00:00:00.9558 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Saving game before restart. 00:00:00.9558 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Restarting server. 00:00:02.0335 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 00:00:02.0405 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 00:00:02.0405 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 6999 Target: X:447324.02336463 Y:-773352.842466243 Z:1078029.46014768 00:00:02.0756 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 6999 @ X:447328.913135675 Y:-773355.554880955 Z:1078036.53000965 00:00:03.8016 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Just__J meta data! 00:00:03.8016 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 00:00:03.8016 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 00:00:03.8016 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 00:00:03.8408 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8686kb Compressed: 414kb 00:00:04.1097 [INFO] Torch: Saved game 00:00:04.1097 [INFO] Torch: Stopping server. 00:00:04.1328 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloading torch session for Torch System 00:00:04.1328 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 296 Identity on the server 00:00:04.1328 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game ending.... 00:00:05.1383 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session Unloading, suspend backup timer! 00:00:05.1383 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloading 00:00:05.1383 [INFO] Essentials: Unloading rank data into JSON 00:00:05.1383 [INFO] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Start Unloading!!! 00:00:05.1383 [INFO] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Wait for 120 seconds before force Restart! 00:00:05.1453 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Removed authentication intercept 00:00:08.2511 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Just__J meta data! 00:00:08.2511 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 00:00:08.2511 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 00:00:08.2511 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 00:00:08.2922 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8686kb Compressed: 414kb 00:00:08.2922 [ERROR] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server Saved and is stopping! 00:00:15.3948 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloaded torch session for Torch System 00:00:15.3948 [WARN] Nexus: Stopping Nexus Network Communications! 00:00:15.4039 [ERROR] Nexus: Fully unloaded the server (This is not an error)! 00:00:15.4039 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloaded 00:00:15.9487 [INFO] Torch: Server stopped. 00:00:24.1110 [INFO] Torch.Patches.MessageSizeLimitPatch: Patched MessageSizeLimit 00:00:24.1140 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 00:00:24.1863 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/14. (14%) 00:00:24.1863 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/14. (21%) 00:00:24.1923 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/14. (35%) 00:00:24.1923 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 6/14. (42%) 00:00:24.1923 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 7/14. (50%) 00:00:24.1923 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/14. (64%) 00:00:24.1923 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 10/14. (71%) 00:00:24.1923 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 12/14. (85%) 00:00:24.2114 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/14. (92%) 00:00:24.2114 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 14/14. (100%) 00:00:24.2114 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 00:00:24.2114 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ModsDownloadingPatch: Patching mods downloading 00:00:24.2355 [INFO] Torch.Patches.PromotePatch: patching promote 00:00:24.2355 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response polling 00:00:24.2355 [INFO] Torch.Patches.SteamLoginPatch: Applied custom WaitStart timeout 00:00:24.2596 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Checking for Torch Update... 00:00:24.2746 [INFO] Torch: Initializing server 00:00:24.4883 [INFO] Torch: RELEASE 00:00:24.4883 [INFO] Torch: Torch Version: v1.3.0.249-master 00:00:24.4883 [INFO] Torch: Game Version: 1.203.23 00:00:24.4883 [INFO] Torch: Executing assembly: Torch.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 00:00:24.4883 [INFO] Torch: Executing directory: C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\ 00:00:24.5004 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugins... 00:00:24.5375 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Checking for plugin updates... 00:00:24.5375 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 00:00:24.5375 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 00:00:24.5375 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 00:00:24.6405 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Latest version is v1.3.0.249-master | Current version is v1.3.0.249-master 00:00:24.6405 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Torch is up to date. 00:00:25.1639 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 00:00:25.1639 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin FoogsNoFamilySharing does not have any releases on torchapi.com. Cannot update. 00:00:25.4388 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Updated 0 plugins. 00:00:25.4970 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at AdminLogger.Main 00:00:25.4970 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Admin Logger' (v1.7.4) 00:00:25.4970 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeathLocationFix.DeathLocationFixPlugin 00:00:25.4970 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeathLocationFix' (v1.0.0.7) 00:00:25.5061 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeleteTracker.DeleteTrackerPlugin 00:00:25.5061 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeleteTracker' (v1.0.2.5) 00:00:25.5061 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin 00:00:25.5061 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Backup' (v1.0.5.8) 00:00:25.5061 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin 00:00:25.5061 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PCU Transferrer' (v1.1.11.8) 00:00:25.5061 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_PlayerStats.PlayerStatsPlugin 00:00:25.5061 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PlayerStats' (v1.0.1.9) 00:00:25.5061 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RespawnFix.RespawnFixPlugin 00:00:25.5061 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE RespawnFix' (v1.0.2.2) 00:00:25.5201 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartPlugin 00:00:25.5201 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Restart Watchdog' (v1.0.2.4) 00:00:25.5201 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin 00:00:25.5201 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE ShipFixer' (v1.0.10.0) 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportServer() ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportClient(VRageMath.Vector3D, Single) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsResponse(System.String) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ForceClusterReorderRequest() ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void UpdateEconomyRequest() ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestStationPositions() ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void DrawStationsClient(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugGameplay2+MyStationDebugDrawStructure]) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnSnapshotsMechanicalPivotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnWorldSnapshotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataServer(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataClient(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestLayersFromServer() ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ReceiveLayersFromServer(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugNetwork+Layer]) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsReply(System.String) ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnCrash() ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestSettingFromServer_Implementation() ModSdk methods 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DAC.AntiCheatPlugin 00:00:25.6070 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'AntiCheat-DORI' (v1.0.5.17) 00:00:25.6321 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at BlockLimiter.BlockLimiter 00:00:25.6321 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'BlockLimiter' (v1.7.705-48cf4b22) 00:00:25.6452 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Patching Successful Crunch Projector! 00:00:25.6452 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin+MyPatch: Patching Successful CrunchDrill! 00:00:25.6963 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin 00:00:25.6963 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'CrunchUtils' (v1.3.370) 00:00:25.7335 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 00:00:25.7335 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DefIdToStringFix' (v1.0.1) 00:00:25.7847 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DePatch.DePatchPlugin 00:00:25.7847 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DePatch' (1.20.08) 00:00:25.7957 [INFO] Essentials.Patches.ChatMessagePatch: Patched OnChatMessageReceived_Server! 00:00:25.7957 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Essentials.EssentialsPlugin 00:00:25.7957 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Essentials' (v1.7.1.179-001-55b53d6) 00:00:25.8037 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at InfluxDb.Torch.TorchInfluxDbPlugin 00:00:25.8037 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'InfluxDB Integration' (v2.2.8074.40508) 00:00:25.8780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Nexus.Main 00:00:25.8780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Nexus (Server Sectoring & DataSync)' (v1.01.32) 00:00:25.8800 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoMoreEmojis.Plugin 00:00:25.8800 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NoMoreEmojis' (v1.0.3) 00:00:25.8800 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoFSPluginNs.NoFSPlugin 00:00:25.8800 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'FoogsNoFamilySharing' (1) 00:00:25.8800 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer 00:00:25.8800 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NPCFactionFixer' (1.1.125-f4f9d5d) 00:00:25.9322 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 00:00:25.9322 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'PerformanceImprovements' (v1.10.14.0) 00:00:25.9322 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS 00:00:25.9322 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'GlobalGPS' (v1.0.011) 00:00:25.9322 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 00:00:25.9322 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Profiler.ProfilerPlugin 00:00:25.9322 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Profiler' (v3.1.8432.40000) 00:00:25.9633 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at QuantumHangar.Hangar 00:00:25.9633 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Quantum Hangar' (v3.2.30) 00:00:25.9633 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at _sc 00:00:25.9633 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Rewards' (1.2.2) 00:00:26.0642 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin 00:00:26.0642 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'SEDiscordBridge' (v2.0.4.025) 00:00:26.0833 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TebexTorchAPI.Tebex 00:00:26.0833 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Tebex Server Donations' (1.1.0) 00:00:26.0833 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 00:00:26.0833 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchMonitor.TorchMonitorPlugin 00:00:26.0833 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Torch Monitor' (v2.2.8164.42300) 00:00:26.0833 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin 00:00:26.0833 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'MIG-Freezer' ( 00:00:26.0833 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic 00:00:26.0833 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HaE PBLimiter' (v1.1.1.4) 00:00:26.1214 [ERROR] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patch shim type TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.GridDamagePatch doesn't have a static Patch method. 00:00:26.1214 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.Init 00:00:26.1214 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.UpdateAfterSimulation10 00:00:26.1214 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.SessionDownloadPatch: TorchGameServerPlugin: SessionDownloadPatch applied 00:00:26.1214 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain 00:00:26.1214 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'TorchGameServerPlugin' (v1.0.2) 00:00:26.1565 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\TebexTorchAPI.cfg 00:00:26.2007 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Hangar: Starting plugin WITHOUT the Hangar Market! 00:00:26.2007 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Init Foogs_NoFamilySharing 00:00:26.2117 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Foogs_NoFamilySharing disabled 00:00:26.2117 [WARN] Nexus: Initilizing Nexus Steam 00:00:26.2810 [INFO] NexusComponents: Calling 24 classes components to patch! 00:00:26.2890 [INFO] NexusComponents: Successfully patched 44/44 methods! 00:00:26.2890 [WARN] NexusSubscriber: Subscriber socket is Initilizing! 00:00:26.3612 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 00:00:26.3873 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=TorchMonitor.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 00:00:26.3873 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=Intervals.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 00:00:26.8184 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Init FoogsRewardsPlugin 00:00:26.8355 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Loading Crunch Utils 00:00:26.8525 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: PBLimiter loaded! 00:00:26.8525 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: Init 00:00:26.8525 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: OptimalHavokThreadCount = -1 00:00:27.9188 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Configuration Saved. 00:00:27.9188 [INFO] Essentials: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\Essentials.cfg 00:00:27.9790 [INFO] DePatch.DePatchPlugin: Mod Loader Complete overriding 00:00:27.9951 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=ProfilerPlugin.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 00:00:28.2068 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: found 5 products from API 00:00:28.2068 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP - 5351916 | multiplier: 2 00:00:28.2068 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP+ - 5352253 | multiplier: 2.5 00:00:28.2068 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: Supporter - 5352553 | multiplier: 1 00:00:28.2068 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 1.5k Block spawn - 5352612 | multiplier: 1 00:00:28.2068 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 3.5x multiplier - 5435517 | multiplier: 3.5 00:00:28.2088 [INFO] DefIdToStringFix: Init 00:00:28.2088 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loaded 31 plugins. 00:00:28.2560 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Loading Dedicated Config 00:00:28.2877 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing network services 00:00:28.2877 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing services 00:00:28.2877 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Services initialized 00:00:28.3048 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Setting up serializers 00:00:29.1493 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerPatch: Finished Patching! 00:00:29.1493 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 00:00:29.1493 [INFO] InstanceManager: Loading instance C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance 00:00:33.0038 [INFO] ModListControl: Instance loaded. 00:00:33.0058 [INFO] Torch: Initialized server 'Outer instance2' at 'C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance' 00:00:33.0058 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 00:00:33.0205 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response timeout to 5 seconds 00:00:33.0516 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/169. (10%) 00:00:33.1048 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/169. (20%) 00:00:33.1268 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 51/169. (30%) 00:00:33.1519 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 68/169. (40%) 00:00:33.2192 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 85/169. (50%) 00:00:33.2593 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 102/169. (60%) 00:00:33.2854 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 119/169. (70%) 00:00:33.3105 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 136/169. (80%) 00:00:33.3295 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 153/169. (90%) 00:00:33.3797 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 169/169. (100%) 00:00:33.3797 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 00:00:33.3797 [INFO] Torch: Starting server. 00:00:34.3242 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 00:00:34.3683 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 00:00:36.6934 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 00:00:36.6934 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 00:00:36.6934 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 00:00:36.6934 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 00:00:36.6934 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: AntiCheat: All Patches Loaded 00:00:37.3673 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.RemoteAPIManager: Remote API started on port 8080 00:00:40.9276 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: ServerLoading started on ID: 24! Requesting Data from controller and watching for reply! 00:00:41.0290 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Waiting for Sandbox data from Controller! Make sure your ports are open! 00:00:41.1424 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Controller Version: 2.5.05 00:00:41.1544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Data Successfully Recieved and Deserialized! 00:00:43.0308 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Servers Recieved: 14 00:00:43.0308 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Sectors Recieved: 14 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: The following is the treeview of your sector layout: 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 2 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space A 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space B 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer space 2 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space A 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth moon area 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth only sector 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Moon standalone 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Viking sector 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: GOD SECTOR 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Europa 00:00:43.0368 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Lotus 00:00:43.0368 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: AddonConfigs: 1 00:00:44.0519 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Deserialized controller sandbox to XMLCheckpoint and clearing internally! 00:00:44.0519 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server starting as: SyncedSectored! 00:00:46.4882 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod: NexusSyncMod is running NexusModAPI! 00:00:46.4962 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod Patching Complete for 2272613450.sbm 00:00:51.1903 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Starting new torch session for Torch System 00:00:51.1933 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 00:00:51.1933 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/5. (20%) 00:00:51.1933 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/5. (40%) 00:00:51.1933 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/5. (60%) 00:00:51.1933 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/5. (80%) 00:00:51.1933 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/5. (100%) 00:00:51.1933 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 00:00:51.1933 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loading 00:00:52.7569 [WARN] Keen: Missing definition MyObjectBuilder_DemoComponentDefinition/Default : for session component DemoComponent 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Inserted authentication intercept 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whatsmyip' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'help' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'longhelp' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ver' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reload' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'plugins' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'notify' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart.cancel' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop.cancel' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'save' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'uptime' 00:01:12.7951 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Loaded torch session for Torch System 00:01:12.8092 [INFO] BlockLimiter.PluginApi.EssentialsPlayerAccount: Blocklimiter communication with essentials successful 00:01:12.8092 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 296 Identity on the server 00:01:12.8092 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game started.... 00:01:12.8092 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:01:12.8092 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 00:01:12.8092 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: BlockLimiter v1.7.705-48cf4b22 is installed! 00:01:12.8092 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 00:01:12.8092 [INFO] NexusComponents: 24 Nexus components started! 00:01:12.8092 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.CommandSync: Waiting for CommandQueue from Controller! 00:01:14.2704 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Qweller:hehe:0 00:01:14.8169 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Start 00:01:14.8169 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Patching battaries. For fix of discharging 00:01:14.8169 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Finished 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unfreeze' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.production' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.on' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.off' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.on' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.off' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.can-be-frozen' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.frozen' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.not-frozen' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-entities' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-updates' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-frames' 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/4. (25%) 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/4. (50%) 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/4. (75%) 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/4. (100%) 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 00:01:14.8169 [ERROR] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: MIG TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin: PATCH COMPLETED 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin: BlockLimiter Reference added to PCU-Transferrer for limit checks. 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session loaded, start backup timer! 00:01:14.8169 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loaded 00:01:14.8350 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch start 00:01:14.8922 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 00:01:14.9012 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/42. (11%) 00:01:14.9012 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/42. (21%) 00:01:14.9012 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/42. (30%) 00:01:14.9112 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/42. (40%) 00:01:14.9112 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 21/42. (50%) 00:01:14.9112 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 26/42. (61%) 00:01:14.9112 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 30/42. (71%) 00:01:14.9293 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/42. (80%) 00:01:14.9293 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 38/42. (90%) 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 42/42. (100%) 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch done 00:01:14.9453 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Sending setting data to self 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.enable' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.grid' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.player' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.faction' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.reload' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.rematch.ids' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.violations' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.playerlimit' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.gridlimit' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.factionlimit' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.annoy' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.punish' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.mylimit' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.mylimit' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.limits' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.pairnames' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.definitions' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'donate' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:secret' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:forcecheck' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:info' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.sell' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.marketlist' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.sell' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.marketlist' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.save' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.list' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.load' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.remove' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.sync' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.syncall' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohangar' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohanger-override' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.enable' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.saveall' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.ttmod' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.clearSpheres' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.save' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.list' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.load' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.remove' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.sync' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.syncall' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohangar' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohanger-override' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.enable' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.saveall' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.save' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.list' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.load' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.remove' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.info' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.save' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.list' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.load' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.remove' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.info' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.box' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.boxclear' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ptoggle' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsectors' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsector' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.lobby' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players.faction' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ver' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switch' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switchall' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.identity' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.reset' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.breaklink' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.addwhitelist' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.removewhitelist' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'd.link' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'Lobby.GetID' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reload' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reloadconfig' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.enable' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.disable' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge.grid' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'seedcleanup.all' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridcleanup' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.ownedby' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.buildby' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.noauthor' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsowner' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsauthor' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgrids' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsrange' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoauthor' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoowner' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'protect' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unprotect' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freebuild' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checklimits' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.player' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.faction' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkowner' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkauthor' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listblocks' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listallblocks' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'findblock' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfer' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransfer' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcu' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransferpcu' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferowner' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfernobody' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcunobody' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferownernobody' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'repair' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.configs' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.commands' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.w' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.on' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.off' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.reload' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.corners' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.centers' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.cleargps' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listadminsettings' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearadminsettings' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearalladminsettings' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list.faction' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.find' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore.faction' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.save' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.run' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.clearup' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identitycleanup.name' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.tag.length' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.name' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listplayers' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.player' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.faction' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.factions' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.player' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.faction' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.debugfaction' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.player' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.playerallfactions' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.faction' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.factionallplayers' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.debugfaction' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmod' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmodid' 00:01:14.9453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixship' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reward' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadm' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadmt' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sewa.shop' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalance' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalanceplayer' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoney' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoneyplayer' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfermoney' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.reload' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'enablestone' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.config' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makeship' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'removebody' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makestation' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'togglestone' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stone' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'TestEconSync' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'FullEconSync' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetbalances' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayers' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfactions' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'claim' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sellgrid' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'denygrid' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'acceptgrid' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixrespawn' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'prediction' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'convert' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pcucount' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fillhydro' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.rename' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rename' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixme' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getsteamid' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixallstations' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'worldpcu' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ishydrogen' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'zone' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isecon' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixstation' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.search' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tags' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listids' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnames' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'updatename' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco' 00:01:14.9614 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path eco is already registered. 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.balance' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'lastlogin' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.top' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'warstatus' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'declarewar' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nofriendforyou' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sendpeace' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ac' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'place.station' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetnpcrep' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetallrep' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.info' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'facinfo' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdrawall' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.deposit' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdraw' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'giveitem' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.promote' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'broadcast' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.kick' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isnpc' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.take' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.give' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.hide' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.show' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.delete' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.pay' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whis' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'msg' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.giveplayer' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayer' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfac' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getfacid' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleargrid' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'dirkclear' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridtype' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takeplayer' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.givefac' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.rep.change' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'player.rep.change' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takefac' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.status' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.test.bonus' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.check.multiplier' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.help' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.info' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.enable' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.disable' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.fix' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.add' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.clear' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.remove' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.refresh' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.stop' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.delete' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.kill' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.find' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweroff' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweron' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.eject' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.setowner' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.ejectall' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.static.large' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.stopall' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.list' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.export' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.import' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'say' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tp' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tpto' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tphere' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'w' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'kick' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ban' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unban' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'motd' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.give' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.take' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.set' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.reset' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.top' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.check' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.pay' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.add' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.del' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.list' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.goto' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.createrank' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delrank' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setmaxhomes' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.reservedslot' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.renamerank' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setdefaultrank' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setrank' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.populate' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addinheritance' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delinheritance' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addperm' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delperm' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addplayerperm' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delplayerperm' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.listranks' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.cancel' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.list' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'no' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'yes' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.debug' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.reset' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.stats' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playercount' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playerlist' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.runauto' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelauto' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelautobyindex' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listauto' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listrunningauto' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.set.toolbar' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.setrank' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.reserve' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unreserve' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.mute' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unmute' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.list.mute' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.give' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.type' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.subtype' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.type' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.subtype' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.type' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.subtype' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.general' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.general' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.scan' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.list' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete.floatingobjects' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.help' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.all' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.asteroids' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.distant' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planets' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planet' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.area' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.gps' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clean' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.purge' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clear' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rep.wipe' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.clean' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.remove' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.info' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sandbox.clean' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'info.list' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.on' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.off' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.sim' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.frames' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocktypes' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocks' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.grids' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.factions' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.players' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.scripts' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.session' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.entities' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.physics' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.flags' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.custom' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.cleangps' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.help' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'credits' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.reset' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.time' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test.reward' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.init' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test' 00:01:14.9614 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path forge.test is already registered. 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'density' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 00:01:14.9614 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path weather.clear is already registered. 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 00:01:14.9614 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path perks is already registered. 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'SendGPS' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sound' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'EMP' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'strike' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.info' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.enable' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.disable' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.on' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.off' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.add' 00:01:14.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.remove' 00:01:15.0122 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: Communication with TGS successful 00:01:15.0122 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 00:01:15.0122 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 00:01:15.0122 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/3. (33%) 00:01:15.0122 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/3. (66%) 00:01:15.0122 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/3. (100%) 00:01:15.0122 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 00:01:15.0794 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mavo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198291550613, PlayerID: 176561198291550613 00:01:15.0874 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Carros de Combate passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198145734500, PlayerID: 176561198145734500 00:01:18.2940 [WARN] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards initialized 00:01:18.3066 [INFO] Torch: Starting server watchdog. 00:01:18.3066 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 00:01:18.5444 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: VariableStorage:Load 00:01:18.5444 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer [4.0.30319.42000] will work in 5000 ms 00:01:18.5544 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 00:01:18.6377 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ronaldwaihong passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199193696225, PlayerID: 176561199193696225 00:01:18.7621 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 00:01:18.8625 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 00:01:18.9217 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 00:01:18.9939 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 00:01:19.0848 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Just__J passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198050157388, PlayerID: 176561198050157388 00:01:19.1561 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: awiges passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198023007525, PlayerID: 176561198023007525 00:01:19.2775 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xXGrabTheBreadXx passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198350021532, PlayerID: 176561198350021532 00:01:19.3628 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 00:01:19.4246 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: CrabMan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198059452991, PlayerID: 176561198059452991 00:01:19.4637 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 00:01:19.4979 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: G�rkan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198247862624, PlayerID: 176561198247862624 00:01:19.5510 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sir_ForeverPT passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198293135754, PlayerID: 176561198293135754 00:01:20.3042 [ERROR] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards ProcessQueue start 00:01:23.5526 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer started work 00:01:24.9536 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'weather.clear' 00:01:24.9536 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'perks' 00:01:24.9536 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'credits' 00:01:24.9536 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'weather.clear' 00:01:24.9536 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'perks' 00:01:24.9536 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'SendGPS' 00:01:24.9607 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path SendGPS is already registered. 00:01:24.9607 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'sound' 00:01:24.9607 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path sound is already registered. 00:01:24.9607 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'EMP' 00:01:24.9607 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path EMP is already registered. 00:01:24.9607 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'strike' 00:01:24.9607 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path strike is already registered. 00:01:27.8942 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mavo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198291550613, PlayerID: 176561198291550613 00:01:41.7610 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xXGrabTheBreadXx passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198350021532, PlayerID: 176561198350021532 00:01:50.8443 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 00:02:01.9105 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 00:02:04.1103 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sir_ForeverPT passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198293135754, PlayerID: 176561198293135754 00:02:09.5936 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xXGrabTheBreadXx passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198350021532, PlayerID: 176561198350021532 00:02:12.8212 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:02:15.5618 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198350021532 from 00:02:15.6000 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx joined (76561198350021532) 00:02:15.6000 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 00:02:15.6000 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 00:02:15.6000 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 00:02:15.6000 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 00:02:15.7605 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:48.3775 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 00:02:52.7444 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 00:03:03.1441 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 00:03:03.1611 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 00:03:03.1611 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 00:03:03.1611 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 00:03:03.1611 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 00:03:03.1611 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 00:03:03.1802 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 00:03:03.1972 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:03:11.4941 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Just__J passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198050157388, PlayerID: 176561198050157388 00:03:12.8330 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:03:15.2029 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: xXGrabTheBreadXx successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 00:03:16.2446 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 00:03:18.6418 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198050157388 from 00:03:18.6850 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Just__J joined (76561198050157388) 00:03:18.6850 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 00:03:18.6850 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 00:03:18.6850 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 00:03:18.6850 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 00:03:18.7442 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:03:24.7104 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: G�rkan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198247862624, PlayerID: 176561198247862624 00:03:47.9610 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sir_ForeverPT passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198293135754, PlayerID: 176561198293135754 00:04:12.8329 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:04:14.8274 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 00:04:29.0775 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 00:04:34.7444 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 00:04:42.0942 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Just__J successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 00:04:52.5745 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:hey:2 00:04:52.5745 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hey, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:04:52.5826 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hey 00:04:57.9784 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:you there ?:2 00:04:57.9784 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you there ?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:04:57.9784 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: you there ? 00:04:59.9365 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:mining now:0 00:05:03.9905 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:OuterA:0 00:05:07.5420 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok:2 00:05:07.5420 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:05:07.5420 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 00:05:12.8349 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:05:18.5701 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:you're speaking on global XD:2 00:05:18.5701 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you're speaking on global XD, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:05:18.5701 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: you're speaking on global XD 00:05:19.0444 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:i am in viking sector:0 00:05:22.6119 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:making new home :):0 00:05:26.8299 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:right:2 00:05:26.8299 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: right, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:05:26.8299 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: right 00:05:28.1316 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 00:05:41.5064 [WARN] Keen: Sound on different thread , PlaySound 00:05:41.5064 [WARN] Keen: Sound on different thread , PlaySound 00:05:59.9269 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 00:06:12.8489 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:06:30.5155 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:hey, wan't a nice in atsteroid base location?:2 00:06:30.5155 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hey, wan't a nice in atsteroid base location?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:06:30.5155 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hey, wan't a nice in atsteroid base location? 00:06:35.1269 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 00:06:38.7101 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 00:07:12.8503 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:07:18.4774 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: CrabMan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198059452991, PlayerID: 176561198059452991 00:07:54.6108 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 00:08:07.1443 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 00:08:12.8511 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:08:36.9938 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: CrabMan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198059452991, PlayerID: 176561198059452991 00:08:51.5740 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:hmm... sure:2 00:08:51.5740 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hmm... sure, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:08:51.5740 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hmm... sure 00:09:12.8507 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:09:27.8183 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:so, I hand mined a large gold node out, and it started 10m below surface:2 00:09:27.8183 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so, I hand mined a large gold node out, and it started 10m below surface, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:09:27.8183 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: so, I hand mined a large gold node out, and it started 10m below surface 00:09:36.2368 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh wow:2 00:09:36.2368 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh wow, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:09:36.2368 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh wow 00:09:39.5627 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:made a really nice cavern:2 00:09:39.5627 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: made a really nice cavern, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:09:39.5627 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: made a really nice cavern 00:09:44.7805 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:nice:2 00:09:44.7805 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:09:44.7805 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: nice 00:09:47.8439 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ronaldwaihong passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199193696225, PlayerID: 176561199193696225 00:09:59.4773 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Carros de Combate passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198145734500, PlayerID: 176561198145734500 00:10:11.1666 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:GPS:OuterA Asteroid Excavation:-157233.09:82956.56:138044.16:#FF75C9F1::2 00:10:11.1666 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:OuterA Asteroid Excavation:-157233.09:82956.56:138044.16:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:10:11.1666 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: GPS:OuterA Asteroid Excavation:-157233.09:82956.56:138044.16:#FF75C9F1: 00:10:12.8511 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:10:28.6109 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 00:10:48.3438 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Carros de Combate passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198145734500, PlayerID: 176561198145734500 00:10:54.9940 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: awiges passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198023007525, PlayerID: 176561198023007525 00:10:55.5278 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ronaldwaihong passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199193696225, PlayerID: 176561199193696225 00:11:01.2273 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198023007525 from 00:11:01.2444 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player awiges joined (76561198023007525) 00:11:01.2444 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 00:11:01.2444 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 00:11:01.2444 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 00:11:01.2444 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 00:11:01.3798 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:11:02.0116 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:come take a look, if you want:2 00:11:02.0116 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: come take a look, if you want, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:11:02.0116 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: come take a look, if you want 00:11:12.8507 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:12:11.2116 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: awiges successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 00:12:12.8509 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:12:25.3554 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 00:13:12.6202 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok:2 00:13:12.6202 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:13:12.6202 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 00:13:12.8570 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:13:22.9940 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:see my spawns?:2 00:13:22.9940 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: see my spawns?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:13:22.9940 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: see my spawns? 00:13:32.7393 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:SS1:2 00:13:32.7393 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: SS1, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:13:32.7393 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: SS1 00:13:40.3662 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 00:13:40.6378 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:and SMiner:2 00:13:40.6378 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and SMiner, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:13:40.6378 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: and SMiner 00:13:42.5139 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:one sec, just finishing to place some warning lights:2 00:13:42.5139 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: one sec, just finishing to place some warning lights, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:13:42.5139 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: one sec, just finishing to place some warning lights 00:13:47.1970 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:both in same place:2 00:13:47.1970 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: both in same place, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:13:47.1970 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: both in same place 00:13:59.6342 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok:2 00:13:59.6342 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:13:59.6342 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 00:14:12.8642 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:15:00.1000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 00:15:01.8166 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: a person passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199242447905, PlayerID: 176561199242447905 00:15:12.8652 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:15:29.2664 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 00:16:00.6819 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: a person passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199242447905, PlayerID: 176561199242447905 00:16:12.8651 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:17:09.3211 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok, im going now:2 00:17:09.3211 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, im going now, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:17:09.3211 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok, im going now 00:17:12.8651 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:18:12.8645 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:19:04.8248 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sir_ForeverPT passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198293135754, PlayerID: 176561198293135754 00:19:12.8660 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:19:46.4075 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 00:20:04.0051 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:ok, im here:2 00:20:04.0051 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, im here, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:20:04.0051 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok, im here 00:20:12.8803 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:20:29.8584 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 00:20:30.0501 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:its big:2 00:20:30.0501 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its big, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:20:30.0501 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: its big 00:20:52.7748 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 00:20:59.1390 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I think we can get to the cavern without bottles:2 00:20:59.1390 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I think we can get to the cavern without bottles, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:20:59.1390 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I think we can get to the cavern without bottles 00:21:06.6878 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:might be one way trip:2 00:21:06.6878 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: might be one way trip, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:21:06.6878 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: might be one way trip 00:21:12.8814 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:21:28.3192 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:is this the cavern ?:2 00:21:28.3192 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: is this the cavern ?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:21:28.3192 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: is this the cavern ? 00:21:33.5346 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:no:2 00:21:33.5346 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:21:33.5346 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: no 00:21:41.5009 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:it's 14km away:2 00:21:41.5009 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it's 14km away, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:21:41.5009 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: it's 14km away 00:21:49.5965 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:you have the gps, right?:2 00:21:49.5965 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you have the gps, right?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:21:49.5965 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: you have the gps, right? 00:22:06.1167 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:oh:2 00:22:06.1167 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:22:06.1167 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh 00:22:09.6730 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:let me check:2 00:22:09.6730 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: let me check, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:22:09.6730 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: let me check 00:22:12.8975 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:22:19.6870 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:GPS:OuterA Asteroid Excavation:-157233.09:82956.56:138044.16:#FF75C9F1::2 00:22:19.6870 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:OuterA Asteroid Excavation:-157233.09:82956.56:138044.16:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:22:19.6870 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: GPS:OuterA Asteroid Excavation:-157233.09:82956.56:138044.16:#FF75C9F1: 00:22:28.7567 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:now i do:2 00:22:28.7567 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: now i do, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:22:28.7567 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: now i do 00:22:32.0684 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:eheh:2 00:22:32.0684 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: eheh, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:22:32.0684 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: eheh 00:22:40.0638 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:oh yhea i see it:2 00:22:40.0638 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh yhea i see it, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:22:40.0638 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh yhea i see it 00:22:46.2524 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:get charged before we start:2 00:22:46.2524 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: get charged before we start, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:22:46.2524 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: get charged before we start 00:22:49.6383 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:yhea we can probably get there:2 00:22:49.6383 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yhea we can probably get there, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:22:49.6383 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yhea we can probably get there 00:23:04.7415 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:im on my way there:2 00:23:04.7415 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im on my way there, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:23:04.7415 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: im on my way there 00:23:09.2932 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:cryo, cockpit:2 00:23:09.2932 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cryo, cockpit, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:23:09.2932 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: cryo, cockpit 00:23:12.9125 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:23:17.3438 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:ok:2 00:23:17.3438 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:23:17.3438 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 00:23:45.6121 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:right behind you:2 00:23:45.6121 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: right behind you, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:23:45.6121 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: right behind you 00:23:50.9538 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] PinkSlippers:what is the forge?:0 00:24:06.7197 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] xXGrabTheBreadXx: Big ole station that give you goodies 00:24:12.9132 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:24:28.5457 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:it's really PvP bait:0 00:24:34.0097 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:but it is nice loot:0 00:25:03.3423 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:ok im on the roid:2 00:25:03.3423 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok im on the roid, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:25:03.3423 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok im on the roid 00:25:12.9268 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:25:18.4580 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:almost there:2 00:25:18.4580 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: almost there, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:25:18.4580 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: almost there 00:25:30.3188 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 00:26:04.1705 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:where ya at?:2 00:26:04.1705 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: where ya at?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:26:04.1705 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: where ya at? 00:26:09.2100 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I'm at the marker:2 00:26:09.2100 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I'm at the marker, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:26:09.2100 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I'm at the marker 00:26:12.9282 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:26:39.2743 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:oh yhea, that's a nice cave:2 00:26:39.2743 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh yhea, that's a nice cave, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:26:39.2743 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh yhea, that's a nice cave 00:26:51.3542 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:don't see ya:2 00:26:51.3542 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: don't see ya, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:26:51.3542 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: don't see ya 00:27:12.9278 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:27:22.8772 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:there ya are:2 00:27:22.8772 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: there ya are, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:27:22.8772 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: there ya are 00:27:28.4114 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:oh you were talking about this ?:2 00:27:28.4114 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh you were talking about this ?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:27:28.4114 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh you were talking about this ? 00:27:33.4753 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:yeah:2 00:27:33.4753 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:27:33.4753 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yeah 00:27:38.3461 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:this was gold:2 00:27:38.3461 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: this was gold, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:27:38.3461 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: this was gold 00:27:45.3734 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:did you see the other "cave":2 00:27:45.3734 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: did you see the other "cave", Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:27:45.3734 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: did you see the other "cave" 00:27:47.6946 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:lot of biskets to clean up:2 00:27:47.6946 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lot of biskets to clean up, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:27:47.6946 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: lot of biskets to clean up 00:28:06.7258 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I've seen a few caves:2 00:28:06.7258 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I've seen a few caves, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:28:06.7258 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I've seen a few caves 00:28:11.9774 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:not like this:2 00:28:11.9774 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not like this, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:28:11.9774 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: not like this 00:28:12.9277 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:28:25.6629 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:it's so round, LOL:2 00:28:25.6629 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it's so round, LOL, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:28:25.6629 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: it's so round, LOL 00:28:36.2053 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:did you see the hole on the dark side ?:2 00:28:36.2053 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: did you see the hole on the dark side ?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:28:36.2053 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: did you see the hole on the dark side ? 00:29:12.9433 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:29:27.2576 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:this one:2 00:29:27.2576 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: this one, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:29:27.2576 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: this one 00:29:41.7427 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:well, that works too:2 00:29:41.7427 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: well, that works too, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:29:41.7427 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: well, that works too 00:29:54.4442 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:lot bigger:2 00:29:54.4442 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lot bigger, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:29:54.4442 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: lot bigger 00:30:00.7943 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:you can tunnel them together:2 00:30:00.7943 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you can tunnel them together, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:30:00.7943 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: you can tunnel them together 00:30:06.1785 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:yup:2 00:30:06.1785 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yup, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:30:06.1785 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yup 00:30:07.6406 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Cataract JusticeLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 00:30:07.6406 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Cataract Justice meta data! 00:30:07.6502 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Cataract Justice has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198205594265 00:30:12.9425 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:30:20.9630 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:yep, this is bigger:2 00:30:20.9630 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yep, this is bigger, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:30:20.9630 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yep, this is bigger 00:30:30.9044 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 00:30:34.8745 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I like the small opening on the other one:2 00:30:34.8745 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I like the small opening on the other one, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:30:34.8745 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I like the small opening on the other one 00:31:04.4424 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:well, maybe mark this one too:2 00:31:04.4424 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: well, maybe mark this one too, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:31:04.4424 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: well, maybe mark this one too 00:31:11.5123 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 00:31:11.7116 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 00:31:11.9945 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 00:31:12.7287 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {14A4F0908261BB3} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 00:31:12.9424 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:31:13.6806 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 00:31:13.7287 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D0AC02E806E897} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 00:31:14.7384 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:certainly:2 00:31:14.7384 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: certainly, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:31:14.7384 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: certainly 00:31:14.8378 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 00:31:24.3761 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:if you want it, it's all yours:2 00:31:24.3761 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: if you want it, it's all yours, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:31:24.3761 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: if you want it, it's all yours 00:31:34.5938 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I think the asteroid is mined out:2 00:31:34.5938 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I think the asteroid is mined out, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:31:34.5938 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I think the asteroid is mined out 00:31:53.9969 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39159ms (246ms CPU) 00:31:53.9969 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 00:31:54.0832 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 00:31:55.7556 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Da_MLG_man passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198290436701, PlayerID: 176561198290436701 00:32:06.1211 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:ok:2 00:32:06.1211 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:32:06.1211 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 00:32:09.8403 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I've got more gold marked, but it's 800km from here:2 00:32:09.8403 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I've got more gold marked, but it's 800km from here, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:32:09.8403 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I've got more gold marked, but it's 800km from here 00:32:12.9428 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:32:15.6223 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Da_MLG_man passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198290436701, PlayerID: 176561198290436701 00:32:24.6616 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:do you wanna come check the moon outpost ?:2 00:32:24.6616 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: do you wanna come check the moon outpost ?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:32:24.6616 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: do you wanna come check the moon outpost ? 00:32:32.4468 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:ok, I'm gonna respawn back to my station:2 00:32:32.4468 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, I'm gonna respawn back to my station, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:32:32.4468 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok, I'm gonna respawn back to my station 00:32:36.1731 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Sir_ForeverPT:ok:2 00:32:36.1731 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:32:36.1731 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 00:32:39.3589 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:ok:2 00:32:39.3589 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:32:39.3589 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 00:32:46.5560 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 00:32:52.9551 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:waiting on my assemblers anyway:2 00:32:52.9551 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: waiting on my assemblers anyway, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:32:52.9551 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: waiting on my assemblers anyway 00:33:08.1824 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:what spawn?:2 00:33:08.1824 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what spawn?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:33:08.1824 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: what spawn? 00:33:12.9583 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:33:46.2059 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 00:34:07.3225 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 00:34:12.9588 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:34:26.9899 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sir_ForeverPT passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198293135754, PlayerID: 176561198293135754 00:35:11.2697 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok im here:2 00:35:11.2697 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok im here, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:35:11.2697 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok im here 00:35:12.9744 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:35:15.4666 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:hat you think:2 00:35:15.4666 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hat you think, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:35:15.4666 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hat you think 00:35:23.2889 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:till working on outside defenses:2 00:35:23.2889 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: till working on outside defenses, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:35:23.2889 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: till working on outside defenses 00:35:26.2218 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:till:2 00:35:26.2218 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: till, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:35:26.2218 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: till 00:35:29.7247 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:still:2 00:35:29.7247 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: still, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:35:29.7247 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: still 00:35:31.3900 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 00:35:32.0941 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:nice computer bank:2 00:35:32.0941 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice computer bank, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:35:32.0941 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: nice computer bank 00:35:41.5692 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge: Inventory is null? False 00:35:41.5692 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge: CargoContainer is null? False 00:36:12.9752 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:36:23.5461 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:which way out?:2 00:36:23.5461 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: which way out?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:36:23.5461 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: which way out? 00:37:02.5393 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:nice:2 00:37:02.5393 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:37:02.5393 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: nice 00:37:12.9748 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:37:24.8119 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:looks like an Egyptan temple:2 00:37:24.8119 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: looks like an Egyptan temple, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:37:24.8119 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: looks like an Egyptan temple 00:37:39.1233 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:XD:2 00:37:39.1233 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: XD, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:37:39.1233 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: XD 00:37:55.3805 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {13E838AD7B36313} Hindenburg Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 00:38:12.9745 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:38:13.8070 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:no solar panels, I see:2 00:38:13.8070 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no solar panels, I see, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:38:13.8070 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: no solar panels, I see 00:38:21.6774 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:good plan:2 00:38:21.6774 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: good plan, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:38:21.6774 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: good plan 00:38:36.7378 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:H2 and a big of nuke power, right?:2 00:38:36.7378 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: H2 and a big of nuke power, right?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:38:36.7378 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: H2 and a big of nuke power, right? 00:38:44.9630 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:i was thinking about adding some but first i need to work on outside defense:2 00:38:44.9630 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i was thinking about adding some but first i need to work on outside defense, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:38:44.9630 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: i was thinking about adding some but first i need to work on outside defense 00:38:53.3261 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:for now its only h2:2 00:38:53.3261 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: for now its only h2, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:38:53.3261 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: for now its only h2 00:38:59.1217 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:too easy to spot:2 00:38:59.1217 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: too easy to spot, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:38:59.1217 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: too easy to spot 00:39:12.9744 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:39:22.9333 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {13E838AD7B36313} Hindenburg Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 00:39:24.1621 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yheam i might focus on reactor power:2 00:39:24.1621 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yheam i might focus on reactor power, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:39:24.1621 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yheam i might focus on reactor power 00:39:26.5415 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:Moon is too dangerous to put blue stuff near you:2 00:39:26.5415 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Moon is too dangerous to put blue stuff near you, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:39:26.5415 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: Moon is too dangerous to put blue stuff near you 00:40:02.7101 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:votenow uranium should keep you running a while:2 00:40:02.7101 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: votenow uranium should keep you running a while, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:40:02.7101 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: votenow uranium should keep you running a while 00:40:12.9762 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:40:18.0232 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yup:2 00:40:18.0232 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yup, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:40:18.0232 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yup 00:40:31.8609 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:and you must have some ice near:2 00:40:31.8609 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and you must have some ice near, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:40:31.8609 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: and you must have some ice near 00:40:31.9803 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 00:40:55.7386 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:not very near but the trip is fast enough:2 00:40:55.7386 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not very near but the trip is fast enough, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:40:55.7386 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: not very near but the trip is fast enough 00:41:12.9894 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:41:20.7717 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:looks like you have ISY's:2 00:41:20.7717 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: looks like you have ISY's, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:41:20.7717 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: looks like you have ISY's 00:41:27.0068 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yup:2 00:41:27.0068 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yup, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:41:27.0068 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yup 00:42:09.4245 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:not a bad start:2 00:42:09.4245 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not a bad start, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:42:09.4245 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: not a bad start 00:42:12.9896 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:42:18.5041 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:well, got to check on my miner:2 00:42:18.5041 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: well, got to check on my miner, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:42:18.5041 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: well, got to check on my miner 00:42:47.7780 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok:2 00:42:47.7780 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:42:47.7780 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 00:43:03.0870 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:we have to do something about the BNG guys:2 00:43:03.0870 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we have to do something about the BNG guys, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:43:03.0870 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: we have to do something about the BNG guys 00:43:12.9913 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:43:23.5179 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yhea... good thing is we're not the only ones who're pissed with them:2 00:43:23.5179 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yhea... good thing is we're not the only ones who're pissed with them, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:43:23.5179 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yhea... good thing is we're not the only ones who're pissed with them 00:43:26.9708 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:if they keep at it, maybe we should ambush them:2 00:43:26.9708 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: if they keep at it, maybe we should ambush them, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:43:26.9708 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: if they keep at it, maybe we should ambush them 00:43:48.6463 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:indeed:2 00:43:48.6463 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: indeed, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 00:43:48.6463 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: indeed 00:44:13.0063 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:44:13.4608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 00:44:17.7426 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:well, if you spot one of their bases or something, I should be up for PvP soon:2 00:44:17.7426 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: well, if you spot one of their bases or something, I should be up for PvP soon, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:44:17.7426 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: well, if you spot one of their bases or something, I should be up for PvP soon 00:44:30.2515 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:like less then a week, I hope:2 00:44:30.2515 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: like less then a week, I hope, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:44:30.2515 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: like less then a week, I hope 00:44:37.3131 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:so back to it...:2 00:44:37.3131 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so back to it..., Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:44:37.3131 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: so back to it... 00:44:48.5805 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Qweller:thanks for visit and tour:2 00:44:48.5805 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thanks for visit and tour, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 00:44:48.5805 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: thanks for visit and tour 00:45:00.5669 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderCommands' 00:45:00.5829 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: There is a number of useful commands that every player on our servers can use in-game. For the full list of them, just type !commandlist (or !cl) in the chat.' 00:45:13.0200 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:45:18.6486 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: just where is safe zone? 00:45:22.7321 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 00:45:32.7325 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 00:46:13.0223 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:47:00.0079 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 00:47:02.3097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 00:47:02.3769 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 00:47:03.1759 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 00:47:04.2917 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 00:47:10.2714 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198073918756 took: 19ms Total Grids Sent: 1 00:47:13.0227 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:47:13.6730 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Enigma_bg Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 00:47:15.9402 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bgLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 00:47:15.9402 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 00:47:15.9432 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Enigma_bg (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 00:48:13.0226 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:48:54.2864 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 00:49:13.0236 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:50:13.0371 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:50:33.4058 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 00:51:13.0368 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:52:13.0370 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:52:32.8394 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Cataract Justice passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198205594265, PlayerID: 176561198205594265 00:53:13.0373 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:54:07.7062 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: GoodGroot passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071464265, PlayerID: 176561198071464265 00:54:13.0384 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:55:13.0517 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:55:33.8399 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 00:55:59.9786 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {13E838AD7B36313} Hindenburg Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 00:56:13.0523 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:56:33.4061 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: GoodGroot passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071464265, PlayerID: 176561198071464265 00:57:13.0522 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:58:13.0524 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 00:58:16.7847 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.FactionSyncMessage: Hit Faction Edit 00:59:13.0676 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:00:00.1732 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder3h' 01:00:00.1903 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 3 hours.' 01:00:00.1903 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [3 hours]." 5000 White' 01:00:13.0685 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:00:13.9066 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 01:00:18.0567 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Cataract Justice passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198205594265, PlayerID: 176561198205594265 01:00:33.6403 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 01:00:34.3243 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 01:00:42.9244 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 01:01:13.0833 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:01:53.0073 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 01:01:53.9983 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 01:02:07.5127 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {13E838AD7B36313} Hindenburg Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 01:02:12.7432 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:0 01:02:13.0833 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:02:24.6945 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:Hmm... you okay ?:0 01:02:32.8038 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Mavo:fly left XD:0 01:02:33.0978 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39099ms (222ms CPU) 01:02:33.0978 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 01:02:33.1730 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 01:02:41.0402 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:of course:0 01:02:52.8290 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh, ok:0 01:03:13.0876 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:04:13.0992 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:05:13.1000 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:05:34.8745 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 01:05:54.5439 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: awigesLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 01:05:54.5439 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 01:05:54.5439 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: awiges (76561198023007525) Disconnected. 01:06:13.1004 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:06:31.4938 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...525] (76561198023007525) Disconnected. 01:07:13.1013 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:08:09.1458 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Cataract Justice:i sure do love joining three different servers to start playing:0 01:08:13.1144 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:08:27.5380 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:get nexus seamless client:0 01:08:45.7421 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 01:09:13.1160 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:10:10.8418 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: G�rkan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198247862624, PlayerID: 176561198247862624 01:10:13.1155 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:10:26.8247 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: a person passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199242447905, PlayerID: 176561199242447905 01:10:35.4754 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 01:11:13.1294 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:12:03.0322 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 01:12:13.1323 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:13:13.1317 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:14:13.1468 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:15:00.8593 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderVote' 01:15:00.8754 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: You can use !votenow command to submit your daily vote and then use !reward to receive full set of elite tools, Uranium ingots and a chance for Platinum drop!' 01:15:13.1526 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:15:16.5953 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:well hope you like this one:0 01:15:36.0764 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 01:15:41.6762 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ghost passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198042917559, PlayerID: 176561198042917559 01:16:13.1609 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:16:42.5091 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ghost passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198042917559, PlayerID: 176561198042917559 01:17:05.8194 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 01:17:05.8194 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198042917559 01:17:05.8194 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Respawn Space Pod Target: X:131023.912574612 Y:658711.920298819 Z:1266946.47832718 01:17:05.8625 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Respawn Space Pod @ X:131029.608747617 Y:658716.272163703 Z:1266951.49603565 01:17:05.8625 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198042917559 01:17:05.8625 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Ghost into their cockpit! 01:17:10.1929 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198042917559 from 01:17:10.2089 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Ghost joined (76561198042917559) 01:17:10.2089 [INFO] BlockLimiter.Settings.PlayerTimeModule: Logging time for player Ghost 01:17:10.2089 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 01:17:10.2089 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 01:17:10.2089 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 01:17:10.2089 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 01:17:10.2089 [INFO] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: Creating new account object for Ghost 01:17:10.3424 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:17:13.1619 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:18:04.9614 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Ghost successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 01:18:13.1764 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:19:13.1767 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:20:09.6010 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Alogator passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198090472124, PlayerID: 176561198090472124 01:20:13.1775 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:20:21.6015 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198090472124 from 01:20:21.6175 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Alogator joined (76561198090472124) 01:20:21.6175 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 01:20:21.6175 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 01:20:21.6175 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 01:20:21.6175 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 01:20:21.8353 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:20:36.5515 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 01:20:42.6055 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:well, I'm gonna take a chance and leave my station out to refine a while:2 01:20:42.6055 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: well, I'm gonna take a chance and leave my station out to refine a while, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 01:20:42.6055 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: well, I'm gonna take a chance and leave my station out to refine a while 01:20:54.6880 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:logging off for now:2 01:20:54.6880 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: logging off for now, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 01:20:54.6880 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: logging off for now 01:21:04.0673 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok:2 01:21:04.0673 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 01:21:04.0673 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 01:21:13.1922 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:21:21.3803 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ill be here for another hour more or less:2 01:21:21.3803 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ill be here for another hour more or less, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 01:21:21.3803 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ill be here for another hour more or less 01:22:09.7854 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Alogator successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 01:22:13.1919 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:23:13.1928 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:24:13.1963 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:24:51.4528 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198042917559 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 01:24:56.2187 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Ghost Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 01:24:56.8541 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: GhostLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 01:24:56.8541 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Ghost meta data! 01:24:56.8541 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Ghost (76561198042917559) Disconnected. 01:25:12.3745 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {13E838AD7B36313} Hindenburg Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 01:25:13.1969 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:25:37.1693 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 01:25:52.0592 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ghost passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198042917559, PlayerID: 176561198042917559 01:26:13.2034 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:27:13.2095 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:28:13.2102 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:29:13.2208 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:30:07.5240 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Respawn Planet Pod, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 01:30:07.5240 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198090472124 01:30:07.5240 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Alogator Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 01:30:07.5240 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Respawn Planet Pod is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B [Alogator:76561198090472124 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 01:30:08.6451 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: AlogatorLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 01:30:08.6451 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Alogator meta data! 01:30:08.6451 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Alogator (76561198090472124) Disconnected. 01:30:13.2335 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:30:37.7430 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 01:31:13.2414 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:31:14.1432 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Alogator passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198090472124, PlayerID: 176561198090472124 01:31:20.9432 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: GoodGroot passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071464265, PlayerID: 176561198071464265 01:31:29.2437 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 01:32:13.2421 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:32:33.0988 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 01:32:54.7931 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: GoodGroot passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071464265, PlayerID: 176561198071464265 01:33:02.8929 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 01:33:12.3996 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39299ms (215ms CPU) 01:33:12.3996 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 01:33:12.4808 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 01:33:13.2431 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:34:13.2560 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:34:58.9019 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 01:34:58.9019 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199242447905 01:34:58.9160 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Generic Freighter MK5 Target: X:-941707.642412056 Y:-1029770.49573092 Z:262001.408418756 01:34:58.9648 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Generic Freighter MK5 @ X:-941663.658744992 Y:-1029742.13693036 Z:262043.856491711 01:34:58.9648 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561199242447905 01:34:58.9648 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning a person into their cockpit! 01:35:08.6267 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199242447905 from 01:35:08.6438 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player a person joined (76561199242447905) 01:35:08.6438 [INFO] BlockLimiter.Settings.PlayerTimeModule: Logging time for player a person 01:35:08.6438 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 01:35:08.6438 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 01:35:08.6438 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 01:35:08.6438 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 01:35:08.6438 [INFO] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: Creating new account object for a person 01:35:08.9605 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:35:13.2718 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:35:38.3941 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 01:35:58.3438 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 01:36:01.6942 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: a person successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 01:36:13.2720 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:36:40.1435 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Alogator passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198090472124, PlayerID: 176561198090472124 01:36:51.3769 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 01:37:13.2716 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:37:37.4991 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 01:38:13.2723 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:39:13.2862 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:40:13.2863 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:40:39.1536 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 01:41:13.2868 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:42:13.2869 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:42:57.9007 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 01:43:00.7455 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Alogator passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198090472124, PlayerID: 176561198090472124 01:43:11.2123 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 01:43:13.2873 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:44:13.2911 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:45:00.4453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 01:45:13.3037 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:45:39.6293 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 01:45:51.8622 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 01:45:58.6457 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 01:46:13.3093 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:46:25.6953 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 01:47:13.3174 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:47:40.2128 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: MHz3000Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 01:47:40.2128 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving MHz3000 meta data! 01:47:40.2128 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: MHz3000 has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198016821999 01:48:00.7769 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] MHz3000:Official torch server?:0 01:48:13.3180 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:49:13.3177 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:50:13.3341 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:50:40.0040 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 01:50:54.6257 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] GoodGroot:can i ally with assert enemy:0 01:51:03.1140 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] GoodGroot:or should i do tower to kill them:0 01:51:13.3483 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:51:22.3372 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:hard to ally with assert:0 01:51:58.2482 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:Are there Assert stations you can take missions from?:0 01:52:13.3484 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:52:46.5060 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] GoodGroot:they destroyed my first base:0 01:53:00.9712 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:or, you can killl assert enemies to gain cred with assert:0 01:53:02.8152 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] GoodGroot:they shoot me 3 km away:0 01:53:12.2235 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] GoodGroot: have nothing:0 01:53:13.3580 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:53:35.6361 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] GoodGroot:if i make ship to kill them they will come with bigger ship raid me offline?:0 01:53:49.5630 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:npc will despawn if you go somewhere else:0 01:54:04.4533 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:npc don't raid offline:0 01:54:12.5631 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] GoodGroot:great tx:0 01:54:13.3675 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:55:13.3799 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:55:40.7718 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 01:55:43.7462 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Generic Freighter MK5, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 01:55:43.7462 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199242447905 01:55:43.7462 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: a person Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 01:55:43.7553 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Generic Freighter MK5 is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B [a person:76561199242447905 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 01:55:44.8737 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: a personLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 01:55:44.8737 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving a person meta data! 01:55:44.8737 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: a person (76561199242447905) Disconnected. 01:56:13.3802 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:56:43.8217 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: a person passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199242447905, PlayerID: 176561199242447905 01:56:46.6713 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Alogator passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198090472124, PlayerID: 176561198090472124 01:57:13.3797 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:57:47.6257 [INFO] Chat: (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): Perks claimed, Check your character inventory! (VIP+ - 5352253) 01:57:47.6257 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!perks' 01:58:13.3799 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 01:59:13.3809 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:00:00.1387 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder2h' 02:00:00.1553 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 2 hours.' 02:00:00.1553 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [2 hours]." 5000 White' 02:00:13.3818 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:00:36.4787 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 02:00:36.4787 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Just__J meta data! 02:00:36.5158 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8696kb Compressed: 409kb 02:00:41.3951 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 02:01:13.3955 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:02:13.3975 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:03:12.4010 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 02:03:13.4125 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:03:51.9029 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39501ms (233ms CPU) 02:03:51.9029 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 02:03:51.9782 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 02:04:13.4136 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:04:41.6282 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: a person passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199242447905, PlayerID: 176561199242447905 02:05:09.3785 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: matthew99 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199385980474, PlayerID: 176561199385980474 02:05:13.4153 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:05:42.0118 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 02:06:13.4275 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:06:18.2954 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: matthew99 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199385980474, PlayerID: 176561199385980474 02:07:13.4280 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:07:37.2293 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Alogator passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198090472124, PlayerID: 176561198090472124 02:08:13.4419 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:09:13.4564 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:09:33.4761 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Enigma_bg:mg can you hep me for 1 sec:2 02:09:33.4761 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mg can you hep me for 1 sec, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 02:09:33.4761 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: mg can you hep me for 1 sec 02:09:38.9798 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Medium Dinosaur passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198341618735, PlayerID: 176561198341618735 02:10:13.4714 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:10:42.4129 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 02:11:13.4860 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:11:28.2123 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Medium Dinosaur passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198341618735, PlayerID: 176561198341618735 02:12:13.4976 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:12:17.9353 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {13E838AD7B36313} Hindenburg Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 02:13:13.5052 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:14:13.5053 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:14:43.0466 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 02:15:00.7464 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderCommands' 02:15:00.7634 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: There is a number of useful commands that every player on our servers can use in-game. For the full list of them, just type !commandlist (or !cl) in the chat.' 02:15:13.5211 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:15:42.9130 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 02:16:13.5370 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:16:25.5634 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 02:16:35.3031 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 02:17:13.5367 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:18:13.5369 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:19:13.5374 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:20:13.5388 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:20:43.5308 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 02:21:13.5526 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:22:13.5531 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:23:13.5534 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:24:13.5681 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:25:13.5696 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:25:44.2481 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 02:26:13.5829 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:27:13.5935 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:28:13.6052 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:29:13.6138 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:30:13.6276 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:30:44.7988 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 02:31:13.6378 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:32:09.9651 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dreamer SE passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198825267087, PlayerID: 176561198825267087 02:32:13.6519 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:33:13.6611 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:33:15.2652 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dreamer SE passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198825267087, PlayerID: 176561198825267087 02:33:51.9062 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 02:34:13.6611 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:34:31.6060 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39699ms (234ms CPU) 02:34:31.6060 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 02:34:31.6892 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 02:34:41.2547 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 02:35:13.6607 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:35:45.2655 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 02:36:13.6656 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:37:13.6658 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:38:13.6769 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:39:13.6765 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:39:50.4663 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Da_MLG_man passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198290436701, PlayerID: 176561198290436701 02:40:13.6771 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:40:45.7994 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 02:41:13.6781 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:41:24.1328 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 02:41:54.2163 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 02:42:13.6776 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:43:13.6780 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:43:42.6877 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Medium Dinosaur:Mfw I've found 18 uranium roids and 3 gold ones:0 02:43:47.9479 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Da_MLG_man:bro what:0 02:43:53.9332 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] xXGrabTheBreadXx: sharing is caring 02:43:55.3116 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Medium Dinosaur:i cant find gold to save my life:0 02:43:59.3830 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] xXGrabTheBreadXx: do you care? 02:44:13.6780 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:44:17.3656 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Enigma_bg:no one cares:0 02:44:21.2163 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] xXGrabTheBreadXx: damn 02:44:22.0588 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Medium Dinosaur:but:0 02:44:23.7960 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Medium Dinosaur:its mine:0 02:44:28.6993 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Medium Dinosaur:I called dibs:0 02:45:00.0501 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderVote' 02:45:00.0671 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: You can use !votenow command to submit your daily vote and then use !reward to receive full set of elite tools, Uranium ingots and a chance for Platinum drop!' 02:45:13.6774 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:45:39.1334 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Carros de Combate passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198145734500, PlayerID: 176561198145734500 02:45:46.2164 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 02:46:13.6781 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:46:35.1999 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Carros de Combate passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198145734500, PlayerID: 176561198145734500 02:46:37.5870 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Da_MLG_man:New space base GPS:space base:1124768.4568821:167822.630747881:1550748.62415125:#FF75C9F1::2 02:46:37.5870 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: New space base GPS:space base:1124768.4568821:167822.630747881:1550748.62415125:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 263082388244604343, Da_MLG_man 02:46:37.5870 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: New space base GPS:space base:1124768.4568821:167822.630747881:1550748.62415125:#FF75C9F1: 02:46:50.0603 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Da_MLG_man: GPS:space base:1124768.4568821:167822.630747881:1550748.62415125:#FF75C9F1::2 02:46:50.0603 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:space base:1124768.4568821:167822.630747881:1550748.62415125:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 263082388244604343, Da_MLG_man 02:46:50.0603 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: GPS:space base:1124768.4568821:167822.630747881:1550748.62415125:#FF75C9F1: 02:47:13.6777 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:48:12.6587 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:49:12.6601 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:49:33.7022 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:what if I cared:0 02:50:04.7644 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Da_MLG_man requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 02:50:04.7905 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 02:50:12.6486 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198290436701 from 02:50:12.6646 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Da_MLG_man joined (76561198290436701) 02:50:12.6646 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 02:50:12.6646 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 02:50:12.6646 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 02:50:12.6646 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 02:50:12.6757 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:50:12.8312 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Da_MLG_man successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 02:50:12.8493 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.RespawnLocationsSync: Autospawning 76561198290436701 02:50:12.8493 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player Da_MLG_man 02:50:13.2181 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Da_MLG_man has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 02:50:46.7453 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 02:51:01.4121 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: GPS:new space base:1124768.46:167822.63:1550748.62:#FF75C9F1: 02:51:12.6903 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:52:12.6986 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:52:55.4901 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 02:52:55.5353 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 02:52:56.7175 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 02:52:57.3032 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1232A2C27B9FDC0} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 02:52:58.6349 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {104C7A3661122EE} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 02:52:58.7353 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1219E8E80688CCF} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 02:52:58.8688 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1219E8E80688CCF} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 02:52:58.9019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1219E8E80688CCF} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 02:52:59.0684 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {104C7A3661122EE} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 02:52:59.6681 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyFlightMovementBlock {1548968EFB2C2B9} AI Flight (Move) 2 that is not yet replicated on client 02:53:00.1518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Among us?_Slssnsuoua that is not yet replicated on client 02:53:00.3013 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1C3D138D1A3FF87} Remote Control 2 that is not yet replicated on client 02:53:00.8187 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198290436701 took: 23ms Total Grids Sent: 1 02:53:01.0846 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 02:53:01.2020 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {104C7A3661122EE} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 02:53:01.5021 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {104C7A3661122EE} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 02:53:05.9454 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Da_MLG_man Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 02:53:05.9725 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 02:53:05.9725 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 36 02:53:05.9725 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 02:53:06.8803 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Da_MLG_manLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 02:53:06.8803 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Da_MLG_man meta data! 02:53:06.8803 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Da_MLG_man (76561198290436701) Disconnected. 02:53:09.8784 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Da_MLG_man passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198290436701, PlayerID: 176561198290436701 02:53:12.7080 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:54:12.7203 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:54:53.2606 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Da_MLG_man requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 02:54:53.2813 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 02:54:53.2813 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 02:54:53.2954 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 02:54:53.3204 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for phobos mk2 Target: X:1124771.37299842 Y:167053.694240913 Z:1550760.48668277 02:54:53.4790 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for phobos mk2 @ X:1124768.46 Y:167037.422832545 Z:1550748.62 02:54:53.4790 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198290436701 02:54:53.4790 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Da_MLG_man into their cockpit! 02:54:57.0955 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198290436701 from 02:54:57.1115 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Da_MLG_man joined (76561198290436701) 02:54:57.1115 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 02:54:57.1115 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 02:54:57.1115 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 02:54:57.1115 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 02:54:57.2952 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Da_MLG_man successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 02:54:57.7293 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Da_MLG_man has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 02:55:12.7206 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:55:47.2369 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 02:56:12.7360 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:57:12.7383 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:58:12.7384 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:59:08.9851 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: xXGrabTheBreadXxLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 02:59:08.9851 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 02:59:08.9851 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: xXGrabTheBreadXx (76561198350021532) Disconnected. 02:59:12.7514 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 02:59:55.3661 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 03:00:00.5324 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder1h' 03:00:00.5494 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 1 hour.' 03:00:00.5494 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [1 hour]." 5000 White' 03:00:12.7681 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:00:47.7493 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 03:00:56.3994 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 03:01:12.7672 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:01:18.7641 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:elo:2 03:01:18.7641 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: elo, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:01:18.7641 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: elo 03:01:44.3029 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:ive been designing an atmos fighter for mards:2 03:01:44.3029 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ive been designing an atmos fighter for mards, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:01:44.3029 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: ive been designing an atmos fighter for mards 03:01:48.7888 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:mars*:2 03:01:48.7888 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mars*, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:01:48.7888 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: mars* 03:01:56.2704 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:nice:2 03:01:56.2704 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 03:01:56.2704 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: nice 03:02:04.1344 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:fuck me its difficult to armour a ship that needs to move in grav:2 03:02:04.1344 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: fuck me its difficult to armour a ship that needs to move in grav, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:02:04.1344 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: fuck me its difficult to armour a ship that needs to move in grav 03:02:11.1207 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:yes:2 03:02:11.1207 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yes, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 03:02:11.1207 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: yes 03:02:12.7676 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:02:27.5684 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:no chance of covering all thrusters:2 03:02:27.5684 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no chance of covering all thrusters, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:02:27.5684 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: no chance of covering all thrusters 03:02:36.5538 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:atmos thrusters are not worth a wank:2 03:02:36.5538 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: atmos thrusters are not worth a wank, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:02:36.5538 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: atmos thrusters are not worth a wank 03:02:39.4015 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Just__JLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 03:02:39.4015 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Just__J meta data! 03:02:39.4015 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Just__J (76561198050157388) Disconnected. 03:02:45.1620 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198050157388 from 03:02:45.1831 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Just__J joined (76561198050157388) 03:02:45.1831 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 03:02:45.1831 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 03:02:45.1831 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 03:02:45.1831 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 03:02:45.3828 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 03:02:46.7025 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:even the new ones that you can overlap:2 03:02:46.7025 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: even the new ones that you can overlap, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:02:46.7025 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: even the new ones that you can overlap 03:03:12.7838 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:03:13.4110 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 03:03:13.4331 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 03:03:13.4331 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 03:03:13.4331 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 03:03:13.4331 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 03:03:13.4331 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 03:03:13.4491 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 03:03:13.5495 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 03:03:32.2822 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:ive spent hours on the bastard:2 03:03:32.2822 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ive spent hours on the bastard, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:03:32.2822 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: ive spent hours on the bastard 03:04:05.0585 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:i also designed a nimble little 9k pyramid:2 03:04:05.0585 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i also designed a nimble little 9k pyramid, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:04:05.0585 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: i also designed a nimble little 9k pyramid 03:04:12.7836 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:04:12.9161 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Just__J successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 03:04:17.7851 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:cool.:2 03:04:17.7851 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cool., Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 03:04:17.7851 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: cool. 03:04:30.5907 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 03:04:35.3347 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:I need to design an static refinery/assembly plant. :2 03:04:35.3347 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I need to design an static refinery/assembly plant. , Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 03:04:35.3347 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: I need to design an static refinery/assembly plant. 03:04:42.5334 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 03:04:42.5504 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.RespawnLocationsSync: Autospawning 76561198073918756 03:04:42.5504 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player Enigma_bg 03:04:45.9145 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:its fast as fuck but ive had to go mad with welders and armour:2 03:04:45.9145 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its fast as fuck but ive had to go mad with welders and armour, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:04:45.9145 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: its fast as fuck but ive had to go mad with welders and armour 03:04:54.9724 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:cuz its hydro:2 03:04:54.9724 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cuz its hydro, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:04:54.9724 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: cuz its hydro 03:05:11.1947 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 40603ms (218ms CPU) 03:05:11.1947 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 03:05:11.2659 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 03:05:12.7894 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:05:15.6871 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:so lots and LOTS of small tanks covered in heavy armour and welders heh:2 03:05:15.6871 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so lots and LOTS of small tanks covered in heavy armour and welders heh, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:05:15.6871 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: so lots and LOTS of small tanks covered in heavy armour and welders heh 03:05:40.9667 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:I am cooking food, so really just afk processing. Be back in a bit.:2 03:05:40.9667 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I am cooking food, so really just afk processing. Be back in a bit., Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 03:05:40.9667 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: I am cooking food, so really just afk processing. Be back in a bit. 03:05:46.6997 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:those are easy enough:2 03:05:46.6997 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: those are easy enough, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:05:46.6997 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: those are easy enough 03:05:48.3336 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 03:05:48.5845 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: where is the orca? 03:05:57.4491 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:cut a hole in a roid ans just build:2 03:05:57.4491 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cut a hole in a roid ans just build, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:05:57.4491 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: cut a hole in a roid ans just build 03:06:12.8039 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:07:12.8165 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:08:12.8315 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:09:12.8455 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:10:12.8470 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:10:48.7397 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 03:11:12.8612 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:12:06.2963 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198073918756 took: 40ms Total Grids Sent: 1 03:12:06.3033 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 03:12:06.4639 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 03:12:10.7230 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Enigma_bg Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 03:12:12.5585 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bgLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 03:12:12.5585 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 03:12:12.5585 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Enigma_bg (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 03:12:12.8622 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:13:12.8774 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:13:56.8894 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 03:14:12.8858 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:14:47.1202 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 03:14:47.1202 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 03:14:47.1784 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player Enigma_bg 03:14:47.1784 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Orca Target: X:901575.391928848 Y:-115972.812016267 Z:1298950.32428641 03:14:47.7741 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Orca @ X:901542.920539078 Y:-116049.801200587 Z:1298968.33887357 03:14:47.7741 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198073918756 03:14:47.7741 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Enigma_bg into their cockpit! 03:14:57.2821 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 03:14:57.2991 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 03:14:57.2991 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 03:14:57.2991 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 03:14:57.2991 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 03:14:57.2991 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 03:14:57.2991 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 03:14:57.4326 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 03:15:00.0826 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 03:15:12.8932 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:15:49.2995 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 03:16:12.8936 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:16:32.4831 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 03:17:12.9098 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:18:12.9093 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:19:12.9227 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:20:06.2270 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Medium Dinosaur:oh wtx, sorry about Mrdxf1, he doesn't know how to think before he speaks:0 03:20:12.9229 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:20:49.8333 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 03:21:12.9247 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:22:03.6001 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: CrateraLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 03:22:03.6001 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Cratera meta data! 03:22:03.6001 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Cratera has been successfully synced with ID: 176561197986297346 03:22:12.9385 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:22:30.9389 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Starmaster24 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198279429509, PlayerID: 176561198279429509 03:22:43.6004 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198279429509 from 03:22:43.6225 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Starmaster24 joined (76561198279429509) 03:22:43.6225 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 03:22:43.6225 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 03:22:43.6225 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 03:22:43.6225 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 03:22:43.9281 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 03:22:49.3388 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sokar passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198049330641, PlayerID: 176561198049330641 03:23:12.9386 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:23:48.3062 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sokar passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198049330641, PlayerID: 176561198049330641 03:24:12.9397 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:25:05.1999 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Cratera passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197986297346, PlayerID: 176561197986297346 03:25:12.9400 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:25:36.9845 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Da_MLG_man ran command '!h save' 03:25:37.0206 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Large Grid 3302, Uber Miner 2, Reason: Grid was Hangared 03:25:37.0206 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198290436701\Uber Miner 2.sbc 03:25:37.3869 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Da_MLG_man): Save Complete! 03:25:37.3869 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 03:25:47.2999 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Starmaster24 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 03:25:50.4165 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 03:26:12.9411 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:27:12.9550 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:28:12.9613 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:29:12.9700 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:29:40.0631 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Cratera passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197986297346, PlayerID: 176561197986297346 03:30:00.6632 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder30min' 03:30:00.6792 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 30 minutes.' 03:30:00.6792 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [30 minutes]." 5000 Red' 03:30:12.9833 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:30:50.2324 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bgLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 03:30:50.2324 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 03:30:50.2324 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Enigma_bg (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 03:30:50.9796 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 03:31:12.9977 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:31:21.3704 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {104C7A3661122EE} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 03:31:22.0935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 03:31:22.3213 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1219E8E80688CCF} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:31:22.5882 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1C3D138D1A3FF87} Remote Control 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:31:22.7388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyFlightMovementBlock {1548968EFB2C2B9} AI Flight (Move) 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:31:22.7568 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1219E8E80688CCF} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:31:23.0719 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {104C7A3661122EE} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 03:31:23.3545 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Among us?_Slssnsuoua that is not yet replicated on client 03:31:36.8991 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...756] (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 03:32:13.0029 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:32:30.5805 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Cratera passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197986297346, PlayerID: 176561197986297346 03:33:13.0172 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:33:51.2633 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: GPS:Mars - Jump:1032808.67:80681.61:1542344.87:#FFFFA340: 03:34:13.0188 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:34:56.2139 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 03:35:05.7696 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 03:35:05.7967 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 03:35:05.7967 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 03:35:05.7967 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 03:35:05.7967 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 03:35:05.7967 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 03:35:05.8137 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 03:35:05.8799 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 03:35:11.2044 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 03:35:13.0183 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:35:51.4068 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 40202ms (225ms CPU) 03:35:51.4068 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 03:35:51.5422 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 03:35:51.5804 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 03:36:13.0189 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:36:43.9476 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 03:37:13.0190 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:38:10.5390 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:whats that was cooking some food:0 03:38:13.0339 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:38:40.2943 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xXGrabTheBreadXx passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198350021532, PlayerID: 176561198350021532 03:38:49.3779 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198350021532 from 03:38:49.3950 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx joined (76561198350021532) 03:38:49.3950 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 03:38:49.3950 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 03:38:49.3950 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 03:38:49.3950 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 03:38:49.5445 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 03:38:58.1502 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:man such a slow start this time. I had a pvp ship armed and printed by now last wipe:2 03:38:58.1502 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: man such a slow start this time. I had a pvp ship armed and printed by now last wipe, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 03:38:58.1502 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: man such a slow start this time. I had a pvp ship armed and printed by now last wipe 03:39:13.0343 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:39:16.1729 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:of course I also played like 40 hours the first 3 days of last wipe:2 03:39:16.1729 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: of course I also played like 40 hours the first 3 days of last wipe, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 03:39:16.1729 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: of course I also played like 40 hours the first 3 days of last wipe 03:39:47.3880 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Enigma_bg): Limit reached 1 blocks denied BlockNames: ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 03:39:57.6214 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: xXGrabTheBreadXx successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 03:40:13.0489 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:40:30.0337 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Da_MLG_man ran command '!h list' 03:40:30.0337 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Da_MLG_man): You have 1/30 stored grids: [1] - Uber Miner 2 03:40:32.9168 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Da_MLG_man ran command '!h load 1' 03:40:33.1908 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 03:40:33.1908 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1125020.73793462 Y:167473.677774269 Z:1550621.18529225 03:40:33.1908 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 03:40:33.1908 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 03:40:33.1908 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Da_MLG_man): Spawning Complete! 03:40:33.1908 [INFO] Hangar.Da_MLG_man: Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198290436701\Uber Miner 2.sbc 03:40:33.2099 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 03:40:52.0334 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 03:41:12.8239 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 03:41:13.0487 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:42:13.0491 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:42:14.6087 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:lmao:2 03:42:14.6087 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lmao, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:42:14.6087 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: lmao 03:42:16.8075 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:like me:2 03:42:16.8075 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: like me, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:42:16.8075 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: like me 03:42:52.8404 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:gonna go finish this design:2 03:42:52.8404 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: gonna go finish this design, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:42:52.8404 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: gonna go finish this design 03:43:00.1773 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:i want this ship operational by tomorrow:2 03:43:00.1773 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i want this ship operational by tomorrow, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:43:00.1773 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: i want this ship operational by tomorrow 03:43:13.0502 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:43:22.2720 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:gonna start clouting people at the forge:2 03:43:22.2720 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: gonna start clouting people at the forge, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 03:43:22.2720 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: gonna start clouting people at the forge 03:44:13.0526 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:45:00.3335 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder15min' 03:45:00.3506 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 15 minutes.' 03:45:00.3506 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [15 minutes]." 5000 Red' 03:45:13.0637 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:45:37.2407 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:you mean clapping right?:2 03:45:37.2407 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you mean clapping right?, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 03:45:37.2407 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: you mean clapping right? 03:45:52.6006 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 03:45:55.4281 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:I wont be on much tomorrow, getting my mustang.:2 03:45:55.4281 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I wont be on much tomorrow, getting my mustang., Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 03:45:55.4281 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: I wont be on much tomorrow, getting my mustang. 03:46:06.8307 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Starmaster24Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 03:46:06.8307 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 03:46:06.8307 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Starmaster24 (76561198279429509) Disconnected. 03:46:13.0759 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:46:26.3340 [INFO] Chat: (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): You cannot claim this perk yet 03:46:26.3340 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!perks' 03:46:43.8597 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Medium Dinosaur:every time I walk away from my pc you type lol:0 03:46:56.8009 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Starmaster24 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198279429509, PlayerID: 176561198279429509 03:47:06.4102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 03:47:10.1911 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198279429509 from 03:47:10.2172 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Starmaster24 joined (76561198279429509) 03:47:10.2172 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 03:47:10.2172 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 03:47:10.2172 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 03:47:10.2172 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 03:47:10.4701 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 03:47:13.0849 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:47:43.0840 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] xXGrabTheBreadXx: its all part of my plan 03:48:04.6027 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:mine too.:0 03:48:13.0962 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:48:39.2882 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Anyone know where BNG is?:0 03:49:06.0475 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:I figured, what about ING?:0 03:49:13.0964 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:50:00.7674 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Restart10' 03:50:00.7845 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!restart 600 true' 03:50:13.0968 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:50:24.8314 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:IGN I mean, I found something belonging to Alex:0 03:50:53.0349 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 03:50:58.8341 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Starmaster24 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 03:51:13.1114 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:52:13.1118 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:53:13.1121 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:53:17.2819 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:20.6474 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:41.5820 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:49.9517 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {104C7A3661122EE} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:49.9517 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1219E8E80688CCF} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:49.9658 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1C3D138D1A3FF87} Remote Control 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:49.9658 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {104C7A3661122EE} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:49.9828 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1037A9809997AF5} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:50.0159 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1219E8E80688CCF} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:50.0159 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1219E8E80688CCF} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:50.0159 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {104C7A3661122EE} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:50.0481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1219E8E80688CCF} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:50.0481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {104C7A3661122EE} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:50.1173 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1037A9809997AF5} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:50.3989 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1037A9809997AF5} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:50.6478 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1037A9809997AF5} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:50.8816 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1037A9809997AF5} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:51.0672 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1EF47152410E170} Remote Control 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:52.0482 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:53.4175 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:53.7326 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:54.1818 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:54.2339 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D0AC02E806E897} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:54.8320 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:54.9494 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {14A4F0908261BB3} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 03:53:58.0474 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 03:54:09.8815 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 03:54:09.8975 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 03:54:10.9975 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 03:54:11.3644 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 03:54:13.1126 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:55:13.1199 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:55:53.5514 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 03:56:13.1275 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:56:41.3450 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Static Grid 4417 that is not yet replicated on client 03:56:41.4273 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Static Grid 4417 that is not yet replicated on client 03:57:13.1422 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:57:30.7852 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto thesnap' 03:57:30.8023 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Cleaning up unowned, unpowered and abandoned grids and turning off performance-affecting blocks...' 03:57:30.8133 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Timerblock' 03:57:34.8019 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 1 done!' 03:57:34.8019 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Projector' 03:57:38.8016 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 2 done!' 03:57:38.8016 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type ShipWelder' 03:57:42.7878 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 3 done!' 03:57:42.7878 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Drill' 03:57:46.7880 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 4 done!' 03:57:46.7880 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off subtype SmallPistonBase' 03:57:50.7876 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 5 done!' 03:57:50.7876 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off subtype LargePistonBase' 03:57:54.7882 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 6 done!' 03:57:54.7882 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type MotorStator' 03:57:58.8045 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 7 done!' 03:57:58.8045 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type MotorAdvancedStator' 03:58:02.8044 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 8 done!' 03:58:02.8044 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type ShipGrinder' 03:58:04.7212 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!h save' 03:58:04.7212 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Enigma_bg): You own 0% of the biggest grid! Need 39 more blocks to be the majority owner! 03:58:06.8048 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 9 done!' 03:58:06.8048 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Refinery' 03:58:10.8046 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 10 done!' 03:58:10.8046 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Assembler' 03:58:13.1426 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 03:58:14.8050 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 11 done!' 03:58:14.8050 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!faction clean 1' 03:58:18.8042 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 12 done!' 03:58:18.8042 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!gridcleanup 14' 03:58:22.8044 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 13 done!' 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 109135664374671089: Container MK-13 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 139195505017919647: Container MK-2 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 117200371569342661: Large Grid 1768 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 139858283939220907: Container MK-18 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 127659623568813784: Static Grid 3784 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 103877194341150285: Static Grid 285 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 84667370418329575: Large Grid 9575 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 121189588433145865: Stingray Debree 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 120916762185248331: Stingray Debree 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 92343913532686242: Static Grid 6242 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 102128950222143865: Static Grid 3865 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 82718338673945770: Large Grid 9515 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 106494179867823370: Static Grid 3370 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 78092974405397286: Static Grid 7286 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 109068299559785555: Large Grid 7062 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 139759451172441578: Container MK-9 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 113181712899661895: Static Grid 1895 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 104647920838067861: Large Grid 8124 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 109095380458887865: Large Grid 7157 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 125534986359272621: Large Grid 6106 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 140402099375164569: phobos mk2 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 100794370731582302: Large Grid 2302 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 100854231096295712: Encounter Blue frame 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 103220759373472785: Static Grid 2785 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 91156918046826440: Static Grid 6440 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 140265476006447745: Static Grid 7745 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 26 grids matching conditions ownedby, nobody 03:58:22.8155 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete ownedby nobody' 03:58:26.8046 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 14 done!' 03:58:26.8046 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 82866479349571813: Large Grid 8194 03:58:26.8046 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 136309180448081589: Respawn Space Pod 03:58:26.8046 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 87118459019072902: Large Grid 9353 03:58:26.8046 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 3 grids matching conditions nopower 03:58:26.8046 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete nopower' 03:58:30.8043 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 15 done!' 03:58:30.8043 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 16 done!' 03:58:30.8043 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 79003796318749731: (NPC-ACS) The Guppy 02 03:58:30.8043 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 90167471311410584: (NPC-ACS) Carryall 01-AT2 03:58:30.8043 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 133849248257788480: (NPC-ACS) Bubbly Bertha 01-AT2 03:58:30.8043 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 120965247537444342: (NPC-ACS) Mulgara Scout 01-AT1 03:58:30.8043 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 131684485358301038: (NPC-ACS) Cyclops Hauler-AT2 03:58:30.8043 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 133833230169456902: (NPC-ACS) SIC-01 Murakoz-AT1 03:58:30.8133 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 130288871307027680: Encounter Ghoul Corvette 03:58:30.8133 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 83944103048061141: Encounter Constructor mk.2 03:58:30.8133 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 8 grids matching conditions hasownertype, NPC, hasgridtype, SHIP, playerdistancegreaterthan, 800 03:58:30.8133 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete hasownertype NPC hasgridtype SHIP playerdistancegreaterthan 800' 03:58:34.8045 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 17 done!' 03:58:34.8045 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 76290073626479920: Encounter Stingray II 03:58:34.8045 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 89041838111439727: Encounter Debris 03:58:34.8045 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 2 grids matching conditions hasownertype, NPC, name, Encounter, playerdistancegreaterthan, 800 03:58:34.8045 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete hasownertype NPC name Encounter playerdistancegreaterthan 800' 03:58:38.8052 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 18 done!' 03:58:38.8052 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Cleaning finished.' 03:58:52.5551 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!h list' 03:58:52.5551 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Enigma_bg): You have no grids in your hangar! 03:59:13.1426 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:00:00.9354 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Saving game before restart. 04:00:00.9354 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Restarting server. 04:00:03.9760 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 04:00:03.9760 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Da_MLG_man meta data! 04:00:03.9760 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 04:00:03.9760 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 04:00:03.9760 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Just__J meta data! 04:00:04.0171 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8733kb Compressed: 410kb 04:00:05.0176 [INFO] Torch: Saved game 04:00:05.0176 [INFO] Torch: Stopping server. 04:00:05.0427 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloading torch session for Torch System 04:00:05.0427 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 299 Identity on the server 04:00:05.0427 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game ending.... 04:00:06.0481 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session Unloading, suspend backup timer! 04:00:06.0481 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloading 04:00:06.0481 [INFO] Essentials: Unloading rank data into JSON 04:00:06.0481 [INFO] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Start Unloading!!! 04:00:06.0481 [INFO] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Wait for 120 seconds before force Restart! 04:00:06.0481 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Removed authentication intercept 04:00:08.6803 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 04:00:08.6803 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Da_MLG_man meta data! 04:00:08.6803 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 04:00:08.6803 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 04:00:08.6803 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Just__J meta data! 04:00:08.7234 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8733kb Compressed: 410kb 04:00:08.7234 [ERROR] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server Saved and is stopping! 04:00:15.2802 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloaded torch session for Torch System 04:00:15.2802 [WARN] Nexus: Stopping Nexus Network Communications! 04:00:15.2932 [ERROR] Nexus: Fully unloaded the server (This is not an error)! 04:00:15.2932 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloaded 04:00:15.5059 [INFO] Torch: Server stopped. 04:00:20.7045 [INFO] Torch.Patches.MessageSizeLimitPatch: Patched MessageSizeLimit 04:00:20.7045 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 04:00:20.7808 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/14. (14%) 04:00:20.7828 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/14. (21%) 04:00:20.7828 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/14. (35%) 04:00:20.7828 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 6/14. (42%) 04:00:20.7828 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 7/14. (50%) 04:00:20.7828 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/14. (64%) 04:00:20.7828 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 10/14. (71%) 04:00:20.7828 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 12/14. (85%) 04:00:20.8099 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/14. (92%) 04:00:20.8099 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 14/14. (100%) 04:00:20.8099 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 04:00:20.8099 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ModsDownloadingPatch: Patching mods downloading 04:00:20.8360 [INFO] Torch.Patches.PromotePatch: patching promote 04:00:20.8360 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response polling 04:00:20.8360 [INFO] Torch.Patches.SteamLoginPatch: Applied custom WaitStart timeout 04:00:20.8621 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Checking for Torch Update... 04:00:20.8761 [INFO] Torch: Initializing server 04:00:21.0849 [INFO] Torch: RELEASE 04:00:21.0849 [INFO] Torch: Torch Version: v1.3.0.249-master 04:00:21.0849 [INFO] Torch: Game Version: 1.203.23 04:00:21.0849 [INFO] Torch: Executing assembly: Torch.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 04:00:21.0849 [INFO] Torch: Executing directory: C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\ 04:00:21.0959 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugins... 04:00:21.1330 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Checking for plugin updates... 04:00:21.1330 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 04:00:21.1330 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 04:00:21.1330 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 04:00:21.2273 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Latest version is v1.3.0.249-master | Current version is v1.3.0.249-master 04:00:21.2273 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Torch is up to date. 04:00:21.7658 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 04:00:21.7658 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin FoogsNoFamilySharing does not have any releases on torchapi.com. Cannot update. 04:00:21.9745 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Updated 0 plugins. 04:00:22.0257 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at AdminLogger.Main 04:00:22.0257 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Admin Logger' (v1.7.4) 04:00:22.0257 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeathLocationFix.DeathLocationFixPlugin 04:00:22.0257 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeathLocationFix' (v1.0.0.7) 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeleteTracker.DeleteTrackerPlugin 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeleteTracker' (v1.0.2.5) 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Backup' (v1.0.5.8) 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PCU Transferrer' (v1.1.11.8) 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_PlayerStats.PlayerStatsPlugin 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PlayerStats' (v1.0.1.9) 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RespawnFix.RespawnFixPlugin 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE RespawnFix' (v1.0.2.2) 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartPlugin 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Restart Watchdog' (v1.0.2.4) 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin 04:00:22.0337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE ShipFixer' (v1.0.10.0) 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportServer() ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportClient(VRageMath.Vector3D, Single) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsResponse(System.String) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ForceClusterReorderRequest() ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void UpdateEconomyRequest() ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestStationPositions() ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void DrawStationsClient(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugGameplay2+MyStationDebugDrawStructure]) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnSnapshotsMechanicalPivotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnWorldSnapshotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataServer(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataClient(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestLayersFromServer() ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ReceiveLayersFromServer(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugNetwork+Layer]) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsReply(System.String) ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnCrash() ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestSettingFromServer_Implementation() ModSdk methods 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DAC.AntiCheatPlugin 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'AntiCheat-DORI' (v1.0.5.17) 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at BlockLimiter.BlockLimiter 04:00:22.1261 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'BlockLimiter' (v1.7.705-48cf4b22) 04:00:22.1608 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Patching Successful Crunch Projector! 04:00:22.1608 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin+MyPatch: Patching Successful CrunchDrill! 04:00:22.2039 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin 04:00:22.2039 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'CrunchUtils' (v1.3.370) 04:00:22.2360 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 04:00:22.2360 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DefIdToStringFix' (v1.0.1) 04:00:22.2882 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DePatch.DePatchPlugin 04:00:22.2882 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DePatch' (1.20.08) 04:00:22.2882 [INFO] Essentials.Patches.ChatMessagePatch: Patched OnChatMessageReceived_Server! 04:00:22.2983 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Essentials.EssentialsPlugin 04:00:22.2983 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Essentials' (v1.7.1.179-001-55b53d6) 04:00:22.2983 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at InfluxDb.Torch.TorchInfluxDbPlugin 04:00:22.2983 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'InfluxDB Integration' (v2.2.8074.40508) 04:00:22.3906 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Nexus.Main 04:00:22.3906 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Nexus (Server Sectoring & DataSync)' (v1.01.32) 04:00:22.3926 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoMoreEmojis.Plugin 04:00:22.3926 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NoMoreEmojis' (v1.0.3) 04:00:22.3926 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoFSPluginNs.NoFSPlugin 04:00:22.3926 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'FoogsNoFamilySharing' (1) 04:00:22.4076 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer 04:00:22.4076 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NPCFactionFixer' (1.1.125-f4f9d5d) 04:00:22.4498 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 04:00:22.4498 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'PerformanceImprovements' (v1.10.14.0) 04:00:22.4498 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS 04:00:22.4498 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'GlobalGPS' (v1.0.011) 04:00:22.4578 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 04:00:22.4578 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Profiler.ProfilerPlugin 04:00:22.4578 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Profiler' (v3.1.8432.40000) 04:00:22.4849 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at QuantumHangar.Hangar 04:00:22.4849 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Quantum Hangar' (v3.2.30) 04:00:22.4889 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at _sc 04:00:22.4889 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Rewards' (1.2.2) 04:00:22.5933 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin 04:00:22.5933 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'SEDiscordBridge' (v2.0.4.025) 04:00:22.6150 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TebexTorchAPI.Tebex 04:00:22.6150 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Tebex Server Donations' (1.1.0) 04:00:22.6150 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 04:00:22.6150 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchMonitor.TorchMonitorPlugin 04:00:22.6150 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Torch Monitor' (v2.2.8164.42300) 04:00:22.6290 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin 04:00:22.6290 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'MIG-Freezer' ( 04:00:22.6290 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic 04:00:22.6290 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HaE PBLimiter' (v1.1.1.4) 04:00:22.6571 [ERROR] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patch shim type TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.GridDamagePatch doesn't have a static Patch method. 04:00:22.6571 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.Init 04:00:22.6571 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.UpdateAfterSimulation10 04:00:22.6571 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.SessionDownloadPatch: TorchGameServerPlugin: SessionDownloadPatch applied 04:00:22.6571 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain 04:00:22.6571 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'TorchGameServerPlugin' (v1.0.2) 04:00:22.6972 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\TebexTorchAPI.cfg 04:00:22.7364 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Hangar: Starting plugin WITHOUT the Hangar Market! 04:00:22.7524 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Init Foogs_NoFamilySharing 04:00:22.7524 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Foogs_NoFamilySharing disabled 04:00:22.7524 [WARN] Nexus: Initilizing Nexus Steam 04:00:22.8307 [INFO] NexusComponents: Calling 24 classes components to patch! 04:00:22.8307 [INFO] NexusComponents: Successfully patched 44/44 methods! 04:00:22.8307 [WARN] NexusSubscriber: Subscriber socket is Initilizing! 04:00:22.9005 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 04:00:22.9076 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=TorchMonitor.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 04:00:22.9076 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=Intervals.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 04:00:23.3501 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Init FoogsRewardsPlugin 04:00:23.3742 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Loading Crunch Utils 04:00:23.4013 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: PBLimiter loaded! 04:00:23.4013 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: Init 04:00:23.4013 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: OptimalHavokThreadCount = -1 04:00:24.6819 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Configuration Saved. 04:00:24.6819 [INFO] Essentials: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\Essentials.cfg 04:00:24.7421 [INFO] DePatch.DePatchPlugin: Mod Loader Complete overriding 04:00:24.7542 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=ProfilerPlugin.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 04:00:24.9645 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: found 5 products from API 04:00:24.9645 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP - 5351916 | multiplier: 2 04:00:24.9645 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP+ - 5352253 | multiplier: 2.5 04:00:24.9645 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: Supporter - 5352553 | multiplier: 1 04:00:24.9645 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 1.5k Block spawn - 5352612 | multiplier: 1 04:00:24.9645 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 3.5x multiplier - 5435517 | multiplier: 3.5 04:00:24.9645 [INFO] DefIdToStringFix: Init 04:00:24.9755 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loaded 31 plugins. 04:00:25.0016 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Loading Dedicated Config 04:00:25.0307 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing network services 04:00:25.0367 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing services 04:00:25.0367 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Services initialized 04:00:25.0538 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Setting up serializers 04:00:25.8899 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerPatch: Finished Patching! 04:00:25.8899 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 04:00:25.8899 [INFO] InstanceManager: Loading instance C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance 04:00:29.1148 [INFO] ModListControl: Instance loaded. 04:00:29.1148 [INFO] Torch: Initialized server 'Outer instance2' at 'C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance' 04:00:29.1148 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 04:00:29.1339 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response timeout to 5 seconds 04:00:29.1579 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/169. (10%) 04:00:29.2081 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/169. (20%) 04:00:29.2312 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 51/169. (30%) 04:00:29.2613 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 68/169. (40%) 04:00:29.3281 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 85/169. (50%) 04:00:29.3693 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 102/169. (60%) 04:00:29.4184 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 119/169. (70%) 04:00:29.4465 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 136/169. (80%) 04:00:29.4746 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 153/169. (90%) 04:00:29.5298 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 169/169. (100%) 04:00:29.5298 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 04:00:29.5298 [INFO] Torch: Starting server. 04:00:30.6053 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 04:00:30.7173 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 04:00:33.1582 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 04:00:33.1582 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 04:00:33.1582 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 04:00:33.1582 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 04:00:33.1762 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: AntiCheat: All Patches Loaded 04:00:33.7619 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.RemoteAPIManager: Remote API started on port 8080 04:00:37.5486 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: ServerLoading started on ID: 24! Requesting Data from controller and watching for reply! 04:00:37.6429 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Waiting for Sandbox data from Controller! Make sure your ports are open! 04:00:37.7402 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Controller Version: 2.5.05 04:00:37.7513 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Data Successfully Recieved and Deserialized! 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Servers Recieved: 14 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Sectors Recieved: 14 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: The following is the treeview of your sector layout: 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 2 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space A 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space B 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer space 2 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space A 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth moon area 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth only sector 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Moon standalone 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Viking sector 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: GOD SECTOR 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Europa 04:00:39.6446 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Lotus 04:00:39.6446 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: AddonConfigs: 1 04:00:40.7772 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Deserialized controller sandbox to XMLCheckpoint and clearing internally! 04:00:40.7772 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server starting as: SyncedSectored! 04:00:42.9331 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod: NexusSyncMod is running NexusModAPI! 04:00:42.9431 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod Patching Complete for 2272613450.sbm 04:00:47.6773 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Starting new torch session for Torch System 04:00:47.6773 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 04:00:47.6773 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/5. (20%) 04:00:47.6883 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/5. (40%) 04:00:47.6883 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/5. (60%) 04:00:47.6883 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/5. (80%) 04:00:47.6883 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/5. (100%) 04:00:47.6883 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 04:00:47.6883 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loading 04:00:49.2265 [WARN] Keen: Missing definition MyObjectBuilder_DemoComponentDefinition/Default : for session component DemoComponent 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Inserted authentication intercept 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whatsmyip' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'help' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'longhelp' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ver' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reload' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'plugins' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'notify' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart.cancel' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop.cancel' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'save' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'uptime' 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Loaded torch session for Torch System 04:01:08.7367 [INFO] BlockLimiter.PluginApi.EssentialsPlayerAccount: Blocklimiter communication with essentials successful 04:01:08.7528 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 299 Identity on the server 04:01:08.7528 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game started.... 04:01:08.7528 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:01:08.7528 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 04:01:08.7528 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: BlockLimiter v1.7.705-48cf4b22 is installed! 04:01:08.7528 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 04:01:08.7528 [INFO] NexusComponents: 24 Nexus components started! 04:01:08.7528 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.CommandSync: Waiting for CommandQueue from Controller! 04:01:10.7589 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Start 04:01:10.7589 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Patching battaries. For fix of discharging 04:01:10.7589 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Finished 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unfreeze' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.production' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.on' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.off' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.on' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.off' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.can-be-frozen' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.frozen' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.not-frozen' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-entities' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-updates' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-frames' 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/4. (25%) 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/4. (50%) 04:01:10.7589 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/4. (75%) 04:01:10.7669 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/4. (100%) 04:01:10.7669 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 04:01:10.7669 [ERROR] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: MIG TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin: PATCH COMPLETED 04:01:10.7669 [INFO] ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin: BlockLimiter Reference added to PCU-Transferrer for limit checks. 04:01:10.7669 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 04:01:10.7669 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session loaded, start backup timer! 04:01:10.7669 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loaded 04:01:10.7669 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch start 04:01:10.8197 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 04:01:10.8317 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/42. (11%) 04:01:10.8317 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/42. (21%) 04:01:10.8317 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/42. (30%) 04:01:10.8317 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/42. (40%) 04:01:10.8317 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 21/42. (50%) 04:01:10.8458 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 26/42. (61%) 04:01:10.8458 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 30/42. (71%) 04:01:10.8458 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/42. (80%) 04:01:10.8629 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 38/42. (90%) 04:01:10.8629 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 42/42. (100%) 04:01:10.8629 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 04:01:10.8629 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch done 04:01:10.8779 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Sending setting data to self 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.enable' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.grid' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.player' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.faction' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.reload' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.rematch.ids' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.violations' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.playerlimit' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.gridlimit' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.factionlimit' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.annoy' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.punish' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.mylimit' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.mylimit' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.limits' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.pairnames' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.definitions' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'donate' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:secret' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:forcecheck' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:info' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.sell' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.marketlist' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.sell' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.marketlist' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.save' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.list' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.load' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.remove' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.sync' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.syncall' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohangar' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohanger-override' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.enable' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.saveall' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.ttmod' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.clearSpheres' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.save' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.list' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.load' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.remove' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.sync' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.syncall' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohangar' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohanger-override' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.enable' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.saveall' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.save' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.list' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.load' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.remove' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.info' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.save' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.list' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.load' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.remove' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.info' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.box' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.boxclear' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ptoggle' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsectors' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsector' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.lobby' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players.faction' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ver' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switch' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switchall' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.identity' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.reset' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.breaklink' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.addwhitelist' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.removewhitelist' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'd.link' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'Lobby.GetID' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reload' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reloadconfig' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.enable' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.disable' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge.grid' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'seedcleanup.all' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridcleanup' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.ownedby' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.buildby' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.noauthor' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsowner' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsauthor' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgrids' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsrange' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoauthor' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoowner' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'protect' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unprotect' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freebuild' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checklimits' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.player' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.faction' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkowner' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkauthor' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listblocks' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listallblocks' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'findblock' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfer' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransfer' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcu' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransferpcu' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferowner' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfernobody' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcunobody' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferownernobody' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'repair' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.configs' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.commands' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.w' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.on' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.off' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.reload' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.corners' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.centers' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.cleargps' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listadminsettings' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearadminsettings' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearalladminsettings' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list.faction' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.find' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore.faction' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.save' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.run' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.clearup' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identitycleanup.name' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.tag.length' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.name' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listplayers' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.player' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.faction' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.factions' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.player' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.faction' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.debugfaction' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.player' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.playerallfactions' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.faction' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.factionallplayers' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.debugfaction' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmod' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmodid' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixship' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reward' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadm' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadmt' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sewa.shop' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalance' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalanceplayer' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoney' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoneyplayer' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfermoney' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.reload' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'enablestone' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.config' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makeship' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'removebody' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makestation' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'togglestone' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stone' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'TestEconSync' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'FullEconSync' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetbalances' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayers' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfactions' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'claim' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sellgrid' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'denygrid' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'acceptgrid' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixrespawn' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'prediction' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'convert' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pcucount' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fillhydro' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.rename' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rename' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixme' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getsteamid' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixallstations' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'worldpcu' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ishydrogen' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'zone' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isecon' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixstation' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.search' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tags' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listids' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnames' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'updatename' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco' 04:01:10.8779 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path eco is already registered. 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.balance' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'lastlogin' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.top' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'warstatus' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'declarewar' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nofriendforyou' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sendpeace' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ac' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'place.station' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetnpcrep' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetallrep' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.info' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'facinfo' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdrawall' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.deposit' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdraw' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'giveitem' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.promote' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'broadcast' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.kick' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isnpc' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.take' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.give' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.hide' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.show' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.delete' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.pay' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whis' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'msg' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.giveplayer' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayer' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfac' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getfacid' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleargrid' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'dirkclear' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridtype' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takeplayer' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.givefac' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.rep.change' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'player.rep.change' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takefac' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.status' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.test.bonus' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.check.multiplier' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.help' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.info' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.enable' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.disable' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.fix' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.add' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.clear' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.remove' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.refresh' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.stop' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.delete' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.kill' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.find' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweroff' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweron' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.eject' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.setowner' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.ejectall' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.static.large' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.stopall' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.list' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.export' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.import' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'say' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tp' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tpto' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tphere' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'w' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'kick' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ban' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unban' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'motd' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.give' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.take' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.set' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.reset' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.top' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.check' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.pay' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.add' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.del' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.list' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.goto' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.createrank' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delrank' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setmaxhomes' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.reservedslot' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.renamerank' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setdefaultrank' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setrank' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.populate' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addinheritance' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delinheritance' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addperm' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delperm' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addplayerperm' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delplayerperm' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.listranks' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.cancel' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.list' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'no' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'yes' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.debug' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.reset' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.stats' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playercount' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playerlist' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.runauto' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelauto' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelautobyindex' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listauto' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listrunningauto' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.set.toolbar' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.setrank' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.reserve' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unreserve' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.mute' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unmute' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.list.mute' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.give' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.type' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.subtype' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.type' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.subtype' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.type' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.subtype' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.general' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.general' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.scan' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.list' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete.floatingobjects' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.help' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.all' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.asteroids' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.distant' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planets' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planet' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.area' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.gps' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clean' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.purge' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clear' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rep.wipe' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.clean' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.remove' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.info' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sandbox.clean' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'info.list' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.on' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.off' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.sim' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.frames' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocktypes' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocks' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.grids' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.factions' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.players' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.scripts' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.session' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.entities' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.physics' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.flags' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.custom' 04:01:10.8779 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.cleangps' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.help' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'credits' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.reset' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.time' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test.reward' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.init' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test' 04:01:10.8920 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path forge.test is already registered. 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'density' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 04:01:10.8920 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path weather.clear is already registered. 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 04:01:10.8920 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path perks is already registered. 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'SendGPS' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sound' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'EMP' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'strike' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.info' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.enable' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.disable' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.on' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.off' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.add' 04:01:10.8920 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.remove' 04:01:10.9331 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: Communication with TGS successful 04:01:10.9331 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 04:01:10.9331 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 04:01:10.9331 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/3. (33%) 04:01:10.9411 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/3. (66%) 04:01:10.9411 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/3. (100%) 04:01:10.9411 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 04:01:10.9983 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mavo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198291550613, PlayerID: 176561198291550613 04:01:11.0104 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Carros de Combate passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198145734500, PlayerID: 176561198145734500 04:01:14.0223 [WARN] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards initialized 04:01:14.0374 [INFO] Torch: Starting server watchdog. 04:01:14.0374 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 04:01:14.2963 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: VariableStorage:Load 04:01:14.3023 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer [4.0.30319.42000] will work in 5000 ms 04:01:14.3023 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 04:01:14.4137 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dreamer SE passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198825267087, PlayerID: 176561198825267087 04:01:14.5277 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 04:01:14.6481 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 04:01:14.7224 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Da_MLG_man passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198290436701, PlayerID: 176561198290436701 04:01:14.8177 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Just__J passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198050157388, PlayerID: 176561198050157388 04:01:14.8980 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Medium Dinosaur passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198341618735, PlayerID: 176561198341618735 04:01:14.9662 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 04:01:15.0816 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Starmaster24 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198279429509, PlayerID: 176561198279429509 04:01:16.0355 [ERROR] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards ProcessQueue start 04:01:19.3024 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer started work 04:01:20.8796 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'weather.clear' 04:01:20.8796 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'perks' 04:01:20.8796 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'credits' 04:01:20.8796 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'weather.clear' 04:01:20.8796 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'perks' 04:01:20.8796 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'SendGPS' 04:01:20.8796 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path SendGPS is already registered. 04:01:20.8796 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'sound' 04:01:20.8796 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path sound is already registered. 04:01:20.8796 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'EMP' 04:01:20.8796 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path EMP is already registered. 04:01:20.8796 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'strike' 04:01:20.8796 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path strike is already registered. 04:01:28.9108 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 04:01:28.9480 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 04:01:28.9480 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 04:01:28.9480 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 04:01:28.9480 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 04:01:28.9480 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 04:01:28.9761 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 04:01:29.0142 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 04:01:30.1459 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198050157388 from 04:01:30.1640 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Just__J joined (76561198050157388) 04:01:30.1640 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 04:01:30.1640 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 04:01:30.1640 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 04:01:30.1640 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 04:01:30.2382 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 04:01:40.3139 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mavo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198291550613, PlayerID: 176561198291550613 04:01:41.9644 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198279429509 from 04:01:41.9814 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Starmaster24 joined (76561198279429509) 04:01:41.9814 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 04:01:41.9814 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 04:01:41.9855 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 04:01:41.9855 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 04:01:42.1480 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 04:02:05.0979 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 04:02:08.7529 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:02:13.9808 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dreamer SE passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198825267087, PlayerID: 176561198825267087 04:02:15.2979 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 04:02:27.2815 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Carros de Combate passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198145734500, PlayerID: 176561198145734500 04:02:38.5641 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Da_MLG_man passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198290436701, PlayerID: 176561198290436701 04:02:44.5648 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198290436701 from 04:02:44.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Da_MLG_man joined (76561198290436701) 04:02:44.5809 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 04:02:44.5809 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 04:02:44.5809 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 04:02:44.5809 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 04:02:44.7143 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 04:02:45.2061 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 04:02:45.3977 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mavo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198291550613, PlayerID: 176561198291550613 04:03:01.2177 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Just__J successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 04:03:08.7690 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:03:08.9673 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mavo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198291550613, PlayerID: 176561198291550613 04:03:18.5839 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Carros de Combate passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198145734500, PlayerID: 176561198145734500 04:03:21.7380 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Just__J: hello 04:03:24.4030 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Da_MLG_man successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 04:03:25.3690 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Enigma_bg: hi 04:03:25.5385 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Da_MLG_man has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 04:03:28.5191 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Enigma_bg: hi 04:03:28.5191 [INFO] Chat: [GlobalScripted:176561198073918756] Good.bot: You tried sending the same message within a short amount of time. Message not sent. 04:03:30.5858 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Enigma_bg: hey 04:03:31.2363 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 04:03:37.2360 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: hii 04:03:48.8527 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: hello 04:04:08.7830 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:04:54.0612 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 04:05:08.7825 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:05:25.1489 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 04:06:06.1286 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Starmaster24 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 04:06:08.7824 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:06:20.5758 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 04:07:08.7991 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:08:08.7991 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:08:35.9921 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: GPS:Mars - Jump A2:1114932.53910675:134752.802654553:1573030.04016837:#FFFFA340: 04:09:08.8137 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:10:08.8143 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:10:25.7757 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 04:11:08.8153 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:12:08.0097 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: a person passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199242447905, PlayerID: 176561199242447905 04:12:08.8301 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:12:40.0658 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Enigma_bg): 32 blocks removed from Projection. BlockNames = ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 04:13:08.8295 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:13:25.0430 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: a person passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199242447905, PlayerID: 176561199242447905 04:14:08.8303 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:15:00.1928 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 04:15:08.8306 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:15:26.3452 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 04:15:58.4279 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xXGrabTheBreadXx passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198350021532, PlayerID: 176561198350021532 04:16:05.3225 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198350021532 from 04:16:05.3446 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx joined (76561198350021532) 04:16:05.3446 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 04:16:05.3446 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 04:16:05.3446 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 04:16:05.3446 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 04:16:05.6617 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 04:16:08.8450 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:17:08.8454 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:17:18.7966 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: xXGrabTheBreadXx successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 04:18:08.8463 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:19:08.8604 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:20:08.8669 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:20:26.9342 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 04:20:57.2565 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 04:21:08.8787 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:22:05.5684 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Carros de Combate passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198145734500, PlayerID: 176561198145734500 04:22:08.8922 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:23:06.7017 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Carros de Combate passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198145734500, PlayerID: 176561198145734500 04:23:08.8925 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:24:08.8930 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:24:25.7352 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Just__J: /GPS:base:1088899.36:138271.64:1608833.81:#FF75C9F1: 04:25:08.8942 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:25:12.6024 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: GPS:Mars - Jump A2:1114932.53910675:134752.802654553:1573030.04016837:#FFFFA340: 04:25:27.4024 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 04:26:08.9082 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:27:08.9239 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:28:08.9401 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:29:08.9555 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:29:16.5860 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 04:29:30.8275 [INFO] Chat: (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): Perks claimed, Check your character inventory! (VIP+ - 5352253) 04:29:30.8275 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!perks' 04:30:08.9712 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:30:17.2034 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 04:30:22.9966 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 04:30:23.4979 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1232A2C27B9FDC0} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 04:30:23.6290 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D0AC02E806E897} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 04:30:23.7966 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 04:30:24.0956 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {14A4F0908261BB3} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 04:30:24.3455 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 04:30:24.6632 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 04:30:25.1649 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 04:30:26.4279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {146A0EE77C96259} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 04:30:28.0701 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 04:30:44.0196 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gergo21HUN passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198839354006, PlayerID: 176561198839354006 04:31:08.9730 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:31:10.7799 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 04:31:41.5697 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gergo21HUN passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198839354006, PlayerID: 176561198839354006 04:31:51.1789 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 40399ms (238ms CPU) 04:31:51.1789 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 04:31:51.2712 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 04:32:08.9867 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:32:51.4544 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:are thrusters still more powerful than vanilla?:0 04:33:08.9909 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:33:34.3397 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:I swear they've always been vanilla:0 04:33:58.1787 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:no cuz before we had inventory multipliers:0 04:34:07.9278 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:so thrusters were altered to suit:0 04:34:09.0031 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:34:37.3828 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Not sure about that, I was still using a thrust calculator last wipe:0 04:34:44.1920 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:you could take a ship bp mad ehere that flies in atmos but put it in creative and it tanks:0 04:35:09.0030 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:35:20.7773 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 04:35:28.5875 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 04:35:46.6198 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] a person:pretty sure that the weight of stuff in inventory is less than it displays in cargo, as one of my cargos has over 2,000,000kg of stuff and ship weight shows 1,759,607kg:0 04:36:09.0100 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:37:09.0180 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:38:09.0173 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:39:03.8799 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 04:39:09.0172 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:40:09.0183 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:40:29.2383 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 04:41:09.0192 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:42:09.0323 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:43:09.0322 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:44:09.0324 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:45:00.5894 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderCommands' 04:45:00.6054 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: There is a number of useful commands that every player on our servers can use in-game. For the full list of them, just type !commandlist (or !cl) in the chat.' 04:45:09.0329 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:45:29.7880 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 04:46:09.0332 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:47:09.0484 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:48:09.0641 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:49:09.0633 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:50:09.0637 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:50:30.4506 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 04:51:09.0773 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:52:09.0905 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:53:09.1014 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:54:09.1110 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:54:31.3720 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Just__JLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 04:54:31.3720 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Just__J meta data! 04:54:31.3810 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Just__J (76561198050157388) Disconnected. 04:55:09.1114 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:55:11.7869 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...388] (76561198050157388) Disconnected. 04:55:30.9011 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 04:56:09.1258 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:57:02.5970 [INFO] Chat: (to Starmaster24): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on ai base. 04:57:02.5970 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Starmaster24 ran command '!fixship' 04:57:06.8852 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid ai base for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8852 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 5124 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8852 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Static Grid 20 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8852 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Static Grid 7519 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8852 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 602 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8852 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 552 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8852 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 2031 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8852 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 2705 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8852 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 1919 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 9189 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 6485 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 7873 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 9586 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 1163 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 9960 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid MEXF-01 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 5568 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 4709 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 5352 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 2804 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 5064 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Starmaster24 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 1625 for cut & paste! 04:57:06.8922 [INFO] Chat: (to Starmaster24): Ship was fixed! 04:57:06.8922 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Starmaster24 started! 04:57:06.8922 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Starmaster24 ran command '!fixship' 04:57:09.1271 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:58:09.1269 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 04:59:09.1275 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:00:00.4392 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder3h' 05:00:00.4563 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 3 hours.' 05:00:00.4563 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [3 hours]." 5000 White' 05:00:09.1272 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:00:31.6396 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:00:48.0116 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: OnChangeOwnersRequest Block Ownership changes, Block not found, Still allow! 05:01:09.1388 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:01:51.1966 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 05:02:09.1495 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:02:28.7398 [INFO] Chat: (to Enigma_bg): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on Orca. 05:02:28.7398 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!fixship' 05:02:30.9960 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39799ms (218ms CPU) 05:02:30.9960 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 05:02:31.0773 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 05:02:31.7612 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Enigma_bg used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Orca for cut & paste! 05:02:31.7612 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Enigma_bg used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 8396 for cut & paste! 05:02:31.7612 [INFO] Chat: (to Enigma_bg): Ship was fixed! 05:02:31.7612 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Enigma_bg started! 05:02:31.7612 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!fixship' 05:03:09.1582 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:03:21.8457 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: a person passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199242447905, PlayerID: 176561199242447905 05:04:09.1594 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:04:29.7483 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: am back 05:04:37.2324 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: how is the base goin 05:05:09.1607 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:05:32.1322 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 05:05:38.7005 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!h save' 05:05:38.7426 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Orca, Small Grid 8396, Reason: Grid was Hangared 05:05:38.7426 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198073918756\Orca.sbc 05:05:39.8520 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Enigma_bg): Save Complete! 05:05:39.8520 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 05:05:43.2161 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!h load 1' 05:05:43.2221 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Enigma_bg): You have 00:00:02 until you can perform this action! 05:05:43.2221 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Enigma_bg): Command cooldown is still in affect! 05:05:48.7391 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 05:05:50.2490 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!h load 1' 05:05:51.0880 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 05:05:51.0880 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1124971.46308638 Y:167314.749671907 Z:1550724.56434099 05:05:51.0991 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 05:05:51.0991 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 05:05:51.0991 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Enigma_bg): Spawning Complete! 05:05:51.0991 [INFO] Hangar.Enigma_bg: Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198073918756\Orca.sbc 05:05:51.0991 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 05:06:09.1739 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:07:09.1738 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:07:34.2017 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: i cant speak btw 05:08:09.1737 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:09:09.1741 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:09:12.3814 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Enigma_bg): 28 blocks removed from Projection. BlockNames = ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 05:10:09.1735 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:10:32.8522 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 05:11:09.1897 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:12:09.1911 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:13:09.1908 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:13:40.7565 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 05:14:09.2043 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:14:17.2228 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 05:15:00.2735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderVote' 05:15:00.2896 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: You can use !votenow command to submit your daily vote and then use !reward to receive full set of elite tools, Uranium ingots and a chance for Platinum drop!' 05:15:08.0562 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: probably was lol 05:15:09.2044 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:15:33.4072 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 05:16:03.1406 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: the base was made to work 05:16:08.4403 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: being neat was a bonus lool 05:16:09.2045 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:16:10.3397 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: lol* 05:16:52.5601 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: bro that keyboard is super loud 05:16:58.4928 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: e 05:17:02.8097 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: nah its fine 05:17:09.2050 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:17:09.5100 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: i just know when ur typing lol 05:17:15.1204 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Outer space recieved! 05:17:15.1265 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199242447905 05:17:15.1465 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Generic Freighter MK5 Target: X:-1395922.45489384 Y:-1498887.19990118 Z:340941.497824599 05:17:15.2168 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Generic Freighter MK5 @ X:-1395978.46255029 Y:-1498933.35618033 Z:340954.545434114 05:17:15.2168 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561199242447905 05:17:15.2168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning a person into their cockpit! 05:17:23.9092 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 05:17:26.9752 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199242447905 from 05:17:26.9932 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player a person joined (76561199242447905) 05:17:26.9932 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 05:17:26.9932 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 05:17:26.9932 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 05:17:26.9932 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 05:17:27.3150 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 05:17:37.1602 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: lol 05:17:45.5597 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: now it is time 05:17:47.7766 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: for ISY's 05:18:03.9264 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: er ok 05:18:08.7101 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: need to find a space for the miner too 05:18:09.2185 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:18:34.0101 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: a person successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 05:18:47.4761 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 05:19:07.1433 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: i love how we just blame everything that went wrong on ZJD 05:19:09.2203 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:19:17.4768 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: well 05:19:19.1768 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: true 05:19:22.6267 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: maybe holo helped him lol 05:19:59.9939 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 05:20:09.2209 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:20:20.9444 [INFO] Chat: (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): You cannot claim this perk yet 05:20:20.9444 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!perks' 05:20:34.0122 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 05:20:54.9339 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {104C7A3661122EE} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 05:20:55.0032 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FC24FF3304D378} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 05:20:55.5677 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {193D8A50D99E65D} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 05:20:55.8186 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FC24FF3304D378} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 05:20:55.8688 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {193D8A50D99E65D} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 05:21:09.2207 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:22:03.6947 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 05:22:05.7119 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!hangar save' 05:22:05.7289 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: [VEG} Atmo Miner, Reason: Grid was Hangared 05:22:05.7289 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198350021532\[VEG} Atmo Miner.sbc 05:22:05.8600 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): Save Complete! 05:22:05.8620 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 05:22:09.2204 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:22:36.9950 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: One second enigma 05:22:41.9121 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: k 05:23:09.2203 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:23:44.0721 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: xXGrabTheBreadXxLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 05:23:44.0721 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 05:23:44.0721 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: xXGrabTheBreadXx (76561198350021532) Disconnected. 05:24:09.2222 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:24:32.5381 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...532] (76561198350021532) Disconnected. 05:25:09.2251 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:25:28.1704 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Enigma_bg): Limit reached 1 blocks denied BlockNames: ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 05:25:34.6530 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 05:26:09.2365 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:27:09.2369 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:28:09.2365 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:29:09.2509 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:30:09.2634 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:30:35.2116 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 05:31:09.2731 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:31:19.5616 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: we have problem 05:31:25.7781 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: ISY's keeps throwing a stupid error 05:31:48.7124 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: "an item with the same key has already been added 05:31:54.1619 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: also i need to change that keybind 05:32:09.2857 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:32:31.0031 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 05:33:07.6451 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 05:33:09.2860 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:33:10.8039 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39800ms (234ms CPU) 05:33:10.8039 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 05:33:10.8801 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 05:33:31.4450 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 05:34:09.3006 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:34:31.7361 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 05:35:09.3152 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:35:35.6868 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 05:36:09.3154 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:36:11.5198 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: the fuck 05:36:15.9862 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: it keeps erroring 05:36:16.8197 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: why 05:37:04.1864 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: POV: you had 20 people build a base with 0 coordination 05:37:09.3296 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:38:09.3295 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:39:09.3300 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:39:45.4707 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: i like halo 05:39:55.6537 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: hehehehe 05:40:05.4706 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: 50k block PvP grid lesgo 05:40:09.3307 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:40:28.9285 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 05:40:36.3373 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 05:40:44.6202 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PanoramixdaGAL passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198254798020, PlayerID: 176561198254798020 05:41:09.3305 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:41:16.6536 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 05:41:20.2398 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 05:41:20.2398 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Da_MLG_manLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 05:41:20.2398 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Da_MLG_man meta data! 05:41:20.2398 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Da_MLG_man (76561198290436701) Disconnected. 05:41:23.4708 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198290436701 from 05:41:23.4868 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Da_MLG_man joined (76561198290436701) 05:41:23.4868 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 05:41:23.4868 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 05:41:23.4868 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 05:41:23.4868 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 05:41:23.6534 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 05:41:52.5705 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PanoramixdaGAL passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198254798020, PlayerID: 176561198254798020 05:41:53.2705 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Da_MLG_man successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 05:41:54.3713 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Da_MLG_man has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 05:42:04.6440 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 05:42:09.3446 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:42:11.2761 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {104C7A3661122EE} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 05:42:11.6444 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FC24FF3304D378} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 05:42:11.7784 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {193D8A50D99E65D} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 05:42:11.9269 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FC24FF3304D378} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 05:42:11.9430 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FC24FF3304D378} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 05:42:12.0112 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FC24FF3304D378} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 05:42:15.0361 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 05:42:55.1309 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Da_MLG_man: fuckin hell 05:43:06.6549 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:?:0 05:43:09.3458 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:43:11.4810 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Da_MLG_man: ISY's wont work 05:43:14.4805 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Starmaster24: f 05:43:27.4806 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 05:43:31.1875 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:in what way?:0 05:43:50.7976 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Da_MLG_man: ok seems to work now 05:44:05.9975 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Da_MLG_man: it was having trouble finding grav comps i think, tried adding the bp twice 05:44:09.3469 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:44:58.4146 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 05:44:58.4312 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: we can do some wacky stuff 05:45:00.5804 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 05:45:09.3602 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:45:12.6979 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: like 3D pincer maneuvers with 6 ships at once 05:45:36.8145 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 05:46:09.3605 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:46:24.6981 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: i mean yea 05:46:29.3475 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: klang drives have practical limits 05:46:46.8982 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mind passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030285965, PlayerID: 176561198030285965 05:47:09.3602 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:48:01.8809 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 05:48:06.5149 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mind passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030285965, PlayerID: 176561198030285965 05:48:09.3603 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:48:09.5981 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: probably 05:48:24.3981 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: I just have to take a quick peak at teh survival kit/medbay api 05:48:41.1145 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 05:48:51.7149 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: *laughs in advanced ProNav, target prediction, and jump coord computers 05:49:09.3675 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:49:12.1152 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 05:49:26.4483 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: not optimal ngl 05:49:49.5816 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 05:50:08.1151 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: could probably do something more user friendly lol 05:50:09.3674 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:50:37.5655 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 05:50:52.1792 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:LOL you should come see my refining station. its so me.:2 05:50:52.1792 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: LOL you should come see my refining station. its so me., Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 05:50:52.1792 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: LOL you should come see my refining station. its so me. 05:51:04.2814 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: oh yea 05:51:09.3790 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:51:11.2270 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:aw just started a huge mining job :0 05:51:19.2771 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:^^:2 05:51:19.2771 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ^^, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 05:51:19.2771 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: ^^ 05:51:32.6314 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:thats fine its still printing. 8bnr takes a min:2 05:51:32.6314 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thats fine its still printing. 8bnr takes a min, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 05:51:32.6314 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: thats fine its still printing. 8bnr takes a min 05:51:48.4655 [INFO] Chat: (to Enigma_bg): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on Orca. 05:51:48.4655 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!fixship' 05:51:51.3327 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Enigma_bg used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Orca for cut & paste! 05:51:51.3327 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Enigma_bg used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid ship for cut & paste! 05:51:51.3327 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Enigma_bg used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 8396 for cut & paste! 05:51:51.3327 [INFO] Chat: (to Enigma_bg): Ship was fixed! 05:51:51.3327 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Enigma_bg started! 05:51:51.3327 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!fixship' 05:52:09.3916 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:53:09.3925 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:53:22.1233 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: I overbuild my grav drives for the express purpose of dodging lol 05:54:09.3925 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:54:16.3232 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 05:54:22.8398 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: star wars is usually pretty good too 05:55:07.0894 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: woah 05:55:09.3928 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:55:12.8901 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: new space base has like no raw material 05:55:18.6897 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: i gotta fix that rq 05:55:38.1570 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 05:56:09.3948 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:56:55.8402 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: surely all the roids nearby base cant be empty 05:57:09.4073 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:57:46.8565 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: ye 05:57:49.0067 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: you know 05:58:01.8903 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: We need to find some way to coordinate 05:58:04.9122 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 05:58:09.4073 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:58:46.3235 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: woah holup 05:58:56.9066 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: found uranium i think 05:59:05.6404 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: literally right next to base lol 05:59:09.4083 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 05:59:15.6408 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: it aint a lot tho 05:59:33.5738 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: ima mine it and see if there is anymore uranium around 05:59:39.5906 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: if not ill just mark it as empty 06:00:00.5902 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder2h' 06:00:00.6073 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 2 hours.' 06:00:00.6073 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [2 hours]." 5000 White' 06:00:09.4089 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:00:32.4644 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 06:00:32.4644 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Da_MLG_man meta data! 06:00:32.4644 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving a person meta data! 06:00:32.4644 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 06:00:32.5025 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8715kb Compressed: 408kb 06:00:38.8376 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 06:01:09.4241 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:02:09.4385 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:02:26.8720 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: we should definitely get someone starting to refine and assemble in GOD 06:03:09.4384 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:03:10.8108 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 06:03:35.5219 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: thats fine 06:03:43.0057 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: it was a rushed meme to hold the forge earlier lol 06:03:50.4111 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39599ms (234ms CPU) 06:03:50.4111 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 06:03:50.4974 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 06:04:09.4388 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:04:15.6219 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: Hopefully i can find Pt, Au, Ag, Mg, and Ice 06:04:32.2218 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: i have literally never foudn one m8 06:05:00.2053 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: considering how much ice this miner burns 06:05:05.5383 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: pls post iceroid coords 06:05:09.4418 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:05:39.5716 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 06:05:39.6549 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: another empty roid 06:05:41.0884 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: dayum 06:05:54.2722 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Starmaster24: GPS:Ice Roid:-341739.21:1105264.04:-488545.75:#FF75C9F1: 06:06:02.3218 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: ............. 06:06:06.0057 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: you have failed 06:06:09.4551 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:06:12.5472 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:how many refineries you got?:2 06:06:12.5472 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how many refineries you got?, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:06:12.5472 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: how many refineries you got? 06:06:18.3884 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: oh nvm 06:06:24.2222 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Starmaster24: Whoops 06:06:25.0721 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: thats like 2.7Mm from base 06:06:42.4093 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:I didnt make alot. just more than my ship had.:2 06:06:42.4093 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I didnt make alot. just more than my ship had., Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:06:42.4093 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: I didnt make alot. just more than my ship had. 06:07:02.9888 [INFO] Chat: (to Enigma_bg): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on Orca. 06:07:02.9888 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!fixship' 06:07:05.5589 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Enigma_bg used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Orca for cut & paste! 06:07:05.5589 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Enigma_bg used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid ship for cut & paste! 06:07:05.5589 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Enigma_bg used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 8396 for cut & paste! 06:07:05.5589 [INFO] Chat: (to Enigma_bg): Ship was fixed! 06:07:05.5589 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Enigma_bg started! 06:07:05.5589 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!fixship' 06:07:05.6482 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: from now on 06:07:09.4559 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:07:12.7953 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: please, only post coords in gps discord channel 06:08:01.1121 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: use discord 06:08:06.2284 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198290436701] Starmaster24: GPS:[Selenium] Au,Fe:-359048.170230284:1108559.52006397:-477178.383184275:#FF75C9F1: 06:08:09.4565 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:08:11.1947 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: er ok 06:08:22.3619 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: 2.7Mm away again 06:08:38.0782 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: lol yea 06:09:09.4657 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:09:34.9283 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: lol 06:09:47.5455 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: xD 06:10:09.4720 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:10:26.2937 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:im cutting my roid into a small cube:2 06:10:26.2937 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im cutting my roid into a small cube, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:10:26.2937 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: im cutting my roid into a small cube 06:10:38.1102 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:so i have a layer of rock around my base:2 06:10:38.1102 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so i have a layer of rock around my base, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:10:38.1102 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: so i have a layer of rock around my base 06:10:40.0455 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 06:10:50.2674 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:and im gonna make another entrance on the opposite side:2 06:10:50.2674 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and im gonna make another entrance on the opposite side, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:10:50.2674 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: and im gonna make another entrance on the opposite side 06:11:09.4716 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:11:10.2121 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: woooo Mg and ice at least on this roid 06:11:11.2192 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:so i can have PAM running and still dock with another ship:2 06:11:11.2192 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so i can have PAM running and still dock with another ship, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:11:11.2192 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: so i can have PAM running and still dock with another ship 06:11:24.9123 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: holy crap silver too 06:11:52.6789 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: ye 06:11:58.9626 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: they were super far away 06:12:09.4862 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:12:39.8460 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 06:12:45.2792 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: i dont do compact 06:12:48.5794 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: lol 06:12:54.6785 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 06:12:58.1790 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: well with PvP i do compact 06:13:09.4866 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:13:23.5627 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: Mg acquired 06:13:53.1126 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198290436701] Starmaster24: GPS:[Selenium] Pt,U:-375594.817064458:1102671.27362296:-468588.451830161:#FF75C9F1: 06:14:09.4874 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:14:13.4458 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: wow 06:14:22.0630 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: this whole cluster has Mg and Ag roids 06:14:27.3964 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198290436701] Starmaster24: GPS:[Selenium] Fe, Mg:-372714.706312417:1110666.18483809:-477346.681891115:#FF75C9F1: 06:14:50.5124 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: yea im currently looking for gold 06:15:00.3624 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderCommands' 06:15:00.3794 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: There is a number of useful commands that every player on our servers can use in-game. For the full list of them, just type !commandlist (or !cl) in the chat.' 06:15:09.4877 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:15:20.7797 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: hopefully 06:15:30.4460 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: once i get another jump drive or 2 on this miner ill investigate 06:15:32.6624 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198073918756] Starmaster24: GPS:Fe, U:1077485.56363132:-17870.3075595944:1985373.82032762:#FF75C9F1: 06:15:40.5292 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 06:15:47.1127 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: crap 06:15:56.1126 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: SPRAT Hiding Pirate Station <20km from base 06:16:09.4881 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:16:27.2793 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: You got the javelin on the ground, u got the ammo/ice/power to fuel it? 06:17:09.4879 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:17:44.9026 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:17:45.1866 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {12D4554A1719C6F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 06:17:45.2859 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:17:45.6698 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:17:45.8695 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:17:48.3348 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:18:09.5015 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:19:09.5183 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:19:52.7971 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Generic Freighter MK5, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 06:19:52.7971 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199242447905 06:19:52.8101 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: a person Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 06:19:52.8101 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Generic Freighter MK5 is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space A [a person:76561199242447905 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 06:19:54.0988 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: a personLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 06:19:54.0988 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving a person meta data! 06:19:54.0988 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: a person (76561199242447905) Disconnected. 06:20:09.5190 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:20:24.8797 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: well the idea behind god 06:20:31.0301 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: is 1/3 assembly cost 06:20:40.3632 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: and 2-3x refinery/assembly speed 06:20:41.0797 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 06:20:55.0970 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: a person passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199242447905, PlayerID: 176561199242447905 06:21:09.5328 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:21:30.5968 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: could u bring some ice up from mars? 06:21:45.4636 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: turns out a mega hydro miner burns through ice really fast 06:22:09.5339 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:23:09.5341 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:24:05.0540 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18EAD3BBF54E1B8} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 06:24:05.1052 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18EAD3BBF54E1B8} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 06:24:05.2708 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1E3DCB0DBE6E627} Remote Control 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:24:05.4705 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1D0D9CA0ABA8B2B} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:24:05.7203 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18EAD3BBF54E1B8} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 06:24:07.1204 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B5E996BA7D75B2} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:24:07.4210 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1D12C3CF55A555D} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 06:24:07.8695 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B5E996BA7D75B2} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:24:08.3699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B5E996BA7D75B2} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:24:09.5341 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:24:38.9304 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: another empty roid 06:24:46.2469 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: no 06:24:50.4970 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: im scouting around the base 06:25:05.1974 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: ima cannablize some superconductors from somewhere 06:25:09.2562 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18EAD3BBF54E1B8} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 06:25:09.4389 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1D12C3CF55A555D} Event Controller sistem that is not yet replicated on client 06:25:09.4720 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18EAD3BBF54E1B8} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 06:25:09.4720 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: and jump somewhere else 06:25:09.5483 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:25:09.7209 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1D0D9CA0ABA8B2B} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:25:09.8890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1D0D9CA0ABA8B2B} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:25:09.9914 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Orca, ship, Small Grid 8396, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 06:25:09.9914 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 06:25:10.0355 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Enigma_bg Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 06:25:10.0355 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Orca is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B [Enigma_bg:76561198073918756 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 06:25:11.4691 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bgLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 06:25:11.4781 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 06:25:11.4781 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Enigma_bg (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 06:25:18.3675 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: the asteroid seed here is mid 06:25:41.6502 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 06:26:09.5500 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:26:41.0169 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 06:26:46.1175 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WholsomeBanana passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199465290546, PlayerID: 176561199465290546 06:27:09.5499 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:28:09.5647 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:28:30.9676 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WholsomeBanana passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199465290546, PlayerID: 176561199465290546 06:28:46.2122 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:18 refineries:2 06:28:46.2122 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 18 refineries, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:28:46.2122 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: 18 refineries 06:28:50.7535 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Starmaster24Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 06:28:50.7535 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 06:28:50.7535 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Starmaster24 (76561198279429509) Disconnected. 06:29:01.2865 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:all yield?:2 06:29:01.2865 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: all yield?, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:29:01.2865 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: all yield? 06:29:05.7188 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:yes:2 06:29:05.7188 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yes, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:29:05.7188 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: yes 06:29:09.5799 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:29:14.3508 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199465290546 from 06:29:14.3679 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player WholsomeBanana joined (76561199465290546) 06:29:14.3679 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 06:29:14.3679 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 06:29:14.3679 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 06:29:14.3679 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 06:29:14.5174 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 06:29:23.8941 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:18 speed assemblers:2 06:29:23.8941 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 18 speed assemblers, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:29:23.8941 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: 18 speed assemblers 06:29:32.9070 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:nice:2 06:29:32.9070 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:29:32.9070 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: nice 06:29:44.9689 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:18 large cargo:2 06:29:44.9689 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 18 large cargo, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:29:44.9689 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: 18 large cargo 06:29:45.4843 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: ello 06:30:01.3678 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: well crap 06:30:09.5011 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: space base is out of ice 06:30:09.5793 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:30:33.6178 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Starmaster24 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198279429509, PlayerID: 176561198279429509 06:30:36.5507 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBanana successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 06:30:36.5688 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.RespawnLocationsSync: Autospawning 76561199465290546 06:30:36.5688 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player WholsomeBanana 06:30:42.3267 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 06:30:51.2599 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198279429509 from 06:30:51.2770 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Starmaster24 joined (76561198279429509) 06:30:51.2770 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 06:30:51.2770 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 06:30:51.2770 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 06:30:51.2770 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 06:30:51.4767 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 06:31:09.5792 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:31:24.3567 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:air tight box:2 06:31:24.3567 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: air tight box, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:31:24.3567 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: air tight box 06:31:36.4585 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:only got 10 assemblers, but 44 refineries:2 06:31:36.4585 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: only got 10 assemblers, but 44 refineries, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:31:36.4585 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: only got 10 assemblers, but 44 refineries 06:32:01.5620 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:52 large containers:2 06:32:01.5620 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 52 large containers, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:32:01.5620 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: 52 large containers 06:32:02.1587 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:this is more than I had and I slapped it together in creative so got to set back and print it:2 06:32:02.1587 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: this is more than I had and I slapped it together in creative so got to set back and print it, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:32:02.1587 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: this is more than I had and I slapped it together in creative so got to set back and print it 06:32:09.5800 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:32:29.0737 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:can open up the back wall and expand when the need comes:2 06:32:29.0737 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can open up the back wall and expand when the need comes, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:32:29.0737 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: can open up the back wall and expand when the need comes 06:32:48.2088 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:but honestly will only need more containers. :2 06:32:48.2088 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but honestly will only need more containers. , Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:32:48.2088 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: but honestly will only need more containers. 06:33:09.5794 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:33:50.4176 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 06:34:09.5800 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:34:27.3105 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Starmaster24 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 06:34:29.4176 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 38999ms (225ms CPU) 06:34:29.4176 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 06:34:29.4948 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 06:35:09.5825 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:35:42.8272 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 06:36:09.5952 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:37:04.7441 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: not yet 06:37:07.2109 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: need a jump drive 06:37:09.5963 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:37:52.8371 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 06:37:52.8371 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Da_MLG_manLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 06:37:52.8371 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Da_MLG_man meta data! 06:37:52.8371 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Da_MLG_man (76561198290436701) Disconnected. 06:38:03.0685 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198290436701 from 06:38:03.0856 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Da_MLG_man joined (76561198290436701) 06:38:03.0856 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 06:38:03.0856 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 06:38:03.0856 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 06:38:03.0856 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 06:38:03.5518 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 06:38:09.5974 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:38:26.3439 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:also 6 large hydro tanks:2 06:38:26.3439 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: also 6 large hydro tanks, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:38:26.3439 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: also 6 large hydro tanks 06:38:43.6640 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:yeah ive got some too:2 06:38:43.6640 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah ive got some too, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:38:43.6640 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: yeah ive got some too 06:38:50.5349 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Da_MLG_man successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 06:38:52.0197 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Da_MLG_man has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 06:38:57.8018 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Universe passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198176426385, PlayerID: 176561198176426385 06:39:06.2115 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198176426385 from 06:39:06.2356 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Universe joined (76561198176426385) 06:39:06.2356 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 06:39:06.2356 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 06:39:06.2356 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 06:39:06.2356 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 06:39:06.4854 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 06:39:09.5976 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:39:19.2026 [INFO] Chat: Server (to WholsomeBanana): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 06:39:40.2692 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Universe successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 06:39:41.2869 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Universe has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 06:39:59.5862 [INFO] Chat: (to WholsomeBanana): Looking for reward... 06:39:59.5862 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player WholsomeBanana ran command '!reward' 06:39:59.8140 [INFO] Chat: Server (to WholsomeBanana): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 06:39:59.8140 [INFO] Chat: Server (to WholsomeBanana): Thanks for the vote! 06:40:09.6105 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:40:43.4305 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 06:41:09.6131 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:42:09.6132 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:42:21.1052 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1215D4D66B9A5F2} Cargo Crate that is not yet replicated on client 06:42:21.1252 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:42:21.1403 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 06:42:21.1403 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 06:42:21.1754 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:42:21.1754 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:42:21.1894 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 06:42:21.2065 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 06:42:21.2065 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 06:42:21.2065 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1215D4D66B9A5F2} Cargo Crate that is not yet replicated on client 06:42:21.2065 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:42:21.2065 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:42:27.7662 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBananaLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 06:42:27.7662 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 06:42:27.7662 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: WholsomeBanana (76561199465290546) Disconnected. 06:43:09.6259 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:44:09.6269 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:44:13.4640 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Da_MLG_man: I think i found ice! 06:44:14.1670 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Starmaster24Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 06:44:14.1670 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 06:44:14.1670 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Starmaster24 (76561198279429509) Disconnected. 06:44:27.1983 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:iceroid?:0 06:44:31.1648 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Da_MLG_man: no 06:44:52.7077 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] a person:what is the grid removal like here? id like to have a stationary base.:0 06:44:53.5472 [WARN] Keen: Sound on different thread , PlaySound 06:44:53.5472 [WARN] Keen: Sound on different thread , PlaySound 06:45:00.8141 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderVote' 06:45:00.8311 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: You can use !votenow command to submit your daily vote and then use !reward to receive full set of elite tools, Uranium ingots and a chance for Platinum drop!' 06:45:09.6269 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:45:15.8816 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Da_MLG_man: ye 06:45:19.0483 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: oops 06:45:44.0646 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 06:46:09.6364 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:47:09.6473 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:48:05.7223 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:I kinda wanna grid down the base ship for parts:2 06:48:05.7223 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I kinda wanna grid down the base ship for parts, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:48:05.7223 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: I kinda wanna grid down the base ship for parts 06:48:09.6605 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:48:17.3640 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:its all all heavy armor:2 06:48:17.3640 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its all all heavy armor, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:48:17.3640 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: its all all heavy armor 06:49:09.6734 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:49:19.0949 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198176426385 took: 13ms Total Grids Sent: 1 06:49:22.8910 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D39F284D72581D} Remote Control 2 that is not yet replicated on client 06:49:25.3156 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Universe Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 06:49:25.3574 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 06:49:25.3574 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 98 06:49:25.3634 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 06:49:25.9500 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: UniverseLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 06:49:25.9500 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Universe meta data! 06:49:25.9500 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Universe (76561198176426385) Disconnected. 06:49:31.9483 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Universe passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198176426385, PlayerID: 176561198176426385 06:50:09.6887 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:50:14.1315 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: a person passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199242447905, PlayerID: 176561199242447905 06:50:44.6484 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 06:51:09.6889 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:51:10.9659 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: holy crap 06:51:13.9153 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: i did it 06:51:30.1560 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:can always rebuild it later:2 06:51:30.1560 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can always rebuild it later, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:51:30.1560 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: can always rebuild it later 06:52:00.9129 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:yea:2 06:52:00.9129 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yea, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:52:00.9129 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: yea 06:52:09.5933 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:it was also a free spawn:2 06:52:09.5933 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it was also a free spawn, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:52:09.5933 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: it was also a free spawn 06:52:09.6967 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:52:52.9664 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:I forgot when I made it last time I used SE tools to make the armor on the BP light and not heavy. it was designed for modded thrusters on the workshop. so its slow as shit here.:2 06:52:52.9664 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I forgot when I made it last time I used SE tools to make the armor on the BP light and not heavy. it was designed for modded thrusters on the workshop. so its slow as shit here., Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:52:52.9664 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: I forgot when I made it last time I used SE tools to make the armor on the BP light and not heavy. it was designed for modded thrusters on the workshop. so its slow as shit here. 06:53:09.3317 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:lol:2 06:53:09.3317 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lol, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:53:09.3317 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: lol 06:53:09.7050 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:53:59.0318 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:to save uranium, im gonna build a monster solar array:2 06:53:59.0318 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: to save uranium, im gonna build a monster solar array, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:53:59.0318 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: to save uranium, im gonna build a monster solar array 06:54:09.7047 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:54:14.4812 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:put it on a custom turret to track the sun:2 06:54:14.4812 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: put it on a custom turret to track the sun, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 06:54:14.4812 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: put it on a custom turret to track the sun 06:54:22.8092 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:lol my little box is covered in solar panels:2 06:54:22.8092 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lol my little box is covered in solar panels, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:54:22.8092 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: lol my little box is covered in solar panels 06:55:09.7202 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:55:41.2661 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Durin passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970604243, PlayerID: 176561197970604243 06:55:45.2155 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 06:55:49.7967 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:printing another miner right now:2 06:55:49.7967 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: printing another miner right now, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:55:49.7967 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: printing another miner right now 06:55:58.6969 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:so I can have pam running and a personal miner:2 06:55:58.6969 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so I can have pam running and a personal miner, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 06:55:58.6969 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: so I can have pam running and a personal miner 06:56:09.7222 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:56:42.5824 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Durin passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970604243, PlayerID: 176561197970604243 06:57:09.7225 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:58:09.7227 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 06:59:09.7223 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:00:00.5165 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder1h' 07:00:00.5325 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 1 hour.' 07:00:00.5325 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [1 hour]." 5000 White' 07:00:09.7363 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:00:45.7502 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 07:01:00.0334 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: slimjoe_forever passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197998403074, PlayerID: 176561197998403074 07:01:09.7362 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:01:23.5949 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:if i get proficient at scripting, im gonna look at modifying the pam script:2 07:01:23.5949 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: if i get proficient at scripting, im gonna look at modifying the pam script, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 07:01:23.5949 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: if i get proficient at scripting, im gonna look at modifying the pam script 07:01:36.0505 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:i wanna see if i can get it go to multiple jobs:2 07:01:36.0505 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i wanna see if i can get it go to multiple jobs, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 07:01:36.0505 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: i wanna see if i can get it go to multiple jobs 07:01:36.1278 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:cool:2 07:01:36.1278 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cool, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 07:01:36.1278 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: cool 07:01:56.4884 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ameoba passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199024186049, PlayerID: 176561199024186049 07:02:06.5050 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199024186049 from 07:02:06.5210 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Ameoba joined (76561199024186049) 07:02:06.5210 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 07:02:06.5210 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 07:02:06.5210 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 07:02:06.5210 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 07:02:06.9234 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 07:02:09.7380 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:03:09.7373 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:04:09.7515 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:04:14.0053 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Ameoba successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 07:04:17.7436 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Ameoba has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 07:04:29.4213 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 07:04:48.7327 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: slimjoe_forever passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197998403074, PlayerID: 176561197998403074 07:04:54.8069 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:04:55.1882 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:04:57.6887 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:05:08.6226 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39202ms (209ms CPU) 07:05:08.6226 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 07:05:08.7089 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 07:05:09.7522 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:05:35.9401 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: i hate this space base 07:05:46.4398 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 07:05:47.5227 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: oh nope 07:05:48.4228 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: lucky for you its temporary 07:05:51.9895 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: we are going to make a mobile one 07:05:53.3900 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: different space base 07:06:02.8394 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: what happen to the old one... 07:06:05.9394 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: dont tell me.. 07:06:09.7682 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:06:18.5067 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: a spy infiltrated the faction 07:06:21.1565 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: messed up some stuff 07:06:22.9395 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: we had to move 07:06:26.8402 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: ... 07:06:35.3901 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: i cant even bank it to titan 07:06:38.6773 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:06:39.2117 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:06:47.9960 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 07:07:06.9379 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: what about mient shid 07:07:09.7691 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:07:26.0219 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: the netural ships i hackled 07:07:43.8380 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: dont tell me 07:07:48.0881 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: and its so close to mars 07:08:01.2117 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:08:01.8609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:08:03.6272 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:08:09.7692 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:08:16.9217 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: at least its in space 07:08:36.5056 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: yeah its gonna get sniped 07:08:42.6554 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: who was the spy anyways 07:08:49.1220 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: i cant even infiltrate bingus 07:08:51.0553 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: holo 07:08:57.9890 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: :| 07:09:02.0390 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: why did we merge... 07:09:09.7845 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:09:19.0704 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:i have a sort of fighting ship for mars:2 07:09:19.0704 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i have a sort of fighting ship for mars, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 07:09:19.0704 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: i have a sort of fighting ship for mars 07:09:22.2021 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:but:2 07:09:22.2021 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 07:09:22.2021 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: but 07:09:34.3561 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:its only gonna work if the server still has a bonus to thrusters:2 07:09:34.3561 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its only gonna work if the server still has a bonus to thrusters, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 07:09:34.3561 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: its only gonna work if the server still has a bonus to thrusters 07:09:37.1385 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: the cons outweigh the pro's 07:09:43.4184 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:and i dunno yet:2 07:09:43.4184 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and i dunno yet, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 07:09:43.4184 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: and i dunno yet 07:09:54.5563 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:only way to test it is stick it in atmosphere:2 07:09:54.5563 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: only way to test it is stick it in atmosphere, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 07:09:54.5563 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: only way to test it is stick it in atmosphere 07:10:01.7680 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:and hope for the best heh:2 07:10:01.7680 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and hope for the best heh, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 07:10:01.7680 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: and hope for the best heh 07:10:09.7986 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:10:24.9555 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: sprt drone atatck 07:10:28.2553 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Universe requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 07:10:28.2804 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 07:10:35.2220 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198176426385 from 07:10:35.2391 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Universe joined (76561198176426385) 07:10:35.2391 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 07:10:35.2391 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 07:10:35.2391 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 07:10:35.2391 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 07:10:35.3394 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Universe successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 07:10:35.3555 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.RespawnLocationsSync: Autospawning 76561198176426385 07:10:35.3555 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player Universe 07:10:35.6334 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Universe has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 07:10:46.6987 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:time for me to go to bed, gotta get up and drive to my new car tomorrow:2 07:10:46.6987 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: time for me to go to bed, gotta get up and drive to my new car tomorrow, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 07:10:46.6987 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: time for me to go to bed, gotta get up and drive to my new car tomorrow 07:10:47.0097 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 07:10:55.4208 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982::D:2 07:10:55.4208 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: :D, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 07:10:55.4208 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: :D 07:10:58.3026 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:have fun:2 07:10:58.3026 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: have fun, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 07:10:58.3026 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: have fun 07:11:03.5589 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: idk 07:11:07.8100 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: what do you mean mobile base 07:11:09.7995 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:11:13.9924 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: like the shitty orca thingy 07:11:23.3596 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: ?? 07:11:26.8916 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:hahaha:2 07:11:26.8916 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hahaha, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:11:26.8916 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hahaha 07:12:05.6267 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 07:12:09.8151 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:12:22.2264 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: damn more silver 07:12:26.9598 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: w h y d i d y o u m e r g e w i t h _AI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07:12:37.5434 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: cause why not 07:12:47.3928 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: well look at what it has done to us 07:12:57.2268 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: cons>pros 07:12:57.5599 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: NacoChata passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197988617723, PlayerID: 176561197988617723 07:13:05.4094 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: im a ceo, we have a mega-faction, and we have more allies 07:13:09.8163 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:13:11.9936 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: i see this as an absolute win 07:13:19.0094 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: meL 07:13:20.4761 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: me: 07:13:23.5285 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199024186049 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 07:13:31.6945 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199024186049 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 07:13:54.5933 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: NacoChata passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197988617723, PlayerID: 176561197988617723 07:14:00.7497 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:14:01.2153 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:14:02.0689 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:14:09.8169 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:14:12.2932 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: -petty member 07:14:16.8764 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: -no autonomy 07:14:20.8265 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: -no control 07:14:34.8929 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: -my shit gets destroyed every second day 07:14:38.4269 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: -ideas shot down 07:14:53.5947 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge: Inventory is null? False 07:14:53.5947 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge: CargoContainer is null? False 07:14:54.1262 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: i dont see why its good MLG 07:14:58.5430 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: we are doing our best to coordinate teh faction 07:15:00.4103 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 07:15:08.2763 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: ... 07:15:09.8178 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:15:11.7266 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: yeah 07:15:18.2437 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: when everyone is a leader 07:15:23.5430 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: also, you need the apporoval from faction leadership to build ships 07:15:28.2436 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: and tonks is fucking famous 07:15:40.7768 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: and that stupid 07:15:44.2104 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: rule 07:15:46.0765 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: yeah 07:15:47.4769 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: nah 07:15:47.6596 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 07:15:57.7769 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: because you get all the benifits 07:16:07.5933 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: thats why it was a good idea to you 07:16:09.8302 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:16:10.4098 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: you get to be part of a 20 player faction 07:16:16.5436 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: bad 07:16:26.5602 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: no coordination 07:16:29.5275 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: no autonomy 07:16:34.5770 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: ideas shot down instantly 07:16:46.9433 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: a person passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199242447905, PlayerID: 176561199242447905 07:16:54.3100 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: if that lsat one is happening 07:16:58.7272 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: thats called a skill issue 07:17:09.8304 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:17:17.6099 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: living example above ^ 07:17:34.3435 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: also sprt drones are invading space base 07:17:40.5146 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: grind em down 07:17:42.2432 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: do something 07:17:49.9771 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: they get shot down 07:17:55.0276 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: good 07:18:09.8418 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:18:16.1108 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: they dont even shoot 07:18:20.9770 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: even better 07:18:22.8100 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: scrap em 07:18:37.4771 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: all blew up 07:18:43.0108 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: and also where is that mobile base 07:18:48.2937 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: that you are talking about 07:18:52.8604 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: we are getting the rss for it 07:18:57.0439 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: did you atleast start? 07:18:59.7437 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: rss? 07:19:06.3437 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: resources 07:19:06.3768 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: oh 07:19:09.8472 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:19:10.0434 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: resources 07:19:12.5437 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: ive been scouting for hours now 07:19:19.5314 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:hi amoeba i got ora alredy :2 07:19:19.5314 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hi amoeba i got ora alredy , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:19:19.5314 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hi amoeba i got ora alredy 07:19:25.8439 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: *orca? 07:19:27.6437 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Ameoba: can i 07:19:38.5991 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:if need do somehing spawn at orca and use it:2 07:19:38.5991 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: if need do somehing spawn at orca and use it, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:19:38.5991 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: if need do somehing spawn at orca and use it 07:19:57.6954 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199024186049 took: 35ms Total Grids Sent: 1 07:20:09.8476 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:20:19.6942 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: also ameoba 07:20:24.6437 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Aio passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198423087766, PlayerID: 176561198423087766 07:20:26.2278 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Ameoba Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 07:20:26.2439 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: have u considered asking what you can help with? 07:20:26.2629 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 07:20:26.2629 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 21 07:20:26.2710 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 07:20:28.3293 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: AmeobaLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 07:20:28.3293 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Ameoba meta data! 07:20:28.3293 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Ameoba (76561199024186049) Disconnected. 07:20:33.7841 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:yes mate come and use it np :2 07:20:33.7841 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yes mate come and use it np , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:20:33.7841 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yes mate come and use it np 07:20:36.9774 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ameoba passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199024186049, PlayerID: 176561199024186049 07:20:41.0260 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198423087766 from 07:20:41.0440 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Aio joined (76561198423087766) 07:20:41.0440 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 07:20:41.0440 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 07:20:41.0440 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 07:20:41.0440 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 07:20:41.0440 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Aio shares the same IP address as ???? Aio 07:20:41.2106 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 07:20:48.2934 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 07:21:05.0501 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:hi:2 07:21:05.0501 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hi, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:21:05.0501 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hi 07:21:07.2439 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: phynox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198988823244, PlayerID: 176561198988823244 07:21:09.8477 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:21:11.9943 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: as for autonomy, giving everyone the ability to do anything results in disorganized chaos 07:21:18.6128 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 07:21:18.6128 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: UniverseLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 07:21:18.6128 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Universe meta data! 07:21:18.6128 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Universe (76561198176426385) Disconnected. 07:21:23.9442 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198988823244 from 07:21:23.9603 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player phynox joined (76561198988823244) 07:21:23.9603 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 07:21:23.9603 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 07:21:23.9603 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 07:21:23.9603 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 07:21:24.1770 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 07:21:43.5147 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:what is dis muinuch:2 07:21:43.5147 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what is dis muinuch, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:21:43.5147 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what is dis muinuch 07:21:53.9965 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...385] (76561198176426385) Disconnected. 07:22:04.7560 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:also:2 07:22:04.7560 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: also, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:22:04.7560 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: also 07:22:07.3408 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:if know beter musick put xd:2 07:22:07.3408 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: if know beter musick put xd, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:22:07.3408 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: if know beter musick put xd 07:22:09.8611 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:22:12.3997 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:orca colour skin::2 07:22:12.3997 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: orca colour skin:, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:22:12.3997 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: orca colour skin: 07:22:14.2703 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:not nice:2 07:22:14.2703 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not nice, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:22:14.2703 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: not nice 07:22:19.6920 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:i cant see shit:2 07:22:19.6920 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i cant see shit, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:22:19.6920 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i cant see shit 07:22:29.0155 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok paint it :):2 07:22:29.0155 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok paint it :), Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:22:29.0155 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok paint it :) 07:22:37.2413 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:the halls are..:2 07:22:37.2413 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: the halls are.., Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:22:37.2413 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: the halls are.. 07:22:38.4334 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:uhh:2 07:22:38.4334 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: uhh, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:22:38.4334 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: uhh 07:22:41.5777 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 07:22:44.5753 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:would prefer them to be the right way:2 07:22:44.5753 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: would prefer them to be the right way, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:22:44.5753 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: would prefer them to be the right way 07:22:47.3888 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:but it works:2 07:22:47.3888 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but it works, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:22:47.3888 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: but it works 07:22:49.3773 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Aio successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 07:22:54.3665 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:its ok:2 07:22:54.3665 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:22:54.3665 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: its ok 07:23:01.8899 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:slow it down:2 07:23:01.8899 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: slow it down, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:23:01.8899 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: slow it down 07:23:09.8609 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:23:38.3754 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:skins arent working for me:2 07:23:38.3754 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: skins arent working for me, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:23:38.3754 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: skins arent working for me 07:23:52.7358 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok np do what you can :2 07:23:52.7358 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok np do what you can , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:23:52.7358 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok np do what you can 07:24:04.0686 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:it is defult for me:2 07:24:04.0686 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it is defult for me, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:24:04.0686 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: it is defult for me 07:24:08.9199 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:what are you seeing rn:2 07:24:08.9199 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what are you seeing rn, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:24:08.9199 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what are you seeing rn 07:24:09.8612 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:24:14.0368 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:def:2 07:24:14.0368 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: def, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:24:14.0368 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: def 07:24:16.0896 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:what skin:2 07:24:16.0896 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what skin, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:24:16.0896 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what skin 07:24:19.9719 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:no skin:2 07:24:19.9719 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no skin, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:24:19.9719 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: no skin 07:24:23.3999 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:blue:2 07:24:23.3999 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: blue, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:24:23.3999 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: blue 07:24:24.5736 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:bruh:2 07:24:24.5736 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bruh, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:24:24.5736 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bruh 07:24:25.7874 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:yeah:2 07:24:25.7874 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:24:25.7874 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah 07:24:30.5743 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:its not working is it:2 07:24:30.5743 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its not working is it, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:24:30.5743 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: its not working is it 07:24:30.6516 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:now blue:2 07:24:30.6516 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: now blue, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:24:30.6516 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: now blue 07:24:37.9705 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i se blue:2 07:24:37.9705 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i se blue, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:24:37.9705 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i se blue 07:24:42.4670 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:but not skin right:2 07:24:42.4670 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but not skin right, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:24:42.4670 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: but not skin right 07:24:45.7357 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:just colour:2 07:24:45.7357 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just colour, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:24:45.7357 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: just colour 07:24:57.0779 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: a person passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199242447905, PlayerID: 176561199242447905 07:24:57.0869 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:what skin you want ?:2 07:24:57.0869 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what skin you want ?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:24:57.0869 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what skin you want ? 07:25:01.4622 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: phynox successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 07:25:04.4527 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:name?:2 07:25:04.4527 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: name?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:25:04.4527 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: name? 07:25:09.8618 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:25:11.0441 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 07:25:22.7423 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:carbonfibre:2 07:25:22.7423 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: carbonfibre, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:25:22.7423 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: carbonfibre 07:25:37.1224 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:actually scratch that:2 07:25:37.1224 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: actually scratch that, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:25:37.1224 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: actually scratch that 07:25:42.5100 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:digital camo:2 07:25:42.5100 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: digital camo, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:25:42.5100 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: digital camo 07:25:44.8242 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i dont have this dlc:2 07:25:44.8242 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i dont have this dlc, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:25:44.8242 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i dont have this dlc 07:25:45.4741 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:defult colour:2 07:25:45.4741 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: defult colour, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:25:45.4741 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: defult colour 07:25:48.9339 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:bruh:2 07:25:48.9339 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bruh, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:25:48.9339 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bruh 07:25:49.0372 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 07:25:53.9065 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:something dif?:2 07:25:53.9065 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: something dif?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:25:53.9065 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: something dif? 07:25:55.8939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:25:56.9452 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:25:57.3285 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:26:00.5685 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:idk wtf is wrong:2 07:26:00.5685 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: idk wtf is wrong, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:26:00.5685 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: idk wtf is wrong 07:26:08.1445 [ERROR] Keen: PB 135194867838651122 invoke depth leak: 0 -> 1 07:26:08.1445 [ERROR] Keen: PB 140228806462762199 invoke depth leak: 1 -> 0 07:26:09.8766 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:26:12.4684 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:take anodher skin:2 07:26:12.4684 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: take anodher skin, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:26:12.4684 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: take anodher skin 07:26:43.0746 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:try use dif skin:2 07:26:43.0746 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: try use dif skin, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:26:43.0746 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: try use dif skin 07:26:44.3877 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:wgat dlc u have:2 07:26:44.3877 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wgat dlc u have, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:26:44.3877 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wgat dlc u have 07:26:52.9692 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:it wont let me:2 07:26:52.9692 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it wont let me, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:26:52.9692 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: it wont let me 07:26:57.1494 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:maybe because idk:2 07:26:57.1494 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: maybe because idk, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:26:57.1494 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: maybe because idk 07:26:59.3514 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:all except wateland and economy:2 07:26:59.3514 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: all except wateland and economy, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:26:59.3514 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: all except wateland and economy 07:27:09.8778 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:27:23.8740 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:something is wrong:2 07:27:23.8740 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: something is wrong, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:27:23.8740 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: something is wrong 07:27:29.3032 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:with my side of things:2 07:27:29.3032 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: with my side of things, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:27:29.3032 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: with my side of things 07:27:39.8697 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:say name :2 07:27:39.8697 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: say name , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:27:39.8697 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: say name 07:27:40.2881 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:like i cant paint skins its weird asf:2 07:27:40.2881 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: like i cant paint skins its weird asf, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:27:40.2881 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: like i cant paint skins its weird asf 07:27:44.0877 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:of anodher skin:2 07:27:44.0877 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: of anodher skin, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:27:44.0877 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: of anodher skin 07:27:44.6968 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D0AC02E806E897} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:27:44.8810 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 07:27:46.3156 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 07:27:46.3628 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {14847AEECEFC49F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:27:46.3959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 07:27:47.6267 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {12D4554A1719C6F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 07:27:47.7943 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 07:27:48.2455 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut_Female that is not yet replicated on client 07:27:48.3117 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 07:27:55.7747 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:no skins work:2 07:27:55.7747 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no skins work, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:27:55.7747 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: no skins work 07:28:01.9055 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:on me work:2 07:28:01.9055 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: on me work, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:28:01.9055 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: on me work 07:28:06.1680 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:just way name:2 07:28:06.1680 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just way name, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:28:06.1680 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: just way name 07:28:08.7333 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:say:2 07:28:08.7333 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: say, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:28:08.7333 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: say 07:28:09.8774 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:28:11.4330 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:yes but 1 skin sucks:2 07:28:11.4330 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yes but 1 skin sucks, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:28:11.4330 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yes but 1 skin sucks 07:28:17.3721 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:i need to have control:2 07:28:17.3721 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i need to have control, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:28:17.3721 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i need to have control 07:28:19.2713 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:fuck it:2 07:28:19.2713 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: fuck it, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:28:19.2713 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: fuck it 07:28:21.3864 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:im relogging:2 07:28:21.3864 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im relogging, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:28:21.3864 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im relogging 07:28:25.2923 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:k:2 07:28:25.2923 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: k, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:28:25.2923 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: k 07:29:09.8773 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:29:57.3384 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ameoba passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199024186049, PlayerID: 176561199024186049 07:30:00.3546 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder30min' 07:30:00.3717 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 30 minutes.' 07:30:00.3717 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [30 minutes]." 5000 Red' 07:30:09.8920 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:30:49.5550 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 07:31:09.8923 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:32:09.8930 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:32:21.5219 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ameoba passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199024186049, PlayerID: 176561199024186049 07:33:09.8923 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:33:40.3805 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:back:0 07:33:51.4389 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:yes it works :2 07:33:51.4389 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yes it works , Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:33:51.4389 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yes it works 07:33:52.8751 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:lesgo:2 07:33:52.8751 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lesgo, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:33:52.8761 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: lesgo 07:34:09.8941 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:34:53.9250 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:also enigma:2 07:34:53.9250 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: also enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:34:53.9250 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: also enigma 07:35:00.7216 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:not enough lighting in the orca:2 07:35:00.7216 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not enough lighting in the orca, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:35:00.7216 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: not enough lighting in the orca 07:35:08.6318 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 07:35:09.9058 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 07:35:09.9088 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:35:43.4717 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:yea:2 07:35:43.4717 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yea, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:35:43.4717 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yea 07:35:47.9332 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39301ms (225ms CPU) 07:35:47.9332 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 07:35:48.0084 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 07:35:50.2718 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 07:35:54.6112 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i need go orca is in your hands :):2 07:35:54.6112 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i need go orca is in your hands :), Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:35:54.6112 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i need go orca is in your hands :) 07:36:03.2234 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:i wont hurt her too much :2 07:36:03.2234 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i wont hurt her too much , Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:36:03.2234 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i wont hurt her too much 07:36:09.9139 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:36:12.3591 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:haha :):2 07:36:12.3591 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: haha :), Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 07:36:12.3591 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: haha :) 07:36:17.0212 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:may i use DLC?:2 07:36:17.0212 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: may i use DLC?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:36:17.0212 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: may i use DLC? 07:36:30.1725 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Da_MLG_man: i would prefer if you didn't ngl 07:36:40.5466 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:orca already has DLC:2 07:36:40.5466 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: orca already has DLC, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:36:40.5466 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: orca already has DLC 07:37:09.9235 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:37:38.9228 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 07:37:41.3605 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:orca is asymetrical:2 07:37:41.3605 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: orca is asymetrical, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:37:41.3605 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: orca is asymetrical 07:37:42.7278 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:bruh:2 07:37:42.7278 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bruh, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 07:37:42.7278 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bruh 07:37:59.3393 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lee #1 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198092434549, PlayerID: 176561198092434549 07:38:09.2726 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 07:38:09.9235 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:38:38.3730 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 07:39:09.9234 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:39:12.2491 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lee #1 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198092434549, PlayerID: 176561198092434549 07:40:09.9246 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:40:49.6993 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 07:40:50.7325 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 07:41:09.9252 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:42:09.9257 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:43:09.9406 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:43:33.5908 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 07:43:51.2129 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 07:43:51.2129 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Da_MLG_manLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 07:43:51.2129 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Da_MLG_man meta data! 07:43:51.2129 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Da_MLG_man (76561198290436701) Disconnected. 07:44:09.9547 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:44:16.0604 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 07:44:25.9602 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 07:44:56.2291 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...701] (76561198290436701) Disconnected. 07:45:00.2169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder15min' 07:45:00.2269 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 15 minutes.' 07:45:00.2269 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [15 minutes]." 5000 Red' 07:45:09.9544 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:45:46.0602 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 07:45:51.4608 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 07:46:09.9545 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:47:09.9545 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:48:09.9545 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:49:09.9561 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:49:40.9529 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.FactionSyncMessage: Hit Faction Edit 07:50:00.9107 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Restart10' 07:50:00.9278 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!restart 600 true' 07:50:09.9560 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:50:52.2446 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 07:51:09.9562 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:51:42.6117 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: BravoAlpha101st passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198883471267, PlayerID: 176561198883471267 07:51:59.8947 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198883471267 from 07:51:59.9108 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player BravoAlpha101st joined (76561198883471267) 07:51:59.9108 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 07:51:59.9108 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 07:51:59.9108 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 07:51:59.9108 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 07:52:00.2610 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 07:52:09.9565 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:53:09.9582 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:54:09.9716 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:54:32.6948 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: BravoAlpha101st successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 07:55:00.6869 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198883471267 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 07:55:09.9714 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:55:26.2021 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: BravoAlpha101st Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 07:55:52.7351 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 07:56:09.9725 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:56:15.0372 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: BravoAlpha101stLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 07:56:15.0372 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving BravoAlpha101st meta data! 07:56:15.0372 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: BravoAlpha101st (76561198883471267) Disconnected. 07:57:04.1714 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:do AI blocks get shut down at restart?:2 07:57:04.1714 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: do AI blocks get shut down at restart?, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 07:57:04.1714 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: do AI blocks get shut down at restart? 07:57:09.9724 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:57:24.5256 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:do AI blocks shut down at restart?:0 07:57:30.9187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto thesnap' 07:57:30.9357 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Cleaning up unowned, unpowered and abandoned grids and turning off performance-affecting blocks...' 07:57:30.9417 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Timerblock' 07:57:34.9349 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 1 done!' 07:57:34.9420 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Projector' 07:57:38.9356 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 2 done!' 07:57:38.9406 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type ShipWelder' 07:57:42.9352 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 3 done!' 07:57:42.9402 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Drill' 07:57:46.9348 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 4 done!' 07:57:46.9419 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off subtype SmallPistonBase' 07:57:46.9419 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] NacoChata:I dont think so:0 07:57:50.9350 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 5 done!' 07:57:50.9411 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off subtype LargePistonBase' 07:57:54.9353 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 6 done!' 07:57:54.9413 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type MotorStator' 07:57:58.9349 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 7 done!' 07:57:58.9409 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type MotorAdvancedStator' 07:58:02.9351 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 8 done!' 07:58:02.9412 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type ShipGrinder' 07:58:06.9350 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 9 done!' 07:58:06.9410 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Refinery' 07:58:09.9859 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 07:58:10.9358 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 10 done!' 07:58:10.9408 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Assembler' 07:58:14.9356 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 11 done!' 07:58:14.9356 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!faction clean 1' 07:58:18.9358 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 12 done!' 07:58:18.9388 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!gridcleanup 14' 07:58:22.9354 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 13 done!' 07:58:22.9455 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 136002984682491096: HEC Debris 07:58:22.9455 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 122868918437553275: HEC Debris 07:58:22.9455 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 79420392731162861: HEC Debris 07:58:22.9455 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 94584826360755162: HEC Debris 07:58:22.9455 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 106046832539997410: Mining vessel Debris 07:58:22.9455 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 134921505164733020: Mining vessel Debris 07:58:22.9455 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 89827297925874928: Large Grid 8124 07:58:22.9455 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 92085048988344233: Large Grid 7062 07:58:22.9455 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 130402917163699655: Container MK-9 07:58:22.9455 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 113659721612773686: Debris 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 97900872767952659: Large Grid 7157 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 140330506536438742: Large Grid 7157 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 83860789649084660: Light patrol drone 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 81693927764172497: Container MK-1 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 84029569470961783: Small Grid 1783 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 118810233233795401: Corvette Debree 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 106801390364211676: Large Grid 9515 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 80037957700117138: Large Grid 6106 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 99660699278389570: Large Grid 8124 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 129751038871562777: Large Grid 7062 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 117558500249282847: Large Grid 1768 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 100402393094996123: Small Grid 6123 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 136988982475539516: Large Grid 3797 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 84355721538749479: HEC Debris 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 107707917818394160: HEC Debris 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 80695945577457071: Light patrol drone 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 77408016198359968: Corvette Debree 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 79697333645671984: HEC Debris 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 107344363559423750: HEC Debris 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 110393345815707851: Mining vessel Debris 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 77882037826415681: Small Grid 5681 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 83416561412147198: Large Grid 6106 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 142800712761225385: Mining vessel Debris 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 83881738020279023: Large Grid 9515 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 135396439746288605: Large Grid 1768 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 85530686292828318: Mining vessel Debris 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 72933388647032441: Ambasador Debree 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 91610523868348504: HEC Debris 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 121688448315459964: HEC Debris 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 39 grids matching conditions ownedby, nobody 07:58:22.9545 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete ownedby nobody' 07:58:26.9356 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 14 done!' 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 83615906231730971: Mining vessel Debris 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 77097032288916568: Light patrol drone 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 129934206663799812: Respawn Planet Pod 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 102084920393557919: HEC Debris 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 117273834892127351: Respawn Planet Pod 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 102061611617957968: Small Grid 7968 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 96974805900101928: Large Grid 8194 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 100113767876250819: Ambasador Debree 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 128289477453793018: Large Grid 9353 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 119816830314487151: Mining vessel Debris 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 126592636027533270: Large Grid 9353 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 131208610193035003: Large Grid 8194 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 80055489057350536: Corvette Debree 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 92167590193237131: Mining vessel Debris 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 14 grids matching conditions nopower 07:58:26.9417 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete nopower' 07:58:30.9353 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 15 done!' 07:58:30.9353 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 16 done!' 07:58:30.9353 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 130469655603884334: Encounter Pirate Raider 07:58:30.9353 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 106436467192220275: Encounter Shuttle Beacon 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 139454165533126516: Mining ship Debris 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 84964727662319570: Light patrol drone 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 118921469797754711: Light patrol drone 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 107891318624007905: Encounter Shuttle Beacon 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 110017687845134890: Salvage Drone 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 92509625578712287: Salvage Drone 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 101187382360600887: Debris 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 106007539661763722: Encounter Stealth pirate station 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 103593925148204741: Light patrol drone 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 130714880137452364: Encounter Shuttle 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 96034248626714018: (NPC-ACS) WKZ-LG Masque 01-AT1 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 125030558587272664: Encounter Stealth pirate station 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 14 grids matching conditions hasownertype, NPC, hasgridtype, SHIP, playerdistancegreaterthan, 800 07:58:30.9393 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete hasownertype NPC hasgridtype SHIP playerdistancegreaterthan 800' 07:58:34.9425 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 17 done!' 07:58:34.9425 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 132320948892157676: Encounter Debris 07:58:34.9425 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 82548810956911657: Encounter Hermit Station 07:58:34.9425 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 75796578823999929: Encounter HEC Debris 07:58:34.9425 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 95552255537871208: Encounter Debris 07:58:34.9425 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 120915649654815867: Encounter Haunted Section 07:58:34.9425 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 113056780938443949: Encounter Mining Vessel 07:58:34.9425 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 110301364040160144: Encounter Corvette 07:58:34.9425 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 124068762815016932: Encounter Ambasador 07:58:34.9425 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 8 grids matching conditions hasownertype, NPC, name, Encounter, playerdistancegreaterthan, 800 07:58:34.9425 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete hasownertype NPC name Encounter playerdistancegreaterthan 800' 07:58:35.4754 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: BravoAlpha101st passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198883471267, PlayerID: 176561198883471267 07:58:38.9423 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 18 done!' 07:58:38.9423 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Cleaning finished.' 07:59:09.9880 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:00:01.0853 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Saving game before restart. 08:00:01.0853 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Restarting server. 08:00:04.2826 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 08:00:04.2826 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Aio meta data! 08:00:04.3278 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8885kb Compressed: 418kb 08:00:05.3363 [INFO] Torch: Saved game 08:00:05.3363 [INFO] Torch: Stopping server. 08:00:05.3623 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloading torch session for Torch System 08:00:05.3623 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 299 Identity on the server 08:00:05.3623 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game ending.... 08:00:06.3668 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session Unloading, suspend backup timer! 08:00:06.3668 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloading 08:00:06.3668 [INFO] Essentials: Unloading rank data into JSON 08:00:06.3668 [INFO] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Start Unloading!!! 08:00:06.3668 [INFO] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Wait for 120 seconds before force Restart! 08:00:06.3668 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Removed authentication intercept 08:00:08.8354 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 08:00:08.8354 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Aio meta data! 08:00:08.8775 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8885kb Compressed: 418kb 08:00:08.8775 [ERROR] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server Saved and is stopping! 08:00:15.6671 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloaded torch session for Torch System 08:00:15.6671 [WARN] Nexus: Stopping Nexus Network Communications! 08:00:15.6751 [ERROR] Nexus: Fully unloaded the server (This is not an error)! 08:00:15.6751 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloaded 08:00:15.9230 [INFO] Torch: Server stopped. 08:00:20.9337 [INFO] Torch.Patches.MessageSizeLimitPatch: Patched MessageSizeLimit 08:00:20.9337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 08:00:21.0040 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/14. (14%) 08:00:21.0040 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/14. (21%) 08:00:21.0040 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/14. (35%) 08:00:21.0040 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 6/14. (42%) 08:00:21.0040 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 7/14. (50%) 08:00:21.0040 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/14. (64%) 08:00:21.0040 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 10/14. (71%) 08:00:21.0040 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 12/14. (85%) 08:00:21.0251 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/14. (92%) 08:00:21.0251 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 14/14. (100%) 08:00:21.0251 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 08:00:21.0251 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ModsDownloadingPatch: Patching mods downloading 08:00:21.0451 [INFO] Torch.Patches.PromotePatch: patching promote 08:00:21.0451 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response polling 08:00:21.0451 [INFO] Torch.Patches.SteamLoginPatch: Applied custom WaitStart timeout 08:00:21.0652 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Checking for Torch Update... 08:00:21.0652 [INFO] Torch: Initializing server 08:00:21.2579 [INFO] Torch: RELEASE 08:00:21.2579 [INFO] Torch: Torch Version: v1.3.0.249-master 08:00:21.2579 [INFO] Torch: Game Version: 1.203.23 08:00:21.2579 [INFO] Torch: Executing assembly: Torch.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 08:00:21.2579 [INFO] Torch: Executing directory: C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\ 08:00:21.2669 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugins... 08:00:21.2980 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Checking for plugin updates... 08:00:21.2980 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 08:00:21.2980 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 08:00:21.2980 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 08:00:21.5866 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Latest version is v1.3.0.249-master | Current version is v1.3.0.249-master 08:00:21.5866 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Torch is up to date. 08:00:22.2465 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 08:00:22.2465 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin FoogsNoFamilySharing does not have any releases on torchapi.com. Cannot update. 08:00:22.4753 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Updated 0 plugins. 08:00:22.5194 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at AdminLogger.Main 08:00:22.5194 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Admin Logger' (v1.7.4) 08:00:22.5194 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeathLocationFix.DeathLocationFixPlugin 08:00:22.5194 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeathLocationFix' (v1.0.0.7) 08:00:22.5194 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeleteTracker.DeleteTrackerPlugin 08:00:22.5194 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeleteTracker' (v1.0.2.5) 08:00:22.5194 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin 08:00:22.5194 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Backup' (v1.0.5.8) 08:00:22.5335 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin 08:00:22.5335 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PCU Transferrer' (v1.1.11.8) 08:00:22.5335 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_PlayerStats.PlayerStatsPlugin 08:00:22.5335 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PlayerStats' (v1.0.1.9) 08:00:22.5335 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RespawnFix.RespawnFixPlugin 08:00:22.5335 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE RespawnFix' (v1.0.2.2) 08:00:22.5335 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartPlugin 08:00:22.5335 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Restart Watchdog' (v1.0.2.4) 08:00:22.5335 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin 08:00:22.5335 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE ShipFixer' (v1.0.10.0) 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportServer() ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportClient(VRageMath.Vector3D, Single) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsResponse(System.String) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ForceClusterReorderRequest() ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void UpdateEconomyRequest() ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestStationPositions() ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void DrawStationsClient(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugGameplay2+MyStationDebugDrawStructure]) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnSnapshotsMechanicalPivotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnWorldSnapshotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataServer(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataClient(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestLayersFromServer() ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ReceiveLayersFromServer(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugNetwork+Layer]) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsReply(System.String) ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnCrash() ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestSettingFromServer_Implementation() ModSdk methods 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DAC.AntiCheatPlugin 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'AntiCheat-DORI' (v1.0.5.17) 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at BlockLimiter.BlockLimiter 08:00:22.6128 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'BlockLimiter' (v1.7.705-48cf4b22) 08:00:22.6449 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Patching Successful Crunch Projector! 08:00:22.6449 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin+MyPatch: Patching Successful CrunchDrill! 08:00:22.6910 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin 08:00:22.6910 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'CrunchUtils' (v1.3.370) 08:00:22.7322 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 08:00:22.7322 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DefIdToStringFix' (v1.0.1) 08:00:22.7713 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DePatch.DePatchPlugin 08:00:22.7713 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DePatch' (1.20.08) 08:00:22.7713 [INFO] Essentials.Patches.ChatMessagePatch: Patched OnChatMessageReceived_Server! 08:00:22.7713 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Essentials.EssentialsPlugin 08:00:22.7713 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Essentials' (v1.7.1.179-001-55b53d6) 08:00:22.7884 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at InfluxDb.Torch.TorchInfluxDbPlugin 08:00:22.7884 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'InfluxDB Integration' (v2.2.8074.40508) 08:00:22.8706 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Nexus.Main 08:00:22.8706 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Nexus (Server Sectoring & DataSync)' (v1.01.32) 08:00:22.8706 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoMoreEmojis.Plugin 08:00:22.8706 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NoMoreEmojis' (v1.0.3) 08:00:22.8887 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoFSPluginNs.NoFSPlugin 08:00:22.8887 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'FoogsNoFamilySharing' (1) 08:00:22.8887 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer 08:00:22.8887 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NPCFactionFixer' (1.1.125-f4f9d5d) 08:00:22.9299 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 08:00:22.9299 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'PerformanceImprovements' (v1.10.14.0) 08:00:22.9299 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS 08:00:22.9299 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'GlobalGPS' (v1.0.011) 08:00:22.9389 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 08:00:22.9389 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Profiler.ProfilerPlugin 08:00:22.9389 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Profiler' (v3.1.8432.40000) 08:00:22.9646 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at QuantumHangar.Hangar 08:00:22.9646 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Quantum Hangar' (v3.2.30) 08:00:22.9646 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at _sc 08:00:22.9646 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Rewards' (1.2.2) 08:00:23.0669 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin 08:00:23.0669 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'SEDiscordBridge' (v2.0.4.025) 08:00:23.0880 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TebexTorchAPI.Tebex 08:00:23.0880 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Tebex Server Donations' (1.1.0) 08:00:23.0970 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 08:00:23.0970 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchMonitor.TorchMonitorPlugin 08:00:23.0970 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Torch Monitor' (v2.2.8164.42300) 08:00:23.0970 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin 08:00:23.0970 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'MIG-Freezer' ( 08:00:23.0970 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic 08:00:23.0970 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HaE PBLimiter' (v1.1.1.4) 08:00:23.1291 [ERROR] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patch shim type TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.GridDamagePatch doesn't have a static Patch method. 08:00:23.1291 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.Init 08:00:23.1291 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.UpdateAfterSimulation10 08:00:23.1291 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.SessionDownloadPatch: TorchGameServerPlugin: SessionDownloadPatch applied 08:00:23.1291 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain 08:00:23.1291 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'TorchGameServerPlugin' (v1.0.2) 08:00:23.1753 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\TebexTorchAPI.cfg 08:00:23.2261 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Hangar: Starting plugin WITHOUT the Hangar Market! 08:00:23.2381 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Init Foogs_NoFamilySharing 08:00:23.2512 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Foogs_NoFamilySharing disabled 08:00:23.2512 [WARN] Nexus: Initilizing Nexus Steam 08:00:23.3324 [INFO] NexusComponents: Calling 24 classes components to patch! 08:00:23.3324 [INFO] NexusComponents: Successfully patched 44/44 methods! 08:00:23.3324 [WARN] NexusSubscriber: Subscriber socket is Initilizing! 08:00:23.4248 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 08:00:23.4468 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=TorchMonitor.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 08:00:23.4468 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=Intervals.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 08:00:23.9020 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Init FoogsRewardsPlugin 08:00:23.9271 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Loading Crunch Utils 08:00:23.9542 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: PBLimiter loaded! 08:00:23.9542 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: Init 08:00:23.9542 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: OptimalHavokThreadCount = -1 08:00:25.2379 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Configuration Saved. 08:00:25.2379 [INFO] Essentials: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\Essentials.cfg 08:00:25.2971 [INFO] DePatch.DePatchPlugin: Mod Loader Complete overriding 08:00:25.2991 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=ProfilerPlugin.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 08:00:25.5399 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: found 5 products from API 08:00:25.5399 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP - 5351916 | multiplier: 2 08:00:25.5399 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP+ - 5352253 | multiplier: 2.5 08:00:25.5399 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: Supporter - 5352553 | multiplier: 1 08:00:25.5399 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 1.5k Block spawn - 5352612 | multiplier: 1 08:00:25.5399 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 3.5x multiplier - 5435517 | multiplier: 3.5 08:00:25.5399 [INFO] DefIdToStringFix: Init 08:00:25.5499 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loaded 31 plugins. 08:00:25.5806 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Loading Dedicated Config 08:00:25.6057 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing network services 08:00:25.6117 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing services 08:00:25.6117 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Services initialized 08:00:25.6117 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Setting up serializers 08:00:26.4187 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerPatch: Finished Patching! 08:00:26.4187 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 08:00:26.4187 [INFO] InstanceManager: Loading instance C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance 08:00:29.9927 [INFO] ModListControl: Instance loaded. 08:00:29.9927 [INFO] Torch: Initialized server 'Outer instance2' at 'C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance' 08:00:29.9927 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 08:00:30.0088 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response timeout to 5 seconds 08:00:30.0369 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/169. (10%) 08:00:30.0931 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/169. (20%) 08:00:30.1272 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 51/169. (30%) 08:00:30.1603 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 68/169. (40%) 08:00:30.2245 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 85/169. (50%) 08:00:30.2797 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 102/169. (60%) 08:00:30.3094 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 119/169. (70%) 08:00:30.3355 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 136/169. (80%) 08:00:30.3576 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 153/169. (90%) 08:00:30.4057 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 169/169. (100%) 08:00:30.4057 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 08:00:30.4057 [INFO] Torch: Starting server. 08:00:31.4134 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 08:00:31.5238 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 08:00:33.4774 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 08:00:33.4774 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 08:00:33.4774 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 08:00:33.4774 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 08:00:33.4884 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: AntiCheat: All Patches Loaded 08:00:34.0098 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.RemoteAPIManager: Remote API started on port 8080 08:00:37.4086 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: ServerLoading started on ID: 24! Requesting Data from controller and watching for reply! 08:00:37.4507 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Waiting for Sandbox data from Controller! Make sure your ports are open! 08:00:37.5146 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Controller Version: 2.5.05 08:00:37.5296 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Data Successfully Recieved and Deserialized! 08:00:39.4516 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Servers Recieved: 14 08:00:39.4516 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Sectors Recieved: 14 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: The following is the treeview of your sector layout: 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 2 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space A 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space B 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer space 2 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space A 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth moon area 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth only sector 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Moon standalone 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Viking sector 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: GOD SECTOR 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Europa 08:00:39.4577 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Lotus 08:00:39.4577 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: AddonConfigs: 1 08:00:40.6600 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Deserialized controller sandbox to XMLCheckpoint and clearing internally! 08:00:40.6600 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server starting as: SyncedSectored! 08:00:42.9393 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod: NexusSyncMod is running NexusModAPI! 08:00:42.9393 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod Patching Complete for 2272613450.sbm 08:00:47.9414 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Starting new torch session for Torch System 08:00:47.9414 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 08:00:47.9414 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/5. (20%) 08:00:47.9414 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/5. (40%) 08:00:47.9414 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/5. (60%) 08:00:47.9414 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/5. (80%) 08:00:47.9555 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/5. (100%) 08:00:47.9555 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 08:00:47.9555 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loading 08:00:49.3254 [WARN] Keen: Missing definition MyObjectBuilder_DemoComponentDefinition/Default : for session component DemoComponent 08:01:09.0769 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Inserted authentication intercept 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whatsmyip' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'help' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'longhelp' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ver' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reload' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'plugins' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'notify' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart.cancel' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop.cancel' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'save' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'uptime' 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Loaded torch session for Torch System 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] BlockLimiter.PluginApi.EssentialsPlayerAccount: Blocklimiter communication with essentials successful 08:01:09.0789 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 299 Identity on the server 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game started.... 08:01:09.0789 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 08:01:09.0789 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: BlockLimiter v1.7.705-48cf4b22 is installed! 08:01:09.0789 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 08:01:09.0970 [INFO] NexusComponents: 24 Nexus components started! 08:01:09.0970 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.CommandSync: Waiting for CommandQueue from Controller! 08:01:11.1027 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Start 08:01:11.1027 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Patching battaries. For fix of discharging 08:01:11.1027 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Finished 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unfreeze' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.production' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.on' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.off' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.on' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.off' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.can-be-frozen' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.frozen' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.not-frozen' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-entities' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-updates' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-frames' 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/4. (25%) 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/4. (50%) 08:01:11.1027 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/4. (75%) 08:01:11.1118 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/4. (100%) 08:01:11.1118 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 08:01:11.1118 [ERROR] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: MIG TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin: PATCH COMPLETED 08:01:11.1118 [INFO] ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin: BlockLimiter Reference added to PCU-Transferrer for limit checks. 08:01:11.1118 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 08:01:11.1118 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session loaded, start backup timer! 08:01:11.1118 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loaded 08:01:11.1118 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch start 08:01:11.1860 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 08:01:11.1981 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/42. (11%) 08:01:11.1981 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/42. (21%) 08:01:11.1981 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/42. (30%) 08:01:11.2131 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/42. (40%) 08:01:11.2131 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 21/42. (50%) 08:01:11.2131 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 26/42. (61%) 08:01:11.2222 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 30/42. (71%) 08:01:11.2222 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/42. (80%) 08:01:11.2222 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 38/42. (90%) 08:01:11.2472 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 42/42. (100%) 08:01:11.2472 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 08:01:11.2472 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch done 08:01:11.2523 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Sending setting data to self 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.enable' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.grid' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.player' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.faction' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.reload' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.rematch.ids' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.violations' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.playerlimit' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.gridlimit' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.factionlimit' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.annoy' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.punish' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.mylimit' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.mylimit' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.limits' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.pairnames' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.definitions' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'donate' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:secret' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:forcecheck' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:info' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.sell' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.marketlist' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.sell' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.marketlist' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.save' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.list' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.load' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.remove' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.sync' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.syncall' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohangar' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohanger-override' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.enable' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.saveall' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.ttmod' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.clearSpheres' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.save' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.list' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.load' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.remove' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.sync' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.syncall' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohangar' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohanger-override' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.enable' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.saveall' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.save' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.list' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.load' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.remove' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.info' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.save' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.list' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.load' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.remove' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.info' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.box' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.boxclear' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ptoggle' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsectors' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsector' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.lobby' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players.faction' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ver' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switch' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switchall' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.identity' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.reset' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.breaklink' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.addwhitelist' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.removewhitelist' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'd.link' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'Lobby.GetID' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reload' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reloadconfig' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.enable' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.disable' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge.grid' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'seedcleanup.all' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridcleanup' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.ownedby' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.buildby' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.noauthor' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsowner' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsauthor' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgrids' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsrange' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoauthor' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoowner' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'protect' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unprotect' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freebuild' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checklimits' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.player' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.faction' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkowner' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkauthor' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listblocks' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listallblocks' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'findblock' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfer' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransfer' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcu' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransferpcu' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferowner' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfernobody' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcunobody' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferownernobody' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'repair' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.configs' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.commands' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.w' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.on' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.off' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.reload' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.corners' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.centers' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.cleargps' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listadminsettings' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearadminsettings' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearalladminsettings' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list.faction' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.find' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore.faction' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.save' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.run' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.clearup' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identitycleanup.name' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.tag.length' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.name' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listplayers' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.player' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.faction' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.factions' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.player' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.faction' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.debugfaction' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.player' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.playerallfactions' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.faction' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.factionallplayers' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.debugfaction' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmod' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmodid' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixship' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reward' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadm' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadmt' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sewa.shop' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalance' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalanceplayer' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoney' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoneyplayer' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfermoney' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.reload' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'enablestone' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.config' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makeship' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'removebody' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makestation' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'togglestone' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stone' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'TestEconSync' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'FullEconSync' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetbalances' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayers' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfactions' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'claim' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sellgrid' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'denygrid' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'acceptgrid' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixrespawn' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'prediction' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'convert' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pcucount' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fillhydro' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.rename' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rename' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixme' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getsteamid' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixallstations' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'worldpcu' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ishydrogen' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'zone' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isecon' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixstation' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.search' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tags' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listids' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnames' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'updatename' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco' 08:01:11.2523 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path eco is already registered. 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.balance' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'lastlogin' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.top' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'warstatus' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'declarewar' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nofriendforyou' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sendpeace' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ac' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'place.station' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetnpcrep' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetallrep' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.info' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'facinfo' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdrawall' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.deposit' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdraw' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'giveitem' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.promote' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'broadcast' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.kick' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isnpc' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.take' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.give' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.hide' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.show' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.delete' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.pay' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whis' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'msg' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.giveplayer' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayer' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfac' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getfacid' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleargrid' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'dirkclear' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridtype' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takeplayer' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.givefac' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.rep.change' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'player.rep.change' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takefac' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.status' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.test.bonus' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.check.multiplier' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.help' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.info' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.enable' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.disable' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.fix' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.add' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.clear' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.remove' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.refresh' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.stop' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.delete' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.kill' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.find' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweroff' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweron' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.eject' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.setowner' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.ejectall' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.static.large' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.stopall' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.list' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.export' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.import' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'say' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tp' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tpto' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tphere' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'w' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'kick' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ban' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unban' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'motd' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.give' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.take' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.set' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.reset' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.top' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.check' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.pay' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.add' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.del' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.list' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.goto' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.createrank' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delrank' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setmaxhomes' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.reservedslot' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.renamerank' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setdefaultrank' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setrank' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.populate' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addinheritance' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delinheritance' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addperm' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delperm' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addplayerperm' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delplayerperm' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.listranks' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.cancel' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.list' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'no' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'yes' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.debug' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.reset' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.stats' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playercount' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playerlist' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.runauto' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelauto' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelautobyindex' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listauto' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listrunningauto' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.set.toolbar' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.setrank' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.reserve' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unreserve' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.mute' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unmute' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.list.mute' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.give' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.type' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.subtype' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.type' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.subtype' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.type' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.subtype' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.general' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.general' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.scan' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.list' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete.floatingobjects' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.help' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.all' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.asteroids' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.distant' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planets' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planet' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.area' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.gps' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clean' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.purge' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clear' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rep.wipe' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.clean' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.remove' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.info' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sandbox.clean' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'info.list' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.on' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.off' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.sim' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.frames' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocktypes' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocks' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.grids' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.factions' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.players' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.scripts' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.session' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.entities' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.physics' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.flags' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.custom' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.cleangps' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.help' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'credits' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.reset' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.time' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test.reward' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.init' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test' 08:01:11.2523 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path forge.test is already registered. 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'density' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 08:01:11.2523 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path weather.clear is already registered. 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 08:01:11.2523 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path perks is already registered. 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'SendGPS' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sound' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'EMP' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'strike' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.info' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.enable' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.disable' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.on' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.off' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.add' 08:01:11.2523 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.remove' 08:01:11.3084 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: Communication with TGS successful 08:01:11.3084 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 08:01:11.3084 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 08:01:11.3084 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/3. (33%) 08:01:11.3084 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/3. (66%) 08:01:11.3155 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/3. (100%) 08:01:11.3155 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 08:01:11.3747 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 08:01:11.3817 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 08:01:13.9145 [WARN] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards initialized 08:01:13.9285 [INFO] Torch: Starting server watchdog. 08:01:13.9285 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 08:01:14.1614 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: VariableStorage:Load 08:01:14.1864 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer [4.0.30319.42000] will work in 5000 ms 08:01:14.1935 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Durin passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970604243, PlayerID: 176561197970604243 08:01:14.2974 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: NacoChata passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197988617723, PlayerID: 176561197988617723 08:01:14.4399 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kahned passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198078633844, PlayerID: 176561198078633844 08:01:14.6125 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: BravoAlpha101st passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198883471267, PlayerID: 176561198883471267 08:01:14.7325 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 08:01:14.8148 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 08:01:14.8660 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ameoba passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199024186049, PlayerID: 176561199024186049 08:01:14.9232 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 08:01:15.9253 [ERROR] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards ProcessQueue start 08:01:19.2001 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer started work 08:01:21.2613 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'weather.clear' 08:01:21.2613 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'perks' 08:01:21.2613 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'credits' 08:01:21.2613 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'weather.clear' 08:01:21.2613 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'perks' 08:01:21.2613 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'SendGPS' 08:01:21.2613 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path SendGPS is already registered. 08:01:21.2613 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'sound' 08:01:21.2613 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path sound is already registered. 08:01:21.2613 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'EMP' 08:01:21.2613 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path EMP is already registered. 08:01:21.2613 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'strike' 08:01:21.2613 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path strike is already registered. 08:01:27.1885 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 08:01:27.8734 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198078633844 from 08:01:27.9105 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Kahned joined (76561198078633844) 08:01:27.9105 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 08:01:27.9105 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 08:01:27.9105 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 08:01:27.9105 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 08:01:28.0219 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 08:01:37.0390 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: slimjoe_forever passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197998403074, PlayerID: 176561197998403074 08:01:51.8725 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 08:02:07.0725 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Durin passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970604243, PlayerID: 176561197970604243 08:02:09.1033 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:02:18.4717 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: NacoChata passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197988617723, PlayerID: 176561197988617723 08:02:20.1808 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Kahned successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 08:02:26.9398 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 08:02:29.4396 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 08:02:38.2565 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 08:03:04.7396 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: BravoAlpha101st passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198883471267, PlayerID: 176561198883471267 08:03:09.1041 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:03:35.3632 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Kahned ran command '!hangar load 1' 08:03:35.7631 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 08:03:35.7631 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1094093.80657959 Y:130778.52942858 Z:1636083.96384275 08:03:35.7742 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 08:03:35.7742 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 08:03:35.7742 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Kahned): 1 spawn interferences. Run command again in next 15s to spawn grid near you. 08:03:35.7742 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Displaying spawn area! 08:03:35.7742 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Display spawn area! 08:03:38.2228 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Kahned ran command '!hangar load 1' 08:03:38.4125 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 08:03:38.4125 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1094093.80657959 Y:130778.52942858 Z:1636083.96384275 08:03:38.4235 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 1 08:03:38.4235 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Found record: 123394750484652717 -> 123394750484652717 08:03:38.4235 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: True 08:03:38.4235 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: T63220.932226144 L63220.4326687823 08:03:38.4235 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Kahned): Spawning Complete! 08:03:38.4386 [INFO] Hangar.Kahned: Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198078633844\Small Grid 6005.sbc 08:03:38.4727 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 08:04:01.5737 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ameoba passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199024186049, PlayerID: 176561199024186049 08:04:08.9233 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Aio passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198423087766, PlayerID: 176561198423087766 08:04:09.1115 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:04:54.8134 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:AMEOBA:2 08:04:54.8134 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: AMEOBA, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:04:54.8134 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: AMEOBA 08:04:58.4569 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Aio passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198423087766, PlayerID: 176561198423087766 08:04:59.1182 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:your in my sector!!:2 08:04:59.1182 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: your in my sector!!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:04:59.1182 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: your in my sector!! 08:05:05.8238 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198423087766 from 08:05:05.8404 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Aio joined (76561198423087766) 08:05:05.8404 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 08:05:05.8404 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 08:05:05.8404 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 08:05:05.8404 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 08:05:05.8404 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Aio shares the same IP address as ???? Aio 08:05:06.0070 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 08:05:09.1115 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:05:10.4066 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 08:05:20.9898 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: slimjoe_forever passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197998403074, PlayerID: 176561197998403074 08:05:25.5088 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 08:05:28.8230 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: phynox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198988823244, PlayerID: 176561198988823244 08:05:41.8643 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198988823244 from 08:05:41.8904 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player phynox joined (76561198988823244) 08:05:41.8904 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 08:05:41.8904 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 08:05:41.8904 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 08:05:41.8904 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 08:05:42.3460 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 08:06:09.1275 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:07:09.1286 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:07:40.5737 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Aio successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 08:08:05.3150 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: phynox successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 08:08:09.1432 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:09:09.1529 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:09:29.0470 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:yes:2 08:09:29.0470 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yes, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:09:29.0470 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yes 08:09:31.2830 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:ik:2 08:09:31.2830 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ik, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:09:31.2830 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ik 08:09:38.6285 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:shut up i am making stug at home:2 08:09:38.6285 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: shut up i am making stug at home, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:09:38.6285 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: shut up i am making stug at home 08:10:09.1576 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:10:12.4786 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:im 400km from mars:2 08:10:12.4786 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im 400km from mars, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:10:12.4786 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im 400km from mars 08:10:18.8316 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:far from triton:2 08:10:18.8316 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: far from triton, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:10:18.8316 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: far from triton 08:10:26.2639 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 08:10:28.8917 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:j:2 08:10:28.8917 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: j, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:10:28.8917 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: j 08:11:09.1581 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:11:14.4905 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:GPS:Triton Outpost:-299332.5:-2448680.15:332937.48:#FF75C9F1::3 08:11:25.7585 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:aaaa:2 08:11:25.7585 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: aaaa, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:11:25.7585 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: aaaa 08:11:32.1471 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:i cant gps:2 08:11:32.1471 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i cant gps, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:11:32.1471 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i cant gps 08:11:35.9769 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:rip:2 08:11:35.9769 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: rip, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:11:35.9769 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: rip 08:11:45.9247 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ameoba is enigma on:2 08:11:45.9247 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ameoba is enigma on, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:11:45.9247 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ameoba is enigma on 08:12:09.1576 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:12:22.1828 [INFO] Chat: (to phynox): Looking for reward... 08:12:22.1828 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player phynox ran command '!reward' 08:12:22.4081 [INFO] Chat: Server (to phynox): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 08:12:22.4081 [INFO] Chat: Server (to phynox): Thanks for the vote! 08:12:32.5100 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:GPS:triton outpost:-299332.5:-2448680.15:332937.48:#FF75C9F1::2 08:12:32.5100 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:triton outpost:-299332.5:-2448680.15:332937.48:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:12:32.5100 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: GPS:triton outpost:-299332.5:-2448680.15:332937.48:#FF75C9F1: 08:12:34.0771 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:no:2 08:12:34.0771 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:12:34.0771 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: no 08:12:37.6959 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:i dont think so:2 08:12:37.6959 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i dont think so, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:12:37.6959 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i dont think so 08:12:45.0997 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok:2 08:12:45.0997 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:12:45.0997 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 08:12:48.8621 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:3232.8km away:2 08:12:48.8621 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 3232.8km away, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:12:48.8621 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: 3232.8km away 08:12:52.5979 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ameoba do you have a spawn where you are:2 08:12:52.5979 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ameoba do you have a spawn where you are, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:12:52.5979 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ameoba do you have a spawn where you are 08:13:09.1574 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:13:10.9392 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WholsomeBanana passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199465290546, PlayerID: 176561199465290546 08:13:19.3400 [INFO] Chat: (to Kahned): Hiding 3 signals 08:13:19.3400 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Kahned ran command '!ez hide PVP' 08:13:21.5890 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199465290546 from 08:13:21.6050 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player WholsomeBanana joined (76561199465290546) 08:13:21.6050 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 08:13:21.6050 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 08:13:21.6050 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 08:13:21.6050 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 08:13:21.6893 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 08:14:09.1580 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:14:44.3674 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:welcome:2 08:14:44.3674 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: welcome, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:14:44.3674 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: welcome 08:14:49.5056 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 08:14:56.1220 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Kahned: welcome to 08:14:56.3819 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:afk for a bit:2 08:14:56.3819 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: afk for a bit, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:14:56.3819 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: afk for a bit 08:15:00.7056 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 08:15:09.1596 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:15:22.4723 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBanana successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 08:15:26.8398 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 08:15:41.3814 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:back:2 08:15:41.3814 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: back, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:15:41.3814 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: back 08:15:54.9908 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:no gravity generator? :(:2 08:15:54.9908 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no gravity generator? :(, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:15:54.9908 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: no gravity generator? :( 08:15:58.5078 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:there is:2 08:15:58.5078 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: there is, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:15:58.5078 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: there is 08:16:02.4337 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 08:16:06.2001 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:hey ameoba:2 08:16:06.2001 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hey ameoba, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:16:06.2001 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hey ameoba 08:16:09.1728 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:16:20.2515 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:its fucking incomplete wtf:2 08:16:20.2515 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its fucking incomplete wtf, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:16:20.2515 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: its fucking incomplete wtf 08:16:27.9815 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:who just vented all the air:2 08:16:27.9815 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: who just vented all the air, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:16:27.9815 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: who just vented all the air 08:16:32.0109 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:me:2 08:16:32.0109 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: me, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:16:32.0109 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: me 08:17:09.1730 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:18:09.1729 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:18:22.4329 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:what the fuck:2 08:18:22.4329 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what the fuck, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:18:22.4329 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what the fuck 08:18:33.4556 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:what?:2 08:18:33.4556 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:18:33.4556 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what? 08:18:38.1021 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:oh:0 08:18:40.0845 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:hi AI :0 08:18:46.8983 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:goofy:2 08:18:46.8983 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: goofy, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:18:46.8983 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: goofy 08:18:58.0290 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:hey hainy:0 08:19:09.1727 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:20:09.1747 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:20:27.3895 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 08:20:54.6485 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:conveyor goofing:2 08:20:54.6485 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: conveyor goofing, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:20:54.6485 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: conveyor goofing 08:21:09.1747 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:21:17.9934 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:ima rebuild the medroom as something else:2 08:21:17.9934 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ima rebuild the medroom as something else, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:21:17.9934 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ima rebuild the medroom as something else 08:21:22.3288 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:another variant:2 08:21:22.3288 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: another variant, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:21:22.3288 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: another variant 08:21:34.7278 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:what the hell happened here:2 08:21:34.7278 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what the hell happened here, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:21:34.7278 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what the hell happened here 08:21:40.0055 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:im tring to:2 08:21:40.0055 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im tring to, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:21:40.0055 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im tring to 08:21:42.9284 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:*trying to:2 08:21:42.9284 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: *trying to, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:21:42.9284 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: *trying to 08:21:50.8424 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:link the cryopods with the conveyor system:2 08:21:50.8424 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: link the cryopods with the conveyor system, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:21:50.8424 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: link the cryopods with the conveyor system 08:21:56.8397 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok:2 08:21:56.8397 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:21:56.8397 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 08:22:09.1751 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:22:39.8235 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ameoba i wanna place a survival kit so i can spawn here:2 08:22:39.8235 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ameoba i wanna place a survival kit so i can spawn here, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:22:39.8235 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ameoba i wanna place a survival kit so i can spawn here 08:22:46.1734 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:my brain huty:2 08:22:46.1734 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: my brain huty, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:22:46.1734 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: my brain huty 08:22:48.7736 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:*hurty:2 08:22:48.7736 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: *hurty, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:22:48.7736 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: *hurty 08:23:03.3706 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:ill make a place soon trust:2 08:23:03.3706 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ill make a place soon trust, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:23:03.3706 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ill make a place soon trust 08:23:07.7110 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {12D4554A1719C6F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 08:23:08.0442 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut_Female that is not yet replicated on client 08:23:08.8937 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 08:23:08.9449 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {14847AEECEFC49F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 08:23:09.1757 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:23:10.0760 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 08:23:11.0925 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 08:23:12.0434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 08:23:12.0925 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 08:23:25.1730 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:go explore the ship a bit first:2 08:23:25.1730 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: go explore the ship a bit first, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:23:25.1730 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: go explore the ship a bit first 08:23:29.5308 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i have:2 08:23:29.5308 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i have, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:23:29.5308 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i have 08:24:09.1901 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:24:32.2952 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:nope that doesnt work:2 08:24:32.2952 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nope that doesnt work, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:24:32.2952 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nope that doesnt work 08:24:35.6751 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:where:2 08:24:35.6751 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: where, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:24:35.6751 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: where 08:24:45.0127 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:oh nvm:2 08:24:45.0127 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh nvm, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:24:45.0127 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh nvm 08:25:03.4053 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ayo guess what i just got recorded:2 08:25:03.4053 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ayo guess what i just got recorded, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:25:03.4053 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ayo guess what i just got recorded 08:25:06.6106 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:* recommended:2 08:25:06.6106 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: * recommended, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:25:06.6106 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: * recommended 08:25:07.6939 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:whar:2 08:25:07.6939 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: whar, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:25:07.6939 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: whar 08:25:09.2058 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:25:11.7955 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_uOSImPSi8:2 08:25:11.7955 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_uOSImPSi8, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:25:11.7955 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_uOSImPSi8 08:25:18.5460 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:hi:0 08:25:24.9271 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:now i shall commence printing pain:0 08:25:28.1038 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 08:25:36.5288 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:hello there...:0 08:25:47.1826 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:if only i had enough jump range and patience to go to the PVE sectors:0 08:25:55.6923 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:66km per jump:0 08:25:57.6146 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:lmao:0 08:26:09.2063 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:26:23.2141 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:sounds like someone needs more jump drives:0 08:26:33.2133 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i assembled everything for my big ship so:0 08:26:51.1448 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:hey AI dudes any way i could recieve a tow to lotus sector?:0 08:27:09.2064 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:27:15.9975 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we have no idea how lol:0 08:27:30.8568 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:how many drives ya got:0 08:27:41.1137 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:say not our ship:2 08:27:41.1137 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: say not our ship, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:27:41.1137 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: say not our ship 08:28:09.2204 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:29:09.2358 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:30:09.2357 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:30:28.7620 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 08:31:09.2363 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:31:11.1210 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 08:31:18.4301 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:we are repressursied!:2 08:31:18.4301 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we are repressursied!, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:31:18.4301 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we are repressursied! 08:31:23.9297 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:mlg?:2 08:31:23.9297 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mlg?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:31:23.9297 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: mlg? 08:31:50.2197 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39098ms (254ms CPU) 08:31:50.2197 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 08:31:50.3100 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 08:32:09.2378 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:32:31.0137 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:we habve cryus roome:2 08:32:31.0137 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we habve cryus roome, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:32:31.0137 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we habve cryus roome 08:32:53.6686 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:where cyro rooms:2 08:32:53.6686 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: where cyro rooms, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:32:53.6686 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: where cyro rooms 08:33:01.7149 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:sorry didnt see that messsage lol:0 08:33:05.4179 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:herus:2 08:33:05.4179 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: herus, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:33:05.4179 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: herus 08:33:06.9293 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we've got no jump drives haha:0 08:33:09.2532 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:33:19.4293 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:no jump drives that r built:0 08:34:09.2539 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:34:25.8017 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:bravo:2 08:34:25.8017 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bravo, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:34:25.8017 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bravo 08:34:31.8528 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:lets look for kit spots:2 08:34:31.8528 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lets look for kit spots, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:34:31.8528 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: lets look for kit spots 08:34:34.9959 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:k:2 08:34:34.9959 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: k, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:34:34.9959 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: k 08:35:09.2671 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:35:29.1965 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 08:36:06.5975 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we could dig them into the ship here:2 08:36:06.5975 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we could dig them into the ship here, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:36:06.5975 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we could dig them into the ship here 08:36:09.2671 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:36:17.9700 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:where:2 08:36:17.9700 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: where, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:36:17.9700 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: where 08:36:24.4344 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:nah:2 08:36:24.4344 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nah, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:36:24.4344 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nah 08:36:26.2539 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:doesnt fit:2 08:36:26.2539 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: doesnt fit, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:36:26.2539 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: doesnt fit 08:36:54.3285 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yeah thats good ig:2 08:36:54.3285 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah thats good ig, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:36:54.3285 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah thats good ig 08:37:09.2673 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:37:16.1312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 08:37:16.1312 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561197977691953 08:37:16.1452 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Respawn Space Pod Target: X:1145279.91416318 Y:-304207.756519828 Z:978463.87810648 08:37:16.1753 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Respawn Space Pod @ X:1145275.58017351 Y:-304202.463873602 Z:978469.334013706 08:37:16.1753 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561197977691953 08:37:16.1753 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning sulafudos into their cockpit! 08:37:17.2025 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:tv:2 08:37:17.2025 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: tv, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:37:17.2025 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: tv 08:37:26.5462 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:you can watch TV:2 08:37:26.5492 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you can watch TV, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:37:26.5492 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: you can watch TV 08:37:26.9897 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ryckNL passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198033879760, PlayerID: 176561198033879760 08:37:27.9161 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:lol:2 08:37:27.9161 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:37:27.9161 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: lol 08:37:28.3727 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197977691953 from 08:37:28.3897 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player sulafudos joined (76561197977691953) 08:37:28.3897 [INFO] BlockLimiter.Settings.PlayerTimeModule: Logging time for player sulafudos 08:37:28.3948 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 08:37:28.3948 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 08:37:28.3948 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 08:37:28.3948 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 08:37:28.3948 [INFO] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: Creating new account object for sulafudos 08:37:28.5724 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 08:37:30.1049 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:what about the survival kit:2 08:37:30.1049 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what about the survival kit, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:37:30.1049 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what about the survival kit 08:37:47.3119 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:hm:2 08:37:47.3119 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hm, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:37:47.3119 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hm 08:38:09.2830 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:38:13.9734 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:yeah thisa be a annoying issuea:2 08:38:13.9734 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah thisa be a annoying issuea, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:38:13.9734 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah thisa be a annoying issuea 08:38:21.0966 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:not enough s p a c e:2 08:38:21.0966 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not enough s p a c e, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:38:21.0966 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: not enough s p a c e 08:38:39.3399 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: sulafudos successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 08:38:44.4551 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:we could hide a kit:2 08:38:44.4551 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we could hide a kit, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:38:44.4551 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we could hide a kit 08:38:46.2560 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ryckNL passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198033879760, PlayerID: 176561198033879760 08:38:53.4315 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:but where:2 08:38:53.4315 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but where, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:38:53.4315 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: but where 08:39:08.4017 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:ah ok:0 08:39:09.2827 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:39:09.7218 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:outside?:2 08:39:09.7218 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: outside?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:39:09.7218 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: outside? 08:39:14.4656 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:for towing a ship:0 08:39:18.6489 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:just gear onto me:0 08:39:20.3731 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:hmmm:2 08:39:20.3731 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hmmm, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:39:20.3731 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hmmm 08:39:22.0998 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:and then jump:0 08:39:33.6851 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:there isnt alot of interior space btw:2 08:39:33.6851 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: there isnt alot of interior space btw, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:39:33.6851 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: there isnt alot of interior space btw 08:39:46.0652 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:one 1 and a half floors:2 08:39:46.0652 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: one 1 and a half floors, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:39:46.0652 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: one 1 and a half floors 08:40:04.0068 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:this is boring:2 08:40:04.0068 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: this is boring, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:40:04.0068 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: this is boring 08:40:08.8340 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:wanna help on the triton outpost:2 08:40:08.8340 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wanna help on the triton outpost, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:40:08.8340 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wanna help on the triton outpost 08:40:09.0985 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:ikr:2 08:40:09.0985 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ikr, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:40:09.0985 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ikr 08:40:09.2831 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:40:17.8744 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:we have to find a kit place though:2 08:40:17.8744 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we have to find a kit place though, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:40:17.8744 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we have to find a kit place though 08:40:27.0419 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ill just go to the triton outpost:2 08:40:27.0419 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ill just go to the triton outpost, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:40:27.0419 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ill just go to the triton outpost 08:40:29.7139 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 08:40:31.5809 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:you should come too:2 08:40:31.5809 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you should come too, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:40:31.5809 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: you should come too 08:40:32.1184 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:ait:2 08:40:32.1184 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ait, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:40:32.1184 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ait 08:40:33.2164 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:wait:2 08:40:33.2164 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wait, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:40:33.2164 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wait 08:40:35.2069 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:ik wherr:2 08:40:35.2069 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ik wherr, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:40:35.2069 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ik wherr 08:40:38.8493 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:bruh:2 08:40:38.8493 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bruh, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:40:38.8493 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bruh 08:41:09.2979 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:41:12.0015 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: sulafudosLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 08:41:12.0015 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving sulafudos meta data! 08:41:12.0015 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: sulafudos (76561197977691953) Disconnected. 08:41:27.8870 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh i forgot we're in the same sector lol:2 08:41:27.8870 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh i forgot we're in the same sector lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:41:27.8870 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh i forgot we're in the same sector lol 08:41:31.7804 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 08:41:40.0749 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:nvm:2 08:41:40.0749 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nvm, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:41:40.0749 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nvm 08:41:42.8979 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197977691953 from 08:41:42.9139 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player sulafudos joined (76561197977691953) 08:41:42.9139 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 08:41:42.9139 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 08:41:42.9139 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 08:41:42.9139 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 08:41:43.2822 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 08:41:44.4876 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:afk:2 08:41:44.4876 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: afk, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:41:44.4876 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: afk 08:41:45.3682 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:thats a horrible place:2 08:41:45.3682 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thats a horrible place, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:41:45.3682 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: thats a horrible place 08:42:09.2981 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:42:09.7583 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:yeah orca sucks for thins like this:2 08:42:09.7583 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah orca sucks for thins like this, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:42:09.7583 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah orca sucks for thins like this 08:42:59.2476 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: sulafudos successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 08:43:09.2981 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:43:16.6361 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561197977691953 took: 5ms Total Grids Sent: 1 08:43:28.9021 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: sulafudos Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 08:43:31.0668 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: sulafudosLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 08:43:31.0668 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving sulafudos meta data! 08:43:31.0668 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: sulafudos (76561197977691953) Disconnected. 08:43:46.3215 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:come to triton outpost:2 08:43:46.3215 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: come to triton outpost, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:43:46.3215 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: come to triton outpost 08:44:02.0344 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:im doing some extentsions to the orca interior:2 08:44:02.0344 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im doing some extentsions to the orca interior, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:44:02.0344 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im doing some extentsions to the orca interior 08:44:05.0887 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok:2 08:44:05.0887 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:44:05.0887 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 08:44:09.2983 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:44:18.4176 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:i hope engima wont mind:2 08:44:18.4176 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i hope engima wont mind, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 08:44:18.4176 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i hope engima wont mind 08:44:54.2976 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 08:45:00.0326 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderCommands' 08:45:00.0487 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: There is a number of useful commands that every player on our servers can use in-game. For the full list of them, just type !commandlist (or !cl) in the chat.' 08:45:09.2997 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:45:30.1482 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 08:46:09.3148 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:47:09.3162 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:48:09.3315 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:49:09.3463 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:50:09.3463 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:50:30.6394 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 08:51:09.3614 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:51:41.1755 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:construction has begun woo:0 08:51:56.3411 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: how goes triton? 08:52:02.8041 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Doing good, Phy:2 08:52:02.8041 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Doing good, Phy, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:52:02.8041 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Doing good, Phy 08:52:09.3614 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:52:09.6068 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:it survived the night:2 08:52:09.6068 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it survived the night, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:52:09.6068 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: it survived the night 08:52:23.9191 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:We just need a mining ship to get Magnesium and we'll be set:2 08:52:23.9191 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: We just need a mining ship to get Magnesium and we'll be set, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:52:23.9191 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: We just need a mining ship to get Magnesium and we'll be set 08:53:09.3624 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:53:48.7410 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: noice 08:54:09.3773 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:54:16.3251 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: ya we are going ahead with the plan to scrap mars base cuz its soo bad in convayers cuz of zjd 08:54:26.9222 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:im planning to build a lot of refinerialright:2 08:54:26.9222 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im planning to build a lot of refinerialright, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:54:26.9232 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im planning to build a lot of refinerialright 08:54:32.4107 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:whoops:2 08:54:32.4107 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: whoops, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:54:32.4107 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: whoops 08:54:37.0399 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yeah anyway:2 08:54:37.0399 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah anyway, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:54:37.0399 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah anyway 08:54:44.6292 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:im planning to build a lot of refineries, not much tho:2 08:54:44.6292 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im planning to build a lot of refineries, not much tho, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:54:44.6292 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im planning to build a lot of refineries, not much tho 08:55:06.1396 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:where are you guys gonna head to?:2 08:55:06.1396 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: where are you guys gonna head to?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:55:06.1396 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: where are you guys gonna head to? 08:55:09.3782 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:55:31.1914 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 08:55:56.8750 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: space first then pay u guys a visit 08:56:05.3748 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199431768254 from 08:56:05.3918 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player zhulavskyi2143 joined (76561199431768254) 08:56:05.3918 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 08:56:05.3918 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 08:56:05.3918 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 08:56:05.3918 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 08:56:05.9748 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 08:56:09.3916 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:56:09.4408 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:alright:2 08:56:09.4408 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alright, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 08:56:09.4408 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alright 08:57:02.2083 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Badman sound passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198142381224, PlayerID: 176561198142381224 08:57:09.4011 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:57:11.7749 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198142381224 from 08:57:11.7920 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Badman sound joined (76561198142381224) 08:57:11.7920 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 08:57:11.7920 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 08:57:11.7920 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 08:57:11.7920 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 08:57:11.7920 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Badman sound shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 08:57:11.9255 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 08:57:47.8585 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman sound successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 08:57:49.1171 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Badman sound has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 08:58:09.4112 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:58:44.3760 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:my ship is printing and i guess she will be done in about 4 to 5 hours:0 08:59:09.4247 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 08:59:16.2408 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:that's if you keep restarting the printer after server restarts :v:0 08:59:27.7797 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:hm?:0 08:59:32.1302 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:you can bypass it if you want:0 08:59:35.2935 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: oorah 08:59:40.3303 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:but i dont really because its kinda illegal i think:0 08:59:51.7578 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: Hello fellow kids 09:00:00.5410 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder3h' 09:00:00.5581 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 3 hours.' 09:00:00.5581 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [3 hours]." 5000 White' 09:00:08.2741 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:the one time I bypassed the server restart shutdown I found the device that did it dismantled on the next join :v:0 09:00:09.4399 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:00:20.4913 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:probably by an admin:0 09:00:26.6396 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:what was it:0 09:00:31.7081 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 09:00:32.8918 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 09:00:38.9473 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i dont think you need a lot of skill to re build it tbh:0 09:00:54.9882 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:well no but if it was removed that should serve as enough of a "don't do that again" message:0 09:00:55.6948 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:ima go to triton now:2 09:00:55.6948 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ima go to triton now, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:00:55.6948 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ima go to triton now 09:01:03.3408 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:next time over I'd probably get banned:0 09:01:08.0194 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:it was a rotor inertia timer:0 09:01:09.4395 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:01:28.6096 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i use rotor block and sensor:0 09:01:40.3915 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:yeah we're thinking of the same thing:0 09:01:50.2352 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 09:02:06.7063 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:either way as you said - kinda illegal:0 09:02:09.4409 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:02:29.9323 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39696ms (221ms CPU) 09:02:29.9323 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 09:02:30.0106 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 09:02:50.7589 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:didn't find anything relating bypassing automatic base shutdowns in the rules but it's obviously hurtful to performance and as such shouldn't be done:0 09:02:51.8623 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:hello:2 09:02:51.8623 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hello, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:02:51.8623 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hello 09:02:59.5256 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:GREETINGS!:2 09:02:59.5256 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GREETINGS!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:02:59.5256 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: GREETINGS! 09:03:09.4545 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:03:13.7076 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:this place is frankly depressing:2 09:03:13.7076 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: this place is frankly depressing, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:03:13.7076 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: this place is frankly depressing 09:03:14.9250 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: the admin is pretty chill here afaik 09:03:22.1305 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:triton?:2 09:03:22.1305 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: triton?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:03:22.1305 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: triton? 09:03:30.1675 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:the base:2 09:03:30.1675 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: the base, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:03:30.1675 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: the base 09:03:34.7979 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:it looks depressing:2 09:03:34.7979 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it looks depressing, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:03:34.7979 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: it looks depressing 09:03:34.9735 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Respawn Space Pod, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 09:03:34.9735 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561197977691953 09:03:34.9735 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Respawn Space Pod is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space A 09:03:36.0749 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:triton base or mars base:2 09:03:36.0749 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: triton base or mars base, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:03:36.0749 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: triton base or mars base 09:03:39.9130 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:yeah ik:0 09:03:43.3763 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:triton:2 09:03:43.3763 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: triton, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:03:43.3763 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: triton 09:03:48.0710 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:still, he works hard to keep the server running well:0 09:03:58.9642 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:why is it float:2 09:03:58.9642 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: why is it float, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:03:58.9642 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: why is it float 09:04:03.8963 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:well i captured it:2 09:04:03.8963 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: well i captured it, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:04:03.8963 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: well i captured it 09:04:05.9225 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:shouldn't interefere with his work:0 09:04:09.3915 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:here:2 09:04:09.3915 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: here, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:04:09.3915 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: here 09:04:09.4557 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:04:13.9958 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i got something:2 09:04:13.9958 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i got something, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:04:13.9958 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i got something 09:04:29.6321 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:thank?:2 09:04:29.6321 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thank?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:04:29.6321 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: thank? 09:04:47.1996 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:thanks for repaint:2 09:04:47.1996 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thanks for repaint, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:04:47.1996 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: thanks for repaint 09:05:09.4553 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:05:27.6591 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:alright ameoba how do you want to improve the base:2 09:05:27.6591 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alright ameoba how do you want to improve the base, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:05:27.6591 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alright ameoba how do you want to improve the base 09:05:32.4581 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 09:05:57.1451 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:uh:2 09:05:57.1451 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: uh, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:05:57.1451 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: uh 09:06:03.4820 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:dig it into the cliffe:2 09:06:03.4820 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: dig it into the cliffe, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:06:03.4820 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: dig it into the cliffe 09:06:05.1109 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:maybe:2 09:06:05.1109 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: maybe, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:06:05.1109 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: maybe 09:06:08.9760 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:why:2 09:06:08.9760 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: why, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:06:08.9760 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: why 09:06:09.4643 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:06:15.4586 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ayo what you doin:2 09:06:15.4586 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ayo what you doin, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:06:15.4586 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ayo what you doin 09:06:18.8602 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:more secure and sheilded:2 09:06:18.8602 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: more secure and sheilded, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:06:18.8602 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: more secure and sheilded 09:06:27.6520 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we gonna build in here:2 09:06:27.6520 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we gonna build in here, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:06:27.6520 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we gonna build in here 09:06:33.3743 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Prorok85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198100017817, PlayerID: 176561198100017817 09:06:37.8849 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i already made a base but it got deleted:2 09:06:37.8849 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i already made a base but it got deleted, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:06:37.8849 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i already made a base but it got deleted 09:06:41.9588 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:why not:2 09:06:41.9588 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: why not, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:06:41.9588 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: why not 09:06:49.0780 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:it was unpowered lol:2 09:06:49.0780 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it was unpowered lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:06:49.0780 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: it was unpowered lol 09:07:09.4761 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:07:26.3006 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:clear out the entrance more:2 09:07:26.3006 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: clear out the entrance more, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:07:26.3006 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: clear out the entrance more 09:07:26.9334 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:do you want me to place blocks in here:2 09:07:26.9334 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: do you want me to place blocks in here, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:07:26.9334 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: do you want me to place blocks in here 09:08:09.4854 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:08:10.1523 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Prorok85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198100017817, PlayerID: 176561198100017817 09:08:36.3846 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:roof is a bit:2 09:08:36.3846 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: roof is a bit, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:08:36.3846 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: roof is a bit 09:08:37.3806 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:low:2 09:08:37.3806 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: low, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:08:37.3806 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: low 09:08:54.9855 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:lets remove this bit here:2 09:08:54.9855 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lets remove this bit here, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:08:54.9855 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: lets remove this bit here 09:09:03.8152 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:lower the floor:2 09:09:03.8152 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lower the floor, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:09:03.8152 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: lower the floor 09:09:07.5308 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ameoba, lower the floor:2 09:09:07.5308 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ameoba, lower the floor, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:09:07.5308 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ameoba, lower the floor 09:09:09.4854 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:09:13.2709 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:dont mine roof:2 09:09:13.2709 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: dont mine roof, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:09:13.2709 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: dont mine roof 09:09:15.2041 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:mine floor:2 09:09:15.2041 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mine floor, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:09:15.2041 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: mine floor 09:09:26.6323 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:we will need higher roof anhyways:2 09:09:26.6323 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we will need higher roof anhyways, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:09:26.6323 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we will need higher roof anhyways 09:09:32.5357 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Aio: bruh lightning struck me and killed me 09:09:34.1499 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:mine roof:2 09:09:34.1499 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mine roof, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:09:34.1499 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: mine roof 09:09:38.7201 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i mean:2 09:09:38.7201 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i mean, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:09:38.7201 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i mean 09:09:38.8565 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:unlucky:0 09:09:43.3623 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:mine both:2 09:09:43.3623 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mine both, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:09:43.3623 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: mine both 09:09:46.2123 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:nah:2 09:09:46.2123 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nah, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:09:46.2123 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nah 09:09:48.2801 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:mine the floor:2 09:09:48.2801 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mine the floor, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:09:48.2801 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: mine the floor 09:10:09.4870 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:10:19.8478 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:OH SHIT:2 09:10:19.8478 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: OH SHIT, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:10:19.8478 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: OH SHIT 09:10:26.2523 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:THE ASSERT SHIP IS GONNA PASS RIGHT OVER:2 09:10:26.2523 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: THE ASSERT SHIP IS GONNA PASS RIGHT OVER, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:10:26.2523 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: THE ASSERT SHIP IS GONNA PASS RIGHT OVER 09:10:33.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 09:10:37.4043 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ALERT! TRITON BASE NEEDS ASSISTANCE!:2 09:10:37.4043 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ALERT! TRITON BASE NEEDS ASSISTANCE!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:10:37.4043 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ALERT! TRITON BASE NEEDS ASSISTANCE! 09:10:38.1173 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:meh:2 09:10:38.1173 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: meh, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:10:38.1173 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: meh 09:11:09.4868 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:11:28.2113 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:this is good:2 09:11:28.2113 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: this is good, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:11:28.2113 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: this is good 09:11:40.7709 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:theyre gonna pass right over:2 09:11:40.7709 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: theyre gonna pass right over, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:11:40.7709 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: theyre gonna pass right over 09:11:43.0048 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:and attack:2 09:11:43.0048 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and attack, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:11:43.0048 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and attack 09:11:53.0048 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:im stuck:2 09:11:53.0048 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im stuck, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:11:53.0048 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im stuck 09:12:06.9141 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we need to fly away from the base:2 09:12:06.9141 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we need to fly away from the base, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:12:06.9141 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we need to fly away from the base 09:12:09.4872 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:12:14.4263 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 09:12:15.7765 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 09:12:16.2755 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 09:12:16.8775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 09:12:17.6799 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D0AC02E806E897} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 09:12:17.6960 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 09:12:21.0694 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 09:12:23.6717 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198988823244 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 09:12:27.7702 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: phynox Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 09:12:32.3551 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: phynoxLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 09:12:32.3551 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 09:12:32.3551 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: phynox (76561198988823244) Disconnected. 09:12:37.4200 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:do !hangar save:2 09:12:37.4200 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: do !hangar save, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:12:37.4200 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: do !hangar save 09:12:37.5183 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:here we go...:2 09:12:37.5183 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: here we go..., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:12:37.5183 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: here we go... 09:12:52.4347 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:WTF:2 09:12:52.4347 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: WTF, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:12:52.4347 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: WTF 09:12:55.9175 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:why did it disappear:2 09:12:55.9175 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: why did it disappear, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:12:55.9175 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: why did it disappear 09:13:09.0136 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:thats how hangarin works:2 09:13:09.0136 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thats how hangarin works, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:13:09.0136 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: thats how hangarin works 09:13:09.4872 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:13:13.3169 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ameoba how do i put it back:2 09:13:13.3169 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ameoba how do i put it back, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:13:13.3169 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ameoba how do i put it back 09:13:18.0352 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:then do !hangar load 1:2 09:13:18.0352 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: then do !hangar load 1, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:13:18.0352 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: then do !hangar load 1 09:13:24.6822 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:toback it back:2 09:13:24.6822 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: toback it back, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:13:24.6822 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: toback it back 09:13:27.3392 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 09:13:53.8863 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:2 09:13:53.8863 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:13:53.8863 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 09:13:58.0305 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:ouch:2 09:13:58.0305 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ouch, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:13:58.0305 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ouch 09:14:02.3524 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:I TOLD YOU ABOUT THIS:2 09:14:02.3524 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I TOLD YOU ABOUT THIS, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:14:02.3524 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: I TOLD YOU ABOUT THIS 09:14:09.5013 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:14:29.3192 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:do !hangar load 1:2 09:14:29.3192 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: do !hangar load 1, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:14:29.3192 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: do !hangar load 1 09:14:34.8650 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:and it will appear:2 09:14:34.8650 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and it will appear, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:14:34.8650 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and it will appear 09:14:46.7392 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: phynox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198988823244, PlayerID: 176561198988823244 09:15:00.3463 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderVote' 09:15:00.3633 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: You can use !votenow command to submit your daily vote and then use !reward to receive full set of elite tools, Uranium ingots and a chance for Platinum drop!' 09:15:09.5019 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:15:15.1802 [INFO] Chat: Server (to zhulavskyi2143): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 09:15:33.5134 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 09:15:40.0069 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:bravo:2 09:15:40.0069 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bravo, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:15:40.0069 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bravo 09:15:46.7022 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:WHAT:2 09:15:46.7022 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: WHAT, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:15:46.7022 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: WHAT 09:15:47.6180 [INFO] Chat: (to zhulavskyi2143): Looking for reward... 09:15:47.6180 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player zhulavskyi2143 ran command '!reward' 09:15:47.8689 [INFO] Chat: Server (to zhulavskyi2143): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 09:15:47.8689 [INFO] Chat: Server (to zhulavskyi2143): Thanks for the vote! 09:15:53.0504 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:do !hangar load 1:2 09:15:53.0504 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: do !hangar load 1, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:15:53.0504 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: do !hangar load 1 09:15:57.0570 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:I DID:2 09:15:57.0570 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I DID, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:15:57.0570 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: I DID 09:15:59.0688 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:i also gtg:2 09:15:59.0688 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i also gtg, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:15:59.0688 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i also gtg 09:16:04.0243 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:did it reappear?:2 09:16:04.0243 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: did it reappear?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:16:04.0243 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: did it reappear? 09:16:06.7204 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:YES:2 09:16:06.7204 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: YES, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:16:06.7204 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: YES 09:16:08.8229 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:HELP:2 09:16:08.8229 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: HELP, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:16:08.8229 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: HELP 09:16:09.5169 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:16:11.2916 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:uhh:2 09:16:11.2916 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: uhh, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:16:11.2916 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: uhh 09:16:12.5652 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:die:2 09:16:12.5652 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: die, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:16:12.5652 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: die 09:16:18.2052 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:and respawn orca:2 09:16:18.2052 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and respawn orca, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:16:18.2052 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and respawn orca 09:16:20.0056 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:and wait:2 09:16:20.0056 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and wait, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:16:20.0056 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and wait 09:16:21.5555 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:RONE WILL KILL BASE:2 09:16:21.5555 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: RONE WILL KILL BASE, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:16:21.5555 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: RONE WILL KILL BASE 09:16:23.1653 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:and then come back:2 09:16:23.1653 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and then come back, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:16:23.1653 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and then come back 09:16:31.0433 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:I HAVE ELITE TOOLS:2 09:16:31.0433 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I HAVE ELITE TOOLS, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:16:31.0433 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: I HAVE ELITE TOOLS 09:16:32.3243 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:and die:2 09:16:32.3243 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and die, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:16:32.3243 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and die 09:16:35.2466 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:er:2 09:16:35.2466 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: er, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:16:35.2466 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: er 09:16:39.3221 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:elite tools in the base:2 09:16:39.3221 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: elite tools in the base, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:16:39.3221 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: elite tools in the base 09:16:44.5421 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:easy peasy:2 09:16:44.5421 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: easy peasy, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:16:44.5421 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: easy peasy 09:17:09.5169 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:17:10.7578 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] phynox:assert ship is going away:2 09:17:10.7578 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: assert ship is going away, Faction, 263082388244604343, phynox 09:17:10.7578 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: assert ship is going away 09:17:40.7990 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:good:2 09:17:40.7990 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: good, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:17:40.7990 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: good 09:17:44.7842 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tanti_M passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198872441181, PlayerID: 176561198872441181 09:17:47.9480 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] phynox:wasp:2 09:17:47.9540 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wasp, Faction, 263082388244604343, phynox 09:17:47.9540 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wasp 09:17:55.5956 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:i gtg:2 09:17:55.5956 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i gtg, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:17:55.5956 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i gtg 09:18:02.7877 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:phynox take over:2 09:18:02.7877 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: phynox take over, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:18:02.7877 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: phynox take over 09:18:05.5214 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:for my:2 09:18:05.5214 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: for my, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:18:05.5214 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: for my 09:18:07.1336 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Ameoba:*me:2 09:18:07.1336 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: *me, Faction, 263082388244604343, Ameoba 09:18:07.1336 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: *me 09:18:09.5176 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:18:32.9875 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ameoba get to the orca:2 09:18:32.9875 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ameoba get to the orca, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:18:32.9875 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ameoba get to the orca 09:18:39.3496 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:so the base doesnt get destroyed:2 09:18:39.3496 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so the base doesnt get destroyed, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:18:39.3496 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: so the base doesnt get destroyed 09:19:01.5048 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ameoba hello???:2 09:19:01.5048 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ameoba hello???, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:19:01.5048 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ameoba hello??? 09:19:09.5329 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:20:09.5326 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:14.9947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1018C6D512963D3} Emotion Controller [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0468 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0468 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0468 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0468 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0468 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0468 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0468 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0468 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0468 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0468 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0468 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:15.1321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.4112 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.4112 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.4112 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.4494 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.4724 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.4724 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.4724 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.4995 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.4995 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.5156 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.5156 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.5156 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.5347 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.5347 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.5347 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.5828 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.5828 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.5989 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.6179 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.6491 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.6651 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.6651 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.6822 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.7022 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.7153 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.7323 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.7665 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.7835 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.7835 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.8016 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.8146 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.8307 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.8477 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.8477 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.8969 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.9481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.9662 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.9812 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:25.9973 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.0133 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.0304 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.0304 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.0304 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.0806 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.0806 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.0996 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.1317 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.1317 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.1317 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.1317 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.1518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.1518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.1638 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.2140 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.2501 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.2662 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.3003 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.3164 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.3515 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.3515 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.3515 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.3675 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.3816 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.3816 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.4017 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.4017 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.4157 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.4318 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.4318 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.4318 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.5829 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.5829 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.5979 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.5979 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.6160 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.6160 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.6341 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.6501 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.6501 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.6852 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.6852 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.7153 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.7153 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.7314 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.7565 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.7565 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.7565 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.7836 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.8217 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.8328 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.8669 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.8669 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.8669 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.8819 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.8970 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.8970 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.9321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.9492 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:26.9662 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.0144 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.0485 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.0826 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.0826 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.0987 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.0987 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.1358 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.1519 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.2151 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.2311 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.2492 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.3154 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.3646 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.4148 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.4148 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.4810 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.5001 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.5011 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.5492 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.5492 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.5492 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.5834 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.6335 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.6823 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.7154 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.7335 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.7495 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.8007 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.8338 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.8479 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.8479 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.8479 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.8479 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.8830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.8976 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.8976 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.9337 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.9337 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.9337 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.9337 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.9498 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.9699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.9699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.9699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:27.9980 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:28.0160 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:28.0662 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:28.0833 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 09:20:34.1051 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 09:21:08.7720 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tanti_M passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198872441181, PlayerID: 176561198872441181 09:21:09.5322 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:22:09.5334 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:22:10.7036 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] phynox:drone ded:2 09:22:10.7036 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: drone ded, Faction, 263082388244604343, phynox 09:22:10.7076 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: drone ded 09:22:13.5599 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] phynox:u are doo:2 09:22:13.5599 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: u are doo, Faction, 263082388244604343, phynox 09:22:13.5599 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: u are doo 09:23:09.5484 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:23:14.3048 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198988823244 from 09:23:14.3228 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player phynox joined (76561198988823244) 09:23:14.3228 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 09:23:14.3228 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 09:23:14.3228 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 09:23:14.3228 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 09:23:14.8065 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 09:23:18.0981 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Tanti_M:Hi all:0 09:24:09.5497 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:25:06.5397 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ryckNL passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198033879760, PlayerID: 176561198033879760 09:25:09.5640 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:25:22.0562 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 09:25:34.6730 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 09:25:37.8393 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: phynox successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 09:25:37.8574 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.RespawnLocationsSync: Autospawning 76561198988823244 09:25:37.8614 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player phynox 09:26:09.5633 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:26:59.8285 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Aio: again fk me 09:27:09.5642 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:28:09.5644 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:29:09.5645 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:29:10.0950 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Fessel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198129180348, PlayerID: 176561198129180348 09:30:09.5646 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:30:32.6085 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:god fucking damnit:2 09:30:32.6085 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: god fucking damnit, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:30:32.6085 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: god fucking damnit 09:30:35.2127 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 09:30:39.1387 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ameoba broke the batteries:2 09:30:39.1387 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ameoba broke the batteries, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:30:39.1387 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ameoba broke the batteries 09:31:09.5648 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:31:18.2627 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Fessel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198129180348, PlayerID: 176561198129180348 09:31:55.9125 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 09:32:09.5791 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:32:26.1124 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 09:32:29.9367 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 09:33:09.3368 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39399ms (234ms CPU) 09:33:09.3368 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 09:33:09.4231 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 09:33:09.5796 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:33:30.1623 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 09:34:09.5811 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:34:21.0295 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 09:34:21.0957 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 09:34:33.4289 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 09:35:00.4291 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 09:35:09.5819 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:35:15.4438 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:hi:2 09:35:15.4438 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hi, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 09:35:15.4438 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hi 09:35:17.8959 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 09:35:20.8318 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:hello enigma:2 09:35:20.8318 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hello enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:35:20.8318 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hello enigma 09:35:29.4430 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:hi bravo:2 09:35:29.4430 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hi bravo, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 09:35:29.4430 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hi bravo 09:35:35.7297 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 09:36:09.5963 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:36:20.1148 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Triton Base is getting some upgrades, I just need a mining ship and rover now:2 09:36:20.1148 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Triton Base is getting some upgrades, I just need a mining ship and rover now, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:36:20.1148 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Triton Base is getting some upgrades, I just need a mining ship and rover now 09:36:35.9831 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:k:2 09:36:35.9831 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: k, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 09:36:35.9831 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: k 09:36:52.4484 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:do you eed anyhelp whit it ?:2 09:36:52.4484 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: do you eed anyhelp whit it ?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 09:36:52.4484 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: do you eed anyhelp whit it ? 09:36:58.4511 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Yeah:2 09:36:58.4511 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Yeah, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:36:58.4542 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Yeah 09:37:05.2127 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i cant build rovers and ships:2 09:37:05.2127 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i cant build rovers and ships, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:37:05.2127 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i cant build rovers and ships 09:37:09.5966 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:37:14.5116 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:also some defense systems would be nice:2 09:37:14.5116 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: also some defense systems would be nice, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:37:14.5116 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: also some defense systems would be nice 09:37:41.1481 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBananaLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 09:37:41.1481 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 09:37:41.1481 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: WholsomeBanana (76561199465290546) Disconnected. 09:37:42.9967 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 09:38:09.5968 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:39:09.6110 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:40:09.6108 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:40:19.6461 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:shit, another assert ship is gonna pass over:2 09:40:19.6461 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: shit, another assert ship is gonna pass over, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:40:19.6461 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: shit, another assert ship is gonna pass over 09:40:25.4973 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WholsomeBanana passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199465290546, PlayerID: 176561199465290546 09:40:30.4675 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i may have to kill myself:2 09:40:30.4675 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i may have to kill myself, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:40:30.4675 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i may have to kill myself 09:40:34.9875 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199465290546 from 09:40:35.0136 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player WholsomeBanana joined (76561199465290546) 09:40:35.0136 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 09:40:35.0136 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 09:40:35.0136 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 09:40:35.0136 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 09:40:35.1300 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 09:40:36.3659 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 09:40:36.7964 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yep i have to, great:2 09:40:36.7964 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yep i have to, great, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:40:36.7964 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yep i have to, great 09:40:41.9181 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:just stay more than 2500:2 09:40:41.9181 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just stay more than 2500, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 09:40:41.9181 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: just stay more than 2500 09:40:43.4359 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:far:2 09:40:43.4359 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: far, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 09:40:43.4359 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: far 09:41:09.6271 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:41:25.0967 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:enigma, what happened to the Orca spawn:2 09:41:25.0967 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: enigma, what happened to the Orca spawn, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:41:25.0967 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: enigma, what happened to the Orca spawn 09:41:40.5807 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:nothing :2 09:41:40.5807 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nothing , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 09:41:40.5807 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nothing 09:41:47.2123 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:its gone:2 09:41:47.2123 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its gone, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:41:47.2123 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: its gone 09:41:58.7155 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:try now :2 09:41:58.7155 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: try now , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 09:41:58.7155 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: try now 09:42:09.6273 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:42:41.0810 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBanana successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 09:43:09.6275 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:44:09.6418 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:45:00.6157 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 09:45:09.6419 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:45:36.8655 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 09:45:50.9992 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kustard passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199333348863, PlayerID: 176561199333348863 09:46:07.0237 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Enigma can you spawn at the Triton Outpost:2 09:46:07.0237 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Enigma can you spawn at the Triton Outpost, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:46:07.0237 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Enigma can you spawn at the Triton Outpost 09:46:09.6426 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:46:16.6103 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:and help with some stuff e.g. mining ship construction:2 09:46:16.6103 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and help with some stuff e.g. mining ship construction, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 09:46:16.6103 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and help with some stuff e.g. mining ship construction 09:46:24.6573 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ye :2 09:46:24.6573 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ye , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 09:46:24.6573 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ye 09:46:53.3267 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] ryckNL:/gpd non:0 09:47:09.6431 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:47:13.3818 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kustard passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199333348863, PlayerID: 176561199333348863 09:47:44.3415 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i be here in 5 min :2 09:47:44.3415 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i be here in 5 min , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 09:47:44.3415 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i be here in 5 min 09:48:09.6432 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:48:58.7158 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ordos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119316063, PlayerID: 176561198119316063 09:49:09.6582 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:49:58.9479 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ordos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119316063, PlayerID: 176561198119316063 09:50:09.6582 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:50:37.2811 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 09:51:09.6592 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:52:09.6596 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:52:10.1714 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:odd question why is every block that is being built rgn turned off:0 09:52:20.4739 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i guess to avoid lag:0 09:52:29.4241 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:its nice actually:0 09:52:35.7506 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:agreed:0 09:52:39.6926 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i can keep the JD's off till i can get enough power generation:0 09:52:46.1339 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:aka find a ice rock:0 09:53:09.6751 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:53:19.4202 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:unless i find uranium first:0 09:54:09.6747 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:54:13.2877 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:great... another blizzard:0 09:54:25.4648 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: you dont have a vip in the group? 09:54:33.7644 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: they can clear weather 09:54:50.8169 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:why cryos no have air:2 09:54:50.8169 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: why cryos no have air, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 09:54:50.8169 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: why cryos no have air 09:55:09.6760 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:55:37.9533 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 09:56:09.6754 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:57:09.6902 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:58:09.7054 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 09:58:17.8873 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: Mars exploration time :DF 09:58:42.6218 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ArdeleanLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 09:58:42.6218 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Ardelean meta data! 09:58:42.6218 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ardelean has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198211607489 09:59:09.7059 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:00:00.4699 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder2h' 10:00:00.4870 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 2 hours.' 10:00:00.4870 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [2 hours]." 5000 White' 10:00:02.6697 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mc Chicken nuggies passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198156156321, PlayerID: 176561198156156321 10:00:09.7061 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:00:10.9262 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198156156321 from 10:00:10.9533 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Mc Chicken nuggies joined (76561198156156321) 10:00:10.9533 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 10:00:10.9533 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 10:00:10.9533 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 10:00:10.9533 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 10:00:11.1937 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 10:00:33.5562 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 10:00:33.5562 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 10:00:33.5562 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 10:00:33.5562 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Aio meta data! 10:00:33.5562 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 10:00:33.5562 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 10:00:33.5944 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8901kb Compressed: 417kb 10:00:38.7092 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 10:01:02.0587 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: how u doing badman? 10:01:04.1712 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:this thing sbeing built stupidly fast ngl:0 10:01:09.7200 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:01:14.5279 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:it fuckin WIMDY ngl:0 10:01:25.0934 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i cannot see shit lol:0 10:01:27.5922 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Mc Chicken nuggies successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 10:01:37.6748 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:use it:0 10:01:41.8882 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:wind turbines are amazing for this:0 10:01:49.7556 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:you can easily get 1 MW of power:0 10:01:53.9239 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:per turbine:0 10:01:55.9933 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i have like 6 wind turbines:0 10:02:09.7239 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:02:41.2882 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ardelean passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198211607489, PlayerID: 176561198211607489 10:02:44.2232 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:each is generating 445KW:0 10:02:54.5456 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg::P:2 10:02:54.5456 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: :P, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:02:54.5456 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: :P 10:03:04.2116 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:enigma dont scare me like that lol:2 10:03:04.2116 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: enigma dont scare me like that lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:03:04.2116 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: enigma dont scare me like that lol 10:03:08.3041 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:hahaha:2 10:03:08.3041 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hahaha, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:03:08.3041 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hahaha 10:03:09.3463 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 10:03:09.7367 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:03:21.3646 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i m blind lol:2 10:03:21.3646 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i m blind lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:03:21.3646 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i m blind lol 10:03:26.3621 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:aight once the blizzard ends we'll build:2 10:03:26.3621 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: aight once the blizzard ends we'll build, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:03:26.3621 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: aight once the blizzard ends we'll build 10:03:49.0465 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39699ms (230ms CPU) 10:03:49.0465 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 10:03:49.1237 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 10:04:09.7517 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:04:26.2783 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:do we need a projector?:2 10:04:26.2783 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: do we need a projector?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:04:26.2783 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: do we need a projector? 10:04:26.9712 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ardelean passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198211607489, PlayerID: 176561198211607489 10:04:50.4080 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:you need resources before projector:2 10:04:50.4080 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you need resources before projector, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:04:50.4080 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: you need resources before projector 10:04:54.5612 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: hey wanted to ask what script u used cuz it was able to keep readding itself when we changed programs too 10:04:57.5740 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Configuration Saved. 10:04:59.7745 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:this this on that base cannot bild nothing :2 10:04:59.7745 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: this this on that base cannot bild nothing , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:04:59.7745 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: this this on that base cannot bild nothing 10:05:06.6812 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:than small grid may be:2 10:05:06.6812 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: than small grid may be, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:05:06.6812 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: than small grid may be 10:05:07.9367 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we've got resources:2 10:05:07.9367 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we've got resources, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:05:07.9367 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we've got resources 10:05:09.7522 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:05:34.2774 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 10:05:39.1772 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 10:05:53.5142 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ill put it here:2 10:05:53.5142 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ill put it here, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:05:53.5142 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ill put it here 10:05:54.6919 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok i give you bp of small atmo miner:2 10:05:54.6919 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok i give you bp of small atmo miner, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:05:54.6919 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok i give you bp of small atmo miner 10:05:57.1445 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: Custom one 10:06:09.7523 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:06:14.2159 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:how does this work anyway lol:2 10:06:14.2159 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how does this work anyway lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:06:14.2159 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: how does this work anyway lol 10:06:25.0449 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: oh damn 10:06:25.2441 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ryckNL passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198033879760, PlayerID: 176561198033879760 10:06:51.3663 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:move side:2 10:06:51.3663 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: move side, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:06:51.3663 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: move side 10:06:57.0104 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:huh:2 10:06:57.0104 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: huh, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:06:57.0104 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: huh 10:06:57.5392 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HickS� passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198046252343, PlayerID: 176561198046252343 10:07:09.7537 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:07:15.3903 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:where do i put it:2 10:07:15.3903 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: where do i put it, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:07:15.3903 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: where do i put it 10:07:18.9893 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: also funny thing is we were gona scrap the base and were 50/50 on it cuz the convayers are a mess and just made everyone agree to scrap it lol 10:07:32.0890 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: ooh damn 10:07:33.3395 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: omw 10:08:09.7540 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:08:21.8227 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HickS� passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198046252343, PlayerID: 176561198046252343 10:08:32.8392 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: You're welcome lmao 10:09:09.7535 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:09:14.1064 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: if u want come over and take any of the rovers cuz wont rly be of use and we dont need the resorces 10:09:39.0166 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:so what is this gonna do enigma:2 10:09:39.0166 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so what is this gonna do enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:09:39.0166 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: so what is this gonna do enigma 10:09:44.7400 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: GPS? 10:10:09.7543 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:10:39.7401 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 10:10:49.6899 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: lets meet here 10:10:50.3227 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: GPS:Deliver items here:1084555.50376398:139353.206500283:1600362.74259499:#FFFF8C00: 10:11:09.7544 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:11:15.3272 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:projection:2 10:11:15.3272 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: projection, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:11:15.3272 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: projection 10:11:19.1131 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:are you sure this will work:2 10:11:19.1131 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: are you sure this will work, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:11:19.1131 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: are you sure this will work 10:11:28.1737 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: Omw. 10:11:36.5974 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:like does it have enough upwards thrusters and backwards thrusters:2 10:11:36.5974 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: like does it have enough upwards thrusters and backwards thrusters, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:11:36.5974 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: like does it have enough upwards thrusters and backwards thrusters 10:11:38.7420 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:is atmo miner:2 10:11:38.7420 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: is atmo miner, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:11:38.7420 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: is atmo miner 10:11:43.3734 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 10:11:49.4233 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Aio ran command '!h save' 10:11:49.4595 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Static Grid 3454, Reason: Grid was Hangared 10:11:49.4595 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198423087766\Static Grid 3454.sbc 10:11:49.5929 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Aio): Save Complete! 10:11:49.5929 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 10:12:09.7666 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:12:17.9899 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: Do you faction know? 10:12:34.6402 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: about? 10:12:41.7272 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:how many bars are here?:2 10:12:41.7272 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how many bars are here?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:12:41.7272 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: how many bars are here? 10:12:44.3234 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: Letting me scrap 10:12:45.6702 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:one:2 10:12:45.6702 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: one, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:12:45.6702 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: one 10:12:51.1294 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:want me to make another:2 10:12:51.1294 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: want me to make another, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:12:51.1294 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: want me to make another 10:12:53.6901 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: the rover? 10:12:56.5668 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:7 more:2 10:12:56.5668 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 7 more, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:12:56.5668 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: 7 more 10:13:02.0228 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: yes 10:13:07.5314 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:right okay:2 10:13:07.5314 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: right okay, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:13:07.5314 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: right okay 10:13:07.6895 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: its more i cant be bother with this rover 10:13:09.7679 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:13:14.6066 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: bar is busy scraping the base 10:14:09.7676 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:14:24.8469 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:this looks ugly ngl:2 10:14:24.8469 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: this looks ugly ngl, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:14:24.8469 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: this looks ugly ngl 10:14:41.1673 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:is ok:2 10:14:41.1673 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: is ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:14:41.1673 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: is ok 10:14:42.4564 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ryckNL passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198033879760, PlayerID: 176561198033879760 10:14:51.6605 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok lets mine for stone:2 10:14:51.6605 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok lets mine for stone, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:14:51.6605 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok lets mine for stone 10:15:00.1738 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderCommands' 10:15:00.1899 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: There is a number of useful commands that every player on our servers can use in-game. For the full list of them, just type !commandlist (or !cl) in the chat.' 10:15:04.4713 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:how you mine by hand?:2 10:15:04.4713 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how you mine by hand?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:15:04.4713 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: how you mine by hand? 10:15:09.7680 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:15:40.3739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 10:15:55.5686 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1215D4D66B9A5F2} Cargo Crate that is not yet replicated on client 10:15:55.5827 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1215D4D66B9A5F2} Cargo Crate that is not yet replicated on client 10:16:09.7829 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:16:28.0357 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:you need a hand drill:2 10:16:28.0357 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you need a hand drill, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:16:28.0357 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: you need a hand drill 10:16:30.0073 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:mine stone:2 10:16:30.0073 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mine stone, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:16:30.0073 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: mine stone 10:16:35.3244 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:down here:2 10:16:35.3244 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: down here, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:16:35.3244 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: down here 10:16:35.8422 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:damn:0 10:16:43.0092 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:bad idea:2 10:16:43.0092 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bad idea, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:16:43.0092 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bad idea 10:16:44.1427 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:below the base:2 10:16:44.1427 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: below the base, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:16:44.1427 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: below the base 10:16:51.9379 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:it works for now:2 10:16:51.9379 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it works for now, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:16:51.9379 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: it works for now 10:16:53.0734 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: CPT Shadow LycanLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 10:16:53.0734 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving CPT Shadow Lycan meta data! 10:16:53.0734 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: CPT Shadow Lycan has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198962714728 10:17:09.7827 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:17:23.4406 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: take it as a token for the fun attack and no just stealing shit or doing something scummy 10:17:34.6744 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Aio): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 10:17:35.1858 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:if you going by hand mine will take you ages:2 10:17:35.1858 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: if you going by hand mine will take you ages, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:17:35.1858 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: if you going by hand mine will take you ages 10:17:49.0254 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:you asked me how i mine by hand:2 10:17:49.0254 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you asked me how i mine by hand, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:17:49.0254 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: you asked me how i mine by hand 10:17:49.6903 [INFO] Chat: (to Aio): Looking for reward... 10:17:49.6903 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Aio ran command '!reward' 10:17:49.9362 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Aio): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 10:17:49.9362 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Aio): Thanks for the vote! 10:18:04.5683 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:set op piston hand whit drill:2 10:18:04.5683 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: set op piston hand whit drill, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:18:04.5683 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: set op piston hand whit drill 10:18:09.7828 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:19:09.7828 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:19:10.5531 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:idk how to do that:2 10:19:10.5531 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: idk how to do that, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:19:10.5531 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: idk how to do that 10:19:22.5802 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Midnight fox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198806733728, PlayerID: 176561198806733728 10:19:24.4930 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:the base did have it when i captured it but i removed it:2 10:19:24.4930 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: the base did have it when i captured it but i removed it, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:19:24.4930 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: the base did have it when i captured it but i removed it 10:19:27.6868 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:is beter i bild phobos again and deliver you resources so you can upgrade base to level where no need han mining:2 10:19:27.6868 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: is beter i bild phobos again and deliver you resources so you can upgrade base to level where no need han mining, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:19:27.6868 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: is beter i bild phobos again and deliver you resources so you can upgrade base to level where no need han mining 10:19:30.5469 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: :D 10:19:31.1295 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198806733728 from 10:19:31.1466 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Midnight fox joined (76561198806733728) 10:19:31.1466 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 10:19:31.1466 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 10:19:31.1466 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 10:19:31.1466 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 10:19:31.3633 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 10:19:37.5271 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:okay:2 10:19:37.5271 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: okay, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:19:37.5271 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: okay 10:19:48.6787 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: ay waiting at the location 10:20:07.0400 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok lets back to orca then :2 10:20:07.0400 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok lets back to orca then , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:20:07.0400 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok lets back to orca then 10:20:09.7823 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:20:25.1959 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Midnight fox successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 10:20:37.3718 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:med bay is ofline use kit to spawn here:2 10:20:37.3718 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: med bay is ofline use kit to spawn here, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:20:37.3718 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: med bay is ofline use kit to spawn here 10:20:41.1120 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 10:20:42.0362 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198806733728 took: 724ms Total Grids Sent: 1 10:20:59.6561 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Midnight fox Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 10:21:00.3822 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Midnight foxLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 10:21:00.3822 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Midnight fox meta data! 10:21:00.3822 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Midnight fox (76561198806733728) Disconnected. 10:21:09.7840 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:21:11.0259 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Ok:2 10:21:11.0259 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:21:11.0259 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Ok 10:21:51.6898 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Midnight fox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198806733728, PlayerID: 176561198806733728 10:21:56.6901 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: 5 mins out 10:22:07.8326 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:07.8326 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:07.8487 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1215D4D66B9A5F2} Cargo Crate that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:07.8487 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:07.8667 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:07.8667 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:07.9008 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1215D4D66B9A5F2} Cargo Crate that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:07.9159 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:07.9159 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:07.9339 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:07.9339 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:07.9500 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:09.7855 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:22:15.9289 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199431768254 took: 55ms Total Grids Sent: 1 10:22:16.0564 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:enigma:2 10:22:16.0564 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:22:16.0564 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: enigma 10:22:19.2920 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:?:2 10:22:19.2920 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:22:19.2920 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ? 10:22:20.2955 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:your spawn isnt there:2 10:22:20.2955 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: your spawn isnt there, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:22:20.2955 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: your spawn isnt there 10:22:26.0153 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:hello:0 10:22:30.0897 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: Sup 10:22:31.3566 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: CPT Shadow Lycan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198962714728, PlayerID: 176561198962714728 10:22:33.0747 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:USE SURVIVAL KIT:2 10:22:33.0747 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: USE SURVIVAL KIT, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:22:33.0747 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: USE SURVIVAL KIT 10:22:34.8065 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: yo 10:22:39.7988 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:22:40.5369 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:whats the survival kits name:2 10:22:40.5369 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: whats the survival kits name, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:22:40.5369 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: whats the survival kits name 10:22:44.8205 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:can you rename it:2 10:22:44.8205 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can you rename it, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:22:44.8205 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: can you rename it 10:22:58.0720 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:theres too many survival kits named survival kit:2 10:22:58.0720 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: theres too many survival kits named survival kit, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:22:58.0720 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: theres too many survival kits named survival kit 10:23:09.7860 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:23:21.6496 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:try now :2 10:23:21.6496 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: try now , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:23:21.6496 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: try now 10:23:47.7059 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:find orca:2 10:23:47.7059 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: find orca, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:23:47.7059 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: find orca 10:23:52.5803 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:how are you:0 10:23:56.8163 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i summoned Klang:2 10:23:56.8163 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i summoned Klang, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:23:56.8163 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i summoned Klang 10:24:00.7232 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: keep this transaction under the table 10:24:00.9731 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: We are good 10:24:09.8005 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:24:12.0149 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 10:24:14.0335 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: OOh ok. 10:24:19.7333 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: Sneaky :D 10:24:22.5005 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: ya 10:24:31.5475 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:okay... we need spots for personal survival kits:2 10:24:31.5475 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: okay... we need spots for personal survival kits, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:24:31.5475 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: okay... we need spots for personal survival kits 10:24:34.3510 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Drix passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198044649514, PlayerID: 176561198044649514 10:24:46.6340 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: You will see me at 5k out, My aim is to see you before you see me 10:24:49.5630 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:come :2 10:24:49.5630 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: come , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:24:49.5630 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: come 10:24:57.4189 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: KahnedLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 10:24:57.4189 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 10:24:57.4229 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Kahned (76561198078633844) Disconnected. 10:25:01.2543 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:nice:2 10:25:01.2543 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:25:01.2543 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nice 10:25:06.3724 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:grind this:2 10:25:06.3724 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: grind this, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:25:06.3724 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: grind this 10:25:07.8336 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: also u dont have to worry about us cuz we were never gona stay here but bng will be coming over to take the forge 10:25:08.9834 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:can you transfer 1 to me and 1 to ameoba:2 10:25:08.9834 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can you transfer 1 to me and 1 to ameoba, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:25:08.9834 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: can you transfer 1 to me and 1 to ameoba 10:25:09.8142 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:25:12.3839 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: shaundelear passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198165320429, PlayerID: 176561198165320429 10:25:13.2003 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: i am in a eco sz 10:25:30.7325 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:nvm:2 10:25:30.7325 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nvm, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:25:30.7325 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nvm 10:25:35.8791 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...844] (76561198078633844) Disconnected. 10:25:41.7667 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 10:25:44.7674 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: CPT Shadow Lycan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198962714728, PlayerID: 176561198962714728 10:26:08.0637 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: also if u want resorces u can hit us up and we can work out a deal 10:26:09.8294 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:26:13.9701 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:and make it no share:3 10:26:19.9022 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yeah:2 10:26:19.9022 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:26:19.9022 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah 10:26:36.2502 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:okrename it and next time spawn from here:3 10:26:42.1298 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: shaundelear passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198165320429, PlayerID: 176561198165320429 10:26:45.7054 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:how do i direct message yu:2 10:26:45.7054 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how do i direct message yu, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:26:45.7054 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: how do i direct message yu 10:26:45.7817 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:good:2 10:26:45.7817 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: good, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:26:45.7817 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: good 10:27:09.2519 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i m whit changed name so will be hard to make it:2 10:27:09.2519 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i m whit changed name so will be hard to make it, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:27:09.2519 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i m whit changed name so will be hard to make it 10:27:09.8295 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:27:16.2216 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:use faction for me :2 10:27:16.2216 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: use faction for me , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:27:16.2216 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: use faction for me 10:27:19.3352 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:anyway, we've got gravity, we just need air:2 10:27:19.3352 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: anyway, we've got gravity, we just need air, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:27:19.3352 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: anyway, we've got gravity, we just need air 10:27:57.4248 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:u friendly or hunters :0 10:28:03.0034 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Shniryala passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198144210403, PlayerID: 176561198144210403 10:28:04.1701 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Friendly:0 10:28:05.2534 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Drix passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198044649514, PlayerID: 176561198044649514 10:28:09.8302 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:28:28.3665 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:would raiders tell you they are raiders?:0 10:28:36.3248 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:sometimes:0 10:28:36.6820 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:lol:0 10:28:39.1855 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:of course not lol:0 10:28:46.9208 [INFO] Chat: (to Badman sound): Weather cleared 10:28:46.9208 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!weather clear' 10:28:55.4242 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:white cross bones or red :0 10:28:58.4736 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:just saying, _AI is friendly with you if you aren't friendly with BNG:0 10:29:09.8309 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:29:11.1692 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:or if youve dont anything to us lol:0 10:29:20.1088 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:definitely looking at some in this chat...:0 10:29:21.7004 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:what if im a neutral :0 10:29:22.8353 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: thats a ship damn 10:29:23.6352 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 10:29:29.6516 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: 2 secs 10:29:39.4278 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Drix:good morning guys:0 10:29:53.4356 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we're friendly with neutrals iirc:0 10:29:56.9185 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 10:29:59.5855 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Shniryala passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198144210403, PlayerID: 176561198144210403 10:29:59.7180 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: ya 10:30:08.6010 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh hey phynox:0 10:30:09.8325 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:30:12.9522 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: hi 10:30:42.3479 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 10:30:51.6789 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:30:51.7311 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:30:52.2655 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:30:52.6674 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:30:53.9129 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {12D4554A1719C6F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 10:30:54.4809 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:30:54.8974 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {14847AEECEFC49F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 10:31:09.0853 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: this one here? 10:31:09.8329 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:31:53.3443 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: access denied 10:31:59.1939 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: wait a sec ran out of o2 10:32:09.8337 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:32:35.9587 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:god damit:0 10:32:43.0186 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:I HAVE SHIP CONTROLS? cool:2 10:32:43.0186 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I HAVE SHIP CONTROLS? cool, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:32:43.0186 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: I HAVE SHIP CONTROLS? cool 10:33:00.1059 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:i went out mining and now there is an assert near my base that i will trigger if i go back:0 10:33:07.1190 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:alright enigma where are we heading:2 10:33:07.1190 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alright enigma where are we heading, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:33:07.1190 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alright enigma where are we heading 10:33:09.8336 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:33:49.0552 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 10:33:50.4923 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:lets make lander ship:2 10:33:50.4923 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lets make lander ship, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:33:50.4923 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: lets make lander ship 10:33:56.7561 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:im thinking we should head to triton orbit:2 10:33:56.7561 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im thinking we should head to triton orbit, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:33:56.7561 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im thinking we should head to triton orbit 10:34:09.8455 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:34:28.9547 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39899ms (239ms CPU) 10:34:28.9547 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 10:34:29.0375 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 10:34:44.2781 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: Coming? 10:35:08.0359 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:can i have control?:2 10:35:08.0359 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can i have control?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:35:08.0359 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: can i have control? 10:35:09.8453 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:35:42.5061 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ye:2 10:35:42.5061 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ye, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:35:42.5061 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ye 10:35:42.9944 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 10:35:50.4764 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:alright, im heading to triton then:2 10:35:50.4764 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alright, im heading to triton then, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:35:50.4764 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alright, im heading to triton then 10:35:55.2779 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: some of the stuff u will have to hack with bar 10:36:02.6611 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: offline person owns it 10:36:09.8455 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:36:10.7959 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:hopefully we find some asteroids on the way!:2 10:36:10.7959 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hopefully we find some asteroids on the way!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:36:10.7959 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hopefully we find some asteroids on the way! 10:36:13.1619 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: sry 10:36:59.3757 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:we can jump hold on :):2 10:36:59.3757 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we can jump hold on :), Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:36:59.3757 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we can jump hold on :) 10:37:05.3615 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:wait:2 10:37:05.3615 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wait, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:37:05.3615 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wait 10:37:09.8462 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:37:11.9217 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ill set the heading:2 10:37:11.9217 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ill set the heading, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:37:11.9217 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ill set the heading 10:37:33.2554 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok just dont jump yet:2 10:37:33.2554 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok just dont jump yet, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:37:33.2554 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok just dont jump yet 10:37:40.2462 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:idk how to jump lol:2 10:37:40.2462 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: idk how to jump lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:37:40.2462 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: idk how to jump lol 10:38:08.0131 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:heading has been set, ready to jump:2 10:38:08.0131 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: heading has been set, ready to jump, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:38:08.0131 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: heading has been set, ready to jump 10:38:09.8466 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:38:19.7779 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i do it wait:2 10:38:19.7779 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i do it wait, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:38:19.7779 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i do it wait 10:38:30.4456 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok :(:2 10:38:30.4456 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok :(, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:38:30.4456 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok :( 10:38:55.3788 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: feel free to mess with bng btw 10:38:55.9784 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: CPT Shadow Lycan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198962714728, PlayerID: 176561198962714728 10:39:08.8284 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: got co-ords? 10:39:09.8475 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:39:21.2455 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: mobile base 10:39:48.2452 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: but they do drop in mars and mess with new players and forge by respawning and hydromanning 10:40:09.8528 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:40:43.5288 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 10:40:47.4397 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:can i jump pls:2 10:40:47.4397 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can i jump pls, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:40:47.4397 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: can i jump pls 10:40:54.2455 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: they tend to pod spam and mess with newbie players and try and do forge 10:41:00.4893 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:let finish ship first:2 10:41:00.4893 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: let finish ship first, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:41:00.4893 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: let finish ship first 10:41:03.6096 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:alright:2 10:41:03.6096 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alright, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:41:03.6096 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alright 10:41:09.8613 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:42:09.8776 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:42:44.6120 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: heading to my mars outpost - peace out 10:43:03.2461 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: ya same 10:43:06.8786 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: chao 10:43:07.1050 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:xd:2 10:43:07.1050 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: xd, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:43:07.1050 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: xd 10:43:09.8778 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:43:59.6842 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Europa recieved! 10:43:59.6952 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 144115188075855897 10:43:59.6952 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for (NPC-ACS) SIC-01 Murakoz-AT1 Target: X:944607.069086896 Y:27280.4950480076 Z:1589581.30124908 10:43:59.7735 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for (NPC-ACS) SIC-01 Murakoz-AT1 @ X:944620.874585525 Y:27290.2871179494 Z:1589577.22097811 10:44:09.8776 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:44:27.6432 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: (NPC-ACS) SIC-01 Murakoz-AT1, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 10:44:27.6432 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 144115188075855897 10:44:27.6432 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: (NPC-ACS) SIC-01 Murakoz-AT1 is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Europa 10:44:50.3546 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 10:45:00.9556 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderVote' 10:45:00.9716 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: You can use !votenow command to submit your daily vote and then use !reward to receive full set of elite tools, Uranium ingots and a chance for Platinum drop!' 10:45:09.8914 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:45:44.2117 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 10:45:46.7989 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:blud is really printing an Orville:2 10:45:46.7989 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: blud is really printing an Orville, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:45:46.7989 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: blud is really printing an Orville 10:46:01.7614 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 10:46:09.8944 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:46:17.4442 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:wait that isnt an Orville lol:2 10:46:17.4442 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wait that isnt an Orville lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:46:17.4442 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wait that isnt an Orville lol 10:46:18.1492 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:?:2 10:46:18.1492 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:46:18.1492 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ? 10:46:30.8311 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:is not g drive haha:2 10:46:30.8311 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: is not g drive haha, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:46:30.8311 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: is not g drive haha 10:46:44.7328 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:orville doesnt use g drive either:2 10:46:44.7328 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: orville doesnt use g drive either, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:46:44.7328 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: orville doesnt use g drive either 10:47:09.9074 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:47:14.5127 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:holy shit this thing just does NOT turn:2 10:47:14.5127 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: holy shit this thing just does NOT turn, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:47:14.5127 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: holy shit this thing just does NOT turn 10:47:20.1672 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:alright im going afk for a while:2 10:47:20.1672 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alright im going afk for a while, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:47:20.1672 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alright im going afk for a while 10:47:45.9609 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:k:2 10:47:45.9609 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: k, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:47:45.9609 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: k 10:47:52.1922 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:just leave seat pls:2 10:47:52.1922 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just leave seat pls, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:47:52.1922 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: just leave seat pls 10:48:03.0126 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ise back seat or crio:2 10:48:03.0126 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ise back seat or crio, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:48:03.0126 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ise back seat or crio 10:48:09.9072 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:48:16.4304 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: CPT Shadow Lycan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198962714728, PlayerID: 176561198962714728 10:48:29.2179 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:man thats some crazy yodelling :skull::2 10:48:29.2179 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: man thats some crazy yodelling :skull:, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:48:29.2179 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: man thats some crazy yodelling :skull: 10:48:50.6334 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh hell naw, cringe song:2 10:48:50.6334 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh hell naw, cringe song, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:48:50.6334 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh hell naw, cringe song 10:48:52.0192 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:music?:2 10:48:52.0192 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: music?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:48:52.0192 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: music? 10:48:54.9130 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yeah:2 10:48:54.9130 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:48:54.9130 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah 10:49:04.3401 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:nvm its eminiem:2 10:49:04.3401 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nvm its eminiem, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:49:04.3401 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nvm its eminiem 10:49:06.7309 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!h save' 10:49:06.7369 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:not cringe then:2 10:49:06.7369 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not cringe then, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:49:06.7369 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: not cringe then 10:49:06.7509 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Assault Frigate, Reason: Grid was Hangared 10:49:06.7509 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198142381224\Assault Frigate.sbc 10:49:06.7811 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:is clasic from 90 :2 10:49:06.7811 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: is clasic from 90 , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:49:06.7811 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: is clasic from 90 10:49:07.7646 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Badman sound): Save Complete! 10:49:07.7797 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 10:49:09.9083 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:49:10.3809 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!h load 1' 10:49:10.3809 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Badman sound): You have 00:00:03 until you can perform this action! 10:49:10.3809 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Badman sound): Command cooldown is still in affect! 10:49:12.6931 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ye:2 10:49:12.6931 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ye, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:49:12.6931 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ye 10:49:14.8310 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!h load 1' 10:49:15.3123 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 10:49:15.3123 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1075147.14355469 Y:166594.487365723 Z:1604496.80810547 10:49:15.3143 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 10:49:15.3143 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 10:49:15.3143 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Badman sound): Spawning Complete! 10:49:15.3143 [INFO] Hangar.Badman sound: Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198142381224\Assault Frigate.sbc 10:49:15.3143 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 10:49:17.0193 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i loke old music:2 10:49:17.0193 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i loke old music, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:49:17.0193 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i loke old music 10:49:20.2122 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:like:2 10:49:20.2122 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: like, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:49:20.2122 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: like 10:49:20.5203 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Same:2 10:49:20.5203 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Same, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:49:20.5203 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Same 10:49:35.5121 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:for me, vietnam-era:2 10:49:35.5121 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: for me, vietnam-era, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:49:35.5121 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: for me, vietnam-era 10:49:47.8850 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:basically 60s and 70s:2 10:49:47.8850 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: basically 60s and 70s, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:49:47.8850 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: basically 60s and 70s 10:49:48.3999 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:where you from :2 10:49:48.3999 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: where you from , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:49:48.3999 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: where you from 10:49:54.0779 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:australia:2 10:49:54.0779 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: australia, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:49:54.0779 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: australia 10:50:08.9847 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:by your ping im gonna guess your british:2 10:50:08.9847 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: by your ping im gonna guess your british, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:50:08.9847 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: by your ping im gonna guess your british 10:50:09.9231 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:50:44.8181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 10:51:09.9229 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:52:09.9254 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:52:16.7837 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:how do i add a song or something:2 10:52:16.7837 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how do i add a song or something, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:52:16.7837 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: how do i add a song or something 10:52:39.1019 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: Midnight you took JZD with you ? 10:53:09.9411 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:53:16.5145 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:here:2 10:53:16.5145 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: here, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:53:16.5145 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: here 10:53:26.1401 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we can jump now?:2 10:53:26.1401 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we can jump now?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:53:26.1401 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we can jump now? 10:53:30.1216 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:no:2 10:53:30.1216 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:53:30.1216 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: no 10:53:34.5482 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh:2 10:53:34.5482 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:53:34.5482 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh 10:53:47.8360 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:yes i live in uk but i m not british:2 10:53:47.8360 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yes i live in uk but i m not british, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:53:47.8360 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yes i live in uk but i m not british 10:53:54.8851 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198423087766 from 10:53:54.8851 [WARN] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Player 76561198423087766 has already joined! 10:53:54.9041 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: AioLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 10:53:54.9041 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Aio meta data! 10:53:54.9041 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Aio (76561198423087766) Disconnected. 10:53:55.8390 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:scottish or welsh:2 10:53:55.8390 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: scottish or welsh, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:53:55.8390 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: scottish or welsh 10:54:01.9805 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:no :2 10:54:01.9805 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:54:01.9805 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: no 10:54:07.6713 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i m from Bulgaria:2 10:54:07.6713 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i m from Bulgaria, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:54:07.6713 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i m from Bulgaria 10:54:09.9403 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:54:13.0655 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:cool:2 10:54:13.0655 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cool, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:54:13.0655 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: cool 10:54:30.2456 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:54:30.6459 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:54:31.6135 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {14847AEECEFC49F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 10:54:31.8132 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:54:33.0141 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {12D4554A1719C6F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 10:54:33.6323 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:54:34.3473 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:54:56.4567 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:alr im gonna skip this one:2 10:54:56.4567 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alr im gonna skip this one, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:54:56.4567 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alr im gonna skip this one 10:55:00.4148 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...766] (76561198423087766) Disconnected. 10:55:07.9199 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: H0lo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199163508488, PlayerID: 176561199163508488 10:55:09.9548 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:55:19.0361 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199163508488 from 10:55:19.0527 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player H0lo joined (76561199163508488) 10:55:19.0527 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 10:55:19.0527 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 10:55:19.0527 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 10:55:19.0527 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 10:55:19.2203 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 10:55:32.2178 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:SCOTLAND FOREVER:2 10:55:32.2178 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: SCOTLAND FOREVER, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:55:32.2178 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: SCOTLAND FOREVER 10:55:32.4867 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Aio passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198423087766, PlayerID: 176561198423087766 10:55:38.8469 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:hahaha:2 10:55:38.8469 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hahaha, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:55:38.8469 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hahaha 10:55:44.7869 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198423087766 from 10:55:44.8030 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Aio joined (76561198423087766) 10:55:44.8030 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 10:55:44.8030 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 10:55:44.8030 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 10:55:44.8030 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 10:55:44.8030 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Aio shares the same IP address as ???? Aio 10:55:44.9073 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 10:55:45.6033 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 10:56:01.3653 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:when is this ship gonna be done...:2 10:56:01.3653 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: when is this ship gonna be done..., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:56:01.3653 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: when is this ship gonna be done... 10:56:09.9552 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:56:12.3176 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:soon why:2 10:56:12.3176 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: soon why, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:56:12.3176 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: soon why 10:56:19.3848 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i wanna jump already lol:2 10:56:19.3848 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i wanna jump already lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:56:19.3848 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i wanna jump already lol 10:56:43.2651 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: guys whats better ion or hydrogen thrusters ? for a big ship 10:56:53.1859 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:haha chill man :P:2 10:56:53.1859 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: haha chill man :P, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:56:53.1859 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: haha chill man :P 10:56:58.7173 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBananaLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 10:56:58.7173 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 10:56:58.7173 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: WholsomeBanana (76561199465290546) Disconnected. 10:56:58.7234 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:hyd:0 10:57:09.9586 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:57:11.8362 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: H0lo successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 10:57:14.4529 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:gravety for combat:0 10:57:19.5069 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:if you wanna we crash at landing ? xd:2 10:57:19.5069 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: if you wanna we crash at landing ? xd, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:57:19.5069 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: if you wanna we crash at landing ? xd 10:57:26.2318 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:good thinks take time :2 10:57:26.2318 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: good thinks take time , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:57:26.2318 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: good thinks take time 10:57:39.2423 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:H2 is way more power and easier to build:0 10:57:40.7391 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 10:57:40.8351 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 10:57:44.1832 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 10:57:50.5835 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:but it runs on H2...:0 10:57:53.2249 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ooh whats this:2 10:57:53.2249 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ooh whats this, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:57:53.2249 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ooh whats this 10:58:02.8560 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:SAUL GOODMAN:2 10:58:02.8560 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: SAUL GOODMAN, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:58:02.8560 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: SAUL GOODMAN 10:58:05.5758 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:and that can blow up in a fight:0 10:58:09.9709 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:58:22.0863 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Aio successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 10:58:35.7949 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:58:37.4803 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:but ion will need power, likely uranium:0 10:58:37.5285 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:58:38.3610 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:58:38.5271 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:58:39.4599 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 10:58:40.9176 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: okay so no H2 for warships 10:58:58.9872 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: im building my big Homeship so i'll for H2 10:59:03.0542 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: thanks guys 10:59:09.9717 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 10:59:12.2879 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:how do we add songs into the jukebox and stuff:2 10:59:12.2879 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how do we add songs into the jukebox and stuff, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:59:12.2879 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: how do we add songs into the jukebox and stuff 10:59:19.3172 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:yea we was in alliance before the wipe:0 10:59:23.3057 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:like do we upload it or something:2 10:59:23.3057 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: like do we upload it or something, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 10:59:23.3057 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: like do we upload it or something 10:59:43.6010 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:they said they got kicked out of ai clan:0 10:59:45.5208 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:if you have the uranium, ion is low maintainance:0 10:59:47.7864 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:in setings of block:2 10:59:47.7864 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: in setings of block, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 10:59:47.7864 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: in setings of block 11:00:00.7840 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Yeah ZJD was being EXTREMELY imcompetent:0 11:00:00.9485 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder1h' 11:00:00.9646 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 1 hour.' 11:00:00.9646 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [1 hour]." 5000 White' 11:00:09.1075 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:so the top bluds kicked him:0 11:00:09.9867 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:00:27.6149 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: im poor so not much Uranium 11:00:41.4501 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:same....:0 11:00:46.1652 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 11:01:09.4954 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:oh yeah, H2 can land on planet too:0 11:01:09.9901 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:01:19.3312 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: H2 it is 11:02:07.5608 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:me, I hate the sound of H2:0 11:02:09.9997 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:02:53.4157 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: hey holo 11:02:56.5654 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: hey 11:03:05.4321 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: we are grind the base down 11:03:10.0123 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:03:10.0986 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: going to space 11:03:14.4153 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: alr understandable 11:03:20.1985 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: we'll take back mars later 11:03:28.7333 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: Anything down at that base for me to scrap :D 11:03:36.1652 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: isnt very far from the meeting point 11:03:51.6653 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: well we are still scrapping it 11:03:55.5485 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: prob no tho 11:04:04.0323 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: we did have a grinding ship right? 11:04:10.0220 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:04:12.8368 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:h.:2 11:04:12.8368 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: h., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:04:12.8368 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: h. 11:04:26.8484 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: hi bravo 11:04:27.6317 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: ya but let bar do it 11:04:28.9599 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 11:04:33.1323 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: alor 11:04:34.9485 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: alr* 11:04:38.4651 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: are there turrets? 11:04:40.6238 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] CPT Shadow Lycan:your all talking about ships while im trying to figure out how to set up my base still:0 11:04:48.7324 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: mhm sevral 11:04:57.3990 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: also more people here now 11:05:02.2501 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 11:05:02.2651 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 11:05:02.2651 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 2081 Target: X:143242.352987049 Y:-919519.244579394 Z:1046257.1941967 11:05:02.2992 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 2081 @ X:143235.076480998 Y:-919517.729119007 Z:1046262.29378939 11:05:03.7047 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:my base is a ship:0 11:05:08.7609 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 39801ms (234ms CPU) 11:05:08.7609 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 11:05:08.8402 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 11:05:09.4650 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: so cant have u show up or gona have to fight 11:05:10.0345 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:05:21.0155 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: are the bars even on? 11:05:21.2323 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: my base will be a ship 11:05:21.4299 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] CPT Shadow Lycan:fair enough:0 11:05:22.4988 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: oh im here. Just out of view 11:05:31.5991 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: theres no perks to having a static base i think 11:05:37.4828 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:same its in production :0 11:05:46.8822 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 11:05:53.4771 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:fix base is a roleplay thing:0 11:05:58.3656 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: yeah 11:06:06.2325 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: still 11:06:06.6570 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] CPT Shadow Lycan:oh:0 11:06:10.0415 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:06:15.7153 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: id say dont approtch 11:06:16.0646 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:well...:0 11:06:24.6615 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:maybe for forge control:0 11:06:30.7064 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 11:06:30.7064 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 11:06:30.7064 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 9355 Target: X:204668.92277579 Y:-928408.026895301 Z:1027722.18479142 11:06:30.7495 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 9355 @ X:204675.229376882 Y:-928406.801123397 Z:1027715.86227059 11:06:36.6108 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:now that forges are on planets:0 11:06:39.2325 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: Any of your faction mates plan on taking anything away from the base? 11:06:43.6958 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: or to orbit? 11:06:52.0797 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Aio ran command '!h save' 11:06:52.0997 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: ATC, Large Grid 8691, Large Grid 4770, Large Grid 6309, Large Grid 7878, Large Grid 2199, Large Grid 8213, Large Grid 6914, Large Grid 6467, Large Grid 4575, Large Grid 3853, Large Grid 9202, Large Grid 2887, Large Grid 1356, Large Grid 8275, Large Grid 4103, Large Grid 6530, Reason: Grid was Hangared 11:06:52.0997 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198423087766\ATC.sbc 11:06:53.8042 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Aio): Save Complete! 11:06:53.8042 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 11:07:02.4791 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: the 2 big ships at base rest will be grinded 11:07:10.0499 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:07:13.5153 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: AioLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 11:07:13.5153 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Aio meta data! 11:07:13.5153 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Aio (76561198423087766) Disconnected. 11:07:24.6628 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: see two grids in the distance 11:07:27.0152 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:but you can just land a factory ship on planet too:0 11:08:10.0497 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:09:10.0579 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:09:39.9632 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: u above our base? roughly? 11:09:48.7132 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 11:10:05.1633 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: yes 11:10:10.0677 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:10:12.5129 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: thought so 11:10:23.5804 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: one of our radar turret is very angry at u 11:10:41.6438 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] CPT Shadow Lycan:im starting to see how rusty i am at all this survival stuff:0 11:10:47.3305 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 11:11:02.0633 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: aggressvly tracking something in the sky 11:11:03.7634 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: one of those small grids would be a nice souvenier 11:11:04.9802 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: well odd 11:11:10.0731 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:11:19.0630 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: not grids, just rocks 11:11:24.7457 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:make me favor pls dont touch setings of orca pls:2 11:11:24.7457 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: make me favor pls dont touch setings of orca pls, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:11:24.7457 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: make me favor pls dont touch setings of orca pls 11:11:40.5472 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 11:11:50.5633 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: what is your discord name? 11:11:50.7630 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: well 11:11:55.6469 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: I will send you a screenshot of my view 11:11:57.6966 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: cant help ya there bud 11:11:57.8471 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 11:12:10.0814 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:12:43.4470 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: ay 11:13:10.0956 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:13:30.4134 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: damn it the thing i can to meet u in ran out of fuel when i was parking it 11:13:35.5968 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: what is your discord? 11:13:58.5301 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: thekrakenlordphynox 11:14:05.8385 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:damn enterprise comminga long nicely:0 11:14:10.0967 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:14:24.5842 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:back:2 11:14:24.5842 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: back, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:14:24.5842 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: back 11:14:32.4667 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:OH SHIT:2 11:14:32.4667 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: OH SHIT, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:14:32.4667 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: OH SHIT 11:14:34.7673 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:WOW:2 11:14:34.7673 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: WOW, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:14:34.7673 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: WOW 11:14:40.5474 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:nice animation:2 11:14:40.5474 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice animation, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:14:40.5474 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nice animation 11:14:51.7344 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:bravo pls dont touch setings in orca:2 11:14:51.7344 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bravo pls dont touch setings in orca, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:14:51.7344 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bravo pls dont touch setings in orca 11:14:56.9687 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:by the way:2 11:14:56.9687 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: by the way, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:14:56.9687 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: by the way 11:15:00.8301 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 11:15:03.4339 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:you're going the wrong way to triton:2 11:15:03.4339 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you're going the wrong way to triton, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:15:03.4339 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: you're going the wrong way to triton 11:15:10.0970 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:15:11.7504 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:but i guess we need materials?:2 11:15:11.7504 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but i guess we need materials?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:15:11.7504 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: but i guess we need materials? 11:15:20.7891 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:just cheek this asteroid:2 11:15:20.7891 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just cheek this asteroid, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:15:20.7891 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: just cheek this asteroid 11:15:29.0783 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:op i catch it xd:2 11:15:29.0783 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: op i catch it xd, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:15:29.0783 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: op i catch it xd 11:15:32.6430 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:want me to get in the miner?:2 11:15:32.6430 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: want me to get in the miner?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:15:32.6430 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: want me to get in the miner? 11:15:48.1135 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 11:15:48.2460 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:space pirates mayday:2 11:15:48.2460 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: space pirates mayday, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:15:48.2460 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: space pirates mayday 11:16:05.4278 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:this free resource:2 11:16:05.4278 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: this free resource, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:16:05.4278 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: this free resource 11:16:07.5112 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:space pirates are friendly lol:2 11:16:07.5112 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: space pirates are friendly lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:16:07.5112 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: space pirates are friendly lol 11:16:10.0975 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:16:13.6833 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:not all:2 11:16:13.6833 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not all, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:16:13.6833 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: not all 11:16:17.8987 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yeah:2 11:16:17.8987 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:16:17.8987 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah 11:17:10.0975 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:17:37.5810 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: hey holo 11:17:41.0478 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: can u get some ice 11:17:41.1310 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: yeah? 11:17:47.6472 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: sure 11:17:53.2144 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: take the grinder 11:18:10.1109 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:18:17.1987 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: this one? 11:19:10.1104 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:19:19.1159 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ordos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119316063, PlayerID: 176561198119316063 11:19:33.5490 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: get gold too 11:19:36.4046 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:just saying, we're running low on power:2 11:19:36.4046 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just saying, we're running low on power, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:19:36.4046 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: just saying, we're running low on power 11:19:41.5663 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: kk 11:19:49.4985 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:im talking to enigma:2 11:19:49.4985 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im talking to enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:19:49.4985 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im talking to enigma 11:20:10.1105 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:20:30.0154 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ordos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119316063, PlayerID: 176561198119316063 11:20:39.8649 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:we have anought no wory:2 11:20:39.8649 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we have anought no wory, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:20:39.8649 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we have anought no wory 11:20:45.4482 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok:2 11:20:45.4482 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:20:45.4482 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 11:20:48.7156 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 11:21:04.7473 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i found the mayday source:2 11:21:04.7473 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i found the mayday source, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:21:04.7473 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i found the mayday source 11:21:10.1105 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:21:12.5527 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:trap:2 11:21:12.5527 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: trap, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:21:12.5527 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: trap 11:21:34.8970 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:only atack white color:2 11:21:34.8970 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: only atack white color, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:21:34.8970 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: only atack white color 11:21:56.4149 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:if want mine some silver :2 11:21:56.4149 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: if want mine some silver , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:21:56.4149 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: if want mine some silver 11:22:10.1110 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:22:47.2167 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:alright:2 11:22:47.2167 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alright, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:22:47.2167 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alright 11:23:10.1118 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:23:49.0540 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:shit i guess the miner is autonomous:2 11:23:49.0540 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: shit i guess the miner is autonomous, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:23:49.0540 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: shit i guess the miner is autonomous 11:24:00.8981 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:nvm i found the cockpit:2 11:24:00.8981 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nvm i found the cockpit, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:24:00.8981 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nvm i found the cockpit 11:24:02.0984 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:it can be but not is manual stil:2 11:24:02.0984 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it can be but not is manual stil, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:24:02.0984 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: it can be but not is manual stil 11:24:10.1115 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:24:26.4034 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:game froze:2 11:24:26.4034 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: game froze, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:24:26.4034 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: game froze 11:24:27.5058 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Europa recieved! 11:24:27.5058 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 144115188075855897 11:24:27.5189 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for (NPC-ACS) Cyclops Hauler-AT2 Target: X:943757.115599894 Y:24558.4445613536 Z:1588384.080378 11:24:27.5951 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for (NPC-ACS) Cyclops Hauler-AT2 @ X:943723.835523025 Y:24553.6171960744 Z:1588394.55691561 11:24:30.3089 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh what the hell happened:2 11:24:30.3089 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh what the hell happened, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:24:30.3089 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh what the hell happened 11:24:43.4544 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:on dampers:2 11:24:43.4544 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: on dampers, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:24:43.4544 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: on dampers 11:24:54.8296 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:nah i like newtonian controls:2 11:24:54.8296 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nah i like newtonian controls, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:24:54.8296 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nah i like newtonian controls 11:24:56.1722 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:press z:2 11:24:56.1722 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: press z, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:24:56.1722 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: press z 11:25:01.0307 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:shye is already almost done jesus:0 11:25:10.1114 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:25:21.1565 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:ummmmmmm:0 11:25:21.2920 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: land on the back of the big ship above the base holo k? 11:25:26.7015 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:why are there a bunch of rotors freefloating:0 11:25:28.4421 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: kk 11:25:30.5336 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:my ship is taking forever:0 11:25:32.2382 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:and pls dot brake it alot :):2 11:25:32.2382 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and pls dot brake it alot :), Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:25:32.2382 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and pls dot brake it alot :) 11:25:46.4920 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: dw so far i havent crashed anything xd 11:25:49.2919 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 11:25:56.2499 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:oh well its bugged lol:0 11:26:01.2682 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:no you:2 11:26:01.2682 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no you, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:26:01.2682 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: no you 11:26:03.8337 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:xd:2 11:26:03.8337 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: xd, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:26:03.8337 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: xd 11:26:08.0258 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: oh lmao 11:26:10.1268 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:26:59.4354 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:wait:2 11:26:59.4354 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wait, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:26:59.4354 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wait 11:27:06.4033 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:when mine dont pushhard:2 11:27:06.4033 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: when mine dont pushhard, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:27:06.4033 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: when mine dont pushhard 11:27:10.1279 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:27:13.4609 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 11:27:19.8832 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:gotcha:2 11:27:19.8832 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: gotcha, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:27:19.8832 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: gotcha 11:27:20.1808 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:go like 0.10:2 11:27:20.1808 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: go like 0.10, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:27:20.1808 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: go like 0.10 11:27:27.6367 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:sry o.30:2 11:27:27.6367 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: sry o.30, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:27:27.6367 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: sry o.30 11:27:49.8177 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Europa recieved! 11:27:49.8327 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 144115188075855897 11:27:49.8327 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for (NPC-ACS) Automated Division Light Transport-AT2 Target: X:943377.321848662 Y:22368.9014531585 Z:1585812.16607752 11:27:49.8879 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for (NPC-ACS) Automated Division Light Transport-AT2 @ X:943379.937085525 Y:22367.6308679494 Z:1585810.15457186 11:27:51.6231 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok stay here i m going for anodher npc i be back:2 11:27:51.6231 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok stay here i m going for anodher npc i be back, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:27:51.6231 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok stay here i m going for anodher npc i be back 11:28:10.1417 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:28:15.8948 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 11:28:23.2885 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] CPT Shadow Lycan:well im gonna head off to bed its almost 5 a.m so night everyone:0 11:28:30.3506 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:night:0 11:28:31.3295 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: cya 11:28:57.7501 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:miner is full:2 11:28:57.7501 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: miner is full, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:28:57.7501 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: miner is full 11:29:04.1882 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:drills?:2 11:29:04.1882 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: drills?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:29:04.1882 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: drills? 11:29:10.1429 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:29:16.2219 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh i can fill them?:2 11:29:16.2219 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh i can fill them?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:29:16.2219 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh i can fill them? 11:29:22.9373 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:make full drils to:2 11:29:22.9373 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: make full drils to, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:29:22.9373 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: make full drils to 11:29:37.2249 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:is on top of where show you cargo:2 11:29:37.2249 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: is on top of where show you cargo, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:29:37.2249 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: is on top of where show you cargo 11:29:37.2359 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:alright:2 11:29:37.2359 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alright, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:29:37.2359 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alright 11:29:38.1677 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:ahoy all \o:0 11:29:40.5221 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ::):0 11:29:43.1509 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: Ello 11:30:00.2598 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: hello hello 11:30:00.4935 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder30min' 11:30:00.5096 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 30 minutes.' 11:30:00.5096 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [30 minutes]." 5000 Red' 11:30:00.9312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 11:30:00.9433 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 11:30:00.9433 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 4390 Target: X:626219.107881077 Y:-1075653.60347417 Z:641611.716212466 11:30:00.9814 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 4390 @ X:626214.153800942 Y:-1075646.07979206 Z:641611.397943631 11:30:02.9640 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 11:30:02.9760 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 11:30:02.9760 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 8829 Target: X:-776820.931121995 Y:-998019.235075765 Z:601109.783741124 11:30:03.0152 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 8829 @ X:-776813.354527046 Y:-998014.907026642 Z:601107.522500716 11:30:06.3956 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:oh restart, :0 11:30:07.6431 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: hi 11:30:10.1441 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:30:11.0067 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:giggles, right in time:0 11:30:15.1609 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 11:30:15.1769 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 11:30:15.1769 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 9345 Target: X:626100.190930195 Y:-1075492.16826308 Z:641720.075855985 11:30:15.2111 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 9345 @ X:626095.41454313 Y:-1075484.53096393 Z:641719.747553006 11:30:23.3033 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 11:30:23.3143 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 11:30:23.3143 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 2642 Target: X:626060.891957454 Y:-1075505.72781963 Z:641762.70946081 11:30:23.3545 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 2642 @ X:626055.939933755 Y:-1075498.20381549 Z:641762.367670193 11:30:45.6699 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 11:30:45.6829 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 11:30:45.6829 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 5985 Target: X:626130.923635937 Y:-1075198.92685724 Z:641894.859085277 11:30:45.7170 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 5985 @ X:626126.132316567 Y:-1075191.29951862 Z:641894.517084256 11:30:49.8330 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 11:31:10.1460 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:31:30.4313 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {14847AEECEFC49F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 11:31:32.8298 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 11:31:33.6302 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 11:31:33.7987 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 11:31:35.6819 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 11:31:35.7963 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 11:31:44.1392 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:miner is full:2 11:31:44.1392 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: miner is full, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:31:44.1392 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: miner is full 11:32:10.1586 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:32:33.3182 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh shit:2 11:32:33.3182 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh shit, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:32:33.3182 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh shit 11:32:35.9886 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:?:2 11:32:35.9886 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:32:35.9886 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ? 11:32:45.8090 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:no move]:2 11:32:45.8090 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no move], Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:32:45.8090 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: no move] 11:32:47.7569 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ASSERT ship closing:2 11:32:47.7569 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ASSERT ship closing, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:32:47.7569 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ASSERT ship closing 11:32:53.8218 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:range?:2 11:32:53.8218 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: range?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:32:53.8218 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: range? 11:33:05.0539 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:dont move :2 11:33:05.0539 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: dont move , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:33:05.0539 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: dont move 11:33:09.9588 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:5.5 kilometers:2 11:33:09.9588 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 5.5 kilometers, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:33:09.9588 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: 5.5 kilometers 11:33:10.1587 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:33:19.5552 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:stay here no wory:2 11:33:19.5552 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: stay here no wory, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:33:19.5552 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: stay here no wory 11:33:28.3731 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:drones incoming:2 11:33:28.3731 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: drones incoming, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:33:28.3731 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: drones incoming 11:33:28.8156 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Prorok85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198100017817, PlayerID: 176561198100017817 11:33:49.8429 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:im outta here:2 11:33:49.8429 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im outta here, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:33:49.8429 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im outta here 11:34:10.1586 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:34:10.3372 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:was for me chipp:2 11:34:10.3372 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: was for me chipp, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:34:10.3372 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: was for me chipp 11:34:18.1323 [INFO] Chat: Server (to phynox): Limit reached 1 blocks denied BlockNames: ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 11:34:18.4490 [INFO] Chat: Server (to phynox): Limit reached 1 blocks denied BlockNames: ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 11:34:18.7490 [INFO] Chat: Server (to phynox): Limit reached 1 blocks denied BlockNames: ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 11:34:21.5150 [INFO] Chat: Server (to phynox): Limit reached 1 blocks denied BlockNames: ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 11:34:30.4212 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:DRONE CLOSING, DISTANCE 3 KILOMETERS:2 11:34:30.4252 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: DRONE CLOSING, DISTANCE 3 KILOMETERS, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:34:30.4252 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: DRONE CLOSING, DISTANCE 3 KILOMETERS 11:34:39.5817 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: cant help sry 11:34:41.7022 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok mcalm:2 11:34:41.7022 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok mcalm, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:34:41.7022 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok mcalm 11:34:52.1740 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:im now faster than the drone:2 11:34:52.1740 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im now faster than the drone, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:34:52.1740 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im now faster than the drone 11:34:59.1486 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: holo u back with the ice? 11:35:01.8036 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i see you:2 11:35:01.8036 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i see you, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:35:01.8036 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i see you 11:35:03.6989 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: yeah coming 11:35:04.9484 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Prorok85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198100017817, PlayerID: 176561198100017817 11:35:08.7730 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 11:35:10.1733 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:35:11.1487 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: land on the big ship 11:35:12.9762 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ded:2 11:35:12.9762 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ded, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:35:12.9762 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ded 11:35:22.3759 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:coming over to you now enigma:2 11:35:22.3759 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: coming over to you now enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:35:22.3759 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: coming over to you now enigma 11:35:32.4697 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:is dead:2 11:35:32.4697 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: is dead, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:35:32.4697 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: is dead 11:35:49.0731 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 40299ms (227ms CPU) 11:35:49.0731 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 11:35:49.1594 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 11:35:50.3652 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 11:36:10.1740 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:36:22.9253 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:come back to asteroid:2 11:36:22.9253 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: come back to asteroid, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:36:22.9253 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: come back to asteroid 11:36:26.5361 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:and dock:2 11:36:26.5361 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and dock, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:36:26.5361 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and dock 11:36:26.6495 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: next time i gotta take a ship with drills xd 11:36:28.8267 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yeah i am:2 11:36:28.8267 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah i am, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:36:28.8267 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah i am 11:37:10.1889 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:37:30.6158 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: also i think the bp may be a lil off 11:37:46.5738 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:where are you ?:2 11:37:46.5738 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: where are you ?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:37:46.5738 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: where are you ? 11:38:10.2002 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:38:33.2470 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:bravo :2 11:38:33.2470 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bravo , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:38:33.2470 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bravo 11:38:37.3967 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:im coming:2 11:38:37.3967 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im coming, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:38:37.3967 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im coming 11:38:41.6619 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok:2 11:38:41.6619 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:38:41.6619 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 11:39:10.2122 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:39:34.7158 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: can u also get some gold? 11:39:36.6329 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: do we still have any functional small grid miners? 11:39:40.4825 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: yeye 11:39:50.5991 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: no we dont 11:39:56.6659 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: ait 11:39:58.4824 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: no we do 11:40:04.0493 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: also drop gold off at base not ship 11:40:10.2207 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:40:12.7659 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: alr 11:40:35.1993 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: oh yeah nvm no power 11:40:51.0324 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 11:41:03.7663 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: wait theres a block to automaticaly build ships ? 11:41:10.2207 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:41:35.5463 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 11:42:02.1959 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: well here we go handmining again 11:42:10.2220 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:42:21.9128 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: ya ig 11:42:23.2155 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i think im docked:2 11:42:23.2155 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i think im docked, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:42:23.2155 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i think im docked 11:42:24.5463 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:check:2 11:42:24.5463 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: check, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:42:24.5463 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: check 11:42:29.7633 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: NikoTheDragon passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198319993914, PlayerID: 176561198319993914 11:42:31.8460 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: yah 11:42:43.2314 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:no:2 11:42:43.2314 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:42:43.2314 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: no 11:42:48.3070 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:press swichlock:2 11:42:48.3070 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: press swichlock, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:42:48.3070 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: press swichlock 11:42:48.5629 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 11:42:52.0167 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:yes:2 11:42:52.0167 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yes, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:42:52.0167 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yes 11:42:55.7630 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:perfect:2 11:42:55.7630 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: perfect, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:42:55.7630 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: perfect 11:43:01.8639 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:and dampers off after tock:2 11:43:01.8639 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and dampers off after tock, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:43:01.8639 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and dampers off after tock 11:43:09.1927 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:hello:3 11:43:09.8686 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 11:43:09.8686 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 11:43:09.8686 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 5339 Target: X:-1223005.84424279 Y:-652298.497304485 Z:197460.278080274 11:43:09.9077 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 5339 @ X:-1222997.33763061 Y:-652295.644569711 Z:197459.412353804 11:43:10.2309 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:43:47.9244 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:aight, lets GTFO before this ASSERT ship catches us:2 11:43:47.9244 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: aight, lets GTFO before this ASSERT ship catches us, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:43:47.9244 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: aight, lets GTFO before this ASSERT ship catches us 11:43:59.0090 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:haha they will not :P:2 11:43:59.0090 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: haha they will not :P, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:43:59.0090 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: haha they will not :P 11:44:05.1956 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:also can i fly for a bit:2 11:44:05.1956 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: also can i fly for a bit, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:44:05.1956 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: also can i fly for a bit 11:44:10.2315 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:44:29.7847 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ye:2 11:44:29.7847 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ye, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:44:29.7847 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ye 11:44:34.7939 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: NikoTheDragon passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198319993914, PlayerID: 176561198319993914 11:44:37.0279 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:alright:2 11:44:37.0279 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alright, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:44:37.0279 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alright 11:44:38.9447 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:get in:2 11:44:38.9447 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: get in, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:44:38.9447 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: get in 11:44:46.1473 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:let me make 1 mod and we go:2 11:44:46.1473 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: let me make 1 mod and we go, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:44:46.1473 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: let me make 1 mod and we go 11:45:00.3109 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder15min' 11:45:00.3270 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 15 minutes.' 11:45:00.3270 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [15 minutes]." 5000 Red' 11:45:10.2430 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:45:48.5957 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:BIOWEAPON TRANSPORT??:2 11:45:48.5957 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: BIOWEAPON TRANSPORT??, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:45:48.5957 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: BIOWEAPON TRANSPORT?? 11:45:51.6612 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 11:45:58.5902 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:?:2 11:45:58.5902 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:45:58.5902 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ? 11:46:10.2561 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:46:20.8292 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ASSERT.WKS-LG Bio-Weapon Transport:2 11:46:20.8292 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ASSERT.WKS-LG Bio-Weapon Transport, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:46:20.8292 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ASSERT.WKS-LG Bio-Weapon Transport 11:46:30.2943 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:hostie:2 11:46:30.2943 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hostie, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:46:30.2943 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hostie 11:46:35.2092 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i know:2 11:46:35.2092 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i know, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:46:35.2092 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i know 11:47:10.2553 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:47:59.6946 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199163508488] Badman sound: Just here to apoligise, again. Sorry 11:48:10.2686 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:48:19.9531 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 11:48:19.9612 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 11:48:19.9612 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 4338 Target: X:645823.66775253 Y:-1238697.89437091 Z:-96935.5942608016 11:48:20.0003 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 4338 @ X:645820.015357707 Y:-1238691.0938265 Z:-96930.9399498599 11:48:35.2002 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 11:48:35.2112 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 11:48:35.2112 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 1833 Target: X:645623.109958563 Y:-1238509.26688942 Z:-96335.7992460923 11:48:35.2493 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 1833 @ X:645619.51657841 Y:-1238502.47859213 Z:-96331.0815514224 11:48:42.4917 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:lets go, i wanna steal this bioweapon to use it against Bingus lol:2 11:48:42.4917 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lets go, i wanna steal this bioweapon to use it against Bingus lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:48:42.4917 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: lets go, i wanna steal this bioweapon to use it against Bingus lol 11:49:04.3637 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i dont want engajje orca in gights man :2 11:49:04.3637 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i dont want engajje orca in gights man , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:49:04.3637 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i dont want engajje orca in gights man 11:49:08.8111 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok:2 11:49:08.8111 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:49:08.8111 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 11:49:10.2838 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:49:13.3808 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:orca is mobile base no pve ship:2 11:49:13.3808 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: orca is mobile base no pve ship, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:49:13.3808 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: orca is mobile base no pve ship 11:49:26.9602 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:we be constructin:0 11:49:32.1987 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] H0lo: Its okay, it just brought back some bad memories, you still took it a bit far since this is legit just a game 11:49:33.5616 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 11:49:33.8637 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Very nice!:0 11:49:37.9151 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:Ahoy Qweller:0 11:49:45.7119 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:she is almost done:0 11:49:48.2157 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:how are you?:0 11:49:51.0288 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:after this ill need to gather ice:0 11:50:00.0117 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Restart10' 11:50:00.0278 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!restart 600 true' 11:50:01.0489 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:to move her:0 11:50:04.5778 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199163508488] Badman sound: I mean, I coul;d of destroyed it all but oh well 11:50:05.8609 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:not bad, how bout you?:0 11:50:10.2837 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:50:17.9484 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Europa recieved! 11:50:17.9615 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 144115188075855897 11:50:17.9775 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for (NPC-ACS) SCH Moondancer MKI-AT2 Target: X:933031.637295522 Y:26704.2610368295 Z:1581500.61392048 11:50:18.0608 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for (NPC-ACS) SCH Moondancer MKI-AT2 @ X:933016.861074418 Y:26724.3479564203 Z:1581542.98568663 11:50:20.3112 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] H0lo: :/ 11:50:24.6286 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 11:50:36.6612 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] H0lo: just my opinion that impersonation is a little far but ight 11:50:42.4959 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:so nat, what was the name for the LCD script you use?:0 11:50:45.4243 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we ready to go yet?:0 11:50:49.5257 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Inspector_Alex:@Qweller:0 11:50:50.0465 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:whoops:0 11:50:52.2786 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 11:50:55.6404 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199163508488] Badman sound: Noted 11:51:07.7921 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 11:51:07.8011 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 11:51:07.8011 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 9940 Target: X:618922.62669326 Y:-1241048.52281229 Z:-193290.880381261 11:51:07.8353 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 9940 @ X:618919.227748562 Y:-1241041.75384709 Z:-193285.99384049 11:51:10.2990 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:51:14.1517 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: mio dio gold is 11:51:16.3128 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:connect then pls:2 11:51:16.3128 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: connect then pls, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:51:16.3128 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: connect then pls 11:51:22.4107 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:enigma, when will we be ready to go:2 11:51:22.4107 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: enigma, when will we be ready to go, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:51:22.4107 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: enigma, when will we be ready to go 11:51:23.0015 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: super annoying to get with a drill 11:51:33.7601 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:soon:2 11:51:33.7601 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: soon, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:51:33.7601 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: soon 11:51:51.2922 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:let me sit:2 11:51:51.2922 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: let me sit, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:51:51.2922 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: let me sit 11:51:58.1521 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:you said i could flu :(:2 11:51:58.1521 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you said i could flu :(, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:51:58.1521 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: you said i could flu :( 11:52:00.5506 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:*fly:2 11:52:00.5506 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: *fly, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:52:00.5506 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: *fly 11:52:10.2992 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:52:14.9668 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:you will mate chill:2 11:52:14.9668 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you will mate chill, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:52:14.9668 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: you will mate chill 11:52:33.2094 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:now can you let me do what need do pls?:2 11:52:33.2094 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: now can you let me do what need do pls?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:52:33.2094 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: now can you let me do what need do pls? 11:52:39.9849 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: "you will mate" -enigma 11:52:55.9691 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Mr. AndersonLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 11:52:55.9691 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mr. Anderson meta data! 11:52:55.9701 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mr. Anderson has been successfully synced with ID: 176561199105431663 11:53:10.3152 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:53:19.9188 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: phynox i got essentially 4k gold, i need to go take my dog out for a walk ill be back and get more 11:53:20.4807 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:@Qweller AdvancedLCD 2:0 11:53:29.2278 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:""you will mate" -enigma" -phynox:2 11:53:29.2278 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ""you will mate" -enigma" -phynox, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:53:29.2278 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ""you will mate" -enigma" -phynox 11:53:33.8903 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:thnx:0 11:53:37.9588 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ::):0 11:53:42.7749 [FATAL] Initializer: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at CoreSystems.Session.AiLoop() at CoreSystems.Session.Simulate() at Patched_Sandbox.Game.World.MySessionUpdateComponents_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Game.World.MySessionUpdate_1(Object , MyTimeSpan ) at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update() at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GameUpdateInternal_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GameRunSingleFrame_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop+<>c__DisplayClass11_0b__0_0(Object ) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop() at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen) at Torch.VRageGame.DoStart() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 326 at Torch.VRageGame.Run() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 133 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at CoreSystems.Session.AiLoop() at CoreSystems.Session.Simulate() at Patched_Sandbox.Game.World.MySessionUpdateComponents_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Game.World.MySessionUpdate_1(Object , MyTimeSpan ) at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update() at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GameUpdateInternal_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GameRunSingleFrame_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop+<>c__DisplayClass11_0b__0_0(Object ) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop() at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen) at Torch.VRageGame.DoStart() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 326 at Torch.VRageGame.Run() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 133 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() 11:53:42.7749 [INFO] Initializer: Generating minidump at Logs\MiniDumpT53-2023-09-12 11-53-42.dmp 11:54:10.3218 [INFO] Torch.Patches.MessageSizeLimitPatch: Patched MessageSizeLimit 11:54:10.3218 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 11:54:10.3730 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/14. (14%) 11:54:10.3730 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/14. (21%) 11:54:10.3770 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/14. (35%) 11:54:10.3770 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 6/14. (42%) 11:54:10.3770 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 7/14. (50%) 11:54:10.3770 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/14. (64%) 11:54:10.3770 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 10/14. (71%) 11:54:10.3770 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 12/14. (85%) 11:54:10.3770 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/14. (92%) 11:54:10.3920 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 14/14. (100%) 11:54:10.3920 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 11:54:10.3920 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ModsDownloadingPatch: Patching mods downloading 11:54:10.3920 [INFO] Torch.Patches.PromotePatch: patching promote 11:54:10.3920 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response polling 11:54:10.3920 [INFO] Torch.Patches.SteamLoginPatch: Applied custom WaitStart timeout 11:54:10.4241 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Checking for Torch Update... 11:54:10.4241 [INFO] Torch: Initializing server 11:54:10.5596 [INFO] Torch: RELEASE 11:54:10.5596 [INFO] Torch: Torch Version: v1.3.0.249-master 11:54:10.5596 [INFO] Torch: Game Version: 1.203.23 11:54:10.5596 [INFO] Torch: Executing assembly: Torch.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 11:54:10.5596 [INFO] Torch: Executing directory: C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\ 11:54:10.5666 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugins... 11:54:10.5887 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Checking for plugin updates... 11:54:10.5887 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 11:54:10.5887 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 11:54:10.5887 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 11:54:10.8161 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Latest version is v1.3.0.249-master | Current version is v1.3.0.249-master 11:54:10.8161 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Torch is up to date. 11:54:11.2120 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 11:54:11.2120 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin FoogsNoFamilySharing does not have any releases on torchapi.com. Cannot update. 11:54:11.5372 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Updated 0 plugins. 11:54:11.5739 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at AdminLogger.Main 11:54:11.5739 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Admin Logger' (v1.7.4) 11:54:11.5739 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeathLocationFix.DeathLocationFixPlugin 11:54:11.5739 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeathLocationFix' (v1.0.0.7) 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeleteTracker.DeleteTrackerPlugin 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeleteTracker' (v1.0.2.5) 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Backup' (v1.0.5.8) 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PCU Transferrer' (v1.1.11.8) 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_PlayerStats.PlayerStatsPlugin 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PlayerStats' (v1.0.1.9) 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RespawnFix.RespawnFixPlugin 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE RespawnFix' (v1.0.2.2) 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartPlugin 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Restart Watchdog' (v1.0.2.4) 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin 11:54:11.5809 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE ShipFixer' (v1.0.10.0) 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportServer() ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportClient(VRageMath.Vector3D, Single) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsResponse(System.String) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ForceClusterReorderRequest() ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void UpdateEconomyRequest() ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestStationPositions() ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void DrawStationsClient(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugGameplay2+MyStationDebugDrawStructure]) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnSnapshotsMechanicalPivotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnWorldSnapshotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataServer(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataClient(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestLayersFromServer() ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ReceiveLayersFromServer(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugNetwork+Layer]) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsReply(System.String) ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnCrash() ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestSettingFromServer_Implementation() ModSdk methods 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DAC.AntiCheatPlugin 11:54:11.6511 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'AntiCheat-DORI' (v1.0.5.17) 11:54:11.6602 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at BlockLimiter.BlockLimiter 11:54:11.6602 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'BlockLimiter' (v1.7.705-48cf4b22) 11:54:11.6782 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Patching Successful Crunch Projector! 11:54:11.6782 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin+MyPatch: Patching Successful CrunchDrill! 11:54:11.7134 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin 11:54:11.7134 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'CrunchUtils' (v1.3.370) 11:54:11.7374 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 11:54:11.7374 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DefIdToStringFix' (v1.0.1) 11:54:11.7706 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DePatch.DePatchPlugin 11:54:11.7706 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DePatch' (1.20.08) 11:54:11.7706 [INFO] Essentials.Patches.ChatMessagePatch: Patched OnChatMessageReceived_Server! 11:54:11.7706 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Essentials.EssentialsPlugin 11:54:11.7706 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Essentials' (v1.7.1.179-001-55b53d6) 11:54:11.7826 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at InfluxDb.Torch.TorchInfluxDbPlugin 11:54:11.7826 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'InfluxDB Integration' (v2.2.8074.40508) 11:54:11.8374 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Nexus.Main 11:54:11.8374 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Nexus (Server Sectoring & DataSync)' (v1.01.32) 11:54:11.8374 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoMoreEmojis.Plugin 11:54:11.8374 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NoMoreEmojis' (v1.0.3) 11:54:11.8484 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoFSPluginNs.NoFSPlugin 11:54:11.8484 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'FoogsNoFamilySharing' (1) 11:54:11.8484 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer 11:54:11.8484 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NPCFactionFixer' (1.1.125-f4f9d5d) 11:54:11.8775 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 11:54:11.8775 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'PerformanceImprovements' (v1.10.14.0) 11:54:11.8775 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS 11:54:11.8775 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'GlobalGPS' (v1.0.011) 11:54:11.8775 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 11:54:11.8775 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Profiler.ProfilerPlugin 11:54:11.8775 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Profiler' (v3.1.8432.40000) 11:54:11.9036 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at QuantumHangar.Hangar 11:54:11.9036 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Quantum Hangar' (v3.2.30) 11:54:11.9036 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at _sc 11:54:11.9036 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Rewards' (1.2.2) 11:54:11.9769 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin 11:54:11.9769 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'SEDiscordBridge' (v2.0.4.025) 11:54:11.9909 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TebexTorchAPI.Tebex 11:54:11.9909 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Tebex Server Donations' (1.1.0) 11:54:11.9909 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 11:54:11.9909 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchMonitor.TorchMonitorPlugin 11:54:11.9909 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Torch Monitor' (v2.2.8164.42300) 11:54:11.9909 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin 11:54:11.9909 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'MIG-Freezer' ( 11:54:12.0009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic 11:54:12.0009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HaE PBLimiter' (v1.1.1.4) 11:54:12.0170 [ERROR] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patch shim type TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.GridDamagePatch doesn't have a static Patch method. 11:54:12.0170 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.Init 11:54:12.0170 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.UpdateAfterSimulation10 11:54:12.0170 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.SessionDownloadPatch: TorchGameServerPlugin: SessionDownloadPatch applied 11:54:12.0170 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain 11:54:12.0170 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'TorchGameServerPlugin' (v1.0.2) 11:54:12.0451 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\TebexTorchAPI.cfg 11:54:12.0809 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Hangar: Starting plugin WITHOUT the Hangar Market! 11:54:12.0809 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Init Foogs_NoFamilySharing 11:54:12.0809 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Foogs_NoFamilySharing disabled 11:54:12.0809 [WARN] Nexus: Initilizing Nexus Steam 11:54:12.1462 [INFO] NexusComponents: Calling 24 classes components to patch! 11:54:12.1462 [INFO] NexusComponents: Successfully patched 44/44 methods! 11:54:12.1462 [WARN] NexusSubscriber: Subscriber socket is Initilizing! 11:54:12.2094 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 11:54:12.2274 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=TorchMonitor.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 11:54:12.2274 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=Intervals.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 11:54:12.5401 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Init FoogsRewardsPlugin 11:54:12.5572 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Loading Crunch Utils 11:54:12.5732 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: PBLimiter loaded! 11:54:12.5732 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: Init 11:54:12.5732 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: OptimalHavokThreadCount = -1 11:54:13.4836 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Configuration Saved. 11:54:13.4836 [INFO] Essentials: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\Essentials.cfg 11:54:13.5317 [INFO] DePatch.DePatchPlugin: Mod Loader Complete overriding 11:54:13.5347 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=ProfilerPlugin.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 11:54:13.7922 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: found 5 products from API 11:54:13.7922 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP - 5351916 | multiplier: 2 11:54:13.7922 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP+ - 5352253 | multiplier: 2.5 11:54:13.7922 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: Supporter - 5352553 | multiplier: 1 11:54:13.7922 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 1.5k Block spawn - 5352612 | multiplier: 1 11:54:13.7922 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 3.5x multiplier - 5435517 | multiplier: 3.5 11:54:13.7922 [INFO] DefIdToStringFix: Init 11:54:13.8023 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loaded 31 plugins. 11:54:13.8304 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Loading Dedicated Config 11:54:13.8595 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing network services 11:54:13.8665 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing services 11:54:13.8665 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Services initialized 11:54:13.8805 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Setting up serializers 11:54:14.7106 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerPatch: Finished Patching! 11:54:14.7106 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 11:54:14.7106 [INFO] InstanceManager: Loading instance C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance 11:54:17.6722 [INFO] ModListControl: Instance loaded. 11:54:17.6732 [INFO] Torch: Initialized server 'Outer instance2' at 'C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance' 11:54:17.6732 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 11:54:17.6732 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response timeout to 5 seconds 11:54:17.7104 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/169. (10%) 11:54:17.7515 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/169. (20%) 11:54:17.7726 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 51/169. (30%) 11:54:17.7886 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 68/169. (40%) 11:54:17.8308 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 85/169. (50%) 11:54:17.8679 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 102/169. (60%) 11:54:17.8910 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 119/169. (70%) 11:54:17.9131 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 136/169. (80%) 11:54:17.9297 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 153/169. (90%) 11:54:17.9668 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 169/169. (100%) 11:54:17.9668 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 11:54:17.9668 [INFO] Torch: Starting server. 11:54:18.9799 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 11:54:19.0221 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 11:54:20.5667 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 11:54:20.5667 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 11:54:20.5667 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 11:54:20.5667 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 11:54:20.5667 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: AntiCheat: All Patches Loaded 11:54:21.0333 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.RemoteAPIManager: Remote API started on port 8080 11:54:23.2859 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: ServerLoading started on ID: 24! Requesting Data from controller and watching for reply! 11:54:23.3250 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Waiting for Sandbox data from Controller! Make sure your ports are open! 11:54:23.3622 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Controller Version: 2.5.05 11:54:23.3622 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Data Successfully Recieved and Deserialized! 11:54:25.3262 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Servers Recieved: 14 11:54:25.3262 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Sectors Recieved: 14 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: The following is the treeview of your sector layout: 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 2 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space A 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space B 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer space 2 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space A 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth moon area 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth only sector 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Moon standalone 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Viking sector 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: GOD SECTOR 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Europa 11:54:25.3312 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Lotus 11:54:25.3312 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: AddonConfigs: 1 11:54:26.1793 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Deserialized controller sandbox to XMLCheckpoint and clearing internally! 11:54:26.1793 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server starting as: SyncedSectored! 11:54:27.8489 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod: NexusSyncMod is running NexusModAPI! 11:54:27.8489 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod Patching Complete for 2272613450.sbm 11:54:31.2300 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Starting new torch session for Torch System 11:54:31.2300 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 11:54:31.2300 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/5. (20%) 11:54:31.2380 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/5. (40%) 11:54:31.2380 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/5. (60%) 11:54:31.2380 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/5. (80%) 11:54:31.2380 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/5. (100%) 11:54:31.2380 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 11:54:31.2380 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loading 11:54:32.3344 [WARN] Keen: Missing definition MyObjectBuilder_DemoComponentDefinition/Default : for session component DemoComponent 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Inserted authentication intercept 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whatsmyip' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'help' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'longhelp' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ver' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reload' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'plugins' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'notify' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart.cancel' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop.cancel' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'save' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'uptime' 11:54:50.0187 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Loaded torch session for Torch System 11:54:50.0347 [INFO] BlockLimiter.PluginApi.EssentialsPlayerAccount: Blocklimiter communication with essentials successful 11:54:50.0347 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 301 Identity on the server 11:54:50.0347 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game started.... 11:54:50.0347 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:54:50.0347 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 11:54:50.0347 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: BlockLimiter v1.7.705-48cf4b22 is installed! 11:54:50.0347 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 11:54:50.0347 [INFO] NexusComponents: 24 Nexus components started! 11:54:50.0347 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.CommandSync: Waiting for CommandQueue from Controller! 11:54:52.0441 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Start 11:54:52.0441 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Patching battaries. For fix of discharging 11:54:52.0441 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Finished 11:54:52.0441 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze' 11:54:52.0441 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unfreeze' 11:54:52.0441 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.production' 11:54:52.0441 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.on' 11:54:52.0441 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.off' 11:54:52.0441 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.on' 11:54:52.0441 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.off' 11:54:52.0441 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.can-be-frozen' 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.frozen' 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.not-frozen' 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-entities' 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-updates' 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-frames' 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/4. (25%) 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/4. (50%) 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/4. (75%) 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/4. (100%) 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 11:54:52.0491 [ERROR] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: MIG TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin: PATCH COMPLETED 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin: BlockLimiter Reference added to PCU-Transferrer for limit checks. 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session loaded, start backup timer! 11:54:52.0491 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loaded 11:54:52.0661 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch start 11:54:52.1113 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 11:54:52.1113 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/42. (11%) 11:54:52.1113 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/42. (21%) 11:54:52.1113 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/42. (30%) 11:54:52.1303 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/42. (40%) 11:54:52.1303 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 21/42. (50%) 11:54:52.1303 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 26/42. (61%) 11:54:52.1303 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 30/42. (71%) 11:54:52.1454 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/42. (80%) 11:54:52.1454 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 38/42. (90%) 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 42/42. (100%) 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch done 11:54:52.1625 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Sending setting data to self 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.enable' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.grid' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.player' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.faction' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.reload' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.rematch.ids' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.violations' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.playerlimit' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.gridlimit' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.factionlimit' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.annoy' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.punish' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.mylimit' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.mylimit' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.limits' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.pairnames' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.definitions' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'donate' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:secret' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:forcecheck' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:info' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.sell' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.marketlist' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.sell' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.marketlist' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.save' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.list' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.load' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.remove' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.sync' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.syncall' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohangar' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohanger-override' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.enable' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.saveall' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.ttmod' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.clearSpheres' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.save' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.list' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.load' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.remove' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.sync' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.syncall' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohangar' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohanger-override' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.enable' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.saveall' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.save' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.list' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.load' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.remove' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.info' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.save' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.list' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.load' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.remove' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.info' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.box' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.boxclear' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ptoggle' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsectors' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsector' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.lobby' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players.faction' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ver' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switch' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switchall' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.identity' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.reset' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.breaklink' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.addwhitelist' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.removewhitelist' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'd.link' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'Lobby.GetID' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reload' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reloadconfig' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.enable' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.disable' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge.grid' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'seedcleanup.all' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridcleanup' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.ownedby' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.buildby' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.noauthor' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsowner' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsauthor' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgrids' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsrange' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoauthor' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoowner' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'protect' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unprotect' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freebuild' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checklimits' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.player' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.faction' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkowner' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkauthor' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listblocks' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listallblocks' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'findblock' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfer' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransfer' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcu' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransferpcu' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferowner' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfernobody' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcunobody' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferownernobody' 11:54:52.1625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'repair' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.configs' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.commands' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.w' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.on' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.off' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.reload' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.corners' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.centers' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.cleargps' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listadminsettings' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearadminsettings' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearalladminsettings' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list.faction' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.find' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore.faction' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.save' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.run' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.clearup' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identitycleanup.name' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.tag.length' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.name' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listplayers' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.player' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.faction' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.factions' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.player' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.faction' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.debugfaction' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.player' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.playerallfactions' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.faction' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.factionallplayers' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.debugfaction' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmod' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmodid' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixship' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reward' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadm' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadmt' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sewa.shop' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalance' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalanceplayer' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoney' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoneyplayer' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfermoney' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.reload' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'enablestone' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.config' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makeship' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'removebody' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makestation' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'togglestone' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stone' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'TestEconSync' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'FullEconSync' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetbalances' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayers' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfactions' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'claim' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sellgrid' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'denygrid' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'acceptgrid' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixrespawn' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'prediction' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'convert' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pcucount' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fillhydro' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.rename' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rename' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixme' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getsteamid' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixallstations' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'worldpcu' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ishydrogen' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'zone' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isecon' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixstation' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.search' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tags' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listids' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnames' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'updatename' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco' 11:54:52.1735 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path eco is already registered. 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.balance' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'lastlogin' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.top' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'warstatus' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'declarewar' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nofriendforyou' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sendpeace' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ac' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'place.station' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetnpcrep' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetallrep' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.info' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'facinfo' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdrawall' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.deposit' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdraw' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'giveitem' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.promote' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'broadcast' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.kick' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isnpc' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.take' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.give' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.hide' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.show' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.delete' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.pay' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whis' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'msg' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.giveplayer' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayer' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfac' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getfacid' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleargrid' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'dirkclear' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridtype' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takeplayer' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.givefac' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.rep.change' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'player.rep.change' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takefac' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.status' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.test.bonus' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.check.multiplier' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.help' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.info' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.enable' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.disable' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.fix' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.add' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.clear' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.remove' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.refresh' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.stop' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.delete' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.kill' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.find' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweroff' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweron' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.eject' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.setowner' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.ejectall' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.static.large' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.stopall' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.list' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.export' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.import' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'say' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tp' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tpto' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tphere' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'w' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'kick' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ban' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unban' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'motd' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.give' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.take' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.set' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.reset' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.top' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.check' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.pay' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.add' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.del' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.list' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.goto' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.createrank' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delrank' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setmaxhomes' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.reservedslot' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.renamerank' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setdefaultrank' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setrank' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.populate' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addinheritance' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delinheritance' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addperm' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delperm' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addplayerperm' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delplayerperm' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.listranks' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.cancel' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.list' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'no' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'yes' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.debug' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.reset' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.stats' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playercount' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playerlist' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.runauto' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelauto' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelautobyindex' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listauto' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listrunningauto' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.set.toolbar' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.setrank' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.reserve' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unreserve' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.mute' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unmute' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.list.mute' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.give' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.type' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.subtype' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.type' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.subtype' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.type' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.subtype' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.general' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.general' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.scan' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.list' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete.floatingobjects' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.help' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.all' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.asteroids' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.distant' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planets' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planet' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.area' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.gps' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clean' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.purge' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clear' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rep.wipe' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.clean' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.remove' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.info' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sandbox.clean' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'info.list' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.on' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.off' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.sim' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.frames' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocktypes' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocks' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.grids' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.factions' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.players' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.scripts' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.session' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.entities' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.physics' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.flags' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.custom' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.cleangps' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.help' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'credits' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.reset' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.time' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test.reward' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.init' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test' 11:54:52.1735 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path forge.test is already registered. 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'density' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 11:54:52.1735 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path weather.clear is already registered. 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 11:54:52.1735 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path perks is already registered. 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'SendGPS' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sound' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'EMP' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'strike' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.info' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.enable' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.disable' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.on' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.off' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.add' 11:54:52.1735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.remove' 11:54:52.2317 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: Communication with TGS successful 11:54:52.2317 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 11:54:52.2317 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 11:54:52.2317 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/3. (33%) 11:54:52.2357 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/3. (66%) 11:54:52.2357 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/3. (100%) 11:54:52.2357 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 11:54:52.3029 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Badman sound passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198142381224, PlayerID: 176561198142381224 11:54:55.5705 [WARN] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards initialized 11:54:55.5835 [INFO] Torch: Starting server watchdog. 11:54:56.0212 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: VariableStorage:Load 11:54:56.0212 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer [4.0.30319.42000] will work in 5000 ms 11:54:57.5812 [ERROR] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards ProcessQueue start 11:54:57.8205 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok aligh to triton:2 11:54:57.8205 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok aligh to triton, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:54:57.8336 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok aligh to triton 11:55:01.0382 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer started work 11:55:02.1737 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'weather.clear' 11:55:02.1737 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'perks' 11:55:02.1737 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'credits' 11:55:02.1737 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'weather.clear' 11:55:02.1737 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'perks' 11:55:02.1737 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'SendGPS' 11:55:02.1737 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path SendGPS is already registered. 11:55:02.1737 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'sound' 11:55:02.1737 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path sound is already registered. 11:55:02.1737 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'EMP' 11:55:02.1737 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path EMP is already registered. 11:55:02.1737 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'strike' 11:55:02.1737 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path strike is already registered. 11:55:08.4857 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198142381224 from 11:55:08.5229 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Badman sound joined (76561198142381224) 11:55:08.5229 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 11:55:08.5229 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 11:55:08.5229 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 11:55:08.5229 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 11:55:08.5229 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Badman sound shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 11:55:08.5750 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 11:55:09.2514 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:and temm me how far is it:2 11:55:09.2514 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and temm me how far is it, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:55:09.2514 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and temm me how far is it 11:55:12.3232 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Mr. AndersonLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 11:55:12.3232 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mr. Anderson meta data! 11:55:12.3363 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mr. Anderson has been successfully synced with ID: 176561199105431663 11:55:15.1498 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:tell me range :2 11:55:15.1498 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: tell me range , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:55:15.1498 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: tell me range 11:55:19.0803 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:hmmm:2 11:55:19.0803 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hmmm, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:55:19.0803 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hmmm 11:55:27.6120 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:I'd estimate 3000km:2 11:55:27.6120 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I'd estimate 3000km, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:55:27.6120 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: I'd estimate 3000km 11:55:33.7840 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199431768254 from 11:55:33.8011 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player zhulavskyi2143 joined (76561199431768254) 11:55:33.8011 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 11:55:33.8011 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 11:55:33.8011 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 11:55:33.8011 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 11:55:33.9697 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 11:55:34.7841 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: H0lo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199163508488, PlayerID: 176561199163508488 11:55:35.9021 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:its 3226km from all the signals:2 11:55:35.9021 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its 3226km from all the signals, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 11:55:35.9021 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: its 3226km from all the signals 11:55:36.4118 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman sound successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 11:55:37.9678 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Badman sound has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 11:55:50.0486 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:55:50.5976 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok jump:2 11:55:50.5976 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok jump, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:55:50.5976 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok jump 11:55:53.6294 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199163508488 from 11:55:53.6495 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player H0lo joined (76561199163508488) 11:55:53.6495 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 11:55:53.6495 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 11:55:53.6495 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 11:55:53.6595 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 11:55:53.7829 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 11:56:03.1851 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:not stright lanet:2 11:56:03.1851 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not stright lanet, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 11:56:03.1851 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: not stright lanet 11:56:14.7311 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Outer space recieved! 11:56:14.7662 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 11:56:15.0845 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Orca Target: X:316348.39268049 Y:-1367218.41227863 Z:1103359.51712185 11:56:15.3805 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Orca @ X:316309.137104356 Y:-1367146.53941091 Z:1103404.44255375 11:56:15.3805 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198073918756 11:56:15.3805 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Enigma_bg into their cockpit! 11:56:15.3805 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198883471267 11:56:15.3805 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning BravoAlpha101st into their cockpit! 11:56:25.2356 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 11:56:25.2547 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 11:56:25.2547 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 11:56:25.2547 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 11:56:25.2547 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 11:56:25.2547 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 11:56:25.2748 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 11:56:25.4383 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 11:56:48.1717 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: phynox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198988823244, PlayerID: 176561198988823244 11:56:50.0492 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:57:13.3883 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198883471267 from 11:57:13.4054 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player BravoAlpha101st joined (76561198883471267) 11:57:13.4054 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 11:57:13.4054 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 11:57:13.4054 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 11:57:13.4054 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 11:57:14.0948 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 11:57:24.6553 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: H0lo successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 11:57:41.5067 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 11:57:41.5228 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: SnipesLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 11:57:41.5228 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Snipes meta data! 11:57:41.5228 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Snipes has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198079973907 11:57:43.1083 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {14847AEECEFC49F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 11:57:43.2507 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 11:57:44.2663 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {12D4554A1719C6F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 11:57:45.0500 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D0AC02E806E897} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 11:57:45.0650 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 11:57:45.8126 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 11:57:46.6305 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198988823244 from 11:57:46.6556 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player phynox joined (76561198988823244) 11:57:46.6556 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 11:57:46.6556 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 11:57:46.6556 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 11:57:46.6556 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 11:57:46.8141 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 11:57:47.2141 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 11:57:47.6576 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 11:57:50.0647 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:58:04.5739 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Enigma_bg: range ? 11:58:50.0650 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:58:56.8359 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 11:59:14.4530 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 11:59:32.1240 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_Outpost_2 @ X:-292440.032787651 Y:-2397209.01548767 Z:366804.181450023 because it was in another server! 11:59:32.5776 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Respawn Planet Pod, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 11:59:32.5776 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199431768254 11:59:32.5936 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: zhulavskyi2143 Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 11:59:32.6017 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Respawn Planet Pod is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B [zhulavskyi2143:76561199431768254 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 11:59:32.7793 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Snipes passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198079973907, PlayerID: 176561198079973907 11:59:33.4792 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: are you here? 11:59:35.9961 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: bruhhh 11:59:40.7521 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 11:59:40.7521 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 11:59:40.7521 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: zhulavskyi2143 (76561199431768254) Disconnected. 11:59:40.8294 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: hour rollback? 11:59:46.5460 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: finna message bish 11:59:49.1209 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:what:0 11:59:50.0652 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 11:59:51.5674 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:hope not:0 11:59:51.9708 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:wat:0 11:59:54.3811 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: outer 2 crashed 12:00:01.8291 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: and got rolled back an hour ish 12:00:10.0453 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Snipes passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198079973907, PlayerID: 176561198079973907 12:00:16.0457 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: shaundelear passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198165320429, PlayerID: 176561198165320429 12:00:16.2795 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 12:00:16.9458 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 12:00:17.4957 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 12:00:19.5957 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Prorok85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198100017817, PlayerID: 176561198100017817 12:00:20.1288 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 12:00:20.5453 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Shniryala passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198144210403, PlayerID: 176561198144210403 12:00:20.8962 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: NacoChata passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197988617723, PlayerID: 176561197988617723 12:00:20.9293 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tanti_M passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198872441181, PlayerID: 176561198872441181 12:00:21.0126 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Durin passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970604243, PlayerID: 176561197970604243 12:00:21.0457 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 12:00:22.4291 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 12:00:22.6459 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HickS� passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198046252343, PlayerID: 176561198046252343 12:00:25.8121 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ardelean passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198211607489, PlayerID: 176561198211607489 12:00:27.2627 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Midnight fox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198806733728, PlayerID: 176561198806733728 12:00:29.1458 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 12:00:34.2624 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 12:00:35.1150 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: H0loLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 12:00:35.1150 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 12:00:35.1150 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: H0lo (76561199163508488) Disconnected. 12:00:44.6030 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:tits:0 12:00:50.0790 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:01:15.1622 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: BravoAlpha101st successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:01:17.6962 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:such as:0 12:01:20.1129 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mc Chicken nuggies passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198156156321, PlayerID: 176561198156156321 12:01:30.2298 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Tidist Gray:o/:0 12:01:35.1985 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Snipes:omg:0 12:01:46.6849 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:come:0 12:01:47.4963 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: slimjoe_forever passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197998403074, PlayerID: 176561197998403074 12:01:49.3498 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:we gonna drink:0 12:01:50.0798 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:01:50.9493 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:at le bar:0 12:01:56.5488 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...488] (76561199163508488) Disconnected. 12:02:06.5199 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Ardelean:how do I get back to my ship?:0 12:02:25.1792 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 12:02:25.8028 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:bish what settings did you change if i may ask:0 12:02:32.8790 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kustard passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199333348863, PlayerID: 176561199333348863 12:02:50.0803 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:02:50.6572 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:ah ok:0 12:02:53.4963 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] natalieCZ:tinkering hmmmm, yup��� \o/:0 12:02:58.0455 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Fessel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198129180348, PlayerID: 176561198129180348 12:03:06.8779 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] natalieCZ:ahoy bish \o:0 12:03:15.0239 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Snipes:uhm whats the command for commands list:0 12:03:20.1920 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:alt f4:0 12:03:20.3623 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kustard passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199333348863, PlayerID: 176561199333348863 12:03:25.6634 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: rip my scrapping mission 12:03:29.8631 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199431768254 from 12:03:29.8792 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player zhulavskyi2143 joined (76561199431768254) 12:03:29.8792 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:03:29.8792 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:03:29.8792 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:03:29.8792 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:03:30.4959 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 12:03:35.0791 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: phynox successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:03:35.7730 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:wait a sec bish:0 12:03:36.2336 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Snipes:still not funny meme:0 12:03:46.2033 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:u resetting the sectors?:0 12:03:50.0817 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:03:56.1841 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:i just almost finished printing my ship in outer B ;-;:0 12:04:13.8504 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:oh :0 12:04:14.1133 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Fessel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198129180348, PlayerID: 176561198129180348 12:04:15.0963 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 12:04:15.2846 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:ok:0 12:04:22.2959 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Karizmaa_vk passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198090660130, PlayerID: 176561198090660130 12:04:31.0034 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Inspector_Alex:Hello Qweller :):0 12:04:32.8632 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198090660130 from 12:04:32.8793 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Karizmaa_vk joined (76561198090660130) 12:04:32.8793 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:04:32.8793 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:04:32.8793 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:04:32.8793 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as Shyaporn 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as god_gamer 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as Pr0metheus 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as zznty 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as johnente284 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as mvsk 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as EdK 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as goparik 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as P0LTINIK 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as dlmc 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as Ventriss40k 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as The Horny Bee 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as General_Dracula 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as Alex.German 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as Snipes 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as lukasnielsen21 12:04:32.8793 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as mars.griboedoff 12:04:33.0487 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 12:04:34.6797 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 12:04:40.8808 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] natalieCZ:meme you almost got me with that alt f4 :D almost pressed it xD:0 12:04:42.3368 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:snipes why are you inside me:0 12:04:50.0949 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:04:50.5672 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Inspector_Alex:I've fallen out of the spawn station :0 12:04:55.0058 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Snipes:its where i belong :0 12:05:02.2637 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:but i already have a daddy:0 12:05:08.0376 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Snipes:XD:0 12:05:11.9683 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:its bish:0 12:05:12.9978 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:lmao:0 12:05:17.0399 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:jk jk:0 12:05:23.3984 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Qweller:so nat, dan't seen to find anything under that name:0 12:05:24.4043 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Snipes:smite him:0 12:05:31.8794 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ordos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119316063, PlayerID: 176561198119316063 12:05:37.5703 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] natalieCZ:no? let me find it:0 12:05:40.0995 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:thou shal not find me:0 12:05:42.4666 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] natalieCZ:discord:0 12:05:43.8797 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Karizmaa_vk successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:05:48.7065 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Qweller:ah, we can whisper here:3 12:05:50.0951 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:05:54.1961 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Memeology:thou cannot find me:0 12:06:09.6895 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:10.9691 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.1178 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.7126 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.7126 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.7126 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.7196 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.7196 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.7518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.7518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.7518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.7688 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.7959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.7959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.7959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.8190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.8190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.8190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.8190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.8361 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.8361 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.8521 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.8859 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:11.9012 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.0057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.0057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.0699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.0699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.0860 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.0860 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.1021 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.1524 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.1524 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.1524 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.1524 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.1715 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.2037 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.2188 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.2529 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.2529 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.2690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.2690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.2833 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.3014 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.3371 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.3702 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.3852 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.3852 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.4024 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.4024 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.4024 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.4205 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.4205 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.4346 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.4669 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.4669 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.4890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.5031 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.5031 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.5191 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.5349 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.5861 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.6061 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.6061 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.6513 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.6513 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.6513 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.6703 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.6703 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.7025 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.7670 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.7670 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.7670 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.7861 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.7861 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.8373 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.8534 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.8534 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.8694 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.9194 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:12.9194 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.0019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.0019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.0190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.0190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.0351 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.0351 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.0712 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.0862 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.1394 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.1690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.1906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.1906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.2187 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.3179 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.3861 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.4192 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.4354 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.4354 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.4691 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.4691 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.4851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.4851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.5032 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.5374 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.5685 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.5685 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.5856 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.6016 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.6174 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.6174 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.6515 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.6716 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.6716 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.6879 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.7041 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.7351 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.7522 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.7522 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.7522 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.7683 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.8358 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.8358 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.8358 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.8691 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.9063 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.9374 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.9374 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.9374 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.9705 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:13.9705 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:14.7843 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:14.8074 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:14.8726 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:14.8786 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:14.8786 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:14.9067 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:14.9218 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:14.9418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:06:50.0954 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:07:35.3746 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:07:36.9247 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!restart 60 true' 12:07:44.0245 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mc Chicken nuggies passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198156156321, PlayerID: 176561198156156321 12:07:49.8527 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198156156321 from 12:07:49.8747 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Mc Chicken nuggies joined (76561198156156321) 12:07:49.8747 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:07:49.8747 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:07:49.8747 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:07:49.8747 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:07:50.0915 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 12:07:50.0995 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:08:37.0823 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Saving game before restart. 12:08:37.0823 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Restarting server. 12:08:41.2357 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 12:08:41.2357 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 12:08:41.2357 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Karizmaa_vk meta data! 12:08:41.2357 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving BravoAlpha101st meta data! 12:08:41.2357 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 12:08:41.2357 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 12:08:41.2879 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8920kb Compressed: 417kb 12:08:42.2669 [INFO] Torch: Saved game 12:08:42.2669 [INFO] Torch: Stopping server. 12:08:42.2980 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloading torch session for Torch System 12:08:42.2980 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 303 Identity on the server 12:08:42.2980 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game ending.... 12:08:43.3014 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session Unloading, suspend backup timer! 12:08:43.3014 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloading 12:08:43.3014 [INFO] Essentials: Unloading rank data into JSON 12:08:43.3014 [INFO] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Start Unloading!!! 12:08:43.3014 [INFO] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Wait for 120 seconds before force Restart! 12:08:43.3014 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Removed authentication intercept 12:08:46.1945 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 12:08:46.1945 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 12:08:46.1945 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Karizmaa_vk meta data! 12:08:46.1945 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving BravoAlpha101st meta data! 12:08:46.1945 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 12:08:46.1945 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 12:08:46.2326 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8920kb Compressed: 417kb 12:08:46.2326 [ERROR] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server Saved and is stopping! 12:08:53.3210 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloaded torch session for Torch System 12:08:53.3210 [WARN] Nexus: Stopping Nexus Network Communications! 12:08:53.3301 [ERROR] Nexus: Fully unloaded the server (This is not an error)! 12:08:53.3301 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloaded 12:08:53.4445 [INFO] Torch: Server stopped. 12:09:11.6677 [INFO] Torch.Patches.MessageSizeLimitPatch: Patched MessageSizeLimit 12:09:11.6677 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 12:09:11.7169 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/14. (14%) 12:09:11.7169 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/14. (21%) 12:09:11.7199 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/14. (35%) 12:09:11.7199 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 6/14. (42%) 12:09:11.7199 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 7/14. (50%) 12:09:11.7199 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/14. (64%) 12:09:11.7199 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 10/14. (71%) 12:09:11.7199 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 12/14. (85%) 12:09:11.7199 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/14. (92%) 12:09:11.7360 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 14/14. (100%) 12:09:11.7360 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 12:09:11.7360 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ModsDownloadingPatch: Patching mods downloading 12:09:11.7360 [INFO] Torch.Patches.PromotePatch: patching promote 12:09:11.7360 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response polling 12:09:11.7360 [INFO] Torch.Patches.SteamLoginPatch: Applied custom WaitStart timeout 12:09:11.7671 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Checking for Torch Update... 12:09:11.7671 [INFO] Torch: Initializing server 12:09:11.8975 [INFO] Torch: RELEASE 12:09:11.8975 [INFO] Torch: Torch Version: v1.3.0.249-master 12:09:11.8975 [INFO] Torch: Game Version: 1.203.23 12:09:11.8975 [INFO] Torch: Executing assembly: Torch.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 12:09:11.8975 [INFO] Torch: Executing directory: C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\ 12:09:11.8975 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugins... 12:09:11.9317 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Checking for plugin updates... 12:09:11.9317 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 12:09:11.9317 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 12:09:11.9317 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 12:09:12.0832 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Latest version is v1.3.0.249-master | Current version is v1.3.0.249-master 12:09:12.0832 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Torch is up to date. 12:09:12.5227 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 12:09:12.5227 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin FoogsNoFamilySharing does not have any releases on torchapi.com. Cannot update. 12:09:12.7776 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Updated 0 plugins. 12:09:12.8127 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at AdminLogger.Main 12:09:12.8127 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Admin Logger' (v1.7.4) 12:09:12.8177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeathLocationFix.DeathLocationFixPlugin 12:09:12.8177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeathLocationFix' (v1.0.0.7) 12:09:12.8177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeleteTracker.DeleteTrackerPlugin 12:09:12.8177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeleteTracker' (v1.0.2.5) 12:09:12.8177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin 12:09:12.8177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Backup' (v1.0.5.8) 12:09:12.8177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin 12:09:12.8177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PCU Transferrer' (v1.1.11.8) 12:09:12.8177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_PlayerStats.PlayerStatsPlugin 12:09:12.8177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PlayerStats' (v1.0.1.9) 12:09:12.8177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RespawnFix.RespawnFixPlugin 12:09:12.8177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE RespawnFix' (v1.0.2.2) 12:09:12.8308 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartPlugin 12:09:12.8308 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Restart Watchdog' (v1.0.2.4) 12:09:12.8308 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin 12:09:12.8308 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE ShipFixer' (v1.0.10.0) 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportServer() ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportClient(VRageMath.Vector3D, Single) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsResponse(System.String) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ForceClusterReorderRequest() ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void UpdateEconomyRequest() ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestStationPositions() ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void DrawStationsClient(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugGameplay2+MyStationDebugDrawStructure]) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnSnapshotsMechanicalPivotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnWorldSnapshotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataServer(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataClient(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestLayersFromServer() ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ReceiveLayersFromServer(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugNetwork+Layer]) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsReply(System.String) ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnCrash() ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestSettingFromServer_Implementation() ModSdk methods 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DAC.AntiCheatPlugin 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'AntiCheat-DORI' (v1.0.5.17) 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at BlockLimiter.BlockLimiter 12:09:12.8930 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'BlockLimiter' (v1.7.705-48cf4b22) 12:09:12.9241 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Patching Successful Crunch Projector! 12:09:12.9241 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin+MyPatch: Patching Successful CrunchDrill! 12:09:12.9532 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin 12:09:12.9532 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'CrunchUtils' (v1.3.370) 12:09:12.9763 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 12:09:12.9763 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DefIdToStringFix' (v1.0.1) 12:09:13.0084 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DePatch.DePatchPlugin 12:09:13.0084 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DePatch' (1.20.08) 12:09:13.0164 [INFO] Essentials.Patches.ChatMessagePatch: Patched OnChatMessageReceived_Server! 12:09:13.0164 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Essentials.EssentialsPlugin 12:09:13.0164 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Essentials' (v1.7.1.179-001-55b53d6) 12:09:13.0164 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at InfluxDb.Torch.TorchInfluxDbPlugin 12:09:13.0164 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'InfluxDB Integration' (v2.2.8074.40508) 12:09:13.0806 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Nexus.Main 12:09:13.0806 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Nexus (Server Sectoring & DataSync)' (v1.01.32) 12:09:13.0806 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoMoreEmojis.Plugin 12:09:13.0806 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NoMoreEmojis' (v1.0.3) 12:09:13.0806 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoFSPluginNs.NoFSPlugin 12:09:13.0806 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'FoogsNoFamilySharing' (1) 12:09:13.0947 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer 12:09:13.0947 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NPCFactionFixer' (1.1.125-f4f9d5d) 12:09:13.1208 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 12:09:13.1208 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'PerformanceImprovements' (v1.10.14.0) 12:09:13.1208 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS 12:09:13.1208 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'GlobalGPS' (v1.0.011) 12:09:13.1278 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 12:09:13.1278 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Profiler.ProfilerPlugin 12:09:13.1278 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Profiler' (v3.1.8432.40000) 12:09:13.1499 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at QuantumHangar.Hangar 12:09:13.1499 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Quantum Hangar' (v3.2.30) 12:09:13.1499 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at _sc 12:09:13.1499 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Rewards' (1.2.2) 12:09:13.2171 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin 12:09:13.2171 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'SEDiscordBridge' (v2.0.4.025) 12:09:13.2302 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TebexTorchAPI.Tebex 12:09:13.2302 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Tebex Server Donations' (1.1.0) 12:09:13.2372 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 12:09:13.2372 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchMonitor.TorchMonitorPlugin 12:09:13.2372 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Torch Monitor' (v2.2.8164.42300) 12:09:13.2372 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin 12:09:13.2372 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'MIG-Freezer' ( 12:09:13.2372 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic 12:09:13.2372 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HaE PBLimiter' (v1.1.1.4) 12:09:13.2603 [ERROR] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patch shim type TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.GridDamagePatch doesn't have a static Patch method. 12:09:13.2603 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.Init 12:09:13.2603 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.UpdateAfterSimulation10 12:09:13.2603 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.SessionDownloadPatch: TorchGameServerPlugin: SessionDownloadPatch applied 12:09:13.2603 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain 12:09:13.2603 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'TorchGameServerPlugin' (v1.0.2) 12:09:13.2854 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\TebexTorchAPI.cfg 12:09:13.3165 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Hangar: Starting plugin WITHOUT the Hangar Market! 12:09:13.3165 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Init Foogs_NoFamilySharing 12:09:13.3325 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Foogs_NoFamilySharing disabled 12:09:13.3325 [WARN] Nexus: Initilizing Nexus Steam 12:09:13.3847 [INFO] NexusComponents: Calling 24 classes components to patch! 12:09:13.3917 [INFO] NexusComponents: Successfully patched 44/44 methods! 12:09:13.3917 [WARN] NexusSubscriber: Subscriber socket is Initilizing! 12:09:13.4459 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 12:09:13.4630 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=TorchMonitor.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 12:09:13.4630 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=Intervals.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 12:09:13.7730 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Init FoogsRewardsPlugin 12:09:13.7911 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Loading Crunch Utils 12:09:13.8072 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: PBLimiter loaded! 12:09:13.8072 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: Init 12:09:13.8072 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: OptimalHavokThreadCount = -1 12:09:14.6572 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Configuration Saved. 12:09:14.6572 [INFO] Essentials: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\Essentials.cfg 12:09:14.7024 [INFO] DePatch.DePatchPlugin: Mod Loader Complete overriding 12:09:14.7044 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=ProfilerPlugin.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 12:09:14.9609 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: found 5 products from API 12:09:14.9609 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP - 5351916 | multiplier: 2 12:09:14.9609 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP+ - 5352253 | multiplier: 2.5 12:09:14.9609 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: Supporter - 5352553 | multiplier: 1 12:09:14.9609 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 1.5k Block spawn - 5352612 | multiplier: 1 12:09:14.9609 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 3.5x multiplier - 5435517 | multiplier: 3.5 12:09:14.9609 [INFO] DefIdToStringFix: Init 12:09:14.9709 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loaded 31 plugins. 12:09:15.0020 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Loading Dedicated Config 12:09:15.0271 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing network services 12:09:15.0331 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing services 12:09:15.0331 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Services initialized 12:09:15.0331 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Setting up serializers 12:09:15.8154 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerPatch: Finished Patching! 12:09:15.8154 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 12:09:15.8154 [INFO] InstanceManager: Loading instance C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance 12:09:18.6769 [INFO] ModListControl: Instance loaded. 12:09:18.6769 [INFO] Torch: Initialized server 'Outer instance2' at 'C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance' 12:09:19.9084 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 12:09:20.0097 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 12:09:47.2731 [INFO] InstanceManager: Saved dedicated config. 12:09:47.7357 [INFO] InstanceManager: Saved world config. 12:09:48.0784 [INFO] InstanceManager: Saved dedicated config. 12:09:48.1617 [INFO] InstanceManager: Saved world config. 12:09:48.1617 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 12:09:48.1617 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response timeout to 5 seconds 12:09:48.1898 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/169. (10%) 12:09:48.2260 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/169. (20%) 12:09:48.2410 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 51/169. (30%) 12:09:48.2561 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 68/169. (40%) 12:09:48.2962 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 85/169. (50%) 12:09:48.3173 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 102/169. (60%) 12:09:48.3379 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 119/169. (70%) 12:09:48.3570 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 136/169. (80%) 12:09:48.3731 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 153/169. (90%) 12:09:48.4012 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 12:09:48.4012 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 169/169. (100%) 12:09:48.4012 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 12:09:48.4012 [INFO] Torch: Starting server. 12:09:49.1564 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 12:09:51.1235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 12:09:51.1235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 12:09:51.1235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 12:09:51.1235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 12:09:51.1325 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: AntiCheat: All Patches Loaded 12:09:51.6011 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.RemoteAPIManager: Remote API started on port 8080 12:09:53.7744 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: ServerLoading started on ID: 24! Requesting Data from controller and watching for reply! 12:09:53.8122 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Waiting for Sandbox data from Controller! Make sure your ports are open! 12:09:53.8533 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Controller Version: 2.5.05 12:09:53.8673 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Data Successfully Recieved and Deserialized! 12:09:55.8128 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Servers Recieved: 14 12:09:55.8128 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Sectors Recieved: 14 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: The following is the treeview of your sector layout: 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 2 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space A 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space B 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer space 2 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space A 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth moon area 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth only sector 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Moon standalone 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Viking sector 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: GOD SECTOR 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Europa 12:09:55.8168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Lotus 12:09:55.8168 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: AddonConfigs: 1 12:09:56.6725 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Deserialized controller sandbox to XMLCheckpoint and clearing internally! 12:09:56.6775 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server starting as: SyncedSectored! 12:09:58.5888 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod: NexusSyncMod is running NexusModAPI! 12:09:58.5959 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod Patching Complete for 2272613450.sbm 12:10:02.0486 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Starting new torch session for Torch System 12:10:02.0486 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 12:10:02.0486 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/5. (20%) 12:10:02.0486 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/5. (40%) 12:10:02.0486 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/5. (60%) 12:10:02.0486 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/5. (80%) 12:10:02.0486 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/5. (100%) 12:10:02.0486 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 12:10:02.0486 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loading 12:10:03.1024 [WARN] Keen: Missing definition MyObjectBuilder_DemoComponentDefinition/Default : for session component DemoComponent 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Inserted authentication intercept 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whatsmyip' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'help' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'longhelp' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ver' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reload' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'plugins' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'notify' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart.cancel' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop.cancel' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'save' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'uptime' 12:10:20.2830 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Loaded torch session for Torch System 12:10:20.3081 [INFO] BlockLimiter.PluginApi.EssentialsPlayerAccount: Blocklimiter communication with essentials successful 12:10:20.3081 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 303 Identity on the server 12:10:20.3081 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game started.... 12:10:20.3081 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:10:20.3081 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 12:10:20.3081 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: BlockLimiter v1.7.705-48cf4b22 is installed! 12:10:20.3081 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 12:10:20.3081 [INFO] NexusComponents: 24 Nexus components started! 12:10:20.3081 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.CommandSync: Waiting for CommandQueue from Controller! 12:10:22.3181 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Start 12:10:22.3181 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Patching battaries. For fix of discharging 12:10:22.3181 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Finished 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unfreeze' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.production' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.on' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.off' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.on' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.off' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.can-be-frozen' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.frozen' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.not-frozen' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-entities' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-updates' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-frames' 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/4. (25%) 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/4. (50%) 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/4. (75%) 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/4. (100%) 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 12:10:22.3181 [ERROR] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: MIG TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin: PATCH COMPLETED 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin: BlockLimiter Reference added to PCU-Transferrer for limit checks. 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session loaded, start backup timer! 12:10:22.3181 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loaded 12:10:22.3301 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch start 12:10:22.3783 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 12:10:22.3783 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/42. (11%) 12:10:22.3783 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/42. (21%) 12:10:22.3783 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/42. (30%) 12:10:22.3964 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/42. (40%) 12:10:22.3964 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 21/42. (50%) 12:10:22.3964 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 26/42. (61%) 12:10:22.3964 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 30/42. (71%) 12:10:22.4110 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/42. (80%) 12:10:22.4110 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 38/42. (90%) 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 42/42. (100%) 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch done 12:10:22.4281 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Sending setting data to self 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.enable' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.grid' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.player' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.faction' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.reload' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.rematch.ids' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.violations' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.playerlimit' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.gridlimit' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.factionlimit' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.annoy' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.punish' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.mylimit' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.mylimit' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.limits' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.pairnames' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.definitions' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'donate' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:secret' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:forcecheck' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:info' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.sell' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.marketlist' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.sell' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.marketlist' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.save' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.list' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.load' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.remove' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.sync' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.syncall' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohangar' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohanger-override' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.enable' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.saveall' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.ttmod' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.clearSpheres' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.save' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.list' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.load' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.remove' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.sync' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.syncall' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohangar' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohanger-override' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.enable' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.saveall' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.save' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.list' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.load' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.remove' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.info' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.save' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.list' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.load' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.remove' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.info' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.box' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.boxclear' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ptoggle' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsectors' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsector' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.lobby' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players.faction' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ver' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switch' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switchall' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.identity' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.reset' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.breaklink' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.addwhitelist' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.removewhitelist' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'd.link' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'Lobby.GetID' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reload' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reloadconfig' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.enable' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.disable' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge.grid' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'seedcleanup.all' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridcleanup' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.ownedby' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.buildby' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.noauthor' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsowner' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsauthor' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgrids' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsrange' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoauthor' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoowner' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'protect' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unprotect' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freebuild' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checklimits' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.player' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.faction' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkowner' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkauthor' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listblocks' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listallblocks' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'findblock' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfer' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransfer' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcu' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransferpcu' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferowner' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfernobody' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcunobody' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferownernobody' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'repair' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.configs' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.commands' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.w' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.on' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.off' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.reload' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.corners' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.centers' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.cleargps' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listadminsettings' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearadminsettings' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearalladminsettings' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list.faction' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.find' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore.faction' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.save' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.run' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.clearup' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identitycleanup.name' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.tag.length' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.name' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listplayers' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.player' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.faction' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.factions' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.player' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.faction' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.debugfaction' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.player' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.playerallfactions' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.faction' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.factionallplayers' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.debugfaction' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmod' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmodid' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixship' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reward' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadm' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadmt' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sewa.shop' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalance' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalanceplayer' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoney' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoneyplayer' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfermoney' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.reload' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'enablestone' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.config' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makeship' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'removebody' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makestation' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'togglestone' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stone' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'TestEconSync' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'FullEconSync' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetbalances' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayers' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfactions' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'claim' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sellgrid' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'denygrid' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'acceptgrid' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixrespawn' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'prediction' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'convert' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pcucount' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fillhydro' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.rename' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rename' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixme' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getsteamid' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixallstations' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'worldpcu' 12:10:22.4281 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ishydrogen' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'zone' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isecon' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixstation' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.search' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tags' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listids' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnames' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'updatename' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco' 12:10:22.4391 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path eco is already registered. 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.balance' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'lastlogin' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.top' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'warstatus' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'declarewar' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nofriendforyou' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sendpeace' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ac' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'place.station' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetnpcrep' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetallrep' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.info' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'facinfo' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdrawall' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.deposit' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdraw' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'giveitem' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.promote' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'broadcast' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.kick' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isnpc' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.take' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.give' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.hide' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.show' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.delete' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.pay' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whis' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'msg' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.giveplayer' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayer' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfac' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getfacid' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleargrid' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'dirkclear' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridtype' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takeplayer' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.givefac' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.rep.change' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'player.rep.change' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takefac' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.status' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.test.bonus' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.check.multiplier' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.help' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.info' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.enable' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.disable' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.fix' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.add' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.clear' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.remove' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.refresh' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.stop' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.delete' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.kill' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.find' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweroff' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweron' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.eject' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.setowner' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.ejectall' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.static.large' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.stopall' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.list' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.export' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.import' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'say' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tp' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tpto' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tphere' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'w' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'kick' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ban' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unban' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'motd' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.give' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.take' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.set' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.reset' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.top' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.check' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.pay' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.add' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.del' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.list' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.goto' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.createrank' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delrank' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setmaxhomes' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.reservedslot' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.renamerank' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setdefaultrank' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setrank' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.populate' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addinheritance' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delinheritance' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addperm' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delperm' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addplayerperm' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delplayerperm' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.listranks' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.cancel' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.list' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'no' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'yes' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.debug' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.reset' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.stats' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playercount' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playerlist' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.runauto' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelauto' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelautobyindex' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listauto' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listrunningauto' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.set.toolbar' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.setrank' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.reserve' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unreserve' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.mute' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unmute' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.list.mute' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.give' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.type' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.subtype' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.type' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.subtype' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.type' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.subtype' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.general' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.general' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.scan' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.list' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete.floatingobjects' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.help' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.all' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.asteroids' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.distant' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planets' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planet' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.area' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.gps' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clean' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.purge' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clear' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rep.wipe' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.clean' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.remove' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.info' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sandbox.clean' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'info.list' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.on' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.off' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.sim' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.frames' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocktypes' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocks' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.grids' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.factions' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.players' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.scripts' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.session' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.entities' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.physics' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.flags' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.custom' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.cleangps' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.help' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'credits' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.reset' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.time' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test.reward' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.init' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test' 12:10:22.4391 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path forge.test is already registered. 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'density' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 12:10:22.4391 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path weather.clear is already registered. 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 12:10:22.4391 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path perks is already registered. 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'SendGPS' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sound' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'EMP' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'strike' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.info' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.enable' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.disable' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.on' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.off' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.add' 12:10:22.4391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.remove' 12:10:22.4893 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: Communication with TGS successful 12:10:22.4893 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 12:10:22.4893 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 12:10:22.4893 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/3. (33%) 12:10:22.4893 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/3. (66%) 12:10:22.4893 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/3. (100%) 12:10:22.4893 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 12:10:22.5605 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 12:10:22.5946 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: shaundelear passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198165320429, PlayerID: 176561198165320429 12:10:25.7240 [WARN] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards initialized 12:10:25.7361 [INFO] Torch: Starting server watchdog. 12:10:25.7361 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mc Chicken nuggies passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198156156321, PlayerID: 176561198156156321 12:10:26.2649 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: VariableStorage:Load 12:10:26.2709 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer [4.0.30319.42000] will work in 5000 ms 12:10:26.2709 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 12:10:26.3873 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Shniryala passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198144210403, PlayerID: 176561198144210403 12:10:26.5318 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Durin passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970604243, PlayerID: 176561197970604243 12:10:26.6884 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HickS� passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198046252343, PlayerID: 176561198046252343 12:10:26.7807 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 12:10:26.8610 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: NacoChata passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197988617723, PlayerID: 176561197988617723 12:10:26.9428 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 12:10:27.0271 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Midnight fox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198806733728, PlayerID: 176561198806733728 12:10:27.1736 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Darth Vadda passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198084712326, PlayerID: 176561198084712326 12:10:27.2810 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 12:10:27.3693 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: slimjoe_forever passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197998403074, PlayerID: 176561197998403074 12:10:27.4442 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ardelean passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198211607489, PlayerID: 176561198211607489 12:10:27.5174 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kustard passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199333348863, PlayerID: 176561199333348863 12:10:27.5576 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tanti_M passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198872441181, PlayerID: 176561198872441181 12:10:27.7348 [ERROR] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards ProcessQueue start 12:10:31.2841 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer started work 12:10:32.4397 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'weather.clear' 12:10:32.4397 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'perks' 12:10:32.4397 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'credits' 12:10:32.4397 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'weather.clear' 12:10:32.4397 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'perks' 12:10:32.4397 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'SendGPS' 12:10:32.4397 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path SendGPS is already registered. 12:10:32.4397 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'sound' 12:10:32.4397 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path sound is already registered. 12:10:32.4397 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'EMP' 12:10:32.4397 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path EMP is already registered. 12:10:32.4397 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'strike' 12:10:32.4397 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path strike is already registered. 12:10:35.7265 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 12:10:37.1610 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198156156321 from 12:10:37.1982 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Mc Chicken nuggies joined (76561198156156321) 12:10:37.1982 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:10:37.1982 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:10:37.1982 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:10:37.1982 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:10:37.2935 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 12:10:39.8004 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198142381224 from 12:10:39.8265 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Badman sound joined (76561198142381224) 12:10:39.8265 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:10:39.8265 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:10:39.8265 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:10:39.8265 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:10:39.8265 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Badman sound shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 12:10:39.8456 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 12:10:41.3505 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 12:10:41.3605 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198090660130 from 12:10:41.3766 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 12:10:41.3766 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:10:41.3766 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:10:41.3766 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:10:41.3766 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 12:10:41.3977 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Karizmaa_vk joined (76561198090660130) 12:10:41.3977 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:10:41.3977 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:10:41.3977 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:10:41.3977 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as Shyaporn 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as god_gamer 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as Pr0metheus 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as zznty 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as johnente284 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as mvsk 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as EdK 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as goparik 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as P0LTINIK 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as dlmc 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as Ventriss40k 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as The Horny Bee 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as General_Dracula 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as Alex.German 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as Snipes 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as lukasnielsen21 12:10:41.3977 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Karizmaa_vk shares the same IP address as mars.griboedoff 12:10:41.4077 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 12:10:41.4077 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Fessel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198129180348, PlayerID: 176561198129180348 12:10:41.5096 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 12:10:44.4603 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198988823244 from 12:10:44.4764 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player phynox joined (76561198988823244) 12:10:44.4764 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:10:44.4764 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:10:44.4764 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:10:44.4764 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:10:44.9430 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 12:11:10.2862 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman sound successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:11:11.9220 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Badman sound has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 12:11:20.3142 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:11:35.3572 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Mc Chicken nuggies successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:11:38.2397 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Karizmaa_vk successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:11:47.9745 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: zhulavskyi2143 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199431768254, PlayerID: 176561199431768254 12:11:56.7255 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:12:20.3145 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:12:21.9096 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 12:12:24.5646 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.5646 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.5867 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.6017 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.6659 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.7392 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.8164 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.8164 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.8164 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.8164 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.8335 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.8335 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.8823 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.8823 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.8983 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.8983 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.9335 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.9335 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.9475 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.9656 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.9656 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.9826 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:24.9826 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.0007 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.0198 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.0198 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.0649 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.0649 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.0890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.1207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.1207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.1357 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.1357 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.1518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.1518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.1679 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.2020 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.2020 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.3174 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.3515 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.3515 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.3676 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.3946 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.3946 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.3946 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.4187 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.4328 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.4508 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.4850 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.5000 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.5181 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.5341 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.5341 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.5512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.5672 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.5843 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.6024 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.6024 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.6024 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.6024 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.6686 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.6836 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.7007 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.7218 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.7218 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.7218 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.7489 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.7659 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.8201 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.8342 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.8342 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.8532 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.8679 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.8679 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.8990 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.8990 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.9160 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.9160 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.9160 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.9341 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.9512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.9512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.9512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.9512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.9512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.9662 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:25.9853 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.0044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.0044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.0044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.0355 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.0355 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.0355 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.0706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.0997 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.1328 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.1509 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.1509 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.1840 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.1840 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.2010 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.2010 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.2352 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.2352 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.2512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.2823 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.2823 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.2823 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.3004 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.3184 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.3184 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.3345 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.3686 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.3686 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.3837 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.3997 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.3997 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.5007 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.5007 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.5187 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.5187 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.5348 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.6010 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.6161 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.6161 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.6512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.6512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.6672 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.6672 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.7335 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.7335 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.7706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.7836 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.7997 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.7997 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.8178 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.8348 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.8509 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.8509 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.9151 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.9151 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.9522 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.9703 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:26.9703 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.0676 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.0676 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.0867 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.1329 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.1329 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.1329 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.1329 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.1509 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.1509 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.1660 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.1850 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.2001 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.2172 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.2342 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.2864 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.3095 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.3336 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.3516 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.3837 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.3837 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.4510 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.4510 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.5001 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.5001 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.5202 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.5373 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.5674 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.5844 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.5844 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.5844 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.6015 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.6015 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.6507 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.6667 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.6858 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.6858 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.7018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.7018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.7179 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.7179 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.7179 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.7490 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.7831 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.7831 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.7831 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.8670 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.8821 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.9322 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.9483 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.9663 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.9844 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:27.9844 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:28.0185 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:28.0346 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:28.0647 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:28.0998 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:28.0998 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 12:12:28.0998 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 12:13:07.2035 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: phynox successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:13:09.9086 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: uhm 12:13:20.3298 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:13:26.3209 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: my grid diseapeared 12:14:00.3395 [INFO] Chat: (to Badman sound): Perks claimed, Check your character inventory! (VIP+ - 5352253) 12:14:00.3395 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!perks' 12:14:02.3302 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: whats hangar ? 12:14:09.0305 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: i was in the middle of building it 12:14:15.5163 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 12:14:17.6639 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199431768254 from 12:14:17.6800 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player zhulavskyi2143 joined (76561199431768254) 12:14:17.6800 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:14:17.6800 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:14:17.6800 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:14:17.6800 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:14:17.8807 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 12:14:20.3305 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:14:43.1799 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 12:15:00.8637 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 12:15:14.1797 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 12:15:20.3446 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:15:32.7136 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 12:16:20.3445 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:16:59.3637 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 12:17:20.3461 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:17:22.3392 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:17:24.1065 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D0AC02E806E897} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 12:17:24.4567 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {12D4554A1719C6F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 12:17:24.6223 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:17:24.7558 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {14847AEECEFC49F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 12:17:25.2471 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:17:25.2601 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:17:25.2601 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.RespawnLocationsSync: Autospawning 76561199431768254 12:17:25.2601 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 1 characters for player zhulavskyi2143 12:17:25.5351 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:17:25.7368 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:17:57.1370 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 12:18:20.3473 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:18:39.4241 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: BravoAlpha101st passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198883471267, PlayerID: 176561198883471267 12:18:52.1195 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198883471267 from 12:18:52.1406 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player BravoAlpha101st joined (76561198883471267) 12:18:52.1406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:18:52.1406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:18:52.1406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:18:52.1406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:18:52.4573 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 12:19:16.2913 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 12:19:18.4405 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: check 12 12:19:20.3503 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:20:20.3608 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:21:15.6353 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: BravoAlpha101st successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:21:20.3610 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:21:29.9030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19AB21242CFA5F0} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:29.9221 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1EE8EC925104EE7} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:29.9863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19AB21242CFA5F0} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:30.0204 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19AB21242CFA5F0} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:30.3004 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {169F3F2F421DD43} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:30.4666 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19AB21242CFA5F0} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:30.7853 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {169F3F2F421DD43} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:30.9839 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {169F3F2F421DD43} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:31.1676 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {13512F8B9A31B29} Remote Control 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:31.2860 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1EE8EC925104EE7} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:31.6011 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyFlightMovementBlock {1D073D4A67B3451} AI Flight (Move) 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:31.6372 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1EE8EC925104EE7} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:31.9358 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1EE8EC925104EE7} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:31.9930 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {169F3F2F421DD43} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:32.4683 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1EE8EC925104EE7} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:32.9048 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {169F3F2F421DD43} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:33.3017 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19AB21242CFA5F0} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 12:21:53.8130 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:woo she is almost finished building:0 12:22:09.4240 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:then its hangarring time:0 12:22:20.3768 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:22:54.7756 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 12:22:54.7756 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 12:22:54.7846 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: zhulavskyi2143 (76561199431768254) Disconnected. 12:22:56.0379 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: how much progress did we lose Enigma? 12:23:06.0050 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: nothing :) 12:23:08.5889 [INFO] Chat: Server (to phynox): Limit reached 1 blocks denied BlockNames: ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 12:23:11.8048 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: oh cool 12:23:20.3763 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:23:21.3462 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:bish why does keen tomfool you so much with asteroids:0 12:23:35.4885 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: oh shittle, we're out of HYDROGEN 12:23:35.8528 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...254] (76561199431768254) Disconnected. 12:23:47.0713 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: wait nvm 12:23:47.1215 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: we no need hahaha 12:23:51.1548 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: orca uses ion 12:23:58.5881 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: yes 12:24:11.0552 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: top 12:24:13.5883 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: stop 12:24:16.8550 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 12:24:18.8385 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: stop move 12:24:20.3770 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:24:26.3719 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: can i turn slowly tho 12:24:42.4390 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: it reverted to before i gave u the rover lol 12:24:44.0889 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: ok but after wait 12:24:51.1154 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: Riperoni 12:24:51.8048 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 12:24:51.8048 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 12:24:51.8048 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 12:24:51.8048 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Karizmaa_vk meta data! 12:24:51.8048 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving BravoAlpha101st meta data! 12:24:51.8048 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 12:24:51.8439 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8810kb Compressed: 408kb 12:25:09.8985 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 12:25:20.3778 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:25:23.8317 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: aight when we jump next, can you punch in 1300km to the jump drive? 12:25:35.0655 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: yes just hold on 12:26:12.9484 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: i just realised but the sector has been reset to 3 hours ago 12:26:20.3773 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:26:27.2151 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] BravoAlpha101st: i thought it was 1 lol 12:26:41.6319 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 12:26:46.4148 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: ya its a big rollback 12:26:47.1981 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: maybe just 1 but i remenber doing something the moment i log on 12:27:01.8815 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: and its now undone and that was at least 2 hours ago 12:27:20.3774 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:27:29.8481 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 12:27:30.1983 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PeachFlowerFabi passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030789657, PlayerID: 176561198030789657 12:28:14.1486 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ysard passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199031757411, PlayerID: 176561199031757411 12:28:20.3792 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:29:17.6158 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 12:29:18.1823 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: HickS� requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 12:29:18.2084 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 12:29:18.2084 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Europa recieved! 12:29:18.2084 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198046252343 12:29:18.2415 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for DAR Mining2 Target: X:943488.37403929 Y:27922.0828655003 Z:1589269.83749269 12:29:18.2917 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for DAR Mining2 @ X:943484.369594736 Y:27917.8381907953 Z:1589277.35893941 12:29:18.2917 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198046252343 12:29:18.2917 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning HickS� into their cockpit! 12:29:18.3987 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 12:29:18.3987 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 12:29:20.3797 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:29:22.2986 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199431768254 from 12:29:22.3156 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player zhulavskyi2143 joined (76561199431768254) 12:29:22.3156 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:29:22.3156 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:29:22.3156 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:29:22.3156 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:29:22.7672 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 12:29:24.3990 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 12:29:24.3990 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 12:29:24.5987 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198046252343 from 12:29:24.6158 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player HickS� joined (76561198046252343) 12:29:24.6158 [INFO] BlockLimiter.Settings.PlayerTimeModule: Logging time for player HickS� 12:29:24.6158 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:29:24.6158 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:29:24.6158 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:29:24.6158 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:29:24.6991 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: HickS� successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:29:25.5161 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: HickS� has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 12:29:31.1537 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 12:29:31.1537 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 12:29:37.1535 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 12:29:37.1535 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 12:29:43.1542 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 12:29:43.1542 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 12:29:49.1540 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 12:29:49.1540 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 12:29:55.1543 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 12:29:55.1543 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 12:29:58.9870 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ysard passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199031757411, PlayerID: 176561199031757411 12:30:01.1542 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 12:30:01.1542 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 12:30:03.6707 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PeachFlowerFabi passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030789657, PlayerID: 176561198030789657 12:30:07.1536 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 12:30:07.1536 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 12:30:13.1541 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 12:30:13.1541 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 12:30:19.1589 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 12:30:20.3924 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:30:25.1538 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 12:30:35.6041 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: we ready to go yet? 12:31:09.1378 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: yes but from now i drive 12:31:18.1460 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: can i do this jump tho pls 12:31:20.4090 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:31:22.8627 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: i wanna get this precise 12:31:36.2794 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lee #1 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198092434549, PlayerID: 176561198092434549 12:31:38.1290 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: i let you jump wait 12:31:44.5624 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: punch in 1300km 12:31:53.0997 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] PeachFlowerFabi:Guten Morgen liebe Spacers, ne frage wo sind die meisten unterwegs also welche welt?:0 12:31:56.6293 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: sit anodher 12:31:59.3630 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: pls 12:32:04.7793 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: i wanna jump tho 12:32:08.4463 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: you will 12:32:19.0460 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: im getting this precise gimmie a sec 12:32:20.4229 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:32:21.5625 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: change seat 12:32:29.0306 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Darth Vadda:servus, gute Frage, keine Ahnung:0 12:32:29.9297 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: okay this is the perfect angle 12:32:34.9796 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [16] Ysard:Alle sind wo sie bleiben wollen:0 12:32:37.2462 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: dont move the ships angle 12:32:47.9630 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: ok initiate jump 12:32:58.6630 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: punch in 1300km 12:32:59.0780 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] PeachFlowerFabi:sind ja mehrere server:0 12:33:02.5795 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: sec 12:33:05.7399 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: 1700km is too far 12:33:13.0313 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 12:33:13.0463 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 12:33:13.0463 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 3522 Target: X:1025229.24209732 Y:-864813.96895241 Z:401349.180986545 12:33:13.0805 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 3522 @ X:1025221.15143555 Y:-864814.418791645 Z:401355.040923021 12:33:19.1792 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: go 12:33:19.3032 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] PeachFlowerFabi:wo seid ihr so unterwegs?:0 12:33:20.4377 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:33:22.2793 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:33:22.7629 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: yep 12:33:30.3245 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 12:33:30.3295 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 12:33:30.3295 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 4010 Target: X:1025229.81621176 Y:-864967.462920033 Z:401533.754056117 12:33:30.3636 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 4010 @ X:1025221.77936524 Y:-864967.830229633 Z:401539.693266771 12:33:38.8466 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [16] Ysard:In Space Engineers:0 12:33:40.4835 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 12:33:40.4865 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 12:33:40.4865 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 285 Target: X:1025579.28763228 Y:-864707.61117255 Z:401106.706294677 12:33:40.5206 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 285 @ X:1025571.23444336 Y:-864707.875578754 Z:401112.628813646 12:33:43.6542 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Darth Vadda:ich bin zur zeit auf nem fliegenden stein:0 12:33:53.3075 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Orca, enigma hauler, Large Grid 8498, ship, Small Grid 8396, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 12:33:53.3075 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 12:33:53.3877 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: BravoAlpha101st Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 12:33:53.3877 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Enigma_bg Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 12:33:53.3928 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Orca is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B [BravoAlpha101st:76561198883471267 - In Seat: True - Online: True] [Enigma_bg:76561198073918756 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 12:33:54.9467 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bgLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 12:33:54.9467 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 12:33:54.9467 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Enigma_bg (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 12:34:04.9629 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: BravoAlpha101stLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 12:34:04.9629 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving BravoAlpha101st meta data! 12:34:04.9629 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: BravoAlpha101st (76561198883471267) Disconnected. 12:34:07.0054 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Darth Vadda:erdn�he:0 12:34:18.1778 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 12:34:20.4528 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:34:22.7610 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: H0lo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199163508488, PlayerID: 176561199163508488 12:34:25.7040 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??????:2 12:34:25.7040 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:34:25.7040 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 12:34:27.7609 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lee #1 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198092434549, PlayerID: 176561198092434549 12:34:31.8614 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199163508488 from 12:34:31.8775 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player H0lo joined (76561199163508488) 12:34:31.8775 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 12:34:31.8775 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 12:34:31.8775 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 12:34:31.8775 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 12:34:32.2117 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 12:34:40.4028 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] PeachFlowerFabi:das meine ich nicht, meine beim spwan welches portal?:0 12:34:46.8944 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] zhulavskyi2143: ??????! 12:35:05.4108 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] zhulavskyi2143: ??????, ? ???? ?????? ?? ?????????? 12:35:05.6406 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ????????????? ???????????:2 12:35:05.6406 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ????????????? ???????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:35:05.6416 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ????????????? ??????????? 12:35:09.8114 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: hey holo 12:35:17.8325 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????? ??? ?????? ? ????:2 12:35:17.8325 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ??? ?????? ? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:35:17.8325 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ??? ?????? ? ???? 12:35:20.4658 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:35:28.2615 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 12:35:34.4445 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] zhulavskyi2143: ????? 12:35:36.8115 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Darth Vadda:ich habe im Space gespawnd und bin dann da hin, wos mir gefallen hat:0 12:35:40.1277 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] zhulavskyi2143: ???? ? ?? ???? ????? 12:35:40.6616 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 12:35:56.2282 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] zhulavskyi2143: ?? ? ???? ??????? ???? ???????? 12:36:03.1276 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] zhulavskyi2143: ?? ??? ??? 12:36:16.3734 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Darth Vadda:hab dann das spawnschiff als grundlage verwendet:0 12:36:20.4734 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:36:23.8785 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: H0lo successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 12:36:27.3655 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ???? ???, ? ?????????? ??????? :2 12:36:27.3655 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ???? ???, ? ?????????? ??????? , Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:36:27.3655 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ???? ???, ? ?????????? ??????? 12:36:54.0744 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: General DogeLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 12:36:54.0744 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving General Doge meta data! 12:36:54.0744 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: General Doge has been successfully synced with ID: 176561199228040603 12:37:03.6694 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] zhulavskyi2143: ??????? ??????????? ?? ?????? ????????? 12:37:13.4787 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D0AC02E806E897} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 12:37:13.6112 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:37:13.8275 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:37:14.3293 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {12D4554A1719C6F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 12:37:14.9103 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:37:15.4979 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {14847AEECEFC49F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 12:37:15.8959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:37:16.2611 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:37:20.4863 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:37:31.1245 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ? ?? ????? ???? :2 12:37:31.1245 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ? ?? ????? ???? , Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:37:31.1245 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ? ?? ????? ???? 12:38:03.0940 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: BravoAlpha101st passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198883471267, PlayerID: 176561198883471267 12:38:08.4276 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: back 12:38:20.4867 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:38:39.9112 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: saved a lg miner for u 12:38:45.0072 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Okay ive loaded:2 12:38:45.0072 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Okay ive loaded, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:38:45.0072 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Okay ive loaded 12:38:46.1447 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: nice 12:38:50.5276 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Papenino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198392993989, PlayerID: 176561198392993989 12:39:00.4837 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Enigma, punch in 250km into the Jump Drive:2 12:39:00.4837 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Enigma, punch in 250km into the Jump Drive, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:39:00.4837 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Enigma, punch in 250km into the Jump Drive 12:39:16.1031 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] zhulavskyi2143: ???? ???? ? ????? 12:39:18.5533 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 12:39:20.4194 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] zhulavskyi2143: ????* 12:39:20.4902 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:39:24.6369 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: want me to land on the big ship right? 12:39:28.7461 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 12:39:28.7461 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:39:28.7461 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 12:39:31.1773 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:recharge:0 12:39:36.1666 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???? ????? ?????????:2 12:39:36.1666 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ????? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:39:36.1666 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ????? ????????? 12:39:44.3308 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: well get ice 12:39:51.1860 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 12:39:51.1860 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving HickS� meta data! 12:39:51.1860 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 12:39:51.1860 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 12:39:51.1860 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Karizmaa_vk meta data! 12:39:51.1860 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 12:39:51.1860 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 12:39:51.2252 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8714kb Compressed: 405kb 12:39:54.9139 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yep...:2 12:39:54.9139 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yep..., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:39:54.9139 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yep... 12:39:56.0667 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PeachFlowerFabi passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030789657, PlayerID: 176561198030789657 12:40:20.5023 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:40:22.3419 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 12:40:25.2834 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Papenino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198392993989, PlayerID: 176561198392993989 12:40:56.0832 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] zhulavskyi2143: ??????, ????? ? ???????????? ????? ?????????, ?? ????? ? ???? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???. ?????? ??? ???? ????? "???????? ?? ????? ????????", ???? ? ???? ???? ?? ??????, ?? ? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ??? 12:40:58.3671 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: HypochondristLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 12:40:58.3671 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Hypochondrist meta data! 12:40:58.3671 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Hypochondrist has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198161772363 12:41:03.1488 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 40807ms (252ms CPU) 12:41:03.1488 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 12:41:03.2542 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 12:41:20.5040 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:41:20.7559 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199431768254 took: 5ms Total Grids Sent: 1 12:41:24.8515 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??? :2 12:41:24.8515 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? , Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:41:24.8515 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 12:41:27.9771 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 12:41:28.0413 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:41:28.2601 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 12:41:28.3755 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 12:41:28.5928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 12:41:28.6329 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: much faster now 12:41:28.7704 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:okay enigma:2 12:41:28.7704 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: okay enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:41:28.7704 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: okay enigma 12:41:31.0054 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199431768254 took: 55ms Total Grids Sent: 1 12:41:33.1074 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:YEY:0 12:41:34.2195 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:its recharged:2 12:41:34.2195 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its recharged, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:41:34.2195 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: its recharged 12:41:35.4417 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:she is finished:0 12:41:41.4752 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:can you punch in 250km into it?:2 12:41:41.4752 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can you punch in 250km into it?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:41:41.4752 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: can you punch in 250km into it? 12:41:43.6666 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: General Doge passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199228040603, PlayerID: 176561199228040603 12:41:44.9335 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: issue is gonna be gold because its not like i can reach it like this 12:41:55.1507 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: zhulavskyi2143 Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 12:41:59.1519 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 12:41:59.1519 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 12:41:59.1519 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: zhulavskyi2143 (76561199431768254) Disconnected. 12:42:00.0998 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PeachFlowerFabi passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030789657, PlayerID: 176561198030789657 12:42:20.5039 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:42:53.8889 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: hm 12:43:09.4728 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: also got a sg miner tbf 12:43:20.5063 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:43:21.5560 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PeachFlowerFabi passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030789657, PlayerID: 176561198030789657 12:43:24.8102 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:NO:2 12:43:24.8102 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: NO, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:43:24.8102 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: NO 12:43:36.6722 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: ??? 12:43:37.7712 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ENIGMA:2 12:43:37.7712 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ENIGMA, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:43:37.7712 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ENIGMA 12:43:39.9927 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:YOU FUCKED UP:2 12:43:39.9927 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: YOU FUCKED UP, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:43:39.9927 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: YOU FUCKED UP 12:43:42.9302 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:hold onn:2 12:43:42.9302 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hold onn, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:43:42.9302 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hold onn 12:43:48.7859 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:I TOLD YOU 250KM NOT 500KM:2 12:43:48.7859 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I TOLD YOU 250KM NOT 500KM, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:43:48.7859 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: I TOLD YOU 250KM NOT 500KM 12:43:54.7407 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: PINUSLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 12:43:54.7407 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving PINUS meta data! 12:43:54.7407 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PINUS has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198046074385 12:44:04.8374 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:jump towards triton... 250km jump:2 12:44:04.8374 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: jump towards triton... 250km jump, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:44:04.8374 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: jump towards triton... 250km jump 12:44:19.2063 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 12:44:20.5184 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:44:26.8058 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: General Doge passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199228040603, PlayerID: 176561199228040603 12:44:36.4065 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: aparently the two large engines rubbed on a rock and stopped working 12:44:37.1186 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ?? :2 12:44:37.1186 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ?? , Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:44:37.1186 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ?? 12:44:39.5518 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ?? :2 12:44:39.5518 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ?? , Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:44:39.5518 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ?? 12:44:48.9129 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:enigma:2 12:44:48.9129 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:44:48.9129 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: enigma 12:44:53.4567 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:take 200km jump:2 12:44:53.4567 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: take 200km jump, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:44:53.4567 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: take 200km jump 12:44:56.9319 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:chill out :2 12:44:56.9319 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: chill out , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:44:56.9319 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: chill out 12:44:57.0222 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: zhulavskyi2143 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199431768254, PlayerID: 176561199431768254 12:45:00.4581 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderCommands' 12:45:00.4731 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: There is a number of useful commands that every player on our servers can use in-game. For the full list of them, just type !commandlist (or !cl) in the chat.' 12:45:02.7895 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: i dont get how theres damage on this ship, i literally hit nothing 12:45:06.9128 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:do you want we get in gravity ?:2 12:45:06.9128 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: do you want we get in gravity ?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:45:06.9128 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: do you want we get in gravity ? 12:45:09.0799 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:bro im telling you how much to jump:2 12:45:09.0799 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bro im telling you how much to jump, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:45:09.0799 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bro im telling you how much to jump 12:45:20.5191 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:45:25.4800 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i cant get in gravity or we are deaddd:2 12:45:25.4800 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i cant get in gravity or we are deaddd, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:45:25.4800 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i cant get in gravity or we are deaddd 12:45:34.7933 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok:2 12:45:34.7933 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:45:34.7933 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 12:45:39.7674 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:100km then i guess?:2 12:45:39.7674 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 100km then i guess?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:45:39.7674 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: 100km then i guess? 12:46:16.5086 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] zhulavskyi2143:?? ?????:2 12:46:16.5086 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:46:16.5086 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ????? 12:46:20.5334 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:46:29.6082 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ???? ????:2 12:46:29.6082 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ???? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:46:29.6082 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ???? ???? 12:46:46.7049 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 12:46:46.7049 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 12:46:46.7049 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 6407 Target: X:547703.769002346 Y:-1112400.10882321 Z:650414.074756268 12:46:46.7451 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 6407 @ X:547702.431369809 Y:-1112391.67897287 Z:650419.28516126 12:46:52.7183 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:send me gps of yourbase:2 12:46:52.7183 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: send me gps of yourbase, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:46:52.7183 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: send me gps of yourbase 12:46:56.8695 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:plss:2 12:46:56.8695 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: plss, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:46:56.8695 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: plss 12:46:57.4194 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Sure:2 12:46:57.4194 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Sure, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:46:57.4194 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Sure 12:46:58.6606 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: shaundelear passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198165320429, PlayerID: 176561198165320429 12:47:09.2433 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ill discord dm:2 12:47:09.2433 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ill discord dm, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:47:09.2433 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ill discord dm 12:47:12.5134 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:here:2 12:47:12.5134 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: here, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:47:12.5134 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: here 12:47:20.5490 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:47:20.9383 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:copy paste:2 12:47:20.9383 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: copy paste, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:47:20.9383 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: copy paste 12:47:38.8169 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:in faction chat:2 12:47:38.8169 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: in faction chat, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:47:38.8169 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: in faction chat 12:47:53.4038 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i sent it to you:2 12:47:53.4038 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i sent it to you, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:47:53.4038 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i sent it to you 12:48:07.9970 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:can you sed is here?:2 12:48:07.9970 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can you sed is here?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:48:07.9970 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: can you sed is here? 12:48:16.2868 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok:2 12:48:16.2868 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:48:16.2868 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 12:48:20.5504 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:48:20.5695 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:GPS:Triton Outpost:-299332.5:-2448680.15:332937.48:#FF75C9F1::2 12:48:20.5695 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:Triton Outpost:-299332.5:-2448680.15:332937.48:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:48:20.5695 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: GPS:Triton Outpost:-299332.5:-2448680.15:332937.48:#FF75C9F1: 12:49:15.0010 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:looks good:2 12:49:15.0010 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: looks good, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:49:15.0010 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: looks good 12:49:19.7273 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 12:49:20.5648 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:49:44.7944 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: zhulavskyi2143 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199431768254, PlayerID: 176561199431768254 12:49:50.1871 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:come:2 12:49:50.1871 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: come, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:49:50.1871 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: come 12:50:06.4715 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:wait:2 12:50:06.4715 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wait, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:50:06.4715 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wait 12:50:10.1597 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:im gonna make a waypoint:2 12:50:10.1597 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im gonna make a waypoint, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:50:10.1597 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im gonna make a waypoint 12:50:20.5799 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:50:40.1431 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:????:2 12:50:40.1431 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:50:40.1431 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? 12:50:45.1530 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:kk come :2 12:50:45.1530 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: kk come , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:50:45.1530 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: kk come 12:50:57.5971 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:WOAH:2 12:50:57.5971 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: WOAH, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:50:57.5971 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: WOAH 12:50:59.9285 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:COOL!:2 12:50:59.9285 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: COOL!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:50:59.9285 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: COOL! 12:51:14.3628 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i think i found ice:0 12:51:20.5819 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:51:24.7120 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [16] Ysard:N:0 12:51:26.6252 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] General Doge:k:0 12:51:31.6616 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] General Doge:im only scarred of the hecate:0 12:51:36.5947 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: ice delivered 12:51:43.5674 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 12:51:43.5674 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 12:51:43.5674 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 6078 Target: X:469689.760952381 Y:-1235507.16278198 Z:462079.620146874 12:51:43.6126 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 6078 @ X:469690.80843964 Y:-1235500.28118196 Z:462086.799724225 12:51:46.1397 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:only 2 seats?:2 12:51:46.1397 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: only 2 seats?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:51:46.1397 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: only 2 seats? 12:51:46.5912 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ???? ? ???????:2 12:51:46.5912 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ???? ? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:51:46.5912 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ???? ? ??????? 12:52:14.2118 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: how much? 12:52:18.6034 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 12:52:18.6034 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:52:18.6034 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 12:52:20.5961 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:52:23.4452 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: arround 200-300k 12:52:27.6876 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok lets go:2 12:52:27.6876 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok lets go, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:52:27.6876 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok lets go 12:52:31.8785 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: get one more round 12:52:32.2789 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ?????? ???? ?????????:2 12:52:32.2789 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ?????? ???? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:52:32.2789 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ?????? ???? ????????? 12:52:34.9622 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i hate keen:0 12:52:37.5102 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:can i drive pls:2 12:52:37.5102 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can i drive pls, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:52:37.5102 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: can i drive pls 12:52:41.7045 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:always fucking tricks you:0 12:52:43.8627 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:from a distance:0 12:52:45.5618 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: alr 1 sec 12:52:47.7231 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:?:0 12:52:48.1947 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???? ????? ????? ??????? ???????:2 12:52:48.1947 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ????? ????? ??????? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:52:48.1947 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ????? ????? ??????? ??????? 12:52:48.9314 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:how do i switch controls to you:2 12:52:48.9314 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how do i switch controls to you, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:52:48.9314 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: how do i switch controls to you 12:52:57.5743 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:just ho out:2 12:52:57.5743 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just ho out, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:52:57.5743 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: just ho out 12:53:02.3302 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:????:2 12:53:02.3302 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:53:02.3302 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? 12:53:18.2941 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ??? ?????????????:2 12:53:18.2941 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ??? ?????????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:53:18.2941 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ??? ????????????? 12:53:20.6035 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:53:20.8945 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: lemme charge the batery a lil bit and ill go get more ice 12:53:21.7792 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??????????:2 12:53:21.7792 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:53:21.7792 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????????? 12:53:22.1756 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:wait:2 12:53:22.1756 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wait, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:53:22.1756 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wait 12:53:43.0268 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:let me here:2 12:53:43.0268 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: let me here, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:53:43.0268 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: let me here 12:54:20.1443 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 12:54:20.6125 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:54:44.8586 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:take seat:2 12:54:44.8586 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: take seat, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:54:44.8586 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: take seat 12:54:51.1312 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 12:54:51.1312 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Karizmaa_vk meta data! 12:54:51.1312 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 12:54:51.1312 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving HickS� meta data! 12:54:51.1312 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 12:54:51.1312 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 12:54:51.1704 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8737kb Compressed: 406kb 12:54:53.0936 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????? ? ???? ?????????, ??? ???? ?????? "???????". ?????? ????, ? ? ???? ??????????? ???? ? ?????? ?????????, ?? ? ????????? ???????:2 12:54:53.0936 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????? ? ???? ?????????, ??? ???? ?????? "???????". ?????? ????, ? ? ???? ??????????? ???? ? ?????? ?????????, ?? ? ????????? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:54:53.0936 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????? ? ???? ?????????, ??? ???? ?????? "???????". ?????? ????, ? ? ???? ??????????? ???? ? ?????? ?????????, ?? ? ????????? ??????? 12:55:10.1803 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:UMM:2 12:55:10.1803 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: UMM, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:55:10.1803 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: UMM 12:55:15.5089 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:SOMETHING GRINDING:2 12:55:15.5089 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: SOMETHING GRINDING, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:55:15.5089 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: SOMETHING GRINDING 12:55:20.6259 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:55:21.5975 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??????????? ? ????????? ?????:2 12:55:21.5975 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??????????? ? ????????? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:55:21.5975 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??????????? ? ????????? ????? 12:55:21.7099 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:? ??????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ??????:2 12:55:21.7099 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ??????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:55:21.7099 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ??????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ?????? 12:55:30.8794 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 12:55:43.3780 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] General Doge:who owns the hecate?:0 12:55:46.1594 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ??? ?????????:2 12:55:46.1594 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ??? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:55:46.1594 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ??? ????????? 12:55:55.4078 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:ice!:0 12:55:58.6996 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:ice rocc:0 12:56:10.9754 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:why are we going away from the planet:2 12:56:10.9754 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: why are we going away from the planet, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 12:56:10.9754 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: why are we going away from the planet 12:56:17.3606 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???????? ?????? ????????? :2 12:56:17.3606 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???????? ?????? ????????? , Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:56:17.3606 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???????? ?????? ????????? 12:56:20.6408 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:56:34.5920 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:????? ? ?????? ???? ??????:2 12:56:34.5920 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ? ?????? ???? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:56:34.5920 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ? ?????? ???? ?????? 12:56:40.1171 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 12:56:40.1171 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:56:40.1171 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 12:56:40.4472 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ? ???? ???:2 12:56:40.4472 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ? ???? ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:56:40.4472 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ? ???? ??? 12:56:45.1234 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??:2 12:56:45.1234 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:56:45.1234 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 12:57:15.1183 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 12:57:15.1293 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 12:57:15.1293 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 7975 Target: X:1074619.45372566 Y:-571053.345135045 Z:692191.046764919 12:57:15.1634 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 7975 @ X:1074610.82099109 Y:-571054.311099392 Z:692188.639938602 12:57:20.6550 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:57:26.5795 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: you can weld from projectors right ? 12:57:34.2819 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:had drone:2 12:57:34.2819 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: had drone, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 12:57:34.2819 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: had drone 12:57:44.1414 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] General Doge:yea:0 12:57:48.2627 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: holo 12:57:48.6079 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] General Doge:umm:0 12:57:51.5579 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] General Doge: a:0 12:57:53.0131 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: yeah? 12:57:56.0468 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: did u put the ice in the base? 12:58:05.9625 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ? ??????????? ??? ??????? ??????????????. ?? ??????? ???????? ???, ? ?? ????? ???????:2 12:58:05.9625 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ? ??????????? ??? ??????? ??????????????. ?? ??????? ???????? ???, ? ?? ????? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:58:05.9625 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ? ??????????? ??? ??????? ??????????????. ?? ??????? ???????? ???, ? ?? ????? ??????? 12:58:11.5626 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: yeah there was no way i could connect to the ship sadly 12:58:12.1001 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] General Doge:theres a assert ship 3km frm me:0 12:58:17.4141 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] General Doge:am i safe?:0 12:58:20.1467 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: yea 12:58:20.6645 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:58:24.8960 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: less than 2k is unsaf 12:58:28.4647 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?, ????:2 12:58:28.4647 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:58:28.4647 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?, ???? 12:58:34.3296 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: um 12:58:39.0981 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ???? ? ? ??????? ????? ???????????:2 12:58:39.0981 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ???? ? ? ??????? ????? ???????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:58:39.0981 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ???? ? ? ??????? ????? ??????????? 12:58:43.8541 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???????:2 12:58:43.8541 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:58:43.8541 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????? 12:58:45.5491 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??:2 12:58:45.5491 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:58:45.5491 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 12:58:50.2299 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: when u back stay near big ship ill get u a connector 12:58:58.1809 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: cuz that cant fly without H2 12:59:04.5649 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: oh im going back already lol 12:59:20.6730 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 12:59:20.8144 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 12:59:22.7192 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????? ???? ??:2 12:59:22.7192 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????? ???? ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:59:22.7192 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????? ???? ?? 12:59:35.6337 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ???? ? 3 ????? ????????????:2 12:59:35.6337 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ???? ? 3 ????? ????????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:59:35.6337 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ???? ? 3 ????? ???????????? 12:59:41.5339 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??:2 12:59:41.5339 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 12:59:41.5339 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 12:59:47.6662 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?, ???? ????:2 12:59:47.6662 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, ???? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 12:59:47.6662 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?, ???? ???? 13:00:00.0478 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder3h' 13:00:00.0649 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 3 hours.' 13:00:00.0649 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [3 hours]." 5000 White' 13:00:05.2319 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: come t back 13:00:09.5984 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Midnight fox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198806733728, PlayerID: 176561198806733728 13:00:10.1649 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ??? ?? ????????? ?????????:2 13:00:10.1649 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ??? ?? ????????? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:00:10.1649 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ??? ?? ????????? ????????? 13:00:13.9741 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???:2 13:00:13.9741 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:00:13.9741 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 13:00:17.1670 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:...:2 13:00:17.1670 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ..., Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:00:17.1670 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ... 13:00:20.6729 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:00:22.8478 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ?? ? ?????:2 13:00:22.8478 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ?? ? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:00:22.8478 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ?? ? ????? 13:00:24.1155 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:? ???? ????? ??? ????:2 13:00:24.1155 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ???? ????? ??? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:00:24.1155 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ???? ????? ??? ???? 13:00:45.2538 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??????? ??????????? ? ????:2 13:00:45.2538 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????? ??????????? ? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:00:45.2538 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????? ??????????? ? ???? 13:00:47.5485 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: lemme just see how much ice i got rq 13:00:55.6686 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:????:2 13:00:55.6686 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:00:55.6686 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? 13:01:01.6071 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ?????????:2 13:01:01.6071 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:01:01.6071 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ????????? 13:01:16.3652 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Midnight fox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198806733728, PlayerID: 176561198806733728 13:01:20.6729 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:01:22.9224 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????:2 13:01:22.9224 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:01:22.9224 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 13:01:31.5541 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????? ??? ?????:2 13:01:31.5541 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????? ??? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:01:31.5541 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????? ??? ????? 13:01:57.9543 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 13:01:57.9543 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 13:01:57.9543 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 5214 Target: X:905779.400509836 Y:-1031506.0373099 Z:275300.330319487 13:01:57.9995 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 5214 @ X:905773.040878417 Y:-1031504.08606275 Z:275307.796758495 13:02:13.4072 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: aparently near 500k 13:02:19.2572 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: nice 13:02:20.2402 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: i was misscalculating that hard 13:02:20.6737 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:02:47.1599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 13:02:47.1739 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 13:02:47.1739 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 6925 Target: X:863106.324020842 Y:-1086825.15216402 Z:184681.554596554 13:02:47.2077 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 6925 @ X:863100.166686395 Y:-1086822.93993405 Z:184689.117223155 13:02:53.2648 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 13:02:53.2738 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 13:02:53.2738 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 3152 Target: X:867589.815272191 Y:-1082290.81922207 Z:189930.01314665 13:02:53.3080 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 3152 @ X:867584.778167108 Y:-1082287.17137937 Z:189937.843907725 13:02:55.2834 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 13:02:55.2834 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 13:02:55.2834 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 2983 Target: X:839629.008783089 Y:-1107940.1690601 Z:166777.332943879 13:02:55.3245 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 2983 @ X:839624.355737554 Y:-1107936.80656718 Z:166785.520910226 13:03:20.6740 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:03:44.4225 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: miner is emptied out 13:03:47.1391 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 13:03:54.3155 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] General Doge:i have spent too long out of SE:0 13:03:57.1390 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 13:04:07.1388 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 13:04:09.8054 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: ay 13:04:15.5725 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: get some gold ig now 13:04:17.1392 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 13:04:20.2899 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: DAR Mining2, Large Grid 8671, Large Grid 9362, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 13:04:20.2899 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198046252343 13:04:20.2979 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: HickS� Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 13:04:20.2979 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: DAR Mining2 is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Europa [HickS�:76561198046252343 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 13:04:20.3410 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 13:04:20.3410 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 14 13:04:20.3481 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 13:04:20.6240 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: HickS�Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 13:04:20.6240 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving HickS� meta data! 13:04:20.6240 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: HickS� (76561198046252343) Disconnected. 13:04:20.6732 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:04:21.4715 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 13:04:25.8882 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:back for a while:2 13:04:25.8882 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: back for a while, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:04:25.8882 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: back for a while 13:04:26.9053 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HickS� passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198046252343, PlayerID: 176561198046252343 13:04:32.2728 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:enigma where are we headed:2 13:04:32.2728 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: enigma where are we headed, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:04:32.2728 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: enigma where are we headed 13:04:42.7892 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Midnight fox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198806733728, PlayerID: 176561198806733728 13:04:56.4690 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ah we're going straight down:2 13:04:56.4690 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ah we're going straight down, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:04:56.4690 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ah we're going straight down 13:05:01.4309 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:yes:2 13:05:01.4309 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yes, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:05:01.4309 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yes 13:05:20.6742 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:05:37.9224 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: do we only have one gold spot? 13:05:45.8054 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Midnight fox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198806733728, PlayerID: 176561198806733728 13:05:47.1219 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: ya... 13:05:52.8389 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: dammit 13:06:11.7885 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: well ill try 13:06:20.6751 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:06:22.2060 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: praying i dont crash this thing 13:06:25.0060 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: ore damage it 13:06:30.4563 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: or* 13:07:03.7993 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:learn hot to land this is demo ho to do it:2 13:07:03.7993 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: learn hot to land this is demo ho to do it, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:07:03.7993 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: learn hot to land this is demo ho to do it 13:07:06.3192 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg::):2 13:07:06.3192 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: :), Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:07:06.3192 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: :) 13:07:08.5230 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Peter PanLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 13:07:08.5230 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Peter Pan meta data! 13:07:08.5230 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Peter Pan has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198073088420 13:07:17.4106 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073088420 from 13:07:17.4387 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Peter Pan joined (76561198073088420) 13:07:17.4387 [INFO] BlockLimiter.Settings.PlayerTimeModule: Logging time for player Peter Pan 13:07:17.4387 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 13:07:17.4387 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 13:07:17.4387 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 13:07:17.4387 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 13:07:17.5390 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 13:07:19.5643 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:go forward a bit:2 13:07:19.5643 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: go forward a bit, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:07:19.5643 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: go forward a bit 13:07:20.6747 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:07:21.6386 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Fessel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198129180348, PlayerID: 176561198129180348 13:07:27.0514 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:time to mine ice:0 13:07:30.6518 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:and refill my ship:0 13:07:30.7070 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:no:2 13:07:30.7070 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:07:30.7070 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: no 13:07:32.5230 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yep were good:2 13:07:32.5230 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yep were good, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:07:32.5230 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yep were good 13:07:51.8232 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:keep eye at our speed:2 13:07:51.8232 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: keep eye at our speed, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:07:51.8232 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: keep eye at our speed 13:08:03.0615 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Peter Pan successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 13:08:05.0448 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Peter Pan has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 13:08:05.3558 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:and dampers when i on and off:2 13:08:05.3558 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and dampers when i on and off, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:08:05.3558 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and dampers when i on and off 13:08:15.5180 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yeah i know:2 13:08:15.5180 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah i know, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:08:15.5180 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah i know 13:08:18.5348 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:cool thing called:2 13:08:18.5348 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cool thing called, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:08:18.5348 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: cool thing called 13:08:20.6895 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:08:20.8249 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:GRAVITY:2 13:08:20.8249 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GRAVITY, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:08:20.8249 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: GRAVITY 13:08:24.9349 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i cheek if we can slow of we cant we will use main trusters:2 13:08:24.9349 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i cheek if we can slow of we cant we will use main trusters, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:08:24.9349 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i cheek if we can slow of we cant we will use main trusters 13:08:38.0041 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Fessel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198129180348, PlayerID: 176561198129180348 13:08:45.5536 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:well this is only 0.35g:2 13:08:45.5536 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: well this is only 0.35g, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:08:45.5536 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: well this is only 0.35g 13:08:51.6741 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:its gonna go up:2 13:08:51.6741 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its gonna go up, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:08:51.6741 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: its gonna go up 13:09:03.0595 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:in total all planets valid:2 13:09:03.0595 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: in total all planets valid, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:09:03.0595 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: in total all planets valid 13:09:20.7055 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:09:21.9540 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 13:09:51.2761 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Peter Pan meta data! 13:09:51.2761 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 13:09:51.2761 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Karizmaa_vk meta data! 13:09:51.2761 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 13:09:51.2761 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 13:09:51.2761 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 13:09:51.3162 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8744kb Compressed: 407kb 13:09:54.5376 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 13:10:07.0556 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:okay we need to go forward a lot now:2 13:10:07.0556 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: okay we need to go forward a lot now, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:10:07.0556 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: okay we need to go forward a lot now 13:10:20.7211 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:10:26.3004 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:dont wory:2 13:10:26.3004 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: dont wory, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:10:26.3004 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: dont wory 13:10:52.3715 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:damn...:2 13:10:52.3715 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: damn..., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:10:52.3715 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: damn... 13:10:56.2909 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we have to land vertically:2 13:10:56.2909 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we have to land vertically, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:10:56.2909 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we have to land vertically 13:11:03.1613 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 13:11:20.7206 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:11:44.9666 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 41805ms (256ms CPU) 13:11:44.9666 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 13:11:45.0479 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 13:11:49.8712 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: yeah no since this cant tunnel i cant reach it with this, need to hand mine it 13:11:50.3544 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 13:11:58.5209 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: also ill be coming back to base so i can go have breakfast 13:12:09.8914 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh shit, im running low on oxygen lol:2 13:12:09.8914 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh shit, im running low on oxygen lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:12:09.8914 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh shit, im running low on oxygen lol 13:12:17.2346 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:????? ??????:2 13:12:17.2346 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:12:17.2346 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ?????? 13:12:18.0936 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ah well, triton has oxygen anyway:2 13:12:18.0936 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ah well, triton has oxygen anyway, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:12:18.0936 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ah well, triton has oxygen anyway 13:12:20.7204 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:12:36.9070 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:is that a drone...?:2 13:12:36.9070 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: is that a drone...?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:12:36.9070 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: is that a drone...? 13:12:47.0025 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ye:2 13:12:47.0025 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ye, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:12:47.0025 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ye 13:12:51.5386 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:eep away from all of them:2 13:12:51.5386 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: eep away from all of them, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:12:51.5386 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: eep away from all of them 13:13:12.1378 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 13:13:20.7203 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:13:41.4862 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:OH SHIT:2 13:13:41.4862 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: OH SHIT, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:13:41.4862 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: OH SHIT 13:13:52.5075 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:nope we're fine:2 13:13:52.5075 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nope we're fine, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:13:52.5075 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nope we're fine 13:13:58.0241 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:hahahahaa:2 13:13:58.0241 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hahahahaa, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:13:58.0241 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hahahahaa 13:14:05.1851 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:magic :):2 13:14:05.1851 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: magic :), Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:14:05.1851 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: magic :) 13:14:10.0354 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:there it is....!:2 13:14:10.0354 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: there it is....!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:14:10.0354 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: there it is....! 13:14:20.7217 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:14:22.6717 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 13:14:43.2359 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Respawn Planet Pod, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 13:14:43.2359 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073088420 13:14:43.2359 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Peter Pan Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 13:14:43.2359 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Respawn Planet Pod is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Deep space A [Peter Pan:76561198073088420 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 13:14:43.2851 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 13:14:43.2851 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 3 13:14:43.2851 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 13:14:43.6122 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Peter PanLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 13:14:43.6122 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Peter Pan meta data! 13:14:43.6122 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Peter Pan (76561198073088420) Disconnected. 13:14:46.6431 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Peter Pan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073088420, PlayerID: 176561198073088420 13:14:49.7526 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh for fucks sake:2 13:14:49.7526 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh for fucks sake, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:14:49.7526 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh for fucks sake 13:14:54.0569 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:an assert base spawned:2 13:14:54.0569 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: an assert base spawned, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:14:54.0569 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: an assert base spawned 13:15:00.9266 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderVote' 13:15:00.9437 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: You can use !votenow command to submit your daily vote and then use !reward to receive full set of elite tools, Uranium ingots and a chance for Platinum drop!' 13:15:04.8255 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:RIGHT WHERE I WAS GONNA PUT A HYDROGEN PLANT:2 13:15:04.8255 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: RIGHT WHERE I WAS GONNA PUT A HYDROGEN PLANT, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:15:04.8255 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: RIGHT WHERE I WAS GONNA PUT A HYDROGEN PLANT 13:15:10.9935 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: rip, need more magnesium 13:15:20.7358 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:15:22.3600 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 13:15:30.9535 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:BRUH:2 13:15:30.9535 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: BRUH, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:15:30.9535 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: BRUH 13:15:33.6416 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:2 OF THEM NOW:2 13:15:33.6416 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 2 OF THEM NOW, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:15:33.6416 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: 2 OF THEM NOW 13:15:46.6028 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:aight i need oxygen right now:2 13:15:46.6028 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: aight i need oxygen right now, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:15:46.6028 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: aight i need oxygen right now 13:16:12.0267 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: ill be right back, gonna go eat breakfast 13:16:20.7356 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:16:24.4268 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ItsMoakey passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198989267415, PlayerID: 176561198989267415 13:16:26.2101 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: k 13:16:32.8768 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: ill handmine the gold after 13:16:38.1934 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198989267415 from 13:16:38.2104 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player ItsMoakey joined (76561198989267415) 13:16:38.2104 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 13:16:38.2104 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 13:16:38.2104 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 13:16:38.2104 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 13:16:38.5436 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 13:16:54.8947 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:open the doors:2 13:16:54.8947 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: open the doors, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:16:54.8947 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: open the doors 13:17:11.7619 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:well you fucked up:2 13:17:11.7619 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: well you fucked up, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:17:11.7619 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: well you fucked up 13:17:15.2301 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:the doors are broken:2 13:17:15.2301 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: the doors are broken, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:17:15.2301 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: the doors are broken 13:17:20.7357 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:17:22.2447 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:GONE:2 13:17:22.2447 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GONE, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:17:22.2447 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: GONE 13:17:22.9367 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:hahahaa:2 13:17:22.9367 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hahahaa, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:17:22.9367 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hahahaa 13:17:28.6776 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 13:18:20.7398 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:18:21.4980 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ItsMoakey successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 13:18:39.7035 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 13:18:47.8870 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: shaundelear passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198165320429, PlayerID: 176561198165320429 13:19:02.7293 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:great, the miner isnt done lol:2 13:19:02.7293 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: great, the miner isnt done lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:19:02.7293 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: great, the miner isnt done lol 13:19:08.4034 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: vc 13:19:12.1430 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:K:2 13:19:12.1430 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: K, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:19:12.1430 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: K 13:19:20.7401 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:19:21.4812 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 13:19:21.8300 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 13:19:23.2204 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 13:19:24.3720 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:what hapen:2 13:19:24.3720 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what hapen, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:19:24.3720 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what hapen 13:19:25.5800 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 13:19:32.3639 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:idk:2 13:19:32.3639 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: idk, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:19:32.3639 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: idk 13:19:46.8624 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:pretty pretty good...:2 13:19:46.8624 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: pretty pretty good..., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:19:46.8624 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: pretty pretty good... 13:20:01.6861 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 13:20:02.2717 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 13:20:02.3440 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 13:20:03.0725 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 13:20:03.1237 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {12D4554A1719C6F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 13:20:03.3530 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D0AC02E806E897} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 13:20:03.4885 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 13:20:04.9813 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:lol:2 13:20:04.9813 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:20:04.9813 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: lol 13:20:19.3397 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:theres 2 assert bases near tho:2 13:20:19.3397 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: theres 2 assert bases near tho, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:20:19.3397 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: theres 2 assert bases near tho 13:20:20.7522 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:20:36.6150 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:theres a research base right where i was gonna put a hydrogen production plant:2 13:20:36.6150 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: theres a research base right where i was gonna put a hydrogen production plant, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:20:36.6150 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: theres a research base right where i was gonna put a hydrogen production plant 13:21:12.4774 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] ItsMoakey: v 13:21:13.9280 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:????????? ??? ??????? ?????? ???????:2 13:21:13.9280 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????????? ??? ??????? ?????? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:21:13.9280 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? 13:21:16.7109 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: vc 13:21:20.7673 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:21:20.9766 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i didnt mess anything up :(:2 13:21:20.9766 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i didnt mess anything up :(, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:21:20.9766 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i didnt mess anything up :( 13:21:31.2959 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:ran out of every ore :0 13:21:33.9611 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: no vc for the time being 13:21:47.2127 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i dont know anodher word sry englysh limit:2 13:21:47.2127 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i dont know anodher word sry englysh limit, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:21:47.2127 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i dont know anodher word sry englysh limit 13:21:50.3670 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 13:21:50.3771 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 13:21:50.3771 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 4573 Target: X:-535956.266390957 Y:-1170178.86483734 Z:-551017.163039745 13:21:50.4122 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 4573 @ X:-535950.11177627 Y:-1170176.81031649 Z:-551009.553855361 13:22:00.2599 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????? ?? ????????? ??? ?? ??????? ??????:2 13:22:00.2599 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ?? ????????? ??? ?? ??????? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:22:00.2599 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ?? ????????? ??? ?? ??????? ?????? 13:22:12.5941 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: tf is my speed bike... 13:22:20.7674 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:22:25.1094 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:probs been grinded:2 13:22:25.1094 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: probs been grinded, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:22:25.1094 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: probs been grinded 13:22:27.7112 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: :c 13:22:54.5440 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: anyways, nice massive cargo ship 13:23:09.2198 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oban tide is epic:2 13:23:09.2198 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oban tide is epic, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:23:09.2198 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oban tide is epic 13:23:13.9778 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 13:23:20.7689 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:23:22.9278 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: matthew99 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199385980474, PlayerID: 176561199385980474 13:24:20.7849 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:24:23.8112 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 13:24:27.5947 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: ... 13:24:38.9274 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: matthew99 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199385980474, PlayerID: 176561199385980474 13:24:45.8447 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: ... 13:24:45.8447 [INFO] Chat: [GlobalScripted:176561198989267415] Good.bot: You tried sending the same message within a short amount of time. Message not sent. 13:24:51.2821 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 13:24:51.2821 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Karizmaa_vk meta data! 13:24:51.2821 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 13:24:51.2821 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ItsMoakey meta data! 13:24:51.2821 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 13:24:51.2821 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 13:24:51.3242 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8792kb Compressed: 408kb 13:24:54.6555 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: back for a small bit 13:24:57.4558 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: thats not gonna confuse all of us 13:25:04.5396 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: gonna need to run an errand soon 13:25:13.3714 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:especially when i had to set up all the weapons when bingus almot attacked:2 13:25:13.3714 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: especially when i had to set up all the weapons when bingus almot attacked, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:25:13.3714 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: especially when i had to set up all the weapons when bingus almot attacked 13:25:14.6558 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: TerrificSneako passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198042125354, PlayerID: 176561198042125354 13:25:20.7977 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:25:35.2467 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:0 13:25:42.3573 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 13:25:42.3723 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 13:25:42.3723 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 709 Target: X:1169627.19076482 Y:-442110.233237427 Z:629724.16312834 13:25:42.4065 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 709 @ X:1169618.49860993 Y:-442111.864959132 Z:629722.4213103 13:25:43.5566 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: hi moakey 13:25:45.8036 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:????:2 13:25:45.8036 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:25:45.8036 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? 13:26:03.0063 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: grinder ship? 13:26:10.3722 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Peter Pan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073088420, PlayerID: 176561198073088420 13:26:11.0892 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: ? 13:26:11.5063 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: speed up process? 13:26:20.7986 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:26:22.8744 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:man this resource generation is low:2 13:26:22.8744 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: man this resource generation is low, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:26:22.8744 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: man this resource generation is low 13:26:33.4224 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: its in a safezone.. 13:26:37.2791 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:26:39.9616 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:26:41.4710 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:?:2 13:26:41.4710 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:26:41.4710 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ? 13:26:44.5398 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: are yall in a vc? 13:26:46.5225 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: TerrificSneako passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198042125354, PlayerID: 176561198042125354 13:26:53.4231 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: yes 13:26:56.3225 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: o 13:26:56.6396 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: bish is also here 13:26:57.2945 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:26:58.6277 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:27:20.7997 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:28:02.3145 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:enigma wanna raid the research base:2 13:28:02.3145 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: enigma wanna raid the research base, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:28:02.3145 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: enigma wanna raid the research base 13:28:09.0194 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:NO TY:2 13:28:09.0194 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: NO TY, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:28:09.0194 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: NO TY 13:28:12.1573 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok:2 13:28:12.1573 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:28:12.1573 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 13:28:20.8152 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:28:22.1213 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we need the materials tho:2 13:28:22.1213 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we need the materials tho, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:28:22.1213 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we need the materials tho 13:28:27.9554 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:F:2 13:28:27.9554 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: F, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:28:27.9554 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: F 13:29:03.1983 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we're gonna be fine for like 5 mintues until a blizzard rips through probably:2 13:29:03.1983 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we're gonna be fine for like 5 mintues until a blizzard rips through probably, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:29:03.1983 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we're gonna be fine for like 5 mintues until a blizzard rips through probably 13:29:20.8154 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:29:21.5054 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yeah thats what i meant:2 13:29:21.5054 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah thats what i meant, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:29:21.5054 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah thats what i meant 13:29:24.6064 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 13:29:26.2950 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:blizzard = blind:2 13:29:26.2950 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: blizzard = blind, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:29:26.2950 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: blizzard = blind 13:29:26.5730 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: fuck aparently i had less time than i thought 13:29:27.9574 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ON BARS:2 13:29:27.9574 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ON BARS, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:29:27.9574 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ON BARS 13:29:28.4972 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?, ? ????? ? ???? ????????:2 13:29:28.4972 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, ? ????? ? ???? ????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:29:28.4972 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?, ? ????? ? ???? ???????? 13:29:35.1065 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: see yall in a hour or so 13:29:38.4896 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yeah:2 13:29:38.4896 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:29:38.4896 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah 13:29:41.6382 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:only one bars:2 13:29:41.6382 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: only one bars, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:29:41.6382 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: only one bars 13:29:42.5420 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: H0loLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 13:29:42.5420 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 13:29:42.5420 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: H0lo (76561199163508488) Disconnected. 13:29:49.0804 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ??????? ???? ?????? ?? ????????? ??????:2 13:29:49.0804 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ??????? ???? ?????? ?? ????????? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:29:49.0804 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ??????? ???? ?????? ?? ????????? ?????? 13:29:50.1256 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:im getting the mats to make more:2 13:29:50.1256 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im getting the mats to make more, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:29:50.1256 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im getting the mats to make more 13:30:00.5414 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:lf:2 13:30:00.5414 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lf, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:30:00.5414 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: lf 13:30:02.2812 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??:2 13:30:02.2812 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:30:02.2812 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 13:30:06.8390 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???:2 13:30:06.8390 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:30:06.8390 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 13:30:19.9617 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:30:20.8313 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:30:21.2955 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:30:26.8401 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: nope 13:30:31.1263 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:what are you making here enigma:2 13:30:31.1263 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what are you making here enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:30:31.1263 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what are you making here enigma 13:30:32.6127 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ???? ??????? ? ???????? ???? ?????????, ???????? ???????? ?? ????????? ?????:2 13:30:32.6127 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ???? ??????? ? ???????? ???? ?????????, ???????? ???????? ?? ????????? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:30:32.6127 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ???? ??????? ? ???????? ???? ?????????, ???????? ???????? ?? ????????? ????? 13:30:36.1900 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: mileswilliamsLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 13:30:36.1900 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving mileswilliams meta data! 13:30:36.1900 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: mileswilliams has been successfully synced with ID: 176561197997210199 13:30:38.6232 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: im head of logistics 13:30:40.5395 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:wait we got sabotaged??:2 13:30:40.5395 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wait we got sabotaged??, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:30:40.5395 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wait we got sabotaged?? 13:30:41.3659 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ?????? ?? ?? ????????:2 13:30:41.3659 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ?????? ?? ?? ????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:30:41.3659 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ?????? ?? ?? ???????? 13:30:43.0403 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: and i didnt even know 13:30:43.2992 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.FactionSyncMessage: Hit Faction Edit 13:30:53.0463 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:? ?? ???????, ??????? ? ??? ???:2 13:30:53.0463 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ?? ???????, ??????? ? ??? ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:30:53.0463 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ?? ???????, ??????? ? ??? ??? 13:30:58.2503 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:lemme guess, ZJD?:2 13:30:58.2503 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lemme guess, ZJD?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:30:58.2503 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: lemme guess, ZJD? 13:30:58.6296 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:30:59.9618 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:31:08.8074 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:a bingus fellow?:2 13:31:08.8074 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: a bingus fellow?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:31:08.8074 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: a bingus fellow? 13:31:18.4740 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:hmmm:2 13:31:18.4740 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hmmm, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:31:18.4740 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hmmm 13:31:19.8503 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??????:2 13:31:19.8503 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:31:19.8503 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 13:31:20.8313 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:31:24.5073 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Oh.:2 13:31:24.5073 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Oh., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:31:24.5073 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Oh. 13:31:27.4803 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:HIM.:2 13:31:27.4803 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: HIM., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:31:27.4803 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: HIM. 13:31:28.5265 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:))):2 13:31:28.5265 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ))), Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:31:28.5265 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ))) 13:31:43.9623 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:32:04.9415 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh great it WAS BADMAN SOUND:2 13:32:04.9415 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh great it WAS BADMAN SOUND, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:32:04.9415 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh great it WAS BADMAN SOUND 13:32:07.9631 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:32:09.2963 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:32:11.1506 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:of course it was him!:2 13:32:11.1506 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: of course it was him!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:32:11.1506 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: of course it was him! 13:32:15.2784 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ???:2 13:32:15.2784 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:32:15.2784 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ??? 13:32:17.7779 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???????:2 13:32:17.7779 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:32:17.7779 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????? 13:32:20.8463 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:32:21.0570 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: ... 13:32:24.6918 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:????:2 13:32:24.6918 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:32:24.6918 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? 13:32:35.5744 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:wait... Egirl account??:2 13:32:35.5744 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wait... Egirl account??, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:32:35.5744 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wait... Egirl account?? 13:32:39.2957 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:bruh.:2 13:32:39.2957 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bruh., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:32:39.2957 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bruh. 13:32:50.5482 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:who could even fall for that:2 13:32:50.5482 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: who could even fall for that, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:32:50.5482 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: who could even fall for that 13:32:51.9637 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:32:53.2945 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:32:55.9238 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ReDinvernoLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 13:32:55.9238 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ReDinverno meta data! 13:32:55.9238 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ReDinverno has been successfully synced with ID: 176561199396410575 13:33:20.8611 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:33:29.2951 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:33:30.6303 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:33:32.2772 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ????? ??:2 13:33:32.2772 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ????? ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:33:32.2772 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ????? ?? 13:33:36.9494 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ?????????:2 13:33:36.9494 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:33:36.9494 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ????????? 13:33:38.6605 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:what channel was it again:2 13:33:38.6605 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what channel was it again, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:33:38.6605 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what channel was it again 13:33:39.1783 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ?:2 13:33:39.1783 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ?, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:33:39.1783 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ? 13:33:44.7274 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????? ?? ????:2 13:33:44.7274 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????? ?? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:33:44.7274 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????? ?? ???? 13:33:51.5974 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:????:2 13:33:51.5974 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:33:51.5974 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? 13:33:58.0740 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: just a thought 13:34:03.3235 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: we dont need the h2 gens 13:34:09.8188 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:careful enigma...:2 13:34:09.8188 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: careful enigma..., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:34:09.8188 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: careful enigma... 13:34:11.4737 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: engines 13:34:20.8603 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:34:25.2900 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 13:34:33.7567 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: we have a whole wind farm for a reason 13:34:37.2406 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: yes 13:34:46.9615 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ??? ?? ????????????:2 13:34:46.9615 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ??? ?? ????????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:34:46.9615 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ??? ?? ???????????? 13:34:53.3012 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:wimd:2 13:34:53.3012 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wimd, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:34:53.3012 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wimd 13:34:54.9672 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ? ??????, ???????????:2 13:34:54.9672 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ? ??????, ???????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:34:54.9672 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ? ??????, ??????????? 13:34:59.5615 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??:2 13:34:59.5615 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:34:59.5615 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 13:35:15.3402 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: mileswilliams passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197997210199, PlayerID: 176561197997210199 13:35:17.4357 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ????:2 13:35:17.4357 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:35:17.4357 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ???? 13:35:18.6129 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:35:19.9462 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:35:20.8609 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:35:34.1481 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 13:35:34.1571 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 13:35:34.1571 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 7350 Target: X:-1207855.08686436 Y:586924.403783071 Z:396208.247037093 13:35:34.1912 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 7350 @ X:-1207847.08509755 Y:586918.414473521 Z:396208.563119928 13:35:37.3235 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: and you are picking a person who is about to get their pilot licence revoked to drill the only miner.. 13:35:41.4156 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:enigma be VERY fucking careful:2 13:35:41.4156 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: enigma be VERY fucking careful, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:35:41.4156 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: enigma be VERY fucking careful 13:35:51.3132 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:DO NOT FUCK THIS UP:2 13:35:51.3132 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: DO NOT FUCK THIS UP, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:35:51.3132 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: DO NOT FUCK THIS UP 13:35:55.9617 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:35:55.9617 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:35:56.4741 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ReDinverno passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199396410575, PlayerID: 176561199396410575 13:36:03.2124 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:HAHA:2 13:36:03.2124 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: HAHA, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:36:03.2124 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: HAHA 13:36:13.2447 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:back a little:2 13:36:13.2447 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: back a little, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:36:13.2447 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: back a little 13:36:14.1163 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Andrew88821Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 13:36:14.1163 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Andrew88821 meta data! 13:36:14.1163 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Andrew88821 has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198157471225 13:36:16.4863 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yeah your fine:2 13:36:16.4863 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah your fine, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:36:16.4863 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yeah your fine 13:36:18.9163 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: do we still have a kit? 13:36:20.8612 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:36:21.2335 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tekura passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198225400408, PlayerID: 176561198225400408 13:36:21.6670 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: at forge 13:36:25.4053 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:36:25.8118 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:down a bit:2 13:36:25.8118 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: down a bit, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:36:25.8118 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: down a bit 13:36:26.7396 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:36:34.6864 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i see bro:2 13:36:34.6864 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i see bro, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:36:34.6864 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i see bro 13:36:38.0443 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:thanks:2 13:36:38.0443 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thanks, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:36:38.0443 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: thanks 13:36:47.1493 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Carros de Combate passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198145734500, PlayerID: 176561198145734500 13:36:55.9828 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ReDinverno passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199396410575, PlayerID: 176561199396410575 13:37:10.2156 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:contact:2 13:37:10.2156 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: contact, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:37:10.2156 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: contact 13:37:12.8831 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] ItsMoakey: just an fyi might spend less hours on se for a week 13:37:14.7517 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:WE DID IT:2 13:37:14.7517 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: WE DID IT, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:37:14.7517 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: WE DID IT 13:37:20.8775 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:37:35.2847 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198989267415 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 13:37:36.0259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 13:37:36.8748 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 13:37:37.6912 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 13:37:38.1077 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 13:37:38.8498 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tekura passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198225400408, PlayerID: 176561198225400408 13:37:38.9923 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 13:37:45.1619 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ?'??????? ?? ???????? ????? ? ?????????:2 13:37:45.1619 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ?'??????? ?? ???????? ????? ? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:37:45.1619 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ?'??????? ?? ???????? ????? ? ????????? 13:37:45.9165 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Carros de Combate passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198145734500, PlayerID: 176561198145734500 13:38:02.7397 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:38:04.0725 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:38:12.6162 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Midnight fox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198806733728, PlayerID: 176561198806733728 13:38:20.8772 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:38:27.2031 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?:2 13:38:27.2031 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:38:27.2031 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? 13:38:29.4041 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:38:30.7373 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:38:31.5848 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????? ??????:2 13:38:31.5848 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:38:31.5848 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ?????? 13:38:49.4038 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:38:50.7378 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 13:38:59.3730 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok i m going bad orca now you can finish your miner and mine whit him no hand mining lol :P):2 13:38:59.3730 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok i m going bad orca now you can finish your miner and mine whit him no hand mining lol :P), Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:38:59.3730 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok i m going bad orca now you can finish your miner and mine whit him no hand mining lol :P) 13:39:19.6164 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Midnight fox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198806733728, PlayerID: 176561198806733728 13:39:20.8774 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:39:25.9668 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 13:39:31.5336 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ? ?? ?????? ???, ??? ??????? ??????? ????????? ???????????:2 13:39:31.5336 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ? ?? ?????? ???, ??? ??????? ??????? ????????? ???????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:39:31.5336 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ? ?? ?????? ???, ??? ??????? ??????? ????????? ??????????? 13:39:34.6458 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:wait a sec:2 13:39:34.6458 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wait a sec, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:39:34.6458 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wait a sec 13:39:41.7007 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:where are the drills on this thing:2 13:39:41.7007 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: where are the drills on this thing, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:39:41.7007 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: where are the drills on this thing 13:39:49.3305 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ReDinverno passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199396410575, PlayerID: 176561199396410575 13:39:51.1927 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 13:39:51.1927 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Karizmaa_vk meta data! 13:39:51.1927 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 13:39:51.1927 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ItsMoakey meta data! 13:39:51.1927 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 13:39:51.2328 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8792kb Compressed: 409kb 13:40:20.8779 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:40:57.4468 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:why did my ship suddenly have a big power overload:0 13:41:02.7970 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Andrew88821 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198157471225, PlayerID: 176561198157471225 13:41:05.0159 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:oh well:0 13:41:08.5589 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:op projector haha:2 13:41:08.5589 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: op projector haha, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:41:08.5589 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: op projector haha 13:41:12.6984 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Ah:2 13:41:12.6984 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Ah, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:41:12.6984 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Ah 13:41:20.8785 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:41:44.9712 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 13:42:20.8933 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:42:26.3638 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Andrew88821 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198157471225, PlayerID: 176561198157471225 13:42:27.0722 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 42101ms (228ms CPU) 13:42:27.0722 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 13:42:27.1625 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 13:43:10.2604 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:bravo:0 13:43:15.4895 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:hey:3 13:43:20.9088 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:43:22.8120 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:hey hainy:0 13:43:25.6306 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:heya:3 13:43:31.8944 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:how are yall set on h2:3 13:43:38.5817 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Andrew88821 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198157471225, PlayerID: 176561198157471225 13:43:43.4108 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:how do i private message:0 13:44:06.7949 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:do /w "(insert name)":3 13:44:16.6494 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yeah ill check:3 13:44:20.9091 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:44:26.5310 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 13:44:33.6514 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:GPS:Fe:207409.72:160436.46:28572.12:#FF75C9F1::2 13:44:33.6514 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:Fe:207409.72:160436.46:28572.12:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 261762094648761434, Tekura 13:44:33.6514 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:261762094648761434] Good.bot: GPS:Fe:207409.72:160436.46:28572.12:#FF75C9F1: 13:44:57.2497 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????:2 13:44:57.2497 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:44:57.2497 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? 13:45:00.7482 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 13:45:10.1855 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??:2 13:45:10.1855 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:45:10.1855 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 13:45:20.9086 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:45:39.8755 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:do /w name:2 13:45:39.8755 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: do /w name, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:45:39.8755 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: do /w name 13:46:20.9246 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:46:42.9747 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:enigma whered the ship go:2 13:46:42.9747 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: enigma whered the ship go, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:46:42.9747 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: enigma whered the ship go 13:46:57.4086 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:space:):2 13:46:57.4086 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: space:), Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:46:57.4086 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: space:) 13:47:09.3314 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Fessel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198129180348, PlayerID: 176561198129180348 13:47:13.9419 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i goig do my job:2 13:47:13.9419 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i goig do my job, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:47:13.9419 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i goig do my job 13:47:20.9401 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:47:28.3090 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok so basically we have no h2, but 80k ice:3 13:47:36.6179 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:80K ice?:3 13:47:38.6979 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sir_ForeverPT passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198293135754, PlayerID: 176561198293135754 13:47:41.6309 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:jeez yall are slow lmao:3 13:47:51.2001 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i was gonna make a hydrogen production plant but theres an ASSERT base that spawned in the exact same location i was gonna put it :3 13:47:55.4819 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ???????? ?? ??????? ???? ????????:2 13:47:55.4819 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ???????? ?? ??????? ???? ????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:47:55.4819 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ???????? ?? ??????? ???? ???????? 13:47:59.7085 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh i havent gathered any ice since i captured the base:3 13:48:07.5906 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????*:2 13:48:07.5906 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????*, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:48:07.5906 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????* 13:48:15.6719 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??????:2 13:48:15.6719 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:48:15.6719 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 13:48:20.3952 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:just waiting for Enigma to come back with more materials lol:3 13:48:20.9542 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:48:24.8145 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Fessel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198129180348, PlayerID: 176561198129180348 13:48:32.7602 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:anyway, you in space or triton rn?:3 13:48:37.8689 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:space :3 13:48:45.7192 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:cool:3 13:48:46.7885 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:charging up a single JD rgn and have a small amount of h2:3 13:48:59.1667 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:if i do a suicide burn i can land on the planet:3 13:49:06.9362 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:aight, ill try and get a hydrogen tank:3 13:49:17.1160 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:dw bout it:3 13:49:20.9677 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:49:27.1894 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 13:49:31.1403 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sir_ForeverPT passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198293135754, PlayerID: 176561198293135754 13:49:47.3903 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Andrew88821 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198157471225, PlayerID: 176561198157471225 13:49:50.7352 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:aight:3 13:50:12.1170 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:aight Enigma when you come back i want you help with capturing this ASSERT base:2 13:50:12.1170 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: aight Enigma when you come back i want you help with capturing this ASSERT base, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:50:12.1170 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: aight Enigma when you come back i want you help with capturing this ASSERT base 13:50:20.9797 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:50:21.3981 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:k:2 13:50:21.3981 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: k, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:50:21.3981 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: k 13:50:26.3231 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: awiges passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198023007525, PlayerID: 176561198023007525 13:50:27.4312 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:but not today:2 13:50:27.4312 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but not today, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:50:27.4312 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: but not today 13:50:32.0064 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198023007525 from 13:50:32.0235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player awiges joined (76561198023007525) 13:50:32.0235 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 13:50:32.0235 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 13:50:32.0235 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 13:50:32.0235 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 13:50:32.2402 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 13:50:34.1370 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:im busy tommorow:2 13:50:34.1370 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im busy tommorow, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:50:34.1370 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im busy tommorow 13:50:43.2623 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:and the day after lol, i think:2 13:50:43.2623 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and the day after lol, i think, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:50:43.2623 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and the day after lol, i think 13:50:56.6398 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WholsomeBanana passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199465290546, PlayerID: 176561199465290546 13:50:56.9358 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:sry i m done for today at planets :2 13:50:56.9358 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: sry i m done for today at planets , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:50:56.9358 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: sry i m done for today at planets 13:51:00.3289 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:anodher day:2 13:51:00.3289 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: anodher day, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:51:00.3289 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: anodher day 13:51:04.1562 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Elvis Chesney passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198061728446, PlayerID: 176561198061728446 13:51:06.5065 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199465290546 from 13:51:06.5236 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player WholsomeBanana joined (76561199465290546) 13:51:06.5236 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 13:51:06.5236 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 13:51:06.5236 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 13:51:06.5236 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 13:51:06.6737 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 13:51:07.0109 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh alr:2 13:51:07.0109 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh alr, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:51:07.0109 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh alr 13:51:16.8316 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i thought you were coming back lol:2 13:51:16.8316 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i thought you were coming back lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:51:16.8316 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i thought you were coming back lol 13:51:20.9874 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:51:23.0066 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: awiges successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 13:51:38.4997 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:anyway ill hop onto the orca:2 13:51:38.4997 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: anyway ill hop onto the orca, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:51:38.4997 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: anyway ill hop onto the orca 13:52:21.0020 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:52:44.2494 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Phy you on rn?:2 13:52:44.2494 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Phy you on rn?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:52:44.2494 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Phy you on rn? 13:52:53.0951 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBanana successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 13:52:58.1780 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: yes 13:53:01.3415 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:alr:2 13:53:01.3415 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alr, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:53:01.3415 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alr 13:53:05.7068 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:can i assist with ops:2 13:53:05.7068 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can i assist with ops, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:53:05.7068 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: can i assist with ops 13:53:10.9613 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Elvis Chesney passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198061728446, PlayerID: 176561198061728446 13:53:11.3576 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:all i need to do rgn is make a miner:3 13:53:21.0020 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:54:21.0013 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:54:22.1188 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Elvis Chesney passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198061728446, PlayerID: 176561198061728446 13:54:27.7850 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 13:54:51.1223 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 13:54:51.1223 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Karizmaa_vk meta data! 13:54:51.1223 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 13:54:51.1223 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ItsMoakey meta data! 13:54:51.1223 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 13:54:51.1223 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 13:54:51.1223 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 13:54:51.1605 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8938kb Compressed: 414kb 13:54:59.6530 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: FaltaintLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 13:54:59.6530 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Faltaint meta data! 13:54:59.6530 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Faltaint has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198045505060 13:55:04.1196 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 13:55:20.9845 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Uhhh Enigma:2 13:55:20.9845 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Uhhh Enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:55:20.9845 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Uhhh Enigma 13:55:21.0036 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:55:24.1888 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:?:2 13:55:24.1888 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:55:24.1888 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ? 13:55:31.0704 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:theres a Space Pirates ship at the Orca...:2 13:55:31.0704 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: theres a Space Pirates ship at the Orca..., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:55:31.0704 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: theres a Space Pirates ship at the Orca... 13:55:37.0046 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:its not attacking though:2 13:55:37.0046 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its not attacking though, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:55:37.0046 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: its not attacking though 13:55:38.8194 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 13:55:51.2731 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok:2 13:55:51.2731 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:55:51.2731 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 13:56:02.3927 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:im getting out to take a look:2 13:56:02.3927 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im getting out to take a look, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:56:02.3927 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im getting out to take a look 13:56:08.5572 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:it will be my pet in minute:2 13:56:08.5572 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it will be my pet in minute, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:56:08.5572 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: it will be my pet in minute 13:56:16.6261 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:dont grind it:2 13:56:16.6261 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: dont grind it, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:56:16.6261 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: dont grind it 13:56:21.0042 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:56:22.0872 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i will pet him haha:2 13:56:22.0872 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i will pet him haha, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:56:22.0872 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i will pet him haha 13:56:26.1617 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ?????? ?????? ?? ????????? ???????:2 13:56:26.1617 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ?????? ?????? ?? ????????? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:56:26.1617 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ?????? ?????? ?? ????????? ??????? 13:56:28.0257 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok its got a gatling turret:2 13:56:28.0257 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok its got a gatling turret, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:56:28.0257 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok its got a gatling turret 13:56:30.7308 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????):2 13:56:30.7308 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????), Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:56:30.7308 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????) 13:56:31.8429 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:it is NOT opening fire:2 13:56:31.8429 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it is NOT opening fire, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:56:31.8429 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: it is NOT opening fire 13:56:36.6652 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:it is 70 meters from the orca:2 13:56:36.6652 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it is 70 meters from the orca, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:56:36.6652 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: it is 70 meters from the orca 13:56:45.9011 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:dont touch it :2 13:56:45.9011 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: dont touch it , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 13:56:45.9011 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: dont touch it 13:56:50.4789 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni: ? ??:2 13:56:50.4789 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:56:50.4789 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ?? 13:56:51.4930 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yep:2 13:56:51.4930 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yep, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:56:51.4930 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yep 13:56:52.0977 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??:2 13:56:52.0977 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:56:52.0977 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 13:56:52.0977 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:3:2 13:56:52.0977 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 3, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:56:52.0977 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: 3 13:56:53.0667 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:2:2 13:56:53.0667 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 2, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:56:53.0667 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: 2 13:56:54.1344 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:1:2 13:56:54.1344 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 1, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:56:54.1344 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: 1 13:56:59.0339 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:it looks goofy af tho:2 13:56:59.0339 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it looks goofy af tho, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:56:59.0339 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: it looks goofy af tho 13:57:04.2221 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [16] Peter Pan:hi guys:0 13:57:04.3003 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????:2 13:57:04.3003 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:57:04.3003 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 13:57:04.9787 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??????:2 13:57:04.9787 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:57:04.9787 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 13:57:13.1941 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ???????:2 13:57:13.1941 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:57:13.1941 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ??????? 13:57:14.6136 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???? ?? ????? ??????????????:2 13:57:14.6136 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ?? ????? ??????????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:57:14.6136 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ?? ????? ?????????????? 13:57:14.7898 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [16] HickS�:o7:0 13:57:16.9886 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [16] Peter Pan:PVP everywhere exept lotus and viking correcT?:0 13:57:19.2817 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok its leaving:2 13:57:19.2817 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok its leaving, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 13:57:19.2817 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok its leaving 13:57:19.5025 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??:2 13:57:19.5025 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:57:19.5025 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 13:57:21.0174 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:57:25.9631 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???????:2 13:57:25.9631 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:57:25.9631 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????? 13:57:31.8107 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:essentially:0 13:57:33.3523 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ??? ????? ???????? ?????????? ? ???????????????? ???????:2 13:57:33.3523 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ??? ????? ???????? ?????????? ? ???????????????? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:57:33.3523 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ??? ????? ???????? ?????????? ? ???????????????? ??????? 13:57:38.4228 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:wait what:0 13:57:43.6709 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [16] Peter Pan:sounds good:0 13:57:56.4565 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:so starter isn't pve?:0 13:58:06.4208 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [16] Peter Pan:got 3 potential kills scouted already lol:0 13:58:07.3351 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:????? ?? ???????? ???????? ???????:2 13:58:07.3351 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ?? ???????? ???????? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:58:07.3351 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ?? ???????? ???????? ??????? 13:58:17.7198 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 13:58:21.0204 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:58:31.3712 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:))):2 13:58:31.3712 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ))), Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:58:31.3712 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ))) 13:58:36.1158 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ?? ?? ????:2 13:58:36.1158 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ?? ?? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:58:36.1158 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ?? ?? ???? 13:58:36.4475 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:makign this miner is a miner inconvenience:0 13:58:39.3869 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??:2 13:58:39.3869 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:58:39.3869 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 13:58:43.0965 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [16] Peter Pan:lmao:0 13:58:44.8363 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ??? ????????:2 13:58:44.8363 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ??? ????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:58:44.8363 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ??? ???????? 13:58:48.1366 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] WholsomeBanana: ?????? ?? ????? 13:58:51.8492 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:heheheehe:0 13:58:56.3622 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:pun master hainy:0 13:58:56.3863 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] WholsomeBanana: pardon 13:59:11.1802 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???????? ???????? ?????, ?????? ? ??????, ? ????? ??????????? ??? ?? ?????? - ??????? ?? ??????:2 13:59:11.1802 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???????? ???????? ?????, ?????? ? ??????, ? ????? ??????????? ??? ?? ?????? - ??????? ?? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 13:59:11.1802 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???????? ???????? ?????, ?????? ? ??????, ? ????? ??????????? ??? ?? ?????? - ??????? ?? ?????? 13:59:13.2863 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 13:59:21.0349 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 13:59:21.2165 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???:2 13:59:21.2165 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:59:21.2165 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 13:59:28.5055 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 13:59:32.3019 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????? ??? ?????:2 13:59:32.3019 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ??? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 13:59:32.3019 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ??? ????? 14:00:00.7036 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder2h' 14:00:00.7197 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 2 hours.' 14:00:00.7197 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [2 hours]." 5000 White' 14:00:21.0347 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:00:52.3702 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: GenocidasLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 14:00:52.3702 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Genocidas meta data! 14:00:52.3702 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Genocidas has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198000473846 14:01:04.1236 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.FactionSyncMessage: Hit Faction Edit 14:01:21.0487 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:01:24.9556 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Karizmaa_vkLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 14:01:24.9556 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Karizmaa_vk meta data! 14:01:24.9556 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Karizmaa_vk (76561198090660130) Disconnected. 14:01:55.8864 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Genocidas passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198000473846, PlayerID: 176561198000473846 14:02:08.3808 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...130] (76561198090660130) Disconnected. 14:02:13.5539 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Kazi2429Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 14:02:13.5539 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kazi2429 meta data! 14:02:13.5539 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kazi2429 has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198444352683 14:02:21.0484 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:03:21.0498 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:03:25.8023 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:theres another one enigma:2 14:03:25.8023 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: theres another one enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:03:25.8023 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: theres another one enigma 14:03:42.8121 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i think its friendly:2 14:03:42.8121 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i think its friendly, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:03:42.8121 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i think its friendly 14:03:48.7031 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:alright im going afk for a while:2 14:03:48.7031 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alright im going afk for a while, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:03:48.7031 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alright im going afk for a while 14:03:56.4892 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198156156321 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 14:04:21.0495 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:04:29.0369 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 14:04:36.1365 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????? ????? ???????? ?? ????? ????????, ?? ? ????:2 14:04:36.1365 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ????? ???????? ?? ????? ????????, ?? ? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:04:36.1365 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ????? ???????? ?? ????? ????????, ?? ? ???? 14:04:42.0817 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:omg:2 14:04:42.0817 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: omg, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:04:42.0817 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: omg 14:04:51.6501 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???? ????:2 14:04:51.6501 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:04:51.6501 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ???? 14:04:51.9221 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: trip the safezone. 14:04:52.1017 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:dont you see he grind:2 14:04:52.1017 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: dont you see he grind, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:04:52.1017 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: dont you see he grind 14:04:52.8051 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? - ?? ????????, ??? ??? ???????? ??????:2 14:04:52.8051 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? - ?? ????????, ??? ??? ???????? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:04:52.8051 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? - ?? ????????, ??? ??? ???????? ?????? 14:05:01.9158 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: HairyHarry requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 14:05:01.9359 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 14:05:01.9359 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Europa recieved! 14:05:01.9389 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199063276280 14:05:01.9640 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Arcnet Explorer Target: X:967556.103068795 Y:118846.5838609 Z:1548200.48521111 14:05:02.1065 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Arcnet Explorer @ X:967527.266593184 Y:118873.248680058 Z:1548214.16485517 14:05:02.1065 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561199063276280 14:05:02.1065 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning HairyHarry into their cockpit! 14:05:04.0680 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:back:2 14:05:04.0680 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: back, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:05:04.0680 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: back 14:05:08.2394 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199063276280 from 14:05:08.2555 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player HairyHarry joined (76561199063276280) 14:05:08.2555 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 14:05:08.2555 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 14:05:08.2555 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 14:05:08.2555 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 14:05:08.3729 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: HairyHarry successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 14:05:08.8903 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: HairyHarry has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 14:05:09.6365 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:HOLY SHIT:2 14:05:09.6365 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: HOLY SHIT, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:05:09.6365 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: HOLY SHIT 14:05:21.0500 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:05:27.5712 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??, ????? ???????? ??????????? ?????, ??????, ????, ??????? ? ??????????:2 14:05:27.5712 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, ????? ???????? ??????????? ?????, ??????, ????, ??????? ? ??????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:05:27.5712 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??, ????? ???????? ??????????? ?????, ??????, ????, ??????? ? ?????????? 14:05:34.7171 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok i need to go for a while:2 14:05:34.7201 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok i need to go for a while, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:05:34.7201 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok i need to go for a while 14:05:37.8216 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???:2 14:05:37.8216 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:05:37.8216 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 14:05:43.5354 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???? ????? ?????:2 14:05:43.5354 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ????? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:05:43.5354 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ????? ????? 14:05:49.0962 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:going to sit in this cryo pod:2 14:05:49.0962 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: going to sit in this cryo pod, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:05:49.0962 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: going to sit in this cryo pod 14:05:49.7234 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 14:05:49.7234 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:05:49.7234 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 14:05:50.1856 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ??? ???????? ?????????????? ??????? 14:05:55.7037 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ill be back around 30min - 45min:2 14:05:55.7037 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ill be back around 30min - 45min, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:05:55.7037 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ill be back around 30min - 45min 14:06:07.5687 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: ? 14:06:09.7019 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ? ???????, ? ??????? 14:06:21.0497 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:06:59.9523 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 14:07:02.6691 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: Pledge your allegence elsewhere. 14:07:08.6857 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: Find a way to disable the safezone. 14:07:21.0493 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:07:38.3527 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: eh? 14:07:58.7523 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: the mars base zone 14:08:03.6358 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: disable it. 14:08:13.8025 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: why? 14:08:21.0512 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:08:33.9195 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kazi2429 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198444352683, PlayerID: 176561198444352683 14:08:34.6359 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 14:08:43.2527 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: I want to visit. 14:08:56.8521 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kahned passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198078633844, PlayerID: 176561198078633844 14:09:04.1462 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:ayo:0 14:09:05.2857 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198078633844 from 14:09:05.3028 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Kahned joined (76561198078633844) 14:09:05.3028 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 14:09:05.3028 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 14:09:05.3028 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 14:09:05.3028 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 14:09:05.4422 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 14:09:07.9332 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:we just got free faster internet:0 14:09:11.7524 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: ill just allow MIM in for a bit 14:09:13.1511 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:from 50mbps to 100:0 14:09:17.1693 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: let me know when u here 14:09:21.0636 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:09:29.5529 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 14:09:30.1691 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: nevermind 14:09:34.7013 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:nice. congrats. I get to go get my mustang today:0 14:09:37.2433 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ?????? ? ????????...:2 14:09:37.2433 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ?????? ? ????????..., Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:09:37.2433 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ?????? ? ????????... 14:09:38.2781 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] mileswilliams:so not faster then. just bigger:0 14:09:46.7436 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???:2 14:09:46.7436 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:09:46.7436 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 14:09:51.2042 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 14:09:51.2042 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 14:09:51.2042 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ItsMoakey meta data! 14:09:51.2042 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 14:09:51.2042 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 14:09:51.2042 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving HairyHarry meta data! 14:09:51.2042 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 14:09:51.2464 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8980kb Compressed: 416kb 14:09:52.7532 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??:2 14:09:52.7532 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:09:52.7532 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 14:09:54.3507 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Kahned successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 14:10:02.9294 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: ya also the allegence thing. i am one of the leaders 14:10:04.7570 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ??, ?????? ???? ????????? ?????:2 14:10:04.7570 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ??, ?????? ???? ????????? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:10:04.7570 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ??, ?????? ???? ????????? ????? 14:10:05.0456 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Peter Pan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073088420, PlayerID: 176561198073088420 14:10:08.8712 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 14:10:08.8893 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 14:10:10.0204 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 14:10:17.1213 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 14:10:17.1213 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:10:17.1213 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 14:10:21.0634 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:10:23.0777 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 14:10:23.0777 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:10:23.0777 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 14:10:31.6411 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:10:31.8398 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:10:31.9623 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:10:34.0910 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:10:34.9917 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:10:41.6668 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ItsMoakeyLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 14:10:41.6668 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ItsMoakey meta data! 14:10:41.6668 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ItsMoakey (76561198989267415) Disconnected. 14:10:43.6765 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????, ??? ??? ?? ??????? ??????????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ( ? ?????? ?????? - ??????? ):2 14:10:43.6765 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, ??? ??? ?? ??????? ??????????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ( ? ?????? ?????? - ??????? ), Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:10:43.6765 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????, ??? ??? ?? ??????? ??????????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ( ? ?????? ?????? - ??????? ) 14:10:55.2254 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:????:2 14:10:55.2254 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:10:55.2254 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? 14:11:21.0638 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:11:29.8671 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...415] (76561198989267415) Disconnected. 14:11:36.8986 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 14:11:38.5315 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kazi2429 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198444352683, PlayerID: 176561198444352683 14:11:39.2987 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Kahned): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 14:11:52.2032 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:this miner both looks cool and funny at the same time:0 14:11:53.4326 [INFO] Chat: (to Kahned): Looking for reward... 14:11:53.4326 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Kahned ran command '!reward' 14:11:53.6755 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Kahned): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 14:11:53.6755 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Kahned): Thanks for the vote! 14:11:55.7488 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Kahned: Hello fellas 14:12:04.9791 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:hii:0 14:12:14.6321 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: dont you think it would be fun to find out what happens in those 120 seconds? 14:12:17.9895 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Tanti_M:hi:0 14:12:21.0635 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:12:27.0900 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 14:12:28.5482 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: power surge, accidental loss of power, these things happen 14:12:43.0489 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: sry 14:12:45.0838 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Kahned ran command '!hangar load 1' 14:12:45.1038 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Kahned): This hangar slot is empty! Select a grid that is in your hangar! 14:12:47.5655 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: no cant do 14:12:49.4318 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 14:12:54.3430 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:how to find player commands for this server?:0 14:13:08.8891 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 41798ms (216ms CPU) 14:13:08.8891 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 14:13:08.9664 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 14:13:19.7169 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:it was quite a fast upgrade too:0 14:13:21.0642 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:13:26.9503 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:just a minute offline then the upgrade was applied:0 14:14:07.0481 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xXGrabTheBreadXx passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198350021532, PlayerID: 176561198350021532 14:14:13.9897 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198350021532 from 14:14:14.0148 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx joined (76561198350021532) 14:14:14.0148 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 14:14:14.0148 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 14:14:14.0148 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 14:14:14.0148 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 14:14:14.1985 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 14:14:21.0658 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:14:30.1817 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 14:14:58.3804 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ???? ???? ????? ? ??????????:2 14:14:58.3804 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ???? ???? ????? ? ??????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:14:58.3804 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ???? ???? ????? ? ?????????? 14:15:00.3319 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderCommands' 14:15:00.3490 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: There is a number of useful commands that every player on our servers can use in-game. For the full list of them, just type !commandlist (or !cl) in the chat.' 14:15:09.2406 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 14:15:09.2406 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:15:09.2406 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 14:15:12.2724 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: xXGrabTheBreadXx successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 14:15:21.0652 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:16:17.6722 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: not rly a fair fight considering ships sitting here are 2 cargo ships 14:16:21.0813 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:17:21.0975 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:17:30.3225 [INFO] Chat: (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): Perks claimed, Check your character inventory! (VIP+ - 5352253) 14:17:30.3225 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!perks' 14:17:48.4898 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Worker_Ant passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199159754171, PlayerID: 176561199159754171 14:17:58.6728 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199159754171 from 14:17:58.6899 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Worker_Ant joined (76561199159754171) 14:17:58.6899 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 14:17:58.6899 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 14:17:58.6899 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 14:17:58.6899 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 14:17:58.8063 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 14:18:21.0978 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:18:40.0401 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: u know i can see u right? 14:18:45.8403 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: magamanicLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 14:18:45.8403 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving magamanic meta data! 14:18:45.8403 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: magamanic has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198210998297 14:19:21.0983 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:19:30.8559 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 14:20:13.4054 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: nu-uhhh 14:20:21.1109 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:20:36.3777 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: i can see u directly above our base dude 14:20:55.0444 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Worker_Ant successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 14:20:58.6107 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: NU-UHHHHH 14:21:18.0417 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: u tell urself that 14:21:21.1103 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:22:19.2994 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:22:19.9512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:22:20.4008 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:22:21.0516 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:22:21.1118 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:22:21.4827 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:23:00.7623 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199063276280 took: 26ms Total Grids Sent: 1 14:23:21.1115 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:23:21.8255 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 14:23:21.9259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 14:23:22.7620 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 14:23:27.8186 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ????:2 14:23:27.8186 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:23:27.8186 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ???? 14:23:29.3045 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ???? ?????????? ?????????:2 14:23:29.3045 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ???? ?????????? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:23:29.3045 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ???? ?????????? ????????? 14:23:44.0586 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?:2 14:23:44.0586 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:23:44.0586 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? 14:23:47.1852 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ???????:2 14:23:47.1852 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:23:47.1852 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ??????? 14:24:21.1268 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:24:31.3566 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 14:24:51.2830 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 14:24:51.2830 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 14:24:51.2830 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 14:24:51.2830 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 14:24:51.2830 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 14:24:51.2830 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Worker_Ant meta data! 14:24:51.2830 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 14:24:51.2830 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving HairyHarry meta data! 14:24:51.2830 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 14:24:51.3261 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8905kb Compressed: 414kb 14:25:21.1280 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:26:21.1297 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:26:55.6041 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:????:2 14:26:55.6041 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:26:55.6041 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? 14:27:16.1700 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Respawn Space Pod, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 14:27:16.1700 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199159754171 14:27:16.1730 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Worker_Ant Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 14:27:16.1730 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Respawn Space Pod is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B [Worker_Ant:76561199159754171 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 14:27:16.7536 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ????????!:2 14:27:16.7536 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ????????!, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:27:16.7536 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ????????! 14:27:21.1422 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:27:22.3600 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Worker_AntLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 14:27:22.3600 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Worker_Ant meta data! 14:27:22.3600 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Worker_Ant (76561199159754171) Disconnected. 14:27:35.0738 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????:2 14:27:35.0738 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:27:35.0738 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 14:28:21.1589 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:28:53.2744 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 14:28:57.3920 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: nice red what shade is that? 14:28:58.9651 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 14:28:58.9801 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 14:28:58.9902 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 8527 Target: X:606869.300909978 Y:-951017.54269166 Z:829113.749874735 14:28:59.1015 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 8527 @ X:606859.106419966 Y:-951009.614089858 Z:829111.494957635 14:29:14.2802 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: big juicy lips red 14:29:17.4474 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 14:29:21.1582 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:29:26.3054 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:????? ? ???????, ????? ? ???? ??????????? ????????, ??????? ????, ? ??????????? ??????? ? ???????:2 14:29:26.3054 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ? ???????, ????? ? ???? ??????????? ????????, ??????? ????, ? ??????????? ??????? ? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:29:26.3054 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ? ???????, ????? ? ???? ??????????? ????????, ??????? ????, ? ??????????? ??????? ? ??????? 14:29:32.0138 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 14:29:35.7953 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????? ?? ??????!!!:2 14:29:35.7953 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ?? ??????!!!, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:29:35.7953 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ?? ??????!!! 14:29:41.6808 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: spin 14:29:55.4809 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Worker_Ant passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199159754171, PlayerID: 176561199159754171 14:30:08.1610 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???????????:2 14:30:08.1610 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:30:08.1610 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????????? 14:30:09.9644 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: u stopped spinning :( 14:30:12.4944 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ?????:2 14:30:12.4944 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:30:12.4944 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ????? 14:30:17.5424 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:????? ??????:2 14:30:17.5424 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:30:17.5424 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ?????? 14:30:20.8914 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??????:2 14:30:20.8914 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:30:20.8914 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 14:30:21.1599 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:30:25.2936 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???:2 14:30:25.2936 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:30:25.2936 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 14:30:26.3910 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ??????? ??????:2 14:30:26.3910 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ??????? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:30:26.3910 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ??????? ?????? 14:30:32.8544 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????:2 14:30:32.8544 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:30:32.8544 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 14:30:36.8588 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:YES :0 14:30:39.0311 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:Uranium:0 14:30:48.0144 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Kahned: Congrats 14:30:52.0808 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Kahned: What coords? :D 14:31:02.6814 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:xD:0 14:31:05.2306 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!hangar load 1' 14:31:05.4393 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 14:31:05.4393 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1009993.73965852 Y:186539.950445294 Z:1615596.50146484 14:31:05.4393 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 14:31:05.4393 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 14:31:05.4393 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): 1 spawn interferences. Run command again in next 15s to spawn grid near you. 14:31:05.4393 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Displaying spawn area! 14:31:05.4393 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Display spawn area! 14:31:09.2646 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:dw about them:0 14:31:21.1750 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:31:29.7905 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????:2 14:31:29.7905 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:31:29.7905 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 14:31:33.9142 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] HairyHarry: We will help you mine it ;) 14:31:34.6389 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ?????:2 14:31:34.6389 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:31:34.6389 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ????? 14:31:38.7324 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:xDD:0 14:31:39.6928 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????? ? ??? ??????:2 14:31:39.6928 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ? ??? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:31:39.6928 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ? ??? ?????? 14:31:43.0381 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:? ?? ??????:2 14:31:43.0381 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ?? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:31:43.0381 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ?? ?????? 14:31:52.3307 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: only 90% tax 14:31:52.9800 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:no worries i can get the whole deposit:0 14:32:08.5243 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!hangar load 1' 14:32:08.5905 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 14:32:08.5905 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1009993.73965852 Y:186539.950445294 Z:1615596.50146484 14:32:08.6076 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 14:32:08.6076 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 14:32:08.6076 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): 1 spawn interferences. Run command again in next 15s to spawn grid near you. 14:32:08.6076 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Displaying spawn area! 14:32:08.6076 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Display spawn area! 14:32:12.2476 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 14:32:12.2576 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 144115188075855909 14:32:12.2576 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 4967 Target: X:758402.560712164 Y:-794353.729929136 Z:868237.808180867 14:32:12.2927 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 4967 @ X:758431.357747866 Y:-794379.146426649 Z:868252.903125403 14:32:13.4148 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:only 90?:0 14:32:14.0646 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????? ?? ???????? ? ??????, ?? ??? ???????, ? ??? ????? ?????? ????????????:2 14:32:14.0646 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ?? ???????? ? ??????, ?? ??? ???????, ? ??? ????? ?????? ????????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:32:14.0646 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ?? ???????? ? ??????, ?? ??? ???????, ? ??? ????? ?????? ???????????? 14:32:16.7949 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:xD:0 14:32:21.1744 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:32:21.9527 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Midnight fox:if a ship has small parts as well as big parts do i have to make them seperatly :0 14:32:25.0091 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:+:2 14:32:25.0091 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: +, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:32:25.0091 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: + 14:32:31.0139 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????? ? ???????? ????????? ?? ???? ??????, ????? ??? ?? ??????, ? ??? ?????????:2 14:32:31.0139 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ? ???????? ????????? ?? ???? ??????, ????? ??? ?? ??????, ? ??? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:32:31.0139 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ? ???????? ????????? ?? ???? ??????, ????? ??? ?? ??????, ? ??? ????????? 14:32:44.0084 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ?????????? ?? ??????????? ????, ?? ??? ?? ?????:2 14:32:44.0084 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ?????????? ?? ??????????? ????, ?? ??? ?? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:32:44.0084 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ?????????? ?? ??????????? ????, ?? ??? ?? ????? 14:32:48.8511 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:do roids respawn?:0 14:32:54.8248 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] HairyHarry: No 14:32:58.7327 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:oof k:0 14:33:03.2239 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!hangar load 1' 14:33:03.3081 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 14:33:03.3081 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1009993.73965852 Y:186539.950445294 Z:1615596.50146484 14:33:03.3242 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 14:33:03.3242 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 14:33:03.3242 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): 1 spawn interferences. Run command again in next 15s to spawn grid near you. 14:33:03.3242 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Displaying spawn area! 14:33:03.3242 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Display spawn area! 14:33:08.7917 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:????????? ?????????? ???????:2 14:33:08.7917 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????????? ?????????? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:33:08.7917 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????????? ?????????? ??????? 14:33:16.1122 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???:2 14:33:16.1122 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:33:16.1122 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 14:33:21.1783 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:33:23.1905 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!hangar load 1' 14:33:23.2587 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 14:33:23.2587 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1009993.73965852 Y:186539.950445294 Z:1615596.50146484 14:33:23.2738 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 14:33:23.2738 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 14:33:23.2738 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): 1 spawn interferences. Run command again in next 15s to spawn grid near you. 14:33:23.2738 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Displaying spawn area! 14:33:23.2738 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Display spawn area! 14:33:41.1932 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!hangar load 1' 14:33:41.2725 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 14:33:41.2725 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1009993.73965852 Y:186539.950445294 Z:1615596.50146484 14:33:41.2725 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 14:33:41.2725 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 14:33:41.2725 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): 1 spawn interferences. Run command again in next 15s to spawn grid near you. 14:33:41.2725 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Displaying spawn area! 14:33:41.2725 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Display spawn area! 14:33:46.1487 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:i also got 2 plat deposits:0 14:33:51.3738 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:but i literally only want gold:0 14:33:53.5273 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:again:0 14:33:55.4738 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!hangar load 1' 14:33:55.5591 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 14:33:55.5591 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1009993.73965852 Y:186539.950445294 Z:1615596.50146484 14:33:55.5741 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 1 14:33:55.5741 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: Found record: 86624737241082457 -> 86624737241082457 14:33:55.5741 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: True 14:33:55.5792 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: T61322.5792599681 L61326.7184531114 14:33:55.5982 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): Spawning Complete! 14:33:55.5982 [INFO] Hangar.xXGrabTheBreadXx: Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198350021532\[VEG} Atmo Miner.sbc 14:33:55.6213 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 14:34:00.8168 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Arcnet Explorer, Large Grid 9652, Large Grid 2902, Large Grid 4300, Large Grid 1232, Large Grid 7039, Large Grid 8816, Large Grid 9363, Large Grid 3840, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 14:34:00.8168 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199063276280 14:34:00.8449 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: HairyHarry Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 14:34:00.8449 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Arcnet Explorer is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B [HairyHarry:76561199063276280 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 14:34:00.8881 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 14:34:00.8881 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 76 14:34:00.8931 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 14:34:02.6403 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: HairyHarryLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 14:34:02.6403 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving HairyHarry meta data! 14:34:02.6403 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: HairyHarry (76561199063276280) Disconnected. 14:34:03.5712 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Kahned: Dude we have to meed each other little bit better 14:34:08.7880 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 14:34:10.6547 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 14:34:13.0885 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: how much power u got? 14:34:16.0630 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:xD:0 14:34:21.1887 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:34:21.2549 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: days 14:34:24.8377 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: nice 14:34:32.5711 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 14:34:38.8547 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:we can try to start diplomatic relation in the future:0 14:34:44.3647 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:i started yesterday:0 14:34:53.1152 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Good luck:0 14:34:57.5330 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:thx:0 14:35:21.1894 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:35:38.0764 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:wooo more uranium:0 14:35:42.7295 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:still no gold ._.:0 14:35:54.0397 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Kahned: Cant speak for my faction but I think they will be happy to have allies :) 14:35:54.7708 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:hello:2 14:35:54.7708 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hello, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 14:35:54.7708 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hello 14:36:02.9308 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:xDD:0 14:36:04.5059 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Kahned: Oh fella, I got a ton of gold :> 14:36:05.7494 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:36:06.5160 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:36:06.8688 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:36:08.2653 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:36:08.9643 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:36:12.8176 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:i got 0 deposits:0 14:36:21.2044 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:36:31.0282 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???? ??????????? ???????:2 14:36:31.0282 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ??????????? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:36:31.0282 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ??????????? ??????? 14:36:40.2330 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:me who's late to the wipe and has 0 resource GPS's: :>:0 14:36:49.3289 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:xD:0 14:36:51.4013 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:rip:0 14:37:03.0730 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: have you seen my toy? 14:37:21.2045 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:38:11.5230 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: mby 14:38:21.2065 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:39:10.6065 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 14:39:21.2212 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:39:33.0901 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 14:39:40.6585 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dune passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198827310715, PlayerID: 176561198827310715 14:39:50.9884 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 14:39:51.4068 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 14:39:51.4068 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 14:39:51.4068 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 14:39:51.4068 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 14:39:51.4068 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 14:39:51.4068 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 14:39:51.4068 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 14:39:51.4479 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8893kb Compressed: 415kb 14:39:52.8686 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?:2 14:39:52.8686 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:39:52.8686 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? 14:39:55.2266 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????:2 14:39:55.2266 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:39:55.2266 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 14:40:03.9321 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:????? ???????:2 14:40:03.9321 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:40:03.9321 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ??????? 14:40:06.0893 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: I guess its time for a show of force 14:40:21.2218 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:40:36.5388 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 14:40:49.8324 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 14:40:49.8324 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:40:49.8324 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 14:40:55.6894 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 14:40:56.3503 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ???:2 14:40:56.3503 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:40:56.3503 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ??? 14:41:05.1221 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 14:41:11.1148 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ????????:2 14:41:11.1148 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:41:11.1148 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ???????? 14:41:15.1668 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ? ?? ??????:2 14:41:15.1668 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ? ?? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:41:15.1668 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ? ?? ?????? 14:41:16.0117 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:3:2 14:41:16.0117 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 3, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:41:16.0117 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: 3 14:41:21.2215 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:41:21.4112 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???????? ?????????:2 14:41:21.4112 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???????? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:41:21.4112 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???????? ????????? 14:41:26.0705 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 14:41:33.3791 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??? ??? ??? ????? ?:2 14:41:33.3791 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ??? ??? ????? ?, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:41:33.3791 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ??? ??? ????? ? 14:41:35.8786 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 14:41:35.8786 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:41:35.8786 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 14:41:49.6901 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: IT FUCKING SELF DESTRUCTED LOL 14:41:59.4065 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dune passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198827310715, PlayerID: 176561198827310715 14:42:09.2371 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:? ?? ???:2 14:42:09.2371 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ?? ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:42:09.2371 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ?? ??? 14:42:21.2219 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:42:44.1069 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: hope u didnt want that large thruster 14:42:46.7076 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:im back:2 14:42:46.7076 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im back, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:42:46.7076 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im back 14:42:51.4976 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????? ????????? ?'??:2 14:42:51.4976 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????? ????????? ?'??, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:42:51.4976 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????? ????????? ?'?? 14:42:55.1869 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:wb:2 14:42:55.1869 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wb, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 14:42:55.1869 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wb 14:42:57.9178 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?'??*:2 14:42:57.9178 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?'??*, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:42:57.9178 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?'??* 14:43:00.7399 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 14:43:00.8734 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 14:43:07.9914 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:?:2 14:43:07.9914 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:43:07.9914 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ? 14:43:08.8977 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 14:43:11.2862 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:hey enigma:2 14:43:11.2862 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hey enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:43:11.2862 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: hey enigma 14:43:14.5906 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: that was so funny to me 14:43:19.8197 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i see you fixed up the cockpit:2 14:43:19.8197 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i see you fixed up the cockpit, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:43:19.8197 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i see you fixed up the cockpit 14:43:21.2222 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:43:32.3743 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: *why is nothing happening?* KABOOM 14:43:45.0074 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: ya i ground ur tank and it just blew 14:43:45.4405 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:anyway, do those stupid salvage drones come back:2 14:43:45.4405 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: anyway, do those stupid salvage drones come back, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:43:45.4405 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: anyway, do those stupid salvage drones come back 14:43:51.3032 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 42405ms (290ms CPU) 14:43:51.3032 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 14:43:51.3995 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 14:43:51.5511 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:yes but pls tell me how you dont see this drones have grinder and grind orca?:2 14:43:51.5511 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yes but pls tell me how you dont see this drones have grinder and grind orca?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:43:51.5511 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yes but pls tell me how you dont see this drones have grinder and grind orca? 14:44:05.2699 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i was afk lol:2 14:44:05.2699 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i was afk lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:44:05.2699 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i was afk lol 14:44:14.4210 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:then i got back right as they started to grind:2 14:44:14.4210 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: then i got back right as they started to grind, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:44:14.4210 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: then i got back right as they started to grind 14:44:21.2227 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:44:31.5073 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: lol you were up there 14:44:32.5078 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: ? 14:44:33.0492 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:please dont tell me the drones come back lol:2 14:44:33.0492 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: please dont tell me the drones come back lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:44:33.0492 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: please dont tell me the drones come back lol 14:44:33.6078 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 14:44:43.8403 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: i was on ur ship 14:44:50.0193 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i kill all but had nice damage:2 14:44:50.0193 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i kill all but had nice damage, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:44:50.0193 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i kill all but had nice damage 14:44:52.9878 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oop they do:2 14:44:52.9878 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oop they do, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:44:52.9878 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oop they do 14:44:55.2173 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: standing next the thruster 14:44:57.4833 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: fucking lol 14:44:59.2004 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198988823244] Badman sound: whoopsies 14:45:00.7339 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderVote' 14:45:00.7500 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: You can use !votenow command to submit your daily vote and then use !reward to receive full set of elite tools, Uranium ingots and a chance for Platinum drop!' 14:45:03.0337 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: heh 14:45:21.2234 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:45:49.8667 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Outer space recieved! 14:45:49.8838 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 144115188075855894 14:45:49.9018 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Encounter Salvage station Target: X:1288684.12324323 Y:-685895.05599029 Z:1508114.31115742 14:45:50.0273 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Encounter Salvage station @ X:1288692.66737672 Y:-685892.572506811 Z:1508110.10341591 14:46:00.3554 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i think you need to put a few more seats on this lol:2 14:46:00.3554 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i think you need to put a few more seats on this lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:46:00.3554 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i think you need to put a few more seats on this lol 14:46:02.2937 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:like, one:2 14:46:02.2937 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: like, one, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:46:02.2937 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: like, one 14:46:21.2239 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:46:31.6203 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i think we should check out 'hairy base' :2 14:46:31.6203 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i think we should check out 'hairy base' , Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:46:31.6203 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i think we should check out 'hairy base' 14:46:40.3906 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:GPS:hairy base:-262510.6:-2404143.4:372747.64:#FF75C9F1::2 14:46:40.3906 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:hairy base:-262510.6:-2404143.4:372747.64:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:46:40.3906 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: GPS:hairy base:-262510.6:-2404143.4:372747.64:#FF75C9F1: 14:46:47.0751 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 14:46:47.0842 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 14:46:47.0842 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 4937 Target: X:612149.065368824 Y:-967530.450954647 Z:805705.889391567 14:46:47.1183 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 4937 @ X:612141.893093788 Y:-967528.480800749 Z:805711.132434572 14:46:53.2500 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Arky passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198026903024, PlayerID: 176561198026903024 14:47:02.0168 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198026903024 from 14:47:02.0338 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Arky joined (76561198026903024) 14:47:02.0338 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 14:47:02.0338 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 14:47:02.0338 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 14:47:02.0338 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 14:47:02.1342 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 14:47:21.2356 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:47:25.2429 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:what this:2 14:47:25.2429 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what this, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:47:25.2429 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what this 14:47:34.7913 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:what would be the order of ore rarity?:0 14:47:37.9705 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:no idea, but i think we should check it out:2 14:47:37.9705 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no idea, but i think we should check it out, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:47:37.9705 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: no idea, but i think we should check it out 14:47:43.4173 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Universe passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198176426385, PlayerID: 176561198176426385 14:47:57.0383 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:very cool door design btw:2 14:47:57.0383 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: very cool door design btw, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:47:57.0383 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: very cool door design btw 14:48:03.1426 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...385] (76561198176426385) Disconnected. 14:48:05.0835 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Universe passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198176426385, PlayerID: 176561198176426385 14:48:12.8176 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198176426385 from 14:48:12.8337 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Universe joined (76561198176426385) 14:48:12.8337 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 14:48:12.8337 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 14:48:12.8337 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 14:48:12.8337 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 14:48:12.8508 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: thanks for the resorces tho 14:48:13.0510 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 14:48:17.2440 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i tell you now i m gocus on orca and bild drones for it :2 14:48:17.2440 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i tell you now i m gocus on orca and bild drones for it , Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:48:17.2440 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i tell you now i m gocus on orca and bild drones for it 14:48:17.8175 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: ice iron silicium Nickel cobalt Silver PLatinum Gold Uranium 14:48:20.1281 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ty:2 14:48:20.1281 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ty, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:48:20.1281 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ty 14:48:21.2366 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:48:22.9507 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Arky successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 14:48:24.3016 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok:2 14:48:24.3016 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:48:24.3016 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 14:48:24.5179 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:o:0 14:48:28.0886 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:can i help build drones:2 14:48:28.0886 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can i help build drones, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:48:28.0886 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: can i help build drones 14:48:30.7416 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Universe successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 14:48:31.7086 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Universe has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 14:48:35.5557 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:or something:2 14:48:35.5557 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: or something, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:48:35.5557 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: or something 14:48:36.8774 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: Platinium Gold and Uranium are so hard to find 14:48:40.0351 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:can i help test drones?:2 14:48:40.0351 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can i help test drones?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 14:48:40.0351 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: can i help test drones? 14:48:42.0457 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:to me its a littleee bit different:0 14:48:49.8053 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:they are blueprint i just pbild whit bars:2 14:48:49.8053 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: they are blueprint i just pbild whit bars, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:48:49.8053 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: they are blueprint i just pbild whit bars 14:48:56.1776 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:48:58.2113 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:48:59.1648 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] xXGrabTheBreadXx: Hit up mars for gold 14:48:59.2430 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:48:59.6229 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:48:59.9577 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:49:13.4983 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] xXGrabTheBreadXx: Its everywehre 14:49:13.8341 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:ice nickel silicon iron cobalt Silver platnum Uranium Gold:0 14:49:15.0776 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:on this server I always find Pt and U before Au:0 14:49:19.9643 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:dunno why:0 14:49:21.2363 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:49:32.4948 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198176426385 took: 12ms Total Grids Sent: 1 14:49:33.0483 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Kahned: random luck 14:49:34.1989 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 14:49:34.4819 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:i always find tht in every server:0 14:49:36.2827 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Universe Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 14:49:36.3309 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 14:49:36.3309 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 98 14:49:36.3309 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 14:49:37.2175 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: UniverseLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 14:49:37.2175 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Universe meta data! 14:49:37.2175 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Universe (76561198176426385) Disconnected. 14:49:40.2013 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Universe passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198176426385, PlayerID: 176561198176426385 14:49:44.5709 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:there was an entrance out here???:2 14:49:44.5709 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: there was an entrance out here???, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:49:44.5709 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: there was an entrance out here??? 14:49:47.5962 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:random unluck because I always need gold more than the others lol:0 14:49:50.3349 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i bild:2 14:49:50.3349 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i bild, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:49:50.3349 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i bild 14:49:57.5306 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:same:0 14:50:00.3176 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:although uranium's pretty useful ngl:0 14:50:21.2364 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:50:24.6255 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Papenino:but u just don't need lots of it:0 14:50:30.8034 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ????????, ?????:2 14:50:30.8034 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ????????, ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:50:30.8034 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ????????, ????? 14:50:33.1052 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oooh, cldc commercial freighter:2 14:50:33.1052 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oooh, cldc commercial freighter, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:50:33.1052 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oooh, cldc commercial freighter 14:50:41.0547 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:????:2 14:50:41.0547 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:50:41.0547 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? 14:50:44.4542 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 14:50:44.4542 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:50:44.4542 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 14:50:49.7953 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: vc arky? 14:50:55.8894 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:):2 14:50:55.8894 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ), Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:50:55.8894 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ) 14:50:56.1553 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:? ??? ?????????? ??? ?????:2 14:50:56.1553 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ??? ?????????? ??? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:50:56.1553 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ??? ?????????? ??? ????? 14:51:02.2084 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??:2 14:51:02.2084 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:51:02.2084 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 14:51:09.3708 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 14:51:09.3778 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 14:51:09.3778 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 4242 Target: X:1333651.093147 Y:-56619.7257234915 Z:422246.725119488 14:51:09.4125 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 4242 @ X:1333642.68248325 Y:-56622.7681835755 Z:422245.605218695 14:51:21.2374 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:51:25.8036 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:????? ???? ???? ????????????? ?? ????????:2 14:51:25.8036 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ???? ???? ????????????? ?? ????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:51:25.8036 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ???? ???? ????????????? ?? ???????? 14:51:30.2955 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: hi 14:51:30.3076 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 14:51:30.3076 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:51:30.3076 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 14:51:36.4119 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: VC is empty for me? 14:51:42.4698 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???? ??????? ??????:2 14:51:42.4698 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ??????? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:51:42.4698 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ??????? ?????? 14:51:45.6858 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i guess you're docking:2 14:51:45.6858 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i guess you're docking, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:51:45.6858 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i guess you're docking 14:51:59.3902 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ??? ???? ????? ????? ????????????:2 14:51:59.3902 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ??? ???? ????? ????? ????????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:51:59.3902 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ??? ???? ????? ????? ???????????? 14:52:21.2380 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:52:31.9785 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199159754171 from 14:52:31.9956 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Worker_Ant joined (76561199159754171) 14:52:31.9956 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 14:52:31.9956 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 14:52:31.9956 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 14:52:31.9956 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 14:52:32.2856 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 14:52:40.6439 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:you just gotta turn it now:2 14:52:40.6439 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you just gotta turn it now, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:52:40.6439 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: you just gotta turn it now 14:52:49.7624 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] phynox: ok hop in now 14:52:50.0554 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:come in:2 14:52:50.0554 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: come in, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:52:50.0554 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: come in 14:52:54.2618 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: oh so most stuff is gone now, where is the rest 14:52:57.6917 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:its not docked just saying:2 14:52:57.6917 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its not docked just saying, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:52:57.6917 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: its not docked just saying 14:53:06.3368 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:????, ???? ??????? ????????:2 14:53:06.3368 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????, ???? ??????? ????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:53:06.3368 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????, ???? ??????? ???????? 14:53:15.0971 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 14:53:15.0971 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman soundLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 14:53:15.0971 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 14:53:15.0971 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Badman sound (76561198142381224) Disconnected. 14:53:21.2536 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:53:29.9531 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:oh, i guess it is then:2 14:53:29.9531 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh, i guess it is then, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:53:29.9531 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh, i guess it is then 14:53:49.4076 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...224] (76561198142381224) Disconnected. 14:53:57.3559 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:how do i zoom :2 14:53:57.3559 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how do i zoom , Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:53:57.3559 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: how do i zoom 14:54:04.3804 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:mid wheel:2 14:54:04.3804 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mid wheel, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:54:04.3804 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: mid wheel 14:54:07.4452 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Badman sound passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198142381224, PlayerID: 176561198142381224 14:54:14.8586 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:mid wheel?:2 14:54:14.8586 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mid wheel?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:54:14.8586 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: mid wheel? 14:54:16.9791 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198142381224 from 14:54:16.9952 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Badman sound joined (76561198142381224) 14:54:16.9952 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 14:54:16.9952 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 14:54:16.9952 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 14:54:16.9952 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 14:54:16.9952 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Badman sound shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 14:54:17.1126 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 14:54:21.2680 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:54:34.9451 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 14:54:36.7907 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:where we going rn?:2 14:54:36.7907 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: where we going rn?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:54:36.7907 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: where we going rn? 14:54:38.1118 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman sound successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 14:54:39.3788 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Badman sound has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 14:54:47.2940 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????:2 14:54:47.2940 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:54:47.2940 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 14:54:49.5115 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Worker_Ant successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 14:54:49.5275 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.RespawnLocationsSync: Autospawning 76561199159754171 14:54:49.5275 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player Worker_Ant 14:54:51.2768 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 14:54:51.2768 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 14:54:51.2768 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 14:54:51.2768 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 14:54:51.2768 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 14:54:51.2768 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 14:54:51.2768 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Worker_Ant meta data! 14:54:51.2768 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 14:54:51.2768 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 14:54:51.3179 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8899kb Compressed: 415kb 14:54:52.4896 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:npc:2 14:54:52.4896 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: npc, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:54:52.4896 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: npc 14:54:53.1137 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Badman sound (76561198142381224) was trying to cheat! and was kicked! 14:54:53.1137 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: SafeZone change CHEATS detected 76561198142381224 + Badman sound + Hacker GPS:X:1088922.03907285 Y:138067.242096103 Z:1608816.79629385 + Range from Hacker to Block: 206.296630852788 + Owner was:phynox, Block changed:Safe Zone, On Grid:ai base + GridGPS: X:1088898.1050166 Y:138271.429404185 Z:1608833.91365553 14:54:53.1137 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player:Badman sound, KICK Request detected from same Player, Possible CHEATS detected, KICK Denyed, ADMIN-ACCESS 14:54:53.1137 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Badman sound (76561198142381224) was trying to cheat! and was kicked! 14:54:53.1137 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: SafeZone change CHEATS detected 76561198142381224 + Badman sound + Hacker GPS:X:1088922.03907285 Y:138067.242096103 Z:1608816.79629385 + Range from Hacker to Block: 206.296630852788 + Owner was:phynox, Block changed:Safe Zone, On Grid:ai base + GridGPS: X:1088898.1050166 Y:138271.429404185 Z:1608833.91365553 14:54:53.1137 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player:Badman sound, KICK Request detected from same Player, Possible CHEATS detected, KICK Denyed, ADMIN-ACCESS 14:55:01.2609 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:commerial freighter?:2 14:55:01.2609 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: commerial freighter?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:55:01.2609 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: commerial freighter? 14:55:04.8071 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ye:2 14:55:04.8071 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ye, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:55:04.8071 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ye 14:55:09.7226 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok:2 14:55:09.7226 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:55:09.7226 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 14:55:15.3878 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:to loot, right?:2 14:55:15.3878 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: to loot, right?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:55:15.3878 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: to loot, right? 14:55:21.2687 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:55:24.7275 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Badman sound (76561198142381224) was trying to cheat! and was kicked! 14:55:24.7275 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: SafeZone change CHEATS detected 76561198142381224 + Badman sound + Hacker GPS:X:1088947.0700394 Y:138069.774360556 Z:1608869.89932841 + Range from Hacker to Block: 210.611725056249 + Owner was:phynox, Block changed:Safe Zone, On Grid:ai base + GridGPS: X:1088898.1050166 Y:138271.429404185 Z:1608833.91365553 14:55:24.7275 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player:Badman sound, KICK Request detected from same Player, Possible CHEATS detected, KICK Denyed, ADMIN-ACCESS 14:55:24.7275 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Badman sound (76561198142381224) was trying to cheat! and was kicked! 14:55:24.7275 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: SafeZone change CHEATS detected 76561198142381224 + Badman sound + Hacker GPS:X:1088947.0700394 Y:138069.774360556 Z:1608869.89932841 + Range from Hacker to Block: 210.611725056249 + Owner was:phynox, Block changed:Safe Zone, On Grid:ai base + GridGPS: X:1088898.1050166 Y:138271.429404185 Z:1608833.91365553 14:55:24.7275 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player:Badman sound, KICK Request detected from same Player, Possible CHEATS detected, KICK Denyed, ADMIN-ACCESS 14:55:29.3410 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Missed!:2 14:55:29.3410 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Missed!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:55:29.3410 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Missed! 14:55:38.4236 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:DRONE!:2 14:55:38.4236 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: DRONE!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:55:38.4236 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: DRONE! 14:55:50.5097 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: yall in space? 14:55:54.1592 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:yep:2 14:55:54.1592 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yep, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:55:54.1592 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yep 14:55:57.9565 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ???????? ???? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ???????. ??? ?????? ???????????????, ?????? ?? ?? ????:2 14:55:57.9565 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ???????? ???? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ???????. ??? ?????? ???????????????, ?????? ?? ?? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:55:57.9565 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ???????? ???? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ???????. ??? ?????? ???????????????, ?????? ?? ?? ???? 14:56:03.4040 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ?????? 4:2 14:56:03.4040 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ?????? 4, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:56:03.4040 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ?????? 4 14:56:05.5267 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: can i come too? 14:56:07.0588 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:2 drones incoming:2 14:56:07.0588 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 2 drones incoming, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:56:07.0588 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: 2 drones incoming 14:56:08.5114 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 14:56:08.5114 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:56:08.5114 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 14:56:16.3930 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???:2 14:56:16.3930 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:56:16.3930 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 14:56:16.5916 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:k:2 14:56:16.5916 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: k, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:56:16.5916 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: k 14:56:20.1126 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Salvage drone down!:2 14:56:20.1126 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Salvage drone down!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:56:20.1126 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Salvage drone down! 14:56:21.2692 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:56:21.3947 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ???? ??????????:2 14:56:21.3947 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ???? ??????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:56:21.3947 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ???? ?????????? 14:56:33.2101 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:second drone closing:2 14:56:33.2101 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: second drone closing, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:56:33.2101 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: second drone closing 14:56:36.2414 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???????:2 14:56:36.2414 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:56:36.2414 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????? 14:56:41.7787 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ??:2 14:56:41.7787 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:56:41.7838 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ?? 14:56:54.0651 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Range: 700m:2 14:56:54.0651 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Range: 700m, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:56:54.0651 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Range: 700m 14:56:54.9458 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:????, ?? ???? ???? ????????? ?????????:2 14:56:54.9458 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????, ?? ???? ???? ????????? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:56:54.9458 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????, ?? ???? ???? ????????? ????????? 14:57:00.2760 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:900m...:2 14:57:00.2760 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 900m..., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:57:00.2760 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: 900m... 14:57:00.7251 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199159754171 took: 81ms Total Grids Sent: 1 14:57:03.6270 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????????:2 14:57:03.6270 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:57:03.6270 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????????? 14:57:06.0371 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:10.5094 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dune passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198827310715, PlayerID: 176561198827310715 14:57:15.2076 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ill keep track of the drone while you do your thing:2 14:57:15.2076 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ill keep track of the drone while you do your thing, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:57:15.2076 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ill keep track of the drone while you do your thing 14:57:21.2834 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:57:40.3597 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: which space base tho? 14:57:42.0709 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Drones incoming!:2 14:57:42.0709 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Drones incoming!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:57:42.0709 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Drones incoming! 14:57:44.8964 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:44.9175 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:44.9396 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:44.9396 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:44.9918 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.0008 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.0199 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.0510 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.0670 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.0670 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.0881 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.0881 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.0881 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1042 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1172 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1343 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1343 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1343 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1343 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1533 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1533 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1674 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1674 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1674 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1885 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.1885 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.2105 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.2105 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.2206 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.2206 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.2206 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.2728 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.2858 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.2858 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.2858 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.3029 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.3029 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.3229 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.3229 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.3350 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.3550 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.3912 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.4173 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.4173 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.4173 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.4353 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.4353 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.4534 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.4855 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.5015 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.5367 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.5758 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.5758 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.5848 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.6531 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.6868 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.7038 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.7038 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.7199 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.7841 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.7841 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.8223 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.8534 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.8694 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.8865 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.8865 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.9176 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.9176 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:45.9728 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.0199 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.0531 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.0531 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.0531 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.0691 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.0848 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.0848 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.1239 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.1239 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.1349 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.1349 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.1701 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.2042 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.2042 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.2042 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.2202 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.2202 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.2513 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.2885 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.2885 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.3025 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.3356 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.3356 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.3698 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.3698 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.4019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.4019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1018C6D512963D3} Emotion Controller [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.4179 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.4360 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.4510 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.4868 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.5420 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.5871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.6042 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.6172 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.6343 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.6343 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.6343 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.6343 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.6553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.6553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.6674 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.6674 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.6865 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.7216 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.7356 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.7707 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.7858 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.7858 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.8529 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.8690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.8690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.8690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.9191 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.9603 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.9703 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.9703 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.9703 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:46.9854 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.0034 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.0205 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.0416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.0416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.0416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.0676 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.0847 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.1008 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.1178 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.1389 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.1389 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.1519 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.1519 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.1680 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.2081 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.2513 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.2513 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.3195 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.3195 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.3195 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.4199 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.4379 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.4379 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.4379 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.4690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.4690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.5022 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.5503 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.5690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.6021 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.6021 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.6683 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.6854 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.7044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.7044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.7044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.7346 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.7346 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.7516 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.7516 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:500m!:2 14:57:47.7516 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 500m!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:57:47.7516 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: 500m! 14:57:47.7727 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.8018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.8018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.8018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.8359 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.8359 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.8359 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.8359 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.8710 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.8851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.8851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.9021 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.9232 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.9232 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.9523 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.9684 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.9684 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.9684 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:47.9914 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.0025 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.0517 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.0687 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.0687 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.0687 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.1018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.1018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.1189 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.1349 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.1520 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.1520 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.1520 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.1871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.1871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.2172 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.2172 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.2383 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.2513 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.2513 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.2694 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.3192 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.3362 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.3362 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.3362 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.3543 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.3693 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.3693 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.4185 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.4185 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.4185 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.4526 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.4717 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.4717 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.5259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.5359 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.5359 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.5881 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.5881 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.6032 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.6533 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.6684 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.6864 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.7075 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.7356 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.7738 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.8039 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.8215 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.8396 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.8526 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.8857 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.8857 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:48.9178 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:49.0031 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:49.0513 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:49.0864 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 14:57:51.6756 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:300m!:2 14:57:51.6756 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 300m!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:57:51.6756 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: 300m! 14:58:01.0434 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???:2 14:58:01.0434 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:58:01.0434 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 14:58:05.9961 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:drone impact immenent:2 14:58:05.9961 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: drone impact immenent, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:58:05.9961 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: drone impact immenent 14:58:08.4764 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198026903024 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 14:58:08.4955 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????:2 14:58:08.4955 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:58:08.4955 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ???? ?????? ??????? ????? 14:58:11.8328 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:58:13.2508 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:58:13.3010 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:58:13.7662 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:58:14.1221 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 14:58:19.3401 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ???????? ??????? ???:2 14:58:19.3401 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ???????? ??????? ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:58:19.3401 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ???????? ??????? ??? 14:58:20.4566 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:one drone down!:2 14:58:20.4566 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: one drone down!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:58:20.4566 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: one drone down! 14:58:21.2834 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:58:35.1550 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:afk:2 14:58:35.1550 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: afk, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:58:35.1550 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: afk 14:58:46.9290 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199159754171 took: 87ms Total Grids Sent: 1 14:59:05.0581 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Worker_Ant Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 14:59:07.2930 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Worker_AntLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 14:59:07.2930 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Worker_Ant meta data! 14:59:07.2930 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Worker_Ant (76561199159754171) Disconnected. 14:59:07.7265 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:back:2 14:59:07.7265 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: back, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:59:07.7265 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: back 14:59:21.2946 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 14:59:24.3484 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:DRONES ARE ATTACKING:2 14:59:24.3484 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: DRONES ARE ATTACKING, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:59:24.3484 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: DRONES ARE ATTACKING 14:59:25.2285 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????? ??? ???????? ?? ????? ?? ????????? ? ??????????:2 14:59:25.2285 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ??? ???????? ?? ????? ?? ????????? ? ??????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:59:25.2285 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ??? ???????? ?? ????? ?? ????????? ? ?????????? 14:59:30.3813 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:drones are attacking the npc though:2 14:59:30.3813 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: drones are attacking the npc though, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 14:59:30.3813 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: drones are attacking the npc though 14:59:32.6245 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:????:2 14:59:32.6245 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 14:59:32.6245 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? 14:59:34.4058 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ?????? ? ????? ??????????:2 14:59:34.4058 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ?????? ? ????? ??????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 14:59:34.4058 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ?????? ? ????? ?????????? 14:59:35.4075 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 14:59:38.4574 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Worker_Ant passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199159754171, PlayerID: 176561199159754171 14:59:54.9119 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:that me lol:2 14:59:54.9119 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: that me lol, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:59:54.9119 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: that me lol 14:59:58.0776 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:calm:2 14:59:58.0776 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: calm, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 14:59:58.0776 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: calm 15:00:00.5414 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder1h' 15:00:00.5584 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 1 hour.' 15:00:00.5584 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [1 hour]." 5000 White' 15:00:03.5391 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:your in the seat ttho:2 15:00:03.5391 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: your in the seat ttho, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:00:03.5391 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: your in the seat ttho 15:00:20.3139 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:aight ill keep an eye out for drones not attacking the npc:2 15:00:20.3139 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: aight ill keep an eye out for drones not attacking the npc, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:00:20.3139 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: aight ill keep an eye out for drones not attacking the npc 15:00:21.2983 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:00:31.2252 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:drones, 3oclock:2 15:00:31.2252 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: drones, 3oclock, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:00:31.2252 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: drones, 3oclock 15:01:17.0913 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dune passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198827310715, PlayerID: 176561198827310715 15:01:21.2995 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:01:27.4127 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i advise not attacking that station:2 15:01:27.4127 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i advise not attacking that station, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:01:27.4127 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i advise not attacking that station 15:01:32.5452 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:it has multiple gun turrets:2 15:01:32.5452 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it has multiple gun turrets, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:01:32.5452 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: it has multiple gun turrets 15:01:35.1083 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ronaldwaihong passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199193696225, PlayerID: 176561199193696225 15:01:36.5770 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:and itll RIP US:2 15:01:36.5770 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and itll RIP US, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:01:36.5770 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: and itll RIP US 15:01:40.0077 [INFO] Chat: (to Badman sound): Perks claimed, Check your character inventory! (VIP+ - 5352253) 15:01:40.0077 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!perks' 15:02:20.7252 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Worker_Ant passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199159754171, PlayerID: 176561199159754171 15:02:21.3002 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:03:04.7217 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:? ????? ?? ???? ???? ?????????? ?? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ?????? ????????? ??????????:2 15:03:04.7217 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ????? ?? ???? ???? ?????????? ?? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ?????? ????????? ??????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:03:04.7217 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ????? ?? ???? ???? ?????????? ?? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ?????? ????????? ?????????? 15:03:05.3706 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Incoming drones:2 15:03:05.3706 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Incoming drones, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:03:05.3706 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Incoming drones 15:03:08.7087 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: reallybig passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197986452629, PlayerID: 176561197986452629 15:03:12.3408 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:finally got the right space spawn:2 15:03:12.3408 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: finally got the right space spawn, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:03:12.3408 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: finally got the right space spawn 15:03:21.3144 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:03:22.2001 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:03:22.9322 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:03:23.1650 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:03:23.7311 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:03:23.9980 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:03:26.9060 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ronaldwaihong passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199193696225, PlayerID: 176561199193696225 15:03:50.7200 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:2 drones incoming.:2 15:03:50.7200 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 2 drones incoming., Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:03:50.7200 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: 2 drones incoming. 15:03:57.5704 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:range 1 kilometer:2 15:03:57.5704 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: range 1 kilometer, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:03:57.5704 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: range 1 kilometer 15:04:00.7531 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:xd:2 15:04:00.7531 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: xd, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:04:00.7531 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: xd 15:04:21.3148 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:04:34.0761 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:good luck on the station attack, i gotta have my pills:2 15:04:34.0761 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: good luck on the station attack, i gotta have my pills, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:04:34.0761 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: good luck on the station attack, i gotta have my pills 15:04:36.0901 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 15:04:47.2846 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:k:2 15:04:47.2846 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: k, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:04:47.2846 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: k 15:04:54.7566 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: reallybig passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197986452629, PlayerID: 176561197986452629 15:04:55.6690 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:back:2 15:04:55.6690 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: back, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:04:55.6690 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: back 15:05:12.6707 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:you know the ship is being shredded right:2 15:05:12.6707 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you know the ship is being shredded right, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:05:12.6707 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: you know the ship is being shredded right 15:05:21.3157 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:06:00.7903 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: patouLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 15:06:00.7903 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving patou meta data! 15:06:00.7903 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: patou has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198000604600 15:06:21.3294 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:06:22.9924 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ye:2 15:06:22.9924 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ye, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:06:22.9924 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ye 15:06:31.0334 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.0334 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.0334 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.0675 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.0675 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.0896 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.1086 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.1177 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.1377 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.1498 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.2070 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.2501 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.2501 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.2973 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.2973 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.3144 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.3144 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.3304 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.3304 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.3304 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.3485 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.3645 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.3816 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.3816 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.3816 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.4007 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.4007 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.4358 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.4528 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.4669 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.4990 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.5682 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.5863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.5983 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.5983 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.5983 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: FranFranLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 15:06:31.5983 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving FranFran meta data! 15:06:31.5983 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: FranFran has been successfully synced with ID: 176561197988086848 15:06:31.6315 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.6485 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.7057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.7057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.7057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.7057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.7057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.7057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.7810 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.7810 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.8181 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.8332 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.8332 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.8492 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.8693 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.8813 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.8994 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.9205 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.9205 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.9305 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.9486 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:31.9646 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:32.0339 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:32.0820 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:32.0820 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:32.0981 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:32.1322 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:32.1322 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:32.1322 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:32.1322 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:32.1322 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:32.1483 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:32.1994 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 15:06:41.8105 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:im in space with enigma and bravo:2 15:06:41.8105 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im in space with enigma and bravo, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:06:41.8105 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im in space with enigma and bravo 15:07:21.3292 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:07:31.0101 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:2 drones:2 15:07:31.0101 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 2 drones, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:07:31.0101 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: 2 drones 15:07:45.9712 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:incoming fire:2 15:07:45.9712 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: incoming fire, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:07:45.9712 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: incoming fire 15:08:04.4052 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:good hits:2 15:08:04.4052 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: good hits, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:08:04.4052 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: good hits 15:08:09.3398 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: reallybig passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197986452629, PlayerID: 176561197986452629 15:08:21.3307 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:08:24.1115 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:target destroyed:2 15:08:24.1115 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: target destroyed, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:08:24.1115 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: target destroyed 15:08:30.3079 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 15:08:30.3079 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allowed! 15:08:31.4581 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode change with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 15:08:31.4581 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode Changed by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allow! 15:08:33.2579 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:should i go scrap that?:2 15:08:33.2579 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: should i go scrap that?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:08:33.2579 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: should i go scrap that? 15:08:36.0293 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 15:08:36.0293 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS detected, action Allow! 15:08:44.4931 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we should all go salvage it:2 15:08:44.4931 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we should all go salvage it, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:08:44.4931 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we should all go salvage it 15:08:48.4472 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:bars xs:2 15:08:48.4472 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bars xs, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:08:48.4472 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bars xs 15:08:49.9777 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:nice:2 15:08:49.9777 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:08:49.9777 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nice 15:09:21.3309 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:09:36.7899 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 15:09:51.3128 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 15:09:51.3138 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 15:09:51.3138 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 15:09:51.3138 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 15:09:51.3138 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 15:09:51.3138 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 15:09:51.3138 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 15:09:51.3138 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 15:09:51.3529 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8918kb Compressed: 416kb 15:10:20.4144 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 15:10:21.3312 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:10:32.8610 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:sup:2 15:10:32.8610 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: sup, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:10:32.8610 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: sup 15:10:44.8111 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Sup home boy:2 15:10:44.8111 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Sup home boy, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:10:44.8111 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Sup home boy 15:10:56.2465 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:2 drones incoming i guess:2 15:10:56.2465 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 2 drones incoming i guess, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:10:56.2465 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: 2 drones incoming i guess 15:11:21.3312 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:11:43.3116 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:pro tip dont fall out of the ship:2 15:11:43.3116 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: pro tip dont fall out of the ship, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:11:43.3116 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: pro tip dont fall out of the ship 15:12:21.3465 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:12:39.3017 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:no ship?:2 15:12:39.3017 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no ship?, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:12:39.3017 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: no ship? 15:12:44.9833 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:wheres the scrap:2 15:12:44.9833 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wheres the scrap, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:12:44.9833 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wheres the scrap 15:12:51.5326 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:no just spawned :2 15:12:51.5326 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no just spawned , Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:12:51.5326 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: no just spawned 15:13:00.0309 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 15:13:05.9568 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?, ??????:2 15:13:05.9568 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:13:05.9568 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?, ?????? 15:13:08.3443 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:had to check if ares had got here:2 15:13:08.3443 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: had to check if ares had got here, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:13:08.3453 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: had to check if ares had got here 15:13:13.6316 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ???? ??? ??????? ????:2 15:13:13.6316 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ???? ??? ??????? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:13:13.6316 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ???? ??? ??????? ???? 15:13:21.3465 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:13:28.5285 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig::p:2 15:13:28.5285 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: :p, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:13:28.5285 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: :p 15:13:40.8814 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:lots of them now:2 15:13:40.8814 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lots of them now, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:13:40.8814 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: lots of them now 15:13:41.4205 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:were to find player commands?:0 15:13:49.1661 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: Do !cl 15:13:51.3107 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 15:13:52.2119 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:although we're at peace:2 15:13:52.2119 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: although we're at peace, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:13:52.2119 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: although we're at peace 15:13:53.2306 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Seems steange to why they're all here instead of Mars:2 15:13:53.2306 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Seems steange to why they're all here instead of Mars, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:13:53.2306 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Seems steange to why they're all here instead of Mars 15:14:00.1562 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???? ????? :2 15:14:00.1562 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???? ????? , Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:14:00.1562 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???? ????? 15:14:06.8332 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:Bravo started buildin a base in this sector:2 15:14:06.8332 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Bravo started buildin a base in this sector, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:14:06.8332 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Bravo started buildin a base in this sector 15:14:10.9990 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:ty:0 15:14:12.1496 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:guess the rest followed:2 15:14:12.1496 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: guess the rest followed, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:14:12.1496 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: guess the rest followed 15:14:12.5355 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Ahhh:2 15:14:12.5355 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Ahhh, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:14:12.5355 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Ahhh 15:14:17.5605 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:? ???? ?????????? ???????, ?? ??????? ????? ????? ? ?? ???????:2 15:14:17.5605 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ? ???? ?????????? ???????, ?? ??????? ????? ????? ? ?? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:14:17.5605 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? ???? ?????????? ???????, ?? ??????? ????? ????? ? ?? ??????? 15:14:21.3464 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:14:24.4154 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 15:14:24.7646 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??:2 15:14:24.7646 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:14:24.7646 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 15:14:33.9098 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:faction rep do anything?:2 15:14:33.9098 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: faction rep do anything?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:14:33.9098 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: faction rep do anything? 15:14:37.5321 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 15:14:38.7093 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 47398ms (276ms CPU) 15:14:38.7093 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 15:14:38.7956 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 15:14:52.4929 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:where rep?:2 15:14:52.4929 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: where rep?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:14:52.4929 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: where rep? 15:14:55.6428 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Good to know we're at peace with them as they are big boys:2 15:14:55.6428 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Good to know we're at peace with them as they are big boys, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:14:55.6428 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Good to know we're at peace with them as they are big boys 15:15:00.7163 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 15:15:14.1811 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:when u break an enemy ship u lose faction reputation:2 15:15:14.1811 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: when u break an enemy ship u lose faction reputation, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:15:14.1811 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: when u break an enemy ship u lose faction reputation 15:15:21.3619 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:15:29.1497 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.1677 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.1848 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.2029 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.2029 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.2510 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.2671 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.2862 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.2862 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.3012 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.3012 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.3193 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.3520 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.3690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.3690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.3851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.3851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.4333 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.4684 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.4684 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.4684 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.5095 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.5356 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.5356 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.5356 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.5517 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.5894 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.6195 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.6195 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.6195 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.6345 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.6687 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.6687 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.7018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.7178 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.7239 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198142381224] phynox: noice 15:15:29.7720 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.8694 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.8694 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.9336 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.9336 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.9667 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.9667 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:29.9838 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:30.0028 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:30.0209 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:30.0369 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:30.1202 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:30.1202 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:30.1202 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:30.1343 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:30.1985 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 15:15:30.9955 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ye i ont care about this xd:2 15:15:30.9955 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ye i ont care about this xd, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:15:30.9955 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ye i ont care about this xd 15:15:49.8793 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Enigma:2 15:15:49.8793 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:15:49.8793 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Enigma 15:15:56.1509 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we should check out hairy base:2 15:15:56.1509 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we should check out hairy base, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:15:56.1509 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we should check out hairy base 15:15:56.5854 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 15:16:16.3410 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?:2 15:16:16.3410 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:16:16.3410 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ? 15:16:19.5479 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Europa recieved! 15:16:19.5479 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Small Grid 6087 Target: X:942175.652340452 Y:-12222.2464656519 Z:1605584.39718295 15:16:19.5910 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Small Grid 6087 @ X:942176.882280598 Y:-12222.0075123297 Z:1605585.89473043 15:16:21.3619 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:16:33.7156 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 15:16:33.7236 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 15:16:33.7236 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 561 Target: X:476920.719425315 Y:-1094913.43978029 Z:730655.826412201 15:16:33.7587 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 561 @ X:476928.330765525 Y:-1094913.6158927 Z:730661.676538889 15:16:44.2835 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ok leave it xd is useles:2 15:16:44.2835 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok leave it xd is useles, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:16:44.2835 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok leave it xd is useles 15:17:05.4257 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 15:17:05.4257 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman soundLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 15:17:05.4257 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 15:17:05.4257 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Badman sound (76561198142381224) Disconnected. 15:17:15.2864 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Station is open btw so build away :2 15:17:15.2864 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Station is open btw so build away , Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:17:15.2864 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Station is open btw so build away 15:17:21.3624 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:17:30.2480 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:somehow didnt fall off:2 15:17:30.2480 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: somehow didnt fall off, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:17:30.2480 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: somehow didnt fall off 15:17:32.8519 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:i need to go to space and save my freighter which has no power :p:2 15:17:32.8519 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i need to go to space and save my freighter which has no power :p, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:17:32.8519 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: i need to go to space and save my freighter which has no power :p 15:17:35.5126 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:xd:2 15:17:35.5126 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: xd, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:17:35.5126 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: xd 15:17:39.4859 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:2 ships both buggered:2 15:17:39.4859 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 2 ships both buggered, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:17:39.4859 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: 2 ships both buggered 15:17:48.3381 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:do freighters have any loot on them:2 15:17:48.3381 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: do freighters have any loot on them, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:17:48.3381 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: do freighters have any loot on them 15:17:48.8665 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:although my space miner more buggered :p:2 15:17:48.8665 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: although my space miner more buggered :p, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:17:48.8665 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: although my space miner more buggered :p 15:17:54.1124 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:high quality magnet shoes ig:2 15:17:54.1124 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: high quality magnet shoes ig, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:17:54.1124 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: high quality magnet shoes ig 15:17:58.5392 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ye:2 15:17:58.5392 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ye, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:17:58.5392 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ye 15:18:03.5551 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:nice, like what:2 15:18:03.5551 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice, like what, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:18:03.5551 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: nice, like what 15:18:05.2726 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Spawn up here and take my ship it has landing gear:2 15:18:05.2726 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Spawn up here and take my ship it has landing gear, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:18:05.2726 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Spawn up here and take my ship it has landing gear 15:18:16.4052 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 15:18:16.4072 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 144115188075855910 15:18:16.4072 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 9238 Target: X:409151.331556909 Y:-1017882.05205768 Z:869779.752569194 15:18:16.4413 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 9238 @ X:409148.494538017 Y:-1017874.90108013 Z:869767.497373442 15:18:21.3623 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:18:28.9307 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:like uranium or something?:2 15:18:28.9307 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: like uranium or something?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:18:28.9307 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: like uranium or something? 15:18:32.2556 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:yew:2 15:18:32.2556 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yew, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:18:32.2556 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: yew 15:18:44.3025 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:amazing:2 15:18:44.3025 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: amazing, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:18:44.3025 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: amazing 15:18:51.8665 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:am i on the bottom of the ship?:2 15:18:51.8665 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: am i on the bottom of the ship?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:18:51.8665 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: am i on the bottom of the ship? 15:18:56.9151 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:we could definitely use a lot of that:2 15:18:56.9151 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: we could definitely use a lot of that, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:18:56.9151 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: we could definitely use a lot of that 15:19:07.9494 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:in the trition outpost:2 15:19:07.9494 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: in the trition outpost, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:19:07.9494 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: in the trition outpost 15:19:21.3758 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:19:38.1133 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 15:20:21.3767 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:20:25.0709 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:ant grind trusters at back:2 15:20:25.0709 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ant grind trusters at back, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:20:25.0709 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ant grind trusters at back 15:20:28.7256 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:sop it:2 15:20:28.7256 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: sop it, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:20:28.7256 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: sop it 15:20:34.5834 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:stop this ship:2 15:20:34.5834 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: stop this ship, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:20:34.5834 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: stop this ship 15:20:39.6259 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:one moment im getting spawn killed by gravity:2 15:20:39.6259 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: one moment im getting spawn killed by gravity, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:20:39.6259 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: one moment im getting spawn killed by gravity 15:20:58.4152 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 15:20:58.4443 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 15:20:58.4443 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 4866 Target: X:581677.623568657 Y:-946351.323906175 Z:852135.077988927 15:20:58.4835 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 4866 @ X:581667.581637534 Y:-946345.091425507 Z:852129.40428545 15:21:21.3772 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:21:26.8502 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:i see the triton outpost from here:2 15:21:26.8502 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i see the triton outpost from here, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:21:26.8502 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i see the triton outpost from here 15:21:42.4060 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Badman sound passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198142381224, PlayerID: 176561198142381224 15:21:47.7057 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: reallybig passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197986452629, PlayerID: 176561197986452629 15:21:48.8854 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:Enigma, where are we headed:2 15:21:48.8854 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Enigma, where are we headed, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:21:48.8854 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Enigma, where are we headed 15:21:50.2287 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198142381224 from 15:21:50.2437 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Badman sound joined (76561198142381224) 15:21:50.2437 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 15:21:50.2437 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 15:21:50.2437 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 15:21:50.2437 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 15:21:50.2437 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Badman sound shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 15:21:50.3732 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 15:22:02.4726 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 15:22:03.7045 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???:2 15:22:03.7045 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:22:03.7045 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 15:22:11.9897 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:i m going for ores nothing more:2 15:22:11.9897 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i m going for ores nothing more, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:22:11.9897 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i m going for ores nothing more 15:22:12.1729 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman sound successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 15:22:13.4580 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Badman sound has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 15:22:14.6212 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Enigma_bg:+ npc:2 15:22:14.6212 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: + npc, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:22:14.6212 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: + npc 15:22:14.9092 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????:2 15:22:14.9092 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:22:14.9092 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 15:22:15.0286 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.FactionSyncMessage: Hit Faction Edit 15:22:16.7010 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Worker_Ant:what i gotta do?:2 15:22:16.7010 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what i gotta do?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:22:16.7010 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: what i gotta do? 15:22:18.0559 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:ok:2 15:22:18.0559 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:22:18.0559 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ok 15:22:18.3194 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????!:2 15:22:18.3194 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????!, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:22:18.3194 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????! 15:22:21.3928 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:22:41.8428 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ?????????:2 15:22:41.8428 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:22:41.8428 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ????????? 15:22:43.6593 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??????? ??????? ??????:2 15:22:43.6593 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????? ??????? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:22:43.6593 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????? ??????? ?????? 15:22:45.2122 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.FactionSyncMessage: Hit Faction Edit 15:22:48.6596 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.6596 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.6757 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.7429 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.7951 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.8152 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.8152 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.8152 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.8152 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.8443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.8784 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.9095 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.9095 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.9266 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.9436 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.9436 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.9607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.9607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.9607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.9607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:48.9928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.0098 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.0098 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.0590 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.0590 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.0761 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.0761 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.0931 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.1102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.1574 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.1744 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.2085 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.2085 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.2085 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.2085 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.2426 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.2426 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.2607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.2928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.2928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.3089 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.3259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.3932 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.4303 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.4443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.4755 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.4755 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.5106 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.5106 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.5607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.5758 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.6099 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.6099 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.6260 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.6260 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.6641 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.6912 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.7273 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.7630 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.7931 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.8263 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.8584 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.8935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.9437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.9437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.9627 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.9928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:49.9928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.0089 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.0089 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.0260 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.0260 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.0430 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.0430 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.0430 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.0611 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.0611 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.0771 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.0942 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.0942 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.1113 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.1113 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.1113 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.1424 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.1604 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.1945 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.1945 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.2267 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.2267 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.2417 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.2818 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.3250 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.3431 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.3782 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.3782 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.3942 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.3942 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.3942 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.4775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {10B4FB278F7111B} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.4775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.4926 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.5096 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.5257 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.5438 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.5939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.5939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.6100 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.6421 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.6581 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.6581 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.6581 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.6581 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.6581 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.6772 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.6772 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.6772 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.6923 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.6923 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.7083 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.7776 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.7776 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.7916 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.7916 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.8093 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.8263 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.8263 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.8444 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.8946 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.8946 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.8946 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.8946 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.9497 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.9497 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.9497 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.9497 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.9598 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.9768 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.9768 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:50.9929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.0089 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.0762 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.0942 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.1099 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.1099 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.1259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.1259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.1420 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.1661 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.1942 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.2092 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.2092 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.2263 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.2433 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.2594 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.2765 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.2765 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.2945 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.3116 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.3116 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.3276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.3276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.3768 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.3768 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.3939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.4099 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.4270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.4270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.4270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.4440 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.4601 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.5193 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.5193 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.5775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.5956 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.5956 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.6779 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.6929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.8123 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.8254 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.8254 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.8254 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.8755 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.8755 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.9097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.9267 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.9438 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.9594 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.9594 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.9594 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.9755 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:51.9925 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:52.0086 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:52.0427 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:52.0598 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:22:52.0939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:23:06.9770 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:????? ?? ???????, ???? ??????:2 15:23:06.9770 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ?? ???????, ???? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:23:06.9770 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ?? ???????, ???? ?????? 15:23:09.1844 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: reallybig passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197986452629, PlayerID: 176561197986452629 15:23:21.0519 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 15:23:21.3931 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:23:29.3795 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] BravoAlpha101st:outer space 2!:2 15:23:29.3795 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: outer space 2!, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:23:29.3795 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: outer space 2! 15:23:30.1180 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??, ????? Ant:2 15:23:30.1180 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, ????? Ant, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:23:30.1180 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??, ????? Ant 15:23:33.5467 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Outer space recieved! 15:23:33.5788 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 15:23:33.6471 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player BravoAlpha101st 15:23:33.6471 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Orca Target: X:-693768.184590025 Y:-1231096.84297652 Z:-240205.847491583 15:23:33.9557 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Orca @ X:-693845.185090733 Y:-1231104.48100896 Z:-240153.52558907 15:23:33.9557 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning player Worker_Ant back around the ship! 15:23:33.9557 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198883471267 15:23:33.9557 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning BravoAlpha101st into their cockpit! 15:23:33.9557 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198073918756 15:23:33.9557 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Enigma_bg into their cockpit! 15:23:43.9311 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 15:23:43.9541 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 15:23:43.9541 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 15:23:43.9541 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 15:23:43.9541 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 15:23:43.9541 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 15:23:43.9712 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 15:23:44.1287 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 15:23:47.7436 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:Ant ??? ??????? ? ???????????:2 15:23:47.7436 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Ant ??? ??????? ? ???????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:23:47.7436 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: Ant ??? ??????? ? ??????????? 15:23:47.9353 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199159754171 from 15:23:47.9544 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Worker_Ant joined (76561199159754171) 15:23:47.9544 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 15:23:47.9544 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 15:23:47.9544 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 15:23:47.9544 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 15:23:48.1119 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 15:23:54.5042 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Kreciu196Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 15:23:54.5042 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kreciu196 meta data! 15:23:54.5042 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kreciu196 has been successfully synced with ID: 176561199017723821 15:24:00.3299 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??????:2 15:24:00.3299 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:24:00.3299 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 15:24:02.0551 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?????:2 15:24:02.0551 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:24:02.0551 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? 15:24:04.1255 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???:2 15:24:04.1255 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:24:04.1255 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 15:24:07.0438 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ???? ??????? ????? ???????? ????????? ??????????:2 15:24:07.0438 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ???? ??????? ????? ???????? ????????? ??????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:24:07.0438 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ???? ??????? ????? ???????? ????????? ?????????? 15:24:21.3923 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:24:33.4019 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??, ?????? ???????????????? ???? ???? ????????? ??? ????:2 15:24:33.4019 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, ?????? ???????????????? ???? ???? ????????? ??? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:24:33.4019 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??, ?????? ???????????????? ???? ???? ????????? ??? ???? 15:24:38.7210 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 15:24:43.7394 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????:2 15:24:43.7394 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:24:43.7394 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 15:24:51.9887 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 15:24:51.9887 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 15:24:51.9887 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 15:24:51.9887 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 15:24:51.9887 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 15:24:51.9887 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 15:24:51.9887 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 15:24:51.9887 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 15:24:52.0299 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 8960kb Compressed: 416kb 15:24:53.5794 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 15:24:53.5794 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 15:24:53.5794 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 785 Target: X:581725.25095776 Y:-946364.980851113 Z:852183.195507664 15:24:53.6186 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 785 @ X:581715.182223472 Y:-946358.766230195 Z:852177.549793262 15:25:04.1757 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??????, ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????, ? ?? ????? ???????:2 15:25:04.1757 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????, ? ?? ????? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:25:04.1757 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????, ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????, ? ?? ????? ??????? 15:25:08.9502 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198883471267 from 15:25:08.9662 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player BravoAlpha101st joined (76561198883471267) 15:25:08.9662 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 15:25:08.9662 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 15:25:08.9662 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 15:25:08.9662 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 15:25:10.1913 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 15:25:14.3164 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 15:25:21.3926 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:25:31.2336 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: SzamanLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 15:25:31.2336 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Szaman meta data! 15:25:31.2336 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Szaman has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198364154360 15:25:34.1750 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???????? ?????????? ?????? ???????????, ??????? ????????, ????? ???????? ???-?? ????????????:2 15:25:34.1750 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???????? ?????????? ?????? ???????????, ??????? ????????, ????? ???????? ???-?? ????????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:25:34.1750 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???????? ?????????? ?????? ???????????, ??????? ????????, ????? ???????? ???-?? ???????????? 15:25:37.6053 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:heeeeey:2 15:25:37.6053 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: heeeeey, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:25:37.6053 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: heeeeey 15:25:43.8741 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ? ?????, ?? ?? ????:2 15:25:43.8741 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ? ?????, ?? ?? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:25:43.8741 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ? ?????, ?? ?? ???? 15:25:48.6085 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???:2 15:25:48.6085 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:25:48.6085 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 15:25:49.6096 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:dont spose u wanna jump onto my freighter and gimme ur votenow uranium?:2 15:25:49.6096 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: dont spose u wanna jump onto my freighter and gimme ur votenow uranium?, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:25:49.6096 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: dont spose u wanna jump onto my freighter and gimme ur votenow uranium? 15:26:03.1797 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Doodle passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198366347879, PlayerID: 176561198366347879 15:26:16.4462 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ? ????? ??? ?? ????????? ?????? 15:26:21.4078 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:26:25.4241 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??:2 15:26:25.4241 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:26:25.4241 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? 15:26:25.6117 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??):2 15:26:25.6117 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??), Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:26:25.6117 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??) 15:26:28.5396 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??????:2 15:26:28.5396 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:26:28.5396 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? 15:26:29.9969 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ???? ? ???? ?? ????????, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ????? 15:26:30.4304 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ??????????:2 15:26:30.4304 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ??????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:26:30.4304 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ?????????? 15:26:34.9293 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ?????? ??? 15:26:42.2238 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:??? ??????:2 15:26:42.2238 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:26:42.2238 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ?????? 15:26:42.5319 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Ive used already:2 15:26:42.5319 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Ive used already, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:26:42.5319 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Ive used already 15:26:42.9298 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Doodle passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198366347879, PlayerID: 176561198366347879 15:26:54.4627 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Worker_Ant successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 15:26:54.9279 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:bugga :p:2 15:26:54.9279 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bugga :p, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:26:54.9279 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: bugga :p 15:27:21.4077 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:27:24.4520 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kreciu196 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199017723821, PlayerID: 176561199017723821 15:27:25.3523 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Doodle passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198366347879, PlayerID: 176561198366347879 15:27:29.3540 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bgLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 15:27:29.3540 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 15:27:29.3540 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Enigma_bg (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 15:27:46.3349 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: that took an awful amount of time 15:27:55.6350 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 15:27:56.3545 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...756] (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 15:28:21.4075 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:28:57.8096 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ??????????:2 15:28:57.8096 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ??????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:28:57.8096 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ?????????? 15:29:07.7747 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?, ???:2 15:29:07.7747 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:29:07.7747 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?, ??? 15:29:10.5856 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: BravoAlpha101st successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 15:29:11.7037 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ?? ?????:2 15:29:11.7037 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ?? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:29:11.7047 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ?? ????? 15:29:13.6420 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ????? ???????:2 15:29:13.6420 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ????? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:29:13.6420 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ????? ??????? 15:29:17.8801 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:??? ???????:2 15:29:17.8801 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ???????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:29:17.8801 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ??????? 15:29:19.7690 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!hangar save' 15:29:19.8051 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: [VEG} Atmo Miner, Reason: Grid was Hangared 15:29:19.8051 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198350021532\[VEG} Atmo Miner.sbc 15:29:19.9803 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): Save Complete! 15:29:19.9803 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 15:29:21.4078 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:29:25.3854 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kreciu196 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199017723821, PlayerID: 176561199017723821 15:29:36.3459 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:?? ???? ?????:2 15:29:36.3459 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ???? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:29:36.3459 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ???? ????? 15:29:39.2689 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 15:29:43.4913 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:????? ?? ???? ?????:2 15:29:43.4913 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ?? ???? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:29:43.4913 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ?? ???? ????? 15:29:51.2410 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?????? ? ??????????:2 15:29:51.2410 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ? ??????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:29:51.2410 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ? ?????????? 15:29:59.9283 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ?????????? ?????? ????:2 15:29:59.9283 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ?????????? ?????? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:29:59.9283 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ?????????? ?????? ???? 15:30:00.3688 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder30min' 15:30:00.3859 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 30 minutes.' 15:30:00.3859 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [30 minutes]." 5000 Red' 15:30:18.2526 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Szaman passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364154360, PlayerID: 176561198364154360 15:30:21.4085 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:30:40.0193 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 15:31:14.8806 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] BravoAlpha101st: ass 15:31:19.3144 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] BravoAlpha101st: what 15:31:21.4098 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:31:22.4641 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Doodle passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198366347879, PlayerID: 176561198366347879 15:31:25.7814 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gergo21HUN passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198839354006, PlayerID: 176561198839354006 15:31:27.9019 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???? ?????????? ?????? ? ????????? ?????????? ? ?????? ????? ???:2 15:31:27.9019 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???? ?????????? ?????? ? ????????? ?????????? ? ?????? ????? ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:31:27.9019 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???? ?????????? ?????? ? ????????? ?????????? ? ?????? ????? ??? 15:31:34.3813 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: ASSERT SHIP APPROACHING 15:31:38.7318 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: 6 OCLOCK 15:31:40.2643 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kreciu196 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199017723821, PlayerID: 176561199017723821 15:31:48.3480 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Kahned: 4:30 here 15:31:54.3649 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Kahned: lol 15:31:56.7429 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:31:58.1413 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:31:58.2417 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:31:59.3752 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:32:00.0746 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:32:00.3144 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: can i get a gun just so i feel like im doing something? 15:32:00.4786 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 15:32:09.5478 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: kahned its a term thingy 15:32:13.1141 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Kahned: xDD 15:32:16.6316 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Kahned: You dont say 15:32:21.4246 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:32:28.6308 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: assert ship, 4.5km, 6oclock, closing 15:32:28.8475 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gergo21HUN passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198839354006, PlayerID: 176561198839354006 15:32:30.8643 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Doodle passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198366347879, PlayerID: 176561198366347879 15:32:40.1979 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: we have no handguns/rifles ant 15:32:41.9753 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Large Grid 6407, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 15:32:41.9753 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 15:32:41.9753 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Large Grid 6407 is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B 15:32:52.0981 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: damn 15:32:59.2576 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Large Grid 3522, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 15:32:59.2576 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 15:32:59.2576 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Large Grid 3522 is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B 15:33:05.6485 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: what if somebody gets on the ship somehow 15:33:07.9978 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: worket ant get seated 15:33:09.2628 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.2628 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.2628 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.2628 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.3080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.3581 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.3762 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.3762 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.3762 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.4103 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.4103 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.4103 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.4434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.4675 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.4675 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.4775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.4775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.4906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.5237 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.5428 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.5739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.5739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.6401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.6752 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.6752 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.6923 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.6923 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.6923 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.7103 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.7264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.7505 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.7505 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.7605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.7926 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.7926 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8087 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8087 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8258 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8258 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8916 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8916 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.8916 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.9237 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.9418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.9598 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:09.9789 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.0010 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.0431 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.0592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.0592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.0752 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.1254 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.1415 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.1615 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.1756 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.1756 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.2097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.2097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.2097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.2579 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.3080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.3080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.3080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.3251 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.3251 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.3251 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.3422 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.4104 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.4606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.4796 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.5188 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:10.5188 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:13.4935 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Large Grid 4010, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 15:33:13.4935 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 15:33:13.4935 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Large Grid 4010 is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B 15:33:13.6089 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: why 15:33:13.9737 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:13.9908 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:14.3581 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:14.3581 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:14.3912 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 15:33:21.4243 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:33:22.6421 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Large Grid 285, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 15:33:22.6421 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 15:33:22.6421 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Large Grid 285 is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B 15:33:23.5147 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: im gonna jump away from the assert ship 15:33:31.7480 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: sit down somewhere 15:33:33.5986 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: its a better view when ur outside 15:33:39.5653 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: youll get left behind 15:33:44.4317 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: now get inside 15:33:45.8810 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: quick 15:33:50.4983 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: bet 5 space cred i wont 15:33:52.0981 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 15:33:59.6985 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: you will be left behind 15:34:01.2049 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 15:34:01.2310 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 15:34:01.2310 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 15:34:01.2310 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 15:34:01.2310 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 15:34:01.2310 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 15:34:01.2491 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Winglessdove 15:34:01.2491 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 15:34:01.3484 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 15:34:08.7814 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: sit down 15:34:12.0986 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: one sec let me go to the window 15:34:21.4387 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:34:26.8819 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: now 15:34:39.8697 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 15:34:40.2199 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: alright assert ship is too close i have to jump 15:34:40.3533 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: MorningStarGt passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198354064946, PlayerID: 176561198354064946 15:34:45.4193 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: do it 15:34:51.7859 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: i clicked it 15:35:07.5367 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: maybe its broken? 15:35:13.3026 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: we cant jump 15:35:13.5033 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Szaman passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364154360, PlayerID: 176561198364154360 15:35:16.2360 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: your not obboard 15:35:16.5049 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!hangar load 1' 15:35:16.5812 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 15:35:16.5812 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1009892.05035877 Y:186507.750792221 Z:1615566.37841797 15:35:16.5812 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 15:35:16.5812 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 15:35:16.5812 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): Spawning Complete! 15:35:16.5812 [INFO] Hangar.xXGrabTheBreadXx: Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198350021532\[VEG} Atmo Miner.sbc 15:35:16.5812 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 15:35:21.4390 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:35:25.7419 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: MorningStarGt passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198354064946, PlayerID: 176561198354064946 15:35:28.3086 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: just get inside 15:35:29.7923 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: u jumped 2 times while i was out 15:35:32.9590 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: no 15:35:36.9318 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SmertRusni:???????? ????????? ??????? ?????????:2 15:35:36.9318 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???????? ????????? ??????? ?????????, Faction, 269795447426830276, SmertRusni 15:35:36.9318 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???????? ????????? ??????? ????????? 15:35:40.5581 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: we havent moved once 15:35:47.0755 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: saw the weird lil white dots 15:35:48.7786 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:?? ??????:2 15:35:48.7786 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?? ??????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:35:48.7786 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?? ?????? 15:35:51.3587 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 15:35:53.4759 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: i didnt lol 15:35:54.2181 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] MorningStarGt:yo whats up :0 15:36:00.8914 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Honza passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119443447, PlayerID: 176561198119443447 15:36:02.5423 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Socialist Duck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198834277852, PlayerID: 176561198834277852 15:36:07.7589 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: ok im in 15:36:13.0079 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198834277852 from 15:36:13.0250 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Socialist Duck joined (76561198834277852) 15:36:13.0250 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 15:36:13.0250 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 15:36:13.0250 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 15:36:13.0250 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 15:36:13.1273 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 15:36:16.9082 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: ayyy 15:36:20.6590 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: enigma is back! 15:36:21.4403 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:36:25.2754 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: enigma 15:36:26.5083 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kreciu196 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199017723821, PlayerID: 176561199017723821 15:36:35.3583 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: tell bravo that i can survive a ship jump 15:36:43.8585 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Enigma_bg: get redy for jump 15:36:47.9250 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Worker_Ant: alr 15:36:55.7683 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:gah:0 15:37:02.4008 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:bastard npc run away from me:0 15:37:14.3756 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] BravoAlpha101st: i clicked jump 15:37:21.4412 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:37:22.3399 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Worker_Ant is not in a seat, but is beaing transported with grid 15:37:22.3399 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Orca, ship, Small Grid 8396, enigma hauler, Large Grid 7633, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 15:37:22.3399 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 15:37:22.4182 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: BravoAlpha101st Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 15:37:22.4182 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Enigma_bg Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 15:37:22.4182 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Worker_Ant Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 15:37:22.4182 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Orca is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space A [BravoAlpha101st:76561198883471267 - In Seat: True - Online: True] [Enigma_bg:76561198073918756 - In Seat: True - Online: True] [Worker_Ant:76561199159754171 - In Seat: False - Online: True] 15:37:23.5553 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bgLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 15:37:23.5553 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 15:37:23.5553 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Enigma_bg (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 15:37:24.4053 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Worker_AntLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 15:37:24.4053 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Worker_Ant meta data! 15:37:24.4053 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Worker_Ant (76561199159754171) Disconnected. 15:37:27.6549 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] zhulavskyi2143:???, ? ??? ??????? ?????:2 15:37:27.6549 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, ? ??? ??????? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, zhulavskyi2143 15:37:27.6549 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ???, ? ??? ??????? ????? 15:37:34.8053 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: BravoAlpha101stLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 15:37:34.8053 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving BravoAlpha101st meta data! 15:37:34.8053 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: BravoAlpha101st (76561198883471267) Disconnected. 15:37:40.7866 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kreciu196 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199017723821, PlayerID: 176561199017723821 15:37:44.7376 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Socialist Duck successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 15:37:55.9917 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:37:56.1418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:37:56.2091 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 15:37:58.6739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:37:59.2088 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:37:59.5279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:38:21.4542 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:38:42.1772 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 15:39:15.0716 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.0806 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.0806 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.0806 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.1027 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.1027 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.1207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.1679 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.1850 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.2026 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.2026 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.2187 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.2187 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.2187 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.2528 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.2528 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.2699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.2699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.3040 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.3361 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.3551 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.3692 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.4023 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.4023 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.4023 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.4455 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.4565 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.4876 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.4876 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.4876 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.5027 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.5388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.5709 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.5890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.6030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.6030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.6211 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.6211 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.6552 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.6803 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.6803 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.7204 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.7375 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.7555 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.7696 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.7696 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.7696 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.7696 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.8047 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.8047 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.8047 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.8529 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.8699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.8699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.8870 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.8870 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.9372 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:15.9863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.0014 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.0184 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.0184 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.0385 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.0726 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.0726 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.1027 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.1700 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.1700 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.2201 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.2392 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.2392 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.2543 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.2543 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.2703 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.2934 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:16.3044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:20.6529 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:20.6529 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:20.7693 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:20.7894 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:20.8054 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:39:21.4547 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:39:40.6443 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 15:39:52.6655 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 15:39:52.6655 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 15:39:52.6655 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 15:39:52.6655 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 15:39:52.6655 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 15:39:52.6655 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 15:39:52.6655 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 15:39:52.6655 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 15:39:52.6655 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 15:39:52.7056 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9086kb Compressed: 421kb 15:40:21.4554 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:40:44.4084 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SmertRusni passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198999146249, PlayerID: 176561198999146249 15:40:51.3119 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:11/90 this sector got damn busy:0 15:40:51.4253 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Worker_Ant passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199159754171, PlayerID: 176561199159754171 15:41:02.0246 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Casper passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197996018278, PlayerID: 176561197996018278 15:41:18.1921 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Worker_Ant:ha:2 15:41:18.1921 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ha, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:41:18.1921 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ha 15:41:20.6755 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: BravoAlpha101st passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198883471267, PlayerID: 176561198883471267 15:41:20.7066 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Worker_Ant:told u:2 15:41:20.7066 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: told u, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:41:20.7066 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: told u 15:41:21.4562 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:41:25.6716 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Worker_Ant:u owe me 5 creds:2 15:41:25.6716 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: u owe me 5 creds, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:41:25.6716 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: u owe me 5 creds 15:41:30.8511 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:41:37.6086 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Enigma_bg:?:0 15:41:40.5942 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 15:41:40.6082 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 15:41:40.6162 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 4476 Target: X:518566.281686506 Y:-1067444.26156869 Z:742770.575944808 15:41:40.6433 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 4476 @ X:518570.195871691 Y:-1067431.76300837 Z:742777.560045075 15:41:51.1248 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dune passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198827310715, PlayerID: 176561198827310715 15:41:53.3782 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] BravoAlpha101st:Enigma, apparently you found a base?:2 15:41:53.3782 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Enigma, apparently you found a base?, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:41:53.3782 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: Enigma, apparently you found a base? 15:41:54.8404 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Worker_Ant:i bet 5 creds that i wont die during space jump:2 15:41:54.8404 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i bet 5 creds that i wont die during space jump, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:41:54.8404 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: i bet 5 creds that i wont die during space jump 15:42:02.9108 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:outerA:0 15:42:06.3400 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] BravoAlpha101st:wait a sec:2 15:42:06.3400 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wait a sec, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:42:06.3400 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wait a sec 15:42:08.2418 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Casper passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197996018278, PlayerID: 176561197996018278 15:42:12.7546 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] BravoAlpha101st:wheres the miner and other ship??:2 15:42:12.7546 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wheres the miner and other ship??, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:42:12.7546 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: wheres the miner and other ship?? 15:42:15.6510 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.6510 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.7012 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.7353 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.7353 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.7353 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.7995 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.8166 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.8336 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.8617 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.8617 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.8617 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.8617 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.8828 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.9018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.9018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.9831 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:15.9831 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:16.0002 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:16.0172 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:21.4715 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:42:28.8805 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Worker_Ant:im out of energy so ima go die quick:2 15:42:28.8805 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im out of energy so ima go die quick, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:42:28.8805 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: im out of energy so ima go die quick 15:42:31.3127 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Worker_Ant:ww:2 15:42:31.3127 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ww, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:42:31.3127 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ww 15:42:37.0050 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Worker_Ant:missclick:2 15:42:37.0050 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: missclick, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:42:37.0050 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: missclick 15:42:43.5063 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Enigma_bg:whangar:2 15:42:43.5063 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: whangar, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:42:43.5063 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: whangar 15:42:47.4014 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:47.4014 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:47.4335 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:47.4656 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:47.5680 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:47.6001 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 15:42:47.8877 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] BravoAlpha101st:ah ok:2 15:42:47.8877 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ah ok, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:42:47.8877 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: ah ok 15:43:16.0270 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dune passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198827310715, PlayerID: 176561198827310715 15:43:21.4863 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:43:27.3950 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] BravoAlpha101st:oh shit, i didnt notice the time:2 15:43:27.3950 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh shit, i didnt notice the time, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:43:27.3950 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: oh shit, i didnt notice the time 15:43:45.6654 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] BravoAlpha101st:alright i have to go to bed:2 15:43:45.6654 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alright i have to go to bed, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:43:45.6654 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: alright i have to go to bed 15:43:58.9495 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] BravoAlpha101st:bye guys:2 15:43:58.9495 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bye guys, Faction, 263082388244604343, BravoAlpha101st 15:43:58.9495 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: bye guys 15:44:02.1139 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Worker_Ant:cya:2 15:44:02.1139 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cya, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:44:02.1139 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: cya 15:44:21.4875 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:44:37.2283 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Worker_Ant:enigma:2 15:44:37.2283 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: enigma, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:44:37.2283 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: enigma 15:44:38.7151 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 15:44:41.2737 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 15:44:44.4151 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Worker_Ant:need a copilot?:2 15:44:44.4151 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: need a copilot?, Faction, 263082388244604343, Worker_Ant 15:44:44.4151 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: need a copilot? 15:44:47.8564 [INFO] Chat: (to Badman sound): You cannot claim this perk yet 15:44:47.8564 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!perks' 15:44:56.9744 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Europa recieved! 15:44:56.9894 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Raider Drone Target: X:940674.425072017 Y:-13003.7271605419 Z:1604283.79821203 15:44:57.0245 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Raider Drone @ X:940675.235796223 Y:-13003.9821217047 Z:1604281.61241231 15:44:59.3157 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Enigma_bg:sit mate:2 15:44:59.3157 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: sit mate, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:44:59.3157 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: sit mate 15:45:00.3565 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder15min' 15:45:00.3735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 15 minutes.' 15:45:00.3735 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [15 minutes]." 5000 Red' 15:45:11.0015 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Enigma_bg:jump:2 15:45:11.0015 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: jump, Faction, 263082388244604343, Enigma_bg 15:45:11.0015 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: jump 15:45:21.5035 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:45:22.4163 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 43701ms (254ms CPU) 15:45:22.4163 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 15:45:22.5106 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 15:45:23.4234 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 15:45:24.5188 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 15:45:24.5188 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 15:45:24.5679 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player BravoAlpha101st 15:45:24.5679 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Orca Target: X:1124799.82138368 Y:167124.23663735 Z:1550762.75177574 15:45:24.7833 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Orca @ X:1124768.60143991 Y:167037.373236414 Z:1550748.43168473 15:45:24.7833 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning player Worker_Ant back around the ship! 15:45:24.7833 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198883471267 15:45:24.7833 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning BravoAlpha101st into their cockpit! 15:45:24.7833 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198073918756 15:45:24.7833 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Enigma_bg into their cockpit! 15:45:34.0903 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 15:45:34.1064 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 15:45:34.1064 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 15:45:34.1064 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 15:45:34.1064 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 15:45:34.1064 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 15:45:34.1224 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Winglessdove 15:45:34.1224 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 15:45:34.2233 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 15:45:40.6903 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199159754171 from 15:45:40.7064 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Worker_Ant joined (76561199159754171) 15:45:40.7064 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 15:45:40.7064 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 15:45:40.7064 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 15:45:40.7064 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 15:45:40.8649 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 15:46:21.5109 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:46:45.1236 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 15:47:14.5915 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Cpt_PriceLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 15:47:14.5915 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Cpt_Price meta data! 15:47:14.5915 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Cpt_Price has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198298583820 15:47:21.5170 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:47:21.6495 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:I might have to park the station 2000km away close to earth so we can have steady hydro supply on station. I have x2 icetriod Gps's out their and I have no better ideas:2 15:47:21.6495 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I might have to park the station 2000km away close to earth so we can have steady hydro supply on station. I have x2 icetriod Gps's out their and I have no better ideas, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:47:21.6495 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: I might have to park the station 2000km away close to earth so we can have steady hydro supply on station. I have x2 icetriod Gps's out their and I have no better ideas 15:47:48.2084 [INFO] Chat: (to Badman sound): Perks claimed, Check your character inventory! (VIP+ - 5352253) 15:47:48.2084 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!perks' 15:48:21.5171 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:48:38.3690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:40.0043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:41.0842 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:46.0189 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Worker_Ant (76561199159754171) Disconnected. 15:48:49.1742 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:hang on:2 15:48:49.1742 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hang on, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:48:49.1742 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: hang on 15:48:51.6816 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:umping to ur gps:2 15:48:51.6816 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: umping to ur gps, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:48:51.6816 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: umping to ur gps 15:48:59.5350 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.5350 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.5350 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.5671 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.6183 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.6344 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.6344 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.6514 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.6514 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.6514 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.6514 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.6785 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.6785 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.6895 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.7207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.7207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.7498 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.7668 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.7668 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.7879 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.8009 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.8340 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.8902 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.9354 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.9514 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.9695 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.9852 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:48:59.9852 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.0012 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.0524 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.0674 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.0855 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.1046 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.1206 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.1206 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.1357 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.1838 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.2019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.2019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.2190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.2190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.2340 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.2491 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.2491 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.2671 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.2992 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.3504 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1018C6D512963D3} Emotion Controller [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.3504 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.3504 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.3504 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.4016 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.4016 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.4016 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.4187 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.4187 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.4187 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.4357 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.5411 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.5507 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.5658 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.5658 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.5658 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.5658 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.6019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.6019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.6200 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.6350 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.6350 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.6350 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.6521 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.6701 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.6701 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.6701 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.6701 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.7032 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.7354 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.7354 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.7354 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.7675 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.7835 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.8016 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.8176 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.8347 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.8518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.8698 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.8698 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.8849 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.9170 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.9170 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.9170 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.9340 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:00.9511 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.0525 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.0846 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.0996 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.0996 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.1157 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.1157 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.1157 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.1343 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.1504 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.1504 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.1664 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.1664 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.1835 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.1835 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.2196 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.2196 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.2678 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.3340 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.3501 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.3858 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.4219 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.4340 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.5664 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.5664 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.5664 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.5845 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.6206 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.6336 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.6517 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.6698 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.7691 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.7842 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.8012 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.8173 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.8504 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.8685 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.8685 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.8685 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.8855 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.9186 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:01.9839 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.0019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.0019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.0170 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.0360 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.0702 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.0702 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.1013 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.1173 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.1334 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.1514 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.1514 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.1846 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.1846 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.2036 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.2036 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.2508 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.2678 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.2678 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.3010 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.3371 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.3371 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.3863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.4013 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.4224 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.4344 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.4685 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.4685 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.4846 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.4846 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.5017 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.5177 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.5518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.5839 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.5839 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.5839 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.5839 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.6191 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.6361 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.6692 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.6692 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.6843 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.7180 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.7401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.7682 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.7842 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.8003 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.8003 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.8003 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.8003 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.8003 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.8173 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.8173 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.8344 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.8505 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.8505 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.8856 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.9187 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.9518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.9518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.9679 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:02.9839 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.0010 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.0251 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.0371 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.0532 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.0833 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.0833 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.1003 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.1003 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.1003 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.1164 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.1164 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.1334 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:03.1515 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:06.8296 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Rodger that:2 15:49:06.8296 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Rodger that, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:49:06.8296 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Rodger that 15:49:06.9661 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:07.0835 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:ffs 500km jump:2 15:49:07.0835 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ffs 500km jump, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:49:07.0835 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: ffs 500km jump 15:49:07.4197 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {159361E73FD740B} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:21.5169 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:49:21.8586 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:still 1200km away:2 15:49:21.8586 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: still 1200km away, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:49:21.8586 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: still 1200km away 15:49:24.0705 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:you need assistance?:2 15:49:24.0705 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you need assistance?, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:49:24.0705 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: you need assistance? 15:49:26.8043 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:yeh:2 15:49:26.8043 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeh, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:49:26.8043 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: yeh 15:49:33.0064 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:cum save me:2 15:49:33.0064 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cum save me, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:49:33.0064 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: cum save me 15:49:33.9015 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:33.9165 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.0189 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.0189 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.0520 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.0691 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.0691 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.0897 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.0897 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.1008 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.1279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.1680 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.1851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.2192 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.2192 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.2533 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.2533 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.2694 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.2694 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.2844 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.2844 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.3015 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.3185 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.3185 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.3185 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.3516 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.3516 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.3697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.3697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.3697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.4530 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.4530 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.4690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.4851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.5022 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.5182 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.6015 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.6176 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.6176 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.6346 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.7029 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.7029 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.7350 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.7540 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.7540 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.7540 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.8012 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.8514 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.8694 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.9015 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.9015 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.9186 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.9688 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.9688 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:34.9688 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.0190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.0681 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.1032 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.1193 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.1193 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.1344 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.1344 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.1344 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.1504 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.2026 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.2026 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.2347 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.2879 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.2879 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.2879 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.3049 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.3692 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.3872 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.3872 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.3872 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.4043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.4043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.4193 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.4193 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.4364 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.4665 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.5026 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.5197 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.5367 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.5528 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.5849 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.6020 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.6236 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.6236 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.6507 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.6507 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.6708 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.6859 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.7029 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.7250 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.7250 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.7511 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.7511 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.7671 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.8013 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.8514 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.8685 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.8685 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.8855 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.8855 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.9337 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.9518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.9668 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.9668 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:35.9849 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.0030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.0351 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.0351 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.0351 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.0682 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.1344 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.1515 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.1705 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.1705 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.2508 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.2508 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.3030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.3030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.3180 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.3361 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.3512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.4043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.4043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.4194 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.4515 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.4846 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.5017 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.5228 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.5228 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.5228 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.5529 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.5529 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.5679 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.5679 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.5679 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.5850 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.6181 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.6331 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.6331 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.6522 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:36.6683 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:37.8349 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:37.9362 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:38.0677 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:49:38.2499 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Send me GPS lol:2 15:49:38.2499 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Send me GPS lol, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:49:38.2499 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Send me GPS lol 15:49:41.9080 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 15:49:42.3963 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Honza:vyzvednul jsi siren? :D:2 15:49:42.3963 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: vyzvednul jsi siren? :D, Faction, 250139783282126545, Honza 15:49:42.3963 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:250139783282126545] Good.bot: vyzvednul jsi siren? :D 15:49:44.2854 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:GPS:reallybig #2:-414261.11:-1213400.79:194423.83:#FFB975F1::2 15:49:44.2854 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:reallybig #2:-414261.11:-1213400.79:194423.83:#FFB975F1:, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:49:44.2854 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: GPS:reallybig #2:-414261.11:-1213400.79:194423.83:#FFB975F1: 15:49:53.8746 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: John passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198152675318, PlayerID: 176561198152675318 15:49:56.4393 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Honza:nebo tam poc�d le��:2 15:49:56.4393 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nebo tam poc�d le��, Faction, 250139783282126545, Honza 15:49:56.4393 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:250139783282126545] Good.bot: nebo tam poc�d le�� 15:50:00.9916 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Restart10' 15:50:01.0087 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!restart 600 true' 15:50:20.1553 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Universe:.:2 15:50:20.1553 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ., Faction, 250139783282126545, Universe 15:50:20.1553 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:250139783282126545] Good.bot: . 15:50:21.5172 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:50:24.9719 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Universe:vole presne proto to del�m:2 15:50:24.9719 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: vole presne proto to del�m, Faction, 250139783282126545, Universe 15:50:24.9719 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:250139783282126545] Good.bot: vole presne proto to del�m 15:50:28.2079 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Universe:jednou jsem to neudelal:2 15:50:28.2079 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: jednou jsem to neudelal, Faction, 250139783282126545, Universe 15:50:28.2079 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:250139783282126545] Good.bot: jednou jsem to neudelal 15:50:31.0991 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Universe:anyways:2 15:50:31.0991 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: anyways, Faction, 250139783282126545, Universe 15:50:31.0991 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:250139783282126545] Good.bot: anyways 15:50:39.1633 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Universe:nevyzvedl, ale vlastne asi nem�me c�m:2 15:50:39.1633 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nevyzvedl, ale vlastne asi nem�me c�m, Faction, 250139783282126545, Universe 15:50:39.1633 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:250139783282126545] Good.bot: nevyzvedl, ale vlastne asi nem�me c�m 15:50:39.1913 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tanti_M passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198872441181, PlayerID: 176561198872441181 15:50:43.0160 [INFO] Chat: (to Kahned): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on Small Grid 9754. 15:50:43.0170 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Kahned ran command '!fixship' 15:50:47.8367 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Kahned used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 9754 for cut & paste! 15:50:47.8367 [INFO] Chat: (to Kahned): Ship was fixed! 15:50:47.8367 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Kahned started! 15:50:47.8367 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Kahned ran command '!fixship' 15:51:07.6106 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 15:51:21.5187 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:51:22.8088 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] HairyHarry:Gheeeez, nice ship:2 15:51:22.8088 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Gheeeez, nice ship, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:51:22.8088 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Gheeeez, nice ship 15:51:27.2777 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Cpt_Price passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198298583820, PlayerID: 176561198298583820 15:51:31.4548 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:works in atmo:2 15:51:31.4548 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: works in atmo, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:51:31.4548 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: works in atmo 15:51:40.2928 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:has refiners and assemblers:2 15:51:40.2928 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: has refiners and assemblers, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:51:40.2928 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: has refiners and assemblers 15:51:44.9444 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: im so happy 15:51:46.3389 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] HairyHarry:How you get that lol?:2 15:51:46.3389 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: How you get that lol?, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:51:46.3389 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: How you get that lol? 15:51:47.0917 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Honza::D:2 15:51:47.0917 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: :D, Faction, 250139783282126545, Honza 15:51:47.0917 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:250139783282126545] Good.bot: :D 15:51:48.8694 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:need to sort out conveyors:2 15:51:48.8694 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: need to sort out conveyors, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:51:48.8694 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: need to sort out conveyors 15:51:50.6447 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: almost finish my Home ship 15:51:51.2940 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: John passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198152675318, PlayerID: 176561198152675318 15:51:53.1883 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:built it on planet:2 15:51:53.1883 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: built it on planet, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:51:53.1883 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: built it on planet 15:51:57.6449 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: feels good after 3 days 15:52:04.5928 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] HairyHarry:sweet:2 15:52:04.5928 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: sweet, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:52:04.5928 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: sweet 15:52:05.7761 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:good job man:0 15:52:10.6730 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:gj:0 15:52:10.9465 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 15:52:10.9606 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 15:52:10.9606 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 9078 Target: X:543029.272831146 Y:-939959.415620532 Z:884108.290953253 15:52:10.9957 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 9078 @ X:543020.440346881 Y:-939956.085359751 Z:884106.534791322 15:52:21.5185 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:52:37.4277 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tanti_M passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198872441181, PlayerID: 176561198872441181 15:52:43.0865 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:fuk:2 15:52:43.0865 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: fuk, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:52:43.0865 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: fuk 15:53:02.7681 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] reallybig:sry ran outta power and gyros died:2 15:53:02.7681 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: sry ran outta power and gyros died, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:53:02.7681 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: sry ran outta power and gyros died 15:53:16.5268 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] HairyHarry:Its cool:2 15:53:16.5268 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Its cool, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 15:53:16.5268 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Its cool 15:53:21.5321 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:53:30.1260 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 15:54:06.7100 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 15:54:21.5417 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:54:33.2975 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] Universe:kdy� prid�me na pr�s�ka na sphex trysky no:2 15:54:33.2975 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: kdy� prid�me na pr�s�ka na sphex trysky no, Faction, 250139783282126545, Universe 15:54:33.2985 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:250139783282126545] Good.bot: kdy� prid�me na pr�s�ka na sphex trysky no 15:54:42.5102 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 15:54:46.6258 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: reallybig passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197986452629, PlayerID: 176561197986452629 15:54:51.5163 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 15:54:51.5163 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 15:54:51.5163 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 15:54:51.5163 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 15:54:51.5163 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 15:54:51.5163 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 15:54:51.5163 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 15:54:51.5163 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 15:54:51.5163 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 15:54:51.5173 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 15:54:51.5565 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9012kb Compressed: 419kb 15:55:18.0752 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.0923 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.1093 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.1254 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.1585 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.1936 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.1936 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.2097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.2097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.2097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.2267 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.2418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.2418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.2759 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.2759 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.2759 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.2950 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.3110 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.3411 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.3411 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.3411 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:18.3411 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:21.5494 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:55:21.5986 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:22.1270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:22.8084 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:23.4662 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 15:55:23.9084 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:23.9084 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:23.9435 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:23.9435 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:23.9585 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:24.2586 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:55:45.8011 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:weeeeeee:0 15:55:49.7315 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:thanks:2 15:55:49.7315 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thanks, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:55:49.7315 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: thanks 15:56:06.8433 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:mmmmm reactors with uranium:2 15:56:06.8433 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mmmmm reactors with uranium, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 15:56:06.8433 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: mmmmm reactors with uranium 15:56:21.5501 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:56:44.4582 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.4582 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.4723 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.4723 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.5205 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.5475 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.5606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.5606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.5746 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.5746 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.6931 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.6931 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.7101 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.7452 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.7794 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.8205 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.8612 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.8612 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.8612 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.8793 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.8984 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.8984 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.9144 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:44.9144 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:49.2663 [INFO] Chat: (to WholsomeBanana): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on That little guy. 15:56:49.2663 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player WholsomeBanana ran command '!fixship' 15:56:50.5092 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {159361E73FD740B} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 15:56:53.4495 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player WholsomeBanana used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid That little guy for cut & paste! 15:56:53.4495 [INFO] Chat: (to WholsomeBanana): Ship was fixed! 15:56:53.4495 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player WholsomeBanana started! 15:56:53.4495 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player WholsomeBanana ran command '!fixship' 15:57:04.6496 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!h save 1' 15:57:04.6747 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Assault Frigate, Reason: Grid was Hangared 15:57:04.6747 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198142381224\Assault Frigate.sbc 15:57:05.5775 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Badman sound): Save Complete! 15:57:05.5795 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 15:57:21.5640 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:57:30.9990 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto thesnap' 15:57:31.0161 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Cleaning up unowned, unpowered and abandoned grids and turning off performance-affecting blocks...' 15:57:31.0231 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Timerblock' 15:57:35.0163 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 1 done!' 15:57:35.0234 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Projector' 15:57:37.3998 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!hangar save' 15:57:37.4189 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: [VEG} Atmo Miner, Reason: Grid was Hangared 15:57:37.4189 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198350021532\[VEG} Atmo Miner.sbc 15:57:37.6366 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): Save Complete! 15:57:37.6366 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 15:57:39.0170 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 2 done!' 15:57:39.0170 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type ShipWelder' 15:57:43.0166 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 3 done!' 15:57:43.0166 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Drill' 15:57:47.0169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 4 done!' 15:57:47.0169 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off subtype SmallPistonBase' 15:57:51.0167 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 5 done!' 15:57:51.0167 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off subtype LargePistonBase' 15:57:55.0163 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 6 done!' 15:57:55.0244 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type MotorStator' 15:57:59.0170 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 7 done!' 15:57:59.0170 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type MotorAdvancedStator' 15:58:03.0172 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 8 done!' 15:58:03.0172 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type ShipGrinder' 15:58:07.0171 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 9 done!' 15:58:07.0171 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Refinery' 15:58:11.0167 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 10 done!' 15:58:11.0167 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Assembler' 15:58:14.9669 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Enigma_bg): Limit reached 1 blocks denied BlockNames: ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 15:58:15.0171 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 11 done!' 15:58:15.0171 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!faction clean 1' 15:58:18.9672 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Enigma_bg): Limit reached 1 blocks denied BlockNames: ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 15:58:19.0173 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 12 done!' 15:58:19.0173 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!gridcleanup 14' 15:58:19.8669 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Enigma_bg): Limit reached 1 blocks denied BlockNames: ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 15:58:20.7836 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Enigma_bg): Limit reached 1 blocks denied BlockNames: ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 15:58:21.5633 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:58:23.0171 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 13 done!' 15:58:23.0171 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 114078108346732424: HEC Debris 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 81794865451281735: HEC Debris 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 94597781054307644: Small Grid 6087 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 140815555196944971: Large Grid 4971 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 92763389582900383: Static Grid 383 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 139063084913923595: HEC Debris 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 85238359396224620: HEC Debris 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 108147393194217389: Static Grid 7389 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 116832084637318548: Container MK-4 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 111282793348664431: Container MK-9 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 122620657154278026: Large Grid 8026 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 76391563837525781: Container MK-16 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 113568732573431970: HEC Debris 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 142944411768731319: Tanker Debris 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 86651126718176451: HEC Debris 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 112489092203343232: Static Grid 3232 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 126042470615231718: HEC Debris 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 108252759750481793: Container MK-19 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 87285692075077351: Container MK-1 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 92522772806568854: Raider Drone 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 122723134217199119: Large Grid 9119 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 124261185625289164: Large Grid 9164 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 72854320050484684: Large Grid 4684 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 91695172699555952: Large Grid 5952 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 97125499805458663: HEC Debris 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 124204056916188871: Tanker Debris 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 128946456164425097: Container MK-4 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 101252314662471684: Static Grid 1684 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 132813870358272631: HEC Debris 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 108604352525741378: HEC Debris 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 30 grids matching conditions ownedby, nobody 15:58:23.0322 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete ownedby nobody' 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 14 done!' 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 135514565562077188: Static Grid 7188 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 116417940766005953: Static Grid 7519 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 87292762653280337: Bob 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 98466229019453938: Small Grid 6013 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 113841104104811364: Small Grid 2878 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 92728379664589100: Small Grid 7824 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 140266407189680459: Small Grid 1320 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 136615370755358548: Small Grid 9752 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 129204825835085056: Large Grid 5056 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 116234105453137345: Static Grid 7345 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 95942602406761011: Static Grid 1011 15:58:27.0174 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 116724771083445228: Static Grid 5228 15:58:27.0325 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 86626929328099308: Small Grid 6485 15:58:27.0325 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 110315383073617615: Small Grid 9586 15:58:27.0325 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 83994636039353624: HEC Debris 15:58:27.0325 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 77881281225770832: Large Grid 4967 15:58:27.0325 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 140297545921787929: HEC Debris 15:58:27.0325 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 73454931009081412: Static Grid 1412 15:58:27.0325 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 122468649492671879: Static Grid 1879 15:58:27.0325 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 19 grids matching conditions nopower 15:58:27.0325 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete nopower' 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 15 done!' 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 16 done!' 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 94972610624085961: (NPC-ACS) Gnat 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 100071352395205720: Encounter Vulture vessel 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 126102412880226231: Encounter RespawnShip 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 85020259591295599: (NPC-ACS) The Grub-AT1 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 89047877082751603: (NPC-ACS) Automated Division Heavy Transport-AT1 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 76993946499905455: Encounter Shuttle Beacon 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 115525543698193370: Encounter Severed Bow 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 124949803459784562: (NPC-ACS) WKZ-LG Mjolnir 01-AT1 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 92860979364103918: Encounter Salvage station 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 136469732530945807: R.U.S.T. Freighter 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 135030213293378412: (NPC-ACS) Spire 01 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 77685693103571814: (NPC-ACS) Spaghetti Cruiser 01 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 107679646043259939: (NPC-ACS) WKZ-LG Mjolnir 01-AT1 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 13 grids matching conditions hasownertype, NPC, hasgridtype, SHIP, playerdistancegreaterthan, 800 15:58:31.0172 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete hasownertype NPC hasgridtype SHIP playerdistancegreaterthan 800' 15:58:35.0114 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 17 done!' 15:58:35.0114 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 73096873264998495: Encounter Droneyard 15:58:35.0114 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 1 grids matching conditions hasownertype, NPC, name, Encounter, playerdistancegreaterthan, 800 15:58:35.0114 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete hasownertype NPC name Encounter playerdistancegreaterthan 800' 15:58:39.0111 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 18 done!' 15:58:39.0111 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Cleaning finished.' 15:58:53.4283 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Enigma_bg): Limit reached 1 blocks denied BlockNames: ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 15:59:21.5640 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 15:59:43.0284 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 16:00:01.1845 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Saving game before restart. 16:00:01.1845 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Restarting server. 16:00:04.1076 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:00:04.6415 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 16:00:04.6415 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 16:00:04.6415 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 16:00:04.6415 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 16:00:04.6415 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 16:00:04.6415 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 16:00:04.6415 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 16:00:04.6415 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 16:00:04.6415 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 16:00:04.6415 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 16:00:04.6897 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9011kb Compressed: 419kb 16:00:05.8336 [INFO] Torch: Saved game 16:00:05.8336 [INFO] Torch: Stopping server. 16:00:05.8577 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloading torch session for Torch System 16:00:05.8577 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 319 Identity on the server 16:00:05.8577 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game ending.... 16:00:06.8672 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session Unloading, suspend backup timer! 16:00:06.8672 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloading 16:00:06.8672 [INFO] Essentials: Unloading rank data into JSON 16:00:06.8672 [INFO] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Start Unloading!!! 16:00:06.8672 [INFO] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Wait for 120 seconds before force Restart! 16:00:06.8672 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Removed authentication intercept 16:00:09.8506 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 16:00:09.8506 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 16:00:09.8506 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 16:00:09.8506 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 16:00:09.8506 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 16:00:09.8506 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 16:00:09.8506 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 16:00:09.8506 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 16:00:09.8506 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 16:00:09.8506 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 16:00:09.8897 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9011kb Compressed: 419kb 16:00:09.8897 [ERROR] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server Saved and is stopping! 16:00:17.5169 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloaded torch session for Torch System 16:00:17.5169 [WARN] Nexus: Stopping Nexus Network Communications! 16:00:17.5169 [ERROR] Nexus: Fully unloaded the server (This is not an error)! 16:00:17.5169 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloaded 16:00:17.8250 [INFO] Torch: Server stopped. 16:00:22.7790 [INFO] Torch.Patches.MessageSizeLimitPatch: Patched MessageSizeLimit 16:00:22.7830 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:00:22.8532 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/14. (14%) 16:00:22.8532 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/14. (21%) 16:00:22.8532 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/14. (35%) 16:00:22.8613 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 6/14. (42%) 16:00:22.8613 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 7/14. (50%) 16:00:22.8613 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/14. (64%) 16:00:22.8613 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 10/14. (71%) 16:00:22.8613 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 12/14. (85%) 16:00:22.8783 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/14. (92%) 16:00:22.8783 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 14/14. (100%) 16:00:22.8783 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:00:22.8783 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ModsDownloadingPatch: Patching mods downloading 16:00:22.9004 [INFO] Torch.Patches.PromotePatch: patching promote 16:00:22.9004 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response polling 16:00:22.9004 [INFO] Torch.Patches.SteamLoginPatch: Applied custom WaitStart timeout 16:00:22.9245 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Checking for Torch Update... 16:00:22.9395 [INFO] Torch: Initializing server 16:00:23.1493 [INFO] Torch: RELEASE 16:00:23.1493 [INFO] Torch: Torch Version: v1.3.0.249-master 16:00:23.1493 [INFO] Torch: Game Version: 1.203.23 16:00:23.1493 [INFO] Torch: Executing assembly: Torch.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 16:00:23.1493 [INFO] Torch: Executing directory: C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\ 16:00:23.1593 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugins... 16:00:23.1984 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Checking for plugin updates... 16:00:23.2055 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 16:00:23.2055 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 16:00:23.2055 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 16:00:23.3299 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Latest version is v1.3.0.249-master | Current version is v1.3.0.249-master 16:00:23.3299 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Torch is up to date. 16:00:23.9727 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 16:00:23.9727 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin FoogsNoFamilySharing does not have any releases on torchapi.com. Cannot update. 16:00:24.2196 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Updated 0 plugins. 16:00:24.2918 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at AdminLogger.Main 16:00:24.2918 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Admin Logger' (v1.7.4) 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeathLocationFix.DeathLocationFixPlugin 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeathLocationFix' (v1.0.0.7) 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeleteTracker.DeleteTrackerPlugin 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeleteTracker' (v1.0.2.5) 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Backup' (v1.0.5.8) 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PCU Transferrer' (v1.1.11.8) 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_PlayerStats.PlayerStatsPlugin 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PlayerStats' (v1.0.1.9) 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RespawnFix.RespawnFixPlugin 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE RespawnFix' (v1.0.2.2) 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartPlugin 16:00:24.2979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Restart Watchdog' (v1.0.2.4) 16:00:24.3149 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin 16:00:24.3149 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE ShipFixer' (v1.0.10.0) 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportServer() ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportClient(VRageMath.Vector3D, Single) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsResponse(System.String) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ForceClusterReorderRequest() ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void UpdateEconomyRequest() ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestStationPositions() ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void DrawStationsClient(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugGameplay2+MyStationDebugDrawStructure]) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnSnapshotsMechanicalPivotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnWorldSnapshotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataServer(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataClient(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestLayersFromServer() ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ReceiveLayersFromServer(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugNetwork+Layer]) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsReply(System.String) ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnCrash() ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestSettingFromServer_Implementation() ModSdk methods 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DAC.AntiCheatPlugin 16:00:24.3988 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'AntiCheat-DORI' (v1.0.5.17) 16:00:24.4169 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at BlockLimiter.BlockLimiter 16:00:24.4169 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'BlockLimiter' (v1.7.705-48cf4b22) 16:00:24.4319 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Patching Successful Crunch Projector! 16:00:24.4319 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin+MyPatch: Patching Successful CrunchDrill! 16:00:24.4791 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin 16:00:24.4791 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'CrunchUtils' (v1.3.370) 16:00:24.5202 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 16:00:24.5202 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DefIdToStringFix' (v1.0.1) 16:00:24.5654 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DePatch.DePatchPlugin 16:00:24.5654 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DePatch' (1.20.08) 16:00:24.5654 [INFO] Essentials.Patches.ChatMessagePatch: Patched OnChatMessageReceived_Server! 16:00:24.5654 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Essentials.EssentialsPlugin 16:00:24.5654 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Essentials' (v1.7.1.179-001-55b53d6) 16:00:24.5895 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at InfluxDb.Torch.TorchInfluxDbPlugin 16:00:24.5895 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'InfluxDB Integration' (v2.2.8074.40508) 16:00:24.6768 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Nexus.Main 16:00:24.6768 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Nexus (Server Sectoring & DataSync)' (v1.01.32) 16:00:24.6768 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoMoreEmojis.Plugin 16:00:24.6768 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NoMoreEmojis' (v1.0.3) 16:00:24.6978 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoFSPluginNs.NoFSPlugin 16:00:24.6978 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'FoogsNoFamilySharing' (1) 16:00:24.6978 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer 16:00:24.6978 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NPCFactionFixer' (1.1.125-f4f9d5d) 16:00:24.7279 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 16:00:24.7279 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'PerformanceImprovements' (v1.10.14.0) 16:00:24.7279 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS 16:00:24.7279 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'GlobalGPS' (v1.0.011) 16:00:24.7279 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 16:00:24.7279 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Profiler.ProfilerPlugin 16:00:24.7279 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Profiler' (v3.1.8432.40000) 16:00:24.7671 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at QuantumHangar.Hangar 16:00:24.7671 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Quantum Hangar' (v3.2.30) 16:00:24.7671 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at _sc 16:00:24.7671 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Rewards' (1.2.2) 16:00:24.8524 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin 16:00:24.8524 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'SEDiscordBridge' (v2.0.4.025) 16:00:24.8664 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TebexTorchAPI.Tebex 16:00:24.8664 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Tebex Server Donations' (1.1.0) 16:00:24.8664 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 16:00:24.8664 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchMonitor.TorchMonitorPlugin 16:00:24.8664 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Torch Monitor' (v2.2.8164.42300) 16:00:24.8761 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin 16:00:24.8761 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'MIG-Freezer' ( 16:00:24.8761 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic 16:00:24.8761 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HaE PBLimiter' (v1.1.1.4) 16:00:24.8971 [ERROR] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patch shim type TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.GridDamagePatch doesn't have a static Patch method. 16:00:24.8971 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.Init 16:00:24.8971 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.UpdateAfterSimulation10 16:00:24.8971 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.SessionDownloadPatch: TorchGameServerPlugin: SessionDownloadPatch applied 16:00:24.8971 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain 16:00:24.8971 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'TorchGameServerPlugin' (v1.0.2) 16:00:24.9292 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\TebexTorchAPI.cfg 16:00:24.9854 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Hangar: Starting plugin WITHOUT the Hangar Market! 16:00:24.9854 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Init Foogs_NoFamilySharing 16:00:24.9854 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Foogs_NoFamilySharing disabled 16:00:24.9854 [WARN] Nexus: Initilizing Nexus Steam 16:00:25.0737 [INFO] NexusComponents: Calling 24 classes components to patch! 16:00:25.0808 [INFO] NexusComponents: Successfully patched 44/44 methods! 16:00:25.0808 [WARN] NexusSubscriber: Subscriber socket is Initilizing! 16:00:25.1480 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 16:00:25.1570 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=TorchMonitor.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 16:00:25.1570 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=Intervals.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 16:00:25.5229 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Init FoogsRewardsPlugin 16:00:25.5380 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Loading Crunch Utils 16:00:25.5540 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: PBLimiter loaded! 16:00:25.5540 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: Init 16:00:25.5540 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: OptimalHavokThreadCount = -1 16:00:26.4041 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Configuration Saved. 16:00:26.4041 [INFO] Essentials: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\Essentials.cfg 16:00:26.4533 [INFO] DePatch.DePatchPlugin: Mod Loader Complete overriding 16:00:26.4553 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=ProfilerPlugin.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 16:00:26.7132 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: found 5 products from API 16:00:26.7132 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP - 5351916 | multiplier: 2 16:00:26.7132 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP+ - 5352253 | multiplier: 2.5 16:00:26.7132 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: Supporter - 5352553 | multiplier: 1 16:00:26.7132 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 1.5k Block spawn - 5352612 | multiplier: 1 16:00:26.7132 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 3.5x multiplier - 5435517 | multiplier: 3.5 16:00:26.7132 [INFO] DefIdToStringFix: Init 16:00:26.7253 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loaded 31 plugins. 16:00:26.7533 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Loading Dedicated Config 16:00:26.7825 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing network services 16:00:26.7825 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing services 16:00:26.7825 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Services initialized 16:00:26.7985 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Setting up serializers 16:00:27.6083 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerPatch: Finished Patching! 16:00:27.6083 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 16:00:27.6083 [INFO] InstanceManager: Loading instance C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance 16:00:30.6509 [INFO] ModListControl: Instance loaded. 16:00:30.6509 [INFO] Torch: Initialized server 'Outer instance2' at 'C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance' 16:00:30.6509 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:00:30.6790 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response timeout to 5 seconds 16:00:30.7010 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/169. (10%) 16:00:30.7492 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/169. (20%) 16:00:30.7663 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 51/169. (30%) 16:00:30.7924 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 68/169. (40%) 16:00:30.8516 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 85/169. (50%) 16:00:30.8827 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 102/169. (60%) 16:00:30.9138 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 119/169. (70%) 16:00:30.9308 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 136/169. (80%) 16:00:30.9469 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 153/169. (90%) 16:00:30.9890 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 169/169. (100%) 16:00:30.9890 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:00:30.9890 [INFO] Torch: Starting server. 16:00:31.9905 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 16:00:32.1822 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 16:00:34.2102 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:00:34.2102 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:00:34.2102 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:00:34.2102 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:00:34.2222 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: AntiCheat: All Patches Loaded 16:00:34.8972 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.RemoteAPIManager: Remote API started on port 8080 16:00:37.8508 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: ServerLoading started on ID: 24! Requesting Data from controller and watching for reply! 16:00:37.9462 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Waiting for Sandbox data from Controller! Make sure your ports are open! 16:00:38.0505 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Controller Version: 2.5.05 16:00:38.0505 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Data Successfully Recieved and Deserialized! 16:00:39.9499 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Servers Recieved: 14 16:00:39.9499 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Sectors Recieved: 14 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: The following is the treeview of your sector layout: 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 2 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space A 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space B 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer space 2 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space A 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth moon area 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth only sector 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Moon standalone 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Viking sector 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: GOD SECTOR 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Europa 16:00:39.9599 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Lotus 16:00:39.9599 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: AddonConfigs: 1 16:00:40.9445 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Deserialized controller sandbox to XMLCheckpoint and clearing internally! 16:00:40.9445 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server starting as: SyncedSectored! 16:00:47.5637 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod: NexusSyncMod is running NexusModAPI! 16:00:47.5637 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod Patching Complete for 2272613450.sbm 16:00:52.2120 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Starting new torch session for Torch System 16:00:52.2120 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:00:52.2120 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/5. (20%) 16:00:52.2231 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/5. (40%) 16:00:52.2231 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/5. (60%) 16:00:52.2231 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/5. (80%) 16:00:52.2231 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/5. (100%) 16:00:52.2231 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:00:52.2231 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loading 16:00:53.5422 [WARN] Keen: Missing definition MyObjectBuilder_DemoComponentDefinition/Default : for session component DemoComponent 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Inserted authentication intercept 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whatsmyip' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'help' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'longhelp' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ver' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reload' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'plugins' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'notify' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart.cancel' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop.cancel' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'save' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'uptime' 16:01:12.9773 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Loaded torch session for Torch System 16:01:12.9903 [INFO] BlockLimiter.PluginApi.EssentialsPlayerAccount: Blocklimiter communication with essentials successful 16:01:12.9903 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 319 Identity on the server 16:01:12.9903 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game started.... 16:01:12.9903 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:01:12.9903 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 16:01:12.9903 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: BlockLimiter v1.7.705-48cf4b22 is installed! 16:01:12.9903 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 16:01:12.9903 [INFO] NexusComponents: 24 Nexus components started! 16:01:12.9903 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.CommandSync: Waiting for CommandQueue from Controller! 16:01:14.9981 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Start 16:01:14.9981 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Patching battaries. For fix of discharging 16:01:14.9981 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Finished 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unfreeze' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.production' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.on' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.off' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.on' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.off' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.can-be-frozen' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.frozen' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.not-frozen' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-entities' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-updates' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-frames' 16:01:14.9981 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:01:15.0031 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/4. (25%) 16:01:15.0031 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/4. (50%) 16:01:15.0031 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/4. (75%) 16:01:15.0031 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/4. (100%) 16:01:15.0031 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:01:15.0031 [ERROR] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: MIG TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin: PATCH COMPLETED 16:01:15.0031 [INFO] ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin: BlockLimiter Reference added to PCU-Transferrer for limit checks. 16:01:15.0031 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 16:01:15.0031 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session loaded, start backup timer! 16:01:15.0031 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loaded 16:01:15.0197 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch start 16:01:15.0578 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:01:15.0659 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/42. (11%) 16:01:15.0659 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/42. (21%) 16:01:15.0659 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/42. (30%) 16:01:15.0789 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/42. (40%) 16:01:15.0789 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 21/42. (50%) 16:01:15.0789 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 26/42. (61%) 16:01:15.0789 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 30/42. (71%) 16:01:15.0789 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/42. (80%) 16:01:15.0990 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 38/42. (90%) 16:01:15.0990 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 42/42. (100%) 16:01:15.0990 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:01:15.0990 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch done 16:01:15.1140 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Sending setting data to self 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.enable' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.grid' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.player' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.faction' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.reload' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.rematch.ids' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.violations' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.playerlimit' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.gridlimit' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.factionlimit' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.annoy' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.punish' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.mylimit' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.mylimit' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.limits' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.pairnames' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.definitions' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'donate' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:secret' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:forcecheck' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:info' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.sell' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.marketlist' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.sell' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.marketlist' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.save' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.list' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.load' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.remove' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.sync' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.syncall' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohangar' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohanger-override' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.enable' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.saveall' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.ttmod' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.clearSpheres' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.save' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.list' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.load' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.remove' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.sync' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.syncall' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohangar' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohanger-override' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.enable' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.saveall' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.save' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.list' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.load' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.remove' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.info' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.save' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.list' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.load' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.remove' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.info' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.box' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.boxclear' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ptoggle' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsectors' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsector' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.lobby' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players.faction' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ver' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switch' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switchall' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.identity' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.reset' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.breaklink' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.addwhitelist' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.removewhitelist' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'd.link' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'Lobby.GetID' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reload' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reloadconfig' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.enable' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.disable' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge.grid' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'seedcleanup.all' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridcleanup' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.ownedby' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.buildby' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.noauthor' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsowner' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsauthor' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgrids' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsrange' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoauthor' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoowner' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'protect' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unprotect' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freebuild' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checklimits' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.player' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.faction' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkowner' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkauthor' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listblocks' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listallblocks' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'findblock' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfer' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransfer' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcu' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransferpcu' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferowner' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfernobody' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcunobody' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferownernobody' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'repair' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.configs' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.commands' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.w' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.on' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.off' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.reload' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.corners' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.centers' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.cleargps' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listadminsettings' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearadminsettings' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearalladminsettings' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list.faction' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.find' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore.faction' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.save' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.run' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.clearup' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identitycleanup.name' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.tag.length' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.name' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listplayers' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.player' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.faction' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.factions' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.player' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.faction' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.debugfaction' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.player' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.playerallfactions' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.faction' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.factionallplayers' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.debugfaction' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmod' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmodid' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixship' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reward' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadm' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadmt' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sewa.shop' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalance' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalanceplayer' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoney' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoneyplayer' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfermoney' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.reload' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'enablestone' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.config' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makeship' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'removebody' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makestation' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'togglestone' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stone' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'TestEconSync' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'FullEconSync' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetbalances' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayers' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfactions' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'claim' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sellgrid' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'denygrid' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'acceptgrid' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixrespawn' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'prediction' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'convert' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pcucount' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fillhydro' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.rename' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rename' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixme' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getsteamid' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixallstations' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'worldpcu' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ishydrogen' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'zone' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isecon' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixstation' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.search' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tags' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listids' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnames' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'updatename' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco' 16:01:15.1140 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path eco is already registered. 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.balance' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'lastlogin' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.top' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'warstatus' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'declarewar' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nofriendforyou' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sendpeace' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ac' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'place.station' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetnpcrep' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetallrep' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.info' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'facinfo' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdrawall' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.deposit' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdraw' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'giveitem' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.promote' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'broadcast' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.kick' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isnpc' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.take' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.give' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.hide' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.show' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.delete' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.pay' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whis' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'msg' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.giveplayer' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayer' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfac' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getfacid' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleargrid' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'dirkclear' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridtype' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takeplayer' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.givefac' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.rep.change' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'player.rep.change' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takefac' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.status' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.test.bonus' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.check.multiplier' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.help' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.info' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.enable' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.disable' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.fix' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.add' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.clear' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.remove' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.refresh' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.stop' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.delete' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.kill' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.find' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweroff' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweron' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.eject' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.setowner' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.ejectall' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.static.large' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.stopall' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.list' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.export' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.import' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'say' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tp' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tpto' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tphere' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'w' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'kick' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ban' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unban' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'motd' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.give' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.take' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.set' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.reset' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.top' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.check' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.pay' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.add' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.del' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.list' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.goto' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.createrank' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delrank' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setmaxhomes' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.reservedslot' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.renamerank' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setdefaultrank' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setrank' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.populate' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addinheritance' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delinheritance' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addperm' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delperm' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addplayerperm' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delplayerperm' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.listranks' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.cancel' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.list' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'no' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'yes' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.debug' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.reset' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.stats' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playercount' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playerlist' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.runauto' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelauto' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelautobyindex' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listauto' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listrunningauto' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.set.toolbar' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.setrank' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.reserve' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unreserve' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.mute' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unmute' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.list.mute' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.give' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.type' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.subtype' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.type' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.subtype' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.type' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.subtype' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.general' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.general' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.scan' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.list' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete.floatingobjects' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.help' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.all' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.asteroids' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.distant' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planets' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planet' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.area' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.gps' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clean' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.purge' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clear' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rep.wipe' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.clean' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.remove' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.info' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sandbox.clean' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'info.list' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.on' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.off' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.sim' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.frames' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocktypes' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocks' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.grids' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.factions' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.players' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.scripts' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.session' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.entities' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.physics' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.flags' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.custom' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.cleangps' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.help' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'credits' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.reset' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.time' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test.reward' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.init' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test' 16:01:15.1140 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path forge.test is already registered. 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'density' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 16:01:15.1140 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path weather.clear is already registered. 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 16:01:15.1140 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path perks is already registered. 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'SendGPS' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sound' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'EMP' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'strike' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.info' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.enable' 16:01:15.1140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.disable' 16:01:15.1261 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.on' 16:01:15.1261 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.off' 16:01:15.1261 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.add' 16:01:15.1261 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.remove' 16:01:15.1672 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: Communication with TGS successful 16:01:15.1672 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 16:01:15.1672 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:01:15.1672 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/3. (33%) 16:01:15.1732 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/3. (66%) 16:01:15.1732 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/3. (100%) 16:01:15.1732 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:01:15.2304 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Universe passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198176426385, PlayerID: 176561198176426385 16:01:15.2465 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: MorningStarGt passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198354064946, PlayerID: 176561198354064946 16:01:18.2689 [WARN] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards initialized 16:01:18.2689 [INFO] Torch: Starting server watchdog. 16:01:18.2840 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 16:01:18.5415 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: VariableStorage:Load 16:01:18.5415 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer [4.0.30319.42000] will work in 5000 ms 16:01:18.5515 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Elvis Chesney passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198061728446, PlayerID: 176561198061728446 16:01:18.6117 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gergo21HUN passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198839354006, PlayerID: 176561198839354006 16:01:18.7713 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 16:01:18.9374 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tanti_M passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198872441181, PlayerID: 176561198872441181 16:01:19.0418 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: awiges passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198023007525, PlayerID: 176561198023007525 16:01:19.1131 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 16:01:19.1873 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ronaldwaihong passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199193696225, PlayerID: 176561199193696225 16:01:19.3097 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 16:01:19.4281 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Andrew88821 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198157471225, PlayerID: 176561198157471225 16:01:19.5215 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Badman sound passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198142381224, PlayerID: 176561198142381224 16:01:19.5813 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: reallybig passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197986452629, PlayerID: 176561197986452629 16:01:19.6144 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kahned passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198078633844, PlayerID: 176561198078633844 16:01:19.6405 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Honza passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119443447, PlayerID: 176561198119443447 16:01:19.6776 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: NacoChata passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197988617723, PlayerID: 176561197988617723 16:01:19.7027 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xXGrabTheBreadXx passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198350021532, PlayerID: 176561198350021532 16:01:19.7408 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 16:01:19.7649 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ardelean passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198211607489, PlayerID: 176561198211607489 16:01:19.8311 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Socialist Duck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198834277852, PlayerID: 176561198834277852 16:01:19.8863 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sir_ForeverPT passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198293135754, PlayerID: 176561198293135754 16:01:20.0505 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 16:01:20.0906 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 16:01:20.1388 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Peter Pan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073088420, PlayerID: 176561198073088420 16:01:20.1809 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lee #1 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198092434549, PlayerID: 176561198092434549 16:01:20.2468 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Szaman passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364154360, PlayerID: 176561198364154360 16:01:20.2829 [ERROR] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards ProcessQueue start 16:01:20.2829 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Arky passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198026903024, PlayerID: 176561198026903024 16:01:20.3351 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PeachFlowerFabi passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030789657, PlayerID: 176561198030789657 16:01:20.3742 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mc Chicken nuggies passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198156156321, PlayerID: 176561198156156321 16:01:20.4093 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kustard passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199333348863, PlayerID: 176561199333348863 16:01:20.4431 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 16:01:20.5183 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WholsomeBanana passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199465290546, PlayerID: 176561199465290546 16:01:20.5454 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 16:01:20.5906 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tekura passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198225400408, PlayerID: 176561198225400408 16:01:20.6257 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: zhulavskyi2143 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199431768254, PlayerID: 176561199431768254 16:01:23.5478 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer started work 16:01:25.1135 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'weather.clear' 16:01:25.1135 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'perks' 16:01:25.1135 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'credits' 16:01:25.1135 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'weather.clear' 16:01:25.1135 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'perks' 16:01:25.1135 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'SendGPS' 16:01:25.1135 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path SendGPS is already registered. 16:01:25.1135 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'sound' 16:01:25.1135 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path sound is already registered. 16:01:25.1135 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'EMP' 16:01:25.1135 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path EMP is already registered. 16:01:25.1135 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'strike' 16:01:25.1135 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path strike is already registered. 16:01:31.9549 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198142381224 from 16:01:31.9549 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198350021532 from 16:01:31.9920 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Badman sound joined (76561198142381224) 16:01:31.9920 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:01:31.9920 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:01:31.9920 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:01:31.9920 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:01:31.9920 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Badman sound shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 16:01:32.0011 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx joined (76561198350021532) 16:01:32.0011 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:01:32.0011 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:01:32.0011 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:01:32.0011 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:01:32.0543 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:01:32.1536 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:02:09.5370 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Elvis Chesney passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198061728446, PlayerID: 176561198061728446 16:02:13.0069 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:02:16.4287 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman sound successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:02:16.6374 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 16:02:16.6535 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 16:02:16.7268 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 2533 Target: X:514120.310962886 Y:-932725.187501616 Z:908794.577672079 16:02:16.7408 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 2533 @ X:514118.922971949 Y:-932726.449290968 Z:908779.853752449 16:02:17.9974 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Badman sound has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 16:02:22.1889 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 16:02:23.5221 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 16:02:24.4555 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Peter Pan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073088420, PlayerID: 176561198073088420 16:02:26.3557 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: xXGrabTheBreadXx successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:02:28.3723 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 16:02:32.4830 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 16:02:36.0663 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mc Chicken nuggies passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198156156321, PlayerID: 176561198156156321 16:02:39.4996 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: reallybig passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197986452629, PlayerID: 176561197986452629 16:02:40.5833 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tanti_M passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198872441181, PlayerID: 176561198872441181 16:02:41.3827 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 16:02:42.9397 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 16:02:42.9668 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 16:02:42.9668 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:02:42.9668 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:02:42.9708 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:02:42.9708 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Gantali 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Silvermade 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as BROADEX 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Lovita 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as kraucionisd 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Donis87 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Korto 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Jack 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as MatthiasDrift 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Zer00 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as GamingZombie 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Gracmyk2 16:02:42.9989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as DysPlexiC 16:02:43.9999 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PeachFlowerFabi passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030789657, PlayerID: 176561198030789657 16:02:46.7996 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198156156321 from 16:02:46.8167 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Mc Chicken nuggies joined (76561198156156321) 16:02:46.8167 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:02:46.8167 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:02:46.8167 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:02:46.8167 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:02:47.0134 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:02:49.3994 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kahned passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198078633844, PlayerID: 176561198078633844 16:02:50.6162 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PineCone227 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198173369406, PlayerID: 176561198173369406 16:02:58.9297 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:58.9297 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:58.9297 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:58.9638 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:58.9739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:58.9739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:58.9919 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.0401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.0401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.0401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.0642 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.0893 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.0893 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.1234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.1234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.1405 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.1575 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.1856 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.1956 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.2729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.2729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.2900 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.2900 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.3100 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.3100 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.3100 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.3100 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.3401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.3401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.3572 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.3572 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.3903 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.4074 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.4571 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.4571 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.4903 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.4903 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.5234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.5234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.5414 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1018C6D512963D3} Emotion Controller [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.5414 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.5906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.6067 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.6237 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.6568 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.7080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.7080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.7391 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.7889 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.8240 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.8240 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.8411 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.8411 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.8411 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.8932 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.9233 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.9233 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:02:59.9565 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.0076 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.0287 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.0287 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.0428 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.0739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.0739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.0919 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.1401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.1401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.1592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.1592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.1592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.1732 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.1913 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.2063 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.2244 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.2244 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.2404 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.2585 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.2736 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.2736 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.2886 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.3057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.3057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.3408 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.3408 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.3408 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.3900 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.4060 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.4391 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.4903 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.5064 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.5064 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.5264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.5264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.5264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.5565 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.5736 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.5736 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.6107 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.6107 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.6107 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.6388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.6589 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.6589 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.6729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.6729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.6890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.6890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.7081 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.7081 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.7261 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.7261 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.7261 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.7261 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.7412 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.7920 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.7920 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.8231 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.8231 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.8451 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.8742 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.9064 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.9064 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.9395 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.9395 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.9565 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:00.9736 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.0067 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.0067 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.0579 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.0579 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.0579 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.1227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.1327 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 16:03:01.1327 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.1327 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.1909 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.1909 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.2090 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.2431 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.2431 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.2742 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.2913 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.3073 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.3415 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.3415 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.3605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.3605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.3906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.3906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.4217 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.4900 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.4900 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.4900 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.5060 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.5572 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.5572 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.5733 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.6064 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.6064 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.6224 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.6586 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.6586 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.6586 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.6586 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.6736 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.6907 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.6907 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.6907 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.7238 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.7238 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.7729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.7729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.8071 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.8562 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.9064 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.9064 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.9064 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.9255 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.9255 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.9566 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.9726 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:01.9726 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.0098 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.0399 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.0730 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.0730 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.0906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.1238 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.1238 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.1238 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.1418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.1418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.1418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.1418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.1418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.2080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.2080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.2080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.2241 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.2412 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.2412 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.2733 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.2733 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.2833 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sir_ForeverPT passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198293135754, PlayerID: 176561198293135754 16:03:02.2833 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.3586 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.4067 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.4228 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:02.4398 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:03:06.1501 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Szaman passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364154360, PlayerID: 176561198364154360 16:03:13.0178 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:03:24.5997 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 16:03:25.2168 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Andrew88821 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198157471225, PlayerID: 176561198157471225 16:03:25.9831 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:03:27.0995 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kazi2429 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198444352683, PlayerID: 176561198444352683 16:03:28.1000 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199431768254 from 16:03:28.1160 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player zhulavskyi2143 joined (76561199431768254) 16:03:28.1160 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:03:28.1160 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:03:28.1160 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:03:28.1160 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:03:28.4829 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:03:36.2500 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lee #1 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198092434549, PlayerID: 176561198092434549 16:03:43.0169 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Peter Pan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073088420, PlayerID: 176561198073088420 16:03:45.5620 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:u needing ice?:2 16:03:45.5620 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: u needing ice?, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:03:45.5700 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: u needing ice? 16:03:46.6328 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: savage187 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198320436731, PlayerID: 176561198320436731 16:03:58.1483 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198320436731 from 16:03:58.1664 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player savage187 joined (76561198320436731) 16:03:58.1664 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:03:58.1664 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:03:58.1664 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:03:58.1664 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:03:58.1664 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! savage187 shares the same IP address as Jack 16:03:58.1664 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! savage187 shares the same IP address as MatthiasDrift 16:03:58.1664 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! savage187 shares the same IP address as Sam Vega 16:03:58.1664 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! savage187 shares the same IP address as GamingZombie 16:03:58.1664 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! savage187 shares the same IP address as lostress1983 16:03:58.1664 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! savage187 shares the same IP address as Wishy 16:03:58.1664 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! savage187 shares the same IP address as Gracmyk2 16:03:58.1664 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! savage187 shares the same IP address as rayquaza_x 16:03:58.1664 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! savage187 shares the same IP address as Mr Chuckles 16:03:58.1664 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! savage187 shares the same IP address as EpikToo 16:03:58.1664 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! savage187 shares the same IP address as Iniquitous1982 16:03:58.3329 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:03:59.7336 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 16:04:07.0992 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gergo21HUN passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198839354006, PlayerID: 176561198839354006 16:04:09.3844 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Mc Chicken nuggies successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:04:09.7496 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Arky passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198026903024, PlayerID: 176561198026903024 16:04:10.6333 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 16:04:11.4357 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!hangar save' 16:04:11.5149 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Static Grid 1804, Reason: Grid was Hangared 16:04:11.5149 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198350021532\Static Grid 1804.sbc 16:04:11.9484 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): Save Complete! 16:04:11.9575 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 16:04:13.0173 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:04:19.5447 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: phynox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198988823244, PlayerID: 176561198988823244 16:04:25.4274 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tekura passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198225400408, PlayerID: 176561198225400408 16:04:26.8616 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198026903024 from 16:04:26.8776 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Arky joined (76561198026903024) 16:04:26.8776 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:04:26.8776 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:04:26.8776 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:04:26.8776 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as Shyaporn 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as god_gamer 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as Pr0metheus 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as zznty 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as johnente284 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as mvsk 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as EdK 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as goparik 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as P0LTINIK 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as dlmc 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as Ventriss40k 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as The Horny Bee 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as General_Dracula 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as Alex.German 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as Snipes 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as lukasnielsen21 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as mars.griboedoff 16:04:26.8776 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as Karizmaa_vk 16:04:27.2275 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:04:35.2603 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sir_ForeverPT passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198293135754, PlayerID: 176561198293135754 16:04:36.2112 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198988823244 from 16:04:36.2273 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player phynox joined (76561198988823244) 16:04:36.2273 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:04:36.2273 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:04:36.2273 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:04:36.2273 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:04:37.0337 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:04:37.4702 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:fuuuuu:2 16:04:37.4702 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: fuuuuu, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:04:37.4702 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: fuuuuu 16:04:39.0442 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:04:40.1276 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Andrew88821 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198157471225, PlayerID: 176561198157471225 16:04:43.1488 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:so many holes from orbit:2 16:04:43.1488 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so many holes from orbit, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:04:43.1488 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: so many holes from orbit 16:04:46.8235 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gothicjawa passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198028669908, PlayerID: 176561198028669908 16:04:50.0067 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Szaman passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364154360, PlayerID: 176561198364154360 16:04:50.1231 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 16:04:56.1397 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kreciu196 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199017723821, PlayerID: 176561199017723821 16:05:01.2239 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lee #1 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198092434549, PlayerID: 176561198092434549 16:05:08.3232 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: savage187 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:05:13.0329 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:05:27.3424 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 16:05:29.3931 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Orca, Large Grid 5144, Small Grid 8396, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 16:05:29.3931 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 16:05:29.5315 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Enigma_bg Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 16:05:29.5376 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Orca is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space A [BravoAlpha101st:76561198883471267 - In Seat: True - Online: False] [Enigma_bg:76561198073918756 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 16:05:30.4593 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bgLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 16:05:30.4593 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 16:05:30.4593 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Enigma_bg (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 16:05:32.1048 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Honza passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119443447, PlayerID: 176561198119443447 16:05:33.1717 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kreciu196 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199017723821, PlayerID: 176561199017723821 16:05:41.0367 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 16:05:41.4702 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Arky successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:05:47.4536 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 16:05:55.7034 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tekura passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198225400408, PlayerID: 176561198225400408 16:05:56.7707 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:06:04.8211 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!hangar load 1' 16:06:05.0047 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 16:06:05.0047 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1009880.93086122 Y:186501.13394855 Z:1615560.8505304 16:06:05.0208 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 16:06:05.0208 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 16:06:05.0208 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): Spawning Complete! 16:06:05.0208 [INFO] Hangar.xXGrabTheBreadXx: Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198350021532\[VEG} Atmo Miner.sbc 16:06:05.0348 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 16:06:13.0487 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:06:18.2031 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PeachFlowerFabi passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030789657, PlayerID: 176561198030789657 16:06:23.8195 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Socialist Duck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198834277852, PlayerID: 176561198834277852 16:06:45.5033 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 16:06:47.5030 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 16:07:03.9060 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 16:07:03.9190 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 16:07:03.9190 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 8246 Target: X:489072.797492594 Y:-931114.429156243 Z:924094.540670335 16:07:03.9541 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 8246 @ X:489074.331876785 Y:-931116.499545298 Z:924079.923159227 16:07:05.6606 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199431768254 took: 7ms Total Grids Sent: 1 16:07:09.3689 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kreciu196 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199017723821, PlayerID: 176561199017723821 16:07:10.9369 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: zhulavskyi2143 Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 16:07:13.0639 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:07:14.6877 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 16:07:14.6877 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 16:07:14.6887 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: zhulavskyi2143 (76561199431768254) Disconnected. 16:07:30.4350 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PeachFlowerFabi passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030789657, PlayerID: 176561198030789657 16:07:40.3693 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: phynox successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:08:01.0394 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Socialist Duck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198834277852, PlayerID: 176561198834277852 16:08:08.9561 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 16:08:08.9722 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 16:08:08.9722 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 2721 Target: X:559587.749032848 Y:-919130.138469504 Z:895597.656372989 16:08:09.0073 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 2721 @ X:559588.790773846 Y:-919121.815474423 Z:895596.424495297 16:08:11.8393 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 16:08:13.0782 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:08:25.8764 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Enigma_bg:grids list:0 16:08:44.5296 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Socialist Duck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198834277852, PlayerID: 176561198834277852 16:08:55.7285 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 16:08:55.7285 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 16:08:55.7285 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 7054 Target: X:514050.812853895 Y:-929297.926463752 Z:912268.66405349 16:08:55.7646 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 7054 @ X:514049.477970995 Y:-929299.8000761 Z:912254.000489076 16:09:00.7132 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199431768254 from 16:09:00.7293 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player zhulavskyi2143 joined (76561199431768254) 16:09:00.7293 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:09:00.7293 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:09:00.7293 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:09:00.7293 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:09:00.7293 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! zhulavskyi2143 shares the same IP address as duckey 16:09:00.7293 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! zhulavskyi2143 shares the same IP address as Snipes 16:09:00.7293 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! zhulavskyi2143 shares the same IP address as lukasnielsen21 16:09:01.0800 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:09:02.1634 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198834277852 from 16:09:02.1794 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Socialist Duck joined (76561198834277852) 16:09:02.1794 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:09:02.1794 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:09:02.1794 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:09:02.1794 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:09:02.4460 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:09:13.0792 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:09:46.6038 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!h load 1' 16:09:47.0995 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 16:09:47.0995 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1113661.25274926 Y:141351.205428286 Z:1598257.85357444 16:09:47.0995 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 16:09:47.0995 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 16:09:47.0995 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Badman sound): Spawning Complete! 16:09:47.0995 [INFO] Hangar.Badman sound: Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198142381224\Assault Frigate.sbc 16:09:47.1106 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.5959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1018C6D512963D3} Emotion Controller [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6631 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6832 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6832 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6832 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6832 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6832 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6832 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6832 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6832 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6832 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6832 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7143 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7143 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7143 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7143 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7143 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7143 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7645 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7645 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7645 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7645 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7645 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7645 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7645 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.7936 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.8458 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.8608 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.8939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.8939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.9431 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.9431 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.9632 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.9953 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.9953 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:58.9953 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:09:59.0123 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:09.1086 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:09.3049 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:09.9702 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:09.9702 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.0053 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.0053 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.0425 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.0425 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.0535 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.0706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.0706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.0706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.0886 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.1087 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.1087 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.1217 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.1589 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.1589 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.1739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.1890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.2050 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.2050 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.2381 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.2552 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.2733 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.2733 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.3204 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.3395 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.3395 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.3395 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.3565 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.3927 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.4589 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.4729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.5091 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.5091 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.5241 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.5241 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.5392 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.5603 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.5713 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.5889 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.5889 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.6050 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.6221 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.6421 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.7054 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.7054 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.7385 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.7385 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.7555 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.7555 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.7716 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.7876 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.8057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.8057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.8218 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.8218 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.8549 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.9181 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.9542 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.9542 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.9542 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.9743 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.9883 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.9883 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:10.9883 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.0235 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.0576 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.0576 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.0576 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.0726 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.0726 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.0897 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.1384 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.1545 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.1725 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.1725 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.2217 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.2388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.2538 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.2709 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.2869 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.3211 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.3211 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.3211 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.3592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.3863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.3863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.4033 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.4585 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.4907 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.5047 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.5388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.5709 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.5709 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.6091 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.6091 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.6231 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.6231 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.6301 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Socialist Duck successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:10:11.6301 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.6552 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.7114 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.7215 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.7215 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.7536 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.7536 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.8088 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.8429 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.8549 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.8549 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.8877 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.9048 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.9048 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.9208 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:11.9710 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.0222 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.0553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.0724 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.0724 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.0724 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.0894 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.1045 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.1215 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.1215 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.1556 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.1556 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.1737 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.1737 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.2054 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.2546 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.2546 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.2706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.2706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.3057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.3399 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.3399 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.3559 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.3559 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.4312 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.4402 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.4553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.4723 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.4723 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.5536 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.5536 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.5536 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.5717 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.5877 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.5877 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.5877 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.6218 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.6389 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.6550 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.6550 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.6550 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.7382 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.7382 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.7543 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.7543 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.7704 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.7914 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.7914 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.8205 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.8205 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.8878 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.8878 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.9038 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.9038 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.9209 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.9379 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:12.9701 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.0052 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.0222 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.0393 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.0553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.0714 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.0794 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:10:13.0794 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.1206 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.1206 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.1386 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.1728 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.1728 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.1728 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.2039 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.2199 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.2390 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.2390 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.2390 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.3058 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.3560 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.3891 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.4553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.4553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.4744 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.4884 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.5246 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.5376 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.5376 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.5727 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.5888 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.6058 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.6249 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.6379 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.6379 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.6540 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.6711 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.6711 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.6881 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.7052 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.7052 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.7383 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.7714 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.7714 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.7875 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.7875 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.8396 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.8567 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.8738 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.9189 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.9270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.9270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.9390 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.9390 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.9561 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.9721 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.9721 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:13.9721 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:14.0233 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:14.0393 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:14.0544 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:10:15.5040 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:im gna head to surface:2 16:10:15.5040 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im gna head to surface, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:10:15.5040 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: im gna head to surface 16:10:27.8864 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 16:11:13.0795 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:11:20.9690 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:11:33.3991 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WholsomeBanana passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199465290546, PlayerID: 176561199465290546 16:11:48.3011 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ArkyLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 16:11:48.3011 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 16:11:48.3011 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Arky (76561198026903024) Disconnected. 16:11:49.6157 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199465290546 from 16:11:49.6327 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player WholsomeBanana joined (76561199465290546) 16:11:49.6327 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:11:49.6327 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:11:49.6327 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:11:49.6327 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:11:49.6327 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! WholsomeBanana shares the same IP address as god_gamer 16:11:49.6327 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! WholsomeBanana shares the same IP address as Opas 16:11:49.6327 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! WholsomeBanana shares the same IP address as RustleForest 16:11:49.6327 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! WholsomeBanana shares the same IP address as FARF 16:11:49.6327 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! WholsomeBanana shares the same IP address as Nevii 16:11:49.8826 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:11:55.1823 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Doodle passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198366347879, PlayerID: 176561198366347879 16:12:09.1923 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:how interesting:0 16:12:13.0812 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:12:15.6700 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:my refinery stopped making sound:0 16:12:19.9195 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:but its still working:0 16:12:24.5083 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:ah yes:0 16:12:28.4730 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:space engineers:0 16:12:30.5273 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198988823244 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 16:12:34.2911 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:XD:0 16:12:38.0324 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:12:39.2659 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:12:39.5990 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:12:40.4837 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:12:41.6980 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:12:59.7464 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Arky passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198026903024, PlayerID: 176561198026903024 16:13:09.3180 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Doodle passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198366347879, PlayerID: 176561198366347879 16:13:13.0955 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:13:15.8683 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198026903024 from 16:13:15.8843 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Arky joined (76561198026903024) 16:13:15.8843 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:13:15.8843 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:13:15.8843 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:13:15.8843 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as Shyaporn 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as god_gamer 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as Pr0metheus 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as zznty 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as johnente284 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as mvsk 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as EdK 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as goparik 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as P0LTINIK 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as dlmc 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as Ventriss40k 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as The Horny Bee 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as General_Dracula 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as Alex.German 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as Snipes 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as lukasnielsen21 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as mars.griboedoff 16:13:15.8843 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Arky shares the same IP address as Karizmaa_vk 16:13:16.0184 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:13:22.0962 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 16:13:22.0962 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 16:13:22.0962 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 3390 Target: X:572815.360286772 Y:-877029.937050235 Z:928893.62177474 16:13:22.1324 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 3390 @ X:572818.456237555 Y:-877036.11204673 Z:928900.290508172 16:13:22.6983 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBanana successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:14:13.0958 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:14:25.7972 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Arky successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:14:29.8470 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Doodle passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198366347879, PlayerID: 176561198366347879 16:15:00.3233 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 16:15:09.9748 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 16:15:09.9908 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 16:15:10.0801 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Orca Target: X:1124851.5155453 Y:167014.152549444 Z:1550722.3366833 16:15:10.3681 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Orca @ X:1124768.45989873 Y:167037.442535846 Z:1550748.61562195 16:15:10.3681 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198883471267 16:15:10.3681 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning BravoAlpha101st into their cockpit! 16:15:10.3681 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198073918756 16:15:10.3681 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Enigma_bg into their cockpit! 16:15:13.0956 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:15:27.9148 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:15:28.0623 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:15:28.5034 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 16:15:28.9128 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 16:15:28.9369 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 16:15:28.9369 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:15:28.9369 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:15:28.9369 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:15:28.9369 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Gantali 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Silvermade 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as BROADEX 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Lovita 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as kraucionisd 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Donis87 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Korto 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Jack 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as MatthiasDrift 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Zer00 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as GamingZombie 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Gracmyk2 16:15:28.9520 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as DysPlexiC 16:15:29.1205 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:15:29.7945 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:15:30.1116 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:15:31.6977 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:15:34.7169 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 16:15:34.7169 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 16:15:34.7169 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 16:15:34.7169 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 16:15:34.7169 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 16:15:34.7169 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 16:15:34.7169 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 16:15:34.7169 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 16:15:34.7169 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 16:15:34.7590 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9071kb Compressed: 422kb 16:16:13.1020 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:16:40.6503 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:17:13.1125 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:17:20.5123 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Universe passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198176426385, PlayerID: 176561198176426385 16:17:55.2434 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Universe passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198176426385, PlayerID: 176561198176426385 16:18:10.6599 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 16:18:12.7538 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FD19E9786677B1} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:12.9711 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FD19E9786677B1} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:13.1273 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:18:13.2537 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyFlightMovementBlock {17F5B3F629BBCB8} AI Flight (Move) 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:13.8367 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18B081807DC32B8} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.0184 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {199F0B2DA04D0DC} Remote Control 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.0725 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.1719 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.2060 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.2211 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18B081807DC32B8} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.2211 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.2482 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.2672 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.2672 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.2672 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.3194 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.3365 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.3696 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.3856 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.4234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.4234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.4866 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.5177 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.5518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.5518 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.5719 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.5839 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.6040 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.6040 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.6040 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.6190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.6361 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.6572 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.6572 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.6843 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.6843 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.7354 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.7354 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.8508 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.8850 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.8850 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.9361 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:14.9703 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.0014 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.0014 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.0174 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.0345 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.0345 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.0345 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.0515 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.0515 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.0686 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.0686 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.1027 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.1027 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.1188 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13C04647C5C0992} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.1549 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.1699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.1880 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.1880 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.1880 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.2362 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.2593 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.2593 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.2703 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.3030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.3371 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.3371 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1018C6D512963D3} Emotion Controller [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.3371 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.3532 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.3692 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.3863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.3863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.4043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.4234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.4234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.4234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.4234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.4555 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.4555 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.4555 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.4555 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.4866 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:15.9689 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.3045 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FD19E9786677B1} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.3045 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyFlightMovementBlock {17F5B3F629BBCB8} AI Flight (Move) 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.3366 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FD19E9786677B1} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.3366 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FD19E9786677B1} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.3366 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FD19E9786677B1} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.3697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18B081807DC32B8} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.3697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18B081807DC32B8} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.3868 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18B081807DC32B8} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.4039 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18B081807DC32B8} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.4039 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {199F0B2DA04D0DC} Remote Control 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.4039 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.4611 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FD19E9786677B1} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.4851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18B081807DC32B8} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:17.5684 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 16:18:19.6528 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:19:13.1337 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:19:15.7612 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 16:19:28.8964 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199431768254 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 16:19:32.1832 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199431768254 took: 5ms Total Grids Sent: 1 16:19:48.6279 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: zhulavskyi2143 Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 16:19:56.4138 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 16:19:56.4138 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 16:19:56.4138 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: zhulavskyi2143 (76561199431768254) Disconnected. 16:20:13.1483 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:20:29.1611 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 16:20:40.5784 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 16:21:13.1637 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:21:17.1785 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 16:21:48.8539 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:21:50.6126 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...254] (76561199431768254) Disconnected. 16:21:54.2857 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {199F0B2DA04D0DC} Remote Control 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:21:54.3539 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FD19E9786677B1} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:21:54.3690 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13C04647C5C0992} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:21:54.4854 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18B081807DC32B8} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 16:21:54.5014 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {18B081807DC32B8} Event Controller ship sistem that is not yet replicated on client 16:21:54.5356 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {19A4C2C979C09B0} Remote Control 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:04.5953 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBananaLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 16:22:04.5953 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 16:22:04.5953 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: WholsomeBanana (76561199465290546) Disconnected. 16:22:13.1733 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:22:13.9770 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kazi2429 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198444352683, PlayerID: 176561198444352683 16:22:17.1625 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 16:22:17.1765 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 16:22:17.1765 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 3860 Target: X:616910.526920602 Y:-1057265.83932243 Z:679456.294877872 16:22:17.2106 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 3860 @ X:616918.468732022 Y:-1057264.68234755 Z:679453.562839001 16:22:22.3596 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 16:22:26.7765 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 16:22:37.7833 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...546] (76561199465290546) Disconnected. 16:22:40.8766 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Orca, Large Grid 5144, ship, Small Grid 8396, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 16:22:40.8766 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 16:22:40.9278 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Enigma_bg Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 16:22:40.9278 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Orca is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space A [BravoAlpha101st:76561198883471267 - In Seat: True - Online: False] [Enigma_bg:76561198073918756 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 16:22:42.2321 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bgLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 16:22:42.2321 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 16:22:42.2321 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Enigma_bg (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 16:22:43.4214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:43.4545 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:43.4545 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:43.6712 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:45.0360 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:49.3388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.2611 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.2611 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.2611 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.2711 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.2872 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.3042 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.3373 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.3714 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.3885 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.4046 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.4427 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.4724 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:22:50.5055 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:23:13.1889 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:23:16.4464 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 16:24:13.1894 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:24:24.2627 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 16:24:38.8399 [INFO] Chat: (to savage187): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on ik. 16:24:38.8399 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player savage187 ran command '!fixship' 16:24:44.6160 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player savage187 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid ik for cut & paste! 16:24:44.6160 [INFO] Chat: (to savage187): Ship was fixed! 16:24:44.6160 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player savage187 started! 16:24:44.6160 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player savage187 ran command '!fixship' 16:24:46.8293 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 16:24:52.9603 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:24:52.9603 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:24:52.9914 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:24:53.0045 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:24:53.0386 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 16:24:53.0737 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:24:53.5534 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:24:54.3863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:24:54.4535 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:24:54.8709 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:25:00.5799 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Honza passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119443447, PlayerID: 176561198119443447 16:25:13.1894 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:25:28.0128 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: MorningStarGt passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198354064946, PlayerID: 176561198354064946 16:25:29.8628 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 16:25:36.1963 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ardelean passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198211607489, PlayerID: 176561198211607489 16:26:13.1896 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:27:08.9152 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ardelean passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198211607489, PlayerID: 176561198211607489 16:27:13.2054 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:27:36.0980 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: we all good? 16:27:52.9451 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:I think so:0 16:28:13.2055 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:28:45.7150 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ronaldwaihong passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199193696225, PlayerID: 176561199193696225 16:28:46.3502 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 16:28:46.3502 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allowed! 16:28:47.3994 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode change with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 16:28:47.3994 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode Changed by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allow! 16:28:52.5181 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 16:28:52.5181 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS detected, action Allow! 16:29:13.2054 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:29:19.7401 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 16:29:19.7652 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 16:29:19.7652 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:29:19.7652 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:29:19.7652 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:29:19.7652 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Gantali 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Silvermade 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as BROADEX 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Lovita 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as kraucionisd 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Donis87 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Korto 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Jack 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as MatthiasDrift 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Zer00 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as GamingZombie 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Gracmyk2 16:29:19.7803 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as DysPlexiC 16:29:19.9398 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:30:04.5283 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Universe requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 16:30:04.5564 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 16:30:04.5564 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Viking Sector recieved! 16:30:04.5655 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198176426385 16:30:04.6026 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Sphex Target: X:1096258.82343387 Y:205739.985885499 Z:1597749.9399658 16:30:04.7571 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Sphex @ X:1096205.27999958 Y:205707.670001192 Z:1597739.20000006 16:30:04.7571 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198176426385 16:30:04.7571 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Universe into their cockpit! 16:30:07.4147 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ronaldwaihong passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199193696225, PlayerID: 176561199193696225 16:30:13.2199 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:30:18.1490 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198176426385 from 16:30:18.1650 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Universe joined (76561198176426385) 16:30:18.1650 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:30:18.1650 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:30:18.1650 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:30:18.1650 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:30:18.3155 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Universe successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:30:18.6662 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Universe has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 16:30:24.5576 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {133F078D10186A2} Hindenburg Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 16:30:30.4158 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 16:30:34.1345 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 16:30:34.1345 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 16:30:34.1345 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Universe meta data! 16:30:34.1345 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 16:30:34.1345 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 16:30:34.1345 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 16:30:34.1345 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 16:30:34.1345 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 16:30:34.1787 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9063kb Compressed: 422kb 16:30:39.0875 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:30:39.1055 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.RespawnLocationsSync: Autospawning 76561198073918756 16:30:39.1055 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player Enigma_bg 16:30:59.8648 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:fuck:2 16:30:59.8648 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: fuck, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:30:59.8648 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: fuck 16:31:07.2612 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 16:31:08.1197 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:need to reprint a big section of my ship:2 16:31:08.1197 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: need to reprint a big section of my ship, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:31:08.1197 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: need to reprint a big section of my ship 16:31:13.2204 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:31:15.0122 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 16:31:25.0334 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: NacoChata passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197988617723, PlayerID: 176561197988617723 16:31:43.6831 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: oddland passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198098597783, PlayerID: 176561198098597783 16:32:00.1105 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 45098ms (261ms CPU) 16:32:00.1105 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 16:32:00.2099 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 16:32:02.9467 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198098597783 from 16:32:02.9668 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player oddland joined (76561198098597783) 16:32:02.9668 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:32:02.9668 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:32:02.9668 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:32:02.9668 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:32:03.3166 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:32:13.2212 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:32:22.4631 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 16:32:22.4631 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 16:32:22.4631 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Gravity Missile Target: X:539747.856304765 Y:-1011575.7663928 Z:803397.411821361 16:32:22.5013 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Gravity Missile @ X:539746.970882758 Y:-1011570.93941375 Z:803396.454585667 16:32:27.4668 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: oddland successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:32:29.1840 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: oddland has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 16:32:34.8490 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Honza passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119443447, PlayerID: 176561198119443447 16:32:37.1716 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: NacoChata passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197988617723, PlayerID: 176561197988617723 16:32:38.3810 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kazi2429 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198444352683, PlayerID: 176561198444352683 16:32:45.3278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.3278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.3358 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.3449 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.3910 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.4382 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.4562 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.4900 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.5401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.5582 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.5742 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.5893 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.6064 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.6064 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.6064 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.6234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.6304 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.6425 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.6575 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.7414 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.7414 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.8237 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.8237 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.8408 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.8568 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.8568 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.8568 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.8568 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.8919 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.9100 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.9100 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.9250 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.9391 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.9562 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.9562 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.9562 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.9802 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.9802 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.9933 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:45.9933 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.0404 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.0404 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.0404 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.1067 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.1247 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.1599 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.2070 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.2261 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.2431 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.2592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.2743 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.2743 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.3415 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.3746 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.3917 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.4428 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.4428 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.4739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.4739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.4920 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.5071 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.5071 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.5592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.5753 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.6074 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.6245 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:46.6245 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:49.5740 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:49.5910 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:51.2048 [INFO] Chat: (to oddland): Perks claimed, Check your character inventory! (VIP+ - 5352253) 16:32:51.2048 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player oddland ran command '!perks' 16:32:51.3383 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {12BACBC804D5556} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:32:57.6150 [INFO] Chat: Server (to oddland): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 16:33:13.2222 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:33:14.2820 [INFO] Chat: (to oddland): Looking for reward... 16:33:14.2820 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player oddland ran command '!reward' 16:33:14.5088 [INFO] Chat: Server (to oddland): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 16:33:14.5088 [INFO] Chat: Server (to oddland): Thanks for the vote! 16:33:24.0813 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Arky: badman wants to bomb me! CONFUSION OF THE HIGHEST ORDA 16:33:26.8206 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 16:33:38.6043 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:XD:0 16:33:55.2647 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ordos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119316063, PlayerID: 176561198119316063 16:33:59.9001 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Mc Chicken nuggiesLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 16:33:59.9001 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 16:33:59.9001 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Mc Chicken nuggies (76561198156156321) Disconnected. 16:34:07.9313 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: MorningStarGt passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198354064946, PlayerID: 176561198354064946 16:34:13.2223 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:34:55.1350 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {133F078D10186A2} Hindenburg Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 16:34:58.2114 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 16:34:59.0197 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 16:34:59.0197 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 2278 Target: X:540220.658115789 Y:-1010806.58630636 Z:804089.947099503 16:34:59.0825 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 2278 @ X:540219.661922798 Y:-1010801.81392547 Z:804088.837154027 16:35:03.3534 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: MorningStarGt passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198354064946, PlayerID: 176561198354064946 16:35:06.1035 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ordos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119316063, PlayerID: 176561198119316063 16:35:13.2355 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:35:15.4925 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 16:35:15.5035 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 16:35:15.5035 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 9836 Target: X:539748.035557464 Y:-1011609.69077518 Z:803392.099229272 16:35:15.5376 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 9836 @ X:539747.149715766 Y:-1011604.86421844 Z:803391.140254613 16:35:30.1293 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Large Grid 8527, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 16:35:30.1293 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 16:35:30.1293 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Large Grid 8527 is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B 16:35:31.0217 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!grids list' 16:35:31.0538 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 16:35:43.9891 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...321] (76561198156156321) Disconnected. 16:35:55.4537 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!h save' 16:35:55.4728 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: enigma hauler, Large Grid 7633, Reason: Grid was Hangared 16:35:55.4728 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198073918756\enigma hauler.sbc 16:35:56.4507 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Enigma_bg): Save Complete! 16:35:56.4507 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 16:36:13.2522 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:36:16.0201 [INFO] Chat: (to xXGrabTheBreadXx): Perks claimed, Check your character inventory! (VIP+ - 5352253) 16:36:16.0201 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx ran command '!perks' 16:36:16.1706 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: MorningStarGt passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198354064946, PlayerID: 176561198354064946 16:36:32.0052 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected Spawn Object to container with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 16:36:32.0052 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected Spawn Object to container by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS detected, action Allow! 16:37:05.9710 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: that last one was dead on xD 16:37:10.0535 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Enigma_bg: pynox acept pcu 16:37:10.1036 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: MorningStarGt passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198354064946, PlayerID: 176561198354064946 16:37:13.2529 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:37:13.3201 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: imagine if no safzeon lmao 16:37:29.9206 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: it hit then bounced off 16:37:30.5715 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ArvidLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 16:37:30.5715 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arvid meta data! 16:37:30.5715 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Arvid has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198280525097 16:37:41.7540 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: why wasting stuff on a sf? 16:37:45.3201 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: sz*? 16:37:47.2039 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: Show of force 16:37:51.3038 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: you been grounded for ages 16:37:53.0039 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Honza passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119443447, PlayerID: 176561198119443447 16:37:55.2708 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: waste of materials tbh 16:38:00.7709 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: sad ;( 16:38:13.1042 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: AltriusLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 16:38:13.1042 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Altrius meta data! 16:38:13.1042 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Altrius has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198364600653 16:38:13.2537 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:38:23.7205 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: i mean i don't mind it's your time you have been wasting 16:38:33.0208 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: All entertainment for me 16:38:55.8545 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: i mean for me too i love hearing what's missed this time 16:39:13.2669 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:39:33.6530 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:big up 5 blox to miss ur ship:2 16:39:33.6530 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: big up 5 blox to miss ur ship, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 16:39:33.6530 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: big up 5 blox to miss ur ship 16:40:00.5873 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Arvid passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198280525097, PlayerID: 176561198280525097 16:40:13.2622 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 16:40:13.2672 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:40:13.2672 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 16:40:13.2672 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 3807 Target: X:471977.71300033 Y:-960952.950958431 Z:902136.130807186 16:40:13.3053 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 3807 @ X:471981.683053228 Y:-960955.622429371 Z:902137.580604638 16:40:31.6040 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 16:40:40.0991 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:you trying to project on your ship:2 16:40:40.0991 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you trying to project on your ship, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 16:40:40.0991 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: you trying to project on your ship 16:40:43.5709 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Altrius passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364600653, PlayerID: 176561198364600653 16:41:06.8889 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 16:41:06.8889 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS detected, action Allow! 16:41:13.2674 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:41:36.6166 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Earth/Moon recieved! 16:41:36.6166 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198364600653 16:41:36.6267 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Respawn Planet Pod Target: X:1088987.49245157 Y:108461.395465843 Z:1616560.27163237 16:41:36.6568 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Respawn Planet Pod @ X:1088986.88986936 Y:108460.543633632 Z:1616559.19400689 16:41:36.6568 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198364600653 16:41:36.6568 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Altrius into their cockpit! 16:42:07.7085 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:think need do with proj inside ship:2 16:42:07.7085 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: think need do with proj inside ship, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:42:07.7085 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: think need do with proj inside ship 16:42:13.2680 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:42:14.0620 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Altrius passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364600653, PlayerID: 176561198364600653 16:42:16.3216 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 16:43:00.9175 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:self repair? you need use repair projector to build the ship easy way:2 16:43:00.9175 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: self repair? you need use repair projector to build the ship easy way, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 16:43:00.9175 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: self repair? you need use repair projector to build the ship easy way 16:43:13.2678 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:43:42.6290 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Honza passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119443447, PlayerID: 176561198119443447 16:43:45.3300 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 16:43:45.3456 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 16:43:45.3456 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 1945 Target: X:574111.612600669 Y:-995893.472082382 Z:799145.31941859 16:43:45.3797 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 1945 @ X:574108.715082774 Y:-995896.77060375 Z:799153.858250174 16:44:13.2709 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:44:43.5980 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: xXGrabTheBreadXxLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 16:44:43.5980 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 16:44:43.5980 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: xXGrabTheBreadXx (76561198350021532) Disconnected. 16:44:44.6283 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!h load 1' 16:44:45.3969 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 16:44:45.3969 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:10133.5580823905 Y:-658359.65248005 Z:457539.85460487 16:44:45.3969 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 16:44:45.3969 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 16:44:45.3969 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Enigma_bg): Spawning Complete! 16:44:45.3969 [INFO] Hangar.Enigma_bg: Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198073918756\Orca.sbc 16:44:45.4170 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 16:44:45.7618 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Orca, Large Grid 5144, ship, Small Grid 8396, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 16:44:45.7618 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 16:44:45.8200 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Orca is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space A 16:45:00.0929 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderCommands' 16:45:00.1090 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: There is a number of useful commands that every player on our servers can use in-game. For the full list of them, just type !commandlist (or !cl) in the chat.' 16:45:13.2837 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:45:32.2540 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 16:45:33.9714 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 16:45:33.9714 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 16:45:33.9714 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Universe meta data! 16:45:33.9714 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 16:45:33.9714 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 16:45:33.9714 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 16:45:33.9714 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 16:45:33.9714 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 16:45:34.0126 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9110kb Compressed: 423kb 16:45:37.3914 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:woop:2 16:45:37.3914 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: woop, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:45:37.3914 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: woop 16:45:37.8811 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198073918756 took: 43ms Total Grids Sent: 1 16:45:40.7382 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Enigma_bg Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 16:45:41.9229 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bgLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 16:45:41.9229 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 16:45:41.9229 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Enigma_bg (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 16:45:45.0730 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 16:45:49.2564 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 16:45:56.4916 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:clipped the tower and it shit itself:2 16:45:56.4916 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: clipped the tower and it shit itself, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:45:56.4916 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: clipped the tower and it shit itself 16:46:13.2837 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:46:22.7194 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.7194 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.7284 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.7585 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.7756 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.7906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.7906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.8257 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.8257 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.9080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.9431 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.9592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.9592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.9592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.9943 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:22.9943 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.0254 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.0445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.0615 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.1258 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.1258 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.1418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.1759 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.2081 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.2081 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.2081 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.2241 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.2402 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.2582 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.2582 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.2913 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.3084 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.3084 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.3154 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.3154 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.3415 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.3582 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.3582 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.4113 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.4445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.4445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.4445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.4756 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.4756 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.4936 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.5087 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.5087 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.5418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.6090 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.6261 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.6592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.6592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.6592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.6592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.6943 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.6943 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.7214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.7214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.7214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.7415 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.7596 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.7596 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.7917 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.8258 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.8258 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.8258 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.8258 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.8569 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.8739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.8739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.8920 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.9081 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.9241 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.9572 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:23.9944 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.0245 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.0245 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.0415 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7265 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7265 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7636 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7636 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7636 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7757 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7757 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7757 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7757 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7757 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7917 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7917 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.7917 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8078 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8078 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8429 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8429 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8429 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8740 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8740 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8740 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8740 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8911 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8911 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.8911 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9081 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9081 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9081 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9081 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9242 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9242 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9423 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9423 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9423 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9573 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9573 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9573 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9573 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9754 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9754 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9754 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9924 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:24.9924 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:46:54.5908 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 16:47:05.3642 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Enigma_bg passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073918756, PlayerID: 176561198073918756 16:47:11.7485 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 16:47:13.2834 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:47:38.7861 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 16:47:38.7861 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS detected, action Allow! 16:47:52.3140 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: endlesstonks passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199209849561, PlayerID: 176561199209849561 16:48:03.3814 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199209849561 from 16:48:03.3975 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player endlesstonks joined (76561199209849561) 16:48:03.3975 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:48:03.3975 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:48:03.3975 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:48:03.3975 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:48:04.2223 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:48:13.2985 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:48:39.9251 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 16:48:57.2699 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 16:49:13.2986 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:49:26.4165 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: endlesstonks successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:50:03.6214 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 16:50:13.3139 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:50:32.8767 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 16:50:41.9863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:50:53.8994 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:09.0514 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 16:51:13.3144 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:51:29.6076 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: what the fuck 16:51:35.9770 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:35.9770 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:35.9770 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:35.9890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:35.9890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:35.9890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.0031 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.0031 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.0633 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.0633 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.0633 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.0633 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.0884 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.0994 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.0994 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.0994 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.1115 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.1115 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.1305 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.1436 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.1596 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.1777 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.1777 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.1777 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.2118 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.2239 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.2239 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.2239 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.2239 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.2239 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.2861 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.3222 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.3222 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.3704 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.4065 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.4486 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.4486 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.4607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.4747 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.4898 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.5028 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.5972 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.5972 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.5972 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.6468 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.7070 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.7361 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.7512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.8014 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.8014 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.8174 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.8174 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.8545 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.8826 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.8973 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.8973 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.8973 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.9113 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.9254 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.9254 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.9384 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.9384 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.9675 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.9715 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.9715 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:36.9886 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.0057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.0217 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.0368 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.0508 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.0508 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.0508 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.0659 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.0950 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.0950 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.1190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.1190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.1361 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.1361 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.1532 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.1532 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.1692 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.2043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.2043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.2043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.2214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.2806 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.2806 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.2806 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.2806 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.2936 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.3549 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.3549 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.3549 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.3810 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.3940 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.4080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.4080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.4080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.4542 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.4893 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.4893 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.5044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.5044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.5395 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.5867 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.6077 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.6077 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.6238 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.6238 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.6388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.6559 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.6890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.6890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.7201 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.7362 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.7542 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.7743 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.7884 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.8054 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.8375 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.8375 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.8375 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.8556 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.8867 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.9038 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.9038 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.9389 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.9389 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.9539 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.9706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.9706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:37.9866 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.0228 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.0228 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.0393 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.1096 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.1959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.2270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.2270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.2270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.2270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.2878 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.3058 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.3500 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.3500 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.3650 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4082 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4323 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4323 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4594 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4594 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4594 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4594 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4754 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4754 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.4875 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.5025 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.5206 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.5206 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.5477 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.5848 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.6209 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.6922 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.7072 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.7393 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:38.7554 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:51:46.9245 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: that ship isnt going to take off 16:51:49.9070 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: do I do one more? :D 16:52:07.9416 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 16:52:07.9416 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS detected, action Allow! 16:52:13.3180 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:52:31.3740 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: i mean the last few shots were pretty shit 16:52:32.5236 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: is 16:52:34.2242 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: mars 16:52:36.7241 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: mine? 16:53:03.1909 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: i would of said yes before you asked but hey everyone else wants to stay 16:53:04.7659 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 16:53:13.3306 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:53:31.9071 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: ws 16:53:37.9570 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we are kinda fucked 16:53:41.7966 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:if you have to ask, it isn't yours. lol:0 16:53:56.7739 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: shall we even bother with the ship? 16:54:13.3453 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:54:20.0404 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: playgamesX02 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198884040828, PlayerID: 176561198884040828 16:54:42.3902 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Honza passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119443447, PlayerID: 176561198119443447 16:55:13.3457 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:55:14.0443 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Honza requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 16:55:14.0744 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 16:55:17.6233 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:are we taking the turbines down:2 16:55:17.6233 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: are we taking the turbines down, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 16:55:17.6233 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: are we taking the turbines down 16:55:18.7885 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198119443447 from 16:55:18.8076 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Honza joined (76561198119443447) 16:55:18.8076 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:55:18.8076 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:55:18.8076 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:55:18.8076 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:55:18.9079 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Honza successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:55:18.9240 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.RespawnLocationsSync: Autospawning 76561198119443447 16:55:18.9240 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player Honza 16:55:19.6642 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Honza has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 16:55:27.0069 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:up to u:2 16:55:27.0069 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: up to u, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:55:27.0069 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: up to u 16:55:31.5135 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: the fact he can even build those cluster bombs is concerning 16:55:33.3374 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 16:55:36.2045 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:think we got enough below?:2 16:55:36.2045 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: think we got enough below?, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:55:36.2045 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: think we got enough below? 16:55:37.6160 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: how 16:55:42.9469 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: how 16:55:42.9469 [INFO] Chat: [GlobalScripted:176561198834277852] Good.bot: You tried sending the same message within a short amount of time. Message not sent. 16:55:45.2471 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:brb:2 16:55:45.2471 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: brb, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:55:45.2471 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: brb 16:55:47.6239 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 16:55:48.0299 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: (f 16:55:55.3390 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: fuck 16:56:12.8958 [FATAL] Initializer: Sandbox.Game.Entities.Planet.MyPlanetVoxelException: Exception of type 'Sandbox.Game.Entities.Planet.MyPlanetVoxelException' was thrown. at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet.CreateVoxelMap(Vector3I_RangeIterator it, MyVoxelPhysics voxelMap, Vector3I storageMin, Vector3I storageMax) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet.CreateVoxelPhysics(Vector3I& increment, Vector3I_RangeIterator& it) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet.GeneratePhysicalShapeForBox(Vector3I& increment, BoundingBoxD& shapeBox) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet.UpdatePlanetPhysics(BoundingBoxD& box) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet.UpdateFloraAndPhysics(Boolean serial) at Patched_Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyParallelEntityUpdateOrchestratorUpdateAfterSimulation10_0(Object ) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyParallelEntityUpdateOrchestrator.DispatchAfterSimulation() at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyEntities.UpdateAfterSimulation() at Sandbox.Game.World.MySector.UpdateAfterSimulation() at Patched_Sandbox.Game.World.MySessionUpdateComponents_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Game.World.MySessionUpdate_1(Object , MyTimeSpan ) at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update() at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GameUpdateInternal_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GameRunSingleFrame_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop+<>c__DisplayClass11_0b__0_0(Object ) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop() at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen) at Torch.VRageGame.DoStart() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 326 at Torch.VRageGame.Run() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 126 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() Sandbox.Game.Entities.Planet.MyPlanetVoxelException: Exception of type 'Sandbox.Game.Entities.Planet.MyPlanetVoxelException' was thrown. at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet.CreateVoxelMap(Vector3I_RangeIterator it, MyVoxelPhysics voxelMap, Vector3I storageMin, Vector3I storageMax) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet.CreateVoxelPhysics(Vector3I& increment, Vector3I_RangeIterator& it) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet.GeneratePhysicalShapeForBox(Vector3I& increment, BoundingBoxD& shapeBox) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet.UpdatePlanetPhysics(BoundingBoxD& box) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyPlanet.UpdateFloraAndPhysics(Boolean serial) at Patched_Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyParallelEntityUpdateOrchestratorUpdateAfterSimulation10_0(Object ) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyParallelEntityUpdateOrchestrator.DispatchAfterSimulation() at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyEntities.UpdateAfterSimulation() at Sandbox.Game.World.MySector.UpdateAfterSimulation() at Patched_Sandbox.Game.World.MySessionUpdateComponents_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Game.World.MySessionUpdate_1(Object , MyTimeSpan ) at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update() at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GameUpdateInternal_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GameRunSingleFrame_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop+<>c__DisplayClass11_0b__0_0(Object ) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop() at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen) at Torch.VRageGame.DoStart() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 326 at Torch.VRageGame.Run() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 126 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() 16:56:12.8958 [INFO] Initializer: Generating minidump at Logs\MiniDumpT44-2023-09-12 16-56-12.dmp 16:56:14.0273 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:56:43.9632 [INFO] Torch.Patches.MessageSizeLimitPatch: Patched MessageSizeLimit 16:56:43.9632 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:56:44.0134 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/14. (14%) 16:56:44.0134 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/14. (21%) 16:56:44.0134 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/14. (35%) 16:56:44.0184 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 6/14. (42%) 16:56:44.0184 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 7/14. (50%) 16:56:44.0184 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/14. (64%) 16:56:44.0184 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 10/14. (71%) 16:56:44.0184 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 12/14. (85%) 16:56:44.0184 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/14. (92%) 16:56:44.0184 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 14/14. (100%) 16:56:44.0184 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:56:44.0325 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ModsDownloadingPatch: Patching mods downloading 16:56:44.0325 [INFO] Torch.Patches.PromotePatch: patching promote 16:56:44.0325 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response polling 16:56:44.0325 [INFO] Torch.Patches.SteamLoginPatch: Applied custom WaitStart timeout 16:56:44.0636 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Checking for Torch Update... 16:56:44.0636 [INFO] Torch: Initializing server 16:56:44.1950 [INFO] Torch: RELEASE 16:56:44.1950 [INFO] Torch: Torch Version: v1.3.0.249-master 16:56:44.1950 [INFO] Torch: Game Version: 1.203.23 16:56:44.1950 [INFO] Torch: Executing assembly: Torch.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 16:56:44.1950 [INFO] Torch: Executing directory: C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\ 16:56:44.1950 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugins... 16:56:44.2251 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Checking for plugin updates... 16:56:44.2251 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 16:56:44.2251 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 16:56:44.2251 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 16:56:44.4589 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Latest version is v1.3.0.249-master | Current version is v1.3.0.249-master 16:56:44.4589 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Torch is up to date. 16:56:44.9356 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 16:56:44.9356 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin FoogsNoFamilySharing does not have any releases on torchapi.com. Cannot update. 16:56:45.2333 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Updated 0 plugins. 16:56:45.2684 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at AdminLogger.Main 16:56:45.2684 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Admin Logger' (v1.7.4) 16:56:45.2684 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeathLocationFix.DeathLocationFixPlugin 16:56:45.2684 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeathLocationFix' (v1.0.0.7) 16:56:45.2684 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeleteTracker.DeleteTrackerPlugin 16:56:45.2684 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeleteTracker' (v1.0.2.5) 16:56:45.2684 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin 16:56:45.2684 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Backup' (v1.0.5.8) 16:56:45.2684 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin 16:56:45.2684 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PCU Transferrer' (v1.1.11.8) 16:56:45.2684 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_PlayerStats.PlayerStatsPlugin 16:56:45.2684 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PlayerStats' (v1.0.1.9) 16:56:45.2824 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RespawnFix.RespawnFixPlugin 16:56:45.2824 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE RespawnFix' (v1.0.2.2) 16:56:45.2824 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartPlugin 16:56:45.2824 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Restart Watchdog' (v1.0.2.4) 16:56:45.2824 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin 16:56:45.2824 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE ShipFixer' (v1.0.10.0) 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportServer() ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportClient(VRageMath.Vector3D, Single) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsResponse(System.String) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ForceClusterReorderRequest() ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void UpdateEconomyRequest() ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestStationPositions() ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void DrawStationsClient(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugGameplay2+MyStationDebugDrawStructure]) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnSnapshotsMechanicalPivotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnWorldSnapshotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataServer(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataClient(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestLayersFromServer() ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ReceiveLayersFromServer(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugNetwork+Layer]) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsReply(System.String) ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnCrash() ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestSettingFromServer_Implementation() ModSdk methods 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DAC.AntiCheatPlugin 16:56:45.3416 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'AntiCheat-DORI' (v1.0.5.17) 16:56:45.3517 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at BlockLimiter.BlockLimiter 16:56:45.3517 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'BlockLimiter' (v1.7.705-48cf4b22) 16:56:45.3607 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Patching Successful Crunch Projector! 16:56:45.3607 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin+MyPatch: Patching Successful CrunchDrill! 16:56:45.4008 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin 16:56:45.4008 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'CrunchUtils' (v1.3.370) 16:56:45.4239 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 16:56:45.4239 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DefIdToStringFix' (v1.0.1) 16:56:45.4570 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DePatch.DePatchPlugin 16:56:45.4570 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DePatch' (1.20.08) 16:56:45.4570 [INFO] Essentials.Patches.ChatMessagePatch: Patched OnChatMessageReceived_Server! 16:56:45.4570 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Essentials.EssentialsPlugin 16:56:45.4570 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Essentials' (v1.7.1.179-001-55b53d6) 16:56:45.4570 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at InfluxDb.Torch.TorchInfluxDbPlugin 16:56:45.4570 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'InfluxDB Integration' (v2.2.8074.40508) 16:56:45.5233 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Nexus.Main 16:56:45.5233 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Nexus (Server Sectoring & DataSync)' (v1.01.32) 16:56:45.5233 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoMoreEmojis.Plugin 16:56:45.5233 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NoMoreEmojis' (v1.0.3) 16:56:45.5343 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoFSPluginNs.NoFSPlugin 16:56:45.5343 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'FoogsNoFamilySharing' (1) 16:56:45.5343 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer 16:56:45.5343 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NPCFactionFixer' (1.1.125-f4f9d5d) 16:56:45.5624 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 16:56:45.5624 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'PerformanceImprovements' (v1.10.14.0) 16:56:45.5624 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS 16:56:45.5624 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'GlobalGPS' (v1.0.011) 16:56:45.5674 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 16:56:45.5674 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Profiler.ProfilerPlugin 16:56:45.5674 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Profiler' (v3.1.8432.40000) 16:56:45.5885 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at QuantumHangar.Hangar 16:56:45.5885 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Quantum Hangar' (v3.2.30) 16:56:45.5885 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at _sc 16:56:45.5885 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Rewards' (1.2.2) 16:56:45.6547 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin 16:56:45.6547 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'SEDiscordBridge' (v2.0.4.025) 16:56:45.6658 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TebexTorchAPI.Tebex 16:56:45.6658 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Tebex Server Donations' (1.1.0) 16:56:45.6658 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 16:56:45.6728 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchMonitor.TorchMonitorPlugin 16:56:45.6728 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Torch Monitor' (v2.2.8164.42300) 16:56:45.6728 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin 16:56:45.6728 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'MIG-Freezer' ( 16:56:45.6728 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic 16:56:45.6728 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HaE PBLimiter' (v1.1.1.4) 16:56:45.6918 [ERROR] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patch shim type TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.GridDamagePatch doesn't have a static Patch method. 16:56:45.6918 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.Init 16:56:45.6918 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.UpdateAfterSimulation10 16:56:45.6918 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.SessionDownloadPatch: TorchGameServerPlugin: SessionDownloadPatch applied 16:56:45.6918 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain 16:56:45.6918 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'TorchGameServerPlugin' (v1.0.2) 16:56:45.7209 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\TebexTorchAPI.cfg 16:56:45.7531 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Hangar: Starting plugin WITHOUT the Hangar Market! 16:56:45.7531 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Init Foogs_NoFamilySharing 16:56:45.7531 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Foogs_NoFamilySharing disabled 16:56:45.7531 [WARN] Nexus: Initilizing Nexus Steam 16:56:45.8163 [INFO] NexusComponents: Calling 24 classes components to patch! 16:56:45.8163 [INFO] NexusComponents: Successfully patched 44/44 methods! 16:56:45.8163 [WARN] NexusSubscriber: Subscriber socket is Initilizing! 16:56:45.8815 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 16:56:45.8976 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=TorchMonitor.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 16:56:45.8976 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=Intervals.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 16:56:46.2118 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Init FoogsRewardsPlugin 16:56:46.2299 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Loading Crunch Utils 16:56:46.2459 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: PBLimiter loaded! 16:56:46.2459 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: Init 16:56:46.2459 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: OptimalHavokThreadCount = -1 16:56:47.1055 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Configuration Saved. 16:56:47.1055 [INFO] Essentials: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\Essentials.cfg 16:56:47.1516 [INFO] DePatch.DePatchPlugin: Mod Loader Complete overriding 16:56:47.1627 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=ProfilerPlugin.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 16:56:47.3971 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: found 5 products from API 16:56:47.3971 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP - 5351916 | multiplier: 2 16:56:47.3971 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP+ - 5352253 | multiplier: 2.5 16:56:47.3971 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: Supporter - 5352553 | multiplier: 1 16:56:47.3971 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 1.5k Block spawn - 5352612 | multiplier: 1 16:56:47.3971 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 3.5x multiplier - 5435517 | multiplier: 3.5 16:56:47.3971 [INFO] DefIdToStringFix: Init 16:56:47.4081 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loaded 31 plugins. 16:56:47.4412 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Loading Dedicated Config 16:56:47.4663 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing network services 16:56:47.4724 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing services 16:56:47.4724 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Services initialized 16:56:47.4724 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Setting up serializers 16:56:48.2707 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerPatch: Finished Patching! 16:56:48.2707 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 16:56:48.2707 [INFO] InstanceManager: Loading instance C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance 16:56:51.2319 [INFO] ModListControl: Instance loaded. 16:56:51.2319 [INFO] Torch: Initialized server 'Outer instance2' at 'C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance' 16:56:51.2319 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:56:51.2480 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response timeout to 5 seconds 16:56:51.2691 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/169. (10%) 16:56:51.3122 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/169. (20%) 16:56:51.3293 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 51/169. (30%) 16:56:51.3484 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 68/169. (40%) 16:56:51.3955 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 85/169. (50%) 16:56:51.4256 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 102/169. (60%) 16:56:51.4497 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 119/169. (70%) 16:56:51.4758 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 136/169. (80%) 16:56:51.4949 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 153/169. (90%) 16:56:51.5310 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 169/169. (100%) 16:56:51.5310 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:56:51.5310 [INFO] Torch: Starting server. 16:56:52.4758 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 16:56:52.5932 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 16:56:57.0112 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:56:57.0112 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:56:57.0112 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:56:57.0112 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:56:57.0202 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: AntiCheat: All Patches Loaded 16:56:57.4453 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.RemoteAPIManager: Remote API started on port 8080 16:56:59.7089 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: ServerLoading started on ID: 24! Requesting Data from controller and watching for reply! 16:56:59.7480 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Waiting for Sandbox data from Controller! Make sure your ports are open! 16:56:59.8002 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Controller Version: 2.5.05 16:56:59.8163 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Data Successfully Recieved and Deserialized! 16:57:01.7487 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Servers Recieved: 14 16:57:01.7487 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Sectors Recieved: 14 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: The following is the treeview of your sector layout: 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 2 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space A 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space B 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer space 2 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space A 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth moon area 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth only sector 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Moon standalone 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Viking sector 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: GOD SECTOR 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Europa 16:57:01.7527 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Lotus 16:57:01.7527 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: AddonConfigs: 1 16:57:02.6519 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Deserialized controller sandbox to XMLCheckpoint and clearing internally! 16:57:02.6519 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server starting as: SyncedSectored! 16:57:04.5994 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod: NexusSyncMod is running NexusModAPI! 16:57:04.5994 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod Patching Complete for 2272613450.sbm 16:57:07.8506 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Starting new torch session for Torch System 16:57:07.8506 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:57:07.8506 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/5. (20%) 16:57:07.8506 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/5. (40%) 16:57:07.8506 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/5. (60%) 16:57:07.8506 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/5. (80%) 16:57:07.8616 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/5. (100%) 16:57:07.8616 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:57:07.8616 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loading 16:57:08.8904 [WARN] Keen: Missing definition MyObjectBuilder_DemoComponentDefinition/Default : for session component DemoComponent 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Inserted authentication intercept 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whatsmyip' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'help' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'longhelp' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ver' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reload' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'plugins' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'notify' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart.cancel' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop.cancel' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'save' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'uptime' 16:57:26.5517 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Loaded torch session for Torch System 16:57:26.5658 [INFO] BlockLimiter.PluginApi.EssentialsPlayerAccount: Blocklimiter communication with essentials successful 16:57:26.5658 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 321 Identity on the server 16:57:26.5658 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game started.... 16:57:26.5658 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:57:26.5658 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 16:57:26.5658 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: BlockLimiter v1.7.705-48cf4b22 is installed! 16:57:26.5658 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 16:57:26.5658 [INFO] NexusComponents: 24 Nexus components started! 16:57:26.5658 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.CommandSync: Waiting for CommandQueue from Controller! 16:57:28.5739 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Start 16:57:28.5739 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Patching battaries. For fix of discharging 16:57:28.5739 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Finished 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unfreeze' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.production' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.on' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.off' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.on' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.off' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.can-be-frozen' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.frozen' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.not-frozen' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-entities' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-updates' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-frames' 16:57:28.5739 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:57:28.5790 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/4. (25%) 16:57:28.5790 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/4. (50%) 16:57:28.5790 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/4. (75%) 16:57:28.5790 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/4. (100%) 16:57:28.5790 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:57:28.5790 [ERROR] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: MIG TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin: PATCH COMPLETED 16:57:28.5790 [INFO] ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin: BlockLimiter Reference added to PCU-Transferrer for limit checks. 16:57:28.5790 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 16:57:28.5790 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session loaded, start backup timer! 16:57:28.5790 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loaded 16:57:28.5790 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch start 16:57:28.6357 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:57:28.6448 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/42. (11%) 16:57:28.6448 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/42. (21%) 16:57:28.6448 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/42. (30%) 16:57:28.6448 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/42. (40%) 16:57:28.6448 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 21/42. (50%) 16:57:28.6618 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 26/42. (61%) 16:57:28.6618 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 30/42. (71%) 16:57:28.6618 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/42. (80%) 16:57:28.6769 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 38/42. (90%) 16:57:28.6769 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 42/42. (100%) 16:57:28.6769 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:57:28.6769 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch done 16:57:28.6909 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Sending setting data to self 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.enable' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.grid' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.player' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.faction' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.reload' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.rematch.ids' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.violations' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.playerlimit' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.gridlimit' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.factionlimit' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.annoy' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.punish' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.mylimit' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.mylimit' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.limits' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.pairnames' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.definitions' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'donate' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:secret' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:forcecheck' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:info' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.sell' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.marketlist' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.sell' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.marketlist' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.save' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.list' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.load' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.remove' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.sync' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.syncall' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohangar' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohanger-override' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.enable' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.saveall' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.ttmod' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.clearSpheres' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.save' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.list' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.load' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.remove' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.sync' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.syncall' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohangar' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohanger-override' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.enable' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.saveall' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.save' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.list' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.load' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.remove' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.info' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.save' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.list' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.load' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.remove' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.info' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.box' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.boxclear' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ptoggle' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsectors' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsector' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.lobby' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players.faction' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ver' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switch' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switchall' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.identity' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.reset' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.breaklink' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.addwhitelist' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.removewhitelist' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'd.link' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'Lobby.GetID' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reload' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reloadconfig' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.enable' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.disable' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge.grid' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'seedcleanup.all' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridcleanup' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.ownedby' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.buildby' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.noauthor' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsowner' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsauthor' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgrids' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsrange' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoauthor' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoowner' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'protect' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unprotect' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freebuild' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checklimits' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.player' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.faction' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkowner' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkauthor' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listblocks' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listallblocks' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'findblock' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfer' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransfer' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcu' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransferpcu' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferowner' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfernobody' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcunobody' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferownernobody' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'repair' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.configs' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.commands' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.w' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.on' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.off' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.reload' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.corners' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.centers' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.cleargps' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listadminsettings' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearadminsettings' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearalladminsettings' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list.faction' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.find' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore.faction' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.save' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.run' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.clearup' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identitycleanup.name' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.tag.length' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.name' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listplayers' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.player' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.faction' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.factions' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.player' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.faction' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.debugfaction' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.player' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.playerallfactions' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.faction' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.factionallplayers' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.debugfaction' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmod' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmodid' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixship' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reward' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadm' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadmt' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sewa.shop' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalance' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalanceplayer' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoney' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoneyplayer' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfermoney' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.reload' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'enablestone' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.config' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makeship' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'removebody' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makestation' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'togglestone' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stone' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'TestEconSync' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'FullEconSync' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetbalances' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayers' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfactions' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'claim' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sellgrid' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'denygrid' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'acceptgrid' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixrespawn' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'prediction' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'convert' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pcucount' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fillhydro' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.rename' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rename' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixme' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getsteamid' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixallstations' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'worldpcu' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ishydrogen' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'zone' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isecon' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixstation' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.search' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tags' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listids' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnames' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'updatename' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco' 16:57:28.6909 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path eco is already registered. 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.balance' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'lastlogin' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.top' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'warstatus' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'declarewar' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nofriendforyou' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sendpeace' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ac' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'place.station' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetnpcrep' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetallrep' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.info' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'facinfo' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdrawall' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.deposit' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdraw' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'giveitem' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.promote' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'broadcast' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.kick' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isnpc' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.take' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.give' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.hide' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.show' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.delete' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.pay' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whis' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'msg' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.giveplayer' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayer' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfac' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getfacid' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleargrid' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'dirkclear' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridtype' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takeplayer' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.givefac' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.rep.change' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'player.rep.change' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takefac' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.status' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.test.bonus' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.check.multiplier' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.help' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.info' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.enable' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.disable' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.fix' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.add' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.clear' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.remove' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.refresh' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.stop' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.delete' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.kill' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.find' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweroff' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweron' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.eject' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.setowner' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.ejectall' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.static.large' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.stopall' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.list' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.export' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.import' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'say' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tp' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tpto' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tphere' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'w' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'kick' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ban' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unban' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'motd' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.give' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.take' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.set' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.reset' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.top' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.check' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.pay' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.add' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.del' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.list' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.goto' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.createrank' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delrank' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setmaxhomes' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.reservedslot' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.renamerank' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setdefaultrank' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setrank' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.populate' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addinheritance' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delinheritance' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addperm' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delperm' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addplayerperm' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delplayerperm' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.listranks' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.cancel' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.list' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'no' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'yes' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.debug' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.reset' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.stats' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playercount' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playerlist' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.runauto' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelauto' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelautobyindex' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listauto' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listrunningauto' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.set.toolbar' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.setrank' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.reserve' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unreserve' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.mute' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unmute' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.list.mute' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.give' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.type' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.subtype' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.type' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.subtype' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.type' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.subtype' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.general' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.general' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.scan' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.list' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete.floatingobjects' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.help' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.all' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.asteroids' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.distant' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planets' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planet' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.area' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.gps' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clean' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.purge' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clear' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rep.wipe' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.clean' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.remove' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.info' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sandbox.clean' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'info.list' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.on' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.off' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.sim' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.frames' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocktypes' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocks' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.grids' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.factions' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.players' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.scripts' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.session' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.entities' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.physics' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.flags' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.custom' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.cleangps' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.help' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'credits' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.reset' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.time' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test.reward' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.init' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test' 16:57:28.6909 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path forge.test is already registered. 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'density' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 16:57:28.6909 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path weather.clear is already registered. 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 16:57:28.6909 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path perks is already registered. 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'SendGPS' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sound' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'EMP' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'strike' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.info' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.enable' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.disable' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.on' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.off' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.add' 16:57:28.6909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.remove' 16:57:28.7581 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: Communication with TGS successful 16:57:28.7581 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 16:57:28.7581 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 16:57:28.7581 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/3. (33%) 16:57:28.7581 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/3. (66%) 16:57:28.7581 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/3. (100%) 16:57:28.7581 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 16:57:28.8304 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Honza passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119443447, PlayerID: 176561198119443447 16:57:28.8304 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Honza passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119443447, PlayerID: 176561198119443447 16:57:32.6134 [WARN] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards initialized 16:57:32.6134 [INFO] Torch: Starting server watchdog. 16:57:32.6134 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: endlesstonks passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199209849561, PlayerID: 176561199209849561 16:57:32.6922 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199431768254 from 16:57:33.2883 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: VariableStorage:Load 16:57:33.2883 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer [4.0.30319.42000] will work in 5000 ms 16:57:33.3064 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Starmaster24 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198279429509, PlayerID: 176561198279429509 16:57:33.3064 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Badman sound passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198142381224, PlayerID: 176561198142381224 16:57:33.3555 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player zhulavskyi2143 joined (76561199431768254) 16:57:33.3716 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:57:33.3716 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:57:33.3716 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:33.3716 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:33.3776 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: oddland passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198098597783, PlayerID: 176561198098597783 16:57:33.4896 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Universe passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198176426385, PlayerID: 176561198176426385 16:57:33.9338 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:57:34.6178 [ERROR] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards ProcessQueue start 16:57:35.2054 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Arky passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198026903024, PlayerID: 176561198026903024 16:57:37.8161 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:tbh didn't realise how visible all the dimples in the ice were from orbit...:2 16:57:37.8161 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: tbh didn't realise how visible all the dimples in the ice were from orbit..., Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:57:37.8161 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: tbh didn't realise how visible all the dimples in the ice were from orbit... 16:57:37.9852 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] endlesstonks:because of how many he produced:2 16:57:37.9852 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: because of how many he produced, Faction, 263082388244604343, endlesstonks 16:57:37.9852 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Good.bot: because of how many he produced 16:57:38.3029 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer started work 16:57:38.6908 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'weather.clear' 16:57:38.6908 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'perks' 16:57:38.6908 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'credits' 16:57:38.6908 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'weather.clear' 16:57:38.6908 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'perks' 16:57:38.6908 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'SendGPS' 16:57:38.6908 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path SendGPS is already registered. 16:57:38.6908 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'sound' 16:57:38.6908 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path sound is already registered. 16:57:38.6908 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'EMP' 16:57:38.6908 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path EMP is already registered. 16:57:38.6908 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'strike' 16:57:38.6908 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path strike is already registered. 16:57:41.2535 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: savage187 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198320436731, PlayerID: 176561198320436731 16:57:41.3197 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Socialist Duck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198834277852, PlayerID: 176561198834277852 16:57:47.3869 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198176426385 from 16:57:47.3869 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198142381224 from 16:57:47.4080 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Universe joined (76561198176426385) 16:57:47.4080 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:57:47.4080 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:57:47.4080 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:47.4080 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:47.4080 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Badman sound joined (76561198142381224) 16:57:47.4080 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:57:47.4080 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:57:47.4080 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:47.4080 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:47.4080 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Badman sound shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 16:57:47.4662 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:57:47.5214 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:57:49.2723 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199209849561 from 16:57:49.2913 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player endlesstonks joined (76561199209849561) 16:57:49.2913 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:57:49.2913 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:57:49.2913 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:49.2913 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:50.0371 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:57:50.8866 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198026903024 from 16:57:50.8866 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198320436731 from 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198834277852 from 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Arky joined (76561198026903024) 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player savage187 joined (76561198320436731) 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Socialist Duck joined (76561198834277852) 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:50.8916 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:50.9699 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:57:51.0873 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: phynox passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198988823244, PlayerID: 176561198988823244 16:57:51.1204 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:57:51.1535 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:57:58.1367 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198279429509 from 16:57:58.1538 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Starmaster24 joined (76561198279429509) 16:57:58.1538 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:57:58.1538 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:57:58.1538 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:58.1538 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:57:58.3204 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:58:05.2197 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198988823244 from 16:58:05.2529 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player phynox joined (76561198988823244) 16:58:05.2529 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:58:05.2529 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:58:05.2529 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:58:05.2529 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:58:05.4391 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:58:09.9735 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Universe successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:58:11.0794 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Universe has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 16:58:17.1189 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:very visable:2 16:58:17.1189 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: very visable, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 16:58:17.1189 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: very visable 16:58:19.0832 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: trainwreck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199176080737, PlayerID: 176561199176080737 16:58:23.8003 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Honza passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119443447, PlayerID: 176561198119443447 16:58:26.5813 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:58:28.0837 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman sound successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:58:30.1025 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Badman sound has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 16:58:46.4190 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Honza requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 16:58:46.4471 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 16:58:52.6847 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:waht about making a distroyed base here on top :2 16:58:52.6847 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: waht about making a distroyed base here on top , Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 16:58:52.6847 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: waht about making a distroyed base here on top 16:58:52.9707 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198119443447 from 16:58:52.9958 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Honza joined (76561198119443447) 16:58:52.9958 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:58:52.9958 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:58:52.9958 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:58:52.9958 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:58:53.0620 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Honza successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:58:53.0797 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.RespawnLocationsSync: Autospawning 76561198119443447 16:58:53.0797 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player Honza 16:58:53.4640 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Honza has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 16:59:08.8797 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: endlesstonks successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:59:09.4286 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: savage187 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:59:16.0744 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:trouble is we need connectors:2 16:59:16.0744 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: trouble is we need connectors, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 16:59:16.0744 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: trouble is we need connectors 16:59:16.7765 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:20.4999 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Arky successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:59:24.4196 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:2 turbines 1 battery to look like it wont despawn :2 16:59:24.4196 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 2 turbines 1 battery to look like it wont despawn , Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 16:59:24.4196 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: 2 turbines 1 battery to look like it wont despawn 16:59:26.5823 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 16:59:31.1449 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ZJD passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198854535693, PlayerID: 176561198854535693 16:59:31.4616 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Socialist Duck successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 16:59:37.5483 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Sekij�Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 16:59:37.5483 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Sekij� meta data! 16:59:37.5483 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sekij� has been successfully synced with ID: 176561199009946596 16:59:40.9538 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:40.9538 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:40.9920 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:40.9920 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.0211 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.0512 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.0773 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.0883 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.1033 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.1355 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.1525 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.1706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.2860 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.3432 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.3562 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.3873 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.3873 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.4355 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.4355 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.4536 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.4536 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.4736 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.4736 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1018C6D512963D3} Emotion Controller [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.5037 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.5519 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.5710 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.5920 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.5920 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.5920 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.6031 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.6031 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.6372 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.6553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.6553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.6683 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.6683 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.6683 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.6864 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.7355 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.7536 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.8018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.8018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.8238 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.8238 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.8238 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.8369 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.8529 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.8720 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.8720 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.8881 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.9202 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.9202 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.9202 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.9362 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.9362 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.9533 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.9693 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.9693 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.9884 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:41.9884 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.0376 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.0697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.0697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.1028 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.1259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.1259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.1259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.1259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.1530 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.1530 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.1867 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.2017 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.2208 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.2208 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.2529 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.3061 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.3543 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.3543 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.3864 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.4366 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.4366 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.4366 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.4687 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.4697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.5028 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.5028 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.5028 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.5700 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.5871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.5871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.5871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.5871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.6021 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.6021 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.6543 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.6543 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.6854 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.6854 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.7175 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.7175 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.7537 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.7687 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.8018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.8199 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.8199 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.8530 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.8711 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.8711 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.8711 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.8871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.8871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.8871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.9202 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.9353 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:42.9403 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.0015 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.0015 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.0015 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.0356 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.0537 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.0537 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.0708 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.1029 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.1029 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.1350 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.1521 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.2043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.2043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.2564 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.3036 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.3197 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.3367 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.3528 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.3698 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.3698 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.3859 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.4030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.4030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.4030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.4200 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.4541 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.4541 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.4842 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.4842 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.5731 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.5731 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.6273 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.6273 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.6273 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.6534 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.6715 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.6715 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.6715 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.7026 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.7196 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.7688 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.7688 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.7989 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.8200 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.8200 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.8360 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.8521 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.9203 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:43.9354 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.0032 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.0032 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.0363 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.0534 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.0765 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.1196 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.1367 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.1367 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.1367 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.1527 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.1688 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.1688 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.1859 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.1859 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.1859 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.2039 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.2390 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.2531 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.2732 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.3033 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.3033 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.3033 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.3193 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.3524 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.3524 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.3866 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.4036 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.4207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.4207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.4357 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.4538 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.4688 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.4859 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.4859 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.5020 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.5020 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.5200 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.5361 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.5738 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.5878 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.6019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.6019 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.6892 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.6892 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.6892 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.6892 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.7414 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.7544 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.7544 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.7855 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.7855 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8056 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8056 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8207 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198854535693 from 16:59:44.8367 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8367 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8367 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player ZJD joined (76561198854535693) 16:59:44.8367 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 16:59:44.8367 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 16:59:44.8367 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 16:59:44.8367 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 16:59:44.8678 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8779 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8779 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.8929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.9210 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.9210 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.9541 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.9541 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:44.9892 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:45.0354 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:45.0535 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:45.0535 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:45.0535 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:45.0876 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:45.1107 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 16:59:45.1107 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:45.1538 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:45.1538 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 16:59:48.8037 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:put 1 on a piston tower comes up from under:2 16:59:48.8037 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: put 1 on a piston tower comes up from under, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 16:59:48.8037 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: put 1 on a piston tower comes up from under 16:59:51.7267 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: oddland passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198098597783, PlayerID: 176561198098597783 17:00:00.2670 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder3h' 17:00:00.2891 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 3 hours.' 17:00:00.2891 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [3 hours]." 5000 White' 17:00:01.4718 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198098597783 from 17:00:01.4969 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player oddland joined (76561198098597783) 17:00:01.4969 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:00:01.4969 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:00:01.4969 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:00:01.4969 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:00:01.8461 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:00:02.1351 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: uhhhh 17:00:05.8364 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.0083 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.0083 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.0284 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.0284 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.0715 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.0715 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.1046 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.1377 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.1377 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.1548 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.2200 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.2200 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.2401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.2562 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.2562 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.3415 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.3415 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.3535 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.3706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.3706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.3706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.3706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.4725 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.4725 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.4936 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.5066 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.5066 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.5347 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.6220 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.6602 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.6602 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.6883 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.6883 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.7872 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.7872 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.8083 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.8213 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.8213 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.8374 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.9066 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.9227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.9227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:06.9748 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.0230 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.0391 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.0541 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.0541 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.0732 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.0732 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.1404 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.1515 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.1625 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.1625 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.1625 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.1735 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.1886 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.2227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.2428 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.2558 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.2869 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.3040 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.3241 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.3381 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.3552 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.4053 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.4053 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.4395 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.4395 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.4575 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.4916 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.5388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.5528 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.5528 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.5769 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.5769 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.5890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.6221 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.6371 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.6753 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.7044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.7481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.7602 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.8043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.8214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.8444 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.8575 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.8715 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.8715 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.8886 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.8886 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.9227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.9227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.9227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.9227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.9227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.9227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.9548 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:07.9548 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.0100 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.0311 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.0311 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.0321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.0321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.0321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.0321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.0708 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.0708 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1018C6D512963D3} Emotion Controller [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.0708 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.1049 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.1049 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.1210 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.1551 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.1551 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.1551 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.1722 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.2013 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.2013 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.2163 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.2264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.2384 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.2545 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.2545 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.2715 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.2715 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.3257 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.3568 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.3568 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.3909 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.4070 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.4220 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.4220 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.4592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.4722 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.5284 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.5284 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.5896 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.5896 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.6047 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.6257 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.6257 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.6378 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.6739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.6739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.6739 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: is noone else online 17:00:08.6970 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.6970 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.7131 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.7401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.7401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.7401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.7401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.7401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.7618 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.8070 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.8210 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.8371 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.8561 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.9063 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.9434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.9555 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.9555 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.9705 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.9705 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.9705 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.9876 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:08.9876 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.0046 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.0046 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.0046 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.0046 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.0046 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.0227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.0388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.0538 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.0538 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.0538 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.0538 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.0729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.1211 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.1381 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.1542 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.1542 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.1742 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.1883 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.1883 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.1883 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.1883 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.2063 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.2063 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.2425 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.2425 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.2706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.2876 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.3217 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.3388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.3388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.3549 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.3719 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.3719 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.3880 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:09.4111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.6215 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.6215 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.6527 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.6527 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.6767 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.6767 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.7048 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.7329 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.7721 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.8052 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.8052 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.8232 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.8232 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.8232 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.8594 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.8594 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.8724 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.9065 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.9065 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.9236 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.9236 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.9236 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.9236 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.9547 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:11.9888 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.0229 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.0229 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.0540 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.0540 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.0540 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.0721 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.0872 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.1112 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.1112 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.1474 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.1751 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.1751 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.1751 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.1941 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.1941 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.2212 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.2212 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.2393 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.2553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.3045 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.3406 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.3707 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.4380 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.4380 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.4550 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.4711 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.4711 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.4711 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.4711 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.4871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.4871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.4871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.4871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.5032 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.5393 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.5393 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.5534 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.5714 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.5714 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.6055 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.6206 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.6206 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.6878 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.6878 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.7059 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.7380 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.8042 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.8394 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.8755 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.8895 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.9066 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.9066 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.9417 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.9417 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.9819 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:12.9819 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.0079 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.0079 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.0190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.0190 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.0401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.0541 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.0541 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.0722 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.0722 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.0722 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.0922 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.1043 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.1203 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.1394 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.1394 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.1565 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.1565 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.2016 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.2227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.2428 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.2428 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.2428 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.2709 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.3712 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.3712 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.4053 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.5057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.5223 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.5223 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.6237 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.6578 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.6748 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.6889 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.7431 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.7973 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.8404 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.8404 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.8625 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.8776 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.9077 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.9077 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.9227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.9227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.9388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.9388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.9578 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.9709 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:13.9879 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.0050 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.0050 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.0391 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.0732 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.0943 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.1063 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.1385 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.1385 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.1545 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.1926 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.2047 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.2207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.2207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.2388 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.2739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.2739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.2739 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.2870 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.3050 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.3542 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.3723 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.3723 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.4054 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.4054 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.4224 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.4576 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.4576 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.4706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.4706 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.4937 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.5047 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.5218 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.5740 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.6037 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.6849 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.6980 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.6980 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.6980 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.7160 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.7311 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.7311 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.7452 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.7452 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.7572 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.7743 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.7743 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.7903 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.7903 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.7903 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.8696 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.8696 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:14.8812 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:23.3374 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:23.8091 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1B4C45403E1B5AC} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:24.0890 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1029FAF24B72AF3} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:26.0871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {11C461EA880B564} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:00:26.5768 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: oddland successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:00:26.5959 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:00:28.3120 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: oddland has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 17:00:33.1945 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: lol did my bomb crash the server? 17:00:40.9275 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: trainwreck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199176080737, PlayerID: 176561199176080737 17:00:41.7278 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:00:42.1342 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:or abandon it build on virgin ice:2 17:00:42.1342 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: or abandon it build on virgin ice, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:00:42.1342 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: or abandon it build on virgin ice 17:00:44.3780 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: believe so 17:00:52.2440 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: phynox successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:00:52.7777 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Starmaster24 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:00:56.8087 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:moving all parts:2 17:00:56.8087 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: moving all parts, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:00:56.8087 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: moving all parts 17:00:58.6418 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] oddland: looking like it 17:00:59.9676 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:leave for now:2 17:00:59.9676 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: leave for now, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:00:59.9676 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: leave for now 17:01:00.4136 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: doesn't bode well for later battles 17:01:03.1328 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ZJD successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:01:06.3377 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 17:01:06.3377 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: HonzaLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:01:06.3377 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Honza meta data! 17:01:06.3377 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Honza (76561198119443447) Disconnected. 17:01:11.5238 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] oddland: and rolled it back 17:01:13.8189 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:worth buildin 2nd land base in mountains like they said:2 17:01:13.8189 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: worth buildin 2nd land base in mountains like they said, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:01:13.8189 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: worth buildin 2nd land base in mountains like they said 17:01:15.1722 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sekij� passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199009946596, PlayerID: 176561199009946596 17:01:26.5969 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:01:38.1918 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: playgamesX02 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198884040828, PlayerID: 176561198884040828 17:01:47.8885 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 17:01:51.5074 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...447] (76561198119443447) Disconnected. 17:01:53.0395 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:got a location gps?:2 17:01:53.0395 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: got a location gps?, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:01:53.0395 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: got a location gps? 17:01:53.0726 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] ZJD: hello 17:01:56.6556 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] oddland: neeto 17:01:58.2052 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:230328402731519902] ZJD: are you here? 17:02:01.0621 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:everywhere i go there is a light patrol drone chasing me:0 17:02:04.9189 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:nobodys done anything yet:2 17:02:04.9189 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nobodys done anything yet, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:02:04.9189 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: nobodys done anything yet 17:02:07.3226 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] oddland: still blame badman 17:02:11.7711 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:GPS:universal miners guild npc tri:-280971.59:-2406496:391221.55:#FF75C9F1::2 17:02:11.7711 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:universal miners guild npc tri:-280971.59:-2406496:391221.55:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:02:11.7711 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: GPS:universal miners guild npc tri:-280971.59:-2406496:391221.55:#FF75C9F1: 17:02:19.4406 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:thats npc station:2 17:02:19.4406 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thats npc station, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:02:19.4406 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: thats npc station 17:02:19.4848 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:u wanna build new base?:2 17:02:19.4848 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: u wanna build new base?, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:02:19.4848 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: u wanna build new base? 17:02:20.8709 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:ooo:2 17:02:20.8709 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ooo, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:02:20.8709 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: ooo 17:02:24.3077 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: endlesstonksLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:02:24.3077 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 17:02:24.3077 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: endlesstonks (76561199209849561) Disconnected. 17:02:26.5971 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:02:32.0901 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 17:02:32.0901 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allowed! 17:02:33.4734 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode change with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 17:02:33.4734 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode Changed by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allow! 17:02:37.0727 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 17:02:37.0727 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allowed! 17:02:37.1058 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode change with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 17:02:37.1058 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode Changed by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allow! 17:02:42.0744 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 17:02:42.0744 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS detected, action Allow! 17:02:49.1697 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:has ur ship got room for all this material:2 17:02:49.1697 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: has ur ship got room for all this material, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:02:49.1697 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: has ur ship got room for all this material 17:02:51.6907 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 17:02:51.6907 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: UniverseLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:02:51.6907 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Universe meta data! 17:02:51.6907 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Universe (76561198176426385) Disconnected. 17:03:03.2888 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sekij� passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199009946596, PlayerID: 176561199009946596 17:03:14.0416 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...561] (76561199209849561) Disconnected. 17:03:14.7587 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:harry alrdy got loads in orbit:2 17:03:14.7587 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: harry alrdy got loads in orbit, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:03:14.7587 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: harry alrdy got loads in orbit 17:03:15.6183 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:apart from gravel lololol:2 17:03:15.6183 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: apart from gravel lololol, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:03:15.6183 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: apart from gravel lololol 17:03:19.3583 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...385] (76561198176426385) Disconnected. 17:03:26.6114 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:03:56.3431 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:pick a place to build and i'll bring stuff:2 17:03:56.3431 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: pick a place to build and i'll bring stuff, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:03:56.3431 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: pick a place to build and i'll bring stuff 17:04:00.9254 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:GPS:gold:-3948956.19:-45999.13:-747382.08:#FF75C9F1::2 17:04:00.9254 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:gold:-3948956.19:-45999.13:-747382.08:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 230848779959425235, trainwreck 17:04:00.9254 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:230848779959425235] Good.bot: GPS:gold:-3948956.19:-45999.13:-747382.08:#FF75C9F1: 17:04:04.1222 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Karizmaa_vk passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198090660130, PlayerID: 176561198090660130 17:04:08.2864 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:leave what we don't need as i'll still use this place:2 17:04:08.2864 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: leave what we don't need as i'll still use this place, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:04:08.2864 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: leave what we don't need as i'll still use this place 17:04:14.1890 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198090660130 from 17:04:14.2060 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Karizmaa_vk joined (76561198090660130) 17:04:14.2060 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:04:14.2060 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:04:14.2060 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:04:14.2060 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:04:14.4228 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:04:19.2232 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: how many bombs you have left badman? 17:04:26.6162 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:04:37.0930 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:i will go look for a location mountain bare rock so it wont be so visable yes:2 17:04:37.0930 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i will go look for a location mountain bare rock so it wont be so visable yes, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:04:37.0930 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: i will go look for a location mountain bare rock so it wont be so visable yes 17:04:56.1076 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:or cliff to build in to :2 17:04:56.1076 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: or cliff to build in to , Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:04:56.1076 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: or cliff to build in to 17:05:04.4866 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:cliff:2 17:05:04.4866 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cliff, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:05:04.4866 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: cliff 17:05:15.4176 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Karizmaa_vk successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:05:17.0247 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:kk:2 17:05:17.0247 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: kk, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:05:17.0247 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: kk 17:05:26.6289 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:05:42.1476 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1509A5D968D5211} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:05:42.5309 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:05:43.0618 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {18EEDC800BBF3F1} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:06:15.0683 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:GPS:oasisi:-3948090.75:-47664.66:-749341:#FF75C9F1::2 17:06:15.0683 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:oasisi:-3948090.75:-47664.66:-749341:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 230848779959425235, trainwreck 17:06:15.0683 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:230848779959425235] Good.bot: GPS:oasisi:-3948090.75:-47664.66:-749341:#FF75C9F1: 17:06:21.0570 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: NO WAY 17:06:23.6235 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: xD 17:06:26.6286 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:06:27.2233 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: fuck it 17:06:28.4407 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: g 17:06:28.8571 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Arky: IMG 17:06:30.3569 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: gg 17:06:45.9586 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ZJDLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:06:45.9586 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ZJD meta data! 17:06:45.9586 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ZJD (76561198854535693) Disconnected. 17:06:48.5403 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 17:07:00.9568 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: can i come see the damage? I got no tools 17:07:12.5236 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: am trapped in the missile lmao 17:07:19.5906 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: lol 17:07:26.6435 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:07:35.2124 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:story of my life right there:0 17:07:46.3162 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: well at least you didn't die 17:07:54.8158 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Starmaster24: socialits turn on your damn antenna... 17:08:02.5647 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:XD:0 17:08:04.3491 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Starmaster24: thought you were a enemy... 17:08:06.5656 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: can i come see? 17:08:09.0117 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:what's going on over there ???:0 17:08:10.1158 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: no that's a fucking bad idea 17:08:14.7318 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: others can see us then 17:08:26.6581 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:08:27.5995 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: from just your suit? 17:08:40.9363 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: yeah i have raid people cuz of it before 17:08:48.2232 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198988823244 took: 3ms Total Grids Sent: 1 17:09:03.0126 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1DBECFC129BFB23} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:09:03.0172 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {148C61AEE446A2E} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:09:03.0172 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {161A8A7D0EBDAA3} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:09:03.0172 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1B4C45403E1B5AC} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:09:04.7297 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1F3444E331D1B8B} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:09:05.0288 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A82868EA650270} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:09:05.5281 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1029FAF24B72AF3} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:09:05.9034 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: ah, well we need to un connect this platform and move the base 17:09:06.2135 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {12A7BD8C3ACECF5} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:09:06.5813 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {11C461EA880B564} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:09:06.7790 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1FFFA54B5A3C5ED} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:09:07.6633 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {12A7BD8C3ACECF5} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:09:19.8609 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: can you help with these bar cuz they seem to only grind themselfs constantly 17:09:21.6795 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198988823244 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 17:09:23.5275 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: come and retrieve me! 17:09:26.6738 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:09:31.4955 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Karizmaa_vk): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 17:09:38.1286 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:XD:0 17:09:45.8946 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: nah get out yourself 17:09:46.3632 [INFO] Chat: (to Karizmaa_vk): Claim not enabled 17:09:46.3632 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Karizmaa_vk ran command '!claim' 17:09:50.8425 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: what are you trying to grind? 17:09:52.5602 [INFO] Chat: (to Karizmaa_vk): Looking for reward... 17:09:52.5602 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Karizmaa_vk ran command '!reward' 17:09:52.6927 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: ill get shot 17:09:52.7489 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Karizmaa_vk): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 17:09:52.7579 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Karizmaa_vk): Thanks for the vote! 17:09:56.0262 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: I wanna see damage 17:10:06.5758 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: i am not the builds are for some reason 17:10:26.6892 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:10:33.4940 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: arky pls 17:10:34.0297 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:Badman why do you not have tools on you ?:0 17:10:41.2443 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: I understand that, but what on the platform are You trying to get rid of that the bnrs arnt? 17:10:41.3798 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Karizmaa_vkLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:10:41.3798 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Karizmaa_vk meta data! 17:10:41.3798 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Karizmaa_vk (76561198090660130) Disconnected. 17:10:42.7613 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: Just respawned for a suicide mission xD 17:10:48.7947 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: the pink miners 17:10:51.8125 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:GPS:trainwreck #1:-3946933.09:-44038.54:-748205.89:#FF75C9F1::2 17:10:51.8125 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:trainwreck #1:-3946933.09:-44038.54:-748205.89:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 230848779959425235, trainwreck 17:10:51.8175 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:230848779959425235] Good.bot: GPS:trainwreck #1:-3946933.09:-44038.54:-748205.89:#FF75C9F1: 17:10:58.8945 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: there gone 17:10:59.1363 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: wait did the crash fix them? 17:11:01.4065 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:if ou respawned whoudnt you have basic tools ?:0 17:11:02.0960 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 17:11:02.1231 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073918756 17:11:02.3645 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Orca Target: X:1075421.20397836 Y:548288.748454771 Z:1171635.44584893 17:11:02.6210 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Orca @ X:1075334.14294444 Y:548269.597708456 Z:1171649.04265695 17:11:02.6210 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198073918756 17:11:02.6210 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Enigma_bg into their cockpit! 17:11:11.5408 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073918756 from 17:11:11.5518 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Enigma_bg joined (76561198073918756) 17:11:11.5518 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:11:11.5518 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:11:11.5518 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:11:11.5518 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:11:11.5729 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as Winglessdove 17:11:11.5729 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Enigma_bg shares the same IP address as petko21141 17:11:11.6993 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:11:12.2659 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: also we have to move space base 17:11:13.1158 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: Well i got those but no guns etc 17:11:26.7061 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:11:33.8413 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: i know but we had engima troubles here and i wanted to make sure stuff wasn't his 17:11:36.0412 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: endlesstonks passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199209849561, PlayerID: 176561199209849561 17:11:45.7744 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199209849561 from 17:11:45.7917 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player endlesstonks joined (76561199209849561) 17:11:45.7917 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:11:45.7917 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:11:45.7917 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:11:45.7917 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:11:45.9912 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:11:49.2413 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 17:11:55.1950 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 17:11:55.1950 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 17:11:55.1950 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 17:11:55.1950 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 17:11:55.1950 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 17:11:55.1950 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 17:11:55.1950 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 17:11:55.1950 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 17:11:55.2432 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9028kb Compressed: 414kb 17:12:23.1054 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: Nothing is his 17:12:26.7065 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:12:27.5389 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: anymore 17:12:29.9058 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: we're good to go 17:12:39.0557 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bg successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:12:42.3220 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: with what 17:12:47.3725 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: the base 17:13:03.3219 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: endlesstonks successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:13:05.5508 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: endlesstonks has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 17:13:07.3723 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: what? all of it is still on the ground 17:13:09.3764 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: Idc if you rip it out of the ground as long as its out of here casue badman has the coords for here 17:13:26.0424 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: star we are talking about that in the vc rn 17:13:26.7073 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:13:38.0088 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: im back 17:13:48.8195 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Sekij�:can I remove the despawning from my starter pod?:0 17:13:53.1144 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Sekij�:with a command I mean:0 17:14:11.4367 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:no:0 17:14:14.4748 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Sekij�:darn:0 17:14:14.9862 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Enigma_bg: comand no but you can merge it for asteroid and after rename 17:14:21.3138 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Sekij�:yeah I know that:0 17:14:26.7074 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:14:34.6589 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: tommelom10 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198081526137, PlayerID: 176561198081526137 17:14:36.7203 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:15:00.2757 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderVote' 17:15:00.2928 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: You can use !votenow command to submit your daily vote and then use !reward to receive full set of elite tools, Uranium ingots and a chance for Platinum drop!' 17:15:26.7078 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:15:31.1591 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 17:15:38.7309 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Sekij�:This is the torch server, right?:0 17:15:39.0932 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: anyone else getting connection problems? 17:15:43.9239 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Doodle:yes:0 17:15:48.1423 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: tommelom10 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198081526137, PlayerID: 176561198081526137 17:15:59.1600 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: everyone is talking 17:16:09.7760 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Peter Pan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073088420, PlayerID: 176561198073088420 17:16:12.1263 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: oops i wasnt connected to my network 17:16:15.7096 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: issues fixed 17:16:25.2596 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 17:16:26.7202 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:16:30.0903 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mind passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030285965, PlayerID: 176561198030285965 17:16:32.3162 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 17:16:36.1493 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:16:42.9564 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: guys groundbase medbay is unpowered 17:16:49.8063 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 17:16:54.0567 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Peter Pan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073088420, PlayerID: 176561198073088420 17:16:57.8441 [INFO] Chat: (to Arky): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on ai base. 17:16:57.8441 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Arky ran command '!fixship' 17:17:02.1778 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Arky used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid ai base for cut & paste! 17:17:02.1778 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Arky used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 5568 for cut & paste! 17:17:02.1778 [INFO] Chat: (to Arky): Ship was fixed! 17:17:02.1778 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Arky started! 17:17:02.1778 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Arky ran command '!fixship' 17:17:08.9223 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: GROUNDBASE MEDBAY ISNT REPAIRED 17:17:10.0167 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:17:26.7225 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:17:33.4157 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: the bars grinded it 17:17:42.5254 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:17:45.6155 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: THE MEDBAY 17:17:52.7493 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mind passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030285965, PlayerID: 176561198030285965 17:18:04.7708 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:07.3039 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A3D5063BB74D98} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:08.8941 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: its grinded dumbasses 17:18:26.6773 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: PHYNOX YOU STUPID BASTARD 17:18:26.7355 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:18:32.2440 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: PHYNOX GRINDED IT 17:18:33.4442 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: he is not 17:18:36.9271 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: that medbay has no power 17:18:39.1445 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: YOU GRINDED IT 17:18:42.1445 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: we have one on the ship that is powered 17:18:46.7776 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: it is not powered Endless 17:18:47.5439 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: ARE YOU GUYS DESYNCED 17:18:50.8039 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:50.8762 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:50.8762 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:50.8762 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:50.8762 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:50.8762 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:50.9534 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:50.9534 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:50.9695 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.0528 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.0869 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.0869 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.0869 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.0869 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.1050 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.1210 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.1210 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.1381 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.1381 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.1441 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.1441 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.1842 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.2023 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.2194 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.2204 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.2705 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.2705 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.2856 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.3027 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.3027 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.3354 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.3514 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.3685 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.3685 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.3865 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.4026 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.4849 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.5371 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.5521 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.5682 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.5872 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.6023 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.6384 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.6384 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.6846 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.7036 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.7618 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.8030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.8030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.8030 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.8200 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.8200 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.8522 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.8863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.9214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.9696 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.9696 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:51.9856 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.0027 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.0027 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.0408 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.0408 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.0408 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.0699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.0699 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.0880 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.0880 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.1040 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.1211 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.1211 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.1381 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:18:52.1381 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:19:24.4471 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!h save ' 17:19:24.5013 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Assault Frigate, Reason: Grid was Hangared 17:19:24.5013 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198142381224\Assault Frigate.sbc 17:19:25.2308 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Badman sound): Save Complete! 17:19:25.2308 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 17:19:26.7362 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:19:29.2792 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: something is wrong with the ship 17:19:35.6785 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: It lifted off with less trusters 17:20:08.3122 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: safezone is off? 17:20:26.7369 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:20:46.9462 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 17:20:54.7620 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: by god 17:20:56.7967 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199209849561 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 17:21:00.1612 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:01.4723 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:01.4723 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:01.4723 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:01.4863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:01.4863 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:01.5225 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:01.5556 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:01.5556 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:01.5927 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:01.6368 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:02.1055 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:02.1205 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:02.1553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:02.1864 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:02.2044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:02.2044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:02.2044 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:02.2205 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:02.2546 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:02.2867 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:21:26.7366 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:21:50.4829 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 17:22:09.0156 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Starmaster24Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:22:09.0156 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 17:22:09.0166 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Starmaster24 (76561198279429509) Disconnected. 17:22:26.7372 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:22:38.3765 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: FalconLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:22:38.3765 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Falcon meta data! 17:22:38.3765 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Falcon has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198986869217 17:22:47.3931 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Starmaster24 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198279429509, PlayerID: 176561198279429509 17:22:50.2343 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PineCone227:are resource spawns different between sectors?:0 17:22:54.5432 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198279429509 from 17:22:54.5602 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Starmaster24 joined (76561198279429509) 17:22:54.5602 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:22:54.5602 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:22:54.5602 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:22:54.5602 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:22:54.7930 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:23:02.5823 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:no:0 17:23:15.6768 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 17:23:19.6600 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ivanov.my.oLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:23:19.6600 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ivanov.my.o meta data! 17:23:19.6600 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ivanov.my.o has been successfully synced with ID: 176561199551404244 17:23:26.7519 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:23:27.7107 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: xaip_ivanovLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:23:27.7107 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xaip_ivanov meta data! 17:23:27.7107 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xaip_ivanov has been successfully synced with ID: 176561199197880284 17:24:26.7521 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:24:32.4221 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!h load 1' 17:24:32.9690 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 17:24:32.9690 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1103502.23919924 Y:140160.838034556 Z:1602289.22754947 17:24:32.9730 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 17:24:32.9730 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 17:24:32.9730 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Badman sound): Spawning Complete! 17:24:32.9730 [INFO] Hangar.Badman sound: Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198142381224\Assault Frigate.sbc 17:24:32.9730 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 17:24:41.9384 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 17:25:26.7518 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:25:26.7718 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Starmaster24 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:26:04.9481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:04.9481 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:04.9651 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:04.9812 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.0544 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.0655 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.1186 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.1307 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.1307 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.1648 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.1648 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.1829 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.1829 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.2150 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.2330 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.2652 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.2652 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.2652 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.2812 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.2812 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.3173 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.4307 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.4849 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.5080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.5080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.5501 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.5662 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.5983 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.5983 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.6344 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.6505 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.6826 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.7157 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.7659 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.7659 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.7819 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.7990 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.7990 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.8311 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.8311 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.8682 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.8682 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.8682 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.8843 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.8843 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.9004 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.9004 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:05.9656 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.0158 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.0158 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.0158 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.0669 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.0830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.1488 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.1649 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.1849 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.1990 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.2040 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.2040 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.2331 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.2331 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.2983 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.2983 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.3154 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.3154 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.3495 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.3495 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.3495 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.3686 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.3836 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.3836 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.3836 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.4157 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.4488 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.4488 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.5161 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.5321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.5321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.5823 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.5823 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.5994 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:06.6331 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:07.9573 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: why is the sz down? 17:26:11.5182 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {11C461EA880B564} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:12.5845 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1029FAF24B72AF3} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:12.8876 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Doodle:does this server have thruster damage?:0 17:26:20.4315 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:20.5760 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:yes:0 17:26:20.7044 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: yea 17:26:22.9704 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] oddland: yes 17:26:23.8294 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:26:24.9876 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xXGrabTheBreadXx passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198350021532, PlayerID: 176561198350021532 17:26:26.7519 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:26:31.4690 [INFO] Chat: (to Badman sound): You cannot claim this perk yet 17:26:31.4690 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!perks' 17:26:31.5834 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198350021532 from 17:26:31.5995 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player xXGrabTheBreadXx joined (76561198350021532) 17:26:31.5995 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:26:31.5995 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:26:31.5995 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:26:31.5995 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:26:31.8002 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:26:36.0001 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: badman is still in the sector 17:26:51.1831 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 17:26:54.8168 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 17:26:54.8168 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 17:26:54.8168 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 17:26:54.8168 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 17:26:54.8168 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 17:26:54.8168 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 17:26:54.8168 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 17:26:54.8168 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 17:26:54.8168 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 17:26:54.8168 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 17:26:54.8580 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9061kb Compressed: 418kb 17:26:59.0559 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: that means he doesnt have a space capable ship 17:27:02.3237 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:indeed:0 17:27:17.7392 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i centered the front thruster 17:27:26.7522 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:27:28.5987 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 17:27:33.9724 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ZJD passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198854535693, PlayerID: 176561198854535693 17:27:37.0057 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: xXGrabTheBreadXx successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:27:41.4555 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ivanov.my.o passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199551404244, PlayerID: 176561199551404244 17:27:44.8667 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198854535693 from 17:27:44.8833 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player ZJD joined (76561198854535693) 17:27:44.8833 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:27:44.8833 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:27:44.8833 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:27:44.8833 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:27:44.9696 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:28:06.6292 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 17:28:14.4311 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:miner is done:0 17:28:15.2224 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 46623ms (304ms CPU) 17:28:15.2224 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 17:28:15.3599 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 17:28:17.9460 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:FUCK:0 17:28:19.3481 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 17:28:19.3481 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman soundLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:28:19.3481 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 17:28:19.3481 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Badman sound (76561198142381224) Disconnected. 17:28:26.7526 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:28:34.7966 [INFO] Chat: (to Enigma_bg): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on Orca. 17:28:34.7966 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!fixship' 17:28:35.6957 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 17:28:37.2959 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: hes fully offline 17:28:37.3340 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Enigma_bg used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Orca for cut & paste! 17:28:37.3340 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Enigma_bg used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid ship for cut & paste! 17:28:37.3340 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Enigma_bg used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 5144 for cut & paste! 17:28:37.3340 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Enigma_bg used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Small Grid 8396 for cut & paste! 17:28:37.3340 [INFO] Chat: (to Enigma_bg): Ship was fixed! 17:28:37.3340 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Enigma_bg started! 17:28:37.3340 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Enigma_bg ran command '!fixship' 17:28:46.5326 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:my miner got neutered:0 17:28:52.1351 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:any luck ordos?:2 17:28:52.1351 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: any luck ordos?, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:28:52.1351 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: any luck ordos? 17:28:54.5876 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:this isnt a miner inconvenience anymore:0 17:28:55.5425 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...224] (76561198142381224) Disconnected. 17:29:02.3615 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Falcon:ive never been on this server before:0 17:29:05.7752 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198279429509 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 17:29:06.4431 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:yo meme:0 17:29:10.2118 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:yo:0 17:29:11.7584 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ZJD successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:29:13.5622 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] oddland: welcome to the server 17:29:13.6545 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:oh tekura its u:0 17:29:20.5209 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:are you up for some trade?:0 17:29:24.4777 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] ZJD: hello im back 17:29:26.7527 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:29:28.4442 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: I BUILT FRONT THRUSTER 17:29:30.4176 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:got 1 place but ores to far :2 17:29:30.4176 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: got 1 place but ores to far , Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:29:30.4176 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: got 1 place but ores to far 17:29:33.7777 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: try lifting 17:29:36.8014 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:not atm i need to try and fix my miner:0 17:29:47.5127 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198279429509 took: 2ms Total Grids Sent: 1 17:29:54.9608 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ivanov.my.o passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199551404244, PlayerID: 176561199551404244 17:30:04.1892 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:it broke in half:0 17:30:05.7442 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Bishbash777 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198099796970, PlayerID: 176561198099796970 17:30:09.7446 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: oh btw should we paint it orange so its harder to be attacked by those cluster missiles 17:30:11.1611 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xaip_ivanov passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199197880284, PlayerID: 176561199197880284 17:30:11.2624 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:we are willing to trade Iron for U or Pt:0 17:30:12.6097 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: flow284 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970822183, PlayerID: 176561197970822183 17:30:13.7445 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198099796970 from 17:30:13.7605 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Bishbash777 joined (76561198099796970) 17:30:13.7605 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:30:13.7605 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:30:13.7605 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:30:13.7605 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:30:13.7605 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Bishbash777 shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 17:30:13.7605 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Bishbash777 shares the same IP address as Badman sound 17:30:13.8468 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:30:15.5198 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:u got large grid detector?:2 17:30:15.5198 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: u got large grid detector?, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:30:15.5198 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: u got large grid detector? 17:30:26.6883 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:we are so out of Iron currently:0 17:30:26.7525 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:30:34.0749 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Bishbash777 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:30:34.0980 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i have iron:0 17:30:35.3465 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Bishbash777 has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 17:30:41.0374 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:where nearby are you located:0 17:30:43.1485 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: John passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198152675318, PlayerID: 176561198152675318 17:30:44.4335 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:yep:2 17:30:44.4335 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yep, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:30:44.4335 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: yep 17:31:06.1841 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:got one bolted to a small grid ship :D:2 17:31:06.1841 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: got one bolted to a small grid ship :D, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:31:06.1841 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: got one bolted to a small grid ship :D 17:31:07.5826 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: should we paint the section that fell off pink? 17:31:10.2359 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:gimme ur gps:2 17:31:10.2359 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: gimme ur gps, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:31:10.2359 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: gimme ur gps 17:31:11.4989 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: flow284 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970822183, PlayerID: 176561197970822183 17:31:16.4657 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: i think yes 17:31:17.0935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.0935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.1426 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.1757 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.2089 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.2089 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.2270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.2270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.2436 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.2932 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.2932 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.3274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.3434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.3595 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.3595 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.3886 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.4127 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.4247 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.4438 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.4598 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.4598 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.4929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.5120 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1018C6D512963D3} Emotion Controller [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.5271 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.5271 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.5592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.5592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.5973 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.5973 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.5973 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.5973 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.6766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.7288 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.7288 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.7288 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.7599 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.7769 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.7769 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.7920 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.8130 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.8141 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.8141 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.8421 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.8592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.8893 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.8893 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.9034 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.9204 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.9355 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.9355 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:17.9606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.0017 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.0268 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.0609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.0770 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.0770 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.1603 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.1603 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.2445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.2777 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.2947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.2947 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.3094 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:18.4659 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: the large side chunk which fell off 17:31:18.4820 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Arky: certainly 17:31:19.3114 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:200km from moon:0 17:31:26.7523 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:31:29.0654 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ivanov.my.o passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199551404244, PlayerID: 176561199551404244 17:31:33.4658 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change with ID: 76561198099796970 Player promote Level was Admin 17:31:33.4658 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change by ADMIN Bishbash777 with ID: 76561198099796970 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allowed! 17:31:33.5160 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode change with ID: 76561198099796970 Player promote Level was Admin 17:31:33.5160 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode Changed by ADMIN Bishbash777 with ID: 76561198099796970 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allow! 17:31:48.7321 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xaip_ivanov passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199197880284, PlayerID: 176561199197880284 17:31:51.7327 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 17:31:54.6184 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:ill see if i can make it:0 17:31:54.6977 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.7088 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.7198 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.7198 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.7429 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.7539 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.8201 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.8201 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.8312 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.8312 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.8593 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.8944 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.9105 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.9436 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.9606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.9917 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:54.9917 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.0259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.0449 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.0760 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.0760 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.1754 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.1754 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C61AAE67EB3284} Access Panel 38 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.1924 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.2115 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.2115 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.2265 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.2436 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.2436 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.2587 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.2747 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.2928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.2928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.3078 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.3078 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.3249 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.3911 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.4413 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.4925 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.5085 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.5085 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.5447 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.5447 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.5447 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.5748 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.5748 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.5748 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.5928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.6279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.6279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.6279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.6279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.6611 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.6761 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.6761 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.6922 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.7102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.7102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.7102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.7453 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.7584 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.7761 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.7761 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.7761 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.7931 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.7931 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.8072 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.8242 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.8242 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.8413 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.8744 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.8744 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.8744 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.8925 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.8925 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.9246 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.9426 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.9748 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:55.9748 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.0079 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.0229 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.0430 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.0641 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.0791 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.0791 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.1243 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.1243 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.1243 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.1413 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.1925 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.2086 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.2086 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.2086 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.2256 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.2447 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.2607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.2607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.3260 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.3260 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.3450 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.3641 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.4424 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.4424 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.4424 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.4594 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.4745 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.5437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.5969 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.5969 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.5969 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.6250 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.6250 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.6411 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.6411 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.6591 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.6802 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.6802 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.6922 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.6922 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.7113 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.7264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.7424 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.7424 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.7605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.7605 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.7765 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.8257 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.8418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.8578 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.8578 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.8919 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.9250 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.9421 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.9592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.9592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.9592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.9782 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.9782 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.9782 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:56.9933 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.0083 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.0083 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.0926 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.1087 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.1247 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.1428 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.1759 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.1759 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.1930 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.2271 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.2432 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.2642 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.2642 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.2773 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.3431 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.3602 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.3923 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.3923 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.3923 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1018C6D512963D3} Emotion Controller [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.4244 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.4244 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.4424 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.4585 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.4746 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.4746 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.5117 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.5117 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.5418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.5418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.5749 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.5749 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.5920 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.6291 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.6291 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.6421 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.6421 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.6421 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.6421 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.6742 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.7425 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.7585 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.7746 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.8097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.8268 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.8474 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.8775 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.8966 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.8966 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.9307 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.9809 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.9939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.9939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.9939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:57.9939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.0441 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.0592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.0752 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.0943 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C74E28F12F9358} Access Panel 29 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.1595 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.1766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.1766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.2438 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.2619 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.2769 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.3080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.3261 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.3412 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.3412 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.3963 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.4124 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.4124 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.4264 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.5097 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.5418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.5418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.5750 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.5930 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.6251 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.6251 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.6251 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.6251 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.6251 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.6572 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.6572 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.7265 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.7265 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.7773 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.7773 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.7933 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.7933 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.7933 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.8254 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.8254 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.8425 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.8575 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.8575 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.8575 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.8766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:31:58.8766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:32:15.5796 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid with ID: 76561198099796970 Player promote Level was Admin 17:32:15.5796 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid by ADMIN Bishbash777 with ID: 76561198099796970 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS detected, action Allow! 17:32:20.9015 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:GPS:vally:-255251.46:-2414382.08:380372.87:#FF75C9F1::2 17:32:20.9015 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:vally:-255251.46:-2414382.08:380372.87:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:32:20.9015 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: GPS:vally:-255251.46:-2414382.08:380372.87:#FF75C9F1: 17:32:26.7575 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:32:29.3559 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: its flying? 17:32:31.5391 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: John passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198152675318, PlayerID: 176561198152675318 17:32:36.8911 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 17:32:36.8911 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Bishbash777Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:32:36.8911 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Bishbash777 meta data! 17:32:36.8911 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Bishbash777 (76561198099796970) Disconnected. 17:32:40.9814 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:ooo 14km away:2 17:32:40.9814 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ooo 14km away, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:32:40.9814 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: ooo 14km away 17:32:50.5218 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: its still connected to some sort of ghost voxel 17:32:52.6329 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...970] (76561198099796970) Disconnected. 17:32:54.2724 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Falcon passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198986869217, PlayerID: 176561198986869217 17:33:03.3687 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: it isnt 17:33:06.2687 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: engines arent on 17:33:12.6185 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i mean running 17:33:25.9686 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: thrusters arent firing up 17:33:26.7670 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:33:32.2355 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: its in a ghost voxel 17:33:40.0343 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Sekij�:good job:0 17:33:41.8518 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:medical room is faction shair:2 17:33:41.8518 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: medical room is faction shair, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:33:41.8518 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: medical room is faction shair 17:33:47.5682 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Badman sound passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198142381224, PlayerID: 176561198142381224 17:33:53.7020 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: guys badman isnt using his alt account 17:33:56.4001 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:wanna fly in my scouty ship:2 17:33:56.4001 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wanna fly in my scouty ship, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:33:56.4001 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: wanna fly in my scouty ship 17:33:56.6847 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198142381224 from 17:33:56.7018 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Badman sound joined (76561198142381224) 17:33:56.7018 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:33:56.7018 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:33:56.7018 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:33:56.7018 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:33:56.7018 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Badman sound shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 17:33:56.7850 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:34:05.1855 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: hes using his waseh account rn 17:34:17.6737 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman sound successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:34:18.9740 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Badman sound has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 17:34:24.2202 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: ik 17:34:26.7712 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:34:35.1360 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mc Chicken nuggies passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198156156321, PlayerID: 176561198156156321 17:34:39.7538 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: badman sound has 2 accounts 17:34:43.6340 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198156156321 from 17:34:43.6531 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Mc Chicken nuggies joined (76561198156156321) 17:34:43.6531 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:34:43.6531 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:34:43.6531 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:34:43.6531 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:34:43.9029 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:34:46.7034 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: the waseh one 17:34:47.0743 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.1144 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.1305 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.1465 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.1465 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.1626 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.1626 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.1787 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.2037 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.2037 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.2037 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.2138 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.2308 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.2308 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.2479 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.2479 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.2660 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.2830 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.2981 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.3322 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.3633 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.3804 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.3984 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.4365 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.4486 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.4646 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.5138 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.5299 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.5299 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.5650 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.6001 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.6001 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.6172 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.6473 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.6473 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.6623 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.6623 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.6623 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.7316 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.7516 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.7697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.7697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.8125 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.8305 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.8486 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.8636 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.8636 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.8817 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D54ACFC287C77B} Emotion Controller 3 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.9018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.9339 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.9339 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.9469 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.9660 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.9851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:47.9851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1018C6D512963D3} Emotion Controller [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.0152 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.0312 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.0312 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.0643 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.0804 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.1316 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.1536 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.1657 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.1657 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.1968 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.1968 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.2656 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.2656 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1E4ABB67946BDFA} Emotion Controller 4 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.2656 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.2957 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.3128 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.3479 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.3479 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.3640 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.3800 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.4653 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.4653 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.4964 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.4964 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.5165 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.5165 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.5165 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.5486 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.5486 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.5486 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.5797 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.6299 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.6299 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.6299 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.6480 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.6801 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.7132 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.7302 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.7302 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.7453 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.7804 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.7804 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.7804 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.7965 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.8487 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.8627 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.9319 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.9319 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.9470 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.9630 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.9811 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.9811 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.9811 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:48.9992 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.0152 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.0483 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.0634 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.0634 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.0634 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.0634 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.0845 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.0845 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.0975 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.1156 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.1306 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.1306 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.1467 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.1658 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.1818 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.2139 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.2480 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.2480 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.2651 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.2811 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.3133 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.3133 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.3133 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.3133 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.3303 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.3303 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.3494 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.3755 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.4136 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.4317 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.4828 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.4969 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.5310 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.5310 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.5471 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.5661 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.5661 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.5802 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13D774FC7F53D11} Emotion Controller [ S-Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.5999 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.5999 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.6149 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {16B3EEA19EEED1B} Access Panel 44 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.6149 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.6149 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.6691 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.6801 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.6962 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.7153 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.7153 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.7664 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.7995 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.8166 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.8166 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.8327 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.8648 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.8648 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.8648 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.8879 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.9009 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.9320 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:49.9471 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 17:34:50.7370 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: and the badman one 17:34:57.5375 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ?????????Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:34:57.5375 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ????????? meta data! 17:34:57.5375 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ????????? has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198180979978 17:35:02.3419 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Falcon:hi:2 17:35:02.3419 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hi, Faction, 232522720046550703, Falcon 17:35:02.3419 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:232522720046550703] Good.bot: hi 17:35:10.0652 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:spawn on me have a look at here lots of ore veery close:2 17:35:10.0652 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: spawn on me have a look at here lots of ore veery close, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:35:10.0652 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: spawn on me have a look at here lots of ore veery close 17:35:13.8541 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Socialist Duck): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 17:35:16.6713 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Arky): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 17:35:26.7844 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:35:37.3871 [INFO] Chat: (to Socialist Duck): Looking for reward... 17:35:37.3871 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Socialist Duck ran command '!reward' 17:35:37.5848 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Socialist Duck): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 17:35:37.5848 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Socialist Duck): Thanks for the vote! 17:35:37.8547 [INFO] Chat: (to Arky): Looking for reward... 17:35:37.8547 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Arky ran command '!reward' 17:35:37.9531 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Arky): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 17:35:37.9531 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Arky): Thanks for the vote! 17:35:44.1672 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:wow 2 assert research bases here:2 17:35:44.1672 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wow 2 assert research bases here, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:35:44.1672 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: wow 2 assert research bases here 17:35:53.7377 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Mc Chicken nuggies successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:36:01.5082 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:this thing has insane thrust for a miner when empty:0 17:36:08.7639 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:its so bad i exploded the hangar bay:0 17:36:16.6399 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198026903024 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 17:36:26.7848 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:36:28.0147 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {11C461EA880B564} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:36:28.4682 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1B4C45403E1B5AC} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:36:30.2259 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: awiges passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198023007525, PlayerID: 176561198023007525 17:36:38.8327 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198023007525 from 17:36:38.8547 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player awiges joined (76561198023007525) 17:36:38.8547 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:36:38.8547 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:36:38.8547 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:36:38.8547 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:36:39.0484 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:36:46.5251 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 17:36:47.1568 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:5km from u:2 17:36:47.1619 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 5km from u, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:36:47.1619 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: 5km from u 17:36:52.3383 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 17:37:09.6336 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198026903024 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 17:37:12.8993 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ????????? passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198180979978, PlayerID: 176561198180979978 17:37:23.2816 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: awiges successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:37:26.8002 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:37:27.0580 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:heh can see ur rover:2 17:37:27.0580 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: heh can see ur rover, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:37:27.0580 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: heh can see ur rover 17:37:33.1270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:37:46.1636 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: you guys left me at base lmao 17:37:54.4135 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i respawned here 17:37:58.5815 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 17:38:04.3476 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 17:38:04.3476 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allowed! 17:38:05.3978 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode change with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 17:38:05.3978 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode Changed by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allow! 17:38:06.9819 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: I SEE IT 17:38:13.3738 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 17:38:19.9428 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:GPS:cliff:-255252.39:-2414635.47:380975.45:#FF75C9F1::2 17:38:19.9428 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:cliff:-255252.39:-2414635.47:380975.45:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:38:19.9428 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: GPS:cliff:-255252.39:-2414635.47:380975.45:#FF75C9F1: 17:38:26.8139 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:38:48.3317 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: AracLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:38:48.3317 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arac meta data! 17:38:48.3317 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Arac has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198027045360 17:38:56.9810 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 17:39:01.1034 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Sekij�:I just destroyed my starter ship:0 17:39:02.0414 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: CLANG 17:39:10.7704 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:gg:0 17:39:13.2593 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199209849561 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 17:39:15.7080 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Sekij�:collisions are way too strong:0 17:39:22.3030 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:drill in just below me lol:2 17:39:22.3030 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: drill in just below me lol, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:39:22.3030 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: drill in just below me lol 17:39:23.3607 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:skill issue:0 17:39:23.7913 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ????????? passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198180979978, PlayerID: 176561198180979978 17:39:26.8135 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:39:35.7552 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Sekij�:I can't even rebuild it:0 17:39:37.6746 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Sekij�:fuck:0 17:39:39.3912 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: jefli passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198312443008, PlayerID: 176561198312443008 17:39:41.7767 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:no drill:2 17:39:41.7767 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no drill, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:39:41.7767 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: no drill 17:39:45.0577 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: John passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198152675318, PlayerID: 176561198152675318 17:39:49.3362 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198312443008 from 17:39:49.3573 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player jefli joined (76561198312443008) 17:39:49.3573 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:39:49.3573 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:39:49.3573 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:39:49.3573 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:39:49.5245 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:40:17.1737 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Sekij�:can't have shit in SE:0 17:40:17.7256 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:have gps it need your vertical ship on its side lol:2 17:40:17.7256 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: have gps it need your vertical ship on its side lol, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:40:17.7256 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: have gps it need your vertical ship on its side lol 17:40:24.4248 [INFO] Chat: (to savage187): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on ik. 17:40:24.4248 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player savage187 ran command '!fixship' 17:40:26.1414 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: ITS BADMAN 17:40:26.4611 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig::p:2 17:40:26.4611 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: :p, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:40:26.4611 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: :p 17:40:26.8143 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:40:27.6749 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: DEFO 17:40:31.0243 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Arac passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198027045360, PlayerID: 176561198027045360 17:40:31.9758 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player savage187 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid ik for cut & paste! 17:40:31.9758 [INFO] Chat: (to savage187): Ship was fixed! 17:40:31.9758 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player savage187 started! 17:40:31.9758 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player savage187 ran command '!fixship' 17:40:33.7079 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:go build a drill ship:2 17:40:33.7079 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: go build a drill ship, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:40:33.7079 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: go build a drill ship 17:40:44.6949 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:my vertical one no use for this:2 17:40:44.6949 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: my vertical one no use for this, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:40:44.6949 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: my vertical one no use for this 17:40:49.4025 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefli successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:40:49.8516 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we are dropping 17:40:52.6058 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: jefli has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 17:40:56.1791 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Sekij�:I'll try to loot a passing ship, maybe that'll work:0 17:41:02.2696 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:hows ore here by the rover its good:2 17:41:02.2696 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hows ore here by the rover its good, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:41:02.2696 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: hows ore here by the rover its good 17:41:17.7614 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: hes dead 17:41:25.2055 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:gold and iron but too close to base entrance:2 17:41:25.2055 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: gold and iron but too close to base entrance, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:41:25.2055 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: gold and iron but too close to base entrance 17:41:26.8157 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:41:28.0008 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: is he? 17:41:32.3091 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: slimjoe_forever passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197998403074, PlayerID: 176561197998403074 17:41:36.3423 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: welp we arent lifting off again 17:41:45.1256 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sokar passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198049330641, PlayerID: 176561198049330641 17:41:52.3058 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Falcon:that not gonna doo much is it:2 17:41:52.3058 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: that not gonna doo much is it, Faction, 232522720046550703, Falcon 17:41:52.3058 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:232522720046550703] Good.bot: that not gonna doo much is it 17:41:53.0138 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ZJD meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 17:41:54.6382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 17:41:54.6804 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9215kb Compressed: 423kb 17:41:59.1296 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Large Grid 785, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 17:41:59.1296 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 17:41:59.1296 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Large Grid 785 is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B 17:42:03.7807 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: his ship wont take off again 17:42:04.3825 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:time to add a o2 tank to my ship:0 17:42:08.8303 [INFO] Chat: Server (to jefli): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 17:42:12.1224 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:its on the back side of the cliff :2 17:42:12.1224 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its on the back side of the cliff , Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:42:12.1224 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: its on the back side of the cliff 17:42:26.8218 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:42:38.6298 [INFO] Chat: (to jefli): Looking for reward... 17:42:38.6298 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player jefli ran command '!reward' 17:42:38.8386 [INFO] Chat: Server (to jefli): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 17:42:38.8386 [INFO] Chat: Server (to jefli): Thanks for the vote! 17:42:43.7466 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sokar passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198049330641, PlayerID: 176561198049330641 17:42:45.2802 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: hi 17:43:01.7799 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: goeloesLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:43:01.7799 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving goeloes meta data! 17:43:01.7799 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: goeloes has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198364744952 17:43:05.8634 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: did you get stuck in gravity badman? 17:43:14.8807 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: the bottom of the ship is practically gone 17:43:22.8198 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: HE STILL HAS A MED ROOM 17:43:26.8335 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:43:28.2641 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i took it out 17:43:28.8662 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ArkyLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:43:28.8662 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Arky meta data! 17:43:28.8662 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Arky (76561198026903024) Disconnected. 17:43:37.9639 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: he had a med bay onboard 17:43:42.9637 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i ground it down 17:44:06.4801 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 17:44:26.8465 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:44:51.2970 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i found his reactor room 17:45:00.0807 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 17:45:14.4384 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:how far do u want me to look and is this cliff what ime looking for:2 17:45:14.4384 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how far do u want me to look and is this cliff what ime looking for, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 17:45:14.4384 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: how far do u want me to look and is this cliff what ime looking for 17:45:20.9229 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Enigma_bg): 32 blocks removed from Projection. BlockNames = ShipWelder/SELtdLargeNanobotBuildAndRepairSystem 17:45:26.8613 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:45:30.1962 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 17:45:38.3773 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:completly up to u:2 17:45:38.3773 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: completly up to u, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:45:38.3773 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: completly up to u 17:45:43.1974 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: slimjoe_forever passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197998403074, PlayerID: 176561197998403074 17:45:43.8948 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:build it how u like:2 17:45:43.8948 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: build it how u like, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:45:43.8948 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: build it how u like 17:45:46.9473 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: Forgot to turn on atmos lmao 17:45:55.4471 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: did I get good hits on you? 17:45:56.3428 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:gg:0 17:46:04.2972 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: nah 17:46:26.8612 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:46:27.1642 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: that was a friendly fight or he's just a bad guy ? 17:46:31.1312 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: lol xD 17:46:33.6643 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: very bad guy 17:46:39.9802 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: ok 17:46:40.5307 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: agreed 17:46:53.7306 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 17:46:57.5137 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: ? 17:47:09.8814 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: no 17:47:12.0636 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: magamanic passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198210998297, PlayerID: 176561198210998297 17:47:17.5306 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: sorry, but um somewhat 17:47:23.4539 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Encounter Shuttle, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 17:47:23.4539 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 144115188075855894 17:47:23.4539 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Encounter Shuttle is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B 17:47:23.4700 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Dead Engineer, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 17:47:23.4700 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B 17:47:23.4700 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Encounter Shuttle Beacon, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 17:47:23.4700 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 144115188075855894 17:47:23.4700 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Encounter Shuttle Beacon is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B 17:47:26.8691 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:47:31.2974 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: goeloes passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364744952, PlayerID: 176561198364744952 17:47:50.3814 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i got uranium 17:48:03.1980 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: OH SHIT I NEED ENERGY 17:48:11.7652 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: do we have the medbay unbroken? 17:48:26.8764 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:48:36.8352 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: wait since when HoLo and enigma aren't in the faction anymore ? 17:48:44.5813 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: holo was always in the fac 17:48:49.2472 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: enigma left on his own 17:49:02.8145 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: goeloes passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364744952, PlayerID: 176561198364744952 17:49:05.1313 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: the medbay is gone 17:49:12.0642 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: in my view 17:49:14.2807 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: MEDBAY GONE 17:49:17.1976 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: CrabMan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198059452991, PlayerID: 176561198059452991 17:49:18.1645 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: OW 17:49:18.3311 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: holo is an applicant 17:49:25.3947 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: that is a fake holo 17:49:26.3883 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dreamer SE passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198825267087, PlayerID: 176561198825267087 17:49:26.8896 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:49:29.3556 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: ye i was at college 17:49:32.7572 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Socialist DuckLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 17:49:32.7572 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 17:49:32.7572 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Socialist Duck (76561198834277852) Disconnected. 17:49:43.6483 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:50:05.6976 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:50:21.5403 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dreamer SE passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198825267087, PlayerID: 176561198825267087 17:50:26.9028 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:50:33.9901 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ted2040 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199223657404, PlayerID: 176561199223657404 17:50:43.9881 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199223657404 from 17:50:44.0071 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Ted2040 joined (76561199223657404) 17:50:44.0071 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 17:50:44.0071 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 17:50:44.0071 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 17:50:44.0071 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 17:50:44.0071 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Ted2040 shares the same IP address as lostress1983 17:50:44.2233 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 17:50:48.2565 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: CrabMan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198059452991, PlayerID: 176561198059452991 17:51:26.9127 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:51:28.8873 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: goeloes passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364744952, PlayerID: 176561198364744952 17:51:39.5359 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: the main base got destroyed or just moved ? 17:51:41.3102 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Ardelean:gps ice:0 17:51:46.7581 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i have to respawn at space base now 17:51:53.1743 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: no medical kit 17:51:54.3582 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 17:52:11.0582 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Ted2040 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 17:52:13.2915 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dreamer SE passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198825267087, PlayerID: 176561198825267087 17:52:14.8245 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: spawn at my base to go to the main base no ? 17:52:18.8082 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i assume most of baase was brought to space 17:52:22.5079 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: rip both our ships xD 17:52:26.9231 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:52:42.5096 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i was there when that happened 17:53:04.7095 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: rip 17:53:08.7697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:53:09.0427 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Dreamer SE passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198825267087, PlayerID: 176561198825267087 17:53:26.9231 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:53:30.5370 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i don't like space 17:53:33.5366 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: indeed 17:53:33.6199 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: lol 17:53:41.6539 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: too dark 17:53:48.5370 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: but more ressources 17:54:16.4696 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 17:54:17.4600 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:u at same place?:2 17:54:17.4600 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: u at same place?, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:54:17.4600 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: u at same place? 17:54:21.5878 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198988823244 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 17:54:26.9247 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:54:28.6203 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: guys i assume most of base had been transported to space? 17:54:30.2793 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 17:54:30.2863 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 17:54:30.2863 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Large Grid 583 Target: X:540207.016606595 Y:-1010798.51399015 Z:804075.74450163 17:54:30.3214 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Large Grid 583 @ X:540206.025331732 Y:-1010793.73917173 Z:804074.640652368 17:54:42.6819 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: you can use my base as an outpost, i'm 25 km from hte old main base and 55km from forge, already got a lots of cargo assemblers and refinery 17:54:59.4321 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: no need we are staying at space base for now 17:55:02.7253 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:CUNT:2 17:55:02.7253 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: CUNT, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:55:02.7253 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: CUNT 17:55:06.6745 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {133F078D10186A2} Hindenburg Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:55:09.5005 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:FUCK:2 17:55:09.5005 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: FUCK, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:55:09.5015 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: FUCK 17:55:09.6490 [INFO] Chat: (to Badman sound): Weather cleared 17:55:09.6490 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!weather clear' 17:55:13.2153 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: gg man good fight but we _AI corp are out we are done 17:55:21.6603 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: GG 17:55:23.8867 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:55:24.4774 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: MARS IS MINE :D 17:55:26.9355 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:55:31.0270 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] ZJD: ? 17:55:33.3268 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: lmao did you actually lie to him like that 17:55:33.3579 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Lewismartin85:are you sure about that:0 17:55:36.5440 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i need the protect my base 17:55:37.8270 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: dont expect us to not come back tho 17:55:43.6275 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: I just solo outed a 20 man clan 17:55:47.5439 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: k 17:55:48.3603 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: may be insipired by some bombs 17:55:50.0323 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:love the PvP going on here:0 17:55:54.9437 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] ZJD: nice 17:56:05.3434 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] ZJD: is mars yours? 17:56:10.1270 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Ted2040: all the planita are inf 17:56:10.1772 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: badman did you just solo win the biggest faction here ? 17:56:14.9935 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: lol yea 17:56:15.7642 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: well it was 2 of us down at mars 17:56:25.5229 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Falcon:i got betrayed:(:0 17:56:26.9485 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:56:35.7272 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: rest of us are either offline of in space lmao 17:56:44.3610 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: and u got killed by a cargo ship too lol 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Ted2040 meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ZJD meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 17:56:54.6544 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 17:56:54.6945 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9236kb Compressed: 425kb 17:56:55.0373 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 17:57:15.6721 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Falcon:was playing with someone when they decided togrind everything down:0 17:57:19.8776 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: flow284 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970822183, PlayerID: 176561197970822183 17:57:20.5947 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: :( 17:57:22.5451 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] ZJD: are you still at the base on mars or did you move? 17:57:26.9577 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:57:36.4659 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] ZJD: unluck 17:57:37.1951 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: I downed their ship as they tried to go off planet 17:57:44.3115 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 17:57:45.5283 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: you didnt down it 17:57:50.9278 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: lol yea i did 17:57:53.2285 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: man hope u recorded that or energy is gona miss out 17:57:54.7977 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: and crashed my own ship 17:57:56.8314 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: we were falling before we even saw you lmao 17:57:58.3312 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] ZJD: if i try leave will you kill me? 17:58:07.5540 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:OOOORRROOOODOOSOS:2 17:58:07.5540 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: OOOORRROOOODOOSOS, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:58:07.5540 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: OOOORRROOOODOOSOS 17:58:08.5492 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: I shot you and took out a rear thruster 17:58:12.3327 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:SALVAGE THIS SHIP:2 17:58:12.3327 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: SALVAGE THIS SHIP, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 17:58:12.3327 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: SALVAGE THIS SHIP 17:58:12.5816 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: I dont think you noticed 17:58:12.9378 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] flow284:thought this was pve server:0 17:58:15.2295 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 17:58:17.2170 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: bad we were fallinf 17:58:24.3979 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: we were fallin mate 17:58:26.9724 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:58:27.9985 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: we didnt have enough h2 lol 17:58:32.5814 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: oh rip 17:58:33.7888 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: we didnt have enough h- 17:58:34.2118 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2118 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2118 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2118 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2450 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2450 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2450 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2450 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2610 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2610 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2610 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2610 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2781 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2781 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2781 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2781 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2941 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2941 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2941 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.2941 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3272 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3272 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3272 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3272 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3453 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3453 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3453 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3453 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3604 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3604 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3604 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3604 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3844 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3844 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3844 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3844 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3975 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3975 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3975 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.3975 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4125 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4125 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4125 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4125 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4447 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4447 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4447 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4447 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4938 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4938 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4938 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.4938 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5109 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5109 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5109 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5109 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5269 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5269 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5269 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5269 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5460 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5460 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5460 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5460 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5611 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5611 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5611 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5611 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5781 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5781 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5781 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5781 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5932 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5932 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5932 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.5932 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6213 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6213 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6213 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6213 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6674 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6674 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6674 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6674 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6785 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6785 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6785 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6785 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.6935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7126 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7126 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7126 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7126 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7286 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7286 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7286 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7286 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7447 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7447 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7447 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7447 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7768 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7768 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7768 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7768 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.7939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8119 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8119 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8119 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8119 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8446 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8446 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8446 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8446 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8617 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8617 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8617 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8617 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8798 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8798 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8798 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8798 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8948 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8948 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8948 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.8948 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9149 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9149 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9149 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9149 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9309 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9309 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9309 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9309 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9450 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9450 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9450 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9450 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9630 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9630 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9630 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9630 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9781 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9781 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9781 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9781 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9942 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9942 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9942 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:34.9942 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0112 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0112 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0112 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0112 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0273 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0273 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0273 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0273 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0493 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0493 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0493 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0493 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0493 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0493 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0493 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0493 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0764 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0764 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0764 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0764 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.0935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1116 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1116 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1116 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1116 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1276 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1437 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1774 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1774 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1774 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1774 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1924 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1924 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1924 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.1924 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2165 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2165 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2165 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2165 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2291 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2291 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2291 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2291 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2451 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2451 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2451 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2451 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2612 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2612 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2612 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2612 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2772 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2772 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2772 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2772 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2963 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2963 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2963 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.2963 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3184 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3184 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3184 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3184 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3314 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3314 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3314 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3314 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3545 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3545 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3545 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3545 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3675 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3675 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3675 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3675 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3796 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3796 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3796 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3796 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3966 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3966 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3966 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.3966 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4107 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4107 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4107 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4107 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4267 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4267 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4267 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4267 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4448 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4448 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4448 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4448 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4799 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4799 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4799 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4799 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4940 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4940 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4940 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.4940 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5140 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5140 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5140 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5140 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5261 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5261 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5261 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5261 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5462 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5462 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5462 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5462 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5622 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5622 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5622 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5622 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5773 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5773 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5773 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5773 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5933 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5933 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5933 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.5933 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6104 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6104 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6104 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6104 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6485 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6485 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6485 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6485 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6776 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6776 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6776 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6776 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6937 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6937 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6937 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.6937 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7127 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7127 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7127 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7127 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7278 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7448 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7448 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7448 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7448 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7639 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7639 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7639 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7639 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7780 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7780 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7780 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7780 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7940 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7940 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7940 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.7940 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8321 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8492 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8492 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8492 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8492 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8673 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8673 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8673 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8673 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8843 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8843 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8843 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8843 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8964 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8964 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8964 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.8964 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9114 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9114 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9114 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9114 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9285 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9285 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9285 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9285 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9445 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9937 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9937 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9937 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:35.9937 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0108 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0108 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0108 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0108 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0268 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0268 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0268 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0268 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0449 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0449 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0449 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0449 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0650 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0650 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0650 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0650 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0650 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0650 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0650 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:36.0650 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.6928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.6928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.6928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.6928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7129 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7129 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7129 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7129 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7470 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7470 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7470 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7470 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7600 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7600 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7600 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7600 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.7851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.8102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.8102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.8102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:37.8102 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17C594EBC0C11F6} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:45.6619 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 17:58:46.2174 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: so you wasting that ship wasnt even worth it lmao 17:58:51.7474 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: we ran out of h2 aleady 17:58:58.4969 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 17:59:01.3713 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 46141ms (280ms CPU) 17:59:01.3713 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 17:59:01.4796 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 17:59:11.1798 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Falcon:even my interior turret betrayed me?:0 17:59:26.9869 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 17:59:28.9639 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 17:59:34.6562 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] HairyHarry:GPS biggy:2 17:59:34.6562 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS biggy, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 17:59:34.6562 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: GPS biggy 17:59:44.2279 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Lewismartin85:Kahned accept the friend request I have a proposition:0 17:59:48.1974 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: even still gg man 17:59:59.3669 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: fun fucking fight 18:00:00.0800 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder2h' 18:00:00.0971 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 2 hours.' 18:00:00.0971 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [2 hours]." 5000 White' 18:00:09.0953 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: soo where is the shit we ofloaded from the base? 18:00:14.2461 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: love the sz clutching on ur bombs 18:00:14.4458 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: is it here 18:00:23.9864 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:GPS:reallybig #1:-256026.26:-2412273.82:378774.66:#FF75C9F1::2 18:00:23.9864 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:reallybig #1:-256026.26:-2412273.82:378774.66:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:00:23.9864 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: GPS:reallybig #1:-256026.26:-2412273.82:378774.66:#FF75C9F1: 18:00:24.7142 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 18:00:24.7142 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: oddlandLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:00:24.7142 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 18:00:24.7142 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: oddland (76561198098597783) Disconnected. 18:00:26.9864 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:00:31.4123 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: HE KNOWS WHERE THIS BASE IS 18:00:33.3958 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: FUCK 18:00:52.3790 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i will get ships running 18:01:04.1512 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...783] (76561198098597783) Disconnected. 18:01:05.1819 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: whats the issue? 18:01:07.0656 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: is Mars a giant battlefield ? 18:01:14.9486 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: that doesnt make sense 18:01:16.0319 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: was 18:01:16.0516 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: odd 18:01:21.2951 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.3132 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.3132 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.3132 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.3433 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.3594 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.3895 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.3895 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.4025 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.4136 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.4136 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.4416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.4416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.4416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.4416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.4577 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.4577 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.4758 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.5295 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.5416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.5416 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.5777 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.5777 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.5928 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.6108 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.6580 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.6941 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.7092 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.7092 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.7092 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.7272 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {19C55B80A19AD35} Access Panel [ Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.7443 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.7975 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.8095 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1C6D55441FD66D2} Access Panel 49 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.8095 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.8487 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.8487 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.8487 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.9099 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.9099 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.9279 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.9430 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.9430 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.9580 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.9761 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1018C6D512963D3} Emotion Controller [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:21.9911 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.0092 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.0092 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.0243 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.0754 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.1607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.1607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.1607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.1607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.1778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.1778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.1778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.1949 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.1949 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.2079 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.2079 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.3092 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.3253 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.3424 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.3424 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.3424 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.3584 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.3584 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.3935 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.4257 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.4257 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.4257 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.4257 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.4417 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.4588 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.4979 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.4979 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.5099 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.5270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.5270 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.5842 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.5842 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.6434 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.6765 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.6765 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.7086 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.7277 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.7277 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.7438 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.7578 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:22.7578 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:01:27.0019 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:01:35.3473 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kazi2429 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198444352683, PlayerID: 176561198444352683 18:01:38.6647 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: huh 18:01:41.7477 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: server glitch?? 18:01:55.6637 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 18:02:17.6808 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: space base has a ton of resources the fuck where they doing up here 18:02:27.0050 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:02:28.3141 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kazi2429 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198444352683, PlayerID: 176561198444352683 18:02:42.0480 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 18:02:55.8976 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: can a small grid hydrogen ship can travel from mars to space ? 18:03:02.8643 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: flow284 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970822183, PlayerID: 176561197970822183 18:03:23.3644 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 18:03:27.0166 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:03:43.5367 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:what happened:2 18:03:43.5367 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what happened, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 18:03:43.5367 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: what happened 18:03:44.2641 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: probably not 18:03:48.7560 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: not the distance we have 18:03:50.6642 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:pressed z...:2 18:03:50.6642 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: pressed z..., Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:03:50.6642 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: pressed z... 18:03:55.2156 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:basically ima fkin idiot:2 18:03:55.2156 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: basically ima fkin idiot, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:03:55.2156 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: basically ima fkin idiot 18:03:55.5483 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: unless you have a shitton of hydrogen 18:04:02.5814 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: 89 km isn't a lot 18:04:05.0475 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: topnitel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199160020624, PlayerID: 176561199160020624 18:04:05.6311 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] xXGrabTheBreadXx: who won 18:04:14.3485 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i can turn off dampeners 18:04:15.7982 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199160020624 from 18:04:15.8142 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player topnitel joined (76561199160020624) 18:04:15.8142 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:04:15.8142 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:04:15.8142 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:04:15.8142 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:04:16.0009 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:04:27.0166 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:04:28.9475 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 18:04:41.6870 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: hey badman sound you died to an essentially doomed ship 18:04:47.1709 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: for now ig badman but both sides lost tbf 18:04:49.5543 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: flow284 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970822183, PlayerID: 176561197970822183 18:05:06.5711 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: so the idea is i'd better get all my stuff to space base ? 18:05:08.8375 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: topnitel successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:05:10.7920 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: topnitel has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 18:05:14.2543 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: yeah 18:05:27.0288 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:05:36.5379 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: you are fighting over Mars or the Forge ? 18:05:45.2708 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: not anymore 18:05:47.0252 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 18:05:55.1043 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i have all of this to move 18:06:05.1824 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Outer space recieved! 18:06:05.1824 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561197970822183 18:06:05.1904 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Respawn Space Pod Target: X:1383885.86221744 Y:470562.174029917 Z:-207169.08922724 18:06:05.2235 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Respawn Space Pod @ X:1383890.72336259 Y:470567.453783958 Z:-207164.083633196 18:06:05.2235 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561197970822183 18:06:05.2235 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning flow284 into their cockpit! 18:06:12.5547 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197970822183 from 18:06:12.5707 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player flow284 joined (76561197970822183) 18:06:12.5707 [INFO] BlockLimiter.Settings.PlayerTimeModule: Logging time for player flow284 18:06:12.5707 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:06:12.5707 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:06:12.5707 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:06:12.5707 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:06:12.5707 [INFO] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: Creating new account object for flow284 18:06:12.6299 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:06:13.7374 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: you shouldnt have made a seperate base in the first place mate 18:06:15.3705 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 18:06:21.1872 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: kk 18:06:24.9373 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: get rid of them? 18:06:25.6042 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i can build my cargo carrier 18:06:25.7708 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 18:06:26.4708 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] phynox: we were fighting over mars 18:06:27.0404 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:06:35.5042 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: but it will take some time 18:06:49.0662 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: so destroy the BARS? 18:06:50.9991 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: flow284 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:06:56.3495 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 18:06:58.6789 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {133F078D10186A2} Hindenburg Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 18:07:06.1891 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:deff save the remnants of this:2 18:07:06.1891 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: deff save the remnants of this, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:07:06.1891 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: deff save the remnants of this 18:07:12.6304 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:40k metal plate in inventory:2 18:07:12.6304 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 40k metal plate in inventory, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:07:12.6304 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: 40k metal plate in inventory 18:07:15.7795 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: let the bars take the bars 18:07:26.9809 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Prof. Gumby passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198015948525, PlayerID: 176561198015948525 18:07:27.0497 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:07:34.6486 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: good idea 18:07:37.1747 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Respawn Space Pod, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 18:07:37.1747 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561197970822183 18:07:37.1747 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: flow284 Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 18:07:37.1747 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Respawn Space Pod is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space A [flow284:76561197970822183 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 18:07:37.8346 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: flow284Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:07:37.8346 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving flow284 meta data! 18:07:37.8346 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: flow284 (76561197970822183) Disconnected. 18:07:39.6235 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: then we hand grind it later 18:07:45.2445 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198015948525 from 18:07:45.2626 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Prof. Gumby joined (76561198015948525) 18:07:45.2626 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:07:45.2626 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:07:45.2626 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:07:45.2626 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:07:45.2626 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Prof. Gumby shares the same IP address as PCSO Codpiece 18:07:45.3158 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:07:56.5632 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Anazor passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197976394053, PlayerID: 176561197976394053 18:08:14.7470 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: I NEED ENERGY 18:08:15.1805 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:good evening to all \o:0 18:08:18.1285 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ::):0 18:08:21.0525 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Falcon:hello:0 18:08:24.1626 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: flow284 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970822183, PlayerID: 176561197970822183 18:08:25.4653 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Hi Nat:0 18:08:27.0500 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:08:27.7941 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Long time:0 18:08:33.9963 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:egg-zactly:0 18:08:42.1747 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:that is an eggcelent joke:0 18:08:45.8980 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:how are you peter?:0 18:08:47.7450 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:giggles:0 18:08:49.5816 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:yesss:0 18:08:50.8009 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:doing alright:0 18:08:54.7234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1BFA73D59254F00} A.IS-MIN-I3 Remote Control 1 that is not yet replicated on client 18:09:00.4298 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:hbu:0 18:09:02.7280 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Prof. Gumby successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:09:04.4969 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:hubu?:0 18:09:05.3766 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:why did youtube give me a ad for the apple event lmao:0 18:09:07.7666 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] HairyHarry:Ill try carry it back to base when i have the time soon:2 18:09:07.7666 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Ill try carry it back to base when i have the time soon, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 18:09:07.7666 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Ill try carry it back to base when i have the time soon 18:09:07.9272 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Anazor passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197976394053, PlayerID: 176561197976394053 18:09:10.8896 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i dont even own any apple devices:0 18:09:24.5404 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 18:09:27.0498 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:09:29.7405 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:O.o:0 18:09:36.6805 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:i know why !:0 18:09:36.9776 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:im a samsung guy:0 18:09:43.0629 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:uz you gaming too much !:0 18:09:46.3616 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:**laughshard**:0 18:09:48.5027 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i use windows?:0 18:09:54.7896 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i use windows as my main PC:0 18:09:58.5924 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:All mobile devices are apple here:0 18:10:04.0286 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:that is sad:0 18:10:05.2514 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:only desktop windows:0 18:10:06.4518 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:lol:0 18:10:14.3034 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i dont like apple:0 18:10:15.7555 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:GPS:cliff:-255252.39:-2414635.47:380975.45:#FF75C9F1::2 18:10:15.7555 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:cliff:-255252.39:-2414635.47:380975.45:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 18:10:15.7555 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: GPS:cliff:-255252.39:-2414635.47:380975.45:#FF75C9F1: 18:10:15.9769 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:yeah samsung is good:0 18:10:16.6873 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:its limiting:0 18:10:22.3078 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:egg-zactly:0 18:10:23.1629 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:apple doesnt support a lot:0 18:10:24.0793 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:hate windows with a passion:0 18:10:26.5089 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:head there u will see us:2 18:10:26.5089 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: head there u will see us, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 18:10:26.5089 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: head there u will see us 18:10:27.0545 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:10:29.7913 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:laughs:0 18:10:32.7233 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:wisely spoken:0 18:10:37.8759 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ::o))))):0 18:10:38.9277 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] HairyHarry:Yh I cant atm:2 18:10:38.9277 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Yh I cant atm, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 18:10:38.9277 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Yh I cant atm 18:10:52.7205 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: star turn your gps on 18:10:55.7578 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i like windows because its supported a lot:0 18:11:04.1091 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:scraping or keeping:2 18:11:04.1091 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: scraping or keeping, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 18:11:04.1091 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: scraping or keeping 18:11:18.3770 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:it does indeed:0 18:11:24.8206 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: LittleManWilliam passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198271866532, PlayerID: 176561198271866532 18:11:27.0550 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:11:28.6720 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:windows is like mother of your wife/husban, you dont like it but is useful to have one:0 18:11:29.5792 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ::D:0 18:11:39.2541 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198271866532 from 18:11:39.2701 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player LittleManWilliam joined (76561198271866532) 18:11:39.2701 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:11:39.2701 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:11:39.2701 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:11:39.2701 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:11:39.3564 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:11:46.6550 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:i have my microsoft MCSA Certificates and CCSA:0 18:11:51.0075 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:cuz windows know what is good for you:0 18:11:52.1461 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:scrap:2 18:11:52.1461 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: scrap, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:11:52.1461 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: scrap 18:11:52.4131 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:lol:0 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Ted2040 meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Prof. Gumby meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ZJD meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 18:11:54.8427 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 18:11:54.8878 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9144kb Compressed: 424kb 18:11:57.1162 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 18:11:58.8498 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: lol 18:11:59.2572 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i dont like apple and macos:0 18:12:01.1329 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 18:12:02.7250 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i know how to use MACos:0 18:12:02.8574 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] tommelom10:apple sucks. if you brake an apple product, the repair bill is usualy higher than tne value of the device:0 18:12:04.8338 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: put a bar on the explorer so any stuff we dont pickup gets deposited on the ship 18:12:06.6754 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:but i hate it with a passion:0 18:12:08.0770 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:And for only use windws for work lol:0 18:12:09.2699 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:don't kill the power:2 18:12:09.2699 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: don't kill the power, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:12:09.2699 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: don't kill the power 18:12:14.0970 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:well mac os x is technically unix:0 18:12:16.6304 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:it is not bad system:0 18:12:18.5667 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: ah ok 18:12:21.4417 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:the repair machines r doin stuff:2 18:12:21.4417 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: the repair machines r doin stuff, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:12:21.4417 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: the repair machines r doin stuff 18:12:22.5204 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:macOS is only good for editing:0 18:12:25.4232 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:change my mind:0 18:12:27.0655 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:12:29.2613 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] JustRyan:anyone playing on linux?:0 18:12:29.6171 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: energy check our server 18:12:29.9834 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: LittleManWilliam successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:12:34.3909 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:but it is like when you scrach left ear with right hand:0 18:12:39.1903 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:\o:0 18:12:40.7688 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Everything media or coding orientated apple:0 18:12:42.7047 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:gents wanna laugh?:0 18:12:44.3191 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Enigma_bgLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:12:44.3191 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Enigma_bg meta data! 18:12:44.3191 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Enigma_bg (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 18:12:46.9093 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:gaming windows:0 18:12:48.6830 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: ryan you're on linux???? 18:12:48.8335 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: bar is being built 18:12:50.2249 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:pinging your phone:0 18:12:51.3906 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:lmao:0 18:12:51.5171 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] JustRyan:ye:0 18:12:52.0129 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:on zorin OS linux:0 18:12:55.5060 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:samsung already has that:0 18:12:57.3905 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 18:12:57.8898 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] JustRyan:NixOS:0 18:12:59.3646 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...756] (76561198073918756) Disconnected. 18:13:00.2940 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:just listen to its sound:0 18:13:00.3122 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:protonDB from steam deck:0 18:13:18.0924 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: phynoxLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:13:18.0924 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving phynox meta data! 18:13:18.0924 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: phynox (76561198988823244) Disconnected. 18:13:18.5406 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 18:13:25.2025 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:i have SE on Arch Manjaro, but mainly use it on windwos:0 18:13:27.0791 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:13:27.5402 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:you can play game on linux without problem most what steam offer:0 18:13:34.9631 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:(because steamDeck is linux):0 18:13:36.7102 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:mmhmmm ship inventories are still smaller:0 18:13:43.5078 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:yep that sucks:0 18:13:44.5636 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ::(:0 18:13:55.9767 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] JustRyan:only games i have issue with is rust and se can be slightly less stable:0 18:14:01.4613 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 18:14:08.0909 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i just in general prefer a OS that works:0 18:14:11.7312 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:if Linux gets the full code from Nvidia, im going over to linux fully. Proton doing great so far:0 18:14:12.5601 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:windows for me has been very reliable:0 18:14:13.3218 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] JustRyan:for that i have a windows VM:0 18:14:24.0298 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:rust :D remember time in early , when it was more hammer simulator?:0 18:14:25.3044 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: savage187Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:14:25.3044 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 18:14:25.3044 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: savage187 (76561198320436731) Disconnected. 18:14:26.5166 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 18:14:26.5166 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefliLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:14:26.5166 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 18:14:26.5166 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: jefli (76561198312443008) Disconnected. 18:14:27.0792 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:14:30.1245 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:if anyone asks:0 18:14:32.6876 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i have used:0 18:14:41.3474 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: LittleManWilliamLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:14:41.3474 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving LittleManWilliam meta data! 18:14:41.3474 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: LittleManWilliam (76561198271866532) Disconnected. 18:14:41.7660 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199431768254 took: 4ms Total Grids Sent: 1 18:14:46.8279 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: H0lo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199163508488, PlayerID: 176561199163508488 18:14:46.9944 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we need a new bar down here 18:14:47.5148 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:raspberry pie OS and MACos instead of windows:0 18:14:49.5393 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C721C085FA54EB} Cargo Crate 4 that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:50.1580 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:50.1580 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1215D4D66B9A5F2} Cargo Crate that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:50.3557 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1215D4D66B9A5F2} Cargo Crate that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:50.7072 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:50.7735 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:50.8226 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:50.8407 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:50.8407 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:51.0053 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {132ED3C3C8F1B7C} Cargo Crate 3 that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:51.2066 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1152F2281CE4505} Cargo Crate 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:51.3049 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:51.5216 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:51.5407 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1152F2281CE4505} Cargo Crate 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:51.9210 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {12D92D7A124A543} Emotion Controller that is not yet replicated on client 18:14:57.9671 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199163508488 from 18:14:57.9792 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player H0lo joined (76561199163508488) 18:14:57.9792 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:14:57.9792 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:14:57.9792 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:14:57.9792 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:14:58.1785 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:14:59.3967 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:14:59.3967 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 18:14:59.3967 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: zhulavskyi2143 (76561199431768254) Disconnected. 18:15:00.0445 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderCommands' 18:15:00.0616 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: There is a number of useful commands that every player on our servers can use in-game. For the full list of them, just type !commandlist (or !cl) in the chat.' 18:15:00.4971 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:i liked Windows 7 , windows 10 is like dildo into eye, windows 11 is like jehova witness:0 18:15:03.2279 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: savage187 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198320436731, PlayerID: 176561198320436731 18:15:07.6785 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: to pickup stuff 18:15:09.4956 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:windows 11 is fine:0 18:15:12.0757 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:yessss raspberry pi !:0 18:15:24.0488 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...731] (76561198320436731) Disconnected. 18:15:24.9444 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: jefli passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198312443008, PlayerID: 176561198312443008 18:15:27.0839 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:15:28.2927 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:W11 is doing great so far. Fav windows version 2date:0 18:15:28.4783 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: man i just stick to a debloated windows 10 18:15:35.0463 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:debloat ah yes:0 18:15:36.4112 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198312443008 from 18:15:36.4283 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player jefli joined (76561198312443008) 18:15:36.4283 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:15:36.4283 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:15:36.4283 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:15:36.4283 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:15:36.4945 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:15:36.5376 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: tried linux, too painful 18:15:38.9560 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:for less ram useage?:0 18:15:44.6781 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: slightly 18:15:45.9240 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:you ever heard of the fac tthat windows will GIVE:0 18:15:47.5136 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: like who needs cortana 18:15:47.8243 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:you more ram:0 18:15:49.2619 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: savage187 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198320436731, PlayerID: 176561198320436731 18:15:50.6659 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:topnitel:0 18:15:51.1396 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Lee #1:The best was OS/2:0 18:15:53.0408 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:listen:0 18:16:00.8263 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:windows? if its taking too much ram:0 18:16:01.2116 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198320436731 from 18:16:01.2287 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player savage187 joined (76561198320436731) 18:16:01.2287 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:16:01.2287 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:16:01.2287 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:16:01.2287 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:16:01.5534 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:16:03.3930 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ZJDLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:16:03.3930 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ZJD meta data! 18:16:03.3930 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ZJD (76561198854535693) Disconnected. 18:16:03.9936 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Download RAM energy:0 18:16:07.1058 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:will give you more ram from windows processes:0 18:16:07.4651 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefli successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:16:09.2916 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] JustRyan:the last nail in the coffin for me was xbox controller on windows were bad and better suppored on linux, even though microsoft owns xbox... ironic:0 18:16:09.4291 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: jefli has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 18:16:09.6474 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...254] (76561199431768254) Disconnected. 18:16:19.2170 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: H0lo successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:16:22.7256 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Windows runs better on mac hardware:0 18:16:25.0131 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:lmao i ran a third party switch controller on my PC and that worked fine:0 18:16:25.9777 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:lmao:0 18:16:27.0851 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:16:29.0686 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we are taking all the ships with us 18:16:31.6213 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Socialist Duck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198834277852, PlayerID: 176561198834277852 18:16:35.3922 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:just had to use cable:0 18:16:42.9501 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:because apple makes the windows drivers for their system:0 18:16:43.9310 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: do we have a new base location yet? 18:16:44.3138 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198834277852 from 18:16:44.3308 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Socialist Duck joined (76561198834277852) 18:16:44.3308 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:16:44.3308 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:16:44.3308 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:16:44.3308 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:16:44.4308 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:16:46.2808 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: tommelom10 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198081526137, PlayerID: 176561198081526137 18:16:46.3169 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:irony:0 18:16:47.3471 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: if not find one 18:16:53.6322 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i still will never swap to apple:0 18:16:57.6803 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 18:17:05.5912 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:apple only works well with other apple products:0 18:17:07.7755 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:simple:0 18:17:09.4138 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: iOS is a good system though 18:17:18.5591 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:meh:0 18:17:23.9973 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Darth Vadda passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198084712326, PlayerID: 176561198084712326 18:17:27.0954 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:17:32.6959 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] JustRyan:cant stand macos ios or windows:0 18:17:34.5206 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: savage187 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:17:56.0021 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kahned passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198078633844, PlayerID: 176561198078633844 18:18:06.1142 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:So, Wheres Energy hiding:0 18:18:06.6688 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198078633844 from 18:18:06.6848 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Kahned joined (76561198078633844) 18:18:06.6848 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:18:06.6848 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:18:06.6848 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:18:06.6848 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:18:06.8544 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:18:13.5348 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: -_-Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:18:13.5348 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving -_- meta data! 18:18:13.5348 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: -_- has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198015905674 18:18:16.3681 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Darth Vadda passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198084712326, PlayerID: 176561198084712326 18:18:21.7258 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:everywhere:0 18:18:22.5744 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:now that everyting is pvp. will we see him in battle?:0 18:18:27.0958 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:18:29.8314 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:probs:0 18:18:31.8185 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Worker_Ant passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199159754171, PlayerID: 176561199159754171 18:18:43.6975 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199159754171 from 18:18:43.7186 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Worker_Ant joined (76561199159754171) 18:18:43.7186 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:18:43.7186 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:18:43.7186 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:18:43.7186 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:18:43.8019 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:18:46.5161 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 18:18:49.6130 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 18:18:55.9993 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 18:18:57.7686 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Kahned successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:18:59.2794 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 18:19:05.5444 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Socialist Duck successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:19:27.0972 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:19:28.7971 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 18:19:30.0299 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 18:19:43.8372 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 18:19:46.1630 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:don't grind anything grey:2 18:19:46.1630 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: don't grind anything grey, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:19:46.1630 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: don't grind anything grey 18:19:56.3074 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:intresting:0 18:19:58.3654 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:the rep blocks are grinding down anything red:2 18:19:58.3654 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: the rep blocks are grinding down anything red, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:19:58.3654 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: the rep blocks are grinding down anything red 18:20:11.0087 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199160020624 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 18:20:11.9320 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:only grindind loose or dropped parts:2 18:20:11.9320 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: only grindind loose or dropped parts, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 18:20:11.9320 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: only grindind loose or dropped parts 18:20:18.6922 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: topnitel Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 18:20:18.7454 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 18:20:18.7454 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 17 18:20:18.7534 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 18:20:19.0434 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: topnitelLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:20:19.0434 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 18:20:19.0434 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: topnitel (76561199160020624) Disconnected. 18:20:25.3594 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:you can grind red if u want:2 18:20:25.3604 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you can grind red if u want, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:20:25.3604 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: you can grind red if u want 18:20:26.4863 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: topnitel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199160020624, PlayerID: 176561199160020624 18:20:27.1111 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:20:31.2338 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:fu:0 18:20:33.5998 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:reee:0 18:20:38.1059 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Worker_Ant successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:20:48.4692 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:pain:0 18:20:50.0212 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: sulafudos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197977691953, PlayerID: 176561197977691953 18:21:01.4060 [INFO] Chat: (to Badman sound): Perks claimed, Check your character inventory! (VIP+ - 5352253) 18:21:01.4060 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Badman sound ran command '!perks' 18:21:12.2114 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:one bonus is they wont hunt gents atleast:0 18:21:14.5347 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: THE EXPLORER 18:21:26.1187 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: rip my frigate 18:21:27.1103 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:21:36.0688 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: do i fly the explorer? 18:21:38.9849 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: bruh i am so confused 18:21:40.7980 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:can u make a lifter from the wreck to carry that container:2 18:21:40.7980 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can u make a lifter from the wreck to carry that container, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 18:21:40.7980 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: can u make a lifter from the wreck to carry that container 18:21:44.0743 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: what is going on 18:21:49.3078 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: oh well 18:21:52.7909 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: time to build one more 18:21:52.8631 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: base movement 18:21:58.5910 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 18:22:07.6365 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:let it grind most of it to the container:2 18:22:07.6365 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: let it grind most of it to the container, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:22:07.6365 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: let it grind most of it to the container 18:22:11.9952 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 18:22:12.2029 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 18:22:16.0992 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 18:22:16.8207 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 18:22:20.6911 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: topnitel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199160020624, PlayerID: 176561199160020624 18:22:26.8622 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:well its not only small machine inventory, but noticed that forge give very small loot?:0 18:22:27.1120 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:22:41.1762 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: what is that 18:22:45.9527 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: what is that 18:22:45.9527 [INFO] Chat: [GlobalScripted:176561199209849561] Good.bot: You tried sending the same message within a short amount of time. Message not sent. 18:22:59.1851 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:this reactor is not holding the weight:2 18:22:59.1851 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: this reactor is not holding the weight, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 18:22:59.1851 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: this reactor is not holding the weight 18:23:07.5358 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:bish:0 18:23:10.6373 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: someone bring that tug thing 18:23:12.0795 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:where would the superforge be located:0 18:23:22.5912 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: topnitel passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199160020624, PlayerID: 176561199160020624 18:23:27.1118 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:23:35.4526 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:i miss our old good forge:0 18:23:38.4117 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:awww:0 18:23:41.1353 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:do it on a planet bish:0 18:23:41.9136 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: |12.Iftr| GdmOff. XTerm1986 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197982018623, PlayerID: 176561197982018623 18:23:44.5470 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 18:23:45.6354 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:so small grids can be even better:0 18:23:51.9488 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] JustRyan:bish will there be forges that give difference resouces like gold?:0 18:23:58.1785 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: nah we are fine 18:23:58.5117 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197982018623 from 18:23:58.5278 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player |12.Iftr| GdmOff. XTerm1986 joined (76561197982018623) 18:23:58.5278 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:23:58.5278 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:23:58.5278 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:23:58.5278 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:23:58.5278 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! |12.Iftr| GdmOff. XTerm1986 shares the same IP address as XTerm1986 18:23:58.5950 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:24:02.5792 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199159754171 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 18:24:02.9511 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:no i mean:0 18:24:07.0029 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:me and bish talked about it before:0 18:24:09.0497 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: topnitel requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 18:24:09.0778 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 18:24:09.7983 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:a nerf to large grids:0 18:24:11.6700 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:right:2 18:24:11.6700 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: right, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:24:11.6700 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: right 18:24:14.3858 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:that are within the zone:0 18:24:15.9163 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:ima go be sad :p:2 18:24:15.9163 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ima go be sad :p, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:24:15.9163 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: ima go be sad :p 18:24:17.5115 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199160020624 from 18:24:17.5285 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player topnitel joined (76561199160020624) 18:24:17.5285 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:24:17.5285 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:24:17.5285 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:24:17.5285 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:24:17.7453 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: topnitel successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:24:17.7613 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.RespawnLocationsSync: Autospawning 76561199160020624 18:24:17.7613 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player topnitel 18:24:18.3112 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: topnitel has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 18:24:19.1447 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: where is the connector? 18:24:21.1916 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Worker_AntLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:24:21.1916 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Worker_Ant meta data! 18:24:21.1916 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Worker_Ant (76561199159754171) Disconnected. 18:24:22.0335 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:that large grid ships get nerfs:0 18:24:23.5404 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:need to head out soon anyway:2 18:24:23.5404 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: need to head out soon anyway, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:24:23.5404 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: need to head out soon anyway 18:24:24.0166 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:24:24.0166 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:24:27.1122 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:24:27.1493 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:so small grid PVP is superior:0 18:24:29.9845 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] reallybig:cya:2 18:24:29.9845 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cya, Faction, 251194477509267153, reallybig 18:24:29.9845 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: cya 18:24:30.5053 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: IngelStitch passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198936889709, PlayerID: 176561198936889709 18:24:36.7650 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] HairyHarry:Bye:2 18:24:36.7650 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Bye, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 18:24:36.7650 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: Bye 18:24:40.8060 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:lmao:0 18:24:48.1063 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 18:24:49.0582 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...171] (76561199159754171) Disconnected. 18:24:57.0076 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:24:57.3487 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:24:57.3487 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:24:58.6510 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:gonna get my strike wyvern built later with AEM:0 18:25:00.2581 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:25:00.2581 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:25:00.5527 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: |12.Iftr| GdmOff. XTerm1986 (76561197982018623) Disconnected. 18:25:17.6653 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:25:17.6653 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:25:23.5182 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {133F078D10186A2} Hindenburg Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 18:25:25.8188 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:that is sick:0 18:25:26.7065 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: ^ interesting 18:25:27.1260 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:25:31.5037 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:will fight that:0 18:25:32.0452 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:ha ! rover battles? that sounds superb:0 18:25:34.4321 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:energy:0 18:25:37.1396 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:pertam rover only:0 18:25:42.3521 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:my miner got cut in half because its thrust was too good lol:0 18:25:47.6556 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Drop pod supplies to get it on planet:0 18:25:47.6877 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:yes most ideal for rovers is pertam:0 18:25:57.3817 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: docked succesfully 18:26:05.2071 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: nice 18:26:14.2407 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: anyone impressed by my flying skills? 18:26:20.1602 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: when docking atleast 18:26:25.0340 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:that:0 18:26:27.1270 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:26:29.6576 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: no 18:26:44.1690 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: oi 18:26:50.6356 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:i could use for that battle my Cat Heavy and Tank :D what have in bp :3:0 18:26:53.1154 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: IngelStitch passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198936889709, PlayerID: 176561198936889709 18:26:54.3328 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i just docked in the tightest space imaginable 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Ted2040 meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Prof. Gumby meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 18:26:55.0323 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 18:26:55.0895 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9143kb Compressed: 422kb 18:26:55.7494 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: only to be ambushed by a 10,000 PCU warship 18:26:57.2920 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:small grids:0 18:26:59.4159 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 18:26:59.6658 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i docked the explorer 18:27:00.7492 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: |12.Iftr| GdmOff. XTerm1986 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197982018623, PlayerID: 176561197982018623 18:27:05.8828 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: nice 18:27:10.3153 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197982018623 from 18:27:10.3324 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player |12.Iftr| GdmOff. XTerm1986 joined (76561197982018623) 18:27:10.3324 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:27:10.3324 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:27:10.3324 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:27:10.3324 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:27:10.3324 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! |12.Iftr| GdmOff. XTerm1986 shares the same IP address as XTerm1986 18:27:10.4087 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:27:15.8160 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: Everyone get seated or make one 18:27:19.1067 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:27:19.1067 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:27:21.7804 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:27:21.7804 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:27:25.7735 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:27:25.7735 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:27:27.1268 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:27:29.2303 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:i like design of assault turret on small grid:0 18:27:35.6973 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:its looks like tank tower :3:0 18:27:42.1913 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: welp here we go 18:27:43.6424 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] -_-:??????? ?????:0 18:27:51.7920 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: H0loLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:27:51.7920 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 18:27:51.7920 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: H0lo (76561199163508488) Disconnected. 18:28:08.9046 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:eh... what ?:0 18:28:22.7832 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: |12.Iftr| GdmOff. XTerm1986 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:28:26.4282 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh:0 18:28:27.1296 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:28:44.4106 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: H0lo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199163508488, PlayerID: 176561199163508488 18:28:50.2519 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199163508488 from 18:28:50.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player H0lo joined (76561199163508488) 18:28:50.2780 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:28:50.2780 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:28:50.2780 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:28:50.2780 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:28:50.5871 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:29:01.3717 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 18:29:07.8782 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Kahned: f 18:29:27.1448 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:29:39.8684 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:time to add 3 oxygen tanks:0 18:29:46.6096 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 45238ms (296ms CPU) 18:29:46.6096 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 18:29:46.7431 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 18:29:52.6427 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:early on its a blessing to have i noticed:0 18:29:54.3643 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: whoa ice roid 18:30:11.2445 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: walmart 18:30:20.5832 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: walmart 18:30:25.8509 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: H0lo successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:30:27.1447 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:30:37.1685 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: so this is our new temporary home? 18:30:38.5182 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] jefli: what's a walmart ? 18:30:47.0021 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: its a shop 18:30:49.7229 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:a store where you will see a lot of karens:0 18:30:57.3276 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: walmart own ASDA in the UK which is why its rubbish 18:30:58.6705 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] IngelStitch:Hello there:0 18:30:59.2722 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: xD 18:31:00.2873 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] jefli: lol ok 18:31:05.4417 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: how do you not know what's walmart 18:31:08.9756 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: walmart is walmart 18:31:10.4157 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:what is ASDA?:0 18:31:17.9759 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: supermarket in UK 18:31:19.9620 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [23] natalieCZ:aha:0 18:31:27.1579 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:31:30.8447 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: my internet crashed 18:31:35.6620 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: -_- passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198015905674, PlayerID: 176561198015905674 18:31:38.4721 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Kahned: So do you need anything specific rn? 18:31:39.6614 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:wtf:2 18:31:39.6614 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wtf, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 18:31:39.6614 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: wtf 18:31:41.1387 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] jefli: i'm french so we don't have that 18:31:45.0218 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 18:31:50.1898 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:ship went bang:2 18:31:50.1898 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ship went bang, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 18:31:50.1898 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: ship went bang 18:31:51.5272 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] IngelStitch:Vive le Auchan:0 18:31:52.1383 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: its right here tho 18:31:56.1166 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: no, you have good shops XD 18:31:58.9990 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] jefli: we're only going at boulangerie to buy baguette 18:32:00.1325 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 18:32:06.0275 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: Lidl plut�t 18:32:07.2520 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198279429509 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 18:32:13.1050 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] HairyHarry:oh dear, is the cargo still good?:2 18:32:13.1050 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh dear, is the cargo still good?, Faction, 251194477509267153, HairyHarry 18:32:13.1050 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: oh dear, is the cargo still good? 18:32:13.8957 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:32:16.2667 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we have been stone aged 18:32:20.8778 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 18:32:21.0333 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] jefli: super u 18:32:21.5929 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 18:32:22.5163 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: its official 18:32:25.4968 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:32:26.8290 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:32:27.1742 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:32:32.6045 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: French, right? 18:32:33.9879 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: but atleast we have a large miner 18:32:43.9207 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: wine in UK is �10 for a terrible bottle of wine. In France, they put better wine in giant plastic bins for sale for �3 18:32:47.8011 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] IngelStitch:Yes why ? :D:0 18:32:54.1457 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:no killed me lost inventry bolt large cargo containers :2 18:32:54.1457 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no killed me lost inventry bolt large cargo containers , Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 18:32:54.1457 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: no killed me lost inventry bolt large cargo containers 18:33:09.9540 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:tekura:0 18:33:15.2629 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:nvbm:0 18:33:18.6711 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: ye "la villageoise" 18:33:20.7380 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: -_- passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198015905674, PlayerID: 176561198015905674 18:33:23.6548 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: best wine lol 18:33:27.1899 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:33:31.5715 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: guns are for puny humans 18:33:32.1842 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] IngelStitch:Not really, the wine in plastic bottle doesn't taste good ^^' but we have good wine for like 15�:0 18:33:32.7383 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: and alcohol.... all in the same place 18:33:39.6702 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:carnt even find my body:2 18:33:39.6702 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: carnt even find my body, Faction, 251194477509267153, ordos 18:33:39.6702 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:251194477509267153] Good.bot: carnt even find my body 18:33:52.7381 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: still better than our �10 :) 18:33:55.0209 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] -_-:??????? ?????:0 18:34:06.3217 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: i tried my mom's 100 euro wine once 18:34:07.8476 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: it was nice 18:34:09.9410 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1D11DFA6829BFA2} D34- Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:09.9410 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:10.8237 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {182F30DDC213EBB} Access Panel 8 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:10.9521 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:10.9802 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:10.9802 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:10.9912 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.0063 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.0404 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.0404 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {14A563AF326F046} Emotion Controller 9 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.0575 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.1067 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.1408 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.1729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.1729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.1729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.2401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.2401 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.2572 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.2738 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.2909 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C21C72B39B0617} Access Panel 37 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.3079 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.3310 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1D03B03EC793304} Access Panel 4 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.3310 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.3310 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.3471 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] jefli: nah "la villageoise" in plastic bottle is the best wine 18:34:11.3641 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.3993 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.4133 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.4133 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.4274 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.4595 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.4595 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D90192DC5A267E} Emotion Controller 1 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.4595 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.4755 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.4906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.5066 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.5407 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.5598 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.5759 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.5949 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.5949 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.6287 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.6417 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {149B728237ED9AC} Access Panel 3 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.6577 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.6899 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {18971CF48CDADB5} Access Panel 5 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.7059 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.7059 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.7581 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10BDF6D578BFFE2} Access Panel 21 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.7902 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.7902 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.8083 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.8083 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.8735 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.8906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.9247 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.9397 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1136AB7BB83D59D} Access Panel 46 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.9568 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.9819 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:11.9939 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.0070 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.0411 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10E11F3D7B47CC4} Access Panel 11 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.0571 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.0752 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.1013 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.1113 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.1113 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.1113 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.1575 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.1575 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.2056 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.2056 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.2056 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CDDBA584FC506B} Access Panel 10 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.2227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.2227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.2227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.2227 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.2558 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.2899 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.3080 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.3241 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {17C8ED698429701} Access Panel 41 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.3241 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.3893 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.4053 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.4224 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.4575 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12C7627004A8403} Access Panel 16 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.4746 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.4896 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.5057 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.5217 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.5559 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.5719 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.5900 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.6287 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.6418 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.6729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.6959 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.7070 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.7070 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.7451 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {161A80653D29974} Access Panel 47 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.7451 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1AC919E0BB3E298} Access Panel 22 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.7592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.7592 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.7903 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.8234 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1897AF92465E6EF} Emotion Controller [ Maint ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.8736 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.8736 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.8736 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.8906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.8906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.9788 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.9908 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1016E77D16E6403} Access Panel 14 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:12.9908 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.0766 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.1238 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.1409 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.1409 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.1579 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.1900 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.1900 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.2101 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {14FBEC4D5023888} Access Panel 24 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.2272 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1271472FA4560C6} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.2272 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.2563 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13688A8B4EEB7C9} Access Panel 52 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.2904 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.3265 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.3426 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.3606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {16AD9CB4BC73E8A} Access Panel 35 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.3606 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.3907 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.3907 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.3907 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.3907 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.4068 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19703815CC01122} Access Panel 13 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.4228 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.4228 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.4590 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.4590 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.4590 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.4760 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.4911 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.4911 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B6957109BDC3A9} Access Panel 33 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.5071 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {136326BE541D12D} Access Panel 34 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.5242 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.5413 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.5573 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {100A1665558E52F} Access Panel 43 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.5904 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {17D3E24A6F93102} Emotion Controller 8 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.5904 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.5904 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.6326 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.6908 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.6908 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.6908 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.7259 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.7420 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1BECD058CB47CA9} Access Panel 39 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.7420 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C7291A71E0D83} Emotion Controller 1 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.7420 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.7680 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.7891 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.8082 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19928099CE5050B} Controller [ Shut Down ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.8242 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:13.8242 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19D04B020789597} Event Controller 9 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:15.3804 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: they porobably also sell swords 18:34:22.2003 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18764B6FFC2BC56} Emotion Controller [ Deck 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2214 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2425 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FE89F669F34916} Access Panel [ Core Systems ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2425 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2615 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2726 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2726 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.2906 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.3237 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 18:34:22.5646 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: bruh 100 euros on wine 18:34:25.7901 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: :o 18:34:26.7435 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: death 18:34:27.2041 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:34:43.2266 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: we have like what 1 million euros in savings? 18:34:43.6812 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] IngelStitch:Get drunk in one step : end "La villageoise" bottle in 5 mins :D:0 18:34:46.2033 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:34:46.2605 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: but it was gifted anyways 18:34:47.5361 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 18:34:48.2431 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: the wine 18:34:49.5430 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: it's not really expensive for realy good wine 18:34:54.1770 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: what. 18:35:00.8558 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: bro is rich 18:35:06.7474 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 18:35:07.1041 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 18:35:08.4063 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: all savings lmao 18:35:10.7873 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: no one can touch it 18:35:12.0042 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: nah wine is expensive af 18:35:14.5387 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: still though 18:35:27.2085 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:35:29.9627 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: i have like 18 euros in savings and the rent keeps rising xd 18:35:48.7398 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:really wish i added a extension for more sideways thrust ;-l:0 18:35:51.3316 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WilLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:35:51.3316 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Wil meta data! 18:35:51.3316 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Wil has been successfully synced with ID: 176561197961691740 18:36:01.9916 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:got massivly nerfed with my redesign which is a skill issue:0 18:36:16.8985 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Kahned: ping me if need anything 18:36:27.2211 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:36:41.2321 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: it all start from me asking what a walmart is 18:37:00.8317 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 18:37:19.7906 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:nom:0 18:37:27.2205 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:37:50.0205 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: First ConsulLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:37:50.0205 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving First Consul meta data! 18:37:50.0205 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: First Consul has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198333947955 18:38:02.5511 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: this looks so cursed 18:38:07.0672 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: this looks like something the reavers would build 18:38:08.8345 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: nah 18:38:09.4848 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: ait 18:38:13.7345 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: this is just the BNG base 18:38:18.8005 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: lmao 18:38:27.2206 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:38:30.3011 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: 100% glued together randomly 18:38:31.7353 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i found a base on mars, imma destroy it 18:38:41.0506 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: hmmm 18:38:43.2093 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: jefli 18:38:45.9074 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: send a screenshot 18:38:48.1454 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: yeah 18:38:51.2258 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: and gps it first 18:38:54.6586 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Prof. Gumby): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 18:39:04.8091 [INFO] Chat: (to Prof. Gumby): Looking for reward... 18:39:04.8091 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Prof. Gumby ran command '!reward' 18:39:04.9756 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Prof. Gumby): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 18:39:04.9756 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Prof. Gumby): Thanks for the vote! 18:39:07.5086 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: First Consul passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198333947955, PlayerID: 176561198333947955 18:39:27.2205 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:39:32.6333 [ERROR] Keen: Mod Camera Panning - rotate camera view (+reset 1st person character view) is accessing physics from parallel threads. This is not safe and might cause the game to crash or behave unexpectedly. 18:39:32.6333 [ERROR] Keen: Mod Camera Panning - rotate camera view (+reset 1st person character view) is accessing physics from parallel threads. This is not safe and might cause the game to crash or behave unexpectedly. 18:39:34.1086 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: First Consul passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198333947955, PlayerID: 176561198333947955 18:39:58.1246 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 18:39:58.3443 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: it was near his old base 18:40:03.1125 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i'm on azerty 18:40:03.5707 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 18:40:06.8462 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: RubsmeisterLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:40:06.8462 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Rubsmeister meta data! 18:40:06.8462 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Rubsmeister has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198065344466 18:40:27.2353 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:40:34.8387 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: KahnedLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:40:34.8387 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Kahned meta data! 18:40:34.8387 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Kahned (76561198078633844) Disconnected. 18:40:37.1531 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: assert base no ? 18:41:06.3590 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: kanhed 18:41:13.8187 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...844] (76561198078633844) Disconnected. 18:41:27.2360 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:41:33.5405 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: OnosLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:41:33.5405 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Onos meta data! 18:41:33.5405 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Onos has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198066474744 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Ted2040 meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Prof. Gumby meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving |12.Iftr| GdmOff. XTerm1986 meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 18:41:55.1002 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 18:41:55.1403 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9196kb Compressed: 423kb 18:42:01.5433 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 18:42:27.2360 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:42:33.7969 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: AndreaseikLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:42:33.7969 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Andreaseik meta data! 18:42:33.7979 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Andreaseik has been successfully synced with ID: 176561197994608931 18:42:39.9307 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 18:43:14.3971 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: nah that was a project 18:43:21.4969 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: imma destroy it 18:43:27.2362 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:43:44.2155 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: |12.Iftr| GdmOff. XTerm1986Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:43:44.2155 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving |12.Iftr| GdmOff. XTerm1986 meta data! 18:43:44.2155 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: |12.Iftr| GdmOff. XTerm1986 (76561197982018623) Disconnected. 18:43:54.0468 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 18:44:11.1803 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: igloo survival kit xd 18:44:17.1642 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 18:44:19.8643 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: si i don't move it ? 18:44:23.6825 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...623] (76561197982018623) Disconnected. 18:44:25.2843 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Onos:yo will:0 18:44:27.2368 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:44:45.1303 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Siciliano93 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199351322836, PlayerID: 176561199351322836 18:44:46.8304 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Qs1berLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:44:46.8304 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Qs1ber meta data! 18:44:46.8304 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qs1ber has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198336733987 18:45:00.5971 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderVote' 18:45:00.6141 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: You can use !votenow command to submit your daily vote and then use !reward to receive full set of elite tools, Uranium ingots and a chance for Platinum drop!' 18:45:21.0474 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 18:45:27.2364 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:46:08.3478 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Siciliano93 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199351322836, PlayerID: 176561199351322836 18:46:27.2513 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:47:02.2646 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 18:47:04.1931 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: baldobacco passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198276236979, PlayerID: 176561198276236979 18:47:04.3105 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Andreaseik passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197994608931, PlayerID: 176561197994608931 18:47:10.2792 [INFO] Chat: Server (to topnitel): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 18:47:10.7097 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Wil passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197961691740, PlayerID: 176561197961691740 18:47:15.8461 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Onos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198066474744, PlayerID: 176561198066474744 18:47:27.2588 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:47:36.6366 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Rubsmeister passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065344466, PlayerID: 176561198065344466 18:47:39.4847 [INFO] Chat: (to topnitel): Looking for reward... 18:47:39.4847 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player topnitel ran command '!reward' 18:47:39.6609 [INFO] Chat: Server (to topnitel): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 18:47:39.6609 [INFO] Chat: Server (to topnitel): Thanks for the vote! 18:47:47.9761 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Siciliano93 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199351322836, PlayerID: 176561199351322836 18:47:53.7266 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: is the big miner ready for mining? 18:48:08.8896 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:is there a way to disable certain sounds ?:0 18:48:09.6107 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: baldobacco passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198276236979, PlayerID: 176561198276236979 18:48:17.5382 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:why is a fucking fruit fly chasing me:0 18:48:19.7716 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:reeeeeeeeee:0 18:48:23.5828 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 18:48:26.2227 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i aint got guns rgn to fend it off:0 18:48:27.2684 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:48:41.8661 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: just run 18:48:44.2712 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i can only continue flying until i can warp:0 18:48:45.0017 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: thats the best bet 18:49:02.1392 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: youre running away from free loot? 18:49:17.4717 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: fruit fly's best chance is that you choke on it 18:49:20.3722 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: back 18:49:26.6385 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Andreaseik passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197994608931, PlayerID: 176561197994608931 18:49:27.2687 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:49:30.1651 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qs1ber passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198336733987, PlayerID: 176561198336733987 18:49:36.9804 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:im drifting fast enough anyway:0 18:49:45.9722 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Onos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198066474744, PlayerID: 176561198066474744 18:49:55.8226 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: get it with your hand grinder 18:49:58.4589 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: not me 18:50:03.1406 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 18:50:10.6229 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: bruh i crashed 18:50:20.8892 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: idiot log for the first time 18:50:27.2835 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:50:43.0624 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Rubsmeister passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065344466, PlayerID: 176561198065344466 18:50:43.4628 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: ow 18:50:50.2601 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i dont think we have anything for idiot log 18:50:53.8724 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut_Female that is not yet replicated on client 18:50:54.0571 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 18:50:56.3223 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 18:51:13.4401 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: -_- passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198015905674, PlayerID: 176561198015905674 18:51:13.6745 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:yeet:0 18:51:27.2835 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:51:27.7060 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:it nuked itself lmao:0 18:51:29.8475 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qs1ber passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198336733987, PlayerID: 176561198336733987 18:51:32.2773 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:im kinda sad that bc ppl in my class where being annoying about me and nicole we kinda had to go no contact for a while :2 18:51:32.2773 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im kinda sad that bc ppl in my class where being annoying about me and nicole we kinda had to go no contact for a while , Faction, 230848779959425235, trainwreck 18:51:32.2773 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:230848779959425235] Good.bot: im kinda sad that bc ppl in my class where being annoying about me and nicole we kinda had to go no contact for a while 18:51:34.3560 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:still cant decide:0 18:51:58.8150 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:do i go custom turrets again or regular guns:0 18:52:02.9136 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 18:52:08.0262 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Nuka cola passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039510567, PlayerID: 176561198039510567 18:52:16.5705 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198039510567 from 18:52:16.5836 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Nuka cola joined (76561198039510567) 18:52:16.5836 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:52:16.5836 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:52:16.5836 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:52:16.5836 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:52:16.5836 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Nuka cola shares the same IP address as Simon 18:52:16.6598 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:52:17.7100 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: what ? 18:52:19.4227 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:also like we used to go on video call like every night but now is once every 2 month :2 18:52:19.4227 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: also like we used to go on video call like every night but now is once every 2 month , Faction, 230848779959425235, trainwreck 18:52:19.4227 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:230848779959425235] Good.bot: also like we used to go on video call like every night but now is once every 2 month 18:52:22.3270 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: whichever isn't bugged 18:52:27.2844 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:52:29.0602 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: which one is bugged now? 18:52:34.3265 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: they usually take it in turns 18:52:36.7459 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:no idea:0 18:52:45.4127 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:yay:0 18:53:08.7775 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Performance is rock steady Bish:0 18:53:11.8810 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Nuka cola successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:53:19.6312 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: rate my crashed ship on a scale of 1 to 10 18:53:27.2854 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:53:31.1952 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Onos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198066474744, PlayerID: 176561198066474744 18:53:43.3335 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: i rate your crashed ship goober/10 18:53:46.4629 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:ree:0 18:53:50.7222 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 18:53:51.9189 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Good job on the server and its upgrades as well :0 18:53:52.3936 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i should have added more sideways thrust:0 18:54:02.7227 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i rate jeflis piloting skills as silly/10 18:54:11.2226 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Onos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198066474744, PlayerID: 176561198066474744 18:54:14.5725 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: first idiot log 18:54:21.7223 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: life support back on in the explorer 18:54:27.2992 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:54:29.4226 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: hey top 18:54:29.8471 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i haven't crashed miners yet .... 18:54:31.0244 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 18:54:31.0244 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman soundLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:54:31.0244 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 18:54:31.0244 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Badman sound (76561198142381224) Disconnected. 18:54:32.4224 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: can i fly? 18:54:52.0852 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on bob2. 18:54:52.0852 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 18:54:54.7493 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid bob2 for cut & paste! 18:54:54.7513 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 2987 for cut & paste! 18:54:54.7513 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 8278 for cut & paste! 18:54:54.7513 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 9079 for cut & paste! 18:54:54.7513 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 4070 for cut & paste! 18:54:54.7513 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 6603 for cut & paste! 18:54:54.7513 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 1445 for cut & paste! 18:54:54.7513 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Ship was fixed! 18:54:54.7513 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Nuka cola started! 18:54:54.7513 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 18:54:55.9520 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: jefli could be worse atleast its not zjd level flying 18:54:58.4585 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...224] (76561198142381224) Disconnected. 18:55:04.9565 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: that is true 18:55:05.5401 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: endless you can fly 18:55:12.6900 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i lost my ice sad sad 18:55:27.3137 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:55:55.4745 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Badman sound passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198142381224, PlayerID: 176561198142381224 18:56:03.6829 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198142381224 from 18:56:03.6989 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Badman sound joined (76561198142381224) 18:56:03.6989 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 18:56:03.6989 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 18:56:03.6989 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 18:56:03.6989 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 18:56:03.6989 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Badman sound shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 18:56:03.8033 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 18:56:22.1702 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: badman connected 18:56:24.9812 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman sound successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 18:56:26.2989 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Badman sound has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 18:56:26.7645 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Rubsmeister passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065344466, PlayerID: 176561198065344466 18:56:27.3216 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:56:53.3368 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: done 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Ted2040 meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Prof. Gumby meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 18:56:54.9030 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 18:56:54.9442 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9245kb Compressed: 425kb 18:57:01.8273 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: oop 18:57:03.6404 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 18:57:15.2263 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: it isnt in the toolba 18:57:19.5595 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i had to do manual 18:57:23.2777 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i did it 18:57:27.3291 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:57:56.0941 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: so where are we going next? 18:57:59.2101 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Rubsmeister passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065344466, PlayerID: 176561198065344466 18:58:12.5108 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: good question, im way too confused rn xd 18:58:14.5438 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: sounds good 18:58:17.7798 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Ted2040Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 18:58:17.7798 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Ted2040 meta data! 18:58:17.7798 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Ted2040 (76561199223657404) Disconnected. 18:58:20.1271 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: 200,000 kms 18:58:27.3300 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:58:30.9775 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: 2398,9kms away 18:58:36.8275 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: uhhhh 18:59:01.7379 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...404] (76561199223657404) Disconnected. 18:59:04.4824 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: wait are we jumping to god? 18:59:20.6679 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 18:59:21.3147 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Onos:how can i see the true player list?:0 18:59:22.6846 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 18:59:27.3312 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 18:59:46.6114 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 18:59:50.3680 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: understandable 18:59:55.2730 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] First Consul:f3?:0 19:00:00.5616 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder1h' 19:00:00.5756 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 1 hour.' 19:00:00.5756 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [1 hour]." 5000 White' 19:00:18.6261 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:nexus seamless plugin:0 19:00:27.3450 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:00:31.5017 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 19:00:31.5288 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i use the seamless plugin 19:00:32.5400 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 45928ms (289ms CPU) 19:00:32.5400 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 19:00:32.6333 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 19:00:38.5470 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:copy, y may i ask?:0 19:00:49.9022 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 19:01:00.4999 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:nice:0 19:01:12.3519 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: because it helps 19:01:15.4287 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:do i hear 8 hour restarts soon? :D:0 19:01:18.4852 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: imma eat 19:01:19.3347 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: with sector travel 19:01:19.7166 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Onos:cause its only showing 9 people is that incorrect?:0 19:01:27.3448 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:01:35.1356 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Onos:ah ok:0 19:01:40.0041 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Onos:why is it like that?:0 19:01:56.2090 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 19:02:02.9922 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SatelNova9 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039500418, PlayerID: 176561198039500418 19:02:04.2451 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 19:02:07.0214 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ProgressionSync: Progression Update! 19:02:14.2926 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: i like how every time the player count just keeps getting slightly higher 19:02:27.3455 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:02:27.7690 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:And the server is killing it still!:0 19:02:35.9752 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: just keep asking then we get to 100 people 19:02:56.7148 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: LittleManWilliam passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198271866532, PlayerID: 176561198271866532 19:02:59.1221 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Rubsmeister:thats pretty cool:0 19:03:10.8637 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198271866532 from 19:03:10.8808 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player LittleManWilliam joined (76561198271866532) 19:03:10.8808 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 19:03:10.8808 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 19:03:10.8808 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 19:03:10.8808 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 19:03:11.2150 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 19:03:27.3453 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:03:35.7162 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: awigesLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 19:03:35.7162 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 19:03:35.7162 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: awiges (76561198023007525) Disconnected. 19:03:37.3310 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Memeology passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199087435524, PlayerID: 176561199087435524 19:03:57.4147 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: vedo un italiano nel player list? 19:04:02.7314 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: LittleManWilliam successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 19:04:24.7179 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 19:04:27.3467 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:04:27.5023 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: yeah you guys left me at mars base 19:04:32.3524 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: while i was checking stuff 19:04:40.8369 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...525] (76561198023007525) Disconnected. 19:04:41.9133 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SatelNova9 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039500418, PlayerID: 176561198039500418 19:04:49.3702 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i had to repair her anyway:0 19:04:56.5687 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we only jumped 64km? 19:05:02.2039 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: LittleManWilliamLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 19:05:02.2039 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving LittleManWilliam meta data! 19:05:02.2039 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: LittleManWilliam (76561198271866532) Disconnected. 19:05:06.6117 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: back 19:05:13.5019 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 19:05:25.1851 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: John passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198152675318, PlayerID: 176561198152675318 19:05:27.3514 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:05:38.6423 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...532] (76561198271866532) Disconnected. 19:05:42.9489 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:should have added a auto repair projector anyway:0 19:05:50.7547 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kustard passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199333348863, PlayerID: 176561199333348863 19:06:27.3634 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:06:56.4020 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SatelNova9 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039500418, PlayerID: 176561198039500418 19:07:04.7901 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 19:07:25.1163 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we are only travelling 27km? 19:07:27.3637 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:07:27.5148 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:well, this is annoying:0 19:07:40.6576 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kustard passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199333348863, PlayerID: 176561199333348863 19:07:50.4451 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:my starter pod might have disappear within the last 3 days.:0 19:08:07.6359 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: only 27km? 19:08:11.7128 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: ye 19:08:16.0293 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: per second 19:08:21.0828 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:It was a little modified, so nothing lost, but that's still annoying:0 19:08:27.3758 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:08:27.8966 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: thats better 19:08:42.4087 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Siciliano93 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199351322836, PlayerID: 176561199351322836 19:09:09.2404 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: question for bish : so you're still playing SE or most of time you spare for SE i 19:09:17.1757 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: is to manage the serv ? 19:09:19.1864 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Onos:can the start drop pod fly or nah?:0 19:09:23.8004 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:yes:0 19:09:27.3883 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:09:31.5726 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:just not sideways unless you add a bit more thrust:0 19:09:33.2071 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Onos:how? Xd im a nub:0 19:09:41.3206 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:either a cockpit or remote control:0 19:09:43.9961 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: natalieCZ requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 19:09:44.0422 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 19:09:44.0422 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Viking Sector recieved! 19:09:44.0422 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198031237133 19:09:44.0502 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for jumper Target: X:1082353.34693331 Y:198676.8668938 Z:1574403.85419685 19:09:44.2168 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for jumper @ X:1082344.69 Y:198654.58 Z:1574370.24 19:09:44.2168 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198031237133 19:09:44.2168 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning natalieCZ into their cockpit! 19:09:51.0276 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198031237133 from 19:09:51.0397 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player natalieCZ joined (76561198031237133) 19:09:51.0397 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 19:09:51.0397 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 19:09:51.0397 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 19:09:51.0397 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 19:09:51.0397 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! natalieCZ shares the same IP address as Tirith 19:09:51.1761 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: natalieCZ successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 19:09:51.6755 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: natalieCZ has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 19:09:54.8003 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: ma perch� all'improvviso vedo tantissimi italiani (in confronto) nel PL 19:10:10.9702 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:lol, ciao:0 19:10:11.2612 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player natalieCZ ran command '!h save' 19:10:11.2792 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: jumper, Reason: Grid was Hangared 19:10:11.2792 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Serialization.GridSerializer: Saving grid @Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198031237133\jumper.sbc 19:10:11.3585 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to natalieCZ): Save Complete! 19:10:11.3585 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 19:10:23.6706 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Siciliano93:ciao a tutti:0 19:10:27.3919 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:10:33.3786 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: c'era un altro prima 19:10:37.4943 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: sembra che � uscito 19:10:41.1694 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Siciliano93:paolino?:0 19:10:46.8615 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: non me lo ricordo 19:10:49.1131 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:questo non me l'aspettavo:0 19:10:52.2679 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: della fazione vagabondi spaziali 19:10:53.8696 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Siciliano93:si si :0 19:11:06.8143 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Siciliano93:siamo anche infognati a costruire ahha:0 19:11:13.7074 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:hey satel, wanna come check how the moon outpost is :2 19:11:13.7074 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hey satel, wanna come check how the moon outpost is , Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:11:13.7074 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hey satel, wanna come check how the moon outpost is 19:11:17.3686 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198312443008 took: 2ms Total Grids Sent: 1 19:11:18.3841 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:?:2 19:11:18.3841 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:11:18.3841 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ? 19:11:19.8745 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {184C49602BA8C1B} Erakraz Access Panel that is not yet replicated on client 19:11:22.3162 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1CDE53E564C2A95} Erakraz Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 19:11:23.4708 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: the explorer is airtight 19:11:26.5648 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: im on the ship 19:11:27.3939 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:11:28.2344 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: yeah 19:11:31.2823 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: same 19:11:33.8888 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: abbiamo attraversato berlino 1945 due ore fa 19:11:45.7273 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:on the hunt for uranium:0 19:11:53.5363 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:gents i cant decide:0 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Prof. Gumby meta data! 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving natalieCZ meta data! 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 19:11:55.5501 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 19:11:55.5963 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9239kb Compressed: 425kb 19:11:56.0284 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: quindi satel sei italiano? 19:11:58.9116 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: non me lo aspettavo lol 19:11:59.5932 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:custom turrets again or regular turrets:0 19:12:01.2134 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Prof. GumbyLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 19:12:01.2134 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Prof. Gumby meta data! 19:12:01.2134 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Prof. Gumby (76561198015948525) Disconnected. 19:12:03.3699 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:hi, i was wondering wh/g:2 19:12:03.3699 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hi, i was wondering wh/g, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:12:03.3699 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hi, i was wondering wh/g 19:12:05.6777 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 19:12:07.1113 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: regular 19:12:13.5737 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:bruh hold on:2 19:12:13.5737 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bruh hold on, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:12:13.5737 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: bruh hold on 19:12:26.3231 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:stessa cosa di te top :D:0 19:12:27.4079 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:12:37.2097 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:ill probs go custom turret again:0 19:12:39.8470 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...525] (76561198015948525) Disconnected. 19:12:41.7715 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:just takes a bit to set up:0 19:12:48.3211 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:was wondering what happened to my first pod, it seems it's gone:2 19:12:48.3211 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: was wondering what happened to my first pod, it seems it's gone, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:12:48.3211 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: was wondering what happened to my first pod, it seems it's gone 19:12:59.2529 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: i think ima afk and stay on call 19:13:04.9338 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:now I spawned in earthmoon sector:2 19:13:04.9338 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: now I spawned in earthmoon sector, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:13:04.9338 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: now I spawned in earthmoon sector 19:13:15.7243 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:going to visit soon:2 19:13:15.7243 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: going to visit soon, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:13:15.7243 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: going to visit soon 19:13:19.5614 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: gli italiani hanno solo gli username pi� italiani possibile oppure come i nostri per cui non puoi distinguere 19:13:24.5839 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:but from spawn list i saw an entrance:2 19:13:24.5839 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but from spawn list i saw an entrance, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:13:24.5839 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: but from spawn list i saw an entrance 19:13:25.1956 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Szaman passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364154360, PlayerID: 176561198364154360 19:13:27.4082 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:13:45.2827 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: Siciliano93 in confronto a topnitel 19:13:48.9655 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 19:13:51.0155 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: ovv 19:14:27.4229 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:14:31.3813 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: you can jump while moving at speeds 19:14:36.7680 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: no need to slow down 19:14:43.0341 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mind passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030285965, PlayerID: 176561198030285965 19:15:00.7677 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 19:15:00.9373 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SatelNova9 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039500418, PlayerID: 176561198039500418 19:15:02.5848 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Szaman passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364154360, PlayerID: 176561198364154360 19:15:08.6141 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:hey there:2 19:15:08.6141 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hey there, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:15:08.6141 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hey there 19:15:21.5682 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: imma farm gold to bring it to space 19:15:27.4235 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:15:34.1940 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:that's an enemy radar:2 19:15:34.1940 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: that's an enemy radar, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:15:34.1940 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: that's an enemy radar 19:15:37.4700 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:I see you have been busy:2 19:15:37.4700 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I see you have been busy, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:15:37.4700 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I see you have been busy 19:15:40.9655 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:still working on it:2 19:15:40.9655 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: still working on it, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:15:40.9655 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: still working on it 19:15:42.8080 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yup:2 19:15:42.8080 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yup, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:15:42.8080 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yup 19:15:45.7680 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 19:16:01.1252 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mind passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030285965, PlayerID: 176561198030285965 19:16:02.4008 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PeachFlowerFabi passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030789657, PlayerID: 176561198030789657 19:16:15.3847 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: egirls? 19:16:16.6834 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:there's nthing back there yet:2 19:16:16.6834 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: there's nthing back there yet, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:16:16.6834 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: there's nthing back there yet 19:16:17.0141 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut_Female that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:17.2846 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Nuka cola): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 19:16:17.4603 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:18.0272 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:18.1326 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:18.1557 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:18.4186 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: outer 2 server thread cpu load going up to 600% for some reason 19:16:20.9636 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1CDE53E564C2A95} Erakraz Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:22.1780 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: oh 19:16:24.6111 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {184C49602BA8C1B} Erakraz Access Panel that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:27.4399 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:16:36.7985 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: had to be an egirl istg 19:16:41.2432 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:41.4178 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17F391E14F6FDBD} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:41.5683 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1B4DE77F8C59C9F} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:41.6225 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:41.6646 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:42.7687 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:43.9022 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1543B82CB4C4A75} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:44.0758 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Looking for reward... 19:16:44.0758 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!reward' 19:16:44.2334 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {133FFC5F77B0B61} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 19:16:44.2815 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Nuka cola): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 19:16:44.2815 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Nuka cola): Thanks for the vote! 19:16:52.7408 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: that is why femboys are better bros 19:17:06.5538 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 19:17:13.4542 [WARN] Keen: Sound on different thread , PlaySound 19:17:13.4542 [WARN] Keen: Sound on different thread , PlaySound 19:17:13.4542 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge: Is beacon position null? False 19:17:13.4542 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge.<>c.b__24_1(MyPlayer x) in E:\Torch MAIN\TorchGameServerPlugin\TorchGameServerPlugin\PlayerEvents\TheForge.cs:line 272 at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge.ForgeFoundMessage_OnForgeStarted(Int64 userid) in E:\Torch MAIN\TorchGameServerPlugin\TorchGameServerPlugin\PlayerEvents\TheForge.cs:line 271 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge.<>c.b__24_1(MyPlayer x) in E:\Torch MAIN\TorchGameServerPlugin\TorchGameServerPlugin\PlayerEvents\TheForge.cs:line 272 at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge.ForgeFoundMessage_OnForgeStarted(Int64 userid) in E:\Torch MAIN\TorchGameServerPlugin\TorchGameServerPlugin\PlayerEvents\TheForge.cs:line 271 19:17:23.1839 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Oh Nat...:0 19:17:27.4560 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:17:28.2674 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:always forging:0 19:17:29.1655 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:I was expecting an inside base, but not that big inside:2 19:17:29.1655 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I was expecting an inside base, but not that big inside, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:17:29.1655 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I was expecting an inside base, but not that big inside 19:17:32.8561 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: **purrrsss** 19:17:43.7652 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:true:0 19:17:45.3858 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: hmmmm 19:17:45.7898 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PeachFlowerFabi passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198030789657, PlayerID: 176561198030789657 19:17:47.1732 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: nat i would advise watching out for badman sound 19:17:47.6227 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: fake 19:17:49.2566 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: that was my reaction lmfao 19:17:51.1578 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:hi cobalt:0 19:17:56.7519 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:hopefully next time you visit ill have drones that are automatically dispatched when enemies get close:2 19:17:56.7519 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hopefully next time you visit ill have drones that are automatically dispatched when enemies get close, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:17:56.7519 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hopefully next time you visit ill have drones that are automatically dispatched when enemies get close 19:18:10.9397 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: both 19:18:13.8622 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: i have battleship here right front of forge, with 40 turrets and few gatlings 19:18:14.1131 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: schizophrenia 19:18:16.6076 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:would suggest some interior turrets inside to cover angles:2 19:18:16.6076 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: would suggest some interior turrets inside to cover angles, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:18:16.6076 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: would suggest some interior turrets inside to cover angles 19:18:20.5902 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: badman sound is welcome here 19:18:27.4557 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:18:27.5751 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: with full glory 19:18:31.2326 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:i got 2 but yes, i may need more:2 19:18:31.2326 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i got 2 but yes, i may need more, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:18:31.2326 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: i got 2 but yes, i may need more 19:18:34.7301 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:i will be there, but not ready printing yetr:0 19:18:40.5017 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:started today:0 19:18:54.6975 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: go mess with badman sound lmao takes some weight off of our shoulders 19:19:00.8340 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:mars forge?:0 19:19:01.6799 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:is it on mars? or above:0 19:19:09.0495 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: on mars 19:19:09.0956 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: on mars 19:19:10.0786 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:on:0 19:19:13.8581 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:oeh nice:0 19:19:15.7288 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:i may contest:0 19:19:16.3058 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: John passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198152675318, PlayerID: 176561198152675318 19:19:17.2691 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:best tip, thionk how would you raid this place and reinforce weak points :):2 19:19:17.2691 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: best tip, thionk how would you raid this place and reinforce weak points :), Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:19:17.2691 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: best tip, thionk how would you raid this place and reinforce weak points :) 19:19:19.3647 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: well 19:19:25.3481 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: -_- passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198015905674, PlayerID: 176561198015905674 19:19:25.8013 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:think*:2 19:19:25.8013 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: think*, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:19:25.8013 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: think* 19:19:26.1606 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: natalieCZ 19:19:26.2599 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: honestly ? i am here just with jetpack 19:19:27.4552 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:19:28.6981 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: laughshard 19:19:31.3084 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: but shhhh 19:19:52.5807 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yhea:2 19:19:52.5807 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yhea, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:19:52.5807 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yhea 19:19:52.7593 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: real 19:19:57.7938 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:i still have a lot to do:2 19:19:57.7938 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i still have a lot to do, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:19:57.7938 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: i still have a lot to do 19:19:58.9429 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: literally a fact 19:20:02.8263 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: right now rafining more them 1M of mangesium for ammunition :D 19:20:03.2092 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: they lie always 19:20:07.7566 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:oh god i wish i could find fucking uranium:0 19:20:15.5929 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: yes in real i arrived to mars with jetpack 19:20:27.4553 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:20:30.7090 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: anyways still watch out for any contesters on mars 19:20:40.7096 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ivanov.my.o passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199551404244, PlayerID: 176561199551404244 19:20:40.9139 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: BNG and MIM are quite the pain 19:20:48.1476 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: yes he is 19:20:55.3227 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: what is MIM? 19:21:01.4815 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we need to capture europa at some point, europa is the best place for refueling warships 19:21:05.4708 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:a bit shame I can't help you that much, i get to play very little this week, and little heads up, I won't be able to play on weekend:2 19:21:05.4708 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: a bit shame I can't help you that much, i get to play very little this week, and little heads up, I won't be able to play on weekend, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:21:05.4708 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: a bit shame I can't help you that much, i get to play very little this week, and little heads up, I won't be able to play on weekend 19:21:10.6645 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: sole player of name Badman Sound, faction stands for Mars is Mine 19:21:15.1811 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: for now yeah 19:21:18.6867 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:no problem:2 19:21:18.6867 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no problem, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:21:18.6867 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: no problem 19:21:20.4811 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: single handedly infiltrated our faction and destroyed our mars base 19:21:20.5175 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:right now im trying to test the warning system, but the assert.observer nearby stopped spawning drones for some reason:2 19:21:20.5175 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: right now im trying to test the warning system, but the assert.observer nearby stopped spawning drones for some reason, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:21:20.5175 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: right now im trying to test the warning system, but the assert.observer nearby stopped spawning drones for some reason 19:21:23.6648 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: thats what i meant by "at some point" 19:21:27.4571 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:21:30.5813 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: honestly i think staying in space is a good idea 19:21:35.9812 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: that is very rude 19:21:38.5318 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:might also be bugged:2 19:21:38.5318 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: might also be bugged, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:21:38.5318 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: might also be bugged 19:21:44.5814 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yhea:2 19:21:44.5814 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yhea, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:21:44.5814 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yhea 19:21:45.9484 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: a few hours ago we've just had a 3 hour fight 19:21:48.5607 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: at said base 19:21:52.5694 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:sometimes grids bug out and act in weird ways:2 19:21:52.5694 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: sometimes grids bug out and act in weird ways, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:21:52.5694 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: sometimes grids bug out and act in weird ways 19:21:54.0142 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: most of the time ive been on this server was in space 19:21:56.8150 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: why you dont wipe them? you have bigger number 19:22:01.3984 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: mamamia 19:22:03.6285 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ivanov.my.o passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199551404244, PlayerID: 176561199551404244 19:22:06.0902 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: me too 19:22:07.0963 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 19:22:09.2565 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: and its way easier to maintain ships in space compared to planets 19:22:09.6565 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: they are just two 19:22:12.6460 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:like not calling support or not shooting at you:2 19:22:12.6460 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: like not calling support or not shooting at you, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:22:12.6460 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: like not calling support or not shooting at you 19:22:12.9567 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: fuck gravity 19:22:15.9061 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: yeah it took us 3 hours to drive him away 19:22:20.0770 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: screw gravity 19:22:22.1921 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: damn 19:22:25.4088 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: our ground base was mostly unarmed we were packing to go away 19:22:27.4705 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:22:27.6592 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: legit 19:22:30.3298 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: oh 19:22:31.4337 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:its still shoots at me :2 19:22:31.4337 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its still shoots at me , Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:22:31.4337 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: its still shoots at me 19:22:33.0016 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: aha 19:22:36.8272 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: he lost all of his things tho 19:22:37.1514 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:sometimes they just fly straight with back thrusters pushing hard but not stopping:2 19:22:37.1514 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: sometimes they just fly straight with back thrusters pushing hard but not stopping, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:22:37.1514 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: sometimes they just fly straight with back thrusters pushing hard but not stopping 19:22:38.0266 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: YEAH 19:22:42.3169 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:it only doesnt talk or spawn drones:2 19:22:42.3169 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it only doesnt talk or spawn drones, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:22:42.3169 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: it only doesnt talk or spawn drones 19:22:44.9779 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: so did we just lose the things we were packing 19:22:51.0472 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:thats weird XD:2 19:22:51.0472 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thats weird XD, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:22:51.0472 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: thats weird XD 19:22:53.6135 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:don't know how static grids act:2 19:22:53.6135 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: don't know how static grids act, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:22:53.6135 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: don't know how static grids act 19:22:55.5829 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: but europa is good because g drives can work there and it has an atmosphere 19:23:00.1148 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: you dont need to be good you just need to not crash it fully 19:23:05.6146 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: just damage it a tiny bit 19:23:06.9258 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: :> 19:23:08.3346 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Rubsmeister:what are the strong unknown signals:0 19:23:15.4589 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: true 19:23:17.3757 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: strong unknown signals 19:23:19.3587 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: well second day after wipe i already had 16 gatlings and four turrets to defend tiny baseship 19:23:21.2886 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:nice miner btw:2 19:23:21.2886 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice miner btw, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:23:21.2886 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: nice miner btw 19:23:27.4722 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:23:28.2024 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:unknown signals of strong strength:0 19:23:29.4927 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: strong unknown signals 19:23:30.1261 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561199160020624] natalieCZ: you needs more assault towers 19:23:33.3663 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i wonder how my bike will feel tomorrow:0 19:23:36.0912 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:possible locations of other players within 40km:0 19:23:36.9432 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:eyy plat!:0 19:23:37.5087 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: signals that are strong but not known 19:23:41.2328 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:i found platinum:0 19:23:42.7994 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:thanks, its from Work Horse industries (workshop):2 19:23:42.7994 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thanks, its from Work Horse industries (workshop), Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:23:42.7994 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: thanks, its from Work Horse industries (workshop) 19:23:43.2340 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:^ :0 19:23:45.3090 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:means uranium might be nearby:0 19:23:48.0664 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:strong but not known tbh:0 19:24:03.0765 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Rubsmeister:some real fuckin comedians on here huh?:0 19:24:03.3464 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh no, inspector alex in online...:2 19:24:03.3464 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh no, inspector alex in online..., Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:24:03.3464 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh no, inspector alex in online... 19:24:09.1427 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: :3 19:24:09.7715 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:the :0 19:24:12.4200 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:really need to finish the warning system now:2 19:24:12.4200 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: really need to finish the warning system now, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:24:12.4200 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: really need to finish the warning system now 19:24:12.9394 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Tidist Gray:i thought its within 70km:0 19:24:14.9596 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: unknown which have signals strong 19:24:18.0092 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: well you have to start somewhere 19:24:18.2761 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: thank you 19:24:18.3871 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Pretty much:0 19:24:25.7687 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:im gonna go get some bots be right back:2 19:24:25.7687 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im gonna go get some bots be right back, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:24:25.7687 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: im gonna go get some bots be right back 19:24:27.4728 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:24:33.2448 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:bro is a goober:0 19:24:33.7291 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:welcome to torch:0 19:24:36.3263 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: are we gonna get moving? 19:24:42.8000 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:yo nat:0 19:24:43.4468 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Rubsmeister:im liking it so far:0 19:24:54.9998 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] SatelNova9:alright, I'm gonna check in outer if my first pod still gives signs or life (probably not):2 19:24:54.9998 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: alright, I'm gonna check in outer if my first pod still gives signs or life (probably not), Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:24:54.9998 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: alright, I'm gonna check in outer if my first pod still gives signs or life (probably not) 19:24:58.0393 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:^^:0 19:25:01.1796 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok:2 19:25:01.1796 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:25:01.1796 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 19:25:09.6496 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:if you know a signal it is no longer unknown because you know it:0 19:25:13.2037 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:yo Natalia:0 19:25:16.5597 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we aint arriving at the new base location at 0.2m/s are we? 19:25:18.0431 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: we are currently on a potentially 1 hour long odyssey in space 19:25:26.5359 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:however if you don't know the signal it isn't known and is therefor unknown:0 19:25:27.4878 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:25:37.3203 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: several dozen jumps, less than 100km each time 19:25:38.2040 [INFO] Chat: [Private:176561198031237133] topnitel: :D 19:25:45.0063 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:are you up for some fun?:0 19:26:01.1694 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SatelNova9 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039500418, PlayerID: 176561198039500418 19:26:03.9737 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: surely if the signal is unknown then it wont be strong? 19:26:23.0830 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: 5.0km 19:26:26.4078 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: or maybe the other way around 19:26:27.4881 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:26:29.0326 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 19:26:37.0336 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: 500.0km 19:26:38.0829 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: if a signal is strong how can it be unknown? 19:26:43.3673 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:sometimes the strongest signal is unknown to us all :0 19:26:43.4506 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Siciliano93 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199351322836, PlayerID: 176561199351322836 19:26:45.3674 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: yet can a signal be strong and unknown if its strenght is known to be strong? 19:26:48.6096 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Starmaster24: 5000.0km 19:26:55.8734 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 19:26:55.8734 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 19:26:55.8734 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 19:26:55.8734 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 19:26:55.8734 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 19:26:55.8734 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 19:26:55.8764 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 19:26:55.8764 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving natalieCZ meta data! 19:26:55.8764 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 19:26:55.8764 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 19:26:55.8764 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 19:26:55.8764 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 19:26:55.9296 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9352kb Compressed: 430kb 19:26:58.5612 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:its supposed to be unknown source:0 19:27:00.7128 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:SPRT drone facility:0 19:27:02.5844 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Memeology:very funny:0 19:27:03.5329 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:signal is known:0 19:27:06.7561 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: 547 km 19:27:07.9244 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 19:27:10.3918 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:Nat�lie, co se takhle pobavit? :P:0 19:27:13.1338 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: maybe the strong unknown signal was the friends we made along the way 19:27:19.3050 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 19:27:20.3392 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] First Consul:shrodinger's signal:0 19:27:24.2843 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: endless faction chat you goober 19:27:27.5023 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:27:28.2004 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: aha 19:27:28.8175 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: maybe it was the enemies we made along the signal 19:27:32.1337 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: schrodinger* 19:27:44.0008 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: schrodinger's sing* 19:27:48.8506 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: or maybe the signal we made along the way? 19:27:59.4625 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: maybe the way we made along the signal 19:28:08.8343 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: does it mean that The one signal is real? 19:28:09.5016 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SatelNova9 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039500418, PlayerID: 176561198039500418 19:28:09.6265 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:I knew a signal once:0 19:28:27.5219 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:28:28.5922 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] First Consul:the One Signal to rule them all:0 19:28:29.4759 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: can you be my signal? 19:28:33.2421 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SatelNova9 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039500418, PlayerID: 176561198039500418 19:28:41.0759 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: OOPS 19:28:48.3931 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: i left all my signal in one place 19:28:53.8595 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: you just have to find it 19:29:07.4706 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:me when my bag of known signals springs a leak -> :(:0 19:29:14.6754 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: yummy 19:29:27.5370 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:29:32.5734 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: i will eat unknown signal 19:29:43.1289 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: i seem to have lost my strong signal now its unknown 19:29:46.3956 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: at this point im going full schizo 19:29:54.4790 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: .f 19:29:59.7805 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 19:29:59.7976 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199385980474 19:29:59.8939 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for -RWC-USS ROGERS Target: X:66252.2441787447 Y:-1703177.51010371 Z:53974.5240212001 19:30:00.1899 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: relatabeee 19:30:00.4147 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for -RWC-USS ROGERS @ X:66322.9426264937 Y:-1703145.99312192 Z:53953.0770498283 19:30:00.4147 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198225400408 19:30:00.4147 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Tekura into their cockpit! 19:30:00.8016 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder30min' 19:30:00.8147 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 30 minutes.' 19:30:00.8147 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [30 minutes]." 5000 Red' 19:30:04.0969 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: I am remaking a frigate atm nat 19:30:11.6855 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SatelNova9 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039500418, PlayerID: 176561198039500418 19:30:12.7352 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198225400408 from 19:30:12.7699 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Tekura joined (76561198225400408) 19:30:12.7699 [INFO] BlockLimiter.Settings.PlayerTimeModule: Logging time for player Tekura 19:30:12.7699 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 19:30:12.7699 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 19:30:12.7699 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 19:30:12.7699 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 19:30:12.8552 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 19:30:15.8354 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: fake 19:30:17.2192 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: the signal knows where it was at sometimes 19:30:27.5375 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:30:32.5533 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 19:30:35.7802 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: the strong unknown signals on mars is the forge ? 19:30:42.4142 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: whats your favourite signal? 19:30:44.8173 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: SatelNova9 requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 19:30:44.8484 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 19:30:44.8484 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Outer space recieved! 19:30:44.8635 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198039500418 19:30:44.8635 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Respawn Space Pod Target: X:-1084422.77904939 Y:876346.919598688 Z:-586650.820387861 19:30:44.8996 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Respawn Space Pod @ X:-1084423.82065768 Y:876352.794629299 Z:-586657.220510739 19:30:44.8996 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198039500418 19:30:44.8996 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning SatelNova9 into their cockpit! 19:30:51.7690 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198039500418 from 19:30:51.7971 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player SatelNova9 joined (76561198039500418) 19:30:51.7971 [INFO] BlockLimiter.Settings.PlayerTimeModule: Logging time for player SatelNova9 19:30:51.7971 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 19:30:51.7971 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 19:30:51.7981 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 19:30:51.7981 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 19:30:51.9135 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: SatelNova9 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 19:30:52.6306 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: SatelNova9 has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 19:30:57.5954 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: want a signal? 19:31:00.2293 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: The missile knows where it is at all times. 19:31:01.3980 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:I doubt the unknown signal is on the amrs forge because that the forge is known?:0 19:31:02.4392 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kazi2429 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198444352683, PlayerID: 176561198444352683 19:31:11.8591 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:maybe @Qweller has the answers?:0 19:31:18.1805 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 45627ms (379ms CPU) 19:31:18.1805 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 19:31:18.3096 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 19:31:27.5505 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:31:29.0724 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: stop being philosophical i failed philosophy bro 19:31:31.3054 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: Alex are you an strong unknown signal? 19:31:34.7055 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: or am i 19:31:47.3242 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: /F 19:31:47.4838 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player SatelNova9 ran command '!grids list' 19:31:50.0154 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: /F 19:31:50.0154 [INFO] Chat: [GlobalScripted:176561199209849561] Good.bot: You tried sending the same message within a short amount of time. Message not sent. 19:31:58.8725 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: I AM NOT FLIRTING 19:32:03.7156 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:I am very strong so maybe I am the source of these signals :0 19:32:08.5412 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 19:32:11.7077 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: xD 19:32:21.3576 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Starmaster24: wtf is going on in chat, xD 19:32:21.7911 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Tekura successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 19:32:22.6416 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: i am going to kill myself 19:32:27.5634 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:32:29.9077 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: if hes a strong unknown signal he isnt an unknown signal because he is alex 19:32:31.6459 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 19:32:31.6459 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefliLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 19:32:31.6459 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 19:32:31.6459 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: jefli (76561198312443008) Disconnected. 19:32:33.8584 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: we at _AI take things very seriously 19:32:34.4832 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 19:32:36.4248 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Starmaster24: Endless why are you flirting with our enemy? xD 19:32:36.6917 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: :thumbs_up: 19:32:40.4527 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: will there be events of something ? 19:32:40.6323 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: im not 19:32:42.3740 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: IM NOT 19:32:44.6232 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: IM NOT!!! 19:32:46.6408 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: SHUTUP 19:32:47.2655 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 19:32:55.2071 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] SatelNova9: welp, i wanted to have a starting position for monday, but i guess I'll do it next week 19:33:02.1600 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: there will be unknown signal 19:33:03.8356 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: endless currently malding in faction chat about him not flirting 19:33:04.1818 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:XD:2 19:33:04.1818 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: XD, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:33:04.1818 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: XD 19:33:07.5736 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: real 19:33:19.3927 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ryan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198138309443, PlayerID: 176561198138309443 19:33:20.6944 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: i will crash this ship if you dont shut up 19:33:20.8640 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: word 19:33:27.5749 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:33:30.1430 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex::3 _AI :0 19:33:38.3231 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: *dies* 19:33:42.6214 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198039500418 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 19:33:45.4998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: SatelNova9 Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 19:33:45.5490 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 19:33:45.5490 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 28 19:33:45.5490 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 19:33:46.3176 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: SatelNova9Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 19:33:46.3176 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving SatelNova9 meta data! 19:33:46.3176 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: SatelNova9 (76561198039500418) Disconnected. 19:33:50.9824 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: kys (keep yourself safe) 19:33:52.3497 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: i will unknown signal you 19:33:53.2615 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SatelNova9 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039500418, PlayerID: 176561198039500418 19:34:00.6330 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: :) 19:34:10.5660 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: can you join a faction and be mostly independant ? 19:34:13.7829 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: >:( 19:34:17.3537 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: idk 19:34:21.2405 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: it depends 19:34:21.7740 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ryan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198138309443, PlayerID: 176561198138309443 19:34:24.2244 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: depends 19:34:26.5628 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: >>>>:(((( 19:34:27.5809 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:34:29.2288 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: if all fails become a unknown signal 19:34:32.9174 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: what Faction you join I quess 19:34:41.9373 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:_ai when BNG paints their entire base purple and eats it -> >:(:0 19:34:44.0458 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: i just want friends 19:34:46.2681 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] SatelNova9:and i have to go now. see you later:2 19:34:46.2681 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and i have to go now. see you later, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 19:34:46.2681 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: and i have to go now. see you later 19:34:46.5622 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: jefli passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198312443008, PlayerID: 176561198312443008 19:34:50.5192 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok:2 19:34:50.5192 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:34:50.5192 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 19:34:51.7933 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:bye:2 19:34:51.7933 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bye, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 19:34:51.7933 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: bye 19:34:56.8717 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198312443008 from 19:34:56.8927 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player jefli joined (76561198312443008) 19:34:56.8927 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 19:34:56.8927 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 19:34:56.8927 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 19:34:56.8927 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 19:34:57.6614 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 19:34:59.7067 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: bng when safezone 19:35:00.4304 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: lets begin the strong unknown signal sigma grind 19:35:14.1399 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: well personaly I think would be best if you joined some of the smaller factions 19:35:18.1271 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: for ballance 19:35:18.6740 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:I can't see any unknown signals, I must know them all?:0 19:35:19.3584 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Onos:how do u build a station?:0 19:35:25.6561 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: we need to be based and not flirt with the enemy 19:35:25.7845 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: yeah 19:35:27.5960 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:35:32.7037 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Ryan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198138309443, PlayerID: 176561198138309443 19:35:40.8975 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: based unknown signal moment 19:35:43.2575 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:topnitel we've never based in a safezone:0 19:35:44.2806 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefli successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 19:35:46.6304 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: was thinking of making a faction with a bunch of solo players but all we have in common is a space station or something 19:35:46.7016 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: jefli has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 19:35:59.5773 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: I see 19:36:04.2605 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: Good luck then 19:36:11.4337 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: ? 19:36:13.4605 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: name it unknown signal fans 19:36:14.4104 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: ? 19:36:14.4104 [INFO] Chat: [GlobalScripted:176561199209849561] Good.bot: You tried sending the same message within a short amount of time. Message not sent. 19:36:18.2937 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: im afk 19:36:19.7273 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: defo 19:36:22.0208 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: RWC is more teamwork focused and more PVP focused 19:36:27.5968 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:36:28.7550 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: im so bored lmao 19:36:33.0555 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:signal lore:0 19:36:36.4041 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: the schizophrenia is going out 19:36:39.5046 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on bob2. 19:36:39.5046 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 19:36:41.5399 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid bob2 for cut & paste! 19:36:41.5399 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 2987 for cut & paste! 19:36:41.5399 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 8278 for cut & paste! 19:36:41.5399 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 9079 for cut & paste! 19:36:41.5399 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 4070 for cut & paste! 19:36:41.5399 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 6603 for cut & paste! 19:36:41.5399 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 1445 for cut & paste! 19:36:41.5399 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Ship was fixed! 19:36:41.5399 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Nuka cola started! 19:36:41.5399 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 19:36:49.8344 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: what is inside the nuclear warhead 19:36:59.7509 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: Funny ore 19:37:01.4841 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: a signal 19:37:04.8142 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: McChicken passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198128329065, PlayerID: 176561198128329065 19:37:09.3202 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 19:37:09.7036 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: a strong signal 19:37:11.8532 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: lick it and you will have energy for days 19:37:13.4530 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: no, fumos 19:37:24.8870 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: who here is unknown 19:37:25.6617 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: there is a fumo inside the nuclear warhead 19:37:27.5976 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:37:27.8179 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: and a signal 19:37:30.7098 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't. 19:37:39.9036 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: nooooooo 19:37:44.3032 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: oh god 19:37:46.1532 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: stop it :P 19:37:51.5373 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: does the missile know where i am though 19:38:02.1037 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: it just knows 19:38:03.4038 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: signal lore https://spaceengineers.fandom.com/wiki/Unknown_Signals 19:38:04.3611 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] First Consul:the missile knows where you are and is rapidly approaching your location:0 19:38:07.6369 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: McChicken passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198128329065, PlayerID: 176561198128329065 19:38:09.3530 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: well it knows where itself is by subtracting where it isn't 19:38:11.6698 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: then tell it to hurry 19:38:19.7950 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:signal lore in real life?:0 19:38:23.7200 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:245570544749086519] natalieCZ: kuk 19:38:24.2368 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: i want to hug a missile.mp4 19:38:27.6113 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:38:38.8368 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: who here is signal 19:38:38.9698 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: STAR I FUCKED YOUR MOTHER 19:38:42.7704 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: oops cat stepped on keyboard 19:38:44.3204 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: WHAT 19:38:47.7541 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: LMAO WHAT 19:38:51.8201 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Nuka cola still running! 319 seconds remaining! 19:38:51.8201 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Command is still on cooldown for 319 seconds. 19:38:51.8201 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 19:38:53.5363 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Nuka cola still running! 318 seconds remaining! 19:38:53.5363 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Command is still on cooldown for 318 seconds. 19:38:53.5363 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 19:38:59.2226 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:signal unknowns in your area?:0 19:39:05.7460 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:so many drones, my guns are going off every few minutes. scares me.:0 19:39:19.1704 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tekura: lol 19:39:26.3225 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: SPRT ? 19:39:27.6277 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:39:34.8360 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: no unknown signales only ultrakill 19:39:38.8262 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:the trick is to become friendly with SPRT by raiding a shitload of players:0 19:39:40.6196 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: pov you watch a pirated movie: there are 10 lonely signals in your area 19:39:41.0521 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: sisyphus prime fist only 19:39:42.0030 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: longshena 19:39:48.3602 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: -RWC-USS ROGERS, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 19:39:48.3602 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199385980474 19:39:48.4836 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Tekura Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 19:39:48.4927 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: -RWC-USS ROGERS is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: GOD SECTOR [Tekura:76561198225400408 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 19:39:52.0663 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: TekuraLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 19:39:52.0663 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Tekura meta data! 19:39:52.0813 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Tekura (76561198225400408) Disconnected. 19:39:53.0979 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: meh 19:39:53.8812 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: not me 19:40:02.3975 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: ME 19:40:03.3811 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Elvis Chesney passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198061728446, PlayerID: 176561198061728446 19:40:06.2308 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: i will possibly end up crashing the ship 19:40:17.0818 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: im good at piloting 19:40:18.6478 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: if is it SPRT use spawn pod and ram their drone ship or dronebase, they will not stop 19:40:18.9860 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:yeah SPRT Nat:0 19:40:25.6982 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: why would you trust me 19:40:27.6428 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:40:35.6650 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: good oint 19:40:36.1482 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: or put on something small assault tower and destroy that bastards from far distance 19:40:46.9310 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: its schizoposting time 19:40:53.9481 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: need help? 19:40:58.1106 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:thanks for the advice:0 19:41:07.2312 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: there are 11 unknown signals in your area click here to chat to them: 19:41:08.9984 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: i can bring you some magnezium if you dont have 19:41:10.2950 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:no, i got it. :0 19:41:12.7649 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: okay 19:41:21.3428 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] HairyHarry:I will say its wise to gain rep with SPRT considering the station reduction :0 19:41:27.6462 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:41:28.0316 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: trainwreck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199176080737, PlayerID: 176561199176080737 19:41:46.0318 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: rip drones 19:41:55.9771 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 19:41:55.9771 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 19:41:55.9771 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 19:41:55.9771 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 19:41:55.9771 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 19:41:55.9771 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 19:41:55.9771 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 19:41:55.9771 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving natalieCZ meta data! 19:41:55.9771 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 19:41:55.9771 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 19:41:55.9771 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 19:41:55.9771 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 19:41:56.0243 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9263kb Compressed: 427kb 19:41:58.1582 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: take away their life previledges 19:41:58.8917 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Onos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198066474744, PlayerID: 176561198066474744 19:42:03.6859 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:i don't really attack other players. i perfer to make friends unless we are fighting for a forge or something:0 19:42:07.3757 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: dodged 19:42:10.0679 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 19:42:17.0421 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tekura passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198225400408, PlayerID: 176561198225400408 19:42:27.6586 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:42:27.6917 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: shutup 19:42:39.1761 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Onos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198066474744, PlayerID: 176561198066474744 19:43:00.9860 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: are there any signals here? 19:43:18.9485 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: endless stop trying to get signals smh 19:43:27.6590 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:43:28.1708 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: you have no signals holo 19:43:35.5818 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: trainwreck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199176080737, PlayerID: 176561199176080737 19:43:41.8557 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:only nerds want to know things:0 19:43:44.2243 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: i dont like signals i like unknown signals 19:44:02.1577 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Onos:anyway to toggle chat off?:0 19:44:12.8823 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: close eyes 19:44:18.5485 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on bob2. 19:44:18.5485 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 19:44:19.6820 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: imagine having signal preferences 19:44:21.5993 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid bob2 for cut & paste! 19:44:21.5993 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 2987 for cut & paste! 19:44:21.5993 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 8278 for cut & paste! 19:44:21.5993 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 9079 for cut & paste! 19:44:21.5993 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 4070 for cut & paste! 19:44:21.5993 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 6603 for cut & paste! 19:44:21.5993 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 1445 for cut & paste! 19:44:21.5993 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Ship was fixed! 19:44:21.5993 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Nuka cola started! 19:44:21.5993 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 19:44:21.6234 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:why toggle chat off?:0 19:44:26.4252 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:chat is where we learn :0 19:44:27.5782 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Onos:iz biig:0 19:44:27.6592 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:44:33.5849 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [22] Tekura:Bruh, how to I know where the forge is lol:0 19:44:39.9022 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: find it lmao 19:44:42.3041 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:any way to get waypoints to go to the edge of my screen instead of that annoying oval?:0 19:44:54.9082 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [22] Tekura:good point:0 19:45:00.1088 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder15min' 19:45:00.1199 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 15 minutes.' 19:45:00.1199 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [15 minutes]." 5000 Red' 19:45:03.4528 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: HOLO you have no signals 19:45:12.5516 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: no u 19:45:15.5016 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: ez 19:45:15.6040 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: no u 19:45:18.2268 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: ez 19:45:19.7690 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: ratio 19:45:26.2852 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: no u ^2 19:45:27.6736 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:45:32.5856 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: NO U X10 19:45:44.3851 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: � 19:45:51.4853 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: no u x 8 but the eight is sideways 19:45:55.7356 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: what 19:45:57.9023 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: unfair 19:45:59.0585 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: i dont even know 19:46:00.0486 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: illefal 19:46:01.5871 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: 8=== 19:46:10.1353 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: AYOOOOOO 19:46:27.6739 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:46:29.6353 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: . 19:46:35.6186 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: communism funny 19:46:41.4689 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: _AI sings Red sun in the sky 19:46:49.5688 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: make it a video 19:47:10.8857 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 19:47:13.5342 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge: Inventory is null? False 19:47:13.5342 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge: CargoContainer is null? False 19:47:27.6783 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:47:29.2463 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: gnat 19:47:29.3968 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: the _AI vc is currently singing Red Sun in the Sky 19:47:32.4687 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: in perfect chinese 19:47:35.2846 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: yes 19:47:37.8066 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: communsim 19:47:44.7350 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: fr tho 19:47:49.0685 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Elvis Chesney passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198061728446, PlayerID: 176561198061728446 19:47:57.6016 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: truly the gamers of all time 19:48:02.1186 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: RaginisLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 19:48:02.1186 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Raginis meta data! 19:48:02.1186 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Raginis has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198049494804 19:48:08.8351 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: ? 19:48:26.8179 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: did you say germans? 19:48:27.2624 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i'm comarad jefli 19:48:27.6784 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:48:31.8188 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: moyai 19:48:44.7343 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Elvis Chesney passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198061728446, PlayerID: 176561198061728446 19:48:46.4017 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: OW 19:48:49.2119 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: lmao 19:48:52.1890 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: you said german 19:48:53.8684 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: ear deletion 19:49:05.3355 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: where we go 19:49:10.6855 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: hell 19:49:27.6908 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:49:47.5856 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we are 19:50:00.8684 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Restart10' 19:50:00.8855 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!restart 600 true' 19:50:15.8684 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: goddamn 19:50:16.1133 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: ram with the drills 19:50:19.6293 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: all my containers ful 19:50:27.6910 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:50:30.1578 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: "full of lies" 19:50:47.2106 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Malerfrosch3809Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 19:50:47.2106 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Malerfrosch3809 meta data! 19:50:47.2106 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Malerfrosch3809 has been successfully synced with ID: 176561199058543479 19:51:27.6911 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:52:08.0608 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: ah yes us specifically are the test rats 19:52:11.6984 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 19:52:20.7215 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:the pertam people:0 19:52:27.7061 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:52:28.4537 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 19:52:28.9209 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 19:52:29.3876 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 19:52:31.1438 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: im stopping here 19:52:39.2620 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: is the server self aware and wanting to shut down 19:52:51.2259 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: based honestly 19:52:53.5793 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:how long will the restart be :0 19:52:57.3630 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: gulag 19:53:01.0891 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: build a gulag 19:53:10.0002 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: build a gulag 19:53:10.0002 [INFO] Chat: [GlobalScripted:176561199163508488] Good.bot: You tried sending the same message within a short amount of time. Message not sent. 19:53:18.9771 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] First Consul:how long is the day/night cyle?:0 19:53:22.6926 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: yes 19:53:27.7065 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:53:29.8425 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: the machine is sentient 19:53:33.8091 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: this is our downfall 19:53:40.5215 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:are we meant to be restarting now?:0 19:53:44.3261 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: chat gpt has awakened 19:54:20.2087 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:wait so when will the restart be:0 19:54:27.7064 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:54:28.9895 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: this good? 19:54:31.3599 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: american, fuck yeah !!!! 19:54:33.7985 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:didnt you skip restart bish?:0 19:54:42.2195 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: AAA 19:54:46.1028 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: american jumpscare 19:54:46.8861 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: AMERICA 19:54:50.3291 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:I JUST SNEEZED:0 19:54:57.4304 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:nive:0 19:54:58.1359 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: need to put that to the sound board 19:55:03.3196 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: ok bless you 19:55:05.4191 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: curse you 19:55:06.2420 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:dont run with nive:0 19:55:10.7787 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i'm giving wrong idea 19:55:10.9639 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: ight this good? 19:55:14.7358 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Malerfrosch3809 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199058543479, PlayerID: 176561199058543479 19:55:15.8463 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:nice:0 19:55:23.1689 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: run with scissors is a good idea 19:55:27.7066 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:55:34.2248 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:so restart or not?:0 19:55:37.1031 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: the unknown signals are having their revenge 19:55:58.0363 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: the unknown signals are making themselves known and taking their power back 19:55:58.4527 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: the unknown signals are controlling the restart cycel 19:56:03.7862 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: send help 19:56:06.9590 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:scissors are just knives for rich people tbh:0 19:56:11.1561 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:high chance its not gonna restart this time:0 19:56:19.5159 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: spin 19:56:21.4833 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: i do 19:56:21.5295 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: drugs 19:56:21.6991 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: 100kg of uranium in loot? seriously? it not make sence use forge anymore 19:56:25.0999 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: DRUGS 19:56:25.7662 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: will rather mine it 19:56:26.2665 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: its about like drugs 19:56:26.5826 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: DRUSG 19:56:27.7212 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:56:29.2500 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: DUGS 19:56:34.5331 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: DROOGS 19:56:41.2495 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: travel 4000km for 100kg uranium is sad 19:56:44.5702 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: endless no you're not getting any 19:56:49.8562 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:sorry i missed you btw:0 19:56:52.4790 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 19:56:53.2734 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:got distracted:0 19:56:55.3141 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 19:56:55.3141 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 19:56:55.3141 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 19:56:55.3141 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 19:56:55.3141 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 19:56:55.3141 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 19:56:55.3141 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 19:56:55.3141 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving natalieCZ meta data! 19:56:55.3141 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 19:56:55.3141 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 19:56:55.3141 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 19:56:55.3141 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 19:56:55.3602 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9284kb Compressed: 428kb 19:57:06.6100 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: (he watched too many unknown signals) 19:57:12.5261 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 19:57:24.4282 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:watch too many unknown signals and you start to wonder what IS known:0 19:57:27.7281 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:57:27.8886 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: whotunda 19:57:30.8824 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto thesnap' 19:57:30.8944 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Cleaning up unowned, unpowered and abandoned grids and turning off performance-affecting blocks...' 19:57:30.8944 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Timerblock' 19:57:33.4491 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 19:57:34.8882 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 1 done!' 19:57:34.8993 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Projector' 19:57:38.8900 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 2 done!' 19:57:38.9040 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type ShipWelder' 19:57:41.9738 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: # 19:57:42.8906 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 3 done!' 19:57:42.8976 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Drill' 19:57:43.9549 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:crap:0 19:57:43.9910 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: server said no 19:57:46.8903 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 4 done!' 19:57:46.8983 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off subtype SmallPistonBase' 19:57:47.4071 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: lol 19:57:48.6903 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: scammer gets scammed 19:57:50.0482 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Bishh:0 19:57:50.8908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 5 done!' 19:57:50.8978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off subtype LargePistonBase' 19:57:54.8906 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 6 done!' 19:57:54.8976 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type MotorStator' 19:57:58.8909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 7 done!' 19:57:58.8969 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type MotorAdvancedStator' 19:58:00.2764 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 19:58:00.2764 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefliLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 19:58:00.2764 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 19:58:00.2764 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: jefli (76561198312443008) Disconnected. 19:58:02.8254 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: THE SERVER IS AN INDEPENDENT BEING 19:58:02.8916 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 8 done!' 19:58:02.8916 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type ShipGrinder' 19:58:05.1426 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Little warning next time xD:0 19:58:06.8909 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 9 done!' 19:58:06.8979 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Refinery' 19:58:10.8910 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 10 done!' 19:58:10.8980 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Assembler' 19:58:14.8906 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 11 done!' 19:58:14.8926 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!faction clean 1' 19:58:18.9069 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 12 done!' 19:58:18.9109 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!gridcleanup 14' 19:58:22.9075 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 13 done!' 19:58:22.9075 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 127967515912906862: Large Grid 6862 19:58:22.9075 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 101012508476688341: Container MK-4 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 119856881049919884: Large Grid 1768 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 80226145952336144: Skyheart Debree 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 103237271672770029: Large Grid 8124 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 127770432554486301: Skyheart Debree 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 130007150176809419: Large Grid 9419 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 84058938249262048: Container MK-11 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 142052774492315681: Debris 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 86538111114216278: Static Grid 6278 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 77670561016967781: Stingray Debree 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 82519898912941970: Large Grid 3797 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 94534737481763156: Static Grid 3156 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 86492886653231109: Skyheart Debree 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 128047851650435008: Static Grid 5008 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 127242966714203138: Container MK-15 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 88609465463741504: Static Grid 1504 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 89351505532345947: Large Grid 6106 19:58:22.9316 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 83119585400930117: CargoShip_Mining2 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 106885403210761708: Debris 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 131027399822097357: Large Grid 7157 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 88518789066996828: Large Grid 9515 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 128694633028272392: Debris 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 115933990225767782: Skyheart Debree 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 144093338604528686: Small Grid 8686 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 83202084847591130: Debris 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 83065820275525842: Debris 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 86967309453907627: Skyheart Debree 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 137925111380822344: Static Grid 2344 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 78179857037516765: Skyheart Debree 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 83797274393091597: Container MK-3 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 129535789119850669: Static Grid 669 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 108757272989589467: Static Grid 9467 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 130051496916682061: Container MK-9 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 87171665997635739: Debris 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 139145969327460700: Static Grid 700 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 72201106417662593: Skyheart Debree 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 88952103181055048: Skyheart Debree 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 88668011939156119: Stingray Debree 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 80957186782023631: Debris 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 111686616897587520: Container MK-12 19:58:22.9387 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 78418411863799695: Large Grid 7062 19:58:22.9547 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 111973187867655588: Encounter Blue frame 19:58:22.9547 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 130474065565751724: Container MK-11 19:58:22.9547 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 44 grids matching conditions ownedby, nobody 19:58:22.9547 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete ownedby nobody' 19:58:26.8972 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 14 done!' 19:58:26.8972 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 101546740892728631: Small Grid 8631 19:58:26.8972 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 111847421182086596: Large Grid 583 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 128400653005640432: Large Grid 9353 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 142792170184358972: Large Grid 8194 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 76458552934256817: Static Grid 6817 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 143424948326087286: Large Grid 9836 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 75474304521913019: Large Grid 3019 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 99013740895846771: Large Grid 6771 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 98153174182013513: Large Grid 2278 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 138008858152517399: Gravity Missile 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 76062930026794328: Static Grid 4328 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 94088532818970093: Small Grid 93 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 75109825686942428: Large Grid 1701 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 106183558163868454: (NPC-ACS) Quasi Modo Mk1-AT2 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 14 grids matching conditions nopower 19:58:26.9092 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete nopower' 19:58:27.7353 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:58:28.1814 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: jefli passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198312443008, PlayerID: 176561198312443008 19:58:29.3521 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from God Sector recieved! 19:58:29.3678 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199385980474 19:58:29.4661 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for -RWC-USS ROGERS Target: X:42916.6778085053 Y:-1992285.20628202 Z:57352.8997688905 19:58:29.8561 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for -RWC-USS ROGERS @ X:42900.8658276171 Y:-1992318.25244132 Z:57424.3805038348 19:58:29.8561 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198225400408 19:58:29.8561 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Tekura into their cockpit! 19:58:30.3383 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Tidist Gray:A.I will take over us all:0 19:58:30.9233 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 15 done!' 19:58:30.9233 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 16 done!' 19:58:30.9233 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 139430126049315108: Salvage Drone 19:58:30.9233 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 117999733264071731: (NPC-ACS) Sojourner-AT1 19:58:30.9233 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 85082667714747102: (NPC-ACS) Spire 01-AT2 19:58:30.9233 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 142413132225945152: Small Grid 5152 19:58:30.9233 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 89076722816236539: (NPC-ACS) WHI - Cargo Transport-AT1 19:58:30.9233 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 142646555289804073: (NPC-ACS) ACM Hecate-AT1 19:58:30.9233 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 98079532112570308: R.U.S.T. Freighter 19:58:30.9384 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 98082206153309885: (NPC-ACS) JXS Valle Crewsis -AT1 19:58:30.9384 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 85320623824854193: (NPC-ACS) The Voyager-AT1 19:58:30.9384 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 108035501385071602: (NPC-ACS) Freshmaker 01 19:58:30.9384 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 95153602845363840: (NPC-ACS) AnIn 'Columbus' 01-AT1 19:58:30.9555 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 90406982124566793: (NPC-ACS) The Hammerhead-AT2 19:58:30.9555 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 124147593140116284: Encounter Vulture vessel 19:58:30.9555 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 94129019586473719: Encounter Constructor mk.2 19:58:30.9555 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 75921833196382039: Salvage Drone 19:58:30.9555 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 95949303230397346: (NPC-ACS) WKZ-LG Skeletor 01-AT2 19:58:30.9555 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 127400978787984716: Encounter Vulture vessel 19:58:30.9555 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 128447638785758104: Small Grid 8104 19:58:30.9555 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 87956973613596953: Encounter Salvage station 19:58:30.9555 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 19 grids matching conditions hasownertype, NPC, hasgridtype, SHIP, playerdistancegreaterthan, 800 19:58:30.9555 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete hasownertype NPC hasgridtype SHIP playerdistancegreaterthan 800' 19:58:34.8995 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 17 done!' 19:58:34.8995 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 137096128662613828: Encounter Skyheart 19:58:34.8995 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 81248734911493686: Encounter Mercenary Wreckage 19:58:34.8995 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 105866405869054885: Encounter Skyheart 19:58:34.8995 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 120642220193205698: Encounter Debris 19:58:34.8995 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 84462750408398118: Encounter Mining Outpost 19:58:34.8995 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 132497262102974236: Encounter small cargo vessel 19:58:34.8995 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 108741179388436941: Encounter Mining Outpost 19:58:34.8995 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 77964771003032790: Encounter Stingray II 19:58:34.8995 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 8 grids matching conditions hasownertype, NPC, name, Encounter, playerdistancegreaterthan, 800 19:58:34.8995 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete hasownertype NPC name Encounter playerdistancegreaterthan 800' 19:58:38.8998 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 18 done!' 19:58:38.8998 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Cleaning finished.' 19:58:38.9319 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198312443008 from 19:58:38.9499 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player jefli joined (76561198312443008) 19:58:38.9499 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 19:58:38.9499 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 19:58:38.9499 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 19:58:38.9499 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 19:58:39.0332 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 19:58:40.8166 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: real 19:58:43.9833 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] H0lo: my role is doing nothing unless asked to do anything in that case i do something and then go back to doing nothing 19:58:45.7832 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: lier 19:58:48.0281 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:no prob:0 19:58:49.2335 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: pay me money now 19:58:50.2279 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:let it go:0 19:58:50.3841 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: bishbash fail 19:58:50.7433 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:Maybe the server likes cleaning:0 19:58:55.1981 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:let it restart xD:0 19:58:56.4336 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: its the chat gpt revolution oh no 19:58:57.8632 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:bish is fighting the machines:0 19:59:00.3490 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:get to the cryo!:0 19:59:00.4001 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: bish needs to pay me money 19:59:02.7982 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:we all expected it anyway:0 19:59:06.9667 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: for fake non restart 19:59:07.3008 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefli successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 19:59:09.1514 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: jefli has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 19:59:11.9754 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: Mc chicken 19:59:15.4253 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Mc Chicken nuggies: the hell 19:59:22.0750 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: gib me money 19:59:27.7247 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: uh oh 19:59:27.7378 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 19:59:28.8086 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 19:59:34.3318 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:goodbye cruel world:0 19:59:38.5417 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: im gonna sue you for restart 19:59:40.5800 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:bish.. please... I dont want to die:0 19:59:41.4085 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Whooooohooooo:0 19:59:49.3429 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:it all fades to black:0 19:59:57.7605 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:the dramatic acting does it:0 19:59:58.4418 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] H0lo: i loved when the server said "its restartin time" and then restarted all over us 20:00:01.1406 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Saving game before restart. 20:00:01.1406 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Restarting server. 20:00:02.7397 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: time to die 20:00:04.2399 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 20:00:04.2399 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 20:00:04.2399 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 20:00:04.2399 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 20:00:04.2399 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 20:00:04.2399 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 20:00:04.2399 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 20:00:04.2399 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving natalieCZ meta data! 20:00:04.2399 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 20:00:04.2399 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 20:00:04.2399 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 20:00:04.2399 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 20:00:04.2850 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9291kb Compressed: 426kb 20:00:05.0573 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: no 20:00:05.5249 [INFO] Torch: Saved game 20:00:05.5249 [INFO] Torch: Stopping server. 20:00:05.5480 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloading torch session for Torch System 20:00:05.5480 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 337 Identity on the server 20:00:05.5480 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game ending.... 20:00:06.5541 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session Unloading, suspend backup timer! 20:00:06.5541 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloading 20:00:06.5541 [INFO] Essentials: Unloading rank data into JSON 20:00:06.5541 [INFO] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Start Unloading!!! 20:00:06.5541 [INFO] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Wait for 120 seconds before force Restart! 20:00:06.5541 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Removed authentication intercept 20:00:09.3853 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 20:00:09.3853 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 20:00:09.3853 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 20:00:09.3853 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving H0lo meta data! 20:00:09.3853 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 20:00:09.3853 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 20:00:09.3853 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 20:00:09.3853 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving natalieCZ meta data! 20:00:09.3963 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 20:00:09.3963 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving xXGrabTheBreadXx meta data! 20:00:09.3963 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 20:00:09.3963 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 20:00:09.4365 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9291kb Compressed: 426kb 20:00:09.4365 [ERROR] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server Saved and is stopping! 20:00:11.9339 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Rest in pieces:0 20:00:18.5992 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloaded torch session for Torch System 20:00:18.5992 [WARN] Nexus: Stopping Nexus Network Communications! 20:00:18.5992 [ERROR] Nexus: Fully unloaded the server (This is not an error)! 20:00:18.5992 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloaded 20:00:19.2099 [INFO] Torch: Server stopped. 20:00:24.1817 [INFO] Torch.Patches.MessageSizeLimitPatch: Patched MessageSizeLimit 20:00:24.1817 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 20:00:24.2339 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/14. (14%) 20:00:24.2339 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/14. (21%) 20:00:24.2379 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/14. (35%) 20:00:24.2379 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 6/14. (42%) 20:00:24.2379 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 7/14. (50%) 20:00:24.2379 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/14. (64%) 20:00:24.2379 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 10/14. (71%) 20:00:24.2379 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 12/14. (85%) 20:00:24.2520 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/14. (92%) 20:00:24.2520 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 14/14. (100%) 20:00:24.2520 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 20:00:24.2520 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ModsDownloadingPatch: Patching mods downloading 20:00:24.2520 [INFO] Torch.Patches.PromotePatch: patching promote 20:00:24.2670 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response polling 20:00:24.2670 [INFO] Torch.Patches.SteamLoginPatch: Applied custom WaitStart timeout 20:00:24.2831 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Checking for Torch Update... 20:00:24.2831 [INFO] Torch: Initializing server 20:00:24.4175 [INFO] Torch: RELEASE 20:00:24.4175 [INFO] Torch: Torch Version: v1.3.0.249-master 20:00:24.4175 [INFO] Torch: Game Version: 1.203.23 20:00:24.4175 [INFO] Torch: Executing assembly: Torch.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 20:00:24.4175 [INFO] Torch: Executing directory: C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\ 20:00:24.4175 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugins... 20:00:24.4466 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Checking for plugin updates... 20:00:24.4466 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 20:00:24.4466 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 20:00:24.4466 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 20:00:24.6162 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Latest version is v1.3.0.249-master | Current version is v1.3.0.249-master 20:00:24.6162 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Torch is up to date. 20:00:25.1601 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 20:00:25.1601 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin FoogsNoFamilySharing does not have any releases on torchapi.com. Cannot update. 20:00:25.4567 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Updated 0 plugins. 20:00:25.4939 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at AdminLogger.Main 20:00:25.4939 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Admin Logger' (v1.7.4) 20:00:25.4939 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeathLocationFix.DeathLocationFixPlugin 20:00:25.4939 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeathLocationFix' (v1.0.0.7) 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeleteTracker.DeleteTrackerPlugin 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeleteTracker' (v1.0.2.5) 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Backup' (v1.0.5.8) 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PCU Transferrer' (v1.1.11.8) 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_PlayerStats.PlayerStatsPlugin 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PlayerStats' (v1.0.1.9) 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RespawnFix.RespawnFixPlugin 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE RespawnFix' (v1.0.2.2) 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartPlugin 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Restart Watchdog' (v1.0.2.4) 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin 20:00:25.5009 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE ShipFixer' (v1.0.10.0) 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportServer() ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportClient(VRageMath.Vector3D, Single) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsResponse(System.String) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ForceClusterReorderRequest() ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void UpdateEconomyRequest() ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestStationPositions() ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void DrawStationsClient(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugGameplay2+MyStationDebugDrawStructure]) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnSnapshotsMechanicalPivotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnWorldSnapshotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataServer(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataClient(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestLayersFromServer() ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ReceiveLayersFromServer(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugNetwork+Layer]) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsReply(System.String) ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnCrash() ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestSettingFromServer_Implementation() ModSdk methods 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DAC.AntiCheatPlugin 20:00:25.5757 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'AntiCheat-DORI' (v1.0.5.17) 20:00:25.5868 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at BlockLimiter.BlockLimiter 20:00:25.5868 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'BlockLimiter' (v1.7.705-48cf4b22) 20:00:25.6038 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Patching Successful Crunch Projector! 20:00:25.6038 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin+MyPatch: Patching Successful CrunchDrill! 20:00:25.6420 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin 20:00:25.6420 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'CrunchUtils' (v1.3.370) 20:00:25.6691 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 20:00:25.6691 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DefIdToStringFix' (v1.0.1) 20:00:25.7092 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DePatch.DePatchPlugin 20:00:25.7092 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DePatch' (1.20.08) 20:00:25.7202 [INFO] Essentials.Patches.ChatMessagePatch: Patched OnChatMessageReceived_Server! 20:00:25.7202 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Essentials.EssentialsPlugin 20:00:25.7202 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Essentials' (v1.7.1.179-001-55b53d6) 20:00:25.7202 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at InfluxDb.Torch.TorchInfluxDbPlugin 20:00:25.7202 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'InfluxDB Integration' (v2.2.8074.40508) 20:00:25.7901 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Nexus.Main 20:00:25.7901 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Nexus (Server Sectoring & DataSync)' (v1.01.32) 20:00:25.7901 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoMoreEmojis.Plugin 20:00:25.7901 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NoMoreEmojis' (v1.0.3) 20:00:25.8031 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoFSPluginNs.NoFSPlugin 20:00:25.8031 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'FoogsNoFamilySharing' (1) 20:00:25.8031 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer 20:00:25.8031 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NPCFactionFixer' (1.1.125-f4f9d5d) 20:00:25.8332 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 20:00:25.8332 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'PerformanceImprovements' (v1.10.14.0) 20:00:25.8332 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS 20:00:25.8332 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'GlobalGPS' (v1.0.011) 20:00:25.8332 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 20:00:25.8332 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Profiler.ProfilerPlugin 20:00:25.8332 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Profiler' (v3.1.8432.40000) 20:00:25.8633 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at QuantumHangar.Hangar 20:00:25.8633 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Quantum Hangar' (v3.2.30) 20:00:25.8633 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at _sc 20:00:25.8633 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Rewards' (1.2.2) 20:00:25.9426 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin 20:00:25.9426 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'SEDiscordBridge' (v2.0.4.025) 20:00:25.9577 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TebexTorchAPI.Tebex 20:00:25.9577 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Tebex Server Donations' (1.1.0) 20:00:25.9577 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 20:00:25.9577 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchMonitor.TorchMonitorPlugin 20:00:25.9577 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Torch Monitor' (v2.2.8164.42300) 20:00:25.9577 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin 20:00:25.9577 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'MIG-Freezer' ( 20:00:25.9577 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic 20:00:25.9577 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HaE PBLimiter' (v1.1.1.4) 20:00:25.9858 [ERROR] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patch shim type TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.GridDamagePatch doesn't have a static Patch method. 20:02:27.1981 [INFO] Torch.Patches.MessageSizeLimitPatch: Patched MessageSizeLimit 20:02:27.1981 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 20:02:27.2492 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/14. (14%) 20:02:27.2512 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/14. (21%) 20:02:27.2512 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/14. (35%) 20:02:27.2512 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 6/14. (42%) 20:02:27.2512 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 7/14. (50%) 20:02:27.2512 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/14. (64%) 20:02:27.2512 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 10/14. (71%) 20:02:27.2512 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 12/14. (85%) 20:02:27.2673 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/14. (92%) 20:02:27.2673 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 14/14. (100%) 20:02:27.2673 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 20:02:27.2673 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ModsDownloadingPatch: Patching mods downloading 20:02:27.2834 [INFO] Torch.Patches.PromotePatch: patching promote 20:02:27.2834 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response polling 20:02:27.2834 [INFO] Torch.Patches.SteamLoginPatch: Applied custom WaitStart timeout 20:02:27.3004 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Checking for Torch Update... 20:02:27.3004 [INFO] Torch: Initializing server 20:02:27.4369 [INFO] Torch: RELEASE 20:02:27.4369 [INFO] Torch: Torch Version: v1.3.0.249-master 20:02:27.4369 [INFO] Torch: Game Version: 1.203.23 20:02:27.4369 [INFO] Torch: Executing assembly: Torch.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 20:02:27.4369 [INFO] Torch: Executing directory: C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\ 20:02:27.4409 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugins... 20:02:27.4750 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Checking for plugin updates... 20:02:27.4750 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 20:02:27.4750 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 20:02:27.4750 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 20:02:27.6265 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Latest version is v1.3.0.249-master | Current version is v1.3.0.249-master 20:02:27.6265 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Torch is up to date. 20:02:28.1901 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 20:02:28.1901 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin FoogsNoFamilySharing does not have any releases on torchapi.com. Cannot update. 20:02:28.5469 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Updated 0 plugins. 20:02:28.5830 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at AdminLogger.Main 20:02:28.5830 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Admin Logger' (v1.7.4) 20:02:28.5830 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeathLocationFix.DeathLocationFixPlugin 20:02:28.5830 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeathLocationFix' (v1.0.0.7) 20:02:28.5830 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeleteTracker.DeleteTrackerPlugin 20:02:28.5830 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeleteTracker' (v1.0.2.5) 20:02:28.5830 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin 20:02:28.5830 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Backup' (v1.0.5.8) 20:02:28.5830 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin 20:02:28.5830 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PCU Transferrer' (v1.1.11.8) 20:02:28.5961 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_PlayerStats.PlayerStatsPlugin 20:02:28.5961 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PlayerStats' (v1.0.1.9) 20:02:28.5961 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RespawnFix.RespawnFixPlugin 20:02:28.5961 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE RespawnFix' (v1.0.2.2) 20:02:28.5961 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartPlugin 20:02:28.5961 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Restart Watchdog' (v1.0.2.4) 20:02:28.5961 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin 20:02:28.5961 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE ShipFixer' (v1.0.10.0) 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportServer() ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportClient(VRageMath.Vector3D, Single) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsResponse(System.String) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ForceClusterReorderRequest() ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void UpdateEconomyRequest() ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestStationPositions() ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void DrawStationsClient(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugGameplay2+MyStationDebugDrawStructure]) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnSnapshotsMechanicalPivotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnWorldSnapshotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataServer(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataClient(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestLayersFromServer() ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ReceiveLayersFromServer(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugNetwork+Layer]) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsReply(System.String) ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnCrash() ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestSettingFromServer_Implementation() ModSdk methods 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DAC.AntiCheatPlugin 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'AntiCheat-DORI' (v1.0.5.17) 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at BlockLimiter.BlockLimiter 20:02:28.6593 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'BlockLimiter' (v1.7.705-48cf4b22) 20:02:28.6894 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Patching Successful Crunch Projector! 20:02:28.6894 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin+MyPatch: Patching Successful CrunchDrill! 20:02:28.7195 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin 20:02:28.7195 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'CrunchUtils' (v1.3.370) 20:02:28.7426 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 20:02:28.7426 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DefIdToStringFix' (v1.0.1) 20:02:28.7747 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DePatch.DePatchPlugin 20:02:28.7747 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DePatch' (1.20.08) 20:02:28.7747 [INFO] Essentials.Patches.ChatMessagePatch: Patched OnChatMessageReceived_Server! 20:02:28.7747 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Essentials.EssentialsPlugin 20:02:28.7747 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Essentials' (v1.7.1.179-001-55b53d6) 20:02:28.7867 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at InfluxDb.Torch.TorchInfluxDbPlugin 20:02:28.7867 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'InfluxDB Integration' (v2.2.8074.40508) 20:02:28.8429 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Nexus.Main 20:02:28.8429 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Nexus (Server Sectoring & DataSync)' (v1.01.32) 20:02:28.8449 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoMoreEmojis.Plugin 20:02:28.8449 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NoMoreEmojis' (v1.0.3) 20:02:28.8449 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoFSPluginNs.NoFSPlugin 20:02:28.8449 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'FoogsNoFamilySharing' (1) 20:02:28.8449 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer 20:02:28.8449 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NPCFactionFixer' (1.1.125-f4f9d5d) 20:02:28.8821 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 20:02:28.8821 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'PerformanceImprovements' (v1.10.14.0) 20:02:28.8821 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS 20:02:28.8821 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'GlobalGPS' (v1.0.011) 20:02:28.8821 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 20:02:28.8821 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Profiler.ProfilerPlugin 20:02:28.8821 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Profiler' (v3.1.8432.40000) 20:02:28.9112 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at QuantumHangar.Hangar 20:02:28.9112 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Quantum Hangar' (v3.2.30) 20:02:28.9112 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at _sc 20:02:28.9112 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Rewards' (1.2.2) 20:02:28.9794 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin 20:02:28.9794 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'SEDiscordBridge' (v2.0.4.025) 20:02:28.9935 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TebexTorchAPI.Tebex 20:02:28.9935 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Tebex Server Donations' (1.1.0) 20:02:28.9935 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 20:02:28.9935 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchMonitor.TorchMonitorPlugin 20:02:28.9935 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Torch Monitor' (v2.2.8164.42300) 20:02:29.0015 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin 20:02:29.0015 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'MIG-Freezer' ( 20:02:29.0015 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic 20:02:29.0015 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HaE PBLimiter' (v1.1.1.4) 20:02:29.0185 [ERROR] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patch shim type TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.GridDamagePatch doesn't have a static Patch method. 20:02:29.0185 [FATAL] Initializer: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryGetValue(TKey key, TValue& value) at Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchContext.GetPattern(MethodBase method) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Managers\PatchManager\PatchContext.cs:line 27 at TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.IsAccessAllowedPatch.Patch(PatchContext ctx) in E:\Torch MAIN\TorchGameServerPlugin\TorchGameServerPlugin\Patches\IsAccessAllowedPatch.cs:line 20 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) at Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager.AddPatchShim(Type type) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Managers\PatchManager\PatchManager.cs:line 54 at Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager.AddPatchShims(Assembly asm) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Managers\PatchManager\PatchManager.cs:line 24 at Torch.TorchBase.RegisterAuxAssembly(Assembly asm) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\TorchBase.cs:line 487 at Torch.Managers.PluginManager.RegisterAllAssemblies(IReadOnlyCollection`1 assemblies) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 463 at Torch.Managers.PluginManager.LoadPlugin(PluginItem item) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 437 at Torch.Managers.PluginManager.LoadPlugins() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 217 at Torch.TorchBase.Init() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\TorchBase.cs:line 334 at Torch.Server.TorchServer.Init() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch.Server\TorchServer.cs:line 152 at Torch.Server.Initializer.b__23_0() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch.Server\Initializer.cs:line 158 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryGetValue(TKey key, TValue& value) at Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchContext.GetPattern(MethodBase method) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Managers\PatchManager\PatchContext.cs:line 27 at TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.IsAccessAllowedPatch.Patch(PatchContext ctx) in E:\Torch MAIN\TorchGameServerPlugin\TorchGameServerPlugin\Patches\IsAccessAllowedPatch.cs:line 20 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) at Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager.AddPatchShim(Type type) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Managers\PatchManager\PatchManager.cs:line 54 at Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager.AddPatchShims(Assembly asm) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Managers\PatchManager\PatchManager.cs:line 24 at Torch.TorchBase.RegisterAuxAssembly(Assembly asm) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\TorchBase.cs:line 487 at Torch.Managers.PluginManager.RegisterAllAssemblies(IReadOnlyCollection`1 assemblies) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 463 at Torch.Managers.PluginManager.LoadPlugin(PluginItem item) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 437 at Torch.Managers.PluginManager.LoadPlugins() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 217 at Torch.TorchBase.Init() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\TorchBase.cs:line 334 at Torch.Server.TorchServer.Init() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch.Server\TorchServer.cs:line 152 at Torch.Server.Initializer.b__23_0() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch.Server\Initializer.cs:line 158 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() 20:02:29.0185 [FATAL] Initializer: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryGetValue(TKey key, TValue& value) at Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchContext.GetPattern(MethodBase method) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Managers\PatchManager\PatchContext.cs:line 27 at TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.IsAccessAllowedPatch.Patch(PatchContext ctx) in E:\Torch MAIN\TorchGameServerPlugin\TorchGameServerPlugin\Patches\IsAccessAllowedPatch.cs:line 20 System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryGetValue(TKey key, TValue& value) at Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchContext.GetPattern(MethodBase method) in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\Managers\PatchManager\PatchContext.cs:line 27 at TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.IsAccessAllowedPatch.Patch(PatchContext ctx) in E:\Torch MAIN\TorchGameServerPlugin\TorchGameServerPlugin\Patches\IsAccessAllowedPatch.cs:line 20 20:02:29.0185 [INFO] Initializer: Generating minidump at Logs\MiniDumpT20-2023-09-12 20-02-29.dmp 20:03:32.1979 [INFO] Torch.Patches.MessageSizeLimitPatch: Patched MessageSizeLimit 20:03:32.1979 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 20:03:32.2511 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/14. (14%) 20:03:32.2511 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/14. (21%) 20:03:32.2511 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/14. (35%) 20:03:32.2511 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 6/14. (42%) 20:03:32.2511 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 7/14. (50%) 20:03:32.2511 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/14. (64%) 20:03:32.2511 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 10/14. (71%) 20:03:32.2511 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 12/14. (85%) 20:03:32.2692 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/14. (92%) 20:03:32.2692 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 14/14. (100%) 20:03:32.2692 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 20:03:32.2692 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ModsDownloadingPatch: Patching mods downloading 20:03:32.2852 [INFO] Torch.Patches.PromotePatch: patching promote 20:03:32.2852 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response polling 20:03:32.2852 [INFO] Torch.Patches.SteamLoginPatch: Applied custom WaitStart timeout 20:03:32.3023 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Checking for Torch Update... 20:03:32.3133 [INFO] Torch: Initializing server 20:03:32.4398 [INFO] Torch: RELEASE 20:03:32.4398 [INFO] Torch: Torch Version: v1.3.0.249-master 20:03:32.4398 [INFO] Torch: Game Version: 1.203.23 20:03:32.4398 [INFO] Torch: Executing assembly: Torch.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 20:03:32.4398 [INFO] Torch: Executing directory: C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\ 20:03:32.4398 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugins... 20:03:32.4679 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Checking for plugin updates... 20:03:32.4729 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 20:03:32.4729 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 20:03:32.4729 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 20:03:33.0940 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Latest version is v1.3.0.249-master | Current version is v1.3.0.249-master 20:03:33.0940 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Torch is up to date. 20:03:33.3941 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 20:03:33.3941 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin FoogsNoFamilySharing does not have any releases on torchapi.com. Cannot update. 20:03:33.6295 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Updated 0 plugins. 20:03:33.6666 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at AdminLogger.Main 20:03:33.6666 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Admin Logger' (v1.7.4) 20:03:33.6666 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeathLocationFix.DeathLocationFixPlugin 20:03:33.6666 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeathLocationFix' (v1.0.0.7) 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeleteTracker.DeleteTrackerPlugin 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeleteTracker' (v1.0.2.5) 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Backup' (v1.0.5.8) 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PCU Transferrer' (v1.1.11.8) 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_PlayerStats.PlayerStatsPlugin 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PlayerStats' (v1.0.1.9) 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RespawnFix.RespawnFixPlugin 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE RespawnFix' (v1.0.2.2) 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartPlugin 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Restart Watchdog' (v1.0.2.4) 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin 20:03:33.6736 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE ShipFixer' (v1.0.10.0) 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportServer() ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportClient(VRageMath.Vector3D, Single) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsResponse(System.String) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ForceClusterReorderRequest() ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void UpdateEconomyRequest() ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestStationPositions() ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void DrawStationsClient(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugGameplay2+MyStationDebugDrawStructure]) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnSnapshotsMechanicalPivotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnWorldSnapshotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataServer(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataClient(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestLayersFromServer() ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ReceiveLayersFromServer(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugNetwork+Layer]) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsReply(System.String) ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnCrash() ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestSettingFromServer_Implementation() ModSdk methods 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DAC.AntiCheatPlugin 20:03:33.7419 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'AntiCheat-DORI' (v1.0.5.17) 20:03:33.7509 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at BlockLimiter.BlockLimiter 20:03:33.7509 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'BlockLimiter' (v1.7.705-48cf4b22) 20:03:33.7689 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Patching Successful Crunch Projector! 20:03:33.7689 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin+MyPatch: Patching Successful CrunchDrill! 20:03:33.8001 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin 20:03:33.8001 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'CrunchUtils' (v1.3.370) 20:03:33.8231 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 20:03:33.8231 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DefIdToStringFix' (v1.0.1) 20:03:33.8559 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DePatch.DePatchPlugin 20:03:33.8559 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DePatch' (1.20.08) 20:03:33.8639 [INFO] Essentials.Patches.ChatMessagePatch: Patched OnChatMessageReceived_Server! 20:03:33.8639 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Essentials.EssentialsPlugin 20:03:33.8639 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Essentials' (v1.7.1.179-001-55b53d6) 20:03:33.8639 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at InfluxDb.Torch.TorchInfluxDbPlugin 20:03:33.8639 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'InfluxDB Integration' (v2.2.8074.40508) 20:03:33.9251 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Nexus.Main 20:03:33.9251 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Nexus (Server Sectoring & DataSync)' (v1.01.32) 20:03:33.9251 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoMoreEmojis.Plugin 20:03:33.9251 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NoMoreEmojis' (v1.0.3) 20:03:33.9251 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoFSPluginNs.NoFSPlugin 20:03:33.9251 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'FoogsNoFamilySharing' (1) 20:03:33.9251 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer 20:03:33.9251 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NPCFactionFixer' (1.1.125-f4f9d5d) 20:03:33.9642 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 20:03:33.9642 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'PerformanceImprovements' (v1.10.14.0) 20:03:33.9642 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS 20:03:33.9642 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'GlobalGPS' (v1.0.011) 20:03:33.9702 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 20:03:33.9702 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Profiler.ProfilerPlugin 20:03:33.9702 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Profiler' (v3.1.8432.40000) 20:03:33.9893 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at QuantumHangar.Hangar 20:03:33.9893 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Quantum Hangar' (v3.2.30) 20:03:33.9893 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at _sc 20:03:33.9893 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Rewards' (1.2.2) 20:03:34.0596 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin 20:03:34.0596 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'SEDiscordBridge' (v2.0.4.025) 20:03:34.0726 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TebexTorchAPI.Tebex 20:03:34.0726 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Tebex Server Donations' (1.1.0) 20:03:34.0726 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 20:03:34.0726 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchMonitor.TorchMonitorPlugin 20:03:34.0726 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Torch Monitor' (v2.2.8164.42300) 20:03:34.0816 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin 20:03:34.0816 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'MIG-Freezer' ( 20:03:34.0816 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic 20:03:34.0816 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HaE PBLimiter' (v1.1.1.4) 20:03:34.0977 [ERROR] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patch shim type TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.GridDamagePatch doesn't have a static Patch method. 20:03:34.0977 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.Init 20:03:34.0977 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.UpdateAfterSimulation10 20:03:34.0977 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.SessionDownloadPatch: TorchGameServerPlugin: SessionDownloadPatch applied 20:03:34.0977 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain 20:03:34.0977 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'TorchGameServerPlugin' (v1.0.2) 20:03:34.1258 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\TebexTorchAPI.cfg 20:03:34.1659 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Hangar: Starting plugin WITHOUT the Hangar Market! 20:03:34.1659 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Init Foogs_NoFamilySharing 20:03:34.1800 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Foogs_NoFamilySharing disabled 20:03:34.1800 [WARN] Nexus: Initilizing Nexus Steam 20:03:34.2372 [INFO] NexusComponents: Calling 24 classes components to patch! 20:03:34.2372 [INFO] NexusComponents: Successfully patched 44/44 methods! 20:03:34.2372 [WARN] NexusSubscriber: Subscriber socket is Initilizing! 20:03:34.2994 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 20:03:34.3154 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=TorchMonitor.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 20:03:34.3154 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=Intervals.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 20:03:34.6291 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Init FoogsRewardsPlugin 20:03:34.6462 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Loading Crunch Utils 20:03:34.6622 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: PBLimiter loaded! 20:03:34.6622 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: Init 20:03:34.6622 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: OptimalHavokThreadCount = -1 20:03:35.5490 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Configuration Saved. 20:03:35.5490 [INFO] Essentials: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\Essentials.cfg 20:03:35.5942 [INFO] DePatch.DePatchPlugin: Mod Loader Complete overriding 20:03:35.5982 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=ProfilerPlugin.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 20:03:35.8667 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: found 5 products from API 20:03:35.8667 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP - 5351916 | multiplier: 2 20:03:35.8667 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP+ - 5352253 | multiplier: 2.5 20:03:35.8667 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: Supporter - 5352553 | multiplier: 1 20:03:35.8667 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 1.5k Block spawn - 5352612 | multiplier: 1 20:03:35.8667 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 3.5x multiplier - 5435517 | multiplier: 3.5 20:03:35.8667 [INFO] DefIdToStringFix: Init 20:03:35.8777 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loaded 31 plugins. 20:03:35.9098 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Loading Dedicated Config 20:03:35.9389 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing network services 20:03:35.9389 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing services 20:03:35.9389 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Services initialized 20:03:35.9620 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Setting up serializers 20:03:36.7754 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerPatch: Finished Patching! 20:03:36.7754 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 20:03:36.7754 [INFO] InstanceManager: Loading instance C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance 20:03:39.7400 [INFO] ModListControl: Instance loaded. 20:03:39.7400 [INFO] Torch: Initialized server 'Outer instance2' at 'C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance' 20:03:39.7400 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 20:03:39.7531 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response timeout to 5 seconds 20:03:39.7782 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/169. (10%) 20:03:39.8193 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/169. (20%) 20:03:39.8364 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 51/169. (30%) 20:03:39.8554 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 68/169. (40%) 20:03:39.9116 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 85/169. (50%) 20:03:39.9427 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 102/169. (60%) 20:03:39.9648 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 119/169. (70%) 20:03:39.9865 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 136/169. (80%) 20:03:40.0025 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 153/169. (90%) 20:03:40.0437 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 169/169. (100%) 20:03:40.0437 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 20:03:40.0437 [INFO] Torch: Starting server. 20:03:41.0126 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 20:03:41.0708 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 20:03:42.5160 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 20:03:42.5160 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 20:03:42.5160 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 20:03:42.5160 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 20:03:42.5251 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: AntiCheat: All Patches Loaded 20:03:42.9567 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.RemoteAPIManager: Remote API started on port 8080 20:03:45.2315 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: ServerLoading started on ID: 24! Requesting Data from controller and watching for reply! 20:03:45.2696 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Waiting for Sandbox data from Controller! Make sure your ports are open! 20:03:45.3164 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Controller Version: 2.5.05 20:03:45.3164 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Data Successfully Recieved and Deserialized! 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Servers Recieved: 14 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Sectors Recieved: 14 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: The following is the treeview of your sector layout: 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 2 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space A 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space B 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer space 2 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space A 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth moon area 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth only sector 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Moon standalone 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Viking sector 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: GOD SECTOR 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Europa 20:03:47.2707 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Lotus 20:03:47.2707 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: AddonConfigs: 1 20:03:48.1434 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Deserialized controller sandbox to XMLCheckpoint and clearing internally! 20:03:48.1434 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server starting as: SyncedSectored! 20:03:49.7958 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod: NexusSyncMod is running NexusModAPI! 20:03:49.7998 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod Patching Complete for 2272613450.sbm 20:03:53.1413 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Starting new torch session for Torch System 20:03:53.1443 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 20:03:53.1443 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/5. (20%) 20:03:53.1443 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/5. (40%) 20:03:53.1443 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/5. (60%) 20:03:53.1443 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/5. (80%) 20:03:53.1443 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/5. (100%) 20:03:53.1443 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 20:03:53.1443 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loading 20:03:54.2574 [WARN] Keen: Missing definition MyObjectBuilder_DemoComponentDefinition/Default : for session component DemoComponent 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Inserted authentication intercept 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whatsmyip' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'help' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'longhelp' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ver' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reload' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'plugins' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'notify' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart.cancel' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop.cancel' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'save' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'uptime' 20:04:12.6510 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Loaded torch session for Torch System 20:04:12.6690 [INFO] BlockLimiter.PluginApi.EssentialsPlayerAccount: Blocklimiter communication with essentials successful 20:04:12.6690 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 337 Identity on the server 20:04:12.6690 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game started.... 20:04:12.6690 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:04:12.6690 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 20:04:12.6690 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: BlockLimiter v1.7.705-48cf4b22 is installed! 20:04:12.6690 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 20:04:12.6741 [INFO] NexusComponents: 24 Nexus components started! 20:04:12.6741 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.CommandSync: Waiting for CommandQueue from Controller! 20:04:12.7975 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:nah its like boolean logic, false.false = false:0 20:04:14.6768 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Start 20:04:14.6768 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Patching battaries. For fix of discharging 20:04:14.6768 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Finished 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unfreeze' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.production' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.on' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.off' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.on' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.off' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.can-be-frozen' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.frozen' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.not-frozen' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-entities' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-updates' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-frames' 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/4. (25%) 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/4. (50%) 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/4. (75%) 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/4. (100%) 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 20:04:14.6768 [ERROR] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: MIG TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin: PATCH COMPLETED 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin: BlockLimiter Reference added to PCU-Transferrer for limit checks. 20:04:14.6768 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 20:04:14.6888 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session loaded, start backup timer! 20:04:14.6888 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loaded 20:04:14.6888 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch start 20:04:14.7380 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 20:04:14.7380 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/42. (11%) 20:04:14.7517 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/42. (21%) 20:04:14.7517 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/42. (30%) 20:04:14.7517 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/42. (40%) 20:04:14.7517 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 21/42. (50%) 20:04:14.7517 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 26/42. (61%) 20:04:14.7677 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 30/42. (71%) 20:04:14.7677 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/42. (80%) 20:04:14.7677 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 38/42. (90%) 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 42/42. (100%) 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch done 20:04:14.7908 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Sending setting data to self 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.enable' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.grid' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.player' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.faction' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.reload' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.rematch.ids' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.violations' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.playerlimit' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.gridlimit' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.factionlimit' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.annoy' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.punish' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.mylimit' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.mylimit' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.limits' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.pairnames' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.definitions' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'donate' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:secret' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:forcecheck' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:info' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.sell' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.marketlist' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.sell' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.marketlist' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.save' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.list' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.load' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.remove' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.sync' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.syncall' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohangar' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohanger-override' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.enable' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.saveall' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.ttmod' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.clearSpheres' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.save' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.list' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.load' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.remove' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.sync' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.syncall' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohangar' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohanger-override' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.enable' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.saveall' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.save' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.list' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.load' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.remove' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.info' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.save' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.list' 20:04:14.7908 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.load' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.remove' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.info' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.box' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.boxclear' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ptoggle' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsectors' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsector' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.lobby' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players.faction' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ver' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switch' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switchall' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.identity' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.reset' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.breaklink' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.addwhitelist' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.removewhitelist' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'd.link' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'Lobby.GetID' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reload' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reloadconfig' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.enable' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.disable' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge.grid' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'seedcleanup.all' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridcleanup' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.ownedby' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.buildby' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.noauthor' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsowner' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsauthor' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgrids' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsrange' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoauthor' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoowner' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'protect' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unprotect' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freebuild' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checklimits' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.player' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.faction' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkowner' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkauthor' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listblocks' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listallblocks' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'findblock' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfer' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransfer' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcu' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransferpcu' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferowner' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfernobody' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcunobody' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferownernobody' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'repair' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.configs' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.commands' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.w' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.on' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.off' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.reload' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.corners' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.centers' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.cleargps' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listadminsettings' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearadminsettings' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearalladminsettings' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list.faction' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.find' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore.faction' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.save' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.run' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.clearup' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identitycleanup.name' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.tag.length' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.name' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listplayers' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.player' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.faction' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.factions' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.player' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.faction' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.debugfaction' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.player' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.playerallfactions' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.faction' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.factionallplayers' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.debugfaction' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmod' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmodid' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixship' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reward' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadm' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadmt' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sewa.shop' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalance' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalanceplayer' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoney' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoneyplayer' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfermoney' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.reload' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'enablestone' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.config' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makeship' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'removebody' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makestation' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'togglestone' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stone' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'TestEconSync' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'FullEconSync' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetbalances' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayers' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfactions' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'claim' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sellgrid' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'denygrid' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'acceptgrid' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixrespawn' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'prediction' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'convert' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pcucount' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fillhydro' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.rename' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rename' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixme' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getsteamid' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixallstations' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'worldpcu' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ishydrogen' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'zone' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isecon' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixstation' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.search' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tags' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listids' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnames' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'updatename' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco' 20:04:14.7978 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path eco is already registered. 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.balance' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'lastlogin' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.top' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'warstatus' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'declarewar' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nofriendforyou' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sendpeace' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ac' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'place.station' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetnpcrep' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetallrep' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.info' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'facinfo' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdrawall' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.deposit' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdraw' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'giveitem' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.promote' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'broadcast' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.kick' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isnpc' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.take' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.give' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.hide' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.show' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.delete' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.pay' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whis' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'msg' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.giveplayer' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayer' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfac' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getfacid' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleargrid' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'dirkclear' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridtype' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takeplayer' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.givefac' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.rep.change' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'player.rep.change' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takefac' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.status' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.test.bonus' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.check.multiplier' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.help' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.info' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.enable' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.disable' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.fix' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.add' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.clear' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.remove' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.refresh' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.stop' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.delete' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.kill' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.find' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweroff' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweron' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.eject' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.setowner' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.ejectall' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.static.large' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.stopall' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.list' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.export' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.import' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'say' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tp' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tpto' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tphere' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'w' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'kick' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ban' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unban' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'motd' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.give' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.take' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.set' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.reset' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.top' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.check' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.pay' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.add' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.del' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.list' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.goto' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.createrank' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delrank' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setmaxhomes' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.reservedslot' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.renamerank' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setdefaultrank' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setrank' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.populate' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addinheritance' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delinheritance' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addperm' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delperm' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addplayerperm' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delplayerperm' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.listranks' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.cancel' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.list' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'no' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'yes' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.debug' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.reset' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.stats' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playercount' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playerlist' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.runauto' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelauto' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelautobyindex' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listauto' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listrunningauto' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.set.toolbar' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.setrank' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.reserve' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unreserve' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.mute' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unmute' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.list.mute' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.give' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.type' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.subtype' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.type' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.subtype' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.type' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.subtype' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.general' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.general' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.scan' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.list' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete.floatingobjects' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.help' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.all' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.asteroids' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.distant' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planets' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planet' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.area' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.gps' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clean' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.purge' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clear' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rep.wipe' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.clean' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.remove' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.info' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sandbox.clean' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'info.list' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.on' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.off' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.sim' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.frames' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocktypes' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocks' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.grids' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.factions' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.players' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.scripts' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.session' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.entities' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.physics' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.flags' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.custom' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.cleangps' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.help' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'credits' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.reset' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.time' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test.reward' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.init' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test' 20:04:14.7978 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path forge.test is already registered. 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'density' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 20:04:14.7978 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path weather.clear is already registered. 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 20:04:14.7978 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path perks is already registered. 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'SendGPS' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sound' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'EMP' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'strike' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.info' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.enable' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.disable' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.on' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.off' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.add' 20:04:14.7978 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.remove' 20:04:14.8560 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: Communication with TGS successful 20:04:14.8560 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 20:04:14.8560 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 20:04:14.8560 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/3. (33%) 20:04:14.8610 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/3. (66%) 20:04:14.8610 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/3. (100%) 20:04:14.8610 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 20:04:14.9383 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: John passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198152675318, PlayerID: 176561198152675318 20:04:14.9383 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tekura passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198225400408, PlayerID: 176561198225400408 20:04:15.7180 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:nexus fucked?:0 20:04:17.7992 [WARN] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards initialized 20:04:17.7992 [INFO] Torch: Starting server watchdog. 20:04:17.8444 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Raginis passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198049494804, PlayerID: 176561198049494804 20:04:17.8444 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Badman sound passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198142381224, PlayerID: 176561198142381224 20:04:18.2137 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: VariableStorage:Load 20:04:18.2277 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer [4.0.30319.42000] will work in 5000 ms 20:04:19.8094 [ERROR] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards ProcessQueue start 20:04:23.2361 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer started work 20:04:24.8026 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'weather.clear' 20:04:24.8026 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'perks' 20:04:24.8026 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'credits' 20:04:24.8026 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'weather.clear' 20:04:24.8026 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'perks' 20:04:24.8026 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'SendGPS' 20:04:24.8026 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path SendGPS is already registered. 20:04:24.8026 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'sound' 20:04:24.8026 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path sound is already registered. 20:04:24.8026 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'EMP' 20:04:24.8026 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path EMP is already registered. 20:04:24.8026 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'strike' 20:04:24.8026 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path strike is already registered. 20:04:27.6098 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:bro ive been waiting to launch my ship for over an hour now :0 20:04:29.4414 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198142381224 from 20:04:29.4414 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198156156321 from 20:04:29.4785 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Badman sound joined (76561198142381224) 20:04:29.4785 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:04:29.4785 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:04:29.4785 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:29.4785 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:29.4785 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Badman sound shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 20:04:29.4876 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Mc Chicken nuggies joined (76561198156156321) 20:04:29.4876 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:04:29.4876 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:04:29.4876 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:29.4876 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:29.5317 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:04:29.5528 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:04:31.8720 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198039510567 from 20:04:31.8720 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198031237133 from 20:04:31.8911 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Nuka cola joined (76561198039510567) 20:04:31.8911 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:04:31.8911 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:04:31.8911 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:31.8911 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:31.8921 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Nuka cola shares the same IP address as Simon 20:04:31.8921 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player natalieCZ joined (76561198031237133) 20:04:31.8921 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:04:31.8921 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:04:31.8921 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:31.8921 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:31.8921 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! natalieCZ shares the same IP address as Tirith 20:04:31.9744 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:04:32.0737 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:04:33.1235 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198312443008 from 20:04:33.1235 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199209849561 from 20:04:33.1405 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player jefli joined (76561198312443008) 20:04:33.1405 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:04:33.1405 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:04:33.1405 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:33.1405 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:33.1415 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player endlesstonks joined (76561199209849561) 20:04:33.1415 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:04:33.1415 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:04:33.1415 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:33.1415 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:33.1907 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:04:33.2088 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:04:34.5215 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198279429509 from 20:04:34.5215 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198320436731 from 20:04:34.5215 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198834277852 from 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Starmaster24 joined (76561198279429509) 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player savage187 joined (76561198320436731) 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Socialist Duck joined (76561198834277852) 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:34.5406 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:34.6068 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:04:34.6740 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:04:34.8316 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:04:36.2617 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Tidist Gray:earth moon stayed up:0 20:04:39.2904 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199160020624 from 20:04:39.3075 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player topnitel joined (76561199160020624) 20:04:39.3075 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:04:39.3075 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:04:39.3075 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:39.3075 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:04:39.4409 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:04:45.2241 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 20:04:45.4951 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:yey:0 20:04:48.5958 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:are the realms safe bish, is this an avengers level threat?:0 20:04:49.2908 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:no restyart then?:0 20:04:49.6497 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman sound successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:04:50.5741 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 20:04:50.9715 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Badman sound has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 20:05:04.6694 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefli successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:05:06.6240 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: jefli has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 20:05:07.8392 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Gothicjawa:*fine*:0 20:05:08.1449 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:it was all a hoax of the heretics:0 20:05:12.6814 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:05:23.7382 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Nuka cola successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:05:24.5888 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ronaldwaihong passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199193696225, PlayerID: 176561199193696225 20:05:31.7904 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: endlesstonks successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:05:33.1899 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Mc Chicken nuggies successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:05:34.1909 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: endlesstonks has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 20:05:36.2103 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: natalieCZ successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:05:37.8683 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: natalieCZ has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 20:05:38.3064 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: tommelom10 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198081526137, PlayerID: 176561198081526137 20:05:47.6054 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: topnitel successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:05:49.9140 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] trainwreck:ok ok so no restart right:0 20:05:51.6228 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: topnitel has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 20:06:04.8582 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lee #1 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198092434549, PlayerID: 176561198092434549 20:06:05.1642 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: welcome to los pollos hermanos family 20:06:07.9410 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: savage187 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:06:11.2409 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 20:06:12.6885 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:06:19.4303 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:so Ive been wondering the desert for 10 minutes for nothing:0 20:06:23.4079 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Socialist Duck successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:06:24.1545 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken::(:0 20:06:38.2711 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: gus 20:06:57.7881 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: breakin bad 20:06:59.0882 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: moment 20:06:59.6211 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tekura passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198225400408, PlayerID: 176561198225400408 20:07:03.6756 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Lee #1:I think I'm too old for this server:0 20:07:12.6885 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:07:13.9876 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Starmaster24 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:07:18.2923 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Doodle:how old are you?:0 20:07:20.5072 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:noone under the age of 50 plays space engineers:0 20:07:20.6818 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:maximum age is 99:0 20:07:29.5080 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: awwww 20:07:30.0756 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Gothicjawa:hey im 34:0 20:07:33.0406 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: warcrimes 20:07:34.6960 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Lee #1:54... I think. I lose count:0 20:07:35.3599 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:ancient:0 20:07:42.0135 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:nice 30 here:0 20:07:42.5643 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:anyone else ever buy a mcchicken just to fuck it?? XD:0 20:07:44.2079 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: grandpa 20:07:45.3079 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: im 15 20:07:53.5502 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:43:0 20:07:55.9282 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:20:0 20:07:58.9375 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:69:0 20:08:06.6239 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] jefli: 120 20:08:06.7252 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:nice:0 20:08:10.1575 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: 42- 20:08:10.8244 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 20:08:12.2074 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: peter pan you are not 69 20:08:12.6890 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:08:13.2620 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Gothicjawa:the morale of the story is, everyone can enjoy the glory of SE:0 20:08:17.0907 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: peter pan? 20:08:17.1960 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: tonks you are not 42 20:08:20.2098 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: last few years still 28 20:08:22.6003 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: 420 20:08:33.5321 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: giggles 20:08:36.0952 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 20:08:59.1756 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:the early 2000's became retro not too long ago:0 20:09:02.4073 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 20:09:12.6885 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:09:16.9994 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Gothicjawa:wat:0 20:09:18.9353 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: oh wow im a baby compared to you fukers 20:09:35.6619 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:well I lost my ship lol:0 20:09:40.4260 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:retro is anything >20years and <40:0 20:09:40.9027 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: im 2000000 years old defo 20:09:46.1589 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:thx SE:0 20:09:47.4637 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Raginis passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198049494804, PlayerID: 176561198049494804 20:09:52.3867 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:your welcome:0 20:09:56.1625 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: so what do we do with this roid? 20:10:04.7712 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:ye:0 20:10:05.2273 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:made BP?:0 20:10:09.8985 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] First Consul:bruh that means empire total war is retro wtf:0 20:10:12.6900 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:10:13.5225 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:back in my day we played oragon trail, and waited our turn for the one computer in the back of the class to play:0 20:10:14.9641 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: whats on the roid in terms of ore? 20:10:33.9401 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:damn, was that back in the middle ages?:0 20:10:39.7228 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:my game crashed and I died, the ship is somewhere is god Sector:0 20:10:39.7639 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we could make the london 20:10:40.1633 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:h load 1:0 20:10:46.1145 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: its moderately expensive 20:10:52.5976 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: tekura use !grids list 20:10:53.1360 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:QWELLER??\:0 20:10:54.4313 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we need more resources 20:11:00.9636 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:hello Pan:0 20:11:02.1148 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] natalieCZ: you can find it 20:11:02.7291 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh:2 20:11:02.7291 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:11:02.7291 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh 20:11:03.0171 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:oh right:0 20:11:05.7809 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:hello there:2 20:11:05.7809 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hello there, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:11:05.7809 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hello there 20:11:09.4660 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player natalieCZ ran command '!h load 1' 20:11:09.7861 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Loading from grid save position! 20:11:09.7861 [INFO] QuantumHangar.HangarChecks.PlayerChecks: Attempting Grid Spawning @X:1082344.69006849 Y:198654.578483448 Z:1574370.24035838 20:11:09.7982 [WARN] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: total Count: 0 20:11:09.7982 [INFO] QuantumHangar.ParallelSpawner: KeepOriginalPos: True, Found Previous Attempt: False 20:11:09.7982 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to natalieCZ): Spawning Complete! 20:11:09.7982 [INFO] Hangar.natalieCZ: Y:\Server 1 V2\Instance\QuantumHangar\PlayerHangars\76561198031237133\jumper.sbc 20:11:09.8419 [INFO] QuantumHangar.FileSaver: Done saving! 20:11:12.6900 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:11:14.8497 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:I have returned:0 20:11:24.1302 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:sometimes in life you just have to @Qweller:0 20:11:29.0146 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: oddland passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198098597783, PlayerID: 176561198098597783 20:11:29.9313 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: jump range is good 20:11:32.6365 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:agreed:0 20:11:36.1645 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: @Qweller 20:11:36.7728 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on bob2. 20:11:36.7728 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 20:11:38.1177 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid bob2 for cut & paste! 20:11:38.1177 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 2987 for cut & paste! 20:11:38.1177 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 8278 for cut & paste! 20:11:38.1177 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 9079 for cut & paste! 20:11:38.1177 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 4070 for cut & paste! 20:11:38.1177 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 6603 for cut & paste! 20:11:38.1177 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 1445 for cut & paste! 20:11:38.1177 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Ship was fixed! 20:11:38.1177 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Nuka cola started! 20:11:38.1267 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 20:11:38.3926 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198098597783 from 20:11:38.4197 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player oddland joined (76561198098597783) 20:11:38.4197 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:11:38.4197 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:11:38.4197 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:11:38.4197 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:11:38.6696 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:11:41.7902 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Mc Chicken nuggiesLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:11:41.7902 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mc Chicken nuggies meta data! 20:11:41.7993 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Mc Chicken nuggies (76561198156156321) Disconnected. 20:11:42.9107 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:if I find 1 more nickle and silicon deposit Ima glass this place:0 20:11:48.3696 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: good storage capacity as well 20:11:51.2865 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: can we all just ping qweller real quick 20:11:54.3696 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: but for a main mobile base no 20:11:54.9747 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:lmao feeling you:0 20:11:59.9365 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 20:12:01.6661 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] JustRyan:@Qweller hiiiiii!!!!:0 20:12:08.4363 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: @qweller 20:12:12.6908 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:12:16.2692 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...321] (76561198156156321) Disconnected. 20:12:16.3154 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:eheheh:2 20:12:16.3154 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: eheheh, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:12:16.3154 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: eheheh 20:12:21.0030 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: its an ok mobile base but we need a MAIN mobile base 20:12:24.1367 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: OOPS 20:12:24.2200 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: oddland successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:12:25.0751 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:looks like you're famous:2 20:12:25.0751 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: looks like you're famous, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:12:25.0751 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: looks like you're famous 20:12:25.5028 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: /F 20:12:26.2404 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: oddland has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 20:12:28.2694 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: /FFF 20:12:29.0069 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Raginis passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198049494804, PlayerID: 176561198049494804 20:12:30.5027 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] endlesstonks: A HF 20:12:37.9910 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:well the ship is not owned by me so I cant see it:0 20:12:43.9657 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:you need a mobile base for your mobile base:0 20:12:44.1945 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i didnt leak anything lmao 20:12:48.3780 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: motherfucker 20:12:52.0140 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:a carrier for your carriers:0 20:12:53.3950 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Iniquitous1982 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197990792836, PlayerID: 176561197990792836 20:12:54.2451 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: we could 20:13:12.6912 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:13:19.0247 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Starmaster24Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:13:19.0247 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Starmaster24 meta data! 20:13:19.0247 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Starmaster24 (76561198279429509) Disconnected. 20:13:20.1140 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:here is no stronger way of organising data than the humble tree:0 20:13:36.8060 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 20:13:40.5488 [INFO] Chat: (to oddland): Perks claimed, Check your character inventory! (VIP+ - 5352253) 20:13:40.5488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player oddland ran command '!perks' 20:13:47.9560 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PanoramixdaGAL passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198254798020, PlayerID: 176561198254798020 20:13:55.5488 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 20:14:05.2987 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:qweller, i added a few tuerrets to the moon oupost and im also working on an alarm system:2 20:14:05.2987 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: qweller, i added a few tuerrets to the moon oupost and im also working on an alarm system, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:14:05.2987 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: qweller, i added a few tuerrets to the moon oupost and im also working on an alarm system 20:14:12.7066 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:14:27.5825 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:also satel wont be playing much for the next few days:2 20:14:27.5825 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: also satel wont be playing much for the next few days, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:14:27.5825 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: also satel wont be playing much for the next few days 20:14:41.7048 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 20:14:41.7048 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefliLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:14:41.7048 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 20:14:41.7048 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: jefli (76561198312443008) Disconnected. 20:15:00.0922 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PanoramixdaGAL passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198254798020, PlayerID: 176561198254798020 20:15:00.1916 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 20:15:07.1251 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: jefli passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198312443008, PlayerID: 176561198312443008 20:15:12.7211 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:15:16.7591 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198312443008 from 20:15:16.7751 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player jefli joined (76561198312443008) 20:15:16.7751 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:15:16.7751 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:15:16.7751 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:15:16.7751 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:15:16.8925 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:15:25.3924 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: oh btw i havnt had dinner i dont know why 20:15:32.3421 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: its 20:15 20:15:38.8755 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] topnitel: i have skipped dinner for the past 6 days 20:15:48.6917 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefli successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:15:50.9281 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: jefli has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 20:16:02.7675 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: rocks and stones will break your bones 20:16:12.7222 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:16:13.5005 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: rock and stone 20:16:29.6470 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] tommelom10:rock and stone!:0 20:16:36.5275 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:gold here:0 20:16:39.1297 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17F391E14F6FDBD} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 20:16:49.3171 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: we're rich! 20:17:04.4511 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] First Consul:Nothing beats listening to wind rose and mining:0 20:17:12.7283 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:17:31.5010 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 20:17:38.9767 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:that confirms it, space engineers is played exclusively by greedy, tunel-dwelling dwarves:0 20:17:42.7416 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:and its great:0 20:17:50.9524 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] tommelom10:correct:0 20:17:53.3526 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: jumper, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 20:17:53.3526 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198031237133 20:17:53.3626 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: natalieCZ Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 20:17:53.3626 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: jumper is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Viking sector [natalieCZ:76561198031237133 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 20:17:53.4138 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 20:17:53.4138 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 23 20:17:53.4138 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 20:17:55.6192 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: natalieCZLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:17:55.6192 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving natalieCZ meta data! 20:17:55.6192 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: natalieCZ (76561198031237133) Disconnected. 20:18:01.5337 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 20:18:12.7383 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:18:15.1173 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: i will brb i needa get the london bp for fuck 20:18:19.7548 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: *fuck 20:18:22.0505 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: *DUCK 20:18:31.9175 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: fucking hell 20:18:33.2236 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Gothicjawa:rock and stone!!:0 20:18:34.3010 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] endlesstonks: brb 20:18:37.3676 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 20:18:39.9694 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 20:18:39.9694 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: endlesstonksLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:18:39.9694 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving endlesstonks meta data! 20:18:39.9694 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: endlesstonks (76561199209849561) Disconnected. 20:18:44.2077 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 20:18:44.2077 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 20:18:44.2077 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 20:18:44.2077 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 20:18:44.2077 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 20:18:44.2077 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 20:18:44.2077 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 20:18:44.2549 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9309kb Compressed: 429kb 20:18:54.0514 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: LemonHeadLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:18:54.0514 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving LemonHead meta data! 20:18:54.0514 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: LemonHead has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198851053907 20:19:05.2027 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Rubsmeister passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065344466, PlayerID: 176561198065344466 20:19:09.1889 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:hello:2 20:19:09.1889 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hello, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:19:09.1889 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hello 20:19:09.8663 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 20:19:12.7510 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:19:18.8434 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:nice on the turrets:2 20:19:18.8434 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice on the turrets, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:19:18.8434 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: nice on the turrets 20:19:44.5925 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:working on my large factory station atm:2 20:19:44.5925 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: working on my large factory station atm, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:19:44.5925 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: working on my large factory station atm 20:19:47.6897 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:SS3:2 20:19:47.6897 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: SS3, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:19:47.6897 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: SS3 20:19:57.7760 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:nice:2 20:19:57.7760 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:19:57.7760 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: nice 20:19:59.1182 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 20:19:59.1182 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: oddlandLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:19:59.1182 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 20:19:59.1182 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: oddland (76561198098597783) Disconnected. 20:20:11.1994 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i just add one 20:20:12.7645 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:20:13.3160 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:SS1 is the small self flying factory:2 20:20:13.3160 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: SS1 is the small self flying factory, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:20:13.3160 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: SS1 is the small self flying factory 20:20:15.4660 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: oddland passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198098597783, PlayerID: 176561198098597783 20:20:19.2164 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i mean 20 min ago 20:20:19.2937 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh, ok:2 20:20:19.2937 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh, ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:20:19.2937 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh, ok 20:20:20.3961 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:hi:2 20:20:20.3961 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hi, Faction, 261762094648761434, Tekura 20:20:20.3961 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:261762094648761434] Good.bot: hi 20:20:22.4669 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198098597783 from 20:20:22.4829 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player oddland joined (76561198098597783) 20:20:22.4829 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:20:22.4829 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:20:22.4829 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:20:22.4829 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:20:22.7163 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:20:24.5659 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:quick question:2 20:20:24.5659 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: quick question, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:20:24.5659 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: quick question 20:20:27.4682 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PanoramixdaGAL:hi:2 20:20:27.4682 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hi, Faction, 261762094648761434, PanoramixdaGAL 20:20:27.4682 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:261762094648761434] Good.bot: hi 20:20:28.5826 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:SS2 was oversided:2 20:20:28.5826 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: SS2 was oversided, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:20:28.5826 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: SS2 was oversided 20:20:34.8293 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:so I made SS3:2 20:20:34.8293 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so I made SS3, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:20:34.8293 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: so I made SS3 20:20:41.6306 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:shoot:2 20:20:41.6306 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: shoot, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:20:41.6306 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: shoot 20:20:42.7160 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gergo21HUN passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198839354006, PlayerID: 176561198839354006 20:20:46.0624 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:can you build a top mounted camera and check if the view is normal:2 20:20:46.0624 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can you build a top mounted camera and check if the view is normal, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:20:46.0624 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: can you build a top mounted camera and check if the view is normal 20:20:57.6335 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: oddland successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:20:58.3445 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:mine is fine:2 20:20:58.3445 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mine is fine, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:20:58.3445 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: mine is fine 20:20:59.8871 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: oddland has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 20:21:03.6824 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:have one on my scout:2 20:21:03.6824 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: have one on my scout, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:21:03.6824 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: have one on my scout 20:21:08.1830 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:for some reaon i built one but im having third person view on it:2 20:21:08.1830 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: for some reaon i built one but im having third person view on it, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:21:08.1830 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: for some reaon i built one but im having third person view on it 20:21:12.7717 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:21:16.3088 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:oh, :2 20:21:16.3088 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh, , Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:21:16.3088 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh, 20:21:22.9480 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:really wird:2 20:21:22.9480 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: really wird, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:21:22.9480 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: really wird 20:21:26.0284 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:you mean forward looking camera?:2 20:21:26.0284 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you mean forward looking camera?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:21:26.0284 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: you mean forward looking camera? 20:21:30.0096 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yhea:2 20:21:30.0096 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yhea, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:21:30.0096 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yhea 20:21:38.8095 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gergo21HUN passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198839354006, PlayerID: 176561198839354006 20:21:47.3485 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:did you restart game?:2 20:21:47.3485 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: did you restart game?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:21:47.3485 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: did you restart game? 20:21:53.5265 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Rubsmeister passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065344466, PlayerID: 176561198065344466 20:21:56.9668 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I'll check mine right now:2 20:21:56.9668 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I'll check mine right now, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:21:56.9668 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I'll check mine right now 20:21:58.0773 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:no:2 20:21:58.0773 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:21:58.0773 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: no 20:22:08.3111 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Tekura:.!grids list:2 20:22:08.3111 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: .!grids list, Faction, 261762094648761434, Tekura 20:22:08.3111 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:261762094648761434] Good.bot: .!grids list 20:22:12.7841 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:22:16.2264 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:mine is fine:2 20:22:16.2264 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: mine is fine, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:22:16.2264 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: mine is fine 20:22:25.7166 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:try F5:2 20:22:25.7166 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: try F5, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:22:25.7166 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: try F5 20:22:26.2816 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ut its fine ill just remove it and place a normal camera somewhere:2 20:22:26.2816 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ut its fine ill just remove it and place a normal camera somewhere, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:22:26.2816 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ut its fine ill just remove it and place a normal camera somewhere 20:22:59.2571 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 20:22:59.2571 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allowed! 20:23:00.4073 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode change with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 20:23:00.4073 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode Changed by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allow! 20:23:04.8057 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid with ID: 76561198142381224 Player promote Level was Admin 20:23:04.8057 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Detected TryPasteGrid by ADMIN Badman sound with ID: 76561198142381224 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS detected, action Allow! 20:23:12.7836 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:23:19.8819 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:k, up to you:2 20:23:19.8819 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: k, up to you, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:23:19.8819 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: k, up to you 20:23:37.9725 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 20:23:39.0649 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:also for some reason assert bases no longer send drones after me:2 20:23:39.0649 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: also for some reason assert bases no longer send drones after me, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:23:39.0649 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: also for some reason assert bases no longer send drones after me 20:23:43.6526 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:GPS:above PST:11959.84:147101.5:-110022:#FF75C9F1::2 20:23:43.6526 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:above PST:11959.84:147101.5:-110022:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 224454619179684855, Inspector_Alex 20:23:43.6526 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:224454619179684855] Good.bot: GPS:above PST:11959.84:147101.5:-110022:#FF75C9F1: 20:23:47.2065 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i have one 20:23:54.5440 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:and are really helpful on testing some things:2 20:23:54.5440 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and are really helpful on testing some things, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:23:54.5440 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: and are really helpful on testing some things 20:24:00.0353 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:shame:2 20:24:00.0353 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: shame, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:24:00.0353 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: shame 20:24:12.7840 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:24:18.0588 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:they haven't bothered me much either:2 20:24:18.0588 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: they haven't bothered me much either, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:24:18.0588 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: they haven't bothered me much either 20:24:29.5609 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:likely bish will tweak that:2 20:24:29.5609 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: likely bish will tweak that, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:24:29.5609 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: likely bish will tweak that 20:24:33.6438 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] topnitel: unknown signal 20:24:42.6428 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ToxyssLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:24:42.6428 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Toxyss meta data! 20:24:42.6428 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Toxyss has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198105251897 20:24:50.2134 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh another thing:2 20:24:50.2134 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh another thing, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:24:50.2134 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh another thing 20:25:03.3112 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:Bingus spawned a moon car:2 20:25:03.3112 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Bingus spawned a moon car, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:25:03.3112 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: Bingus spawned a moon car 20:25:05.7986 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:just how unknown can an unknown signal be?:0 20:25:12.7916 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:25:13.9927 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:ok:2 20:25:13.9927 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:25:13.9927 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 20:25:14.7781 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:we can't know for sure:0 20:25:17.6493 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:big?:2 20:25:17.6493 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: big?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:25:17.6493 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: big? 20:25:42.7273 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:just the usual car you spawn when you go to the moon:2 20:25:42.7273 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just the usual car you spawn when you go to the moon, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:25:42.7273 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: just the usual car you spawn when you go to the moon 20:25:50.1458 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:i got a gps on it:2 20:25:50.1458 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i got a gps on it, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:25:50.1458 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: i got a gps on it 20:25:50.7264 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:or you mean the starter:2 20:25:50.7264 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: or you mean the starter, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:25:50.7264 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: or you mean the starter 20:25:53.5430 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:ok:2 20:25:53.5430 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:25:53.5430 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 20:26:05.5934 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:might be bait:2 20:26:05.5934 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: might be bait, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:26:05.5934 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: might be bait 20:26:12.8024 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:26:16.7775 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:maybe but i still went to check:2 20:26:16.7775 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: maybe but i still went to check, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:26:16.7775 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: maybe but i still went to check 20:26:25.1351 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:there was just a starter car in there:2 20:26:25.1351 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: there was just a starter car in there, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:26:25.1351 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: there was just a starter car in there 20:26:30.5282 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I'd keep an eye on them:2 20:26:30.5282 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I'd keep an eye on them, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:26:30.5282 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I'd keep an eye on them 20:26:35.4000 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yup:2 20:26:35.4000 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yup, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:26:35.4000 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yup 20:26:36.5421 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: LemonHead passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198851053907, PlayerID: 176561198851053907 20:26:37.1753 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Doodle:GPS:Doodle #1:-3943328.14:-62945.64:-733680.26:#FF75C9F1::3 20:26:51.0048 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 20:26:52.3189 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 20:26:54.0010 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 20:26:54.8525 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut_Female that is not yet replicated on client 20:27:00.2508 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:not worth any time taking it out:2 20:27:00.2508 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not worth any time taking it out, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:27:00.2508 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: not worth any time taking it out 20:27:11.1495 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I mean, what value does it have?:2 20:27:11.1495 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I mean, what value does it have?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:27:11.1495 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I mean, what value does it have? 20:27:12.8153 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:27:17.7337 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:for now none:2 20:27:17.7337 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: for now none, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:27:17.7337 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: for now none 20:27:19.7670 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:it's free:2 20:27:19.7670 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it's free, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:27:19.7670 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: it's free 20:27:23.8970 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yhea:2 20:27:23.8970 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yhea, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:27:23.8970 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yhea 20:27:39.7541 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 20:27:52.1869 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:if it leads you to a base or something, that's worth while:2 20:27:52.1869 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: if it leads you to a base or something, that's worth while, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:27:52.1869 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: if it leads you to a base or something, that's worth while 20:27:55.6773 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:moral dilemma: do I strive for the cold certainty of space or mad max it on the dunes:0 20:28:01.6265 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ordos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119316063, PlayerID: 176561198119316063 20:28:04.5269 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: should i leave my large atmo miner at my base when i'm coming to space or i scrapt it ? 20:28:07.9661 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:hmm:2 20:28:07.9661 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hmm, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:28:07.9661 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hmm 20:28:09.5644 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] First Consul:Oooh that is a tough one:0 20:28:12.8204 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:28:15.2977 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:a signal just popped up:2 20:28:15.2977 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: a signal just popped up, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:28:15.2977 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: a signal just popped up 20:28:31.9357 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:its called BNG.Big Miner:2 20:28:31.9357 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its called BNG.Big Miner, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:28:31.9357 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: its called BNG.Big Miner 20:28:38.5561 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 20:28:39.0815 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 20:28:39.7324 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 20:28:43.7155 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ill investigate:2 20:28:43.7155 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ill investigate, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:28:43.7155 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ill investigate 20:28:56.4565 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: yes ? 20:29:00.8909 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I have nothing to attack with yet:2 20:29:00.8909 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I have nothing to attack with yet, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:29:00.8909 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I have nothing to attack with yet 20:29:02.4575 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:certainty is a calculation a percentage of probablity:0 20:29:02.7034 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:its 10 km away from me:2 20:29:02.7034 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: its 10 km away from me, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:29:02.7034 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: its 10 km away from me 20:29:06.6731 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ordos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198119316063, PlayerID: 176561198119316063 20:29:09.6502 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:and in space:2 20:29:09.6502 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and in space, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:29:09.6502 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: and in space 20:29:12.8345 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:29:17.5318 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:might be their base:2 20:29:17.5318 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: might be their base, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:29:17.5318 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: might be their base 20:29:18.1038 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I'll have to work on planet assault ship:2 20:29:18.1038 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I'll have to work on planet assault ship, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:29:18.1038 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I'll have to work on planet assault ship 20:29:19.3086 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 20:29:19.3086 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman soundLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:29:19.3086 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 20:29:19.3086 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Badman sound (76561198142381224) Disconnected. 20:29:20.3701 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: tommelom10 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198081526137, PlayerID: 176561198081526137 20:29:33.8235 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: atDotcom passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198052334562, PlayerID: 176561198052334562 20:29:44.4705 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:but I'm building slow:2 20:29:44.4705 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but I'm building slow, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:29:44.4705 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: but I'm building slow 20:29:46.2228 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Prof. Gumby passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198015948525, PlayerID: 176561198015948525 20:29:51.0212 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:only the sith deal in absolutes:0 20:29:55.3582 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...224] (76561198142381224) Disconnected. 20:29:56.2032 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok take your time:2 20:29:56.2032 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok take your time, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:29:56.2032 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok take your time 20:29:59.7244 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I want a safezone ready to go next:2 20:29:59.7244 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I want a safezone ready to go next, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:29:59.7244 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I want a safezone ready to go next 20:30:07.4722 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198015948525 from 20:30:07.4882 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Prof. Gumby joined (76561198015948525) 20:30:07.4882 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:30:07.4882 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:30:07.4882 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:30:07.4882 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:30:07.4882 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Prof. Gumby shares the same IP address as PCSO Codpiece 20:30:07.6745 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:30:09.1217 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 20:30:11.3400 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:so I can refine offline:2 20:30:11.3400 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so I can refine offline, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:30:11.3400 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: so I can refine offline 20:30:12.8449 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:30:22.1556 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i'm finishing my interplanetary carrier and coming to space then i'll leave 20:30:27.8389 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: tommelom10 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198081526137, PlayerID: 176561198081526137 20:30:31.8392 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Badman sound passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198142381224, PlayerID: 176561198142381224 20:30:36.4221 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: to sleep 20:30:37.1476 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:inspector just disconnected, im going to investigate:2 20:30:37.1476 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: inspector just disconnected, im going to investigate, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:30:37.1476 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: inspector just disconnected, im going to investigate 20:30:38.1671 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:6 players in OuterA now:2 20:30:38.1671 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 6 players in OuterA now, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:30:38.1671 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: 6 players in OuterA now 20:30:39.8893 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198142381224 from 20:30:39.9053 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Badman sound joined (76561198142381224) 20:30:39.9053 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:30:39.9053 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:30:39.9053 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:30:39.9053 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:30:39.9053 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Badman sound shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 20:30:39.9726 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:30:45.8971 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:wow:2 20:30:45.8971 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wow, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:30:45.8971 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: wow 20:30:52.5057 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Toxyss passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198105251897, PlayerID: 176561198105251897 20:31:00.9888 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman sound successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:31:02.2981 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Badman sound has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 20:31:07.1666 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Prof. Gumby successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:31:12.6245 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:and sim cpu is only at 75%:2 20:31:12.6245 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and sim cpu is only at 75%, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:31:12.6245 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: and sim cpu is only at 75% 20:31:12.8469 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:31:24.9167 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: atDotcom passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198052334562, PlayerID: 176561198052334562 20:31:26.4930 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:there are nice things about a wipe:2 20:31:26.4930 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: there are nice things about a wipe, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:31:26.4930 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: there are nice things about a wipe 20:32:04.1995 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:hey, have you seen the GOD forge activated?:2 20:32:04.1995 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hey, have you seen the GOD forge activated?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:32:04.1995 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hey, have you seen the GOD forge activated? 20:32:12.8613 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:32:20.0676 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I'll have to go find it, I guess:2 20:32:20.0676 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I'll have to go find it, I guess, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:32:20.0676 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I'll have to go find it, I guess 20:32:32.3190 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:unless it's at the old GPS:2 20:32:32.3190 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: unless it's at the old GPS, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:32:32.3190 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: unless it's at the old GPS 20:32:35.0277 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: trainwreck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199176080737, PlayerID: 176561199176080737 20:32:43.4855 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:the signal is from a starter car:2 20:32:43.4855 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: the signal is from a starter car, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:32:43.4855 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: the signal is from a starter car 20:32:48.5776 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 20:32:56.5627 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:no, i think bish bash is working on the god forge:2 20:32:56.5627 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: no, i think bish bash is working on the god forge, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:32:56.5627 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: no, i think bish bash is working on the god forge 20:33:04.0565 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I see:2 20:33:04.0565 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I see, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:33:04.0565 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I see 20:33:12.8772 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:33:24.5611 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Wish_dp passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198302400300, PlayerID: 176561198302400300 20:33:37.7477 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:well, hard to know why they left a starter there, but I wouldn't touch it:2 20:33:37.7477 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: well, hard to know why they left a starter there, but I wouldn't touch it, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:33:37.7477 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: well, hard to know why they left a starter there, but I wouldn't touch it 20:33:39.1632 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 20:33:43.0090 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Toxyss passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198105251897, PlayerID: 176561198105251897 20:33:43.3652 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Prof. Gumby meta data! 20:33:43.3652 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 20:33:43.3652 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 20:33:43.3652 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 20:33:43.3652 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 20:33:43.3652 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 20:33:43.3652 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 20:33:43.3652 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 20:33:43.4073 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9336kb Compressed: 430kb 20:33:45.6624 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:only gives them info:2 20:33:45.6624 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: only gives them info, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:33:45.6624 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: only gives them info 20:33:53.8780 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:thats weird, they're spawning fake signals around the moon:2 20:33:53.8780 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thats weird, they're spawning fake signals around the moon, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:33:53.8780 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: thats weird, they're spawning fake signals around the moon 20:34:08.0827 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:maybe someone just used it to spawn in:2 20:34:08.0827 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: maybe someone just used it to spawn in, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:34:08.0827 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: maybe someone just used it to spawn in 20:34:12.8924 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:34:14.7022 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 20:34:17.0812 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yhea but it was in space:2 20:34:17.0812 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yhea but it was in space, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:34:17.0812 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yhea but it was in space 20:34:35.5592 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: carlos rodriguez passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198888725306, PlayerID: 176561198888725306 20:34:59.5804 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 44877ms (315ms CPU) 20:34:59.5804 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 20:34:59.6863 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 20:35:01.4673 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:BNG are both here in OuterA:2 20:35:01.4673 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: BNG are both here in OuterA, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:35:01.4673 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: BNG are both here in OuterA 20:35:12.9071 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:35:25.7371 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:maybe they are looking for me, LOL:2 20:35:25.7371 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: maybe they are looking for me, LOL, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:35:25.7371 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: maybe they are looking for me, LOL 20:35:45.4625 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on bob2. 20:35:45.4625 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 20:35:47.3140 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid bob2 for cut & paste! 20:35:47.3140 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 2987 for cut & paste! 20:35:47.3140 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 8278 for cut & paste! 20:35:47.3140 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 9079 for cut & paste! 20:35:47.3140 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 4070 for cut & paste! 20:35:47.3140 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 6603 for cut & paste! 20:35:47.3140 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 1445 for cut & paste! 20:35:47.3140 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Ship was fixed! 20:35:47.3140 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Nuka cola started! 20:35:47.3140 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 20:35:48.4883 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I'll have to hangar up if I go mining for now:2 20:35:48.4883 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I'll have to hangar up if I go mining for now, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:35:48.4883 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I'll have to hangar up if I go mining for now 20:36:12.9090 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:36:24.0281 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: carlos rodriguez passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198888725306, PlayerID: 176561198888725306 20:36:26.7313 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 20:36:26.7313 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: topnitelLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:36:26.7313 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving topnitel meta data! 20:36:26.7313 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: topnitel (76561199160020624) Disconnected. 20:36:31.3783 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Wish_dp passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198302400300, PlayerID: 176561198302400300 20:36:40.1290 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 20:37:02.9292 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: assault turrets are enough to defend a base ? 20:37:12.9193 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:37:21.9626 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: trainwreck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199176080737, PlayerID: 176561199176080737 20:37:37.9292 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Raginis passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198049494804, PlayerID: 176561198049494804 20:38:12.9283 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:38:39.8454 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 20:39:12.9392 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:39:28.6893 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Raginis passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198049494804, PlayerID: 176561198049494804 20:39:36.2322 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 20:39:36.2322 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefliLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:39:36.2322 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 20:39:36.2322 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: jefli (76561198312443008) Disconnected. 20:39:50.3385 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yhea:2 20:39:50.3385 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yhea, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:39:50.3385 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yhea 20:40:01.4732 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: jefli passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198312443008, PlayerID: 176561198312443008 20:40:06.6893 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198312443008 from 20:40:06.7064 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player jefli joined (76561198312443008) 20:40:06.7064 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:40:06.7064 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:40:06.7064 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:40:06.7064 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:40:06.7897 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:40:12.9397 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:40:13.0853 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:but if they're both there that's because their base is around that area very probably:2 20:40:13.0853 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but if they're both there that's because their base is around that area very probably, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:40:13.0853 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: but if they're both there that's because their base is around that area very probably 20:40:41.7738 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefli successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:40:44.1127 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: jefli has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 20:41:03.1529 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 20:41:12.9452 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:41:16.3524 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198225400408 from 20:41:16.3695 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Tekura joined (76561198225400408) 20:41:16.3695 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:41:16.3695 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:41:16.3695 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:41:16.3695 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:41:16.6354 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:41:26.7524 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: we already have a london or the blueprint is being made ? 20:42:00.9534 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: ok 20:42:12.9593 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:43:09.1375 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Tekura successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:43:09.1545 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.RespawnLocationsSync: Autospawning 76561198225400408 20:43:09.1545 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.CharacterUtilities: Cleared 0 characters for player Tekura 20:43:12.9701 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:43:33.5615 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 20:43:40.4209 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 20:43:45.8798 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: if no i can bring some 20:44:04.6469 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i have 2 jump 20:44:08.1464 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: playgamesX02 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198884040828, PlayerID: 176561198884040828 20:44:12.9697 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:44:17.1291 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: -RWC-USS ROGERS, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 20:44:17.1291 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199385980474 20:44:17.2285 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Tekura Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 20:44:17.2405 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: -RWC-USS ROGERS is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space A [Tekura:76561198225400408 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 20:44:19.7962 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: TekuraLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:44:19.7962 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Tekura meta data! 20:44:19.7962 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Tekura (76561198225400408) Disconnected. 20:44:48.6609 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: 2 jump for 1.2k block, 20:44:59.0077 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 20:45:00.8793 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderCommands' 20:45:00.8953 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: There is a number of useful commands that every player on our servers can use in-game. For the full list of them, just type !commandlist (or !cl) in the chat.' 20:45:12.9706 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:45:23.7920 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i have a gps for a space base but idk if it's the good one 20:45:31.0305 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:thank you server, very helpful:0 20:45:31.6613 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Wish_dp passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198302400300, PlayerID: 176561198302400300 20:45:40.3940 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: it's 90km from mars 20:45:49.5877 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I'm pretty sure they have mobile bases:2 20:45:49.5877 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I'm pretty sure they have mobile bases, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:45:49.5877 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I'm pretty sure they have mobile bases 20:45:54.5344 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: k 20:45:58.2680 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: yagavdv passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198203076220, PlayerID: 176561198203076220 20:46:11.6725 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tekura passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198225400408, PlayerID: 176561198225400408 20:46:12.9856 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:46:16.4572 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PinkSlippers passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198264932186, PlayerID: 176561198264932186 20:46:19.4404 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HickS� passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198046252343, PlayerID: 176561198046252343 20:46:23.4573 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:it there maybe be a base/ship here now, but that doesn't mean much:2 20:46:23.4573 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it there maybe be a base/ship here now, but that doesn't mean much, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:46:23.4573 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: it there maybe be a base/ship here now, but that doesn't mean much 20:46:26.7427 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WholsomeBanana passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199465290546, PlayerID: 176561199465290546 20:46:36.2070 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199465290546 from 20:46:36.2241 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player WholsomeBanana joined (76561199465290546) 20:46:36.2241 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:46:36.2241 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:46:36.2241 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:46:36.2241 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:46:36.4077 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:47:05.2936 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Toxyss:hi :) �:0 20:47:09.7571 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: IngelStitch passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198936889709, PlayerID: 176561198936889709 20:47:12.9860 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:47:13.9074 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Wish_dp passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198302400300, PlayerID: 176561198302400300 20:47:31.7370 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HickS� passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198046252343, PlayerID: 176561198046252343 20:48:06.6365 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: ok damm 590km away 20:48:10.5908 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gergo21HUN passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198839354006, PlayerID: 176561198839354006 20:48:12.9855 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:48:20.1481 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBanana successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:48:41.1880 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 20:48:43.0176 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Prof. Gumby meta data! 20:48:43.0176 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 20:48:43.0176 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 20:48:43.0176 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 20:48:43.0176 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 20:48:43.0176 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 20:48:43.0176 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 20:48:43.0176 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 20:48:43.0627 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9349kb Compressed: 433kb 20:49:00.0045 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: IngelStitch passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198936889709, PlayerID: 176561198936889709 20:49:07.6507 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Toxyss:any player in earth ? :0 20:49:12.9866 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:49:25.4921 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:remember that some signals are unknown :0 20:49:28.9790 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:about 20:0 20:49:30.3208 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:some signals are strong:0 20:49:35.7294 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I see 15:2 20:49:35.7294 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I see 15, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:49:35.7294 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I see 15 20:49:40.7899 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:15 what:2 20:49:40.7899 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 15 what, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:49:40.7899 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: 15 what 20:49:42.5646 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i don't understand what my bnr are doing 20:49:42.7202 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:some strong signals are not known (strong unknown signals):0 20:49:53.4480 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 20:50:00.8327 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:opps:2 20:50:00.8327 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: opps, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:50:00.8327 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: opps 20:50:03.3362 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Toxyss:just started multi ^^ :0 20:50:05.3026 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:wrong chat:2 20:50:05.3026 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wrong chat, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:50:05.3026 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: wrong chat 20:50:08.6181 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:maybe we were the unknown signals the whole time:0 20:50:08.8830 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Toxyss:never played before:0 20:50:11.9374 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199465290546 took: 56ms Total Grids Sent: 1 20:50:12.8311 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: it's welding but nothing has been built since 20 min 20:50:12.9866 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:50:14.4112 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:nice Goodluck:0 20:50:20.4685 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I see 15 players in earth only sector:0 20:50:27.0317 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: WholsomeBanana Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 20:50:32.7260 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:It is pvp on earth so watch your back or join faction:0 20:50:33.0828 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBananaLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:50:33.0828 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 20:50:33.0828 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: WholsomeBanana (76561199465290546) Disconnected. 20:50:57.2214 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:their "Large Grid" signal moved around 7 Km from its last location:2 20:50:57.2214 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: their "Large Grid" signal moved around 7 Km from its last location, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:50:57.2214 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: their "Large Grid" signal moved around 7 Km from its last location 20:51:03.6146 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 20:51:05.3669 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...546] (76561199465290546) Disconnected. 20:51:05.8873 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:how's the sim on earth with 15 players?:0 20:51:13.0012 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:51:16.1753 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] HairyHarry:thats what i wanna know:0 20:51:23.3478 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: it's wierd i have 3 bnr but it seems that only one thing is being build everytime 20:52:03.0913 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:no one's had time to build really stupid big stuff yet, so it may be ok:0 20:52:07.7980 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: my 9 assemblers are working 20:52:10.0571 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:but that won't last:0 20:52:13.0016 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:52:14.2977 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Doodle passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198366347879, PlayerID: 176561198366347879 20:52:19.6945 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh i seea ship on surface:2 20:52:19.6945 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh i seea ship on surface, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:52:19.6945 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh i seea ship on surface 20:52:21.1646 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 20:52:25.6645 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i'm using a script for it 20:52:26.3140 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199465290546 from 20:52:26.3310 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player WholsomeBanana joined (76561199465290546) 20:52:26.3310 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 20:52:26.3310 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 20:52:26.3310 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 20:52:26.3310 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 20:52:26.5649 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 20:52:27.1128 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] First Consul:what does the server wipe?:0 20:52:27.8805 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] HairyHarry:But still x15 you would imagine some stress:0 20:52:29.9040 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Well the performance increase with last update is really good:0 20:52:48.8314 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: trainwreck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199176080737, PlayerID: 176561199176080737 20:52:58.4596 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:@qweller are you still with a faction?:0 20:53:08.3988 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: nah it's working but take its time 20:53:13.0182 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:53:13.2550 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] HairyHarry:DOOM:0 20:53:21.1540 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:coom?:0 20:53:22.2480 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: Hello Consul, do you mean during scheduled restarts? 20:53:22.3915 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I want back to my faction:0 20:53:26.3566 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:oh wait:0 20:53:29.0819 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: imma help it a little 20:53:30.8622 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:@Qweller :0 20:53:36.3150 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: yagavdv passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198203076220, PlayerID: 176561198203076220 20:53:39.9149 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 20:53:40.4183 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:no one was playing equalizers:0 20:53:41.8484 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 20:53:50.7154 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBanana successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 20:54:06.1046 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I mean, I went back to my faction, not want back...:0 20:54:13.0188 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:54:21.3595 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:want to start new one?:0 20:54:36.0297 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] HairyHarry:recruitement can be a pain, especially when it comes to experienced players:0 20:54:53.5977 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:DOOM has been my faction/clan/guild for about 30yrs:0 20:55:01.2409 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:ill hop in:0 20:55:01.7192 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ??????? ???? ????? 20:55:04.0414 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:if u want:0 20:55:05.8614 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:so not just starting another:0 20:55:11.5681 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:I got 2250 hours. is that experienced?:0 20:55:13.0184 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:55:29.6919 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:will be lone wolfing tho :D:0 20:55:35.5660 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:apply:0 20:55:38.2113 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Wish_dp:??????! ??? ?????? ?????:2 20:55:38.2113 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??????! ??? ?????? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, Wish_dp 20:55:38.2113 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??????! ??? ?????? ????? 20:55:40.7742 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:kk:0 20:55:42.4026 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Genocidas passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198000473846, PlayerID: 176561198000473846 20:55:42.6695 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 20:55:45.1724 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I'll ask other members:0 20:55:57.3025 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:still there?:2 20:55:57.3025 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: still there?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:55:57.3025 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: still there? 20:56:00.3860 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gergo21HUN passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198839354006, PlayerID: 176561198839354006 20:56:01.5382 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: savage187Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 20:56:01.5382 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 20:56:01.5382 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: savage187 (76561198320436731) Disconnected. 20:56:02.1710 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] HairyHarry:2k hours anyone will have you:0 20:56:13.0192 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:56:17.1848 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:almost at 2500 :0 20:56:18.4192 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: 2250 hours is fine :D you only need 25 for a pilots license 20:56:21.3188 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: looking cool 20:56:22.8061 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:lol:0 20:56:31.0747 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:Ok, the player GERGO21HUN has a ship that kinda looks like a rover with solar panels on top and has a jump drive:2 20:56:31.0747 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Ok, the player GERGO21HUN has a ship that kinda looks like a rover with solar panels on top and has a jump drive, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:56:31.0747 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: Ok, the player GERGO21HUN has a ship that kinda looks like a rover with solar panels on top and has a jump drive 20:56:38.3361 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ????????? passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198180979978, PlayerID: 176561198180979978 20:56:43.0287 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:what 25 hours?:0 20:56:46.3903 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:my only downside is a slight lack of fighting experience:0 20:56:50.8331 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:@Qweller:0 20:56:52.2937 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:what do you think of Pan?:2 20:56:52.2937 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what do you think of Pan?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:56:52.2937 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: what do you think of Pan? 20:56:59.5179 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:I mostly do building, piloting, survival and damage management :0 20:57:00.5527 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Genocidas passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198000473846, PlayerID: 176561198000473846 20:57:01.0469 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Im holding on to my own faction for now:0 20:57:02.0524 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ?????????? ?? ????? 20:57:04.3398 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:honestly no idea:2 20:57:04.3398 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: honestly no idea, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:57:04.3398 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: honestly no idea 20:57:10.4289 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Wish_dp:????? ????? ????:2 20:57:10.4289 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ????? ????, Faction, 269795447426830276, Wish_dp 20:57:10.4289 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ????? ???? 20:57:13.0327 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:57:14.1954 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:never interacted with him before:2 20:57:14.1954 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: never interacted with him before, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:57:14.1954 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: never interacted with him before 20:57:21.4770 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:but ive send a peace offer to DOOM for diplomatic reasons:0 20:57:23.2529 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Prof. Gumby: Alex, 25 hours minimum of direct instruction and / or solo 20:57:27.6105 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:Gergo I was about 5 metres from your shit when you warped:0 20:57:28.0662 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:k, he doesn't want to join right now anyway:2 20:57:28.0662 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: k, he doesn't want to join right now anyway, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:57:28.0662 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: k, he doesn't want to join right now anyway 20:57:40.3861 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Faction name is: ONX:0 20:57:49.2380 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:although he doesnt seem like a bad guy:2 20:57:49.2380 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: although he doesnt seem like a bad guy, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:57:49.2380 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: although he doesnt seem like a bad guy 20:57:51.3877 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:cool, Pan:0 20:57:55.8941 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Orion Nebula Xiles:0 20:58:01.7402 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:^^:0 20:58:13.0329 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:58:15.5355 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Gergo21HUN passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198839354006, PlayerID: 176561198839354006 20:58:24.7959 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Wish_dp:??? ???? ??????? ? ? ?? ?? ??? ??? ????? ??? ?????:2 20:58:24.7959 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ???? ??????? ? ? ?? ?? ??? ??? ????? ??? ?????, Faction, 269795447426830276, Wish_dp 20:58:24.7959 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ???? ??????? ? ? ?? ?? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????? 20:58:26.3690 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I played with him some on Alien right after last wipe, 6 months ago:2 20:58:26.3690 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I played with him some on Alien right after last wipe, 6 months ago, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:58:26.3690 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I played with him some on Alien right after last wipe, 6 months ago 20:58:39.9892 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:and he was fine while in equalizers:2 20:58:39.9892 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and he was fine while in equalizers, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 20:58:39.9892 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: and he was fine while in equalizers 20:58:42.5362 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 20:58:59.8297 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok, ill be right back (need to go eat dinner):2 20:58:59.8297 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, ill be right back (need to go eat dinner), Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 20:58:59.8297 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok, ill be right back (need to go eat dinner) 20:59:03.2358 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?????, ? ?????? ?????, ?? ????. ???? ?????? ??? ???? ?????????? ????? 20:59:03.8198 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i'll take all uranium of my base and bring it to space too 20:59:05.3874 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:is here king of the hill?:0 20:59:11.7863 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:hi:3 20:59:13.0328 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 20:59:14.4031 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ?? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ???? 20:59:18.2529 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ? ? ?????? 20:59:19.1047 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] HairyHarry:Yh on mars:0 20:59:28.6891 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:got 3 members from equalizers in DOOM:3 20:59:30.8572 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:ew mars:0 20:59:34.5706 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:i saw so:3 20:59:36.5361 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: only 160 left 20:59:39.0878 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:ate my ship once when I was a lil newbie:0 20:59:40.1003 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:k:3 20:59:40.6158 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:on planet?:0 20:59:42.6744 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:never forgave it:0 20:59:43.9293 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Wish_dp:????? ?????! ??? ??? ???????? ? ???????? ?:2 20:59:43.9293 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ?????! ??? ??? ???????? ? ???????? ?, Faction, 269795447426830276, Wish_dp 20:59:43.9293 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ?????! ??? ??? ???????? ? ???????? ? 20:59:46.1974 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:I've never actually eaten a mchicken:0 20:59:50.7031 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Socialist Duck: well everything seems to happen on mars 20:59:54.8842 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:well, if you want in, I think it would work:3 20:59:56.3148 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] HairyHarry:GPS:mars forge:1062475.19:174388.19:1601809.94:#FF75C9F1::3 20:59:59.3084 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Might join later if that is cool with the guys ofc:3 21:00:00.0024 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder3h' 21:00:00.0215 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 3 hours.' 21:00:00.0215 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [3 hours]." 5000 White' 21:00:00.9341 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] HairyHarry:Shhhhh it wasnt me:3 21:00:01.3040 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:you are one sus man mr alex:0 21:00:02.0396 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:ally up, ok?:3 21:00:05.7859 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: oh i forgot my two jumpdrive, so no more uranium 21:00:12.8719 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:damn martians:0 21:00:13.0335 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:00:15.4929 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Inspector_Alex:I'M FUCKING STARVING GRRRRRRRRRRR:0 21:00:19.9383 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:but for now i'd like to orientate on what i want to do with the new wipe and settings:3 21:00:24.3361 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ????? ??????????. ???, ???? ??? ??????? ??????? 21:00:27.2215 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:yes ally for sure:3 21:00:31.6873 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:my ass is not for sale:0 21:00:32.8586 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:yet:0 21:00:37.4859 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ????-?? ??? ? ????? ??????? 21:00:37.6064 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:we'll see how desperate I get:0 21:00:51.4900 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:I will not ever engage or oppose DOOM What so ever ^^:3 21:00:56.5210 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:thanks mate:3 21:01:00.4771 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:unless you att me lol:3 21:01:09.2530 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: my small reactor isn't keeping up 21:01:09.9099 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:could use a trading partner:3 21:01:13.0339 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:01:14.1864 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ???? ????????? ?????, ?? ?????????, ???? ???? ???????????, ??? ? ??????? 21:01:20.8361 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ?????????? ??? 21:01:33.2701 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ? ? ???? ?????? ???????? ????????? ?? ???????????? 21:01:41.0745 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Wish_dp:?????? ??? ???? ?? ???????? ?):2 21:01:41.0745 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?????? ??? ???? ?? ???????? ?), Faction, 269795447426830276, Wish_dp 21:01:41.0745 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ?????? ??? ???? ?? ???????? ?) 21:01:56.3729 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:not planning any raiding:3 21:01:58.8031 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ??, ?????? ?????? ? ??? ????? 21:02:05.5568 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] HairyHarry:No worries, dont be sharing that in global though. Its within the planets atmosphere floating above the surface by 1-2km you wont miss it:3 21:02:10.2920 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:btw, watch out for BNG:3 21:02:11.4028 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ? ??? ?????? ? ???? ??? ?? ???? 21:02:13.0333 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:02:16.8548 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:them, I would raid:3 21:02:24.6958 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Wish_dp:????? ?? ????? ) ?? ??????? !)):2 21:02:24.6958 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ????? ?? ????? ) ?? ??????? !)), Faction, 269795447426830276, Wish_dp 21:02:24.6958 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ????? ?? ????? ) ?? ??????? !)) 21:02:29.9361 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:what do you get there as a prize?:3 21:02:33.8029 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ?, ????? ??? ??? ??????? ????????? ? 61?? ?????? 21:02:37.7899 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Whats with BNG?:3 21:02:45.3573 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:Bingus faction:3 21:02:47.7197 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 21:02:48.4863 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 21:02:52.0224 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:And hit me up if you want to raid them btw. ill be honered to help:3 21:02:54.6448 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:kk:3 21:03:13.0486 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:03:15.6363 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ????? ??, ???????, ??????? 21:03:26.4838 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Wish_dp:??? ? ?? ????? ?:2 21:03:26.4838 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ??? ? ?? ????? ?, Faction, 269795447426830276, Wish_dp 21:03:26.4838 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? ? ?? ????? ? 21:03:27.7383 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:they have been pretty hostile:3 21:03:34.8371 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] WholsomeBanana: ????? ??? 21:03:40.3675 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Wish_dp:???:2 21:03:40.3675 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ???, Faction, 269795447426830276, Wish_dp 21:03:40.3675 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:269795447426830276] Good.bot: ??? 21:03:41.9736 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:very hostile:3 21:03:42.9837 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Prof. Gumby meta data! 21:03:42.9837 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 21:03:42.9837 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 21:03:42.9837 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 21:03:42.9837 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 21:03:42.9837 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 21:03:42.9837 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 21:03:43.0269 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9356kb Compressed: 434kb 21:03:43.1955 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 21:04:03.8381 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: who's joining and leaving ? 21:04:13.0483 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:04:27.1410 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:well if you got info on base locs, or planet of habitation. let me know. ill go and scout out the place to gather intel on them:0 21:04:34.0561 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:wow, now there are 15 players in OuterA:0 21:04:37.2575 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:rip:0 21:04:45.6774 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:sim looks good still:0 21:04:52.3108 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:wrong comm:3 21:04:56.2394 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:very nice:0 21:04:59.5844 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 21:05:00.0275 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:anyways keep me posted:3 21:05:06.6609 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:whats sim doing:0 21:05:07.3895 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:will do:0 21:05:13.0497 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:05:33.5815 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] HairyHarry:Around 10k refined Uranium, 10-20 zone chips and sometimes a bonus bit of platinum on the side, but its rare:3 21:05:36.0107 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:too bad ACE didn't come back for the wipe...:0 21:05:44.3828 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 44799ms (258ms CPU) 21:05:44.3828 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 21:05:44.4661 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 21:05:51.2188 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Da_MLG_man passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198290436701, PlayerID: 176561198290436701 21:05:52.1296 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:err, wrong chat:0 21:05:55.2878 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mirik passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198076950222, PlayerID: 176561198076950222 21:05:56.7551 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198290436701 from 21:05:56.7711 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Da_MLG_man joined (76561198290436701) 21:05:56.7711 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 21:05:56.7711 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 21:05:56.7711 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 21:05:56.7711 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 21:05:56.9879 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 21:05:57.5253 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:but that's ok:0 21:06:03.7381 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: holla mlg 21:06:13.0505 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:06:14.1639 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:ACE was pretty cool:0 21:06:26.3546 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 21:06:29.2052 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Da_MLG_man successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 21:06:30.2765 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Da_MLG_man has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 21:06:38.7986 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:Skipper Bobby too, cept he builds big:0 21:06:49.2781 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:will sim drop when you fight with other players?:0 21:06:55.5950 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 21:06:57.2916 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:yes:0 21:07:04.1762 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:depending on ship size:0 21:07:06.8982 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:posible to find?:0 21:07:08.9454 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:guns cause sim drop:0 21:07:10.7008 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:fight*:0 21:07:12.7552 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] First Consul:*flashbacks to fighting pvp in new frontier:0 21:07:13.0522 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:07:23.8173 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:we have weaponcore, so 10K pcu builds will do fine:0 21:07:47.6935 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199431768254 from 21:07:47.7196 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player zhulavskyi2143 joined (76561199431768254) 21:07:47.7196 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 21:07:47.7196 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 21:07:47.7196 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 21:07:47.7196 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 21:07:48.2858 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 21:07:54.2484 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:there are some specs for stadard PvP ship:0 21:07:57.1023 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: HairyHarry passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199063276280, PlayerID: 176561199063276280 21:08:06.0636 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:10k blocks is one of um:0 21:08:13.0645 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:08:40.9337 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I don't think the specs are enforce by server yet, but they may be:0 21:08:43.7823 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 21:08:47.8021 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBananaLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 21:08:47.8021 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 21:08:47.8021 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: WholsomeBanana (76561199465290546) Disconnected. 21:08:54.1457 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199465290546 from 21:08:54.1658 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player WholsomeBanana joined (76561199465290546) 21:08:54.1658 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 21:08:54.1658 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 21:08:54.1658 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 21:08:54.1658 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 21:08:54.4494 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 21:09:03.4662 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:actually, the specs allowed 15 BARS:0 21:09:13.0790 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:09:13.7278 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:so that is enforced and then some:0 21:09:14.1332 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mirik passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198076950222, PlayerID: 176561198076950222 21:09:37.7650 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:to clarify the max BNR per grid is now 8:0 21:09:42.8888 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] HairyHarry:Thought it was 8 BnR's per grid?:0 21:09:47.3199 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] HairyHarry:Yh:0 21:10:00.1337 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:that's what I meant by "and then some":0 21:10:13.0908 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:10:14.7999 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 21:10:30.7018 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Prof. GumbyLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 21:10:30.7018 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Prof. Gumby meta data! 21:10:30.7018 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Prof. Gumby (76561198015948525) Disconnected. 21:10:32.6146 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:other specs are 60 grav gen, 300 mass blocks and 420 welders:0 21:10:33.8501 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBanana successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 21:10:44.5490 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:no gun limits:0 21:10:44.9581 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:i understood ya Qweller, just didn't want any confusion by english second language players:0 21:10:49.5531 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:no pcu limits:0 21:11:08.5193 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...525] (76561198015948525) Disconnected. 21:11:11.0117 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:cool shena:0 21:11:13.0991 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:11:24.1045 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:just explaining myself:0 21:11:50.7880 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:8 BARS isn't so bad:0 21:12:13.1119 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:12:18.9673 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I had 96 on one grid before, and that was fun...:0 21:12:23.6584 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:it sure is nice to have a heavy miner operational now, even if missing a few parts it still mines :D:0 21:12:23.7925 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] HairyHarry:Its pretty balanced and if your smart with your welders then they're irrelevant:0 21:12:29.8131 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:but I can live with this limit:0 21:12:38.3171 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 21:12:39.7172 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Modius passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199012063093, PlayerID: 176561199012063093 21:13:13.1127 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:13:24.3737 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:good welder structure is critical to PvP at high end:0 21:13:44.3316 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Modius passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199012063093, PlayerID: 176561199012063093 21:13:44.5323 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 21:13:49.0485 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Medium Dinosaur passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198341618735, PlayerID: 176561198341618735 21:14:01.7595 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 21:14:13.1210 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:14:47.4438 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:high end pvp is just a giant heavy armoured rod covered in self repairing guns :0 21:15:00.9656 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderVote' 21:15:00.9816 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: You can use !votenow command to submit your daily vote and then use !reward to receive full set of elite tools, Uranium ingots and a chance for Platinum drop!' 21:15:13.1263 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:15:16.8337 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:most are pyramid shaped, that I've seen:0 21:15:42.6591 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:but you could call that a rod:0 21:15:58.4618 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:pyramids are by far the better shape but a good thick rod is alright in a pinch:0 21:16:13.1428 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:16:18.5630 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:it doesnt sound interesting:0 21:16:29.4653 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Medium Dinosaur passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198341618735, PlayerID: 176561198341618735 21:16:39.5809 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Genocidas:you need to have guns, welders and blocks limits :0 21:16:53.4484 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 21:16:58.0389 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:nah:0 21:17:03.0923 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 21:17:11.7882 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:nah to the gun limit:0 21:17:13.1455 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:17:22.5676 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:there are block and welder limits:0 21:17:22.6840 [INFO] Chat: (to Da_MLG_man): Looking for reward... 21:17:22.6840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Da_MLG_man ran command '!reward' 21:17:22.8823 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Da_MLG_man): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 21:17:22.8823 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Da_MLG_man): Thanks for the vote! 21:17:34.8152 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 21:17:44.4160 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Medium Dinosaur:turn that antenna off THIS INSTANT young man:2 21:17:44.4160 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: turn that antenna off THIS INSTANT young man, Faction, 224281537050159960, Medium Dinosaur 21:17:44.4160 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:224281537050159960] Good.bot: turn that antenna off THIS INSTANT young man 21:17:46.7016 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:its conveyor junctions that are the big killer? or have I been lied to :0 21:18:00.8325 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 21:18:02.4654 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:It was:0 21:18:05.1915 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:that and massive welder walls:0 21:18:13.1574 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:18:13.4215 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:Ive seen a few of those, terrifying stuff:0 21:18:35.0990 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 21:18:41.5942 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: don't talk about school, pls 21:18:43.0875 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Da_MLG_man meta data! 21:18:43.0875 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 21:18:43.0875 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 21:18:43.0875 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 21:18:43.0875 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 21:18:43.0875 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 21:18:43.0875 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 21:18:43.0875 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 21:18:43.1327 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9464kb Compressed: 437kb 21:18:45.1944 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 21:18:45.3279 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: savage187 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198320436731, PlayerID: 176561198320436731 21:18:47.7778 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: xD 21:18:50.1528 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Medium Dinosaur:MIRIK:2 21:18:50.1528 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: MIRIK, Faction, 224281537050159960, Medium Dinosaur 21:18:50.1528 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:224281537050159960] Good.bot: MIRIK 21:18:55.3036 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Medium Dinosaur:remove these rocket turrets:2 21:18:55.3036 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: remove these rocket turrets, Faction, 224281537050159960, Medium Dinosaur 21:18:55.3036 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:224281537050159960] Good.bot: remove these rocket turrets 21:18:58.9779 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198320436731 from 21:18:58.9950 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player savage187 joined (76561198320436731) 21:18:58.9950 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 21:18:58.9950 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 21:18:58.9950 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 21:18:58.9950 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 21:18:59.1284 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 21:19:04.9803 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Qweller:welder wall?:0 21:19:11.8906 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:large ship printers:0 21:19:13.1586 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:19:18.9948 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Lewismartin85 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198083112385, PlayerID: 176561198083112385 21:19:19.0831 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Qweller:what if you get behind the wall?:0 21:19:27.5228 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Mirik:the what?:0 21:19:28.8734 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Qweller:oh, printer:0 21:19:47.9718 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:things that are never meant to see combat but are hunted because they kill sim speed:0 21:19:55.2934 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [1] Qweller:that's different, build what you like, as long as it doesn't use too much sim:0 21:20:10.4119 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: savage187 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 21:20:10.6196 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:I used to ride along with a sim speed patrol of veteran players. Got to see some of their hunting techniques first hand:0 21:20:13.1731 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:21:11.7984 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 21:21:13.1729 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:21:59.8502 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 21:22:13.1752 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:22:20.3105 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:how do you dm people over the whole split server thing btw?:0 21:22:23.9339 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 21:23:13.1885 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:23:14.4902 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 21:23:14.4902 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: oddlandLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 21:23:14.4902 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving oddland meta data! 21:23:14.4902 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: oddland (76561198098597783) Disconnected. 21:23:45.9273 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 21:23:55.5295 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...783] (76561198098597783) Disconnected. 21:24:13.1886 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:24:37.2998 [INFO] Chat: (to savage187): stone not enabled 21:24:37.2998 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player savage187 ran command '!stone' 21:24:56.9489 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 21:25:13.1892 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:26:06.7904 [INFO] Chat: (to Da_MLG_man): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on TempBase. 21:26:06.7904 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Da_MLG_man ran command '!fixship' 21:26:07.9991 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Da_MLG_man used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid TempBase for cut & paste! 21:26:08.0011 [INFO] Chat: (to Da_MLG_man): Ship was fixed! 21:26:08.0011 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Da_MLG_man started! 21:26:08.0011 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Da_MLG_man ran command '!fixship' 21:26:13.1897 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:26:46.3986 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Da_MLG_man still running! 411 seconds remaining! 21:26:46.3986 [INFO] Chat: (to Da_MLG_man): Command is still on cooldown for 411 seconds. 21:26:46.3986 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Da_MLG_man ran command '!fixship' 21:26:47.6491 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Da_MLG_man still running! 410 seconds remaining! 21:26:47.6491 [INFO] Chat: (to Da_MLG_man): Command is still on cooldown for 410 seconds. 21:26:47.6491 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Da_MLG_man ran command '!fixship' 21:26:52.6881 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:managed to find ebery ore but cobalt xd:0 21:27:02.0828 [INFO] Chat: (to Socialist Duck): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on Large Grid 2739. 21:27:02.0828 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Socialist Duck ran command '!fixship' 21:27:06.4158 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Socialist Duck used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid TempBase for cut & paste! 21:27:06.4158 [INFO] Chat: (to Socialist Duck): Ship was fixed! 21:27:06.4158 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Socialist Duck started! 21:27:06.4158 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Socialist Duck ran command '!fixship' 21:27:13.2050 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:28:13.2057 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:28:18.7328 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: SturmfliegeLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 21:28:18.7328 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Sturmfliege meta data! 21:28:18.7328 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sturmfliege has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198049769632 21:28:46.3843 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 21:29:09.8862 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: finally i prefer space, it's darker but thrusters don't take f damages from nothing 21:29:11.3827 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:McChicken, you need the nexuz plugin:0 21:29:13.2067 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:29:19.2333 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] Socialist Duck: xD 21:29:25.2568 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken::(:0 21:29:32.9854 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:to load the plugin, you need SE Plugin Loader:0 21:29:54.8162 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sturmfliege passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198049769632, PlayerID: 176561198049769632 21:30:13.2067 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:30:44.9359 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:Plugin Loader is a launcher that starts your game and adds "PlugIns" button to main menu:0 21:31:13.2168 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:31:30.7494 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: ion shit you mean ? 21:31:31.1900 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:well, in the mean time, I usually fly solo but Im up for a change. Would your faction have space for me even if I just started this server again last night?:0 21:31:39.8325 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {17F391E14F6FDBD} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 21:31:45.6308 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:my faction?:0 21:31:51.5071 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:yes:0 21:31:54.8525 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sturmfliege passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198049769632, PlayerID: 176561198049769632 21:31:57.9320 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I don't know you:0 21:32:07.6686 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 21:32:12.5030 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:ah, not an open faction?:0 21:32:13.2297 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:32:27.8708 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I've known everyone in my faction for at least 3 months:0 21:32:36.0379 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:not open at all:0 21:32:44.0171 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:invite only, really:0 21:32:55.4080 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:fair, for the best :0 21:32:55.7873 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 21:32:55.7873 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefliLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 21:32:55.7873 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 21:32:55.7873 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: jefli (76561198312443008) Disconnected. 21:33:12.3068 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: jefli passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198312443008, PlayerID: 176561198312443008 21:33:13.2296 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:33:18.4589 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I wouldn't join a faction that didn't work that way:0 21:33:18.8523 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198312443008 from 21:33:18.8693 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player jefli joined (76561198312443008) 21:33:18.8693 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 21:33:18.8693 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 21:33:18.8693 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 21:33:18.8693 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 21:33:18.9436 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 21:33:27.9686 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:just asking for trouble:0 21:33:29.1854 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ReSo1349Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 21:33:29.1854 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving ReSo1349 meta data! 21:33:29.1854 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ReSo1349 has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198097708069 21:33:31.5662 [FATAL] Keen: Definition of "MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject/OxygenBottle" is missing. 21:33:34.1728 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:^:0 21:33:43.0102 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Da_MLG_man meta data! 21:33:43.0102 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 21:33:43.0102 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 21:33:43.0102 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 21:33:43.0102 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 21:33:43.0102 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 21:33:43.0102 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 21:33:43.0534 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9370kb Compressed: 433kb 21:33:46.9047 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 21:33:55.0943 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I mean, all your grids are share with faction by default:0 21:33:56.2049 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefli successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 21:33:58.6883 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: jefli has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 21:34:01.1034 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:heh, I used to do open factions in order to teach new players how to play since the learning curve is so high:0 21:34:03.2776 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:that's a lot of access:0 21:34:13.2385 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:34:48.0666 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] jefli: / 21:34:55.3327 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: no more mining ship guys 21:35:11.8821 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: ye but i lost mmy ice 21:35:13.2538 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:35:15.1379 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:join and open faction and you're likely to see players pop out of your spawn with a grinder in hand:0 21:35:24.1822 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: idiot log 21:35:39.7712 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:thats why you put a turret by there:0 21:35:44.3963 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 21:35:58.7065 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:turret won't shoot your faction members, ever:0 21:36:01.2511 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] ordos:lots of tools to recycle:0 21:36:03.5934 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:only had a couple incidents in my training factions, maybe people were a bit more cooperative :0 21:36:09.7438 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mavo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198291550613, PlayerID: 176561198291550613 21:36:11.4489 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Genocidas passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198000473846, PlayerID: 176561198000473846 21:36:13.2536 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:36:24.7827 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: i like how half of the batteries decided to recharche themselfs while flying 21:36:29.3366 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 44940ms (275ms CPU) 21:36:29.3366 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 21:36:29.4480 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 21:36:42.9656 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mavo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198291550613, PlayerID: 176561198291550613 21:36:54.3120 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:there is no "attack faction" option for turrets:0 21:37:09.5723 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:you can just share with none on the spawn:0 21:37:13.2680 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:37:15.0829 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mavo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198291550613, PlayerID: 176561198291550613 21:37:21.9643 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:but you have to remember to do that all the time:0 21:37:33.5182 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: savage187Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 21:37:33.5182 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 21:37:33.5182 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: savage187 (76561198320436731) Disconnected. 21:38:13.2680 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:38:16.4573 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:im back:2 21:38:16.4573 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im back, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 21:38:16.4573 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: im back 21:38:24.0740 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:are you still on?:2 21:38:24.0740 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: are you still on?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 21:38:24.0740 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: are you still on? 21:38:27.5329 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mavo passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198291550613, PlayerID: 176561198291550613 21:38:41.8262 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yes yes you are:2 21:38:41.8262 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yes yes you are, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 21:38:41.8262 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yes yes you are 21:38:43.5159 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: savage187 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198320436731, PlayerID: 176561198320436731 21:38:45.2796 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok:2 21:38:45.2796 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 21:38:45.2796 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 21:38:47.5894 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:yep, just watching station build and thinking about moving:2 21:38:47.5894 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yep, just watching station build and thinking about moving, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 21:38:47.5894 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yep, just watching station build and thinking about moving 21:38:47.6045 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 21:38:51.2665 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198320436731 from 21:38:51.2826 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player savage187 joined (76561198320436731) 21:38:51.2826 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 21:38:51.2826 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 21:38:51.2826 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 21:38:51.2826 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 21:38:51.8662 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 21:38:52.5436 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh ok:2 21:38:52.5436 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 21:38:52.5436 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh ok 21:38:57.1367 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:too many players here now:2 21:38:57.1367 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: too many players here now, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 21:38:57.1367 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: too many players here now 21:39:08.2787 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:wonder if I can jump to Lotus:2 21:39:08.2787 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wonder if I can jump to Lotus, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 21:39:08.2787 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: wonder if I can jump to Lotus 21:39:13.2676 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:39:16.9273 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:I think I will:2 21:39:16.9273 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I think I will, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 21:39:16.9273 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I think I will 21:39:20.5774 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok:2 21:39:20.5774 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 21:39:20.5774 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 21:39:31.0590 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:hate leaving these GPS behind:2 21:39:31.0590 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hate leaving these GPS behind, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 21:39:31.0590 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hate leaving these GPS behind 21:39:41.0976 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:but better then getting hit:2 21:39:41.0976 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but better then getting hit, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 21:39:41.0976 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: but better then getting hit 21:39:50.6000 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ReSo1349 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198097708069, PlayerID: 176561198097708069 21:39:55.4388 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:yeah, I'm doing some jumping:2 21:39:55.4388 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah, I'm doing some jumping, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 21:39:55.4388 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yeah, I'm doing some jumping 21:40:08.9668 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: savage187 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 21:40:13.2572 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ok:2 21:40:13.2572 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 21:40:13.2572 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok 21:40:13.2683 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:41:03.5557 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Genocidas:wtf why it laggs so much?:0 21:41:12.6116 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:just loaded in?:0 21:41:13.2835 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:42:02.5141 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sturmfliege passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198049769632, PlayerID: 176561198049769632 21:42:10.3311 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Genocidas passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198000473846, PlayerID: 176561198000473846 21:42:13.2839 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:42:18.4639 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ReSo1349 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198097708069, PlayerID: 176561198097708069 21:42:55.8601 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh, i just noticed but the Large Miner signal move 2 more Km away from where the outpost is:2 21:42:55.8601 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh, i just noticed but the Large Miner signal move 2 more Km away from where the outpost is, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 21:42:55.8601 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh, i just noticed but the Large Miner signal move 2 more Km away from where the outpost is 21:43:13.2993 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:43:48.3642 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 21:44:06.0104 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.FactionSyncMessage: Hit Faction Edit 21:44:13.2996 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:44:15.1396 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:oh yeah?:0 21:44:23.4077 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:are they posted somewhere?:0 21:44:31.4142 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Medium Dinosaur:mfw someone doesnt turn the captured assert ships survival kit off:0 21:44:37.7940 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Medium Dinosaur:and a rando spawns at our station:0 21:44:41.2488 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [16] ReSo1349:GPS:ReSo1349 #1:923094.09:18388.28:1609646.97:#FF75C9F1::2 21:44:41.2488 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:ReSo1349 #1:923094.09:18388.28:1609646.97:#FF75C9F1:, Faction, 274857874510980973, ReSo1349 21:44:41.2488 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:274857874510980973] Good.bot: GPS:ReSo1349 #1:923094.09:18388.28:1609646.97:#FF75C9F1: 21:45:00.7479 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 21:45:05.5463 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:ah, secret PvP limits...:0 21:45:12.4850 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Qweller:wtf?:0 21:45:13.2994 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:45:59.1151 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ivanov.my.o passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199551404244, PlayerID: 176561199551404244 21:46:13.3003 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:46:21.2477 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kreciu196 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199017723821, PlayerID: 176561199017723821 21:47:12.3316 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: ivanov.my.o passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199551404244, PlayerID: 176561199551404244 21:47:13.3069 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:47:24.3983 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Szaman passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364154360, PlayerID: 176561198364154360 21:47:41.6485 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Kreciu196 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199017723821, PlayerID: 176561199017723821 21:48:08.5213 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 21:48:10.9545 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 21:48:13.3190 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:48:26.0212 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xaip_ivanov passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199197880284, PlayerID: 176561199197880284 21:48:41.5655 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:my conveyor sorters aren't draining my containers?:0 21:48:43.1657 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Da_MLG_man meta data! 21:48:43.1657 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 21:48:43.1657 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 21:48:43.1657 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 21:48:43.1657 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 21:48:43.1657 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 21:48:43.1657 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 21:48:43.1657 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 21:48:43.2149 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9394kb Compressed: 433kb 21:48:47.0289 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: new frigate finally complete :D 21:48:49.0454 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 21:49:03.0961 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Szaman passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198364154360, PlayerID: 176561198364154360 21:49:13.3315 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:49:17.2961 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Badman sound: Enigma has new faction? Guess im at peace w them then 21:49:52.5911 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:lol i love chatgpt:0 21:50:00.9794 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: xaip_ivanov passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199197880284, PlayerID: 176561199197880284 21:50:13.3448 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:51:13.3457 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:51:18.9035 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:"im learning the processes of coding, please explain *paste massive wall of text from workbook* as if talking to a retard:0 21:51:21.4752 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:":0 21:51:22.7661 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] Tanti_M:sorting pipelines are slightly slowed down to avoid overloading the server:0 21:52:13.3458 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:53:13.3544 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:53:39.7475 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Prof. Gumby passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198015948525, PlayerID: 176561198015948525 21:53:48.3477 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198015948525 from 21:53:48.3638 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Prof. Gumby joined (76561198015948525) 21:53:48.3638 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 21:53:48.3638 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 21:53:48.3638 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 21:53:48.3638 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 21:53:48.3638 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Prof. Gumby shares the same IP address as PCSO Codpiece 21:53:48.5012 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 21:53:49.6308 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 21:54:13.3632 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:54:38.1471 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Prof. Gumby successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 21:54:58.3585 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [16] Sturmfliege:GPS:Loch:925514.85:15813.3:1613126.09:#FFF17575::2 21:54:58.3585 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: GPS:Loch:925514.85:15813.3:1613126.09:#FFF17575:, Faction, 274857874510980973, Sturmfliege 21:54:58.3585 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:274857874510980973] Good.bot: GPS:Loch:925514.85:15813.3:1613126.09:#FFF17575: 21:55:13.3760 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:56:13.3759 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:56:47.1805 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Prof. GumbyLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 21:56:47.1805 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Prof. Gumby meta data! 21:56:47.1805 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Prof. Gumby (76561198015948525) Disconnected. 21:56:56.0783 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Qweller requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 21:56:56.1085 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 21:56:56.1085 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 21:56:56.1285 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198365694030 21:56:56.1817 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for SS3 Target: X:-1014062.62441562 Y:-401284.728889722 Z:996311.882023108 21:56:56.8065 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for SS3 @ X:-1014107.48415158 Y:-401265.439417619 Z:996253.612569419 21:56:56.8295 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198365694030 21:56:56.8295 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Qweller into their cockpit! 21:57:03.9032 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198365694030 from 21:57:03.9203 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Qweller joined (76561198365694030) 21:57:03.9203 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 21:57:03.9203 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 21:57:03.9203 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 21:57:03.9203 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 21:57:04.1370 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Qweller successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 21:57:04.4714 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Qweller has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 21:57:13.3768 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:57:25.1446 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...525] (76561198015948525) Disconnected. 21:57:49.8182 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: SS1, SMiner, Flyer, SS3, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 21:57:49.8182 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198365694030 21:57:49.8844 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Qweller Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 21:57:49.8844 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: SS3 is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space B [Qweller:76561198365694030 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 21:57:49.9266 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 21:57:49.9266 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 40 21:57:49.9266 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 21:57:51.3390 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: QwellerLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 21:57:51.3390 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Qweller meta data! 21:57:51.3390 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Qweller (76561198365694030) Disconnected. 21:57:57.5704 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 21:58:07.2656 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyRemoteControl {1A4C8D8CD2ED702} Remote Control that is not yet replicated on client 21:58:13.3859 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:58:26.4844 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 21:58:38.8514 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Grand Inquisitor passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198896790361, PlayerID: 176561198896790361 21:58:50.2340 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 21:59:13.3952 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 21:59:21.0110 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Grand Inquisitor passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198896790361, PlayerID: 176561198896790361 22:00:00.6354 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder2h' 22:00:00.6525 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 2 hours.' 22:00:00.6525 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [2 hours]." 5000 White' 22:00:13.4071 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:00:13.7860 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 22:00:29.3191 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 22:01:00.6854 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: trainwreck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199176080737, PlayerID: 176561199176080737 22:01:13.4095 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:01:29.8176 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Longshena passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198063150834, PlayerID: 176561198063150834 22:02:13.4232 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:02:17.7033 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Rubsmeister:is uranium in a specific place or can it be found on asteroids:0 22:02:40.1707 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Qweller:it can be found on asteroids:0 22:02:45.2694 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] HairyHarry:Astriods and the forge:0 22:02:50.6538 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Rubsmeister:cheers:0 22:02:53.6371 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 22:02:53.6371 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Badman soundLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 22:02:53.6371 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Badman sound meta data! 22:02:53.6371 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Badman sound (76561198142381224) Disconnected. 22:02:56.2584 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Qweller:something like 1 in 50 asteroids:0 22:02:58.7435 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Onos:whats the forge?:0 22:02:59.1509 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: trainwreck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199176080737, PlayerID: 176561199176080737 22:03:09.9334 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [007...224] (76561198142381224) Disconnected. 22:03:13.4244 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:03:25.2454 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Qweller:Forges are something to fight over:0 22:03:43.1416 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Qweller:they make uranium, platinum and chips:0 22:03:43.1626 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Da_MLG_man meta data! 22:03:43.1626 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving savage187 meta data! 22:03:43.1626 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 22:03:43.1626 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Socialist Duck meta data! 22:03:43.1626 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 22:03:43.1626 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 22:03:43.1626 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 22:03:43.2178 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9392kb Compressed: 433kb 22:03:50.7573 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 22:03:57.4593 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [12] Qweller:and they tell everyone in game you are running them:0 22:04:13.4400 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:04:40.2861 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:fun stuff, never tried it myself:0 22:04:58.1068 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Bishbash777 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198099796970, PlayerID: 176561198099796970 22:05:05.4843 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh no, bto ryan and inspector are on the moon:2 22:05:05.4843 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh no, bto ryan and inspector are on the moon, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 22:05:05.4843 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh no, bto ryan and inspector are on the moon 22:05:06.0048 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198099796970 from 22:05:06.0238 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Bishbash777 joined (76561198099796970) 22:05:06.0238 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:05:06.0238 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:05:06.0349 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:05:06.0349 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:05:06.0349 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Bishbash777 shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 22:05:06.0349 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Bishbash777 shares the same IP address as Badman sound 22:05:06.1733 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 22:05:06.6285 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 22:05:11.2070 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Medium Dinosaur passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198341618735, PlayerID: 176561198341618735 22:05:13.4554 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:05:16.4042 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:certainly raiding someone:2 22:05:16.4042 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: certainly raiding someone, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 22:05:16.4042 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: certainly raiding someone 22:05:24.5557 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I call the Forges "PvP bait":0 22:05:27.4570 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Andreaseik:/votenow:0 22:05:34.7986 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:what?:2 22:05:34.7986 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: what?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:05:34.7986 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: what? 22:05:38.3136 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:and their signal moved again:2 22:05:38.3136 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and their signal moved again, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 22:05:38.3136 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: and their signal moved again 22:05:41.3720 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Bishbash777 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:05:42.6821 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Bishbash777 has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 22:06:04.5973 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:seems like they are close to you again:2 22:06:04.5973 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: seems like they are close to you again, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:06:04.5973 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: seems like they are close to you again 22:06:12.7535 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:20km away:2 22:06:12.7535 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: 20km away, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 22:06:12.7535 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: 20km away 22:06:13.4721 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:06:29.3537 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 22:06:45.9356 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:45.9356 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:45.9356 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:45.9607 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:45.9747 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {19C0F9B89E7A5E5} Emotion Controller 2 [ Hanger ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:45.9747 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1438B2931AAB252} Emotion Controller [ Deck 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:45.9747 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:45.9878 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.0249 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.0349 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.0349 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.0349 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1103B177E6DAC11} Access Panel 45 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.0560 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1F90D3682D4F7AA} Access Panel 19 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.0871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.0871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.1032 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.1162 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.1483 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.1483 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.1774 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11BDB3F41AC1A5F} Event Controller 5 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.1895 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {15BFDB10C85415A} Emotion Controller 5 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.1895 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.1895 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.1895 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {16F23ADE071BF0F} Controller [ Primary Interior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.2212 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.2392 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.3165 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.3165 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.3887 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {12BF32156FF4733} Access Panel [ Main Power Fuse ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.3887 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.3887 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11EBD83BA0BEF89} Access Panel 26 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.3887 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19594B67538A5D5} Event Controller 15 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.3887 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.4018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1B5E99CA1F25EE8} Access Panel 23 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.4299 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.4299 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {10120A85DEC6D9C} Emotion Controller [ Deck 4 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.4299 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19D3B5400C568D5} Access Panel 20 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.4299 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10276312B9D6CEB} Access Panel 27 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.4891 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.4891 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1FC37D9A33FFE5A} Access Panel 50 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.5172 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.5553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.5704 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.5704 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.5965 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.6286 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1AC4643B244D681} Controller [ Fan 1-3 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.6286 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.6286 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {117B5DBC391A181} Access Panel 42 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.6597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {18D2F6D6EA31423} Access Panel 3 13 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.6597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {11E0AF566844869} Access Panel 6 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.6597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.6597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1A87B4440DAB4B7} Access Panel 36 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.6597 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.7380 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1F4853CB8DB3CE2} Event Controller 6 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.7550 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {147C32470A9B2AB} Event Controller 7 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.7701 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.7701 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.7871 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.8363 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.8523 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.8774 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1D9273D95B7C34E} Emotion Controller 7 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.8774 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.8774 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.9015 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {15E56BDD48CABCF} Access Panel 2 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.9346 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.9346 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1490848F19AE237} Event Controller 4 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.9547 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.9547 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyBasicMissionBlock {14EF2F72DD47BDF} AI Basic (Task) that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.9547 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.9848 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:46.9848 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.0189 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13CC4453AA131DA} Event Controller 14 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.0526 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {18557B392EED261} Emotion Controller 6 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.0526 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.0717 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.1038 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1903F3684D6688F} Controller [ D-2 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.1038 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {131B4436C8152A9} Controller [ Fans 1-3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.1239 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {19C88AB061B968C} Event Controller 18 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.1239 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.1359 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FCF859687DC63F} Controller [ Dock 2 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.1510 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {116DEB713A9AACA} Emotion Controller 2 [ Deck 3 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.1851 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.2022 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.2222 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.2584 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1831A426E703CFB} Event Controller 8 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.2714 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1CE16DA4F72CAD3} Access Panel 7 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.2714 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C831B83524A47D} Event Controller 17 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.3025 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1FDEE2BA3E468C5} Controller [ Dock 1 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.3346 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1317579BB1EFB16} Emotion Controller [ Sickbay ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.3557 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.3697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D63C8680274AAB} Access Panel 3 14 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.3697 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.3848 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14AC83BE2503104} Controller 3 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.4029 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1BF6205421927AF} Controller 1 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.4029 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1806DD1A78AFBF1} Access Panel 17 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.4209 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11EB86DA4252C8F} Event Controller 16 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.4370 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {11F4279349AD10D} Controller [ D-2 Locked ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.4540 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {107E8D15F62BE58} Access Panel [ Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.4540 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.4861 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.4861 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1162209EAC7D579} Access Panel 48 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.4861 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.5032 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {150F4DE5B848984} Access Panel 32 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.5393 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.5514 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.5861 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1845EACC82CE2D7} Controller [ All Fans ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.5861 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1C9871E1E74570C} Controller [ Fans 4-6 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.6553 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19542B91B6B94D2} Access Panel 31 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.7055 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {12BF7707FEC7E0B} Access Panel 51 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.7055 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.7055 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {140FC5F4CE317B9} Controller [ Gravity ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.7858 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {15A129A8BABD85F} Controller [ Dock 1 ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.7858 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {1CC20AE91C8B8E2} Emotion Controller [ Menu ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.8018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {149E62B617B8388} Controller [ Fan 4-6 Sound ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.8018 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B6EFA203907A8C} Controller [ Primary Exterior Lights ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.8184 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {13AC856DA829E02} Emotion Controller 2 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.8345 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.8345 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10DB6B81780152E} Access Panel 25 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.8525 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10AE420CCEBDDCF} Access Panel 12 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.8716 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1C73FBA6C00B4C5} Access Panel 15 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.9017 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {10428541924AEDA} Access Panel 28 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.9017 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1DC1215857ADABD} Controller [ D-1 Mags ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.9017 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {19821960E0A1C4E} Access Panel 9 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.9188 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {100879D55BF54D2} Controller 2 [ Reactor ] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.9348 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {14E29256B597AE7} Event Controller 3 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.9529 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEmotionControllerBlock {165DA036DB4D391} Emotion Controller 1 [LCD] that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:47.9729 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1048BDC569093C8} Access Panel 30 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:48.0181 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {10CDB4F6E7F4F6F} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:48.0508 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {156853CEA077CE3} Access Panel 40 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:48.0859 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {13AC7FE05789494} Access Panel 1 that is not yet replicated on client 22:06:54.5119 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Medium Dinosaur passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198341618735, PlayerID: 176561198341618735 22:06:54.9791 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:yeah, they are both back at moon, I see:2 22:06:54.9791 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah, they are both back at moon, I see, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:06:54.9791 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yeah, they are both back at moon, I see 22:06:55.5039 [FATAL] Initializer: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at SpaceEngineers.Game.EntityComponents.Blocks.MyLcdSurfaceComponent.UpdateHideableScreenVisibility() at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyTextPanel.UpdateOnceBeforeFrame() at Patched_Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyParallelEntityUpdateOrchestratorDispatchOnceBeforeFrame_0(Object ) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyEntities.UpdateBeforeSimulation() at Sandbox.Game.World.MySector.UpdateBeforeSimulation() at Patched_Sandbox.Game.World.MySessionUpdateComponents_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Game.World.MySessionUpdate_1(Object , MyTimeSpan ) at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update() at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GameUpdateInternal_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GameRunSingleFrame_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop+<>c__DisplayClass11_0b__0_0(Object ) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop() at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen) at Torch.VRageGame.DoStart() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 326 at Torch.VRageGame.Run() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 133 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at SpaceEngineers.Game.EntityComponents.Blocks.MyLcdSurfaceComponent.UpdateHideableScreenVisibility() at Sandbox.Game.Entities.Blocks.MyTextPanel.UpdateOnceBeforeFrame() at Patched_Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyParallelEntityUpdateOrchestratorDispatchOnceBeforeFrame_0(Object ) at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyEntities.UpdateBeforeSimulation() at Sandbox.Game.World.MySector.UpdateBeforeSimulation() at Patched_Sandbox.Game.World.MySessionUpdateComponents_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Game.World.MySessionUpdate_1(Object , MyTimeSpan ) at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update() at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GameUpdateInternal_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GameRunSingleFrame_0(Object ) at Patched_Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop+<>c__DisplayClass11_0b__0_0(Object ) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback) at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop() at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen) at Torch.VRageGame.DoStart() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 326 at Torch.VRageGame.Run() in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Torch_master\Torch\VRageGame.cs:line 133 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() 22:06:55.5039 [INFO] Initializer: Generating minidump at Logs\MiniDumpT45-2023-09-12 22-06-55.dmp 22:07:13.4722 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:07:30.3183 [INFO] Torch: Stopping server. 22:07:40.7920 [INFO] Torch.Patches.MessageSizeLimitPatch: Patched MessageSizeLimit 22:07:40.7920 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 22:07:40.8492 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/14. (14%) 22:07:40.8492 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/14. (21%) 22:07:40.8492 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/14. (35%) 22:07:40.8492 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 6/14. (42%) 22:07:40.8492 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 7/14. (50%) 22:07:40.8492 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/14. (64%) 22:07:40.8492 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 10/14. (71%) 22:07:40.8492 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 12/14. (85%) 22:07:40.8723 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/14. (92%) 22:07:40.8723 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 14/14. (100%) 22:07:40.8723 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 22:07:40.8723 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ModsDownloadingPatch: Patching mods downloading 22:07:40.8924 [INFO] Torch.Patches.PromotePatch: patching promote 22:07:40.8924 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response polling 22:07:40.8924 [INFO] Torch.Patches.SteamLoginPatch: Applied custom WaitStart timeout 22:07:40.9145 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Checking for Torch Update... 22:07:40.9285 [INFO] Torch: Initializing server 22:07:41.1051 [INFO] Torch: RELEASE 22:07:41.1051 [INFO] Torch: Torch Version: v1.3.0.249-master 22:07:41.1051 [INFO] Torch: Game Version: 1.203.23 22:07:41.1051 [INFO] Torch: Executing assembly: Torch.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 22:07:41.1051 [INFO] Torch: Executing directory: C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\ 22:07:41.1142 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugins... 22:07:41.1463 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Checking for plugin updates... 22:07:41.1463 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 22:07:41.1463 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 22:07:41.1463 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Unzipped plugins cannot be auto-updated. Skipping plugin Torch.Managers.PluginManager+PluginItem 22:07:41.3004 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Latest version is v1.3.0.249-master | Current version is v1.3.0.249-master 22:07:41.3004 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Torch is up to date. 22:07:41.7977 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 22:07:41.7977 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin FoogsNoFamilySharing does not have any releases on torchapi.com. Cannot update. 22:07:42.0797 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Updated 0 plugins. 22:07:42.1228 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at AdminLogger.Main 22:07:42.1228 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Admin Logger' (v1.7.4) 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeathLocationFix.DeathLocationFixPlugin 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeathLocationFix' (v1.0.0.7) 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeleteTracker.DeleteTrackerPlugin 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeleteTracker' (v1.0.2.5) 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Backup' (v1.0.5.8) 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PCU Transferrer' (v1.1.11.8) 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_PlayerStats.PlayerStatsPlugin 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PlayerStats' (v1.0.1.9) 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RespawnFix.RespawnFixPlugin 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE RespawnFix' (v1.0.2.2) 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartPlugin 22:07:42.1289 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Restart Watchdog' (v1.0.2.4) 22:07:42.1419 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin 22:07:42.1419 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE ShipFixer' (v1.0.10.0) 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportServer() ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HeatmapTeleportClient(VRageMath.Vector3D, Single) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void GetEcsStatsResponse(System.String) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ForceClusterReorderRequest() ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetDepletionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplier(Single) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SetFuelConsumptionMultiplierSuccess(Single) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void UpdateEconomyRequest() ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestStationPositions() ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void DrawStationsClient(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugGameplay2+MyStationDebugDrawStructure]) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnSnapshotsMechanicalPivotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnWorldSnapshotsChange(Boolean) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataServer(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void SendDataClient(Byte[]) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestLayersFromServer() ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void ReceiveLayersFromServer(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Game.Gui.MyGuiScreenDebugNetwork+Layer]) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsRequest() ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void HavokMemoryStatsReply(System.String) ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void OnCrash() ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] DAC.Validation.DACValidator: Patching Void RequestSettingFromServer_Implementation() ModSdk methods 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DAC.AntiCheatPlugin 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'AntiCheat-DORI' (v1.0.5.17) 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at BlockLimiter.BlockLimiter 22:07:42.2051 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'BlockLimiter' (v1.7.705-48cf4b22) 22:07:42.2358 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Patching Successful Crunch Projector! 22:07:42.2358 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin+MyPatch: Patching Successful CrunchDrill! 22:07:42.2689 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin 22:07:42.2689 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'CrunchUtils' (v1.3.370) 22:07:42.2960 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 22:07:42.2960 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DefIdToStringFix' (v1.0.1) 22:07:42.3422 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DePatch.DePatchPlugin 22:07:42.3422 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DePatch' (1.20.08) 22:07:42.3522 [INFO] Essentials.Patches.ChatMessagePatch: Patched OnChatMessageReceived_Server! 22:07:42.3522 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Essentials.EssentialsPlugin 22:07:42.3522 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Essentials' (v1.7.1.179-001-55b53d6) 22:07:42.3522 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at InfluxDb.Torch.TorchInfluxDbPlugin 22:07:42.3522 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'InfluxDB Integration' (v2.2.8074.40508) 22:07:42.4235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Nexus.Main 22:07:42.4235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Nexus (Server Sectoring & DataSync)' (v1.01.32) 22:07:42.4235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoMoreEmojis.Plugin 22:07:42.4235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NoMoreEmojis' (v1.0.3) 22:07:42.4235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoFSPluginNs.NoFSPlugin 22:07:42.4235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'FoogsNoFamilySharing' (1) 22:07:42.4235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer 22:07:42.4235 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'NPCFactionFixer' (1.1.125-f4f9d5d) 22:07:42.4676 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.Plugin 22:07:42.4676 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'PerformanceImprovements' (v1.10.14.0) 22:07:42.4676 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS 22:07:42.4676 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'GlobalGPS' (v1.0.011) 22:07:42.4737 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 22:07:42.4737 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Profiler.ProfilerPlugin 22:07:42.4737 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Profiler' (v3.1.8432.40000) 22:07:42.4967 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at QuantumHangar.Hangar 22:07:42.4967 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Quantum Hangar' (v3.2.30) 22:07:42.4967 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at _sc 22:07:42.4967 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Rewards' (1.2.2) 22:07:42.5680 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin 22:07:42.5680 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'SEDiscordBridge' (v2.0.4.025) 22:07:42.5810 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TebexTorchAPI.Tebex 22:07:42.5810 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Tebex Server Donations' (1.1.0) 22:07:42.5810 [INFO] Utils.Torch.Patches.ModAdditionPatch: Patch() 22:07:42.5810 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchMonitor.TorchMonitorPlugin 22:07:42.5810 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Torch Monitor' (v2.2.8164.42300) 22:07:42.5810 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin 22:07:42.5810 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'MIG-Freezer' ( 22:07:42.5810 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic 22:07:42.5810 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HaE PBLimiter' (v1.1.1.4) 22:07:42.6081 [ERROR] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patch shim type TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.GridDamagePatch doesn't have a static Patch method. 22:07:42.6081 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.Init 22:07:42.6081 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.MyConveyorSorterPatch: Patching Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyConveyorSorter.UpdateAfterSimulation10 22:07:42.6081 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.Patches.SessionDownloadPatch: TorchGameServerPlugin: SessionDownloadPatch applied 22:07:42.6081 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain 22:07:42.6081 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'TorchGameServerPlugin' (v1.0.2) 22:07:42.6372 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\TebexTorchAPI.cfg 22:07:42.6764 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Hangar: Starting plugin WITHOUT the Hangar Market! 22:07:42.6764 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Init Foogs_NoFamilySharing 22:07:42.6894 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Foogs_NoFamilySharing disabled 22:07:42.6894 [WARN] Nexus: Initilizing Nexus Steam 22:07:42.7486 [INFO] NexusComponents: Calling 24 classes components to patch! 22:07:42.7556 [INFO] NexusComponents: Successfully patched 44/44 methods! 22:07:42.7556 [WARN] NexusSubscriber: Subscriber socket is Initilizing! 22:07:42.8189 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 22:07:42.8409 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=TorchMonitor.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 22:07:42.8409 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=Intervals.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 22:07:43.1817 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Init FoogsRewardsPlugin 22:07:43.1998 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Loading Crunch Utils 22:07:43.2168 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: PBLimiter loaded! 22:07:43.2168 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: Init 22:07:43.2168 [INFO] PerformanceImprovements: OptimalHavokThreadCount = -1 22:07:44.1561 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Configuration Saved. 22:07:44.1571 [INFO] Essentials: Attempting to load config from C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance\Essentials.cfg 22:07:44.2093 [INFO] DePatch.DePatchPlugin: Mod Loader Complete overriding 22:07:44.2093 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=ProfilerPlugin.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 22:07:44.4511 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: found 5 products from API 22:07:44.4511 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP - 5351916 | multiplier: 2 22:07:44.4511 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: VIP+ - 5352253 | multiplier: 2.5 22:07:44.4511 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: Supporter - 5352553 | multiplier: 1 22:07:44.4511 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 1.5k Block spawn - 5352612 | multiplier: 1 22:07:44.4511 [INFO] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Product: 3.5x multiplier - 5435517 | multiplier: 3.5 22:07:44.4511 [INFO] DefIdToStringFix: Init 22:07:44.4641 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loaded 31 plugins. 22:07:44.4852 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Loading Dedicated Config 22:07:44.5244 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing network services 22:07:44.5244 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Initializing services 22:07:44.5324 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Services initialized 22:07:44.5324 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Setting up serializers 22:07:45.4106 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerPatch: Finished Patching! 22:07:45.4106 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 22:07:45.4106 [INFO] InstanceManager: Loading instance C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance 22:07:48.7023 [INFO] ModListControl: Instance loaded. 22:07:48.7043 [INFO] Torch: Initialized server 'Outer instance2' at 'C:\Users\Server2\Desktop\Cluster part 2\Outer space 2\Instance' 22:07:48.7043 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 22:07:48.7043 [INFO] Torch.Patches.ServerResponsePatch: Patching Steam response timeout to 5 seconds 22:07:48.7444 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/169. (10%) 22:07:48.7916 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/169. (20%) 22:07:48.8107 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 51/169. (30%) 22:07:48.8338 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 68/169. (40%) 22:07:48.8960 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 85/169. (50%) 22:07:48.9311 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 102/169. (60%) 22:07:48.9682 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 119/169. (70%) 22:07:48.9989 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 136/169. (80%) 22:07:49.0240 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 153/169. (90%) 22:07:49.0752 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 169/169. (100%) 22:07:49.0752 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 22:07:49.0752 [INFO] Torch: Starting server. 22:07:49.9332 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 22:07:49.9783 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 22:07:51.7248 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 22:07:51.7248 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 22:07:51.7248 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 22:07:51.7248 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 22:07:51.7248 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: AntiCheat: All Patches Loaded 22:07:52.2633 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.RemoteAPIManager: Remote API started on port 8080 22:07:54.8525 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: ServerLoading started on ID: 24! Requesting Data from controller and watching for reply! 22:07:54.8987 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Waiting for Sandbox data from Controller! Make sure your ports are open! 22:07:54.9559 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Controller Version: 2.5.05 22:07:54.9559 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Data Successfully Recieved and Deserialized! 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Servers Recieved: 14 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Total Sectors Recieved: 14 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: The following is the treeview of your sector layout: 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 2 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Deep space A 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space B 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer space 2 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Outer Space A 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth moon area 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Earth only sector 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Moon standalone 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Viking sector 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: GOD SECTOR 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Europa 22:07:56.8998 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.RegionHandler: Lotus 22:07:56.8998 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: AddonConfigs: 1 22:07:57.9065 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Deserialized controller sandbox to XMLCheckpoint and clearing internally! 22:07:57.9105 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.ServerSave: Server starting as: SyncedSectored! 22:07:59.8585 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod: NexusSyncMod is running NexusModAPI! 22:07:59.8635 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginAPISync: Mod Patching Complete for 2272613450.sbm 22:08:03.4509 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Starting new torch session for Torch System 22:08:03.4509 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 22:08:03.4559 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/5. (20%) 22:08:03.4559 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/5. (40%) 22:08:03.4559 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/5. (60%) 22:08:03.4559 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/5. (80%) 22:08:03.4559 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/5. (100%) 22:08:03.4559 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 22:08:03.4559 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loading 22:08:04.6498 [WARN] Keen: Missing definition MyObjectBuilder_DemoComponentDefinition/Default : for session component DemoComponent 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Inserted authentication intercept 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whatsmyip' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'help' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'longhelp' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ver' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reload' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'plugins' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'notify' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart.cancel' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop.cancel' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'save' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'uptime' 22:08:24.6832 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Loaded torch session for Torch System 22:08:24.6973 [INFO] BlockLimiter.PluginApi.EssentialsPlayerAccount: Blocklimiter communication with essentials successful 22:08:24.6973 [WARN] NpcFactionFixer.NpcFactionFixer: Found 341 Identity on the server 22:08:24.6973 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game started.... 22:08:24.6973 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:08:24.6973 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 22:08:24.6973 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utils.PluginDependencies: Plugin: BlockLimiter v1.7.705-48cf4b22 is installed! 22:08:24.6973 [WARN] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Plugin: ALE Grid Backup v1.0.5.8 is installed! 22:08:24.7043 [INFO] NexusComponents: 24 Nexus components started! 22:08:24.7043 [WARN] Nexus.Sync.CommandSync: Waiting for CommandQueue from Controller! 22:08:25.7856 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I can always jump back for mining runs:2 22:08:25.7856 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I can always jump back for mining runs, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:08:25.7856 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I can always jump back for mining runs 22:08:26.7108 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Start 22:08:26.7108 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Patching battaries. For fix of discharging 22:08:26.7108 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: Freezer: Patching Finished 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unfreeze' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.production' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.on' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.off' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.on' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freeze.auto.off' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.can-be-frozen' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.frozen' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'show.not-frozen' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-entities' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-updates' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freezer-profile-frames' 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/4. (25%) 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/4. (50%) 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/4. (75%) 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/4. (100%) 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 22:08:26.7108 [ERROR] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: MIG TorchPlugin.FreezerPlugin: PATCH COMPLETED 22:08:26.7108 [INFO] ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin: BlockLimiter Reference added to PCU-Transferrer for limit checks. 22:08:26.7199 [INFO] Utils.Torch.FileLoggingConfigurator: Reconfigured; pattern=InfluxDb.*, wpf=True, minlevel=Info 22:08:26.7199 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session loaded, start backup timer! 22:08:26.7199 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loaded 22:08:26.7199 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch start 22:08:26.7781 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 22:08:26.7901 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/42. (11%) 22:08:26.7901 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/42. (21%) 22:08:26.7901 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 13/42. (30%) 22:08:26.8022 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 17/42. (40%) 22:08:26.8022 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 21/42. (50%) 22:08:26.8022 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 26/42. (61%) 22:08:26.8022 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 30/42. (71%) 22:08:26.8192 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 34/42. (80%) 22:08:26.8192 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 38/42. (90%) 22:08:26.8423 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 42/42. (100%) 22:08:26.8423 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 22:08:26.8423 [INFO] Profiler.ProfilerPlugin: Profile patch done 22:08:26.8488 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Sending setting data to self 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.enable' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.grid' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.player' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.faction' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.reload' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.rematch.ids' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.violations' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.playerlimit' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.gridlimit' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.factionlimit' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.annoy' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.punish' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.update.mylimit' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.mylimit' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.limits' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.pairnames' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocklimit.definitions' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'donate' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:secret' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:forcecheck' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:info' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.sell' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.marketlist' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.sell' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.marketlist' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.save' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.list' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.load' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.remove' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.sync' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.syncall' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohangar' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.autohanger-override' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.enable' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.saveall' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.ttmod' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.clearSpheres' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.save' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.list' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.load' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.remove' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.sync' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.syncall' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohangar' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.autohanger-override' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.enable' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hm.saveall' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.save' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.list' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.load' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.remove' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.info' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.save' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.list' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.load' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.remove' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.info' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.box' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'h.boxclear' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ptoggle' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsectors' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.getsector' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.lobby' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.players.faction' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.ver' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switch' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.switchall' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.identity' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.reset' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.breaklink' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.addwhitelist' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nexus.factionchat.removewhitelist' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'd.link' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'Lobby.GetID' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reload' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reloadconfig' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.enable' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.disable' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'recharge.grid' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'seedcleanup.all' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridcleanup' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.ownedby' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.buildby' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.noauthor' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsowner' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsauthor' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgrids' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsrange' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoauthor' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoowner' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'protect' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unprotect' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freebuild' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checklimits' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.player' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.faction' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkowner' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkauthor' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listblocks' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listallblocks' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'findblock' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfer' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransfer' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcu' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransferpcu' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferowner' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfernobody' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcunobody' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferownernobody' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'repair' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.configs' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.commands' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'influxdb.w' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.on' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.off' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.reload' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.corners' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.centers' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tm.nexus.cleargps' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listadminsettings' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearadminsettings' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.clearalladminsettings' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list.faction' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.find' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore.faction' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.save' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.run' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.clearup' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identitycleanup.name' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.tag.length' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'factioncleanup.name' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listplayers' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.player' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.faction' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.list.factions' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.player' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.faction' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.change.debugfaction' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.player' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.playerallfactions' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.faction' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.factionallplayers' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reputation.set.debugfaction' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmod' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmodid' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixship' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reward' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadm' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadmt' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sewa.shop' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalance' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalanceplayer' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoney' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoneyplayer' 22:08:26.8488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfermoney' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.reload' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'enablestone' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.config' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makeship' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'removebody' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makestation' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'togglestone' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stone' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'TestEconSync' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'FullEconSync' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetbalances' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayers' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfactions' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'claim' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sellgrid' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'denygrid' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'acceptgrid' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixrespawn' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'prediction' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'convert' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pcucount' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fillhydro' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.rename' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rename' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixme' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getsteamid' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixallstations' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'worldpcu' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ishydrogen' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'zone' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isecon' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixstation' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.search' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tags' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listids' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnames' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'updatename' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco' 22:08:26.8609 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path eco is already registered. 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.balance' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'lastlogin' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.top' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'warstatus' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'declarewar' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'nofriendforyou' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sendpeace' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ac' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'place.station' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetnpcrep' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'resetallrep' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.info' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'facinfo' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdrawall' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.deposit' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdraw' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'giveitem' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.promote' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'broadcast' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.kick' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'isnpc' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.take' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.give' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.hide' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.show' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ez.delete' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.pay' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whis' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'msg' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.giveplayer' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayer' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfac' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getfacid' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleargrid' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'dirkclear' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridtype' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takeplayer' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.givefac' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.rep.change' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'player.rep.change' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takefac' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.status' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.test.bonus' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.check.multiplier' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.help' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.info' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.enable' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.disable' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pfi.fix' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.add' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.clear' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'GlobalGPS.remove' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.refresh' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.stop' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.delete' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.kill' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.find' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweroff' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweron' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.eject' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.setowner' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.ejectall' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.static.large' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.stopall' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.list' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.export' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.import' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'say' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tp' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tpto' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tphere' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'w' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'kick' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ban' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unban' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'motd' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.give' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.take' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.set' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.reset' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.top' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.check' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.pay' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.add' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.del' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.list' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'home.goto' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.createrank' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delrank' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setmaxhomes' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.reservedslot' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.renamerank' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setdefaultrank' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.setrank' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.populate' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addinheritance' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delinheritance' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addperm' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delperm' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.addplayerperm' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.delplayerperm' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pr.listranks' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.cancel' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.list' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'no' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'yes' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.debug' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.reset' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.stats' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playercount' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playerlist' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.runauto' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelauto' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.cancelautobyindex' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listauto' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.listrunningauto' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.set.toolbar' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.setrank' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.reserve' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unreserve' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.mute' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unmute' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.list.mute' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.give' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.type' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.subtype' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.type' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.subtype' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.type' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.subtype' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.general' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.general' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.scan' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.list' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete.floatingobjects' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.help' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.all' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.asteroids' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.distant' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planets' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planet' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.area' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.gps' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clean' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.purge' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clear' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rep.wipe' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.clean' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.remove' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.info' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sandbox.clean' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'info.list' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.on' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.off' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.sim' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.frames' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocktypes' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocks' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.grids' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.factions' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.players' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.scripts' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.session' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.entities' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.physics' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.flags' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.custom' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.cleangps' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.help' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'credits' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.reset' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.time' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test.reward' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.init' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forge.test' 22:08:26.8609 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path forge.test is already registered. 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'density' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'weather.clear' 22:08:26.8609 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path weather.clear is already registered. 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'perks' 22:08:26.8609 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path perks is already registered. 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'SendGPS' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sound' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'EMP' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'strike' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.info' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.enable' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'DefIdToStringFix.disable' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.on' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.off' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.add' 22:08:26.8609 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.remove' 22:08:26.9241 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: Communication with TGS successful 22:08:26.9241 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 22:08:26.9241 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 22:08:26.9241 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 1/3. (33%) 22:08:26.9241 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/3. (66%) 22:08:26.9241 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/3. (100%) 22:08:26.9241 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 22:08:27.0254 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Bishbash777 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198099796970, PlayerID: 176561198099796970 22:08:27.0355 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Qweller passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198365694030, PlayerID: 176561198365694030 22:08:31.5034 [WARN] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards initialized 22:08:31.5034 [INFO] Torch: Starting server watchdog. 22:08:31.5034 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Medium Dinosaur passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198341618735, PlayerID: 176561198341618735 22:08:31.5445 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: jefli passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198312443008, PlayerID: 176561198312443008 22:08:31.5445 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199431768254 from 22:08:31.5505 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199465290546 from 22:08:32.2841 [WARN] TorchPlugin.CommonPlugin: VariableStorage:Load 22:08:32.2841 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer [4.0.30319.42000] will work in 5000 ms 22:08:32.2841 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Bishbash777 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198099796970, PlayerID: 176561198099796970 22:08:32.3393 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player zhulavskyi2143 joined (76561199431768254) 22:08:32.3393 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:08:32.3393 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:08:32.3393 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:08:32.3393 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:08:32.3493 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player WholsomeBanana joined (76561199465290546) 22:08:32.3493 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:08:32.3493 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:08:32.3493 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:08:32.3493 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:08:32.5038 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Medium Dinosaur passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198341618735, PlayerID: 176561198341618735 22:08:32.5626 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 22:08:32.6871 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Nuka cola passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039510567, PlayerID: 176561198039510567 22:08:32.8105 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: trainwreck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199176080737, PlayerID: 176561199176080737 22:08:32.8245 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 22:08:32.9811 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Bishbash777 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198099796970, PlayerID: 176561198099796970 22:08:33.5075 [ERROR] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards ProcessQueue start 22:08:36.8479 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'weather.clear' 22:08:36.8479 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'perks' 22:08:36.8479 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Removing command 'credits' 22:08:36.8479 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'weather.clear' 22:08:36.8479 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'perks' 22:08:36.8479 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'SendGPS' 22:08:36.8479 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path SendGPS is already registered. 22:08:36.8479 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'sound' 22:08:36.8479 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path sound is already registered. 22:08:36.8479 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'EMP' 22:08:36.8479 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path EMP is already registered. 22:08:36.8479 [WARN] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Registering command 'strike' 22:08:36.8479 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PluginMain: Command path strike is already registered. 22:08:37.2985 [WARN] Freezer.FreezerLogic: Freezer started work 22:08:43.3686 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:if I have the uranium to run the jumps, that is:2 22:08:43.3686 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: if I have the uranium to run the jumps, that is, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:08:43.3686 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: if I have the uranium to run the jumps, that is 22:08:44.8485 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198099796970 from 22:08:44.8485 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198039510567 from 22:08:44.8656 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Bishbash777 joined (76561198099796970) 22:08:44.8656 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:08:44.8656 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:08:44.8656 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:08:44.8656 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:08:44.8656 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Bishbash777 shares the same IP address as [ICR]Bishbash777 22:08:44.8656 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Bishbash777 shares the same IP address as Badman sound 22:08:44.8656 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Nuka cola joined (76561198039510567) 22:08:44.8656 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:08:44.8656 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:08:44.8656 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:08:44.8656 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:08:44.8656 [WARN] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: WARNING! Nuka cola shares the same IP address as Simon 22:08:44.8816 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 22:08:44.9268 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 22:08:47.1983 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198312443008 from 22:08:47.2143 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player jefli joined (76561198312443008) 22:08:47.2143 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:08:47.2143 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:08:47.2143 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:08:47.2143 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:08:47.2906 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 22:09:05.4584 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:i need to make a ship to look for uranium:2 22:09:05.4584 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i need to make a ship to look for uranium, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 22:09:05.4584 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: i need to make a ship to look for uranium 22:09:07.4256 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Bishbash777 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:09:08.7949 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Bishbash777 has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 22:09:24.7071 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:09:26.5822 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefli successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:09:29.0974 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: jefli has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 22:09:37.8256 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Nuka cola successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:10:09.9726 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:have you tried going with mobile base?:2 22:10:09.9726 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: have you tried going with mobile base?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:10:09.9726 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: have you tried going with mobile base? 22:10:13.4828 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Da_MLG_man passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198290436701, PlayerID: 176561198290436701 22:10:17.8628 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:nope:2 22:10:17.8628 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nope, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 22:10:17.8628 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: nope 22:10:19.9493 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198290436701 from 22:10:19.9663 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Da_MLG_man joined (76561198290436701) 22:10:19.9663 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:10:19.9663 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:10:19.9703 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:10:19.9703 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:10:20.0827 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 22:10:21.3156 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBanana successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:10:24.7073 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:10:29.1772 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Siciliano93 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199351322836, PlayerID: 176561199351322836 22:10:31.6771 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 22:10:40.4047 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:you can just hangar your Moon base and come back any time you want:2 22:10:40.4047 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you can just hangar your Moon base and come back any time you want, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:10:40.4047 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: you can just hangar your Moon base and come back any time you want 22:10:46.8105 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Da_MLG_man successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:10:47.8447 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Da_MLG_man has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 22:11:10.5330 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:unless someone builds over it:2 22:11:10.5330 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: unless someone builds over it, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:11:10.5330 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: unless someone builds over it 22:11:24.7214 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:11:36.3376 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:but that wouldn't really work out better if it wasn't hangared:2 22:11:36.3376 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but that wouldn't really work out better if it wasn't hangared, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:11:36.3376 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: but that wouldn't really work out better if it wasn't hangared 22:12:22.1722 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:12:23.7212 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change with ID: 76561198099796970 Player promote Level was Admin 22:12:23.7212 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change by ADMIN Bishbash777 with ID: 76561198099796970 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allowed! 22:12:23.7713 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode change with ID: 76561198099796970 Player promote Level was Admin 22:12:23.7713 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Creative Mode Changed by ADMIN Bishbash777 with ID: 76561198099796970 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allow! 22:12:24.7222 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:12:25.9135 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on bob2. 22:12:25.9135 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 22:12:27.4575 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid bob2 for cut & paste! 22:12:27.4575 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 2987 for cut & paste! 22:12:27.4575 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 8278 for cut & paste! 22:12:27.4575 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 9079 for cut & paste! 22:12:27.4575 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 4070 for cut & paste! 22:12:27.4575 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 6603 for cut & paste! 22:12:27.4575 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 1445 for cut & paste! 22:12:27.4575 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Ship was fixed! 22:12:27.4575 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Nuka cola started! 22:12:27.4575 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 22:12:37.2777 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ValidationFailed detected from game Admin Info: Access m_enabled ID: 76561198099796970 Name Bishbash777 ADMIN-ACCESS 22:12:44.2559 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 22:13:22.8793 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Europa recieved! 22:13:22.8960 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199351322836 22:13:22.9803 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Respawn Planet Pod Target: X:984928.564913176 Y:172725.568666108 Z:1640267.08366403 22:13:23.0626 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Respawn Planet Pod @ X:984929.580062143 Y:172726.616043427 Z:1640267.43362561 22:13:23.0636 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561199351322836 22:13:23.0636 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Siciliano93 into their cockpit! 22:13:24.7376 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:13:32.6351 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199351322836 from 22:13:32.6522 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Siciliano93 joined (76561199351322836) 22:13:32.6522 [INFO] BlockLimiter.Settings.PlayerTimeModule: Logging time for player Siciliano93 22:13:32.6572 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:13:32.6572 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:13:32.6572 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:13:32.6572 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:13:32.6572 [INFO] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: Creating new account object for Siciliano93 22:13:32.8187 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 22:13:34.0657 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Europa recieved! 22:13:34.0657 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198003204020 22:13:34.0657 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Respawn Planet Pod Target: X:1016999.73186123 Y:91864.8114836217 Z:1680704.94939073 22:13:34.1098 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Respawn Planet Pod @ X:1016999.91678678 Y:91865.9535868169 Z:1680705.90406465 22:13:34.1098 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198003204020 22:13:34.1098 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning paolino into their cockpit! 22:13:35.4693 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change with ID: 76561198099796970 Player promote Level was Admin 22:13:35.4693 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ModSDK change by ADMIN Bishbash777 with ID: 76561198099796970 this player is Online, ADMIN-ACCESS, action Allowed! 22:13:44.2836 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198003204020 from 22:13:44.3017 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player paolino joined (76561198003204020) 22:13:44.3017 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:13:44.3017 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:13:44.3017 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:13:44.3017 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:13:44.4552 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 22:14:24.7525 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:14:36.7624 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ValidationFailed detected from game Admin Info: Access k__BackingField ID: 76561198099796970 Name Bishbash777 ADMIN-ACCESS 22:14:47.3123 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: awiges passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198023007525, PlayerID: 176561198023007525 22:14:55.8960 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198023007525 from 22:14:55.9321 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player awiges joined (76561198023007525) 22:14:55.9321 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:14:55.9321 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:14:55.9321 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:14:55.9321 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:14:56.0957 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 22:14:57.0466 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: paolino successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:14:58.8300 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Siciliano93 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:15:01.3210 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderCommands' 22:15:01.3431 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: There is a number of useful commands that every player on our servers can use in-game. For the full list of them, just type !commandlist (or !cl) in the chat.' 22:15:22.5089 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 22:15:24.7615 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:15:38.8762 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: awiges successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:16:00.5173 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Onos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198066474744, PlayerID: 176561198066474744 22:16:15.3931 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: natalieCZ passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198031237133, PlayerID: 176561198031237133 22:16:24.3762 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Respawn Planet Pod, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 22:16:24.3762 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561199351322836 22:16:24.3762 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Siciliano93 Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 22:16:24.3933 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Respawn Planet Pod is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Deep space [Siciliano93:76561199351322836 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 22:16:24.7706 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:16:25.4391 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: trainwreck passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199176080737, PlayerID: 176561199176080737 22:16:26.3133 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Siciliano93Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 22:16:26.3133 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Siciliano93 meta data! 22:16:26.3133 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Siciliano93 (76561199351322836) Disconnected. 22:16:37.3785 [INFO] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: ValidationFailed detected from game Admin Info: Access k__BackingField ID: 76561198099796970 Name Bishbash777 ADMIN-ACCESS 22:16:41.9955 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Onos passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198066474744, PlayerID: 176561198066474744 22:16:44.4311 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_Outpost_7 @ X:107215.922968924 Y:188373.26077652 Z:5731229.805199 because it was in another server! 22:16:44.4311 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_Outpost_2 @ X:82130.7470099628 Y:157455.737662882 Z:5756406.65609908 because it was in another server! 22:16:44.8672 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Respawn Planet Pod, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 22:16:44.8672 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198003204020 22:16:44.8672 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: paolino Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 22:16:44.8672 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Respawn Planet Pod is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Deep space [paolino:76561198003204020 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 22:16:46.2643 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: paolinoLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 22:16:46.2643 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving paolino meta data! 22:16:46.2643 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: paolino (76561198003204020) Disconnected. 22:17:24.7841 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:17:44.9241 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 22:18:06.8242 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Siciliano93 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199351322836, PlayerID: 176561199351322836 22:18:10.3203 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Bishbash777 Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 22:18:10.3805 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 22:18:10.3805 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 6 22:18:10.3936 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 22:18:10.4759 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Bishbash777Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 22:18:10.4759 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Bishbash777 meta data! 22:18:10.4759 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Bishbash777 (76561198099796970) Disconnected. 22:18:11.9905 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: paolino passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198003204020, PlayerID: 176561198003204020 22:18:16.3910 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Bishbash777 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198099796970, PlayerID: 176561198099796970 22:18:24.7845 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:19:11.5577 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 22:19:24.7991 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:19:51.3242 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 22:20:24.7995 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:20:38.8038 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: QueboLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 22:20:38.8038 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Quebo meta data! 22:20:38.8038 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Quebo has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198105138911 22:21:24.7997 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:21:34.0281 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:car is amazeballs:2 22:21:34.0281 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: car is amazeballs, Faction, 262008084406076237, WTXGamer 22:21:34.0281 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: car is amazeballs 22:21:40.0688 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982::D:2 22:21:40.0688 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: :D, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 22:21:40.0688 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: :D 22:21:44.3376 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 22:21:44.3376 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Da_MLG_manLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 22:21:44.3376 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Da_MLG_man meta data! 22:21:44.3376 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Da_MLG_man (76561198290436701) Disconnected. 22:22:24.8004 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:22:26.9807 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Static Grid 4101 that is not yet replicated on client 22:22:26.9958 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Static Grid 4101 that is not yet replicated on client 22:22:36.1196 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:With TCO and AI being so large and looks like GOD is coming back this time around. We may need to rethink our alliance:3 22:22:45.6352 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 22:22:52.9304 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 22:22:52.9304 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 22:22:52.9304 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 22:22:52.9304 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 22:22:52.9304 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 22:22:52.9766 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9384kb Compressed: 432kb 22:23:07.4829 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:im printing my mars brick to see if it behaves as it does in creative or see if it flies better:2 22:23:07.4829 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: im printing my mars brick to see if it behaves as it does in creative or see if it flies better, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 22:23:07.4829 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: im printing my mars brick to see if it behaves as it does in creative or see if it flies better 22:23:17.0158 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:ok:3 22:23:24.8150 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:23:46.8050 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:you mean you want to ally?:3 22:24:04.7687 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:btw, you know why I left equalizers, right?:3 22:24:16.5391 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm fixship on bob2. 22:24:16.5391 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 22:24:18.4746 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid bob2 for cut & paste! 22:24:18.4746 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 2987 for cut & paste! 22:24:18.4746 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 8278 for cut & paste! 22:24:18.4746 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 9079 for cut & paste! 22:24:18.4746 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 4070 for cut & paste! 22:24:18.4746 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 6603 for cut & paste! 22:24:18.4746 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerCore: Player Nuka cola used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Large Grid 1445 for cut & paste! 22:24:18.4746 [INFO] Chat: (to Nuka cola): Ship was fixed! 22:24:18.4746 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Nuka cola started! 22:24:18.4746 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Nuka cola ran command '!fixship bob2' 22:24:24.8145 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:24:37.4026 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:not 100% since you ask, figured it had something to do with us not being on much:3 22:24:48.8636 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:you got it:3 22:25:01.3490 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I was the only one on for a week or 3:3 22:25:01.6972 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [22] Bishbash777:forge added to god and will become active as of next restart:0 22:25:09.8331 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [22] Bishbash777:beefy rewards:0 22:25:17.8535 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:nice to hear that:3 22:25:19.6704 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982::))):2 22:25:19.6704 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: :))), Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 22:25:19.6704 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: :))) 22:25:24.8292 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:25:24.9276 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:very nice:0 22:25:26.3230 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:nice:0 22:25:27.4455 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] JustRyan:is there a forge in god currently?:0 22:25:32.5494 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:now we have to find it:0 22:25:44.6142 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] JustRyan:so will there be 2 after restart?:0 22:26:00.1808 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:no, Ryan:0 22:26:20.7527 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:has been no forge there since wipe, unless I'm mistaken:0 22:26:24.8293 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:26:30.7094 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] JustRyan:oh ok never been since wipe:0 22:26:32.1409 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Quebo requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 22:26:32.1700 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 22:26:32.1700 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 22:26:32.1700 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198105138911 22:26:32.1760 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Respawn Space Pod Target: X:-527992.173109044 Y:281563.801076704 Z:1328025.87100835 22:26:32.2077 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Respawn Space Pod @ X:-527998.492039381 Y:281568.101569207 Z:1328030.13004431 22:26:32.2077 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198105138911 22:26:32.2077 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Quebo into their cockpit! 22:26:39.0856 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198105138911 from 22:26:39.1053 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Quebo joined (76561198105138911) 22:26:39.1053 [INFO] BlockLimiter.Settings.PlayerTimeModule: Logging time for player Quebo 22:26:39.1053 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:26:39.1053 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:26:39.1053 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:26:39.1053 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:26:39.1053 [INFO] Essentials.PlayerAccountModule: Creating new account object for Quebo 22:26:39.1725 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Quebo successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:26:39.4725 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Quebo has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 22:26:42.6554 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 22:26:44.0337 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:how close are you to getting a pvp ship ready?:2 22:26:44.0337 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how close are you to getting a pvp ship ready?, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 22:26:44.0337 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: how close are you to getting a pvp ship ready? 22:27:09.3323 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WTXGamer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198047346587, PlayerID: 176561198047346587 22:27:24.8308 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:27:46.5488 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 22:27:58.0252 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:game crashed, but yea, I knew a wipe was coming so was waiting for that. BISH just took his sweet ass time.:3 22:28:06.5359 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:2 forge in one sector would be interesting:0 22:28:24.8315 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:28:55.1898 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:and then he just popped it on us, LOL:3 22:29:16.7293 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:would have like to have checked my bp status:3 22:29:24.1329 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 22:29:24.1329 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 22:29:24.2182 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:but I'm loving the wipe:3 22:29:24.8464 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:29:42.5165 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:the sim is unreal:3 22:29:58.1660 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:15 players in a sector and 1.02 sim:3 22:30:05.3815 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I mean OuterA:3 22:30:24.8473 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:30:54.2471 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:he had planned to wait even longer, but the actual harddrive failing gave him little option.:3 22:31:24.8480 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:31:32.9352 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:I'm Fucked, my survival kit is broken, have no ice and running out of oxygen:0 22:31:45.3850 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:as it happens, the Hard Drive issues seem to have corrupted my personal hangar file:3 22:31:55.4312 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Inspector_Alex:how did you manage that mate:0 22:31:56.6364 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:so I was already wiped:3 22:32:06.7797 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:you could always just reroll:0 22:32:10.5954 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:got distracted and flew into an asteroid:0 22:32:16.7499 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:wdym reroll?:0 22:32:17.0525 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Inspector_Alex:lmao:0 22:32:20.9373 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Inspector_Alex:just respawn ig:0 22:32:24.8628 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:32:29.1983 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:respawn a new pod:0 22:32:33.4028 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:My ship is respawn ship:0 22:32:40.1962 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Inspector_Alex:yeah you just get another one for free:0 22:32:41.3796 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:thats why he was left with little option. cause everything on that box was going to have to be wiped anyway. so he decided to just do it all.:3 22:32:44.1306 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:Bish may have been able to restore the file, but this works for me:3 22:32:47.2538 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 22:32:59.7705 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:but this one will despawn with all my progress:0 22:33:01.2866 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:yep:3 22:33:04.7973 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Inspector_Alex:aye:0 22:33:24.8783 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:33:27.1826 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:unless i find ice on this asteroid im dead:0 22:33:28.4702 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: S1MA$HLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 22:33:28.4702 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving S1MA$H meta data! 22:33:28.4702 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: S1MA$H has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198960422348 22:33:32.9495 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:it's a private server anyway:3 22:33:42.8404 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:good luck:0 22:33:49.3110 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] NacoChata:gl:0 22:33:51.1660 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:Bish can just flip it off, if he wants:3 22:33:56.5984 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:F:0 22:34:00.5753 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:so who can complain?:3 22:34:06.3052 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Lee #1:Tip. First thing I do when I respawn is build a merge block and merge on an asteroid so you don't lose the pod.:0 22:34:10.0868 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Grand Inquisitor passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198896790361, PlayerID: 176561198896790361 22:34:20.2673 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:well, donators could:3 22:34:22.6200 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:LOL me right now, I spend alot of money on the upgrade:3 22:34:24.8790 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:34:36.7699 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Grand Inquisitor passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198896790361, PlayerID: 176561198896790361 22:34:37.2957 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Lee #1:(assuming you're in space):0 22:34:51.4759 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:and thnx for that:3 22:35:16.7731 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:check donator chat. LOL got my car today:3 22:35:24.8921 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:35:35.1112 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [14] Lee #1:also, you could hangar your pod, and then respawn, and hope you spawn close enough to it, lol:0 22:35:35.2225 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:sim below 1 just sucks, no matter how you look at it:3 22:36:00.4700 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: S1MA$H passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198960422348, PlayerID: 176561198960422348 22:36:06.9701 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SatelNova9 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039500418, PlayerID: 176561198039500418 22:36:21.8874 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:xD:0 22:36:24.8937 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:36:29.9010 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:found ice but didn't manage to convert it in time and died xd:0 22:36:48.3177 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:lost all progress:0 22:36:55.0889 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:don't die, unless you are killing yourself:0 22:37:10.1647 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Inspector_Alex requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 22:37:10.1948 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 22:37:10.1948 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: JustRyan requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 22:37:10.2229 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 22:37:10.2229 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from OuterA recieved! 22:37:10.2370 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 22:37:10.3042 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Excelsior Target: X:1051138.58443271 Y:199380.318677242 Z:1525742.77603992 22:37:11.1931 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Excelsior @ X:1051168.48848159 Y:199369.598865232 Z:1525745.31743668 22:37:11.1931 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198071060743 22:37:11.1931 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Inspector_Alex into their cockpit! 22:37:11.1931 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198065459221 22:37:11.1931 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning JustRyan into their cockpit! 22:37:16.3355 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198065459221 from 22:37:16.3355 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198071060743 from 22:37:16.3555 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player JustRyan joined (76561198065459221) 22:37:16.3555 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:37:16.3555 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:37:16.3555 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:37:16.3555 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:37:16.3555 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Inspector_Alex joined (76561198071060743) 22:37:16.3555 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:37:16.3555 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:37:16.3555 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:37:16.3555 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:37:16.4549 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Inspector_Alex successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:37:16.4549 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: JustRyan successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:37:17.2237 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: JustRyan has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 22:37:17.3572 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Inspector_Alex has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 22:37:24.9071 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:37:28.6916 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:fucking hell:0 22:37:29.1914 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:and there are good reasons to kill yourself all the time:0 22:37:38.8610 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:all beacause i couldn't find cobalt:0 22:37:47.8493 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 22:37:50.3713 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:found EVERY ore but cobalt:0 22:37:52.3276 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Quebo meta data! 22:37:52.3276 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Inspector_Alex meta data! 22:37:52.3276 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 22:37:52.3276 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 22:37:52.3276 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 22:37:52.3276 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 22:37:52.3276 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving JustRyan meta data! 22:37:52.3276 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 22:37:52.3718 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9409kb Compressed: 434kb 22:37:53.2755 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:i tell myself that everytime i drive into work:0 22:38:14.1250 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SatelNova9 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039500418, PlayerID: 176561198039500418 22:38:24.9075 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:38:26.7370 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 22:38:56.8194 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I kinda got lucky on restart, when the server was down for a couple days a week before the wipe...:0 22:39:12.5359 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 45798ms (281ms CPU) 22:39:12.5359 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 22:39:12.6624 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 22:39:15.1578 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I went to a Keen server and practiced a few restarts:0 22:39:24.9076 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:39:27.6262 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: SatelNova9 requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 22:39:27.6513 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 22:39:27.6513 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Earth/Moon recieved! 22:39:27.6583 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198039500418 22:39:27.6583 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Respawn Planet Pod Target: X:1015653.89824042 Y:183799.270445253 Z:1661579.09551311 22:39:27.7346 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Respawn Planet Pod @ X:1015655.35231939 Y:183799.595761801 Z:1661579.26820669 22:39:27.7346 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198039500418 22:39:27.7346 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning SatelNova9 into their cockpit! 22:39:34.8462 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198039500418 from 22:39:34.8622 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player SatelNova9 joined (76561198039500418) 22:39:34.8622 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 22:39:34.8622 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 22:39:34.8622 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 22:39:34.8622 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 22:39:35.4463 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: SatelNova9 successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 22:39:35.9460 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: SatelNova9 has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 22:39:45.8230 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:and Keen servers don't let you fuck around with spawn pods:0 22:39:47.0559 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:lmao:0 22:39:55.2910 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Longshena:yeah i worked on spawn pod modifications, small bases and equipment to get rolling fast:0 22:40:00.8220 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:they do:0 22:40:09.5207 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:just merge the thing on a roid:0 22:40:17.7077 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Respawn Space Pod, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 22:40:17.7077 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198039500418 22:40:17.7077 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: SatelNova9 Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 22:40:17.7077 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Respawn Space Pod is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space A [SatelNova9:76561198039500418 - In Seat: True - Online: True] 22:40:17.7515 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 22:40:17.7515 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 28 22:40:17.7515 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 22:40:18.4053 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: SatelNova9Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 22:40:18.4053 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving SatelNova9 meta data! 22:40:18.4053 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: SatelNova9 (76561198039500418) Disconnected. 22:40:19.9830 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:is it better to build and be raided or not to build at all?:0 22:40:24.6636 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: SatelNova9 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198039500418, PlayerID: 176561198039500418 22:40:24.9231 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:40:32.9039 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:better to not play keen off:0 22:40:59.0062 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:evening:2 22:40:59.0062 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: evening, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:40:59.0062 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: evening 22:41:03.7799 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:or to build and lose it cuz you forget to power your survival?:0 22:41:11.3837 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:hello:2 22:41:11.3837 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hello, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:41:11.3837 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hello 22:41:13.1801 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 22:41:18.2874 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:i know a glitch to get gps data of a captured base/ship:0 22:41:24.9230 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:41:27.1114 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:had to restart again, my first spawn pod got deleted/removed for some reasons:2 22:41:27.1114 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: had to restart again, my first spawn pod got deleted/removed for some reasons, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:41:27.1114 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: had to restart again, my first spawn pod got deleted/removed for some reasons 22:41:45.9184 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:not a big loss tho, just annoyed for the rock to hand drill again:2 22:41:45.9184 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not a big loss tho, just annoyed for the rock to hand drill again, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:41:45.9184 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: not a big loss tho, just annoyed for the rock to hand drill again 22:41:48.1187 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:actually, mine did too:2 22:41:48.1187 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: actually, mine did too, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:41:48.1187 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: actually, mine did too 22:42:05.7778 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:that way its not fun anymore. they sneak your base when offline. get ur gps data and raid everything :0 22:42:24.9235 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:42:47.5884 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:but I still had a bunch of GPS, so I took a spawn pod 1100km away and flew back, scouting and building on the way:2 22:42:47.5884 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but I still had a bunch of GPS, so I took a spawn pod 1100km away and flew back, scouting and building on the way, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:42:47.5884 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: but I still had a bunch of GPS, so I took a spawn pod 1100km away and flew back, scouting and building on the way 22:42:48.6195 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 22:43:01.8772 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:welp, have to find a new deposit of cobalt:2 22:43:01.8772 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: welp, have to find a new deposit of cobalt, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:43:01.8772 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: welp, have to find a new deposit of cobalt 22:43:17.0405 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:or get back to the one you have:2 22:43:17.0405 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: or get back to the one you have, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:43:17.0405 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: or get back to the one you have 22:43:23.0820 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:is it in space?:2 22:43:23.0820 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: is it in space?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:43:23.0820 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: is it in space? 22:43:24.9256 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:43:25.1199 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:my new position is over 2000 km from my original:2 22:43:25.1199 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: my new position is over 2000 km from my original, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:43:25.1199 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: my new position is over 2000 km from my original 22:43:28.6766 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:yup:2 22:43:28.6766 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yup, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:43:28.6766 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yup 22:43:40.9204 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:keep spawning till you are closer:2 22:43:40.9204 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: keep spawning till you are closer, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:43:40.9204 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: keep spawning till you are closer 22:43:46.4100 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:just an idea:2 22:43:46.4100 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just an idea, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:43:46.4100 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: just an idea 22:43:57.3431 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:where can you spend space credits?:0 22:44:01.4463 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:how many GPS did you have?:2 22:44:01.4463 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how many GPS did you have?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:44:01.4463 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: how many GPS did you have? 22:44:06.5028 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sir_ForeverPT passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198293135754, PlayerID: 176561198293135754 22:44:08.7946 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:brah :0 22:44:18.6981 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:pink slippers still playing :0 22:44:21.7932 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:unles i get the cobalt around here, i don't think it will be that hard (Jinxed so bad, I know):2 22:44:21.7932 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: unles i get the cobalt around here, i don't think it will be that hard (Jinxed so bad, I know), Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:44:21.7932 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: unles i get the cobalt around here, i don't think it will be that hard (Jinxed so bad, I know) 22:44:23.0321 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:Pink, at NPC stations:0 22:44:24.9403 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:44:28.7569 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:G:0 22:44:33.7573 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:Not giving up xd:0 22:44:41.9199 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:Only like 5 hours of progress:0 22:44:49.5367 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 22:44:57.3909 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:starting in new spot is good:2 22:44:57.3909 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: starting in new spot is good, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:44:57.3909 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: starting in new spot is good 22:45:00.2867 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderVote' 22:45:00.3037 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Reminder: You can use !votenow command to submit your daily vote and then use !reward to receive full set of elite tools, Uranium ingots and a chance for Platinum drop!' 22:45:02.7255 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:I play like 5 month ago :0 22:45:04.7859 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:just that one, now I also have all the Moon's topography for helping Sir rebuild a moon base:2 22:45:04.7859 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just that one, now I also have all the Moon's topography for helping Sir rebuild a moon base, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:45:04.7859 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: just that one, now I also have all the Moon's topography for helping Sir rebuild a moon base 22:45:08.0961 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:and u still here:0 22:45:15.5911 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:once you get jumps, you can always go mine the old GPS:2 22:45:15.5911 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: once you get jumps, you can always go mine the old GPS, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:45:15.5911 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: once you get jumps, you can always go mine the old GPS 22:45:24.4771 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:Waaaaaaaaait:0 22:45:24.9417 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:45:40.6806 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:Have we played bevore simash?:0 22:45:48.2460 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561199465290546 took: 64ms Total Grids Sent: 1 22:45:49.2430 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:almost:0 22:45:49.6731 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:that's the reason why I never delete them, just hide them out of my hud:2 22:45:49.6731 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: that's the reason why I never delete them, just hide them out of my hud, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:45:49.6731 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: that's the reason why I never delete them, just hide them out of my hud 22:45:53.1572 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:OOOO:0 22:45:54.6265 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 22:45:54.7750 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {13A71432408A955} Event Controller that is not yet replicated on client 22:45:54.8422 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {132ED3C3C8F1B7C} Cargo Crate 3 that is not yet replicated on client 22:45:55.0325 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1152F2281CE4505} Cargo Crate 2 that is not yet replicated on client 22:45:55.1609 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {1152F2281CE4505} Cargo Crate 2 that is not yet replicated on client 22:45:55.3105 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyEventControllerBlock {1B035DA9E2A2B93} Event Controller 2 that is not yet replicated on client 22:45:56.9066 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:I visit u at asteroids:0 22:45:57.7567 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:Sir is way to brave for new server rules:2 22:45:57.7567 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Sir is way to brave for new server rules, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:45:57.7567 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: Sir is way to brave for new server rules 22:45:57.9494 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:I remember:0 22:45:58.6484 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: WholsomeBanana Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 22:46:02.3001 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: WholsomeBananaLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 22:46:02.3001 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving WholsomeBanana meta data! 22:46:02.3001 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: WholsomeBanana (76561199465290546) Disconnected. 22:46:03.7808 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Sir_ForeverPT passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198293135754, PlayerID: 176561198293135754 22:46:12.9552 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:yup, I noticed it's entrance:2 22:46:12.9552 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yup, I noticed it's entrance, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:46:12.9552 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yup, I noticed it's entrance 22:46:13.8921 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:You came by and gave me some tips:0 22:46:22.0211 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:Moon is a deathtrap now, imho:2 22:46:22.0211 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Moon is a deathtrap now, imho, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:46:22.0211 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: Moon is a deathtrap now, imho 22:46:24.9426 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:46:28.3819 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:I was gonna shot on u and u say hi there:0 22:46:31.0323 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:i thought he would go sneaky, but that door is asking to be visitd:2 22:46:31.0323 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i thought he would go sneaky, but that door is asking to be visitd, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:46:31.0323 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: i thought he would go sneaky, but that door is asking to be visitd 22:46:32.0012 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:you wanted me to join your fraction or something back then but i was too scared :0 22:46:37.3414 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:it's just too small:2 22:46:37.3414 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it's just too small, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:46:37.3414 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: it's just too small 22:46:38.9060 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:Bruh:0 22:46:49.3067 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:So much changed in my life from back then:0 22:46:51.2809 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:andI turn off my guns lol:0 22:46:53.5757 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:oh, Sir, you there?:2 22:46:53.5757 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh, Sir, you there?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:46:53.5757 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh, Sir, you there? 22:47:24.9553 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:47:30.7564 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:Since then i had 3 girlfriends and finished highschool :0 22:47:39.0881 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:If you are, I think I've implied what I just said already:2 22:47:39.0881 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: If you are, I think I've implied what I just said already, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:47:39.0881 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: If you are, I think I've implied what I just said already 22:47:44.9912 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:lmao:0 22:47:45.7474 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:just being more dirrect:2 22:47:45.7474 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just being more dirrect, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:47:45.7474 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: just being more dirrect 22:47:49.2619 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 22:48:11.1548 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:btw that was just a thought of mines, free for everyone to play on it's own style:2 22:48:11.1548 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: btw that was just a thought of mines, free for everyone to play on it's own style, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:48:11.1548 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: btw that was just a thought of mines, free for everyone to play on it's own style 22:48:18.0983 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:I went to holiday for 2 month I left my job :0 22:48:24.9560 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:48:26.2451 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:224454619179684855] JustRyan: GPS:Forge Mars:1062459.02:174479.8:1601978.97:#FFF17575: 22:48:34.4463 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:start to gym again:0 22:48:35.0223 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:damn:0 22:48:41.8865 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: WholsomeBanana passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199465290546, PlayerID: 176561199465290546 22:48:44.5812 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:in 5 month maybe more:0 22:49:00.1058 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:hoes are temporary space engineers is immortal:0 22:49:10.7559 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:it was diouring covid:0 22:49:17.0837 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:in my experience Hoes are hourly:0 22:49:17.8794 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:well, maybe Forever can tough it out and build up there:2 22:49:17.8794 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: well, maybe Forever can tough it out and build up there, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:49:17.8794 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: well, maybe Forever can tough it out and build up there 22:49:24.9555 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:49:28.5042 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:space engineers over hoes, I respect that:0 22:49:43.4674 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:I have 5.9k hour now:0 22:49:55.0176 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:but I m alone again =(:0 22:50:03.8853 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:was thinking of a ramming ship btw. you don't need guns when your ship is the shot. bish told me that blast doors are perfect for that, but it's at the moment an idea that'll wait before i'll start thinking seriously about it:2 22:50:03.8853 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: was thinking of a ramming ship btw. you don't need guns when your ship is the shot. bish told me that blast doors are perfect for that, but it's at the moment an idea that'll wait before i'll start thinking seriously about it, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:50:03.8853 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: was thinking of a ramming ship btw. you don't need guns when your ship is the shot. bish told me that blast doors are perfect for that, but it's at the moment an idea that'll wait before i'll start thinking seriously about it 22:50:15.1239 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:I'm at 150h :0 22:50:20.0800 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:now I mgonna type to my old firend for game:0 22:50:23.3883 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:mans part of the 6K-ers. You must know the deep dark secrets of this game:0 22:50:24.9565 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:50:31.4492 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:from high school :0 22:50:38.8811 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:well, you should give it a try:0 22:50:39.6976 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:he was at behnid of me :0 22:50:40.6330 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:Probably gonna play for like a week and then go back to living my life:0 22:50:41.5206 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: tommelom10 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198081526137, PlayerID: 176561198081526137 22:50:48.1632 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:sometimes you just need a break:0 22:50:55.3370 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 22:50:57.0325 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:but for high end PvP, ramming is hard:0 22:51:11.0639 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:wrong chat:2 22:51:11.0639 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wrong chat, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:51:11.0639 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: wrong chat 22:51:22.9614 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:right:2 22:51:22.9614 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: right, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:51:22.9614 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: right 22:51:24.9722 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:51:27.3947 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:sorry:2 22:51:27.3947 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: sorry, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:51:27.3947 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: sorry 22:51:30.6540 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: tommelom10 passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198081526137, PlayerID: 176561198081526137 22:51:49.9833 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:thing is, they can back away as fast as you can move in:2 22:51:49.9833 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thing is, they can back away as fast as you can move in, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:51:49.9833 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: thing is, they can back away as fast as you can move in 22:51:52.4025 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:I m starting alywas with noob teamates and they left me everytimes:0 22:52:02.3124 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:and they get to keep shooting:2 22:52:02.3124 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and they get to keep shooting, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:52:02.3124 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: and they get to keep shooting 22:52:08.2807 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:cuz I m doing everythink in game they just wathcing :0 22:52:24.9857 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:52:26.3186 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:and they say they're bored:0 22:52:30.8312 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:SE is a hard game to enter:0 22:52:49.2108 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:btw, that's for some of those raiders attacking starting bases like the one of Sir, I can see them looking at the base searching for loot and their ship standing still while I come in fast with malicious intent >:D:2 22:52:49.2108 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: btw, that's for some of those raiders attacking starting bases like the one of Sir, I can see them looking at the base searching for loot and their ship standing still while I come in fast with malicious intent >:D, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:52:49.2108 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: btw, that's for some of those raiders attacking starting bases like the one of Sir, I can see them looking at the base searching for loot and their ship standing still while I come in fast with malicious intent >:D 22:52:49.9399 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 22:52:50.9952 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:would be nice if there were changes to the speed limits:2 22:52:50.9952 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: would be nice if there were changes to the speed limits, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:52:50.9952 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: would be nice if there were changes to the speed limits 22:52:51.2728 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:I think it took me 3 tries to start liking survival:0 22:52:52.6190 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Quebo meta data! 22:52:52.6190 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Inspector_Alex meta data! 22:52:52.6190 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 22:52:52.6190 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 22:52:52.6190 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 22:52:52.6190 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving JustRyan meta data! 22:52:52.6190 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 22:52:52.6702 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9396kb Compressed: 433kb 22:53:00.2053 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [16] trainwreck:600 hours still not sure what im meant to be doing:0 22:53:04.0514 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:Man, when I say you can come and help me, they say we'd rather watch you.:0 22:53:21.4350 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:lol:0 22:53:24.9857 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:53:36.6352 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:facts:0 22:53:38.5537 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:but again, still a concept that will take a while to get more attention:2 22:53:38.5537 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but again, still a concept that will take a while to get more attention, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:53:38.5537 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: but again, still a concept that will take a while to get more attention 22:53:45.4010 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:u should be fearless for learn PVP:0 22:53:49.6441 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:my plan is to get safezone ready, so I can refine offline:2 22:53:49.6441 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: my plan is to get safezone ready, so I can refine offline, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:53:49.6441 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: my plan is to get safezone ready, so I can refine offline 22:54:08.0836 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:LOL, want to know what I use to ram?:2 22:54:08.0836 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: LOL, want to know what I use to ram?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:54:08.0836 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: LOL, want to know what I use to ram? 22:54:12.3016 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:I wanna learn how to actually pvp, I feel like its something I should know by now:0 22:54:15.7905 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: shaundelear passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198165320429, PlayerID: 176561198165320429 22:54:24.9854 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:54:31.7796 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:WTX has actual seen it, sorta:2 22:54:31.7796 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: WTX has actual seen it, sorta, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:54:31.7796 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: WTX has actual seen it, sorta 22:54:37.2423 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:he was lagging:2 22:54:37.2423 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: he was lagging, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:54:37.2423 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: he was lagging 22:54:42.6909 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: make many damage while avoiding damage 22:54:51.7962 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I use my railguns to ram:2 22:54:51.7962 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I use my railguns to ram, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:54:51.7962 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I use my railguns to ram 22:55:02.0620 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:You can never be a good pvp player if you are afraid of the ships you build being destroyed.:0 22:55:10.9833 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:a weird use for them, but ok:2 22:55:10.9833 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: a weird use for them, but ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:55:10.9833 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: a weird use for them, but ok 22:55:16.7246 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:cuz if you get close enough to ram, well... do you need them anymore?:2 22:55:16.7246 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cuz if you get close enough to ram, well... do you need them anymore?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:55:16.7246 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: cuz if you get close enough to ram, well... do you need them anymore? 22:55:24.9882 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:55:29.1737 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: YamaLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 22:55:29.1737 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Yama meta data! 22:55:29.1737 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Yama has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198139771247 22:55:29.6298 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:fear makes you creative :0 22:55:43.3443 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:my rails form the tip of my star destroyer:2 22:55:43.3443 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: my rails form the tip of my star destroyer, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:55:43.3443 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: my rails form the tip of my star destroyer 22:55:45.0072 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: shaundelear passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198165320429, PlayerID: 176561198165320429 22:55:53.9319 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:you could blast one morme time to go even further:2 22:55:53.9319 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: you could blast one morme time to go even further, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:55:53.9319 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: you could blast one morme time to go even further 22:56:11.7199 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:While thinking about how to protect myself against a strong opponent, you can build a good ship.:0 22:56:17.1814 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:sure, blast right before the ram:2 22:56:17.1814 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: sure, blast right before the ram, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:56:17.1814 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: sure, blast right before the ram 22:56:25.0028 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:56:34.7116 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:stong opponent whats that. :0 22:56:37.7150 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:I always trying my pvp ships in real pvp:0 22:56:39.5907 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Yama passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198139771247, PlayerID: 176561198139771247 22:56:40.7754 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:do you know what percent hit is with railguns in PvP?:2 22:56:40.7754 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: do you know what percent hit is with railguns in PvP?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:56:40.7754 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: do you know what percent hit is with railguns in PvP? 22:56:54.1132 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:let me guess: really low?:2 22:56:54.1132 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: let me guess: really low?, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:56:54.1132 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: let me guess: really low? 22:57:02.2096 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:pretty close to zero:2 22:57:02.2096 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: pretty close to zero, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:57:02.2096 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: pretty close to zero 22:57:08.3525 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:is multiple hulls still a meta?:0 22:57:12.4344 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:opponent = enemy / rival :0 22:57:12.4966 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:damn:2 22:57:12.4966 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: damn, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:57:12.4966 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: damn 22:57:19.6074 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:263082388244604343] jefli: hey idk if there's someone but i'm jumping to temp location 22:57:20.4132 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Elvis Chesney:someone rescue me from earth:0 22:57:25.0087 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:57:29.5087 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:with mopre speed, they are basically useless:2 22:57:29.5087 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: with mopre speed, they are basically useless, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:57:29.5087 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: with mopre speed, they are basically useless 22:57:33.3330 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:more*:2 22:57:33.3330 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: more*, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 22:57:33.3330 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: more* 22:57:33.9782 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I mean, I know damn well that others are better with um then me:2 22:57:33.9782 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I mean, I know damn well that others are better with um then me, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:57:33.9782 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I mean, I know damn well that others are better with um then me 22:57:47.9568 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Yama passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198139771247, PlayerID: 176561198139771247 22:57:50.7568 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 22:58:01.9965 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Yama:space nubs:0 22:58:06.7590 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:but other players rarely hit me either:2 22:58:06.7590 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but other players rarely hit me either, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:58:06.7590 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: but other players rarely hit me either 22:58:22.1626 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Peter Pan:Supp:0 22:58:25.0168 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:58:25.6129 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Gothicjawa:been playing 800 hours, first time i step on a mp server :D:0 22:58:26.9040 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Yama:yo:0 22:58:40.1563 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Yama:new rules, new meta:0 22:58:54.2053 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Yama:there is always a way:0 22:59:00.8456 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:actually, railguns are a Very Good first strick wep:2 22:59:00.8456 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: actually, railguns are a Very Good first strick wep, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:59:00.8456 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: actually, railguns are a Very Good first strick wep 22:59:04.0377 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:tbh it's not that different sp and mp, at least until you get confident enough to interact with anyone:0 22:59:08.0544 [WARN] Keen: Sound on different thread , PlaySound 22:59:08.0544 [WARN] Keen: Sound on different thread , PlaySound 22:59:12.6497 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:if you get the drop on someone:2 22:59:12.6497 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: if you get the drop on someone, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:59:12.6497 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: if you get the drop on someone 22:59:14.4812 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Yama:god faction weakness was never Energy:0 22:59:15.3167 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:which i hadn't done yet:0 22:59:15.8154 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:have 2 hulls with a gap allowed protection from having internal systems crippled by crumpling:0 22:59:25.0243 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 22:59:26.8402 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [15] S1MA$H:what is changed at server ?:0 22:59:43.3375 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Yama:it was the others:0 22:59:46.6066 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:if you sneak up on someone, hold all guns till you are set:2 22:59:46.6066 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: if you sneak up on someone, hold all guns till you are set, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:59:46.6066 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: if you sneak up on someone, hold all guns till you are set 22:59:51.1287 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:And im on:0 22:59:56.2912 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Elvis Chesney passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198061728446, PlayerID: 176561198061728446 22:59:56.6765 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:then turn on the arty:2 22:59:56.6765 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: then turn on the arty, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 22:59:56.6765 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: then turn on the arty 22:59:56.8371 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Yama:hail safe zones:0 23:00:00.4556 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:anything interesting happening ?:0 23:00:00.5409 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder1h' 23:00:00.5579 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 1 hour.' 23:00:00.5579 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [1 hour]." 5000 White' 23:00:13.4124 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:ups wrong chat eheh:2 23:00:13.4124 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ups wrong chat eheh, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:00:13.4124 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ups wrong chat eheh 23:00:20.1852 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:or maybe the rails first cuz of the delay:2 23:00:20.1852 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: or maybe the rails first cuz of the delay, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:00:20.1852 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: or maybe the rails first cuz of the delay 23:00:25.0332 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:00:35.6134 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:so anything happened while i was out ?:2 23:00:35.6134 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so anything happened while i was out ?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:00:35.6134 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: so anything happened while i was out ? 23:00:39.4120 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:Hi Forever:2 23:00:39.4120 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Hi Forever, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:00:39.4120 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: Hi Forever 23:00:42.2133 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:hi:2 23:00:42.2133 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: hi, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:00:42.2133 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: hi 23:00:54.3593 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:not really, atempting to make a starting position:2 23:00:54.3593 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not really, atempting to make a starting position, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:00:54.3593 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: not really, atempting to make a starting position 23:00:59.4911 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:again:2 23:00:59.4911 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: again, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:00:59.4911 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: again 23:01:03.6802 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:XD:2 23:01:03.6802 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: XD, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:01:03.6802 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: XD 23:01:12.3974 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:where are you making it this time ?:2 23:01:12.3974 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: where are you making it this time ?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:01:12.3974 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: where are you making it this time ? 23:01:18.1504 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Earth only recieved! 23:01:18.1574 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198260035216 23:01:18.1574 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for Respawn Planet Pod Target: X:1075904.26778533 Y:110577.008855972 Z:1672263.32136636 23:01:18.1985 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for Respawn Planet Pod @ X:1075904.74929661 Y:110576.017357293 Z:1672262.30397891 23:01:18.1985 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198260035216 23:01:18.1985 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Tidist Gray into their cockpit! 23:01:18.3310 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:yeah, Satel showed up:2 23:01:18.3310 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah, Satel showed up, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:01:18.3310 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yeah, Satel showed up 23:01:25.0344 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:01:27.7411 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198260035216 from 23:01:27.7572 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Tidist Gray joined (76561198260035216) 23:01:27.7572 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 23:01:27.7572 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 23:01:27.7572 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 23:01:27.7572 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 23:01:27.8264 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stripped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 23:01:29.2191 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:I'm trying again outer:2 23:01:29.2191 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I'm trying again outer, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:01:29.2191 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I'm trying again outer 23:01:35.5396 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh ok:2 23:01:35.5396 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:01:35.5396 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh ok 23:01:42.9129 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:are you building a station ':2 23:01:42.9129 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: are you building a station ', Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:01:42.9129 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: are you building a station ' 23:01:53.6083 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:?:2 23:01:53.6083 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:01:53.6083 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ? 23:01:54.5456 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:oh yeah, other thing that might be interesting, Forever...:2 23:01:54.5456 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh yeah, other thing that might be interesting, Forever..., Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:01:54.5456 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh yeah, other thing that might be interesting, Forever... 23:01:59.1726 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:for now modyfing my pod:2 23:01:59.1726 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: for now modyfing my pod, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:01:59.1726 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: for now modyfing my pod 23:01:59.6332 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Yama:good night D:0 23:02:02.0821 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:yes ?:2 23:02:02.0821 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yes ?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:02:02.0821 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yes ? 23:02:08.5523 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I was telling Satel that you are way to brave:2 23:02:08.5523 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I was telling Satel that you are way to brave, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:02:08.5523 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I was telling Satel that you are way to brave 23:02:15.2161 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh ok:2 23:02:15.2161 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:02:15.2161 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh ok 23:02:20.9679 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT: thank you thank you:2 23:02:20.9679 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: thank you thank you, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:02:20.9679 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: thank you thank you 23:02:25.0486 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:02:25.2653 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I think the moon is a death trap now:2 23:02:25.2653 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I think the moon is a death trap now, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:02:25.2653 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I think the moon is a death trap now 23:02:32.5383 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:really ?:2 23:02:32.5383 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: really ?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:02:32.5383 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: really ? 23:02:37.9619 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:yeah, really:2 23:02:37.9619 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: yeah, really, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:02:37.9619 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: yeah, really 23:02:40.4242 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Tidist Gray successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 23:02:47.8925 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:only one person online right now:2 23:02:47.8925 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: only one person online right now, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:02:47.8925 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: only one person online right now 23:02:51.2822 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:it's just to small for no limit PvP:2 23:02:51.2822 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it's just to small for no limit PvP, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:02:51.2822 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: it's just to small for no limit PvP 23:02:51.5301 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 23:02:56.9727 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:oh i see:2 23:02:56.9727 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh i see, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:02:56.9727 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh i see 23:03:25.0489 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:03:34.9777 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I bet I could find anyones base in just a few hours there:2 23:03:34.9777 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I bet I could find anyones base in just a few hours there, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:03:34.9777 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I bet I could find anyones base in just a few hours there 23:03:49.7725 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:maybe:2 23:03:49.7725 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: maybe, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:03:49.7725 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: maybe 23:03:50.5258 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Elvis Chesney:GPS:Elvis ChesneyGPS:Elvis ChesneyGPS:Elvis Chesney #1:19478.18:-122891.05:-72631.92:#FF75C9F1::0 23:03:57.0114 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Elvis Chesney:oops:0 23:04:00.4607 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:well, maybe a few days, but if you have help...:2 23:04:00.4607 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: well, maybe a few days, but if you have help..., Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:04:00.4607 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: well, maybe a few days, but if you have help... 23:04:00.6524 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken::):0 23:04:07.3835 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] NacoChata::D:0 23:04:12.3242 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:omw:0 23:04:17.5035 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [13] Grand Inquisitor:run!!!!:0 23:04:25.0494 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:04:30.5918 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: AcerLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 23:04:30.5918 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Acer meta data! 23:04:30.5918 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Acer has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198240216568 23:04:34.3073 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:fleet's about to jump in:0 23:04:39.1814 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:Forever, not saying your shouldn't go for it:2 23:04:39.1814 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Forever, not saying your shouldn't go for it, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:04:39.1814 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: Forever, not saying your shouldn't go for it 23:04:45.2653 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:i know i know:2 23:04:45.2653 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: i know i know, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:04:45.2653 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: i know i know 23:04:47.9668 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Elvis Chesney:dont rob me im poor:0 23:04:49.0532 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] NacoChata:That will be great trap:0 23:04:51.8633 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:just that you are one brave motherfucker:2 23:04:51.8633 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just that you are one brave motherfucker, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:04:51.8633 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: just that you are one brave motherfucker 23:04:57.5520 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:XD~:2 23:04:57.5520 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: XD~, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:04:57.5520 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: XD~ 23:04:58.5560 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:ok, basic ref online (again):2 23:04:58.5560 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, basic ref online (again), Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:04:58.5560 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok, basic ref online (again) 23:05:02.5163 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I'm a coward, LOL:2 23:05:02.5163 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I'm a coward, LOL, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:05:02.5163 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I'm a coward, LOL 23:05:04.9749 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Tidist Gray: it could be bait 23:05:25.0648 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:05:32.7083 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] jefli: how do i make a target lead group for fixed weapons ? 23:05:42.2872 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:and I love the chat, but I have to get to scouting Lotus now:2 23:05:42.2872 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and I love the chat, but I have to get to scouting Lotus now, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:05:42.2872 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: and I love the chat, but I have to get to scouting Lotus now 23:05:56.3901 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:I just don't like standing around when i have no guns to fight with, unless i want to use the only ship I have for a ramming:2 23:05:56.3901 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I just don't like standing around when i have no guns to fight with, unless i want to use the only ship I have for a ramming, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:05:56.3901 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I just don't like standing around when i have no guns to fight with, unless i want to use the only ship I have for a ramming 23:06:25.0656 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:06:30.0504 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I don't build guns for defense:2 23:06:30.0504 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I don't build guns for defense, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:06:30.0504 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I don't build guns for defense 23:06:33.5319 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:224454619179684855] Inspector_Alex: GPS:Elvis Chesney #2:19478.18:-125891.05:-72631.92:#FF75C9F1: 23:06:53.9769 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:only cept on Executor:2 23:06:53.9769 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: only cept on Executor, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:06:53.9769 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: only cept on Executor 23:07:02.7129 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:but that's a roleplay ship:2 23:07:02.7129 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but that's a roleplay ship, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:07:02.7129 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: but that's a roleplay ship 23:07:10.3294 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Acer passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198240216568, PlayerID: 176561198240216568 23:07:25.0735 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:07:43.5645 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198260035216 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 23:07:47.2791 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Tidist Gray Is not seamless client! Directing via torchmod! 23:07:48.6641 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Tidist GrayLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 23:07:48.6641 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Tidist Gray meta data! 23:07:48.6641 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Tidist Gray (76561198260035216) Disconnected. 23:07:50.9944 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:gonna rebuild Executor and try some "Planet Conquest"!:2 23:07:50.9944 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: gonna rebuild Executor and try some "Planet Conquest"!, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:07:50.9944 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: gonna rebuild Executor and try some "Planet Conquest"! 23:07:52.1195 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 23:07:52.7553 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Quebo meta data! 23:07:52.7553 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Inspector_Alex meta data! 23:07:52.7553 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 23:07:52.7553 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 23:07:52.7553 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 23:07:52.7553 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving JustRyan meta data! 23:07:52.7553 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 23:07:52.8044 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9420kb Compressed: 435kb 23:08:04.7436 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:nice:2 23:08:04.7436 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:08:04.7436 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: nice 23:08:22.8587 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:how do you take an entire planet? by their forges, or just flying around on orbit?:2 23:08:22.8587 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: how do you take an entire planet? by their forges, or just flying around on orbit?, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:08:22.8587 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: how do you take an entire planet? by their forges, or just flying around on orbit? 23:08:25.0792 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:08:26.6854 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:Exec can hold my miner in hangar:2 23:08:26.6854 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: Exec can hold my miner in hangar, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:08:26.6854 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: Exec can hold my miner in hangar 23:08:56.3023 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I need to build a atmo attack ship that will fit in Exec:2 23:08:56.3023 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I need to build a atmo attack ship that will fit in Exec, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:08:56.3023 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I need to build a atmo attack ship that will fit in Exec 23:09:12.5377 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 23:09:25.0815 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:09:26.7796 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:still thinking this through...:2 23:09:26.7796 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: still thinking this through..., Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:09:26.7796 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: still thinking this through... 23:09:53.9424 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:anyway, first planet to go to is Alien:2 23:09:53.9424 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: anyway, first planet to go to is Alien, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:09:53.9424 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: anyway, first planet to go to is Alien 23:09:58.9074 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 46369ms (312ms CPU) 23:09:58.9074 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 23:09:59.0007 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 23:10:14.8166 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:so I can put the city back:2 23:10:14.8166 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so I can put the city back, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:10:14.8166 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: so I can put the city back 23:10:18.3413 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:are you planning to rebuild that city?:2 23:10:18.3413 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: are you planning to rebuild that city?, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:10:18.3413 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: are you planning to rebuild that city? 23:10:22.2845 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:oh ok:2 23:10:22.2845 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: oh ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:10:22.2845 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: oh ok 23:10:25.0830 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:11:13.8855 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:but I like the idea of popping into orbit over any planet with a ship that size:2 23:11:13.8855 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but I like the idea of popping into orbit over any planet with a ship that size, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:11:13.8855 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: but I like the idea of popping into orbit over any planet with a ship that size 23:11:25.0970 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:11:31.5531 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:then just scouting and seeing what happens:2 23:11:31.5531 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: then just scouting and seeing what happens, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:11:31.5531 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: then just scouting and seeing what happens 23:12:11.1383 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:ok, basic assembler working (again):2 23:12:11.1383 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, basic assembler working (again), Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:12:11.1383 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok, basic assembler working (again) 23:12:25.0977 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:12:35.8256 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] JustRyan: nice one 23:12:47.4445 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 23:12:47.4445 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: jefliLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 23:12:47.4445 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving jefli meta data! 23:12:47.4445 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: jefli (76561198312443008) Disconnected. 23:12:51.4503 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:see, I like Star Wars, but I'd like to play the Empire some of the time:2 23:12:51.4503 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: see, I like Star Wars, but I'd like to play the Empire some of the time, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:12:51.4503 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: see, I like Star Wars, but I'd like to play the Empire some of the time 23:12:52.9591 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 23:12:56.6092 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: perf has been a lot better this wipe 23:13:06.0608 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:just not as stupid as them, LOL:2 23:13:06.0608 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just not as stupid as them, LOL, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:13:06.0608 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: just not as stupid as them, LOL 23:13:07.9088 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: was expecting a lagfest 23:13:15.4587 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 23:13:25.1105 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:13:32.5260 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] JustRyan: im betting its just the build and repair limits 23:13:37.4426 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: probs 23:13:39.4312 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:when was the last wipe?:0 23:13:40.4849 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:I have a some sort of tie fighter tho, not sure if it works here:2 23:13:40.4849 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I have a some sort of tie fighter tho, not sure if it works here, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:13:40.4849 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I have a some sort of tie fighter tho, not sure if it works here 23:13:50.5431 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Durin passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970604243, PlayerID: 176561197970604243 23:13:50.6675 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:Friday:0 23:14:09.1261 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Elvis Chesney passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198061728446, PlayerID: 176561198061728446 23:14:11.5308 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:got to make drone tie fighters:2 23:14:11.5308 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: got to make drone tie fighters, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:14:11.5308 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: got to make drone tie fighters 23:14:18.7666 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] JustRyan: depends who was in the sector with you but it could be 0.6 sim with one other faction at times 23:14:25.1104 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:14:32.3092 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Durin passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970604243, PlayerID: 176561197970604243 23:14:34.3922 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Grand Inquisitor passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198896790361, PlayerID: 176561198896790361 23:14:36.1595 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:tie fighter drones XD:2 23:14:36.1595 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: tie fighter drones XD, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:14:36.1595 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: tie fighter drones XD 23:14:39.3767 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:the ai block ar already there, i just didn't set them up properly, i don't know whell how they works:2 23:14:39.3767 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: the ai block ar already there, i just didn't set them up properly, i don't know whell how they works, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:14:39.3767 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: the ai block ar already there, i just didn't set them up properly, i don't know whell how they works 23:14:51.0256 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Elvis Chesney passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198061728446, PlayerID: 176561198061728446 23:14:52.4016 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:Outer was split again. and then new hardware put in place for 1 of the servers. so half the sectors.:0 23:15:00.6592 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ReminderSupport' 23:15:05.5338 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Grand Inquisitor passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198896790361, PlayerID: 176561198896790361 23:15:17.4670 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Durin passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970604243, PlayerID: 176561197970604243 23:15:18.8520 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:that was one of the main reasons I built my defence tower drones, I learned a lot:2 23:15:18.8520 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: that was one of the main reasons I built my defence tower drones, I learned a lot, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:15:18.8520 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: that was one of the main reasons I built my defence tower drones, I learned a lot 23:15:25.1103 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:15:31.5661 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Elvis Chesney passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198061728446, PlayerID: 176561198061728446 23:16:09.4559 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:maybe I'll build a Tie Carrier:2 23:16:09.4559 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: maybe I'll build a Tie Carrier, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:16:09.4559 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: maybe I'll build a Tie Carrier 23:16:22.1994 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:like 10 Tie drones:2 23:16:22.1994 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: like 10 Tie drones, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:16:22.1994 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: like 10 Tie drones 23:16:25.1112 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:16:36.9021 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:all docked and ready to go:2 23:16:36.9021 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: all docked and ready to go, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:16:36.9021 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: all docked and ready to go 23:16:46.6975 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:that would be very nice to watch:2 23:16:46.6975 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: that would be very nice to watch, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:16:46.6975 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: that would be very nice to watch 23:17:25.1278 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:17:25.4318 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:they might be easy to kill, but it would sure buy time to do main attack:2 23:17:25.4318 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: they might be easy to kill, but it would sure buy time to do main attack, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:17:25.4318 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: they might be easy to kill, but it would sure buy time to do main attack 23:17:43.6324 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:and yeah, it would be fun as hell:2 23:17:43.6324 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and yeah, it would be fun as hell, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:17:43.6324 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: and yeah, it would be fun as hell 23:17:49.7929 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:depends the sizes:2 23:17:49.7929 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: depends the sizes, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:17:49.7929 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: depends the sizes 23:17:53.6834 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 23:17:58.0838 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: PAIN INCLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 23:17:58.0838 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving PAIN INC meta data! 23:17:58.0838 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PAIN INC has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198137800053 23:18:02.2998 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 23:18:12.0305 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:as small as possible:2 23:18:12.0305 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: as small as possible, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:18:12.0305 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: as small as possible 23:18:13.8837 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ManthaLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 23:18:13.8837 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Mantha meta data! 23:18:13.8837 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mantha has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198067206910 23:18:20.6450 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:or they just aren't ties:2 23:18:20.6450 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: or they just aren't ties, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:18:20.6450 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: or they just aren't ties 23:18:25.1406 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:18:40.9031 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:can't see how to make um do atmo...:2 23:18:40.9031 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: can't see how to make um do atmo..., Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:18:40.9031 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: can't see how to make um do atmo... 23:18:45.4198 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:but that's ok:2 23:18:45.4198 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but that's ok, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:18:45.4198 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: but that's ok 23:19:20.2929 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 23:19:25.1427 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:19:39.2880 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Durin passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970604243, PlayerID: 176561197970604243 23:19:41.7377 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Peter Pan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073088420, PlayerID: 176561198073088420 23:19:45.2609 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:guess I could make a H2 powered tie, and change the flame color, maybe:2 23:19:45.2609 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: guess I could make a H2 powered tie, and change the flame color, maybe, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:19:45.2609 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: guess I could make a H2 powered tie, and change the flame color, maybe 23:20:02.3496 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:ughhh 8 bars is slow as BALLS:2 23:20:02.3496 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ughhh 8 bars is slow as BALLS, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 23:20:02.3496 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: ughhh 8 bars is slow as BALLS 23:20:25.1432 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:20:29.9247 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Peter Pan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073088420, PlayerID: 176561198073088420 23:20:33.3570 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:bruh an asteroid cluster with no ores, what a disappointement:2 23:20:33.3570 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: bruh an asteroid cluster with no ores, what a disappointement, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:20:33.3570 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: bruh an asteroid cluster with no ores, what a disappointement 23:20:45.9745 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Durin passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561197970604243, PlayerID: 176561197970604243 23:20:46.5742 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PAIN INC passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198137800053, PlayerID: 176561198137800053 23:21:00.5815 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:gonna make a ship printer:2 23:21:00.5815 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: gonna make a ship printer, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 23:21:00.5815 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: gonna make a ship printer 23:21:18.8410 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:ok, off to scout, I mean it this time:2 23:21:18.8410 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: ok, off to scout, I mean it this time, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:21:18.8410 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: ok, off to scout, I mean it this time 23:21:25.1514 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:21:27.4100 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:same:2 23:21:27.4100 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: same, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:21:27.4100 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: same 23:21:49.4501 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 23:22:01.1982 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mantha passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198067206910, PlayerID: 176561198067206910 23:22:18.6485 [INFO] Chat: (to Quebo): Invalid Syntax: !vote 23:22:25.1586 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:22:52.9475 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Quebo meta data! 23:22:52.9475 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Inspector_Alex meta data! 23:22:52.9475 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 23:22:52.9475 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 23:22:52.9475 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving JustRyan meta data! 23:22:52.9475 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 23:22:52.9936 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9555kb Compressed: 439kb 23:22:54.2697 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 23:23:15.6290 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:https://speng.bitforge.ca/:2 23:23:15.6290 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: https://speng.bitforge.ca/, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 23:23:15.6290 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: https://speng.bitforge.ca/ 23:23:19.9043 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:handy website:2 23:23:19.9043 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: handy website, Faction, 262008084406076237, Iniquitous1982 23:23:19.9043 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:262008084406076237] Good.bot: handy website 23:23:25.1727 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:23:34.7824 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Quebo): https://space-engineers.com/server/203950/vote/ 23:23:55.4913 [INFO] Chat: (to Quebo): Looking for reward... 23:23:55.4913 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Quebo ran command '!reward' 23:23:55.7181 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Quebo): Here is the reward for your vote. Thank you for supporting our server! ^^ 23:23:55.7221 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Quebo): Thanks for the vote! 23:24:09.5738 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: me when i put the new "forgies" on the jeep -> :) 23:24:25.1775 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:24:28.1526 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:printing a pvp ship with 8 bars is slower than 2 old snails fucking:0 23:24:31.5568 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Peter Pan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198073088420, PlayerID: 176561198073088420 23:24:35.6879 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:axel in space engineers:0 23:24:48.1208 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:wish the space engineers were thiccer tbh:0 23:25:20.8695 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: i turned on the female model and hate how much she moans 23:25:25.1904 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:25:25.9537 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: shut up bitch 23:25:41.6334 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:XDDDDDDDDD:0 23:25:49.9883 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:ive heard that you prefer the sound of a man moaning:0 23:25:55.3368 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: PAIN INC passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198137800053, PlayerID: 176561198137800053 23:26:03.4533 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: the dude is quiet tbh 23:26:25.2054 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:26:31.7655 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:nothing is better than my moaning okay:0 23:26:47.7535 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mantha passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198067206910, PlayerID: 176561198067206910 23:26:56.2853 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:im surprised you are online and not out doing donuts:0 23:26:57.1820 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut_Female that is not yet replicated on client 23:26:59.8209 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:moaning, whining... how do you tell the difference?:0 23:27:02.9823 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut_Female that is not yet replicated on client 23:27:23.5033 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:with vag vs with hand. LOL:0 23:27:25.2168 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:27:54.7359 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 23:27:58.3343 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:also not gonna tear up the car till its paid off :0 23:28:13.9744 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:so, what kind of nuts to you get if you throw a bag of ashes in a brothel?:0 23:28:16.5324 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:heh:0 23:28:23.5640 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:jewish:0 23:28:24.6644 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:pissed ashy hoes:0 23:28:25.2294 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:28:34.5591 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: sexo XD 23:29:03.1498 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:better joke when spoken:0 23:29:08.1120 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge: Inventory is null? False 23:29:08.1120 [ERROR] TorchGameServerPlugin.PlayerEvents.Forge: CargoContainer is null? False 23:29:16.4656 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:*cricket noises*:0 23:29:25.2418 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:30:00.4086 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder30min' 23:30:00.4257 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 30 minutes.' 23:30:00.4257 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [30 minutes]." 5000 Red' 23:30:16.5251 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:yeah, I was eating a bag of um and it came to me:0 23:30:25.2517 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:30:32.1054 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:a bag of pistachio, not a bag of hoes:0 23:31:08.5273 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198071060743 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 23:31:13.5544 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:but that would be same as "suck a bag of dicks":0 23:31:25.2521 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:31:26.0555 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:"eat a bag of hoes":0 23:31:42.1723 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:more crickets...:0 23:32:08.1632 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:*cricket noise intensifies*:0 23:32:19.5862 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:oh, that's a good sign:0 23:32:25.2530 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:32:31.0814 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:the crickets like it:0 23:32:34.2054 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 23:32:55.4935 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 23:33:22.7202 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: ViirellLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 23:33:22.7202 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Viirell meta data! 23:33:22.7202 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Viirell has been successfully synced with ID: 176561198175610577 23:33:25.2536 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:33:32.9951 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198071060743 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 23:33:37.8573 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut_Female that is not yet replicated on client 23:33:46.7929 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:sorry, what was that? I was reflecting on the meaning of it all:0 23:34:25.2693 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:34:27.7361 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:27.7361 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:27.7361 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:27.7361 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:27.7361 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:27.7361 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:27.7361 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:27.7361 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.3605 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.3795 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.3795 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.3795 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.3795 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.3795 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.3795 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.3795 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.3795 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: JustRyan (76561198065459221) was trying to cheat! Player logged and no action 23:34:29.4107 [WARN] DAC.AntiCheatPlugin: Player JustRyan SteamId 76561198065459221, Tried to Spawn Block with spoofed builder/owner, CHEATS detected Player Logged, action deny 23:34:35.5515 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:it was about a this bag of prositutes...:0 23:35:18.2346 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:D: who put the prostitutes in the bag:0 23:35:25.1622 [INFO] Nexus.DataStructures.ClientMessageUtilities: Sending Grids to 76561198071060743 took: 1ms Total Grids Sent: 1 23:35:25.2832 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:35:28.6904 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name Default_Astronaut_Female that is not yet replicated on client 23:35:36.3259 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:they get in them self, if you pay um:0 23:36:25.2839 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:37:25.2984 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:37:27.4655 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: zhulavskyi2143Logged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 23:37:27.4655 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving zhulavskyi2143 meta data! 23:37:27.4655 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: zhulavskyi2143 (76561199431768254) Disconnected. 23:37:52.7372 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Quebo meta data! 23:37:52.7372 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Inspector_Alex meta data! 23:37:52.7372 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 23:37:52.7372 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving JustRyan meta data! 23:37:52.7372 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 23:37:52.7824 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9465kb Compressed: 436kb 23:37:55.5311 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Viirell passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198175610577, PlayerID: 176561198175610577 23:37:56.1318 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 23:38:01.7416 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Tidist Gray passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198260035216, PlayerID: 176561198260035216 23:38:16.7276 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:you got VR with that smell thing?:0 23:38:25.2987 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:38:52.8863 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:or an actual bag of hoes?:0 23:39:25.3140 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:39:29.6889 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: me when i'm gaming -> :) 23:39:31.8382 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Viirell passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198175610577, PlayerID: 176561198175610577 23:39:58.9173 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 23:40:02.6948 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:cobalt, nice:2 23:40:02.6948 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: cobalt, nice, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:40:02.6948 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: cobalt, nice 23:40:08.4549 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: i'm kidding of course, SE isn't about fun 23:40:10.0583 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:and a mayday signal:2 23:40:10.0583 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: and a mayday signal, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:40:10.0583 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: and a mayday signal 23:40:16.9877 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I found iron:2 23:40:16.9877 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I found iron, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:40:16.9877 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I found iron 23:40:19.7322 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:lost my ship again:0 23:40:22.3848 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:really?:2 23:40:22.3848 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: really?, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:40:22.3848 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: really? 23:40:25.3143 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:40:30.1766 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:lol, thee is also one on this rock:2 23:40:30.1766 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: lol, thee is also one on this rock, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:40:30.1766 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: lol, thee is also one on this rock 23:40:31.7386 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: need to watch the road mate 23:40:33.4704 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I've nerver seen a mayday:2 23:40:33.4704 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I've nerver seen a mayday, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:40:33.4704 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I've nerver seen a mayday 23:40:37.7172 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:sounds like it needs more cowbell on that ship:0 23:40:39.4681 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] PinkSlippers:see ya in a couple of months when i"m bored again:0 23:40:45.0149 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 46097ms (286ms CPU) 23:40:45.0149 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 10 days were deleted. 23:40:45.1273 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 10 days were deleted. 23:40:55.2054 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: he should have made a base on the moon :) 23:41:25.3156 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:41:26.5746 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:wlp, what a shame:2 23:41:26.5746 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: wlp, what a shame, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:41:26.5746 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: wlp, what a shame 23:41:49.8637 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: they dont warp well and nobody else seems to have bothered making them 23:41:58.4081 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:the first ship I ever found as mayday, and it kills me because it's red. last time was neutral:2 23:41:58.4081 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: the first ship I ever found as mayday, and it kills me because it's red. last time was neutral, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:41:58.4081 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: the first ship I ever found as mayday, and it kills me because it's red. last time was neutral 23:42:07.3246 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:best I can do is 2 gatling guns welded to a box:0 23:42:25.3223 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:42:42.7285 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: BNG have been playing with stupid exerimental weapons instead of pvp ships 23:42:56.7786 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 23:43:24.7098 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Inspector_Alex: the biggest player ship i've fought was a miner 23:43:25.3316 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:43:26.9243 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: JustRyan is not in a seat, but is beaing transported with grid 23:43:26.9243 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.GridUtilities: Closing the following grids: Excelsior, Reason: Grid has been sent to different server! 23:43:26.9243 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198065459221 23:43:27.0568 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: Inspector_Alex Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 23:43:27.0568 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.PlayerTransport: JustRyan Is running seamless client! Directing via seamless! 23:43:27.0909 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Excelsior is not in the correct sector! Beginning Transport to: Outer Space A [Inspector_Alex:76561198071060743 - In Seat: True - Online: True] [JustRyan:76561198065459221 - In Seat: False - Online: True] 23:43:27.0999 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 23:43:27.0999 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 26 23:43:27.0999 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 23:43:27.1541 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Recieved world request from destination server! Forwarding request to Client! 23:43:27.1541 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: TransferReqGPS: 89 23:43:27.1601 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Removing player from seamlessclients! 23:43:28.0462 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: JustRyanLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 23:43:28.0462 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving JustRyan meta data! 23:43:28.0462 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: JustRyan (76561198065459221) Disconnected. 23:43:29.5161 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Inspector_AlexLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 23:43:29.5161 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Inspector_Alex meta data! 23:43:29.5161 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Inspector_Alex (76561198071060743) Disconnected. 23:43:33.9137 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 23:43:36.4974 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 23:44:25.3312 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:45:00.3812 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Reminder15min' 23:45:00.3973 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Server will restart in 15 minutes.' 23:45:00.3973 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Server will restart in [15 minutes]." 5000 Red' 23:45:25.3471 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:45:44.6758 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] PAIN INC:GPS:PAIN INC #1:58604.93:-18740.14:-166639.6:#FF75C9F1::3 23:45:44.8876 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Inspector_Alex:hmm:0 23:45:48.7481 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Inspector_Alex:have i met him yet?:0 23:45:59.0227 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:my money is on Alex:0 23:46:24.5149 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I'll take you 2 to one on that, WTX:0 23:46:25.3514 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:46:41.4309 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I don't think either of um are really Alex!:0 23:46:55.8091 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:where is captain alex?:0 23:47:07.3649 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Inspector_Alex:killed:0 23:47:09.0925 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:I would be more impressed if one of em were a Murphy:0 23:47:25.3626 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:47:31.8607 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:Alex Murphy?:0 23:47:35.1961 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:yea:0 23:47:38.5517 [WARN] Keen: Validation of sync value ID 1 failed. 23:47:57.3685 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 23:48:25.3624 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:48:37.8398 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:i googled him and i still dont know who tf he is :D:0 23:48:47.8850 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] Inspector_Alex:plays for newcastle :0 23:48:47.9693 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:Robocop:0 23:48:50.5179 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: GoodGroot passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071464265, PlayerID: 176561198071464265 23:48:58.3231 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:ahh:0 23:49:03.4563 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:came up with some actor lol:0 23:49:17.0899 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] WTXGamer:Peter weller maybe:0 23:49:17.3448 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Viirell:common L-er L:0 23:49:25.3770 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:49:45.8846 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Mikey passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561199221294418, PlayerID: 176561199221294418 23:50:00.0683 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto Restart10' 23:50:00.0854 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!restart 600 true' 23:50:10.4444 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [19] McChicken:real?:0 23:50:25.3769 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:51:01.8684 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: GoodGroot passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071464265, PlayerID: 176561198071464265 23:51:25.3764 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:52:04.7180 [INFO] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Peter Pan requested world data for this server! (running seamless client) 23:52:04.7441 [WARN] SeamlessClientPlugin.Messages.WorldRequest: Successfully Converted World 23:52:04.7441 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.TransportSystem: Grid transfer from Europa recieved! 23:52:04.7612 [INFO] Nexus.API.PluginDependencyManager: Running GridBackup! Target Player: 176561198073088420 23:52:04.7943 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Starting grid spawning for ONX - Hydra Interplanetary Corvette Target: X:954936.901374707 Y:22780.5398771329 Z:1607769.81811966 23:52:05.3548 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.ParallelSpawner: Spawning Completed for ONX - Hydra Interplanetary Corvette @ X:954936.301057028 Y:22758.8450267328 Z:1607780.68253761 23:52:05.3548 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Pilot Identity: 176561198073088420 23:52:05.3548 [WARN] Nexus.BoundarySystem.GridTransport: Spawning Peter Pan into their cockpit! 23:52:05.4552 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:52:05.4552 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:52:11.0531 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198073088420 from 23:52:11.0782 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Peter Pan joined (76561198073088420) 23:52:11.0782 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: 3 GPS Entries to sync 23:52:11.0782 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: GOD PVP Sector (100km) 23:52:11.0782 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Lotus Sector (Within 90km of marker) - NO PVP 23:52:11.0782 [INFO] GlobalGPS.GlobalGPS: Attempting to build GPS: Viking Sector (Within 100km of marker) - NO PVP 23:52:11.1786 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: Peter Pan successfully connected! Running First Connection Methods! 23:52:11.5565 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {158390711506871} Access Panel that is not yet replicated on client 23:52:12.1622 [WARN] Nexus.SeamlessClients.SeamlessController: Peter Pan has up-to-date seamless client version: 1.5.0 23:52:12.4412 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyButtonPanel {1D4FFF30A59EFFB} Access Panel Back Up Power that is not yet replicated on client 23:52:12.9375 [WARN] Keen: Trying to remove entity with name MyTerminalBlock {158390711506871} Access Panel that is not yet replicated on client 23:52:17.6048 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Iniquitous1982:hm?:0 23:52:25.3765 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:52:27.4660 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:52:27.4660 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:52:28.7490 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Quebo: how to prevend ship despawn ? 23:52:39.4663 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:52:39.4663 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:52:48.4657 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:52:48.4657 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:52:49.5053 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Quebo: ok 23:52:52.3076 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Quebo meta data! 23:52:52.3076 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Peter Pan meta data! 23:52:52.3076 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving awiges meta data! 23:52:52.3076 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Nuka cola meta data! 23:52:52.3518 [INFO] NexusSaveCompressor: Original Sanbox Size: 9472kb Compressed: 437kb 23:52:57.7908 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:52:57.7908 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:52:58.0402 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 23:53:06.7908 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:53:06.7908 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:53:11.4569 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Viirell passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198175610577, PlayerID: 176561198175610577 23:53:15.7905 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:53:15.7905 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:53:24.1067 [INFO] Nexus.Utilities.PlayerJoinedController: SquirtoslaveLogged off! Clearing Data from NexusSystem! 23:53:24.1067 [INFO] Nexus.Sync.PlayerDataSync: Saving Squirtoslave meta data! 23:53:24.1067 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Squirtoslave has been successfully synced with ID: 176561199186066623 23:53:24.7901 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:53:24.7901 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:53:25.3767 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:53:27.0732 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Inspector_Alex passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198071060743, PlayerID: 176561198071060743 23:53:27.0732 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: JustRyan passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198065459221, PlayerID: 176561198065459221 23:53:33.7907 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:53:33.7907 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:53:42.7905 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:53:42.7905 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:53:51.7908 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:53:51.7908 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:54:00.7904 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:54:00.7904 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:54:09.8845 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:54:09.8845 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:54:18.8846 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:54:18.8846 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:54:25.3773 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:54:27.8848 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:54:27.8848 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:54:33.4875 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:got a new ship with guns:2 23:54:33.4875 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: got a new ship with guns, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:54:33.4875 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: got a new ship with guns 23:54:36.8846 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:54:36.8846 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_7 @ X:926954.430108868 Y:20556.457420959 Z:1622326.11860512 because it was in another server! 23:54:38.2275 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:nice:2 23:54:38.2275 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: nice, Faction, 217585904468358963, Sir_ForeverPT 23:54:38.2275 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: nice 23:54:45.8844 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:54:54.0227 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:it's messed up, but in past i fixed/improved it:2 23:54:54.0227 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: it's messed up, but in past i fixed/improved it, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:54:54.0227 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: it's messed up, but in past i fixed/improved it 23:54:54.8847 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:55:03.8848 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:55:12.8844 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:55:21.8844 [INFO] Nexus.BoundarySystem.EntityScanner: Prevented Spawning & duping of Economy_OrbitalStation_6 @ X:929010.741992278 Y:14149.0499146007 Z:1616273.7790727 because it was in another server! 23:55:25.3823 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:55:29.0925 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:not sure at this stage tho if i want to keep it or scrap it for something else:2 23:55:29.0925 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: not sure at this stage tho if i want to keep it or scrap it for something else, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:55:29.0925 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: not sure at this stage tho if i want to keep it or scrap it for something else 23:55:52.9556 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:just gonna keep it for now:2 23:55:52.9556 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: just gonna keep it for now, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:55:52.9556 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: just gonna keep it for now 23:55:58.3450 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:almost time to close:2 23:55:58.3450 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: almost time to close, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:55:58.3450 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: almost time to close 23:56:25.3924 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:56:26.9982 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [11] Inspector_Alex:you can see the corners of the skybox if you pay too much attention:0 23:56:30.1027 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:suggest grind it to build your basic stuff:2 23:56:30.1027 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: suggest grind it to build your basic stuff, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:56:30.1027 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: suggest grind it to build your basic stuff 23:56:44.9217 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:but I can't see the ship, so you decide:2 23:56:44.9217 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: but I can't see the ship, so you decide, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:56:44.9217 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: but I can't see the ship, so you decide 23:57:04.4453 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [20] Sir_ForeverPT:how doi turn a ship that is locked into a station into a ship if i cant select the otion ?:0 23:57:10.8083 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:btw, got a safezone up:2 23:57:10.8083 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: btw, got a safezone up, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:57:10.8083 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: btw, got a safezone up 23:57:14.8076 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:a lot of stuff will change here, only the shape keeps:2 23:57:14.8076 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: a lot of stuff will change here, only the shape keeps, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:57:14.8076 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: a lot of stuff will change here, only the shape keeps 23:57:25.3924 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:57:30.0690 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto thesnap' 23:57:30.0860 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Cleaning up unowned, unpowered and abandoned grids and turning off performance-affecting blocks...' 23:57:30.0860 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Timerblock' 23:57:31.0269 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:anyway i'll decide later:2 23:57:31.0269 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: anyway i'll decide later, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:57:31.0269 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: anyway i'll decide later 23:57:34.0857 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 1 done!' 23:57:34.0857 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Projector' 23:57:38.0855 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 2 done!' 23:57:38.0855 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type ShipWelder' 23:57:42.0860 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 3 done!' 23:57:42.0860 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Drill' 23:57:46.0862 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 4 done!' 23:57:46.0862 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off subtype SmallPistonBase' 23:57:50.0859 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 5 done!' 23:57:50.0859 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off subtype LargePistonBase' 23:57:54.0857 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 6 done!' 23:57:54.0857 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type MotorStator' 23:57:58.0865 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 7 done!' 23:57:58.0865 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type MotorAdvancedStator' 23:57:58.6525 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!admin runauto ALEBroadcast' 23:58:02.0858 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 8 done!' 23:58:02.0858 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type ShipGrinder' 23:58:06.0865 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 9 done!' 23:58:06.0865 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Refinery' 23:58:10.0863 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 10 done!' 23:58:10.0863 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!blocks off type Assembler' 23:58:14.0866 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 11 done!' 23:58:14.0866 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!faction clean 1' 23:58:14.4789 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:I have 24 chips from perks:2 23:58:14.4789 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: I have 24 chips from perks, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:58:14.4789 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: I have 24 chips from perks 23:58:18.0864 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 12 done!' 23:58:18.0864 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!gridcleanup 14' 23:58:21.2195 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.PlayerSync: Viirell passed ValidationChecks! SteamID: 76561198175610577, PlayerID: 176561198175610577 23:58:22.0867 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 13 done!' 23:58:22.0867 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 92535611975439733: Container MK-18 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 95096417669877625: Tanker Debris 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 78781302729376223: Skyheart Debree 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 85074572416862025: Large Grid 2025 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 100145921431703762: Skyheart Debree 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 106412182832787419: Large Grid 1768 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 85162594608466879: Respawn Planet Pod 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 131503316377864617: Large Grid 6106 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 126378040436536674: Skyheart Debree 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 94982375747227076: Large Grid 7062 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 136228515280564473: Large Grid 8124 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 116851257114175222: Large Grid 7157 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 103355408377604765: Light patrol drone 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 99308751997902469: Skyheart Debree 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 117522150040035375: Tanker Debris 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 123127623494523287: Large Grid 9515 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 131016700785566803: Small Grid 6803 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 17 grids matching conditions ownedby, nobody 23:58:22.0957 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete ownedby nobody' 23:58:25.3923 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:58:26.0857 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 14 done!' 23:58:26.0857 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 77160740188250890: Static Grid 890 23:58:26.0857 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 133600354115600655: Respawn Planet Pod 23:58:26.0857 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 92452962767496446: Respawn Planet Pod 23:58:26.0857 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 100459590034161974: Respawn Planet Pod 23:58:26.0857 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 80712009195261987: Large Grid 8194 23:58:26.0857 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 129495230144879515: actually important respawn pod 23:58:26.0857 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 126009755128411872: Large Grid 9353 23:58:26.0857 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 80103544285158835: Siren 2 23:58:26.0857 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 8 grids matching conditions nopower 23:58:26.0857 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete nopower' 23:58:27.5285 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [21] Qweller:so I can safezone for a while at least:2 23:58:27.5285 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: so I can safezone for a while at least, Faction, 217585904468358963, Qweller 23:58:27.5285 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: so I can safezone for a while at least 23:58:30.0859 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 15 done!' 23:58:30.0859 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 16 done!' 23:58:30.0859 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 85891096885422792: (NPC-ACS) WHI - Cargo Transport-AT1 23:58:30.0859 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 112454893351729870: Encounter Shuttle Beacon 23:58:30.0859 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 114549361683472304: (NPC-ACS) Deep Space Cryo Transporter-AT1 23:58:30.0859 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 104970411537133836: (NPC-ACS) Bulldog 01-AT1 23:58:30.0859 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 102207059185250823: Encounter Stealth pirate station 23:58:30.0859 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 86077517251537538: (NPC-ACS) The Guppy 03-AT 23:58:30.0859 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 106925932460648730: Small Grid 4789 23:58:30.0859 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 107174042152158050: Homing beacon 23:58:30.0950 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 126664899575439574: (NPC-ACS) 'Humboldt' Exploration Ship 01-AT2 23:58:30.0950 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 104558722154288456: Old Mining Drone 23:58:30.0950 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 96402380868182267: Encounter Imp 23:58:30.0950 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 11 grids matching conditions hasownertype, NPC, hasgridtype, SHIP, playerdistancegreaterthan, 800 23:58:30.0950 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete hasownertype NPC hasgridtype SHIP playerdistancegreaterthan 800' 23:58:34.0938 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 17 done!' 23:58:34.0988 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 101122095476824086: Encounter Hydro Tanker 23:58:34.0988 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 128789570009152225: Encounter Mining Outpost 23:58:34.0988 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 129932324185070691: Encounter RoidStation 23:58:34.0988 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 118776493913787677: Encounter Mining Outpost 23:58:34.0988 [INFO] Essentials: Deleting grid: 93544328488099575: Encounter Debris 23:58:34.0988 [INFO] Essentials: Cleanup deleted 5 grids matching conditions hasownertype, NPC, name, Encounter, playerdistancegreaterthan, 800 23:58:34.0988 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!cleanup delete hasownertype NPC name Encounter playerdistancegreaterthan 800' 23:58:38.0936 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Stage 18 done!' 23:58:38.0936 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!say Cleaning finished.' 23:59:25.3925 [ERROR] TebexTorchAPI: You have not yet defined your secret key. Use !tebex:secret to define your key 23:59:59.1141 [INFO] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: [18] SatelNova9:good night:2 23:59:59.1141 [WARN] ServerNetwork.Sync.ChatSync: FactionMessage: good night, Faction, 217585904468358963, SatelNova9 23:59:59.1141 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:217585904468358963] Good.bot: good night