2024-06-28 17:17:18.552 - Thread: 1 -> Log Started 2024-06-28 17:17:18.552 - Thread: 1 -> Timezone (local - UTC): -5h 2024-06-28 17:17:18.552 - Thread: 1 -> App Version: Version unknown 2024-06-28 17:17:18.552 - Thread: 1 -> VRage renderer started 2024-06-28 17:17:18.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyRenderSettings1 = { 2024-06-28 17:17:18.599 - Thread: 1 -> AntialiasingMode = NONE 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> ShadowQuality = DISABLED 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> ShadowGPUQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> ShadowMemoryQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> TextureQuality = MEDIUM 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> VoxelTextureQuality = MEDIUM 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> AnisotropicFiltering = NONE 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> HqDepth = True 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> GrassDrawDistance = 192 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> GrassDensityFactor = 0 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> AmbientOcclusionEnabled = True 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> ModelQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> VoxelQuality = LOW 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> VoxelShaderQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> AlphaMaskedShaderQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> AtmosphereShaderQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> DistanceFade = 500 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> ParticleQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> LightsQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:18.600 - Thread: 1 -> } 2024-06-28 17:17:19.779 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal 2024-06-28 17:17:20.277 - Thread: 20 -> MyRenderDeviceSettings = { 2024-06-28 17:17:20.278 - Thread: 20 -> Adapter id = 0 2024-06-28 17:17:20.278 - Thread: 20 -> DXGIAdapter id = 0 2024-06-28 17:17:20.278 - Thread: 20 -> DXGIOutput id = 0 2024-06-28 17:17:20.278 - Thread: 20 -> Resolution = 1920 x 1080 2024-06-28 17:17:20.278 - Thread: 20 -> Window mode = FullscreenWindow 2024-06-28 17:17:20.278 - Thread: 20 -> } 2024-06-28 17:17:20.278 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal InitDebugOutput 2024-06-28 17:17:20.278 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal RC Dispose 2024-06-28 17:17:20.278 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal RC Create 2024-06-28 17:17:20.278 - Thread: 20 -> Device Context change 2024-06-28 17:17:20.278 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal RC Initialize 2024-06-28 17:17:20.279 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal m_initializedOnce (False) 2024-06-28 17:17:20.279 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal m_initialized (False) 2024-06-28 17:17:20.833 - Thread: 20 -> DestroyCascadeTextures 2024-06-28 17:17:20.836 - Thread: 20 -> InitCascadeTextures: 0 2024-06-28 17:17:20.864 - Thread: 20 -> Mesh asset Cone.mwm has inconsistent vertex streams 2024-06-28 17:17:20.864 - Thread: 20 -> Normals length: 0 expected length: 25 2024-06-28 17:17:20.864 - Thread: 20 -> Texcoords length: 0 expected length: 25 2024-06-28 17:17:20.864 - Thread: 20 -> Tangents length: 0 expected length: 25 2024-06-28 17:17:20.864 - Thread: 20 -> Bitangents length: 0 expected length: 25 2024-06-28 17:17:20.865 - Thread: 20 -> Mesh asset Models/Debug/Cone.mwm has no material in part 0 2024-06-28 17:17:22.043 - Thread: 20 -> Mesh asset Sphere.mwm has inconsistent vertex streams 2024-06-28 17:17:22.044 - Thread: 20 -> Normals length: 0 expected length: 992 2024-06-28 17:17:22.044 - Thread: 20 -> Texcoords length: 0 expected length: 992 2024-06-28 17:17:22.044 - Thread: 20 -> Tangents length: 0 expected length: 992 2024-06-28 17:17:22.044 - Thread: 20 -> Bitangents length: 0 expected length: 992 2024-06-28 17:17:22.044 - Thread: 20 -> Mesh asset Models/Debug/Sphere.mwm has no material in part 0 2024-06-28 17:17:22.223 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInteral Apply Settings 2024-06-28 17:17:22.223 - Thread: 20 -> ApplySettings 2024-06-28 17:17:22.224 - Thread: 20 -> MyRenderDeviceSettings = { 2024-06-28 17:17:22.225 - Thread: 20 -> Adapter id = 0 2024-06-28 17:17:22.225 - Thread: 20 -> DXGIAdapter id = 0 2024-06-28 17:17:22.225 - Thread: 20 -> DXGIOutput id = 0 2024-06-28 17:17:22.225 - Thread: 20 -> Resolution = 1920 x 1080 2024-06-28 17:17:22.225 - Thread: 20 -> Window mode = FullscreenWindow 2024-06-28 17:17:22.225 - Thread: 20 -> } 2024-06-28 17:17:22.225 - Thread: 20 -> Screen resolution: 1920x1080 2024-06-28 17:17:22.225 - Thread: 20 -> CreateScreenResources: 1920x1080 2024-06-28 17:17:22.231 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInteral done (MyRenderDeviceSettings: { AdapterOrdinal: 0 NewAdapterOrdinal: 0 WindowMode: FullscreenWindow BackBufferWidth: 1920 BackBufferHeight: 1080 RefreshRate: 60000 VSync: 0 DebugDrawOnly: False UseStereoRendering: False SettingsMandatory: False InitParallel: False DRSSettingsPresets[0]: MinScreenPercentage: 50, MaxScreenPercentage: 100, FrameTimeBudgetMs: 16.66667, TargetedGpuHeadRoomPercentage: 10, CpuTimeHeadRoom: 1, HistorySize: 16, OutlierThreshold: 0, FrameWeightExponent: 0.9, MinResolutionChangePeriod: 8, IncreaseAmortizationBlendFactor: 0.9, ChangePercentageThreshold: 2, MaxConsecutiveOverbudgetGpuFrameCount: 2, GpuTimingMeasureMethod: 0, CpuBoundScreenPercentage: 100, IsEnabled: False DRSSettingsPresets[1]: MinScreenPercentage: 50, MaxScreenPercentage: 100, FrameTimeBudgetMs: 16.66667, TargetedGpuHeadRoomPercentage: 10, CpuTimeHeadRoom: 1, HistorySize: 16, OutlierThreshold: 0, FrameWeightExponent: 0.9, MinResolutionChangePeriod: 8, IncreaseAmortizationBlendFactor: 0.9, ChangePercentageThreshold: 2, MaxConsecutiveOverbudgetGpuFrameCount: 2, GpuTimingMeasureMethod: 0, CpuBoundScreenPercentage: 100, IsEnabled: False DRSSettingsPresets[2]: MinScreenPercentage: 50, MaxScreenPercentage: 100, FrameTimeBudgetMs: 16.66667, TargetedGpuHeadRoomPercentage: 10, CpuTimeHeadRoom: 1, HistorySize: 16, OutlierThreshold: 0, FrameWeightExponent: 0.9, MinResolutionChangePeriod: 8, IncreaseAmortizationBlendFactor: 0.9, ChangePercentageThreshold: 2, MaxConsecutiveOverbudgetGpuFrameCount: 2, GpuTimingMeasureMethod: 0, CpuBoundScreenPercentage: 100, IsEnabled: False }) 2024-06-28 17:17:22.231 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDevice: deviceCreated = True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.016 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.016 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.020 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.020 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.020 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.020 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.020 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.020 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.020 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.025 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.025 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.025 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.025 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.025 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.025 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.025 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.027 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.027 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.027 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.027 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.027 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.027 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.028 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.037 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.037 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.037 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.037 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.037 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.037 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.037 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.042 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.042 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.042 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.042 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.042 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.042 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.042 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.044 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.044 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.044 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.044 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.044 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.044 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.044 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.046 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.046 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.046 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.046 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.046 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.046 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.046 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.048 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.048 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.048 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.048 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.048 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.048 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.049 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.051 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.051 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.051 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.051 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.051 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.051 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.051 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.053 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.053 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.053 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.053 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.053 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.053 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.053 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.060 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.060 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.060 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.060 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.060 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.060 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.060 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.062 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.062 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.062 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.062 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.062 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.062 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.062 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.064 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.064 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.064 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.064 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.064 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.064 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.064 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.066 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.066 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.066 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.066 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.066 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.066 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.066 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.068 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.068 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.068 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.068 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.068 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.068 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.068 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.070 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.070 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.070 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.070 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.070 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.070 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.070 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.072 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.072 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.072 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.072 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.072 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.072 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.073 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.081 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.081 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.081 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.081 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.081 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.318 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager2.LoadContent() - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.323 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.323 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.326 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.326 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.326 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.326 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.326 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.326 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.327 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.329 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.329 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.329 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.329 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.329 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.329 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.329 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.337 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.337 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.337 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.337 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.337 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.337 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.337 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.341 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.341 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.341 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.341 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.341 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.341 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.341 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.343 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.343 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.343 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.343 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.343 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.343 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.343 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.345 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.345 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.345 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.345 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.345 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.345 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.345 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.347 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.347 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.347 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.347 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.347 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.347 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.347 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.363 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.363 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.363 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.363 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.363 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.363 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.363 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.365 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.365 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.365 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.365 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.365 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.365 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.365 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.367 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.367 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.367 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.367 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.367 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.367 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.367 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.369 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.369 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.369 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.369 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.369 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.369 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.369 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.378 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.378 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.379 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.379 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.379 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.379 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.379 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.381 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.381 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.381 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.381 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.381 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.381 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.381 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.383 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.383 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.383 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.383 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.383 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.383 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.383 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.385 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.385 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.385 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.385 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.385 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.385 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.385 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.387 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.387 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.387 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.387 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.387 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.387 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.387 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.393 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.393 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.393 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.393 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.393 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.393 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:25.393 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.398 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:25.398 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:25.398 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:25.398 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:25.398 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:25.399 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager2.LoadContent() - END 2024-06-28 17:17:26.832 - Thread: 11 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:26.832 - Thread: 11 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:26.834 - Thread: 11 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:26.834 - Thread: 11 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:26.834 - Thread: 11 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:26.834 - Thread: 11 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:26.834 - Thread: 11 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:26.834 - Thread: 11 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:26.834 - Thread: 11 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:26.843 - Thread: 11 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:26.843 - Thread: 11 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:26.843 - Thread: 11 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:26.843 - Thread: 11 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:26.843 - Thread: 11 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:26.843 - Thread: 11 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:17:26.843 - Thread: 11 -> Font filename: Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 11 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoSettingsManager.OnVideoAdaptersResponse 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 11 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 11 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 11 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 11 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter DeviceName: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 + DISPLAY9', Description: 'dev id: 8066, mem: 4126146560, shared mem: 17140393984, Luid: 34135727, rev: 161, subsys id: 946869346, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True' 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@75Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@72Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@75Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@56.25Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60.317Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@72.188Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60.004Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@70.069Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@75.029Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.848 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60.02Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@75.025Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x900@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@59.94006Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@59.94006Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.849 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.855 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.855 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.855 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.855 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.855 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.855 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.855 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@59.94006Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.855 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter DeviceName: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 + DISPLAY10', Description: 'dev id: 8066, mem: 4126146560, shared mem: 17140393984, Luid: 34135727, rev: 161, subsys id: 946869346, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True' 2024-06-28 17:17:26.855 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.858 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@75Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.858 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@72Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.858 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.858 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.858 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.858 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.859 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@75Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.859 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@56.25Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.859 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60.317Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.859 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@72.188Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.859 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60.004Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.859 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@70.069Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@75.029Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60.02Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@75.025Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x900@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@59.94006Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@59.94006Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@74.892Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@74.892Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@74.892Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@74.892Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@74.892Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.860 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@59.94006Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter DeviceName: 'Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000', Description: 'dev id: 354, mem: 0, shared mem: 1879048192, Luid: 63407, rev: 9, subsys id: 23205961, vendor id: 32902, feature_level 11.1: False' 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@75Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@72Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@75Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@56.25Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60.317Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@72.188Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60.004Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@70.069Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@75.029Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.861 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60.02Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@75.025Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x900@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@59.94006Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@59.94006Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@59.94006Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter DeviceName: 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver', Description: 'dev id: 140, mem: 0, shared mem: 17140393984, Luid: 63363, rev: 0, subsys id: 0, vendor id: 5140, feature_level 11.1: True' 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@75Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@72Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@75Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@56.25Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60.317Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@72.188Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60.004Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@70.069Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@75.029Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@59.94Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.862 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60.02Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@75.025Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.79Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x900@59.887Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@59.94006Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1440x1080@59.94006Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.954Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@60Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@50Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.863 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@59.94006Hz 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> MyRenderSettings1 = { 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> AntialiasingMode = NONE 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> ShadowQuality = DISABLED 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> ShadowGPUQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> ShadowMemoryQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> TextureQuality = MEDIUM 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> VoxelTextureQuality = MEDIUM 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> AnisotropicFiltering = NONE 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> HqDepth = True 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> GrassDrawDistance = 0 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> GrassDensityFactor = 0 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> AmbientOcclusionEnabled = True 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> ModelQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> VoxelQuality = LOW 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> VoxelShaderQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> AlphaMaskedShaderQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> AtmosphereShaderQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> DistanceFade = 500 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> ParticleQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> LightsQuality = NORMAL 2024-06-28 17:17:26.920 - Thread: 11 -> } 2024-06-28 17:17:37.369 - Thread: 9 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\gui\controls\news_background_right_top.dds 2024-06-28 17:17:37.369 - Thread: 9 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\gui\controls\news_background_right_bottom.dds 2024-06-28 17:17:37.370 - Thread: 9 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\gui\controls\news_background_right_center.dds 2024-06-28 17:17:40.685 - Thread: 9 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\gui\screens\screen_background_fade.dds 2024-06-28 17:17:48.683 - Thread: 8 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\gui\screens\loading_background_008.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:24.659 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.660 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.662 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.662 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.662 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.662 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.662 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.662 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.662 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.667 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.667 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.667 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.667 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.667 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.667 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.667 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.669 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.669 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.669 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.669 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.669 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.669 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.669 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.671 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.671 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.671 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.671 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.671 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.671 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.674 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.674 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.674 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.674 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.674 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.674 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.674 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.676 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.676 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.676 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.676 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.676 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.676 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.676 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.678 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.678 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.678 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.678 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.678 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.678 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.678 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.679 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.679 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.679 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.679 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.679 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.680 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.680 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.685 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.685 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.685 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.685 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.685 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.685 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.685 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.688 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.688 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.688 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.688 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.688 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.688 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.688 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.690 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.690 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.690 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.690 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.690 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.690 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.690 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.692 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.692 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.692 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.692 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.692 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.695 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.695 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.695 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.695 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.695 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.695 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.695 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.697 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.697 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.697 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.697 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.697 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.697 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.697 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.699 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.699 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.699 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.699 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.699 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.699 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.699 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.705 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.705 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.705 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.705 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.705 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.705 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.705 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.708 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.708 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.708 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.708 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.708 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.708 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.708 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.712 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.712 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.712 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.712 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.712 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.719 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.719 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\514062285\Fonts\BI_SEOutlined\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.721 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\514062285\Fonts\BI_SEOutlined\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.721 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.721 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.721 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.721 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.722 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.722 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\514062285\Fonts\BI_Monospace\BIMonospace.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.728 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\514062285\Fonts\BI_Monospace\BIMonospace.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.729 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.729 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 29 2024-06-28 17:18:24.729 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.729 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.729 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.729 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.731 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.731 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.731 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.731 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.731 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.731 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.731 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.733 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.733 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.733 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.733 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.733 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.734 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.734 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.736 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.736 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.736 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.736 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.736 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:24.736 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:24.736 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.738 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:24.738 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:24.738 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:24.738 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:24.738 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:27.335 - Thread: 20 -> Texture EMPTY with size 1x1 can't fit to file array with size 32x32 2024-06-28 17:18:28.698 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.698 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.701 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.701 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.701 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.701 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.701 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.701 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.701 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.706 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.706 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.706 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.706 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.706 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.706 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.706 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.708 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.709 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.709 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.709 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.709 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.709 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.709 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.710 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.710 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.710 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.710 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.711 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.711 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.711 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.712 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.712 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.712 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.712 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.712 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.712 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.712 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.718 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.718 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.718 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.718 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.718 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.718 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.718 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.720 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.720 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.720 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.720 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.720 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.721 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.721 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.723 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.723 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.723 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.723 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.723 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.723 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.723 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.729 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.729 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.729 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.729 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.729 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.729 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.729 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.731 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.731 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.731 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.731 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.731 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.731 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.731 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.733 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.734 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.734 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.734 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.734 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.734 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.734 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.736 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.736 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.736 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.736 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.736 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.736 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.736 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.741 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.741 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.741 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.741 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.741 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.741 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.741 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.743 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.743 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.743 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.743 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.743 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.743 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.743 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.745 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.745 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.745 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.745 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.745 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.745 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.745 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.747 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.747 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.747 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.747 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.747 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.747 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.747 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.749 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.749 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.749 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.749 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.749 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.749 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.749 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.753 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\monospace\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.753 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.753 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.753 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.753 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.753 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.753 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\514062285\Fonts\BI_SEOutlined\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.760 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\514062285\Fonts\BI_SEOutlined\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.760 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.760 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.760 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.760 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.760 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.760 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\514062285\Fonts\BI_Monospace\BIMonospace.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.763 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\514062285\Fonts\BI_Monospace\BIMonospace.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.763 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.763 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 29 2024-06-28 17:18:28.763 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.763 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.763 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.763 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.765 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.765 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.765 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.765 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.765 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.765 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.765 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.770 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.770 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.770 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.770 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.770 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.770 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.770 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.772 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.772 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.772 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.772 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.772 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:28.772 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:28.772 - Thread: 1 -> Font filename: Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.774 - Thread: 1 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Fonts\white_shadow\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:28.774 - Thread: 1 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:28.774 - Thread: 1 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:28.774 - Thread: 1 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:28.774 - Thread: 1 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:30.932 - Thread: 10 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:30.932 - Thread: 10 -> Font filename: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\514062285\Fonts\BI_SEOutlined\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:30.934 - Thread: 10 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\514062285\Fonts\BI_SEOutlined\FontDataPA.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:30.934 - Thread: 10 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:30.934 - Thread: 10 -> Baseline: 30 2024-06-28 17:18:30.934 - Thread: 10 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:30.934 - Thread: 10 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:30.934 - Thread: 10 -> MyFont.Ctor - START 2024-06-28 17:18:30.934 - Thread: 10 -> Font filename: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\514062285\Fonts\BI_Monospace\BIMonospace.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:30.936 - Thread: 10 -> FontFilePath: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\514062285\Fonts\BI_Monospace\BIMonospace.xml 2024-06-28 17:18:30.936 - Thread: 10 -> LineHeight: 37 2024-06-28 17:18:30.936 - Thread: 10 -> Baseline: 29 2024-06-28 17:18:30.936 - Thread: 10 -> KernEnabled: True 2024-06-28 17:18:30.936 - Thread: 10 -> MyFont.Ctor - END 2024-06-28 17:18:42.102 - Thread: 10 -> Texture does not exist: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\textures\models\cubes\conveyordoor_add.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:46.352 - Thread: 10 -> Texture does not exist: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\textures\models\environment\safezone\safezoneshield_ng.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:46.353 - Thread: 10 -> Texture does not exist: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\textures\models\environment\safezone\safezoneshield_alphamask.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:46.464 - Thread: 12 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\models\environment\sky\earthfarclouds_cm.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:46.476 - Thread: 15 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\models\environment\sky\landsky_texture_cm.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:47.905 - Thread: 20 -> Texture EMPTY with size 1x1 can't fit to file array with size 32x32 2024-06-28 17:18:48.459 - Thread: 10 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: ..\..\..\workshop\content\244850\1469072169\textures\compass.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:51.045 - Thread: 13 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\models\environment\sky\martiansky_cm.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:51.048 - Thread: 14 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\models\environment\sky\martiansky02_cm.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:51.107 - Thread: 14 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: textures\models\environment\sky\aliensky_cm.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:51.151 - Thread: 12 -> Warning: Missing textures for part(s) PaintedMetal_Default (ColorMetal NormalGlossFilepath ExtensionFilepath AlphamaskFilepath) in model g:\steam lib 3\steamapps\common\spaceengineers\content\Models\Cubes\large\CockpitLarge_LOD1.mwm 2024-06-28 17:18:51.180 - Thread: 12 -> Warning: Missing textures for part(s) PaintedMetal_Default (ColorMetal NormalGlossFilepath ExtensionFilepath AlphamaskFilepath) in model g:\steam lib 3\steamapps\common\spaceengineers\content\Models\Cubes\large\CockpitLarge_LOD2.mwm 2024-06-28 17:18:51.203 - Thread: 12 -> Warning: Missing textures for part(s) PaintedMetal_Default (ColorMetal NormalGlossFilepath ExtensionFilepath AlphamaskFilepath) in model g:\steam lib 3\steamapps\common\spaceengineers\content\Models\Cubes\large\CockpitLarge_LOD3.mwm 2024-06-28 17:18:51.714 - Thread: 13 -> Texture does not exist: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\textures\models\cubes\conveyordoor_add.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:51.715 - Thread: 13 -> Could not load texture: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\textures\models\cubes\conveyordoor_add.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:51.715 - Thread: 13 -> Missing or invalid texture: textures\models\cubes\conveyordoor_add.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:51.715 - Thread: 15 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: ..\..\..\workshop\content\244850\810328054\textures\models\cubes\conveyordoor_cm.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:51.715 - Thread: 13 -> Compressed texture with MipLevels <= 1: ..\..\..\workshop\content\244850\810328054\textures\models\cubes\conveyordoor_ng.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:51.735 - Thread: 20 -> Texture ReleaseMissingExtension with size 1x1 can't fit to file array with size 1024x1024 2024-06-28 17:18:53.880 - Thread: 15 -> Texture does not exist: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\textures\models\environment\safezone\safezoneshield_alphamask.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:53.880 - Thread: 15 -> Could not load texture: G:\Steam Lib 3\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\textures\models\environment\safezone\safezoneshield_alphamask.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:53.880 - Thread: 15 -> Missing or invalid texture: textures\models\environment\safezone\safezoneshield_alphamask.dds 2024-06-28 17:18:53.925 - Thread: 1 -> Log Closed