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> VoxelTextureQuality: 2 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> AnisotropicFiltering: 4 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> ModelQuality: 2 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> VoxelQuality: 2 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> ShaderQuality: 2 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> LightsQuality: 2 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> LowMemSwitchToLow: 0 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> FirstVTTimeRun: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> LastNewsPopupDate: 03/10/2024 00:00:00 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> LastBannerId: 100 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> WelcomeScreenCurrentStatus: 1 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> GDPRConsent: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> GDPRConsentSentUpdated: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> ControllerDefaultOnStart: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> QuickStartNotification: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> ServerSearchSettings: VRage.Game.ObjectBuilders.Gui.MyObjectBuilder_ServerFilterOptions 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> ScreenshotSizeMultiplier: 1 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> OnlyPSGames: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> EnableTrading: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> EnableSteamCloud: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> Language: 0 2025-01-17 00:40:28.841 - Thread: 1 -> CubeBuilderBuildingMode: 0 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> ControlsHints: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> GoodBotHints: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> RotationHints: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> AreaInteraction: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> BlueprintSharing: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> MuteBroadcastControllers: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HitIndicatorColorCharacter: 4289964437 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HitIndicatorTextureCharacter: Textures\GUI\Indicators\HitIndicator4.png 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HitIndicatorColorFriend: 4284199525 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HitIndicatorTextureFriend: Textures\GUI\Indicators\HitIndicator4.png 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HitIndicatorColorGrid: 4294035829 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HitIndicatorTextureGrid: Textures\GUI\Indicators\HitIndicator4.png 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HitIndicatorColorHeadshot: 4280529896 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HitIndicatorTextureHeadshot: Textures\GUI\Indicators\HitIndicator4.png 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HitIndicatorColorKill: 4282269412 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HitIndicatorTextureKill: Textures\GUI\Indicators\HitIndicator4.png 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> ShowCrosshair2: 0 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> IronSightSwitchState: 1 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> SpriteMainViewportScale: 1 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> UiTransparency: 1 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> UiBkTransparency: 0.3049553 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HUDBkTransparency: 0.3271441 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HudState: 0 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> MutedPlayers: [REDACTED] 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> CubeBuilderAlignToDefault: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> ZoomMultiplier: 0.2 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> GamepadScheme: 0 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> GamepadSchemeName: Flight 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> ModIoConsent: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> EnablePerformanceWarningsTempV2: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> SelectedScenarioCategory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\CustomWorlds\Star System 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> GameVolume: 1 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> Music_Volume: 0.01511214 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> VoiceChatVolume: 5 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> HudWarnings: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> MicrophoneSensitivity: 0.5 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> VoiceChat: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> VoiceChatVoiceActivation: False 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> EnableMuteWhenNotInFocus: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> EnableDynamicMusic: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> ShipSoundsAreBasedOnSpeed: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> EnableDoppler: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> CubeBuilderUseSymmetry: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> SubscriptionReward: True 2025-01-17 00:40:28.842 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Load() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:29.632 - Thread: 1 -> SpaceEngineersGame.SetupAnalytics - START 2025-01-17 00:40:29.749 - Thread: 1 -> Reporting Postponed Events 2025-01-17 00:40:29.750 - Thread: 1 -> Sending event to ElasticSearch: WorldEnd 2025-01-17 00:40:29.782 - Thread: 1 -> Sending event to ElasticSearch: SessionEnd 2025-01-17 00:40:29.783 - Thread: 1 -> Reporting Postponed Events 2025-01-17 00:40:29.783 - Thread: 1 -> SpaceEngineersGame.SetupAnalytics - END 2025-01-17 00:40:29.783 - Thread: 1 -> Found processor count: 16 2025-01-17 00:40:29.783 - Thread: 1 -> Using processor count: 16 2025-01-17 00:40:29.842 - Thread: 1 -> All detected adapters: 2025-01-17 00:40:29.844 - Thread: 1 -> NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 - VendorID=4318, SubsystemID=-1997598653, DeviceID=9860 2025-01-17 00:40:29.844 - Thread: 1 -> AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics - VendorID=4098, SubsystemID=-2005462973, DeviceID=5056 2025-01-17 00:40:29.844 - Thread: 1 -> Microsoft Basic Render Driver - VendorID=5140, SubsystemID=0, DeviceID=140 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> Name = NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 + DISPLAY2 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 9860, mem: 25314721792, shared mem: 33084823552, Luid: 78395, rev: 161, subsys id: -1997598653, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20241203000000.000000-000 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 0 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 25314721792 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.528 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:3840 Height:2160} 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> } 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Name = NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 + DISPLAY2 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 9860, mem: 25314721792, shared mem: 33084823552, Luid: 78395, rev: 161, subsys id: -1997598653, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20241203000000.000000-000 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 0 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 25314721792 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:3840 Height:2160} 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> } 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Name = NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 + DISPLAY1 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 9860, mem: 25314721792, shared mem: 33084823552, Luid: 78395, rev: 161, subsys id: -1997598653, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20241203000000.000000-000 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 0 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 25314721792 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:3840 Y:549 Width:1920 Height:1080} 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> } 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Name = NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 + DISPLAY1 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 9860, mem: 25314721792, shared mem: 33084823552, Luid: 78395, rev: 161, subsys id: -1997598653, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20241203000000.000000-000 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 0 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 25314721792 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:3840 Y:549 Width:1920 Height:1080} 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> } 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Name = AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 5056, mem: 2101100544, shared mem: 33084823552, Luid: 82141, rev: 193, subsys id: -2005462973, vendor id: 4098, feature_level 11.1: True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 32.0.12033.1030 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20241127000000.000000-000 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 1 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 2101100544 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:3840 Height:2160} 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> } 2025-01-17 00:40:30.529 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Name = AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 5056, mem: 2101100544, shared mem: 33084823552, Luid: 82141, rev: 193, subsys id: -2005462973, vendor id: 4098, feature_level 11.1: True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 32.0.12033.1030 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20241127000000.000000-000 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 1 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 2101100544 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:3840 Height:2160} 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> } 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Name = Microsoft Basic Render Driver 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 140, mem: 0, shared mem: 33084823552, Luid: 82080, rev: 0, subsys id: 0, vendor id: 5140, feature_level 11.1: True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 2 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 0 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 0 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:3840 Height:2160} 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> } 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Name = Microsoft Basic Render Driver 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 140, mem: 0, shared mem: 33084823552, Luid: 82080, rev: 0, subsys id: 0, vendor id: 5140, feature_level 11.1: True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 2 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 0 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 0 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:3840 Height:2160} 2025-01-17 00:40:30.530 - Thread: 1 -> } 2025-01-17 00:40:30.531 - Thread: 1 -> Service.IsActive: True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.531 - Thread: 1 -> Service.IsOnline: True 2025-01-17 00:40:30.531 - Thread: 1 -> Service.OwnsGame: False 2025-01-17 00:40:30.531 - Thread: 1 -> Service.UserId: 76561198045027187 2025-01-17 00:40:30.531 - Thread: 1 -> Service.UserName: Razing-The-Dead 2025-01-17 00:40:30.531 - Thread: 1 -> Service.Branch: default 2025-01-17 00:40:30.531 - Thread: 1 -> Build date: 2000-01-02 12:00 2025-01-17 00:40:30.531 - Thread: 1 -> Build version: 2025-01-17 00:40:30.532 - Thread: 1 -> MyScreenManager() 2025-01-17 00:40:30.545 - Thread: 37 -> CreateDeviceInternal - CheckSettings() 2025-01-17 00:40:30.545 - Thread: 37 -> CreateDeviceInternal - GetAdapter() 2025-01-17 00:40:30.548 - Thread: 37 -> CreateDeviceInternal - FixSettings() 2025-01-17 00:40:30.548 - Thread: 37 -> CreateDeviceInternal - Create device 2025-01-17 00:40:30.666 - Thread: 37 -> CreateDeviceInternal Steam Overlay integration 2025-01-17 00:40:30.762 - Thread: 37 -> CreateDeviceInternal Steam Overlay OK 2025-01-17 00:40:30.762 - Thread: 37 -> CreateDeviceInternal create swapchain 2025-01-17 00:40:33.306 - Thread: 1 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Starting - v1.12.7 2025-01-17 00:40:33.535 - Thread: 1 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sepluginloader/PluginHub/main/plugins.sha1 2025-01-17 00:40:33.673 - Thread: 1 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Reading whitelist from cache 2025-01-17 00:40:33.692 - Thread: 1 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Whitelist retrieved from disk 2025-01-17 00:40:33.708 - Thread: 1 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Found 173 plugins 2025-01-17 00:40:33.710 - Thread: 1 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Found 62 plugin groups 2025-01-17 00:40:33.717 - Thread: 1 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Enabled plugins: WesternGamer/AddMissingSearchBoxes, austinvaness/BetterInventorySearch, WesternGamer/CreativeModeEnhancements, Math0424/SERichPresence, WesternGamer/FasterLoadGameScreen, StarCpt/SE-GpsFolders, Pas2704/GrabSingleItem, StarCpt/SE-GridFilter, Pas2704/GridRenameFix, WesternGamer/HideQuickStartButton, Garbius/HydrogenEngineSound, Allen-Wrench/JumpSelector, austinvaness/MESInhibitorPlugin, viktor-ferenczi/multigrid-projector, viktor-ferenczi/se-ore-pickup, rosudrag/se-paintjob, austinvaness/PasswordCachePlugin, austinvaness/BlueprintAPI, StarCpt/SE-RealisticSoundToggle, viktor-ferenczi/se-script-dev, viktor-ferenczi/se-sections, austinvaness/ToolSwitcherPlugin, viktor-ferenczi/toolbar-manager, raylavaldez/Zoom 2025-01-17 00:40:33.719 - Thread: 19 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Downloading plugin statistics anonymously... 2025-01-17 00:40:33.722 - Thread: 1 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Patching 2025-01-17 00:40:34.160 - Thread: 1 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Instantiating plugins 2025-01-17 00:40:34.291 - Thread: 1 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Finished startup. Took 1036ms 2025-01-17 00:40:34.357 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.357 - Thread: 1 -> Game dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64 2025-01-17 00:40:34.357 - Thread: 1 -> Content dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content 2025-01-17 00:40:34.651 - Thread: 1 -> Preallocate - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.654 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.654 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.654 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.654 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.654 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntities - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.661 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntities - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.661 - Thread: 1 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.661 - Thread: 1 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.661 - Thread: 1 -> MyTransparentGeometry - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.661 - Thread: 1 -> MyTransparentGeometry - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.661 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.661 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.661 - Thread: 1 -> MyMath - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.661 - Thread: 1 -> MyMath - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.661 - Thread: 1 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.661 - Thread: 1 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.668 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.668 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.668 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncDestructions - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncDestructions - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncEntity - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncEntity - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandCharacter - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandCharacter - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandConsole - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandConsole - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandEntity - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandEntity - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyAiTargetManager - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyAiTargetManager - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyClientDebugCommands - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyClientDebugCommands - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServer - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServer - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerBase - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerBase - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClient - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClient - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyServerDebugCommands - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyServerDebugCommands - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.672 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.674 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.674 - Thread: 1 -> Preallocate - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.675 - Thread: 1 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.878 - Thread: 1 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.878 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.878 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.879 - Thread: 1 -> Assembly.GetName: Sandbox.Game, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:40:34.879 - Thread: 1 -> Assembly.FullName: Sandbox.Game, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:40:34.879 - Thread: 1 -> Assembly.Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64\Sandbox.Game.dll 2025-01-17 00:40:34.879 - Thread: 1 -> Assembly.ImageRuntimeVersion: v4.0.30319 2025-01-17 00:40:34.879 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.879 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.891 - Thread: 1 -> Win32_ComputerSystem.Manufacturer: SCAN Computers 2025-01-17 00:40:34.891 - Thread: 1 -> Win32_ComputerSystem.Model: ROG Strix Helios RGB ATX 2025-01-17 00:40:34.891 - Thread: 1 -> Virtualized: False 2025-01-17 00:40:34.895 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.ProcessorName: AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 16-Core Processor 2025-01-17 00:40:34.895 - Thread: 1 -> ComputerInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory: 66,169,647,104 bytes 2025-01-17 00:40:34.895 - Thread: 1 -> ComputerInfo.TotalVirtualMemory: 140,737,488,224,256 bytes 2025-01-17 00:40:34.895 - Thread: 1 -> ComputerInfo.AvailablePhysicalMemory: 49,165,148,160 bytes 2025-01-17 00:40:34.895 - Thread: 1 -> ComputerInfo.AvailableVirtualMemory: 140,730,454,802,432 bytes 2025-01-17 00:40:34.898 - Thread: 1 -> Drive C: | Capacity: 3,960,124,469,248 bytes | Free space: 2,396,950,122,496 bytes 2025-01-17 00:40:34.898 - Thread: 1 -> Drive D: | Capacity: 1,024,191,361,024 bytes | Free space: 504,675,631,104 bytes 2025-01-17 00:40:34.898 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - END 2025-01-17 00:40:34.899 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:34.899 - Thread: 1 -> Installed DLCs: 2025-01-17 00:40:34.899 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiGameControlsHelpers() 2025-01-17 00:40:34.927 - Thread: 1 -> Havok: Physics.Init 2025-01-17 00:40:34.934 - Thread: 1 -> Havok: Version: Release(0), 1800, [S} 2025-01-17 00:40:35.341 - Thread: 1 -> HkGameName: SpaceEngineers 2025-01-17 00:40:35.342 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:35.342 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:35.343 - Thread: 1 -> 11ea347ba8ecf3817071de7eaa7b6dcfb1a73bcc 2025-01-17 00:40:35.555 - Thread: 1 -> Loading scenarios 2025-01-17 00:40:35.565 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:35.565 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:35.738 - Thread: 1 -> Loading sound definitions 2025-01-17 00:40:35.738 - Thread: 1 -> Loading gamepad controls 2025-01-17 00:40:35.738 - Thread: 1 -> Loading DLC definitions 2025-01-17 00:40:35.749 - Thread: 1 -> Loading OffensiveWords definitions 2025-01-17 00:40:35.749 - Thread: 1 -> WARNING: Unexpected behaviour may occur due to redefinition of 'Offensive Words' 2025-01-17 00:40:35.749 - Thread: 1 -> Loading Quick starts 2025-01-17 00:40:35.749 - Thread: 1 -> Loading ScenarioCategories 2025-01-17 00:40:35.749 - Thread: 1 -> Loading shadow textures definitions 2025-01-17 00:40:35.749 - Thread: 1 -> WARNING: Unexpected behaviour may occur due to redefinition of 'Text shadow sets' 2025-01-17 00:40:35.750 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:35.751 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.LoadData - START 2025-01-17 00:40:35.772 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.CreateX3DAudio - Device: default - Channels #: 8 - Sample rate: 48000 2025-01-17 00:40:36.109 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.LoadData - END 2025-01-17 00:40:36.110 - Thread: 17 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:36.110 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager() 2025-01-17 00:40:36.111 - Thread: 17 -> MyDefinitionManager.GetSessionPreloadDefinitions() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:36.131 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:36.193 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:36.193 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:36.193 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:36.260 - Thread: 17 -> MyDefinitionManager.GetSessionPreloadDefinitions() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:36.274 - Thread: 17 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - PRELOAD VANILLA SOUNDS AND VOXELS 2025-01-17 00:40:36.274 - Thread: 17 -> ReloadVoxelMaterials 2025-01-17 00:40:36.321 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Arabian_Border_7.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.321 - Thread: 26 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Arabian_Border_Arabian.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.321 - Thread: 32 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Barths_moon_base.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.321 - Thread: 31 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\AsteroidBase2.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.321 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Mines_FrontRightAsteroid.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.321 - Thread: 28 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Bioresearch.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.321 - Thread: 29 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Corridor_Tunnel_256x256x256.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.321 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\barths_moon_camp.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.337 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Mines_Side.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.343 - Thread: 26 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\ChineseRefinery_Second_128x128x128.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.346 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphere1_64x64x64.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.349 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphere2_64x64x64.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.350 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphereWithCorridor_128x64x64.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.353 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphereWithHoles_64x128x64.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.355 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\EacPrisonAsteroid.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.355 - Thread: 26 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\EngineersOutpost.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.357 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Fortress_Sanc_1.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.359 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\hopebase512.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.370 - Thread: 32 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\hopefood128.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.370 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Junkyard_RaceAsteroid_256x256x256.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.387 - Thread: 32 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\JunkYardToxic_128x128x128.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.387 - Thread: 29 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\many_medium_asteroids.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.392 - Thread: 29 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\many_small_asteroids.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.399 - Thread: 32 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\many2_small_asteroids.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.401 - Thread: 29 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Mission01_asteroid_mine.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.404 - Thread: 32 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Nearby_Station_7.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.405 - Thread: 28 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_1000m.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.409 - Thread: 32 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_5000m_1.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.410 - Thread: 28 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_5000m_2.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.411 - Thread: 26 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\RedShipCrashedAsteroid.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.418 - Thread: 31 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\reef_ast.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.423 - Thread: 31 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\rift_base_smaller.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.427 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Russian_Transmitter_2.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.429 - Thread: 31 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\ScratchedBoulder_128x128x128.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.436 - Thread: 26 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_3_1.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.439 - Thread: 26 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_3_2.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.441 - Thread: 29 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_Asteroid.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.444 - Thread: 26 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\small2_asteroids.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.445 - Thread: 31 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\small3_asteroids.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.447 - Thread: 26 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\TorusWithManyTunnels_256x128x256.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.447 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\TorusWithSmallTunnel_256x128x256.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.448 - Thread: 31 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\VangelisBase.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.449 - Thread: 29 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIsland_128x128x128.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.467 - Thread: 29 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIsland_128x256x128.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.473 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIslandStorySector_128x256x128.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.479 - Thread: 32 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\small_largestone.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.483 - Thread: 26 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\AsteroidDebris.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.484 - Thread: 32 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Quantorea.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.484 - Thread: 28 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Leedah_Asteroid.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.485 - Thread: 29 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\SuperRock_001.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.487 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\SuperRock_002.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.497 - Thread: 31 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid_011.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.509 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\stone_mediumstone.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.514 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\VoxelstoneStoneFe.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.527 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-001.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.533 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-002.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.539 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-003.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.548 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-004.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.552 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-005.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.556 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-006.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.560 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-001.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.568 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:36.568 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-002.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.581 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-003.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.589 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-004.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.598 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-005.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.606 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-006.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.613 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-007.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.627 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-001.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.675 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-002.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.710 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-003.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.710 - Thread: 1 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Loading 24 plugins 2025-01-17 00:40:36.713 - Thread: 1 -> Deluxe Edition (573160) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.713 - Thread: 1 -> Decorative Blocks (1049790) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.713 - Thread: 1 -> Economy Deluxe (1135960) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.713 - Thread: 1 -> Style Pack (1084680) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.713 - Thread: 1 -> Decorative Blocks 2 (1167910) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.713 - Thread: 1 -> Frostbite (1241550) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.714 - Thread: 1 -> Sparks Of The Future (1307680) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.714 - Thread: 1 -> Wasteland (1374610) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.714 - Thread: 1 -> Warfare I. (1475830) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.714 - Thread: 1 -> Heavy Industry (1676100) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.714 - Thread: 1 -> Warfare II. (1783760) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.714 - Thread: 1 -> Automatons (1958640) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.714 - Thread: 1 -> Decorative Blocks 3 (2504720) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.714 - Thread: 1 -> Signal Blocks (2914120) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.714 - Thread: 1 -> Contact (3066290) 2025-01-17 00:40:36.716 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-004.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.734 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:36.749 - Thread: 1 -> Plugin Init: avaness.PluginLoader.Main 2025-01-17 00:40:36.750 - Thread: 1 -> [PluginLoader] [Info] Initializing 24 plugins 2025-01-17 00:40:36.756 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-005.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.768 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-006.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.823 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-007.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.836 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-008.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.874 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-009.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.902 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-010.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.921 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-011.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.945 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Could not find config file: C:\Users\faild\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Storage\ToolbarManager.cfg 2025-01-17 00:40:36.947 - Thread: 1 -> Info: ScriptDev: Loading 2025-01-17 00:40:36.957 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-012.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:36.959 - Thread: 1 -> Debug: ScriptDev: Scanning for conflicting code changes 2025-01-17 00:40:36.960 - Thread: 1 -> Debug: ScriptDev: Applying Harmony patches 2025-01-17 00:40:36.960 - Thread: 1 -> Debug: ScriptDev: Successfully loaded 2025-01-17 00:40:36.967 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-013.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.002 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-014.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.008 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-015.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.044 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-016.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.073 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-017.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.074 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-018.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.096 - Thread: 1 -> Info: PaintJob: Loading 2025-01-17 00:40:37.096 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-019.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.096 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-020.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.108 - Thread: 1 -> Debug: PaintJob: Applying Harmony patches 2025-01-17 00:40:37.108 - Thread: 1 -> Debug: PaintJob: Successfully loaded 2025-01-17 00:40:37.109 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Multigrid Projector: Loading client plugin 2025-01-17 00:40:37.120 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-001.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.123 - Thread: 29 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-002.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.129 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-003.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.166 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-004.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.280 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Multigrid Projector: Loading config 2025-01-17 00:40:37.293 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Multigrid Projector: Client plugin loaded 2025-01-17 00:40:37.301 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-006.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.366 - Thread: 29 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-007.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.378 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-008.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.378 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-009.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.478 - Thread: 29 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-011.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.502 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-012.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.586 - Thread: 27 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-013.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:37.623 - Thread: 30 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-014.vx2' 2025-01-17 00:40:38.220 - Thread: 1 -> Jump Selector Plugin Loaded. 2025-01-17 00:40:38.229 - Thread: 1 -> Info: Patched methods 2025-01-17 00:40:38.398 - Thread: 17 -> MyDefinitionManager.GetSessionPreloadDefinitions() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:39.142 - Thread: 1 -> DiscordRP: Found discord ipc pipe (0) 2025-01-17 00:40:39.142 - Thread: 1 -> DiscordRP: Establishing connection with 'discord-ipc-0' 2025-01-17 00:40:39.146 - Thread: 1 -> DiscordRP: Established handshake with Discord client 2025-01-17 00:40:39.160 - Thread: 1 -> Info: CreativeModeImprovements: Loading 2025-01-17 00:40:39.160 - Thread: 1 -> Debug: CreativeModeImprovements: Applying Harmony patches 2025-01-17 00:40:39.409 - Thread: 1 -> Debug: CreativeModeImprovements: Successfully loaded 2025-01-17 00:40:39.478 - Thread: 1 -> Info: AddMissingSearchBoxes: Loading 2025-01-17 00:40:39.492 - Thread: 1 -> Debug: AddMissingSearchBoxes: Applying Harmony patches 2025-01-17 00:40:39.703 - Thread: 1 -> Debug: AddMissingSearchBoxes: Successfully loaded 2025-01-17 00:40:39.703 - Thread: 1 -> Timer Frequency: 10000000 2025-01-17 00:40:39.703 - Thread: 1 -> Ticks per frame: 166667 2025-01-17 00:40:40.083 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenIntroVideo MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2025-01-17 00:40:40.094 - Thread: 1 -> ScrollableFOV: Registering mod API 2025-01-17 00:40:40.101 - Thread: 1 -> Info: CreativeModeImprovements: Initializing 2025-01-17 00:40:40.101 - Thread: 1 -> Debug: CreativeModeImprovements: Successfully initialized 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.Apply(MyGraphicsSettings1) 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Flares Intensity: 0.4800119 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Field of view: 1.22173 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> PostProcessingEnabled: True 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.GrassDensityFactor: 4 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.GrassDrawDistance: 1000 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.DistanceFade: 3000 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AntialiasingMode: FXAA 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.ShadowQuality: HIGH 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.ShadowGPUQuality: HIGH 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AmbientOcclusionEnabled: True 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.TextureQuality: HIGH 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.VoxelTextureQuality: HIGH 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AnisotropicFiltering: ANISO_16 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.VoxelShaderQuality: HIGH 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AlphaMaskedShaderQuality: HIGH 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AtmosphereShaderQuality: HIGH 2025-01-17 00:40:40.129 - Thread: 1 -> Render.ParticleQuality: HIGH 2025-01-17 00:40:40.147 - Thread: 1 -> Sending event to ElasticSearch: SessionStart 2025-01-17 00:40:40.151 - Thread: 1 -> Sending event to ElasticSearch: ProductStats 2025-01-17 00:40:40.151 - Thread: 1 -> Analytics session started: UserID = (ce1d6327-5d04-77c5-fb68-3244492efd82) SessionID = (a2a9ed5e-1644-41b3-af3b-29917d41051c) 2025-01-17 00:40:40.152 - Thread: 1 -> Sending event to ElasticSearch: Heartbeat 2025-01-17 00:40:40.499 - Thread: 17 -> MyDefinitionManager.GetSessionPreloadDefinitions() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:40.499 - Thread: 17 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - END VANILLA SOUNDS AND VOXELS 2025-01-17 00:40:40.499 - Thread: 17 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:41.908 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenIntroVideo MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2025-01-17 00:40:41.908 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenIntroVideo MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2025-01-17 00:40:41.925 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenIntroVideo MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2025-01-17 00:40:41.925 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMainMenu MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2025-01-17 00:40:42.283 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Save() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:42.283 - Thread: 1 -> Path: C:\Users\faild\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\SpaceEngineers.cfg 2025-01-17 00:40:42.302 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Save() - END 2025-01-17 00:40:45.403 - Thread: 47 -> LoadSession() - Start 2025-01-17 00:40:45.403 - Thread: 47 -> C:\Users\faild\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\76561198045027187\Star System 2025-01-16 06-38 2025-01-17 00:40:45.404 - Thread: 47 -> Loading Sandbox world configuration file C:\Users\faild\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\76561198045027187\Star System 2025-01-16 06-38\Sandbox_config.sbc 2025-01-17 00:40:45.416 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenProgress MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2025-01-17 00:40:46.714 - Thread: 47 -> Loading Sandbox world configuration file C:\Users\faild\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\76561198045027187\Star System 2025-01-16 06-38\Sandbox_config.sbc 2025-01-17 00:40:46.715 - Thread: 47 -> Sandbox world configuration file found, overriding checkpoint settings. 2025-01-17 00:40:46.715 - Thread: 47 -> CheckPoint Experimental mode: Yes 2025-01-17 00:40:46.715 - Thread: 47 -> CheckPoint Experimental mode reason: ExperimentalMode, ProceduralDensity, MaxFloatingObjects, TotalPCU, EnableSpectator, EnableIngameScripts, SupergriddingEnabled, TotalBotLimit 2025-01-17 00:40:46.733 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMessageBox MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2025-01-17 00:40:46.733 - Thread: 17 -> Downloading world mods - START 2025-01-17 00:40:47.589 - Thread: 1 -> Mod dependencies query successful 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3017795356 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2640137506 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2670144014 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:806331071 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3040438530 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3208995513 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3209005014 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3208995513 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3208995513 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3209005014 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2362147824 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1965654081 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3040438530 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3040438530 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:758597413 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2638387230 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3040438530 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1965654081 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:758597413 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3040438530 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2783850623 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2783850623 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2670144014 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3040438530 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:758597413 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:758597413 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2756894170 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2668820525 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2596208372 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1965654081 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2668820525 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1965654081 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:758597413 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:758597413 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2839553181 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1668739492 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1967162146 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2906425924 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2909067807 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2909178497 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2913181773 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2930567833 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2956208028 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2962385897 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2963507648 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2964953711 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3248252962 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:758597413 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1902970975 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:3154371364 2025-01-17 00:40:47.590 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:1521905890 2025-01-17 00:40:47.838 - Thread: 1 -> Mod dependencies query successful 2025-01-17 00:40:47.838 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2880317963 2025-01-17 00:40:47.838 - Thread: 17 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod Steam:2362147824 2025-01-17 00:40:47.844 - Thread: 17 -> MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking: getting 315 items 2025-01-17 00:40:48.365 - Thread: 1 -> Mod query successful 2025-01-17 00:40:48.366 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3405330069, title = 'Inset Camera - Commission' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.366 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3399286158, title = 'ProtoThrusters' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.366 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3387006340, title = 'DEUS - Definitive Energy Upgrade System' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.366 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3383967437, title = 'Moonshine Distillery' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.366 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3383143788, title = 'Transfer old block categories' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.366 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3373409754, title = 'SEENG-ApexModule' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.366 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3373230204, title = 'Neon tubes +' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.366 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3370792625, title = 'WelderWall' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.366 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3362317066, title = 'Frameshift Drive Config Change (ModAdjuster)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.366 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3354754263, title = 'Rationalised Build Menu' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.366 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3354696375, title = 'Prototech Standard Assembly' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3352658929, title = 'AnEWS - Another Energy Weapon System (Compatible with WeaponCore & Vanilla+)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3315230903, title = 'Ba-Sing-Se Adaptive Repulsorlift' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3305597322, title = 'Conveyor Converter with Two Large Ports' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3304916611, title = 'VTS Voxel Teleport System' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3289039122, title = 'ANPaL Beam Weapon Framework' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3252520404, title = 'Eli Dang's Holo HUD' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3248252962, title = 'Cockpits Re-Re-Animated... yet once more' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3225982257, title = 'Humanoid's Beam Turret Multitool [toolcore]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3225398014, title = 'Tank Track Pack: Morue' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3222828421, title = 'Small Grid O2H2 Generator' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3218498375, title = 'OmniCorp - OmniTools[Lasers]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3209008231, title = 'Tank Tracks over Vanilla Wheels' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3209005014, title = 'Tank Tracks Builder' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3208995513, title = 'Tank Tracks Framework & API' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.367 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3206312968, title = 'Prometheus Nanobot Drill and Fill System' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3201267462, title = 'Omni Corp: Expanse(Aryx Epstein) Constructs' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3200891945, title = 'Archan's Medical Panels' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3175774286, title = 'Simple Laser Multitools (Now with Turrets)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3174562461, title = 'Small Grid Refineries' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3170315974, title = 'Leak Finder' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3165259114, title = 'Graphically Updated Vanilla Door Block' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3155707452, title = 'Assertive Combat Systems Dependency' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3154379105, title = 'Defense Shields - v2.2(8)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3154371364, title = 'WeaponCore - 2.5' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3153617065, title = 'Secondary Fire Tools (Tool Core)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3149109127, title = 'Giant Drills by Life'Tech and Rebels' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3147613622, title = 'Consolidation Firearms' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3141064945, title = 'Star Trek Fully Retractable Landing Gear' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.368 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3131761924, title = 'TSO - Enclosed Blocks' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.369 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3070255556, title = 'Vanilla Tool Replacement (ToolCore)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.369 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3066612993, title = 'Multi-Function Survival Kit with Sifter' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.369 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3040438530, title = 'ToolCore' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.369 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3030780799, title = 'VCZ Elevator v2.0' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.369 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3017795356, title = 'ModAdjusterV2' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.369 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 3003950722, title = 'MES Scrapyard Dependency' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.369 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2998561594, title = '1x1 - 10x10 widows LG-SG' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.369 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2998206747, title = 'Fully Retractable Landing Gear' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.369 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2987621782, title = 'WCVanilla Improved Interior Turrets' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.369 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2986898487, title = 'EDP - Titan Thruster Remastered' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.370 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2985848517, title = 'TSO - Automaton Inset Blocks' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.370 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2985356980, title = 'NextGen Storage (Animation Engine)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.370 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2980888705, title = 'Projection Status' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.370 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2976903828, title = 'Energy Blade Grinder - No Tech Version' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.370 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2974242766, title = 'Better Names Access Panels' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.370 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2973138432, title = 'Stargate SGC' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.370 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2973001917, title = 'Small Ship Automatons Pack' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.370 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2969270065, title = 'NextGen Power (Animation Engine)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.370 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2968960798, title = 'DK Earthbreaker Reborn v2' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.370 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2968719733, title = 'Cooperative NPC Takeover' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.371 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2966429095, title = 'Trade Operators Coalition' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.371 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2965390174, title = 'Scrap Beacon' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.371 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2965172919, title = 'Block Picker' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.371 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2964953711, title = 'Animated Weapon Rack' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.371 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2964372166, title = 'More Cargo Containers (5x, 10x, 25x, 50x, 100x + with Oxygen/Hydrogen Tanks) [Multilanguage]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.371 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2963507648, title = 'Animated Shelves' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.371 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2962385897, title = 'Animated Reactors' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.371 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2960755069, title = 'Scrapyard - MES Wreckage and Ruins Mod' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.371 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2956208028, title = 'Animated Hatch Doors' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.371 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2954286713, title = 'Ba-Sing-Se Adjustable Thrusters' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.372 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2952285682, title = 'Animated Collection' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.372 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2950579603, title = 'Graphics Revamped' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.372 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2950431210, title = 'Status Report' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.372 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2947461801, title = 'FaceSmash' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.372 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2947081810, title = 'Projector Highlighter' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.373 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2947063127, title = 'ITER - LCD mod' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.373 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2943742891, title = 'Presidental Tinted Glass' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.373 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2940745842, title = 'Force Dynamic Grids' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.374 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2936367770, title = 'KOLT Command Consoles Revamped' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.374 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2933676834, title = 'Button Pad - Touch App' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.374 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2933216135, title = 'Rendering Improved' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.374 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2931147921, title = 'Flat Collectors - Wide Edition' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.374 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2930567833, title = 'Animated Atmo Thrusters' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.374 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2921132802, title = 'Dangerous Decompression' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.374 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2917703399, title = 'Blåhaj - Shark Plushie (Decoration I Update)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.374 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2917255510, title = 'Small Grid Gate & Large Grid Tall Stair' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.374 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2917216762, title = 'Electric Network Info - Touch App' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.374 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2913181773, title = 'Animated Buttons' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.375 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2909178497, title = 'Animated Ore Detectors' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.375 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2909067807, title = 'Animated Small Cryo Gone Large Stand-Alone' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.375 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2906425924, title = 'Animated Cryopods' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.375 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2900331965, title = 'Cockpits Re-Animated... Again' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.375 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2895379455, title = 'Laser weaponry (Weapon Core)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.375 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2891841604, title = 'Q-Tech Utilities Reinforcement 1.9' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.375 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2891367014, title = 'Improvised Experimentation' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.375 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2890361564, title = 'MADAR' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.375 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2886763223, title = 'Type 42 Heavy Anti-Equipment Magnetic Railgun-WeaponCore' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.376 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2882369004, title = 'WC Handweapons' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.376 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2882300352, title = 'Hook Hinge' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.376 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2882300126, title = 'Hook Solid' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.376 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2880317963, title = 'Animation Engine' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.376 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2879142132, title = 'Small Wheel Bucket Excavator' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.376 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2867863531, title = 'Textured Build States' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.376 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2859954174, title = '(MES) Lost Settlements' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.376 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2859880237, title = 'Lighting Profiles' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.376 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2858282587, title = 'XMA-41 Guardian PDS' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.376 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2852753555, title = 'Pravda Heavy Industries' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.376 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2841920953, title = 'Shower Light' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.376 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2839553181, title = 'In Depth LCDs' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.377 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2836691062, title = '[Mexpex] MWI - Weapon Collection 3 [WeaponCore][2]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.377 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2830474647, title = 'Rotate skybox with the Sun' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.377 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2825489104, title = 'TBH - Industrial Batteries' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.377 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2821462932, title = 'Easy Programmable Block Settings' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.377 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2819905028, title = 'M1-ThunderBolt-GatlingGun' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.377 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2819404116, title = 'AQD - Tarps & Nets' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.377 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2817753968, title = 'Multi-Purpose Upgrade Module' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.377 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2817339481, title = 'Undo' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.377 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2812591313, title = 'Archer Missile Launch Bay' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.377 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2811647602, title = 'Warfare II DLC Additions - WC Edition (16)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.377 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2809355711, title = 'Consolidation Armament - Definitive Weapon Pack' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2806919267, title = 'Rebels Gates' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2805859069, title = 'Stealth Drive (Cloaking)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2803081060, title = 'Crew Enabled' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2802625870, title = 'MES Wreckage' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2800974378, title = 'Extra Reinforced Conveyors' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2790047923, title = 'Ore Detector Reforged' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2788484123, title = 'Extra HUD Audio Warnings' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2787601872, title = 'NiteOwl Battery Pack' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2786170439, title = 'Ultra Compact Refinery' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2783850623, title = 'Upgrade Module' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2778598102, title = '(NEW UPDATE) L.Y.N.X Industries (Fixed and rebalanced) - Weaponry [WeaponCore]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2765229451, title = 'GPS Helper' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.378 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2760086069, title = 'HyperDrive' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2756894170, title = 'Definition Extension API' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2755346115, title = 'Tiered Thrusters' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2754014019, title = 'Scope Framework' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2702581758, title = 'M42 TankGun (SG)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2697105687, title = 'No HUD Tooltips' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2696023344, title = 'Cargo Scanner' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2679603766, title = 'Death Counter' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2670144014, title = 'Vulcan AutoCannons' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2668820525, title = 'TouchScreenAPI' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2667547195, title = 'Bigger Explosions' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2652227853, title = 'Smooth Voxels' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2649159807, title = 'Kinetic Devastation' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2648152224, title = 'Tethers - Power Poles | REWRITE/MULTIPLAYER RELEASE!!' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.379 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2645964353, title = 'Hubblegum Skybox' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.380 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2640137506, title = 'Elite Dangerous: FSD Supercruise' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.380 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2638387230, title = 'Q-Tech Utilities 3.6' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.380 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2626756831, title = 'HUD - Modern and Fancy (Color)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.380 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2623116513, title = 'TIO Industries Weapon Pack' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.380 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2621351690, title = 'Planetary Derelicts [Reworked]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.380 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2617194602, title = 'MES Lost Colony Encounters + Frostbite' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.380 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2610099423, title = 'MES Mobile Merchants' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.380 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2609118808, title = 'Real Orbits' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2608746450, title = 'no PB - Info LCD' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2604451892, title = 'Forcefield Generators (Hangar Doors)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2600513668, title = 'Sentinels JDR - Jump Drive Rework - Sound & Animation Redesign' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2596208372, title = 'AiEnabled v1.9' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2581520240, title = 'Better Spotlights' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2578712641, title = 'MES Mercenaries PvE Encounters' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2559100472, title = 'Battery Bank' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2548437551, title = 'NiteOwl Mini Reactor Pack' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2539299261, title = 'Wasteland Encounters V2 Continued' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2530716039, title = 'Aryx Weapon Enterprises Vol. 1 [WeaponCore]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2503712170, title = 'Grated Catwalks Expansion' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2499720849, title = 'Pipelines' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2492809392, title = 'AQD - Sleek Corridors' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2491104114, title = '[APES] Anti Projectile Energy System' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2486269122, title = 'AQD - Reinforced Windows' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.381 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2473174197, title = 'ACS Assertive Bunkers' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2456712199, title = 'IRON MAN REACTOR 1.1' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2454475557, title = 'Atlantean Transporters' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2450156508, title = 'Stargate Transporter Rings' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2450039916, title = 'Cargo Teleporter' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2433117767, title = 'Interface Block' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2427400629, title = 'Adjustable LCDs' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2422592854, title = 'Configurable Parameters' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2410783458, title = 'L.Y.N.X Industries - Weaponry [WeaponCore]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2408838606, title = 'Akiad Militech (CoreParts)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2394430829, title = 'Aryx-Lynxon Drive Systems' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2391318591, title = 'Assertive Loot' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2387182121, title = 'Stargate Gravel Sifter 2021' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.382 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2371761016, title = 'Planet Creature Spawner' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2362164390, title = 'Stargate [Ore]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2362151943, title = 'Stargate [Gates]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2362147824, title = 'Stargate [Script]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2360788836, title = 'Welder Eyestrain Reduction' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2347323821, title = '3-n-1 Upgrade Cubes' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2336089504, title = 'Bot_spawner' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2326489940, title = 'L.Y.N.X Industries - Gas Storage Expansion' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2325483917, title = 'Advanced Designator Turret' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2324191331, title = 'Sci Fi Button Images' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2322696664, title = 'DSR Small Grid Jump Drive' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2310821218, title = 'Abandoned Settlements [v2]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2308085590, title = 'Autofill Bottles' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.383 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2289936913, title = 'GH-EnergyTurrets(WeaponCore)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2287843674, title = 'Pipe Conveyors' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2275681005, title = '[Mafoo] More Batteries' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2275037102, title = 'Expanded Settings' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2271486961, title = 'Better Wheels (adjusted collision, improved travel, dual wheels)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2255171772, title = 'Retractable Plasma Accelerator Cannon' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2230891848, title = 'Armored Hangar Doors (+Small Grid)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2216423274, title = 'The Obelisk - Weapon Core' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2202391036, title = 'Safe Zone Animated' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2189492499, title = 'Female character variety' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2118214855, title = 'Upgradable O2/H2 Generator' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2115568523, title = 'Clean Assembler Tab' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2104723957, title = 'Harpoon (Rope)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2094444897, title = 'Connector Docking Camera Version 2' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2082309225, title = '[Mexpex] MWI - Weapon Collection 2 [WeaponCore] (8)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2077166496, title = 'Easy Block Renaming' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.384 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2071992722, title = 'Transporter -- Works (Dec, 2024)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2069930773, title = 'Paragon Industries - GAU-8 Cannon' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2053762077, title = 'Advanced Refineries v2.0' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2047022084, title = 'Small Grid Assembler' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2045426012, title = 'AWG WeaponCore Pack - (v205)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2036872575, title = '[MCRN] PDC Turret with retractable versions -Weapon Core' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2034225971, title = 'Hacking Computer 3.1 - SE v1.205' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2016817336, title = 'NorthWind Weapons' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2005632342, title = 'HudLcd v2 1/2 beta w/ Multi-screen blocks' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 2004281941, title = 'More Powerful Energyressources (Multilanguage)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1999299782, title = 'Better Laser Antennas' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1973825674, title = 'Ore Detector+' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1967162146, title = 'KK91 - Animated Antennas (Rotating and Blinking) [REPLACES VANILLA]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1965654081, title = 'Rich HUD Master' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.385 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1939935505, title = 'AQD - Armor Expansion' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.386 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1935562523, title = 'AQD - Banner LCDs' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.386 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1931509062, title = 'WeaponCore - Replace Vanilla Weapons' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.386 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1920388300, title = '[Mexpex] MWI - Weapon Collection 1 [WeaponCore](21)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.386 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1919124745, title = 'Stargate Atlantis Lantean Drone Platform' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.386 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1919062467, title = '[Mexpex] MWI - Homing Weaponry (24)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.386 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1902970975, title = 'Assertive Combat Systems' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.386 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1896299812, title = 'TeamSpot' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.386 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1879455650, title = 'Nanobot Drill and Fill System' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.386 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1874524300, title = 'InFlightButtons - Klime' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.386 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1864380341, title = 'AQD - Conveyor Expansion' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1843206463, title = 'Travelling Merchant | Space and Planetary trader NPC Ships' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1830741461, title = 'Player Inventory Size x15' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1824060550, title = 'Octo Beam Lasers' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1824058403, title = 'MCRN RailGun VX-12 Foehammer - MP!!!' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1805199276, title = 'Easy Control Button Access' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1732471843, title = 'Upgradeable Thrusters' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1728457223, title = 'SmartRotors: Solar' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1719832915, title = 'More Pistons' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1697184408, title = 'Build Vision 3.0' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1681783871, title = 'Tiered Upgrade Modules x2-x32(Double,Triple,2-Sided) [1.193.103]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1668965265, title = 'Laser Antenna - No Line of Sight Required' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1668739492, title = 'Animated Jump Drives' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.387 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1663539021, title = 'Blink Drive' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.388 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1645942623, title = 'AQD - LCD Image Extension' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.388 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1616087929, title = 'Animated-Gyroscopes-replace vanilla' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.388 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1521905890, title = 'Modular Encounters Systems' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.388 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1516827689, title = 'Smarter Suit' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.388 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1400364273, title = 'NPC Programming Extender' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.388 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1359954841, title = 'Rotary Airlock' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.389 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1335527050, title = 'MA Flight LCD' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.389 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1330335279, title = 'Personal Shield Generators' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.389 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1327040622, title = 'RefineryStoneUpgrade' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.389 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1259182705, title = 'Deuterium Fusion Reactors' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.389 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1223617082, title = 'GPS Distance Helper' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.389 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1222732940, title = '-HighDensityConveyorAdaptors' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.390 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1157796670, title = 'Eyes Just Got Clear (1.186 Drugs Are Bad Mkay Update)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.390 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1136188499, title = 'Space Just Got Real (1.188 Update 4)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.390 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1135484957, title = 'Parallax Concepts' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.390 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1124114101, title = '[MAD] More Conveyors' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.390 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1118300001, title = '[Mafoo] More LCDs' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.390 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1114854185, title = 'retractable landing gear' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.390 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 973526550, title = 'Imber Corporation' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.390 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 950648865, title = 'Hollow Planet Clean-Up' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 946724937, title = 'PassageIntersections' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 914369510, title = 'Corruption PvE Combat' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 857053359, title = 'Nanobot Build and Repair System' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 810328054, title = 'Compact Storage Tanks (CST) - V2 - Capacity Update!' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 806331071, title = 'Camera Panning - rotate camera view (+reset 1st person character view)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 801185519, title = 'Colorful Icons' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 799990368, title = '[Mafoo] Medical Facilities' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 785804182, title = '[Mafoo] More Catwalks' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 776706275, title = 'Tiered Ship Tools' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 758597413, title = 'Text HUD API' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 754173702, title = '[SEE SUPERGATE PSA] Stargate Modpack (Economy Support!)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 709975763, title = 'Moisture Vaporator' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 704012607, title = 'Whip's Camera Overlay' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.391 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 690295204, title = 'Engineers Defense Kit' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.392 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 657749341, title = 'Automatic Ore Pickup' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.392 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 655948251, title = 'Control Module - basically key binding for ships' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.392 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 605086856, title = 'Holographic Radar' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.392 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 600062079, title = 'Ladder (climbable + use tools/weapons/interactibles on it!)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.392 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 577318708, title = '(DX11)Power Lines' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.392 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 531659576, title = '[EEM] Exploration Enhancement Mod' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.392 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 525460808, title = 'Reavers: Terror of the Verse' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.392 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 517675282, title = 'Projector Preview - miniature blueprint display + damage status' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.392 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 516770964, title = 'Attachments - large to small grid without limits!' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.392 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 514760877, title = 'Electronics Panel - small blocks on large grid' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.393 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 514062285, title = 'Build Info' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.393 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 510790477, title = 'Advanced Welding - detaching and reattaching blocks!' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.393 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 506934333, title = 'S - Retractable Tunnel - DX11' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.393 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 500818376, title = 'Paint Gun - realistic painting for survival + special creative features' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.393 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 475375953, title = '[Mexpex] Heavy Mining Drill [stable/dev]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.393 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 464877997, title = 'Enhanced Gravity Generators - pulling ships together, literally' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.393 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 445996030, title = 'Independent Contractors' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.393 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 425306457, title = 'S - Retractable Stairs - DX11' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.393 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 425011791, title = 'Oxygen and Hydrogen Cells - for small cargo' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.393 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 420637958, title = 'Big2 Respawn Ship' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.394 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 403922024, title = 'Computer Monitor - LCD Screen' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.394 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 402858936, title = 'Gravity Collector - pulls and collects floating objects' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.394 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 401530181, title = 'Micro Programmable Block' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.394 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 400131986, title = 'Micro Timer - a tiny timer block' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.394 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 397242149, title = 'Elevator Button Pad+Catwalks - fits tight quarters' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.394 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 380165093, title = 'Midspace's Ship Speed Unlimited mod (skybox friendly)' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.394 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 343014073, title = 'Maglock Surface MkII' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.394 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 337470919, title = 'Gravel Reactor' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.394 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 309472729, title = 'Small Ship - Large Blocks Pack' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.394 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 305329302, title = 'Small Ship Mega Mod Pack' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.394 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 302496574, title = 'x20 Boosted Arc Reactor [DX-11 Ready]' 2025-01-17 00:40:48.394 - Thread: 17 -> Mod download time: 0.03 seconds 2025-01-17 00:40:48.395 - Thread: 17 -> Downloading world mods - END 2025-01-17 00:40:48.400 - Thread: 1 -> LoadSession() - End 2025-01-17 00:40:48.416 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenIntroVideo MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2025-01-17 00:40:48.416 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenIntroVideo MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2025-01-17 00:40:48.416 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMessageBox MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2025-01-17 00:40:48.416 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMessageBox MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2025-01-17 00:40:48.416 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenProgress MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2025-01-17 00:40:48.416 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenProgress MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2025-01-17 00:40:48.416 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMainMenu MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2025-01-17 00:40:48.416 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMainMenu MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2025-01-17 00:40:48.422 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenLoading.LoadContent - START 2025-01-17 00:40:48.423 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenLoading MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2025-01-17 00:40:48.423 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenLoading.LoadContent - END 2025-01-17 00:40:48.633 - Thread: 1 -> RunLoadingAction - START 2025-01-17 00:40:48.633 - Thread: 1 -> Loading session: C:\Users\faild\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\76561198045027187\Star System 2025-01-16 06-38 2025-01-17 00:40:48.739 - Thread: 1 -> GC Memory: 1,061,665,328 B 2025-01-17 00:40:48.748 - Thread: 1 -> Process Memory: 4,226,699,264 B 2025-01-17 00:40:48.748 - Thread: 1 -> Experimental mode: Yes 2025-01-17 00:40:48.748 - Thread: 1 -> Experimental mode reason: ExperimentalMode, ProceduralDensity, MaxFloatingObjects, TotalPCU, EnableSpectator, EnableIngameScripts, ExperimentalTurnedOnInConfiguration, Mods, SupergriddingEnabled, TotalBotLimit 2025-01-17 00:40:48.748 - Thread: 1 -> Console compatibility: No 2025-01-17 00:40:49.307 - Thread: 1 -> MyScriptManager.LoadData() - START 2025-01-17 00:40:51.990 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: [EEM] Exploration Enhancement Mod 2025-01-17 00:40:51.990 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:40:51.990 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: VCZ Elevator v2.0 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: VCZ Elevator v2.0 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: VCZ Elevator v2.0 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: VCZ Elevator v2.0 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: VCZ Elevator v2.0 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: VCZ Elevator v2.0 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:40:57.277 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:10.103 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: Projection Status 2025-01-17 00:41:10.103 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:41:10.103 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:13.412 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: Nanobot Drill and Fill System 2025-01-17 00:41:13.412 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:41:13.412 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:13.412 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: Nanobot Drill and Fill System 2025-01-17 00:41:13.412 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:41:13.412 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:14.073 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: Moisture Vaporator 2025-01-17 00:41:14.073 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:41:14.073 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:20.897 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: HudLcd v2 1/2 beta w/ Multi-screen blocks 2025-01-17 00:41:20.897 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:41:20.897 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:22.747 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: Eli Dang's Holo HUD 2025-01-17 00:41:22.747 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:41:22.747 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:25.887 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: Cooperative NPC Takeover 2025-01-17 00:41:25.887 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:41:25.887 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:26.175 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: Control Module - basically key binding for ships 2025-01-17 00:41:26.175 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:41:26.175 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:34.130 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: Ba-Sing-Se Adaptive Repulsorlift 2025-01-17 00:41:34.130 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:41:34.130 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:39.871 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: Animated Jump Drives 2025-01-17 00:41:39.871 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:41:39.871 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:45.274 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: Adjustable LCDs 2025-01-17 00:41:45.274 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:41:45.274 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:45.950 - Thread: 1 -> mod_notice: Stargate Drilling Platform Altered 2025-01-17 00:41:45.950 - Thread: 1 -> in file: Unknown 2025-01-17 00:41:45.950 - Thread: 1 -> Possible entity type script logic collision 2025-01-17 00:41:48.054 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3017795356.sbm_Adjuster, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.054 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2640137506.sbm_WarpDrive, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.054 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 754173702.sbm_ZPMHub, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.055 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2836691062.sbm_WeaponThread, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.055 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2082309225.sbm_WeaponThread, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.055 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1920388300.sbm_WeaponThread, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.055 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1919062467.sbm_WeaponThread, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.056 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2036872575.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.056 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2275681005.sbm_SISK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.056 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1124114101.sbm_SISK, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.056 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 531659576.sbm_Thraxus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.056 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2491104114.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.057 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2858282587.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.057 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 704012607.sbm_Whiplash, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.057 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3370792625.sbm_Math0424, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.057 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1931509062.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.059 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3154371364.sbm_CoreSystems, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.059 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2987621782.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.059 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2882369004.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.059 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2811647602.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.060 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2670144014.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.060 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3304916611.sbm_VTS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.060 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3030780799.sbm_MultifloorElevator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.060 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1732471843.sbm_UpgradeableThrusters, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.060 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2783850623.sbm_LanguageScript.cs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.060 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2118214855.sbm_MaO2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.060 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2817339481.sbm_Undo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.060 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2886763223.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.061 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2071992722.sbm_Transporter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.061 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3383143788.sbm_TransferCategories, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.061 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2668820525.sbm_Lima, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.061 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3040438530.sbm_ToolCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.061 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2623116513.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.061 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 776706275.sbm_Tieredshiptools, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.062 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2216423274.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.062 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 758597413.sbm_HUDApi, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.062 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2648152224.sbm_Faolon, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.062 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1896299812.sbm_TeamSpot, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.062 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3208995513.sbm_TankTracks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.062 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3209005014.sbm_TankTracksPlacement, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.062 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2805859069.sbm_Stealth System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.062 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2950431210.sbm_StatusReport, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.062 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2450156508.sbm_RingSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.063 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1919124745.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.063 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2652227853.sbm_SmoothVoxelsMod, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.063 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1728457223.sbm_SmartRotors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.067 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1516827689.sbm_SmarterSuit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.067 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2600513668.sbm_JumpDriveLines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.067 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2830474647.sbm_RotateSkyboxWithSun, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.068 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1965654081.sbm_RichHudFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.068 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2255171772.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.068 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1114854185.sbm_landing gear animation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.068 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1327040622.sbm_RefineryStoneUpgradeModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.068 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2806919267.sbm_RebelsGates, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.068 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2609118808.sbm_RealisticGravity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.068 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2891841604.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.069 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3206312968.sbm_NanobotDrillSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.069 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 517675282.sbm_ProjectorPreview, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.069 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2947081810.sbm_Highlighter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.069 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2980888705.sbm_ProjectionStatus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.069 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2371761016.sbm_PlanetCreatureSpawner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.069 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2499720849.sbm_Pipeline, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.069 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1330335279.sbm_PersonalShieldGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.069 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1135484957.sbm_Parallax, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.070 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2069930773.sbm_WeaponThread, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.070 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 500818376.sbm_PaintGun, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.070 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2790047923.sbm_OreDetectorReforged, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.070 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1824060550.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.070 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1400364273.sbm_NPCProgrammingExtender, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.071 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2016817336.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.071 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2608746450.sbm_EconomySurvival, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.071 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2697105687.sbm_NoHUDTooltips, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.071 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1879455650.sbm_NanobotDrillSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.071 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 857053359.sbm_NanobotBuildAndRepairSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.071 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2004281941.sbm_LanguageScript.cs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.071 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2964372166.sbm_LanguageScript.cs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.071 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 709975763.sbm_Vaporator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.073 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1521905890.sbm_ModularEncountersSystems, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.073 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 380165093.sbm_midspace.SpeedUnlimited, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.073 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1824058403.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.073 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2890361564.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.073 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1335527050.sbm_lcdhack.cs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.074 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2702581758.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.074 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2819905028.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.074 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2859880237.sbm_LightingProfiles, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.074 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2895379455.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.074 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 600062079.sbm_Ladder, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2410783458.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1967162146.sbm_BlinkingAntenna.cs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1967162146.sbm_RotatingAntenna.cs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2649159807.sbm_HighSpeedCollisions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2456712199.sbm_self_reactor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1874524300.sbm_InFlightButtons, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 445996030.sbm_Incon, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2891367014.sbm_mz_00956, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 973526550.sbm_Imber, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2005632342.sbm_HudLcd, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 605086856.sbm_Holo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 950648865.sbm_MeridiusIX, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2104723957.sbm_Harpoon, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2034225971.sbm_HackingComputer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 402858936.sbm_GravityCollector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2950579603.sbm_EdgeRemove.cs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2765229451.sbm_UDSEGPS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1223617082.sbm_MeridiusIX, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.075 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3149109127.sbm_LifeTechGiantDrillPC, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2289936913.sbm_WeaponThread, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2940745842.sbm_ForceDynamicGrids, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2947461801.sbm_FaceSmash, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2788484123.sbm_ExtraAudioWarnings, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2275037102.sbm_ExpandedSettings, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 464877997.sbm_EnhancedGravityGenerators, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2976903828.sbm_GrindSpeed.cs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2976903828.sbm_BladeScripts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3252520404.sbm_EliDangHUD, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 514760877.sbm_ElectronicsPanel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2917216762.sbm_Lima, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2821462932.sbm_EasyPBButtons, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1805199276.sbm_EasyControlButton, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2077166496.sbm_EasyBlockRenaming, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1259182705.sbm_PlasmaSparks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3387006340.sbm_Definitive Energy Upgrade, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.076 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2756894170.sbm_DefinitionExtensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.077 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3154379105.sbm_DefenseShields, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.077 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2679603766.sbm_Death Counter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.077 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2921132802.sbm_DangerousDecompression, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.077 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2803081060.sbm_CrewEnabled, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.077 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 914369510.sbm_MeridiusIX, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.077 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2968719733.sbm_TakeOver, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.077 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 655948251.sbm_ControlModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.077 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3147613622.sbm_OPCCFPack1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.078 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2809355711.sbm_OPCCAPack1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.079 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2422592854.sbm_ConfigurableParameters, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.079 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 801185519.sbm_Sisk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.079 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2115568523.sbm_Arstraea, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.079 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2450039916.sbm_CargoTeleporter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.079 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2696023344.sbm_CargoScanner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.079 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 806331071.sbm_CameraPanning, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.079 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2933676834.sbm_Lima, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.080 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1697184408.sbm_BuildVision2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.082 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 514062285.sbm_BuildInfo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.082 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2965172919.sbm_BlockPicker, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.082 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1663539021.sbm_blink, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.082 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2954286713.sbm_BaSingSeAdjustableThrust, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.082 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3315230903.sbm_BaSingSeAdaptiveRepulsor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.082 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2045426012.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.082 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 657749341.sbm_AutoOreCollect, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.082 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2308085590.sbm_AutofillBottles, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.082 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 516770964.sbm_Attachments, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.083 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2454475557.sbm_Atlantis, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.083 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2530716039.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.083 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2812591313.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.083 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2486269122.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.084 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1864380341.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.084 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1939935505.sbm_AQD, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.085 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2880317963.sbm_Math0424, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.085 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1668739492.sbm_AnimatedJumpDrive, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.085 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3352658929.sbm_PutAllModScriptsInThisFolderOrItDoesntWork, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.085 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2408838606.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.086 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2596208372.sbm_AiEnabled, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.086 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 510790477.sbm_AdvancedWelding, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.086 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2427400629.sbm_AngledLCDs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.087 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2778598102.sbm_CoreParts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.087 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: Stargate Drilling Platform Altered_1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.087 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: Resource Nodes Altered_ResourceNodes, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.087 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: Laser Antenna Firmware Altered_Nomad.LaserAntenna, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.088 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3289039122.sbm_ANPaL Utilities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.088 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2202391036.sbm_SafeZoneAnimated.cs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.088 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2202391036.sbm_Properties, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.088 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 1616087929.sbm_gyro_rotations.cs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.088 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2391318591.sbm_Grrrrr, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.088 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 3170315974.sbm_LeakFinder, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.088 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2667547195.sbm_BiggerExplosions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.088 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2754014019.sbm_SteadyScope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.089 - Thread: 1 -> Script loaded: 2362147824.sbm_Stargate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2025-01-17 00:41:48.105 - Thread: 1 -> MyScriptManager.LoadData() - END 2025-01-17 00:41:48.108 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadData() - START 2025-01-17 00:41:48.108 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START 2025-01-17 00:41:48.109 - Thread: 1 -> 11ea347ba8ecf3817071de7eaa7b6dcfb1a73bcc 2025-01-17 00:41:48.214 - Thread: 1 -> Loading scenarios 2025-01-17 00:41:48.214 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> List of used mods (319) - START 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:0, Filename = 'Calypso Respawn Ship', Name = 'Calypso Respawn Ship' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3017795356, Filename = '3017795356.sbm', Name = 'ModAdjusterV2' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2760086069, Filename = '2760086069.sbm', Name = 'HyperDrive' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3362317066, Filename = '3362317066.sbm', Name = 'Frameshift Drive Config Change (ModAdjuster)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2640137506, Filename = '2640137506.sbm', Name = 'Elite Dangerous: FSD Supercruise' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:754173702, Filename = '754173702.sbm', Name = '[SEE SUPERGATE PSA] Stargate Modpack (Economy Support!)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2836691062, Filename = '2836691062.sbm', Name = '[Mexpex] MWI - Weapon Collection 3 [WeaponCore][2]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2082309225, Filename = '2082309225.sbm', Name = '[Mexpex] MWI - Weapon Collection 2 [WeaponCore] (8)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1920388300, Filename = '1920388300.sbm', Name = '[Mexpex] MWI - Weapon Collection 1 [WeaponCore](21)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1919062467, Filename = '1919062467.sbm', Name = '[Mexpex] MWI - Homing Weaponry (24)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:475375953, Filename = '475375953.sbm', Name = '[Mexpex] Heavy Mining Drill [stable/dev]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2036872575, Filename = '2036872575.sbm', Name = '[MCRN] PDC Turret with retractable versions -Weapon Core' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1118300001, Filename = '1118300001.sbm', Name = '[Mafoo] More LCDs' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:785804182, Filename = '785804182.sbm', Name = '[Mafoo] More Catwalks' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2275681005, Filename = '2275681005.sbm', Name = '[Mafoo] More Batteries' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:799990368, Filename = '799990368.sbm', Name = '[Mafoo] Medical Facilities' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1124114101, Filename = '1124114101.sbm', Name = '[MAD] More Conveyors' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:531659576, Filename = '531659576.sbm', Name = '[EEM] Exploration Enhancement Mod' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2491104114, Filename = '2491104114.sbm', Name = '[APES] Anti Projectile Energy System' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2858282587, Filename = '2858282587.sbm', Name = 'XMA-41 Guardian PDS' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:302496574, Filename = '302496574.sbm', Name = 'x20 Boosted Arc Reactor [DX-11 Ready]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:704012607, Filename = '704012607.sbm', Name = 'Whip's Camera Overlay' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3370792625, Filename = '3370792625.sbm', Name = 'WelderWall' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2360788836, Filename = '2360788836.sbm', Name = 'Welder Eyestrain Reduction' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1931509062, Filename = '1931509062.sbm', Name = 'WeaponCore - Replace Vanilla Weapons' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3154371364, Filename = '3154371364.sbm', Name = 'WeaponCore - 2.5' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2987621782, Filename = '2987621782.sbm', Name = 'WCVanilla Improved Interior Turrets' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2882369004, Filename = '2882369004.sbm', Name = 'WC Handweapons' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2539299261, Filename = '2539299261.sbm', Name = 'Wasteland Encounters V2 Continued' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2811647602, Filename = '2811647602.sbm', Name = 'Warfare II DLC Additions - WC Edition (16)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2670144014, Filename = '2670144014.sbm', Name = 'Vulcan AutoCannons' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3304916611, Filename = '3304916611.sbm', Name = 'VTS Voxel Teleport System' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3030780799, Filename = '3030780799.sbm', Name = 'VCZ Elevator v2.0' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3070255556, Filename = '3070255556.sbm', Name = 'Vanilla Tool Replacement (ToolCore)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1732471843, Filename = '1732471843.sbm', Name = 'Upgradeable Thrusters' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2783850623, Filename = '2783850623.sbm', Name = 'Upgrade Module' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2118214855, Filename = '2118214855.sbm', Name = 'Upgradable O2/H2 Generator' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2817339481, Filename = '2817339481.sbm', Name = 'Undo' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2786170439, Filename = '2786170439.sbm', Name = 'Ultra Compact Refinery' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2886763223, Filename = '2886763223.sbm', Name = 'Type 42 Heavy Anti-Equipment Magnetic Railgun-WeaponCore' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3131761924, Filename = '3131761924.sbm', Name = 'TSO - Enclosed Blocks' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2985848517, Filename = '2985848517.sbm', Name = 'TSO - Automaton Inset Blocks' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1843206463, Filename = '1843206463.sbm', Name = 'Travelling Merchant | Space and Planetary trader NPC Ships' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2071992722, Filename = '2071992722.sbm', Name = 'Transporter -- Works (Dec, 2024)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3383143788, Filename = '3383143788.sbm', Name = 'Transfer old block categories' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2966429095, Filename = '2966429095.sbm', Name = 'Trade Operators Coalition' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2668820525, Filename = '2668820525.sbm', Name = 'TouchScreenAPI' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3040438530, Filename = '3040438530.sbm', Name = 'ToolCore' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2623116513, Filename = '2623116513.sbm', Name = 'TIO Industries Weapon Pack' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1681783871, Filename = '1681783871.sbm', Name = 'Tiered Upgrade Modules x2-x32(Double,Triple,2-Sided) [1.193.103]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2755346115, Filename = '2755346115.sbm', Name = 'Tiered Thrusters' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:776706275, Filename = '776706275.sbm', Name = 'Tiered Ship Tools' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2216423274, Filename = '2216423274.sbm', Name = 'The Obelisk - Weapon Core' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:758597413, Filename = '758597413.sbm', Name = 'Text HUD API' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2648152224, Filename = '2648152224.sbm', Name = 'Tethers - Power Poles | REWRITE/MULTIPLAYER RELEASE!!' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1896299812, Filename = '1896299812.sbm', Name = 'TeamSpot' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2825489104, Filename = '2825489104.sbm', Name = 'TBH - Industrial Batteries' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3209008231, Filename = '3209008231.sbm', Name = 'Tank Tracks over Vanilla Wheels' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3208995513, Filename = '3208995513.sbm', Name = 'Tank Tracks Framework & API' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3209005014, Filename = '3209005014.sbm', Name = 'Tank Tracks Builder' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3225398014, Filename = '3225398014.sbm', Name = 'Tank Track Pack: Morue' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2805859069, Filename = '2805859069.sbm', Name = 'Stealth Drive (Cloaking)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2950431210, Filename = '2950431210.sbm', Name = 'Status Report' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2450156508, Filename = '2450156508.sbm', Name = 'Stargate Transporter Rings' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2973138432, Filename = '2973138432.sbm', Name = 'Stargate SGC' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2387182121, Filename = '2387182121.sbm', Name = 'Stargate Gravel Sifter 2021' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1919124745, Filename = '1919124745.sbm', Name = 'Stargate Atlantis Lantean Drone Platform' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3141064945, Filename = '3141064945.sbm', Name = 'Star Trek Fully Retractable Landing Gear' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1136188499, Filename = '1136188499.sbm', Name = 'Space Just Got Real (1.188 Update 4)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2652227853, Filename = '2652227853.sbm', Name = 'Smooth Voxels' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1728457223, Filename = '1728457223.sbm', Name = 'SmartRotors: Solar' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1516827689, Filename = '1516827689.sbm', Name = 'Smarter Suit' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2879142132, Filename = '2879142132.sbm', Name = 'Small Wheel Bucket Excavator' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:305329302, Filename = '305329302.sbm', Name = 'Small Ship Mega Mod Pack' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2973001917, Filename = '2973001917.sbm', Name = 'Small Ship Automatons Pack' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:309472729, Filename = '309472729.sbm', Name = 'Small Ship - Large Blocks Pack' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3174562461, Filename = '3174562461.sbm', Name = 'Small Grid Refineries' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3222828421, Filename = '3222828421.sbm', Name = 'Small Grid O2H2 Generator' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2917255510, Filename = '2917255510.sbm', Name = 'Small Grid Gate & Large Grid Tall Stair' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2047022084, Filename = '2047022084.sbm', Name = 'Small Grid Assembler' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3175774286, Filename = '3175774286.sbm', Name = 'Simple Laser Multitools (Now with Turrets)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2600513668, Filename = '2600513668.sbm', Name = 'Sentinels JDR - Jump Drive Rework - Sound & Animation Redesign' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3373409754, Filename = '3373409754.sbm', Name = 'SEENG-ApexModule' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3153617065, Filename = '3153617065.sbm', Name = 'Secondary Fire Tools (Tool Core)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2960755069, Filename = '2960755069.sbm', Name = 'Scrapyard - MES Wreckage and Ruins Mod' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2965390174, Filename = '2965390174.sbm', Name = 'Scrap Beacon' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2324191331, Filename = '2324191331.sbm', Name = 'Sci Fi Button Images' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:506934333, Filename = '506934333.sbm', Name = 'S - Retractable Tunnel - DX11' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:425306457, Filename = '425306457.sbm', Name = 'S - Retractable Stairs - DX11' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2830474647, Filename = '2830474647.sbm', Name = 'Rotate skybox with the Sun' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1359954841, Filename = '1359954841.sbm', Name = 'Rotary Airlock' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1965654081, Filename = '1965654081.sbm', Name = 'Rich HUD Master' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2255171772, Filename = '2255171772.sbm', Name = 'Retractable Plasma Accelerator Cannon' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1114854185, Filename = '1114854185.sbm', Name = 'retractable landing gear' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2933216135, Filename = '2933216135.sbm', Name = 'Rendering Improved' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1327040622, Filename = '1327040622.sbm', Name = 'RefineryStoneUpgrade' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2806919267, Filename = '2806919267.sbm', Name = 'Rebels Gates' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:525460808, Filename = '525460808.sbm', Name = 'Reavers: Terror of the Verse' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2609118808, Filename = '2609118808.sbm', Name = 'Real Orbits' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3354754263, Filename = '3354754263.sbm', Name = 'Rationalised Build Menu' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2891841604, Filename = '2891841604.sbm', Name = 'Q-Tech Utilities Reinforcement 1.9' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2638387230, Filename = '2638387230.sbm', Name = 'Q-Tech Utilities 3.6' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3399286158, Filename = '3399286158.sbm', Name = 'ProtoThrusters' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3354696375, Filename = '3354696375.sbm', Name = 'Prototech Standard Assembly' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3206312968, Filename = '3206312968.sbm', Name = 'Prometheus Nanobot Drill and Fill System' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:517675282, Filename = '517675282.sbm', Name = 'Projector Preview - miniature blueprint display + damage status' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2947081810, Filename = '2947081810.sbm', Name = 'Projector Highlighter' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2980888705, Filename = '2980888705.sbm', Name = 'Projection Status' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2943742891, Filename = '2943742891.sbm', Name = 'Presidental Tinted Glass' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2852753555, Filename = '2852753555.sbm', Name = 'Pravda Heavy Industries' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1830741461, Filename = '1830741461.sbm', Name = 'Player Inventory Size x15' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2621351690, Filename = '2621351690.sbm', Name = 'Planetary Derelicts [Reworked]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2371761016, Filename = '2371761016.sbm', Name = 'Planet Creature Spawner' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2499720849, Filename = '2499720849.sbm', Name = 'Pipelines' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2287843674, Filename = '2287843674.sbm', Name = 'Pipe Conveyors' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1330335279, Filename = '1330335279.sbm', Name = 'Personal Shield Generators' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:946724937, Filename = '946724937.sbm', Name = 'PassageIntersections' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1135484957, Filename = '1135484957.sbm', Name = 'Parallax Concepts' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2069930773, Filename = '2069930773.sbm', Name = 'Paragon Industries - GAU-8 Cannon' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:500818376, Filename = '500818376.sbm', Name = 'Paint Gun - realistic painting for survival + special creative features' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:425011791, Filename = '425011791.sbm', Name = 'Oxygen and Hydrogen Cells - for small cargo' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1973825674, Filename = '1973825674.sbm', Name = 'Ore Detector+' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2790047923, Filename = '2790047923.sbm', Name = 'Ore Detector Reforged' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3218498375, Filename = '3218498375.sbm', Name = 'OmniCorp - OmniTools[Lasers]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3201267462, Filename = '3201267462.sbm', Name = 'Omni Corp: Expanse(Aryx Epstein) Constructs' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1824060550, Filename = '1824060550.sbm', Name = 'Octo Beam Lasers' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1400364273, Filename = '1400364273.sbm', Name = 'NPC Programming Extender' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2016817336, Filename = '2016817336.sbm', Name = 'NorthWind Weapons' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2608746450, Filename = '2608746450.sbm', Name = 'no PB - Info LCD' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2697105687, Filename = '2697105687.sbm', Name = 'No HUD Tooltips' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2548437551, Filename = '2548437551.sbm', Name = 'NiteOwl Mini Reactor Pack' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2787601872, Filename = '2787601872.sbm', Name = 'NiteOwl Battery Pack' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2985356980, Filename = '2985356980.sbm', Name = 'NextGen Storage (Animation Engine)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2969270065, Filename = '2969270065.sbm', Name = 'NextGen Power (Animation Engine)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3373230204, Filename = '3373230204.sbm', Name = 'Neon tubes +' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1879455650, Filename = '1879455650.sbm', Name = 'Nanobot Drill and Fill System' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:857053359, Filename = '857053359.sbm', Name = 'Nanobot Build and Repair System' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2817753968, Filename = '2817753968.sbm', Name = 'Multi-Purpose Upgrade Module' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3066612993, Filename = '3066612993.sbm', Name = 'Multi-Function Survival Kit with Sifter' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2004281941, Filename = '2004281941.sbm', Name = 'More Powerful Energyressources (Multilanguage)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1719832915, Filename = '1719832915.sbm', Name = 'More Pistons' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2964372166, Filename = '2964372166.sbm', Name = 'More Cargo Containers (5x, 10x, 25x, 50x, 100x + with Oxygen/Hydrogen Tanks) [Multilanguage]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3383967437, Filename = '3383967437.sbm', Name = 'Moonshine Distillery' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:709975763, Filename = '709975763.sbm', Name = 'Moisture Vaporator' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1521905890, Filename = '1521905890.sbm', Name = 'Modular Encounters Systems' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:380165093, Filename = '380165093.sbm', Name = 'Midspace's Ship Speed Unlimited mod (skybox friendly)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:400131986, Filename = '400131986.sbm', Name = 'Micro Timer - a tiny timer block' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:401530181, Filename = '401530181.sbm', Name = 'Micro Programmable Block' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2802625870, Filename = '2802625870.sbm', Name = 'MES Wreckage' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2610099423, Filename = '2610099423.sbm', Name = 'MES Mobile Merchants' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2578712641, Filename = '2578712641.sbm', Name = 'MES Mercenaries PvE Encounters' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2617194602, Filename = '2617194602.sbm', Name = 'MES Lost Colony Encounters + Frostbite' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1824058403, Filename = '1824058403.sbm', Name = 'MCRN RailGun VX-12 Foehammer - MP!!!' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:343014073, Filename = '343014073.sbm', Name = 'Maglock Surface MkII' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2890361564, Filename = '2890361564.sbm', Name = 'MADAR' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1335527050, Filename = '1335527050.sbm', Name = 'MA Flight LCD' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2702581758, Filename = '2702581758.sbm', Name = 'M42 TankGun (SG)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2819905028, Filename = '2819905028.sbm', Name = 'M1-ThunderBolt-GatlingGun' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2859880237, Filename = '2859880237.sbm', Name = 'Lighting Profiles' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2895379455, Filename = '2895379455.sbm', Name = 'Laser weaponry (Weapon Core)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1668965265, Filename = '1668965265.sbm', Name = 'Laser Antenna - No Line of Sight Required' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:600062079, Filename = '600062079.sbm', Name = 'Ladder (climbable + use tools/weapons/interactibles on it!)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2410783458, Filename = '2410783458.sbm', Name = 'L.Y.N.X Industries - Weaponry [WeaponCore]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2326489940, Filename = '2326489940.sbm', Name = 'L.Y.N.X Industries - Gas Storage Expansion' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2936367770, Filename = '2936367770.sbm', Name = 'KOLT Command Consoles Revamped' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1967162146, Filename = '1967162146.sbm', Name = 'KK91 - Animated Antennas (Rotating and Blinking) [REPLACES VANILLA]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2649159807, Filename = '2649159807.sbm', Name = 'Kinetic Devastation' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2947063127, Filename = '2947063127.sbm', Name = 'ITER - LCD mod' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2456712199, Filename = '2456712199.sbm', Name = 'IRON MAN REACTOR 1.1' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2433117767, Filename = '2433117767.sbm', Name = 'Interface Block' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3405330069, Filename = '3405330069.sbm', Name = 'Inset Camera - Commission' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1874524300, Filename = '1874524300.sbm', Name = 'InFlightButtons - Klime' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:445996030, Filename = '445996030.sbm', Name = 'Independent Contractors' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2839553181, Filename = '2839553181.sbm', Name = 'In Depth LCDs' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2891367014, Filename = '2891367014.sbm', Name = 'Improvised Experimentation' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:973526550, Filename = '973526550.sbm', Name = 'Imber Corporation' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3225982257, Filename = '3225982257.sbm', Name = 'Humanoid's Beam Turret Multitool [toolcore]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2005632342, Filename = '2005632342.sbm', Name = 'HudLcd v2 1/2 beta w/ Multi-screen blocks' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2626756831, Filename = '2626756831.sbm', Name = 'HUD - Modern and Fancy (Color)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2645964353, Filename = '2645964353.sbm', Name = 'Hubblegum Skybox' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2882300126, Filename = '2882300126.sbm', Name = 'Hook Solid' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2882300352, Filename = '2882300352.sbm', Name = 'Hook Hinge' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:605086856, Filename = '605086856.sbm', Name = 'Holographic Radar' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:950648865, Filename = '950648865.sbm', Name = 'Hollow Planet Clean-Up' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2104723957, Filename = '2104723957.sbm', Name = 'Harpoon (Rope)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2034225971, Filename = '2034225971.sbm', Name = 'Hacking Computer 3.1 - SE v1.205' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:402858936, Filename = '402858936.sbm', Name = 'Gravity Collector - pulls and collects floating objects' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:337470919, Filename = '337470919.sbm', Name = 'Gravel Reactor' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2503712170, Filename = '2503712170.sbm', Name = 'Grated Catwalks Expansion' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2950579603, Filename = '2950579603.sbm', Name = 'Graphics Revamped' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3165259114, Filename = '3165259114.sbm', Name = 'Graphically Updated Vanilla Door Block' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2765229451, Filename = '2765229451.sbm', Name = 'GPS Helper' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1223617082, Filename = '1223617082.sbm', Name = 'GPS Distance Helper' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3149109127, Filename = '3149109127.sbm', Name = 'Giant Drills by Life'Tech and Rebels' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2289936913, Filename = '2289936913.sbm', Name = 'GH-EnergyTurrets(WeaponCore)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2998206747, Filename = '2998206747.sbm', Name = 'Fully Retractable Landing Gear' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2604451892, Filename = '2604451892.sbm', Name = 'Forcefield Generators (Hangar Doors)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2940745842, Filename = '2940745842.sbm', Name = 'Force Dynamic Grids' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2931147921, Filename = '2931147921.sbm', Name = 'Flat Collectors - Wide Edition' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2189492499, Filename = '2189492499.sbm', Name = 'Female character variety' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2947461801, Filename = '2947461801.sbm', Name = 'FaceSmash' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1157796670, Filename = '1157796670.sbm', Name = 'Eyes Just Got Clear (1.186 Drugs Are Bad Mkay Update)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2800974378, Filename = '2800974378.sbm', Name = 'Extra Reinforced Conveyors' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2788484123, Filename = '2788484123.sbm', Name = 'Extra HUD Audio Warnings' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2275037102, Filename = '2275037102.sbm', Name = 'Expanded Settings' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:464877997, Filename = '464877997.sbm', Name = 'Enhanced Gravity Generators - pulling ships together, literally' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:690295204, Filename = '690295204.sbm', Name = 'Engineers Defense Kit' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2976903828, Filename = '2976903828.sbm', Name = 'Energy Blade Grinder - No Tech Version' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3252520404, Filename = '3252520404.sbm', Name = 'Eli Dang's Holo HUD' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:397242149, Filename = '397242149.sbm', Name = 'Elevator Button Pad+Catwalks - fits tight quarters' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:514760877, Filename = '514760877.sbm', Name = 'Electronics Panel - small blocks on large grid' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2917216762, Filename = '2917216762.sbm', Name = 'Electric Network Info - Touch App' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2986898487, Filename = '2986898487.sbm', Name = 'EDP - Titan Thruster Remastered' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2821462932, Filename = '2821462932.sbm', Name = 'Easy Programmable Block Settings' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1805199276, Filename = '1805199276.sbm', Name = 'Easy Control Button Access' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2077166496, Filename = '2077166496.sbm', Name = 'Easy Block Renaming' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2322696664, Filename = '2322696664.sbm', Name = 'DSR Small Grid Jump Drive' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2968960798, Filename = '2968960798.sbm', Name = 'DK Earthbreaker Reborn v2' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1259182705, Filename = '1259182705.sbm', Name = 'Deuterium Fusion Reactors' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3387006340, Filename = '3387006340.sbm', Name = 'DEUS - Definitive Energy Upgrade System' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2756894170, Filename = '2756894170.sbm', Name = 'Definition Extension API' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3154379105, Filename = '3154379105.sbm', Name = 'Defense Shields - v2.2(8)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2679603766, Filename = '2679603766.sbm', Name = 'Death Counter' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2921132802, Filename = '2921132802.sbm', Name = 'Dangerous Decompression' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2803081060, Filename = '2803081060.sbm', Name = 'Crew Enabled' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:914369510, Filename = '914369510.sbm', Name = 'Corruption PvE Combat' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2968719733, Filename = '2968719733.sbm', Name = 'Cooperative NPC Takeover' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3305597322, Filename = '3305597322.sbm', Name = 'Conveyor Converter with Two Large Ports' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:655948251, Filename = '655948251.sbm', Name = 'Control Module - basically key binding for ships' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3147613622, Filename = '3147613622.sbm', Name = 'Consolidation Firearms' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2809355711, Filename = '2809355711.sbm', Name = 'Consolidation Armament - Definitive Weapon Pack' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2094444897, Filename = '2094444897.sbm', Name = 'Connector Docking Camera Version 2' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2422592854, Filename = '2422592854.sbm', Name = 'Configurable Parameters' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:403922024, Filename = '403922024.sbm', Name = 'Computer Monitor - LCD Screen' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:810328054, Filename = '810328054.sbm', Name = 'Compact Storage Tanks (CST) - V2 - Capacity Update!' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:801185519, Filename = '801185519.sbm', Name = 'Colorful Icons' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2900331965, Filename = '2900331965.sbm', Name = 'Cockpits Re-Animated... Again' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2115568523, Filename = '2115568523.sbm', Name = 'Clean Assembler Tab' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2450039916, Filename = '2450039916.sbm', Name = 'Cargo Teleporter' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2696023344, Filename = '2696023344.sbm', Name = 'Cargo Scanner' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:806331071, Filename = '806331071.sbm', Name = 'Camera Panning - rotate camera view (+reset 1st person character view)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2933676834, Filename = '2933676834.sbm', Name = 'Button Pad - Touch App' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1697184408, Filename = '1697184408.sbm', Name = 'Build Vision 3.0' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:514062285, Filename = '514062285.sbm', Name = 'Build Info' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2965172919, Filename = '2965172919.sbm', Name = 'Block Picker' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1663539021, Filename = '1663539021.sbm', Name = 'Blink Drive' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2917703399, Filename = '2917703399.sbm', Name = 'Blåhaj - Shark Plushie (Decoration I Update)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:420637958, Filename = '420637958.sbm', Name = 'Big2 Respawn Ship' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.226 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2271486961, Filename = '2271486961.sbm', Name = 'Better Wheels (adjusted collision, improved travel, dual wheels)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2581520240, Filename = '2581520240.sbm', Name = 'Better Spotlights' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2974242766, Filename = '2974242766.sbm', Name = 'Better Names Access Panels' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1999299782, Filename = '1999299782.sbm', Name = 'Better Laser Antennas' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2559100472, Filename = '2559100472.sbm', Name = 'Battery Bank' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2954286713, Filename = '2954286713.sbm', Name = 'Ba-Sing-Se Adjustable Thrusters' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3315230903, Filename = '3315230903.sbm', Name = 'Ba-Sing-Se Adaptive Repulsorlift' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2045426012, Filename = '2045426012.sbm', Name = 'AWG WeaponCore Pack - (v205)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:657749341, Filename = '657749341.sbm', Name = 'Automatic Ore Pickup' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2308085590, Filename = '2308085590.sbm', Name = 'Autofill Bottles' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:516770964, Filename = '516770964.sbm', Name = 'Attachments - large to small grid without limits!' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2454475557, Filename = '2454475557.sbm', Name = 'Atlantean Transporters' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1902970975, Filename = '1902970975.sbm', Name = 'Assertive Combat Systems' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2394430829, Filename = '2394430829.sbm', Name = 'Aryx-Lynxon Drive Systems' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2530716039, Filename = '2530716039.sbm', Name = 'Aryx Weapon Enterprises Vol. 1 [WeaponCore]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2230891848, Filename = '2230891848.sbm', Name = 'Armored Hangar Doors (+Small Grid)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2812591313, Filename = '2812591313.sbm', Name = 'Archer Missile Launch Bay' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3200891945, Filename = '3200891945.sbm', Name = 'Archan's Medical Panels' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2819404116, Filename = '2819404116.sbm', Name = 'AQD - Tarps & Nets' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2492809392, Filename = '2492809392.sbm', Name = 'AQD - Sleek Corridors' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2486269122, Filename = '2486269122.sbm', Name = 'AQD - Reinforced Windows' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1645942623, Filename = '1645942623.sbm', Name = 'AQD - LCD Image Extension' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1864380341, Filename = '1864380341.sbm', Name = 'AQD - Conveyor Expansion' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1935562523, Filename = '1935562523.sbm', Name = 'AQD - Banner LCDs' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1939935505, Filename = '1939935505.sbm', Name = 'AQD - Armor Expansion' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2880317963, Filename = '2880317963.sbm', Name = 'Animation Engine' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2964953711, Filename = '2964953711.sbm', Name = 'Animated Weapon Rack' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2909067807, Filename = '2909067807.sbm', Name = 'Animated Small Cryo Gone Large Stand-Alone' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2963507648, Filename = '2963507648.sbm', Name = 'Animated Shelves' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2962385897, Filename = '2962385897.sbm', Name = 'Animated Reactors' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2909178497, Filename = '2909178497.sbm', Name = 'Animated Ore Detectors' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1668739492, Filename = '1668739492.sbm', Name = 'Animated Jump Drives' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2956208028, Filename = '2956208028.sbm', Name = 'Animated Hatch Doors' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2906425924, Filename = '2906425924.sbm', Name = 'Animated Cryopods' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2952285682, Filename = '2952285682.sbm', Name = 'Animated Collection' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2913181773, Filename = '2913181773.sbm', Name = 'Animated Buttons' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2930567833, Filename = '2930567833.sbm', Name = 'Animated Atmo Thrusters' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3352658929, Filename = '3352658929.sbm', Name = 'AnEWS - Another Energy Weapon System (Compatible with WeaponCore & Vanilla+)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2408838606, Filename = '2408838606.sbm', Name = 'Akiad Militech (CoreParts)' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2596208372, Filename = '2596208372.sbm', Name = 'AiEnabled v1.9' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:510790477, Filename = '510790477.sbm', Name = 'Advanced Welding - detaching and reattaching blocks!' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2053762077, Filename = '2053762077.sbm', Name = 'Advanced Refineries v2.0' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2325483917, Filename = '2325483917.sbm', Name = 'Advanced Designator Turret' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2427400629, Filename = '2427400629.sbm', Name = 'Adjustable LCDs' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2473174197, Filename = '2473174197.sbm', Name = 'ACS Assertive Bunkers' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2310821218, Filename = '2310821218.sbm', Name = 'Abandoned Settlements [v2]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2347323821, Filename = '2347323821.sbm', Name = '3-n-1 Upgrade Cubes' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2998561594, Filename = '2998561594.sbm', Name = '1x1 - 10x10 widows LG-SG' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1222732940, Filename = '1222732940.sbm', Name = '-HighDensityConveyorAdaptors' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2778598102, Filename = '2778598102.sbm', Name = '(NEW UPDATE) L.Y.N.X Industries (Fixed and rebalanced) - Weaponry [WeaponCore]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2859954174, Filename = '2859954174.sbm', Name = '(MES) Lost Settlements' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:577318708, Filename = '577318708.sbm', Name = '(DX11)Power Lines' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:0, Filename = 'Stargate Drilling Platform Altered', Name = 'Stargate Drilling Platform Altered' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:0, Filename = 'Resource Nodes Altered', Name = 'Resource Nodes Altered' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:0, Filename = 'Laser Antenna Firmware Altered', Name = 'Laser Antenna Firmware Altered' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2336089504, Filename = '2336089504.sbm', Name = 'Bot_spawner' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3289039122, Filename = '3289039122.sbm', Name = 'ANPaL Beam Weapon Framework' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2202391036, Filename = '2202391036.sbm', Name = 'Safe Zone Animated' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:1616087929, Filename = '1616087929.sbm', Name = 'Animated-Gyroscopes-replace vanilla' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3155707452, Filename = '3155707452.sbm', Name = 'Assertive Combat Systems Dependency' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2841920953, Filename = '2841920953.sbm', Name = 'Shower Light' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2391318591, Filename = '2391318591.sbm', Name = 'Assertive Loot' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3170315974, Filename = '3170315974.sbm', Name = 'Leak Finder' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3248252962, Filename = '3248252962.sbm', Name = 'Cockpits Re-Re-Animated... yet once more' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2667547195, Filename = '2667547195.sbm', Name = 'Bigger Explosions' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:3003950722, Filename = '3003950722.sbm', Name = 'MES Scrapyard Dependency' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2867863531, Filename = '2867863531.sbm', Name = 'Textured Build States' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2362164390, Filename = '2362164390.sbm', Name = 'Stargate [Ore]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2362151943, Filename = '2362151943.sbm', Name = 'Stargate [Gates]' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2754014019, Filename = '2754014019.sbm', Name = 'Scope Framework' 2025-01-17 00:41:48.227 - Thread: 1 -> Id = Steam:2362147824, Filename = '2362147824.sbm', Name = 'Stargate [Script]' 2025-01-17 02:39:26.995 - Thread: 1 -> Exception occurred: SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88960001], Module: [SharpDX.XAudio2], ApiCode: [XAUDIO2_E_INVALID_CALL/InvalidCall], Message: Unknown at SharpDX.Result.CheckError() at SharpDX.XAudio2.SourceVoice.SubmitSourceBuffer(AudioBuffer bufferRef, Nullable`1 bufferWMARef) at SharpDX.XAudio2.SourceVoice.SubmitSourceBuffer(AudioBuffer bufferRef, UInt32[] decodedXMWAPacketInfo) at VRage.Audio.MySourceVoice.Start(Boolean skipIntro, Boolean skipToEnd) at VRage.Audio.MyXAudio2.PlaySound(MyCueId cueId, IMy3DSoundEmitter source, MySoundDimensions type, Boolean skipIntro, Boolean skipToEnd, Boolean isMusic) at VRage.Audio.MyXAudio2.VRage.Audio.IMyAudio.PlaySound(MyCueId cueId, IMy3DSoundEmitter source, MySoundDimensions type, Boolean skipIntro, Boolean skipToEnd) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyEntity3DSoundEmitter.PlaySoundInternal(Boolean skipIntro, Boolean skipToEnd, Boolean force2D, Boolean alwaysHearOnRealistic, Nullable`1 force3D) 2025-01-17 02:39:26.995 - Thread: 1 -> Last null written by: 2025-01-17 02:39:26.995 - Thread: 1 -> Error: Sound error with ammo: 25mm NATO from soundID RealWepShipGatlingShot cuename WepShipGatlingShotFireEmitter.Entity null? False Origin: X:103784.73919616 Y:190811.370843128 Z:-216654.72912857 2025-01-17 02:39:26.999 - Thread: 1 -> Exception: SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88960001], Module: [SharpDX.XAudio2], ApiCode: [XAUDIO2_E_INVALID_CALL/InvalidCall], Message: Unknown at CoreSystems.Support.AvShot.SetupSounds(Double distanceFromCameraSqr) at CoreSystems.Projectiles.Projectile.Start() at CoreSystems.Projectiles.Projectiles.GenProjectiles() at CoreSystems.Projectiles.Projectiles.SpawnAndMove() at CoreSystems.Session.Simulate() at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.UpdateComponents() at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Update(MyTimeSpan updateTime) at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update() at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal() at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame() at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.b__0() at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop() at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen) at SpaceEngineers.MyProgram.Main(String[] args) 2025-01-17 02:39:27.005 - Thread: 1 -> Exception occurred: SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88960001], Module: [SharpDX.XAudio2], ApiCode: [XAUDIO2_E_INVALID_CALL/InvalidCall], Message: Unknown at CoreSystems.Support.AvShot.SetupSounds(Double distanceFromCameraSqr) at CoreSystems.Projectiles.Projectile.Start() at CoreSystems.Projectiles.Projectiles.GenProjectiles() at CoreSystems.Projectiles.Projectiles.SpawnAndMove() at CoreSystems.Session.Simulate() at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.UpdateComponents() at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Update(MyTimeSpan updateTime) at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update() at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal() at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame() at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.b__0() at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop() at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen) at SpaceEngineers.MyProgram.Main(String[] args) at avaness.SpaceEngineersLauncher.Program.StartSpaceEngineers(String[] args) at avaness.SpaceEngineersLauncher.Program.Main(String[] args) 2025-01-17 02:39:27.005 - Thread: 1 -> Showing message 2025-01-17 02:39:27.005 - Thread: 1 -> MyInitializer.OnCrash 2025-01-17 02:39:27.005 - Thread: 1 -> var exception = SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88960001], Module: [SharpDX.XAudio2], ApiCode: [XAUDIO2_E_INVALID_CALL/InvalidCall], Message: Unknown at CoreSystems.Support.AvShot.SetupSounds(Double distanceFromCameraSqr) at CoreSystems.Projectiles.Projectile.Start() at CoreSystems.Projectiles.Projectiles.GenProjectiles() at CoreSystems.Projectiles.Projectiles.SpawnAndMove() at CoreSystems.Session.Simulate() at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.UpdateComponents() at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Update(MyTimeSpan updateTime) at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update() at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal() at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame() at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.b__0() at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop() at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen) at SpaceEngineers.MyProgram.Main(String[] args) at avaness.SpaceEngineersLauncher.Program.StartSpaceEngineers(String[] args) at avaness.SpaceEngineersLauncher.Program.Main(String[] args) 2025-01-17 02:39:29.449 - Thread: 1 -> ================================== CRASH INFO ================================== AppVersion: 01_205_026 GameName: Space Engineers IsOutOfMemory: False IsGPU: False IsNative: False IsTask: False IsExperimental: True ProcessRunTime: 7140 PCUCount: 126427 IsHang: False GCMemory: 6096 GCMemoryAllocated: 6096 HWAvailableMemory: 34069 ProcessPrivateMemory: 28717 AnalyticId: SE ================================== OFNI HSARC ================================== 2025-01-17 02:39:29.449 - Thread: 1 -> Log Closed