2024-11-06 19:45:20.244 - Thread: 1 -> Log Started 2024-11-06 19:45:20.244 - Thread: 1 -> Timezone (local - UTC): -5h 2024-11-06 19:45:20.244 - Thread: 1 -> App Version: Version unknown 2024-11-06 19:45:20.244 - Thread: 1 -> VRage renderer started 2024-11-06 19:45:20.334 - Thread: 1 -> MyRenderSettings1 = { 2024-11-06 19:45:20.334 - Thread: 1 -> AntialiasingMode = NONE 2024-11-06 19:45:20.334 - Thread: 1 -> ShadowQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:20.334 - Thread: 1 -> ShadowGPUQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:20.334 - Thread: 1 -> ShadowMemoryQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:20.334 - Thread: 1 -> TextureQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:20.334 - Thread: 1 -> VoxelTextureQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:20.334 - Thread: 1 -> AnisotropicFiltering = NONE 2024-11-06 19:45:20.334 - Thread: 1 -> HqDepth = True 2024-11-06 19:45:20.336 - Thread: 1 -> GrassDrawDistance = 49 2024-11-06 19:45:20.336 - Thread: 1 -> GrassDensityFactor = 0 2024-11-06 19:45:20.336 - Thread: 1 -> AmbientOcclusionEnabled = False 2024-11-06 19:45:20.336 - Thread: 1 -> ModelQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:20.336 - Thread: 1 -> VoxelQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:20.336 - Thread: 1 -> VoxelShaderQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:20.336 - Thread: 1 -> AlphaMaskedShaderQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:20.336 - Thread: 1 -> AtmosphereShaderQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:20.336 - Thread: 1 -> DistanceFade = 500 2024-11-06 19:45:20.336 - Thread: 1 -> ParticleQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:20.336 - Thread: 1 -> LightsQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:20.336 - Thread: 1 -> } 2024-11-06 19:45:21.010 - Thread: 27 -> CreateDeviceInternal 2024-11-06 19:45:21.343 - Thread: 27 -> MyRenderDeviceSettings = { 2024-11-06 19:45:21.343 - Thread: 27 -> Adapter id = 0 2024-11-06 19:45:21.343 - Thread: 27 -> DXGIAdapter id = 0 2024-11-06 19:45:21.343 - Thread: 27 -> DXGIOutput id = 0 2024-11-06 19:45:21.343 - Thread: 27 -> Resolution = 1920 x 1080 2024-11-06 19:45:21.343 - Thread: 27 -> Window mode = Window 2024-11-06 19:45:21.343 - Thread: 27 -> } 2024-11-06 19:45:21.343 - Thread: 27 -> CreateDeviceInternal InitDebugOutput 2024-11-06 19:45:21.343 - Thread: 27 -> CreateDeviceInternal RC Dispose 2024-11-06 19:45:21.343 - Thread: 27 -> CreateDeviceInternal RC Create 2024-11-06 19:45:21.344 - Thread: 27 -> Device Context change 2024-11-06 19:45:21.344 - Thread: 27 -> CreateDeviceInternal RC Initialize 2024-11-06 19:45:21.348 - Thread: 27 -> CreateDeviceInternal m_initializedOnce (False) 2024-11-06 19:45:21.348 - Thread: 27 -> CreateDeviceInternal m_initialized (False) 2024-11-06 19:45:21.881 - Thread: 27 -> DestroyCascadeTextures 2024-11-06 19:45:21.882 - Thread: 27 -> InitCascadeTextures: 0 2024-11-06 19:45:21.920 - Thread: 27 -> Mesh asset Cone.mwm has inconsistent vertex streams 2024-11-06 19:45:21.920 - Thread: 27 -> Normals length: 0 expected length: 25 2024-11-06 19:45:21.920 - Thread: 27 -> Texcoords length: 0 expected length: 25 2024-11-06 19:45:21.920 - Thread: 27 -> Tangents length: 0 expected length: 25 2024-11-06 19:45:21.920 - Thread: 27 -> Bitangents length: 0 expected length: 25 2024-11-06 19:45:21.921 - Thread: 27 -> Mesh asset Models/Debug/Cone.mwm has no material in part 0 2024-11-06 19:45:23.169 - Thread: 27 -> Mesh asset Sphere.mwm has inconsistent vertex streams 2024-11-06 19:45:23.170 - Thread: 27 -> Normals length: 0 expected length: 992 2024-11-06 19:45:23.170 - Thread: 27 -> Texcoords length: 0 expected length: 992 2024-11-06 19:45:23.170 - Thread: 27 -> Tangents length: 0 expected length: 992 2024-11-06 19:45:23.170 - Thread: 27 -> Bitangents length: 0 expected length: 992 2024-11-06 19:45:23.170 - Thread: 27 -> Mesh asset Models/Debug/Sphere.mwm has no material in part 0 2024-11-06 19:45:23.342 - Thread: 27 -> CreateDeviceInteral Apply Settings 2024-11-06 19:45:23.342 - Thread: 27 -> ApplySettings 2024-11-06 19:45:23.343 - Thread: 27 -> MyRenderDeviceSettings = { 2024-11-06 19:45:23.343 - Thread: 27 -> Adapter id = 0 2024-11-06 19:45:23.343 - Thread: 27 -> DXGIAdapter id = 0 2024-11-06 19:45:23.343 - Thread: 27 -> DXGIOutput id = 0 2024-11-06 19:45:23.343 - Thread: 27 -> Resolution = 1920 x 1080 2024-11-06 19:45:23.343 - Thread: 27 -> Window mode = Window 2024-11-06 19:45:23.343 - Thread: 27 -> } 2024-11-06 19:45:23.343 - Thread: 27 -> Screen resolution: 1920x1080 2024-11-06 19:45:23.344 - Thread: 27 -> CreateScreenResources: 1920x1080 2024-11-06 19:45:23.349 - Thread: 27 -> CreateDeviceInteral done (MyRenderDeviceSettings: { AdapterOrdinal: 0 NewAdapterOrdinal: 0 WindowMode: Window BackBufferWidth: 1920 BackBufferHeight: 1080 RefreshRate: 60000 VSync: 0 DebugDrawOnly: False UseStereoRendering: False SettingsMandatory: False InitParallel: False DRSSettingsPresets[0]: MinScreenPercentage: 50, MaxScreenPercentage: 100, FrameTimeBudgetMs: 16.66667, TargetedGpuHeadRoomPercentage: 10, CpuTimeHeadRoom: 1, HistorySize: 16, OutlierThreshold: 0, FrameWeightExponent: 0.9, MinResolutionChangePeriod: 8, IncreaseAmortizationBlendFactor: 0.9, ChangePercentageThreshold: 2, MaxConsecutiveOverbudgetGpuFrameCount: 2, GpuTimingMeasureMethod: 0, CpuBoundScreenPercentage: 100, IsEnabled: False DRSSettingsPresets[1]: MinScreenPercentage: 50, MaxScreenPercentage: 100, FrameTimeBudgetMs: 16.66667, TargetedGpuHeadRoomPercentage: 10, CpuTimeHeadRoom: 1, HistorySize: 16, OutlierThreshold: 0, FrameWeightExponent: 0.9, MinResolutionChangePeriod: 8, IncreaseAmortizationBlendFactor: 0.9, ChangePercentageThreshold: 2, MaxConsecutiveOverbudgetGpuFrameCount: 2, GpuTimingMeasureMethod: 0, CpuBoundScreenPercentage: 100, IsEnabled: False DRSSettingsPresets[2]: MinScreenPercentage: 50, MaxScreenPercentage: 100, FrameTimeBudgetMs: 16.66667, TargetedGpuHeadRoomPercentage: 10, CpuTimeHeadRoom: 1, HistorySize: 16, OutlierThreshold: 0, FrameWeightExponent: 0.9, MinResolutionChangePeriod: 8, IncreaseAmortizationBlendFactor: 0.9, ChangePercentageThreshold: 2, MaxConsecutiveOverbudgetGpuFrameCount: 2, GpuTimingMeasureMethod: 0, CpuBoundScreenPercentage: 100, IsEnabled: False }) 2024-11-06 19:45:23.349 - Thread: 27 -> CreateDevice: deviceCreated = True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.097 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.097 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.108 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.108 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.108 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.108 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.108 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.110 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.110 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.114 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.114 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.114 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.114 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.114 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.114 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.114 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.116 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.116 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.116 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.116 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.116 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.116 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.116 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.124 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.124 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.124 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.124 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.124 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.125 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.125 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.129 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.129 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.129 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.129 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.129 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.129 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.129 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.131 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.131 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.131 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.131 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.131 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.131 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.131 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.133 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.133 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.133 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.133 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.133 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.133 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.134 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.136 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.136 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.136 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.136 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.136 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.136 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.137 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.139 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.139 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.139 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.139 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.139 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.139 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.139 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.144 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.144 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.144 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.144 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.144 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.144 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.144 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.147 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.147 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.147 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.147 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.147 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.147 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.147 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.149 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.149 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.149 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.149 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.149 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.149 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.149 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.152 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.152 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.152 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.152 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.152 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.152 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.152 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.154 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.154 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.154 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.154 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.154 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.154 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.154 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.168 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.168 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.168 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.168 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.168 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.168 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.168 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.170 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.170 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.170 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.170 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.170 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.170 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.170 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.172 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.172 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.172 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.172 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.172 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.172 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.173 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.179 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.179 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.179 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.179 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.179 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.877 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager2.LoadContent() - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.899 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.899 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.901 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.901 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.901 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.901 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.901 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.902 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.902 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.905 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.905 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.905 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.905 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.905 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.905 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.905 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.912 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.912 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.912 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.912 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.912 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.912 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.912 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.914 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.915 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.915 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.915 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.915 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.915 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.915 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.917 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.917 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.917 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.917 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.917 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.918 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.918 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.921 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.921 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.921 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.921 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.921 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.921 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.921 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.928 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.928 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.928 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.928 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.928 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.928 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.929 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.932 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.932 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.932 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.932 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.932 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.932 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.932 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.936 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.936 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.936 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.936 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.936 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.936 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.937 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.940 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.940 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.940 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.940 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.940 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.940 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.941 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.944 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.944 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.944 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.944 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.944 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.944 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.945 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.952 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.952 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.952 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.952 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.952 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.952 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.952 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.955 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.955 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.955 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.955 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.955 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.955 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.955 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.957 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.957 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.957 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.957 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.957 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.957 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.957 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.959 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.960 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.960 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.960 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.960 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.960 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.960 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.963 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.963 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.963 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.963 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.963 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.963 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.963 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.970 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.970 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.970 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.970 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.970 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.970 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:26.971 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.979 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:26.979 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:26.979 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:26.979 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:26.979 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:26.994 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager2.LoadContent() - END 2024-11-06 19:45:29.473 - Thread: 9 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:29.473 - Thread: 9 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:29.473 - Thread: 10 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:29.476 - Thread: 11 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-11-06 19:45:29.476 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoSettingsManager.OnVideoAdaptersResponse 2024-11-06 19:45:29.477 - Thread: 10 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:29.477 - Thread: 11 -> Font filename: Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:29.485 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter DeviceName: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 + DISPLAY1', Description: 'dev id: 7943, mem: 8556380160, shared mem: 25130615808, Luid: 1010, rev: 0, subsys id: 0, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True' 2024-11-06 19:45:29.488 - Thread: 9 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:29.488 - Thread: 9 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:29.488 - Thread: 9 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:29.488 - Thread: 9 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:29.488 - Thread: 9 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:29.489 - Thread: 10 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:29.489 - Thread: 10 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:29.489 - Thread: 10 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:29.489 - Thread: 10 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:29.489 - Thread: 10 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@75Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@73Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@75Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@72Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@56Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 960x540@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@75Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@70Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@75Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@75Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x900@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x960@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x800@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1280@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1080@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.490 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter DeviceName: 'Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 (KBL GT2)', Description: 'dev id: 22802, mem: 536870912, shared mem: 16753743872, Luid: 1011, rev: 0, subsys id: 0, vendor id: 32902, feature_level 11.1: True' 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@75Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@73Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@75Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@72Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@56Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 960x540@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@75Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@70Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@75Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@75Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x900@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x960@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x800@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1280@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1080@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.492 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@60Hz 2024-11-06 19:45:29.509 - Thread: 11 -> FontFilePath: Z:\home\insane-gigawatt\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-11-06 19:45:29.509 - Thread: 11 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-11-06 19:45:29.509 - Thread: 11 -> Baseline: 30 2024-11-06 19:45:29.509 - Thread: 11 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-11-06 19:45:29.509 - Thread: 11 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-11-06 19:45:29.933 - Thread: 10 -> MyRenderSettings1 = { 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> AntialiasingMode = NONE 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> ShadowQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> ShadowGPUQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> ShadowMemoryQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> TextureQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> VoxelTextureQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> AnisotropicFiltering = NONE 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> HqDepth = True 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> GrassDrawDistance = 0 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> GrassDensityFactor = 0 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> AmbientOcclusionEnabled = False 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> ModelQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> VoxelQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> VoxelShaderQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> AlphaMaskedShaderQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> AtmosphereShaderQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> DistanceFade = 500 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> ParticleQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> LightsQuality = LOW 2024-11-06 19:45:29.934 - Thread: 10 -> } 2024-11-06 19:45:33.176 - Thread: 5 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\gui\controls\news_background_right_top.dds 2024-11-06 19:45:33.178 - Thread: 5 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\gui\controls\news_background_right_bottom.dds 2024-11-06 19:45:33.178 - Thread: 5 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\gui\controls\news_background_right_center.dds 2024-11-06 19:45:38.554 - Thread: 4 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\gui\screens\screen_background_fade.dds 2024-11-06 19:45:39.570 - Thread: 27 -> DestroyCascadeTextures 2024-11-06 19:45:39.716 - Thread: 27 -> Device Context change