2021-04-21 22:46:50.987 - Thread: 1 -> Log Started 2021-04-21 22:46:50.987 - Thread: 1 -> Timezone (local - UTC): -4h 2021-04-21 22:46:50.987 - Thread: 1 -> App Version: 01_197_181 2021-04-21 22:46:51.000 - Thread: 1 -> Is official: True [NO][IS][NAMP] 2021-04-21 22:46:51.001 - Thread: 1 -> Branch / Sandbox: SVN 2021-04-21 22:46:51.001 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.ProcessorCount: 12 2021-04-21 22:46:51.102 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.OSVersion: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19042.0) 2021-04-21 22:46:51.102 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.CommandLine: I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64\SpaceEngineers.exe 2021-04-21 22:46:51.113 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Is64BitProcess: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.113 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.113 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Version: .NET Framework 4.8.4300.0 2021-04-21 22:46:51.113 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.CurrentDirectory: I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64 2021-04-21 22:46:51.120 - Thread: 1 -> CPU Info: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6800K CPU @ 3.40GHz 2021-04-21 22:46:51.120 - Thread: 1 -> IntPtr.Size: 8 2021-04-21 22:46:51.120 - Thread: 1 -> Default Culture: 2021-04-21 22:46:51.120 - Thread: 1 -> Default UI Culture: 2021-04-21 22:46:51.121 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Load() - START 2021-04-21 22:46:51.124 - Thread: 1 -> Path: C:\Users\Fox\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\SpaceEngineers.cfg 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> EnableDamageEffects: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> GraphicsRenderer: DirectX 11 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> EnableReverb: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> DebugInputs: VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,Sandbox.Engine.Utils.MyConfig+MyDebugInputData] 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> ControlsGeneral: VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,System.String] 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> ControlsButtons: VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,VRage.Serialization.SerializableDictionary`2[System.String,System.String]] 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> FirstTimeRun: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> ExperimentalMode: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> VideoAdapter: 0 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> ScreenWidth: 1920 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> ScreenHeight: 1080 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> RefreshRate: 120000 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> WindowMode: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> VerticalSync: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.313 - Thread: 1 -> FieldOfView: 70 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> PostProcessingEnabled: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> FlaresIntensity: 0.1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> TreeViewDistance: 1000 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> GrassDensity: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> GrassDrawDistance: 159 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> AntialiasingMode: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> ShadowMapResolution: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> AmbientOcclusionEnabled: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> TextureQuality: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> AnisotropicFiltering: 0 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> ModelQuality: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> VoxelQuality: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> ShaderQuality: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> LowMemSwitchToLow: 0 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> FirstVTTimeRun: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> WelcomeScreenCurrentStatus: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> GDPRConsent: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> GDPRConsentSent: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> GameVolume: 0.06538405 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> Music_Volume: 0.3514132 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> VoiceChatVolume: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> HudWarnings: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> VoiceChat: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> EnableMuteWhenNotInFocus: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> EnableDynamicMusic: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> ShipSoundsAreBasedOnSpeed: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> EnableDoppler: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> ScreenshotSizeMultiplier: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> ShowCrosshair: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> EnableSteamCloud: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> UiTransparency: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> UiBkTransparency: 0.8701663 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> HUDBkTransparency: 0.6 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> CubeBuilderBuildingMode: 0 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> ControlsHints: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> GoodBotHints: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> RotationHints: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> FirstTimeTutorials: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> ServerSearchSettings: VRage.Game.ObjectBuilders.Gui.MyObjectBuilder_ServerFilterOptions 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> HudState: 1 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> TutorialsFinished: System.String[] 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> EnablePerformanceWarningsTempV2: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> CubeBuilderAlignToDefault: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> MutedPlayers: [REDACTED] 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> CubeBuilderUseSymmetry: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> LastCheckedVersion: 1195022 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> EnableTrading: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> GDPRConsentSentUpdated: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> ZoomMultiplier: 0.6 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> GamepadScheme: 0 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> ShowCrosshair2: 0 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> AreaInteraction: True 2021-04-21 22:46:51.314 - Thread: 1 -> ControllerDefaultOnStart: False 2021-04-21 22:46:51.315 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Load() - END 2021-04-21 22:46:52.544 - Thread: 1 -> Checksum file is missing, game will run as usual but file integrity won't be verified 2021-04-21 22:46:52.781 - Thread: 1 -> SpaceEngineersGame.SetupAnalytics - START 2021-04-21 22:46:52.794 - Thread: 1 -> SpaceEngineersGame.SetupAnalytics - END 2021-04-21 22:46:52.794 - Thread: 1 -> Found processor count: 6 2021-04-21 22:46:52.794 - Thread: 1 -> Using processor count: 6 2021-04-21 22:46:53.175 - Thread: 1 -> All detected adapters: 2021-04-21 22:46:53.177 - Thread: 1 -> NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 - VendorID=4318, SubsystemID=1634940994, DeviceID=7041 2021-04-21 22:46:53.177 - Thread: 1 -> Microsoft Basic Render Driver - VendorID=5140, SubsystemID=0, DeviceID=140 2021-04-21 22:46:55.098 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> Name = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 + DISPLAY1 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 7041, mem: 8480882688, shared mem: 17093187584, Luid: 83284, rev: 161, subsys id: 1634940994, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20210325000000.000000-000 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 0 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 8480882688 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:4096 Height:2160} 2021-04-21 22:46:55.099 - Thread: 1 -> Display modes = { 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> DXGIOutput id = 0 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60.004Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.100 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@59.997Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@60.015Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@60.015Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@60.015Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.101 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.102 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.103 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1768x992@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1768x992@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1768x992@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1768x992@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1768x992@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1768x992@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.104 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> } 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> } 2021-04-21 22:46:55.105 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> Name = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 + DISPLAY1 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 7041, mem: 8480882688, shared mem: 17093187584, Luid: 83284, rev: 161, subsys id: 1634940994, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20210325000000.000000-000 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 0 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 8480882688 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:4096 Height:2160} 2021-04-21 22:46:55.106 - Thread: 1 -> Display modes = { 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> DXGIOutput id = 0 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.107 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60.004Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@59.997Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1176x664@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@60.015Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@60.015Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.108 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@60.015Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1360x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1366x768@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.109 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x900@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1024@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1600x1200@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.110 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1680x1050@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1768x992@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1768x992@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1768x992@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1768x992@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1768x992@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1768x992@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@100Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@119.88Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1080@120Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1200@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 1920x1440@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.111 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2048x1536@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1440@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 2560x1600@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 3840x2160@59.94006Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@23.976Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@24Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@29.97Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@30Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@50Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> 4096x2160@59.94Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> } 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> } 2021-04-21 22:46:55.112 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> Name = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 + DISPLAY2 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 7041, mem: 8480882688, shared mem: 17093187584, Luid: 83284, rev: 161, subsys id: 1634940994, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20210325000000.000000-000 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 0 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 8480882688 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:5376 Y:397 Width:1280 Height:1024} 2021-04-21 22:46:55.113 - Thread: 1 -> Display modes = { 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> DXGIOutput id = 1 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60.004Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@75.029Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.114 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> } 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> } 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> Name = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 + DISPLAY2 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 7041, mem: 8480882688, shared mem: 17093187584, Luid: 83284, rev: 161, subsys id: 1634940994, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20210325000000.000000-000 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.115 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 0 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 8480882688 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:5376 Y:397 Width:1280 Height:1024} 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> Display modes = { 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> DXGIOutput id = 1 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.116 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60.004Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@75.029Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> } 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> } 2021-04-21 22:46:55.117 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> Name = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 + DISPLAY3 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 7041, mem: 8480882688, shared mem: 17093187584, Luid: 83284, rev: 161, subsys id: 1634940994, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20210325000000.000000-000 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 0 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 8480882688 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:4096 Y:400 Width:1280 Height:1024} 2021-04-21 22:46:55.118 - Thread: 1 -> Display modes = { 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> DXGIOutput id = 2 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@72Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@56.25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@56.25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@72.188Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@72.188Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@56.25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@56.25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@72.188Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@72.188Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@56.25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@72.188Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60.004Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@70.069Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@75.029Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@70.001Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> } 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> } 2021-04-21 22:46:55.119 - Thread: 1 -> AdapterInfo = { 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> Name = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 + DISPLAY3 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> Description = dev id: 7041, mem: 8480882688, shared mem: 17093187584, Luid: 83284, rev: 161, subsys id: 1634940994, vendor id: 4318, feature_level 11.1: True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> Driver version = 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> Driver date = 20210325000000.000000-000 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> DriverUpdateNecessary = False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> AftermathSupported = False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> Adapter id = 0 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> Supported = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> RAM = 8480882688 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> Priority = 2 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> Multithreaded rendering supported = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> Output is attached = True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> DesktopBounds = {X:4096 Y:400 Width:1280 Height:1024} 2021-04-21 22:46:55.120 - Thread: 1 -> Display modes = { 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> DXGIOutput id = 2 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 640x480@72Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@56.25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@56.25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@72.188Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x480@72.188Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@56.25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@56.25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@72.188Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 720x576@72.188Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@56.25Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@60.317Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 800x600@72.188Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@60.004Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@70.069Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 1024x768@75.029Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@75Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 1152x864@70.001Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.121 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x720@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.122 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.122 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x768@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.122 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.122 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x800@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.122 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x960@60Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.122 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@60.02Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.122 - Thread: 1 -> 1280x1024@75.025Hz 2021-04-21 22:46:55.122 - Thread: 1 -> } 2021-04-21 22:46:55.122 - Thread: 1 -> } 2021-04-21 22:46:55.123 - Thread: 1 -> Service.IsActive: True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.123 - Thread: 1 -> Service.IsOnline: True 2021-04-21 22:46:55.123 - Thread: 1 -> Service.OwnsGame: False 2021-04-21 22:46:55.123 - Thread: 1 -> Service.UserId: 76561198083919527 2021-04-21 22:46:55.123 - Thread: 1 -> Service.UserName: Onslaught5000 2021-04-21 22:46:55.123 - Thread: 1 -> Service.Branch: default 2021-04-21 22:46:55.123 - Thread: 1 -> Build date: 2000-01-02 12:00 2021-04-21 22:46:55.123 - Thread: 1 -> Build version: 2021-04-21 22:46:55.128 - Thread: 1 -> MyScreenManager() 2021-04-21 22:46:55.174 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal - CheckSettings() 2021-04-21 22:46:55.174 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal - GetAdapter() 2021-04-21 22:46:55.179 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal - FixSettings() 2021-04-21 22:46:55.179 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal - Create device 2021-04-21 22:46:55.383 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal Steam Overlay integration 2021-04-21 22:46:55.516 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal Steam Overlay OK 2021-04-21 22:46:55.516 - Thread: 20 -> CreateDeviceInternal create swapchain 2021-04-21 22:46:57.408 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - START 2021-04-21 22:46:57.409 - Thread: 1 -> Game dir: I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64 2021-04-21 22:46:57.409 - Thread: 1 -> Content dir: I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content 2021-04-21 22:46:58.811 - Thread: 1 -> Preallocate - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.814 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.816 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.816 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.816 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.817 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntities - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.826 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntities - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.826 - Thread: 1 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.826 - Thread: 1 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.826 - Thread: 1 -> MyTransparentGeometry - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.826 - Thread: 1 -> MyTransparentGeometry - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.826 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.834 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.834 - Thread: 1 -> MyMath - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.834 - Thread: 1 -> MyMath - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.834 - Thread: 1 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.834 - Thread: 1 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.856 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.856 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.856 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncDestructions - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncDestructions - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncEntity - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncEntity - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandCharacter - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandCharacter - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandConsole - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandConsole - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandEntity - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandEntity - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyAiTargetManager - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyAiTargetManager - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyClientDebugCommands - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.867 - Thread: 1 -> MyClientDebugCommands - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServer - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServer - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerBase - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerBase - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClient - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClient - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyServerDebugCommands - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyServerDebugCommands - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyAIActionsParser - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyAIActionsParser - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.868 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.875 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.875 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager - START 2021-04-21 22:46:58.881 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.881 - Thread: 1 -> Preallocate - END 2021-04-21 22:46:58.883 - Thread: 1 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - START 2021-04-21 22:46:59.237 - Thread: 1 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - END 2021-04-21 22:46:59.237 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END 2021-04-21 22:46:59.254 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - START 2021-04-21 22:46:59.255 - Thread: 1 -> Assembly.GetName: Sandbox.Game, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2021-04-21 22:46:59.255 - Thread: 1 -> Assembly.FullName: Sandbox.Game, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 2021-04-21 22:46:59.255 - Thread: 1 -> Assembly.Location: I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Bin64\Sandbox.Game.dll 2021-04-21 22:46:59.255 - Thread: 1 -> Assembly.ImageRuntimeVersion: v4.0.30319 2021-04-21 22:46:59.255 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - END 2021-04-21 22:46:59.255 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - START 2021-04-21 22:46:59.270 - Thread: 1 -> Win32_ComputerSystem.Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. 2021-04-21 22:46:59.270 - Thread: 1 -> Win32_ComputerSystem.Model: Default string 2021-04-21 22:46:59.270 - Thread: 1 -> Virtualized: False 2021-04-21 22:46:59.275 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.ProcessorName: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6800K CPU @ 3.40GHz 2021-04-21 22:46:59.275 - Thread: 1 -> ComputerInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory: 34,186,375,168 bytes 2021-04-21 22:46:59.275 - Thread: 1 -> ComputerInfo.TotalVirtualMemory: 140,737,488,224,256 bytes 2021-04-21 22:46:59.275 - Thread: 1 -> ComputerInfo.AvailablePhysicalMemory: 19,513,896,960 bytes 2021-04-21 22:46:59.275 - Thread: 1 -> ComputerInfo.AvailableVirtualMemory: 140,731,561,336,832 bytes 2021-04-21 22:46:59.279 - Thread: 1 -> Drive C: | Capacity: 998,778,163,200 bytes | Free space: 60,483,686,400 bytes 2021-04-21 22:46:59.279 - Thread: 1 -> Drive D: | Capacity: 2,000,396,742,656 bytes | Free space: 16,211,824,640 bytes 2021-04-21 22:46:59.279 - Thread: 1 -> Drive E: | Capacity: 640,132,575,232 bytes | Free space: 1,934,712,832 bytes 2021-04-21 22:46:59.279 - Thread: 1 -> Drive F: | Capacity: 500,105,736,192 bytes | Free space: 12,937,719,808 bytes 2021-04-21 22:46:59.280 - Thread: 1 -> Drive I: | Capacity: 499,971,518,464 bytes | Free space: 80,266,039,296 bytes 2021-04-21 22:46:59.280 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - END 2021-04-21 22:46:59.280 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START 2021-04-21 22:46:59.281 - Thread: 1 -> Installed DLCs: 2021-04-21 22:46:59.283 - Thread: 1 -> Decorative Blocks (1049790) 2021-04-21 22:46:59.283 - Thread: 1 -> Economy Deluxe (1135960) 2021-04-21 22:46:59.283 - Thread: 1 -> Style Pack (1084680) 2021-04-21 22:46:59.283 - Thread: 1 -> Decorative Blocks 2 (1167910) 2021-04-21 22:46:59.283 - Thread: 1 -> Frostbite (1241550) 2021-04-21 22:46:59.283 - Thread: 1 -> Sparks Of The Future (1307680) 2021-04-21 22:46:59.283 - Thread: 1 -> Wasteland (1374610) 2021-04-21 22:46:59.302 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiGameControlsHelpers() 2021-04-21 22:46:59.387 - Thread: 1 -> Havok: Physics.Init 2021-04-21 22:46:59.412 - Thread: 1 -> Havok: Version: Release(0), 1800, [S} 2021-04-21 22:46:59.442 - Thread: 1 -> HkGameName: SpaceEngineers 2021-04-21 22:46:59.454 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START 2021-04-21 22:46:59.460 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START 2021-04-21 22:46:59.467 - Thread: 1 -> 2412404860e8508db00b6567ac2ae8d70ade905d 2021-04-21 22:46:59.740 - Thread: 1 -> Loading scenarios 2021-04-21 22:46:59.765 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END 2021-04-21 22:46:59.765 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START 2021-04-21 22:47:00.052 - Thread: 1 -> Loading sound definitions 2021-04-21 22:47:00.072 - Thread: 1 -> GuiTextures.sbc 2021-04-21 22:47:00.072 - Thread: 1 -> Failed to parse texture header! Texture: I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Textures\GUI\Icons\buttons\BluePrintCloud.png 2021-04-21 22:47:00.077 - Thread: 1 -> GuiTextures.sbc 2021-04-21 22:47:00.077 - Thread: 1 -> Failed to parse texture header! Texture: I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Textures/GUI/Icons/Browser/CheckServiceBack.dds 2021-04-21 22:47:00.077 - Thread: 1 -> GuiTextures.sbc 2021-04-21 22:47:00.077 - Thread: 1 -> Failed to parse texture header! Texture: I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Textures/GUI/Icons/Browser/CheckServiceBackChecked.dds 2021-04-21 22:47:00.077 - Thread: 1 -> GuiTextures.sbc 2021-04-21 22:47:00.077 - Thread: 1 -> Failed to parse texture header! Texture: I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Textures/GUI/Icons/Browser/CheckServiceBackFocused.dds 2021-04-21 22:47:00.077 - Thread: 1 -> GuiTextures.sbc 2021-04-21 22:47:00.077 - Thread: 1 -> Failed to parse texture header! Texture: I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Textures/GUI/Icons/Browser/CheckServiceBackHighlighted.dds 2021-04-21 22:47:00.078 - Thread: 1 -> GuiTextures.sbc 2021-04-21 22:47:00.078 - Thread: 1 -> Failed to parse texture header! Texture: I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Textures/GUI/Icons/Browser/ModModioIcon.png 2021-04-21 22:47:00.080 - Thread: 1 -> Loading OffensiveWords definitions 2021-04-21 22:47:00.080 - Thread: 1 -> WARNING: Unexpected behaviour may occur due to redefinition of 'Offensive Words' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.080 - Thread: 1 -> Loading shadow textures definitions 2021-04-21 22:47:00.080 - Thread: 1 -> WARNING: Unexpected behaviour may occur due to redefinition of 'Text shadow sets' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.081 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END 2021-04-21 22:47:00.095 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.LoadData - START 2021-04-21 22:47:00.370 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.CreateX3DAudio - Device: VoiceMeeter VAIO3 Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO3) - Channel #: 2 - Sample rate: 48000 2021-04-21 22:47:00.408 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.LoadData - END 2021-04-21 22:47:00.413 - Thread: 10 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - START 2021-04-21 22:47:00.413 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager() 2021-04-21 22:47:00.416 - Thread: 10 -> MyDefinitionManager.GetSessionPreloadDefinitions() - START 2021-04-21 22:47:00.514 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START 2021-04-21 22:47:00.591 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START 2021-04-21 22:47:00.597 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END 2021-04-21 22:47:00.597 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END 2021-04-21 22:47:00.666 - Thread: 10 -> MyDefinitionManager.GetSessionPreloadDefinitions() - END 2021-04-21 22:47:00.694 - Thread: 10 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - PRELOAD VANILLA SOUNDS AND VOXELS 2021-04-21 22:47:00.696 - Thread: 10 -> ReloadVoxelMaterials 2021-04-21 22:47:00.759 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Arabian_Border_7.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.759 - Thread: 15 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Barths_moon_base.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.759 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\barths_moon_camp.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.759 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\AsteroidBase2.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.759 - Thread: 16 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Bioresearch.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.759 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Arabian_Border_Arabian.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.799 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END 2021-04-21 22:47:00.817 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Corridor_Tunnel_256x256x256.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.818 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Mines_FrontRightAsteroid.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.834 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Mines_Side.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.846 - Thread: 15 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\ChineseRefinery_Second_128x128x128.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.851 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphere1_64x64x64.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.852 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphere2_64x64x64.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.854 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphereWithCorridor_128x64x64.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.855 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphereWithHoles_64x128x64.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.863 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\EacPrisonAsteroid.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.866 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\EngineersOutpost.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.866 - Thread: 15 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Fortress_Sanc_1.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.882 - Thread: 15 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\hopebase512.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.895 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\hopefood128.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.907 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Junkyard_RaceAsteroid_256x256x256.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.972 - Thread: 16 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\JunkYardToxic_128x128x128.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.985 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\many_medium_asteroids.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.986 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\many_small_asteroids.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.988 - Thread: 16 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\many2_small_asteroids.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.988 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Mission01_asteroid_mine.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.989 - Thread: 16 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Nearby_Station_7.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.990 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_1000m.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.993 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_5000m_1.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.995 - Thread: 16 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_5000m_2.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:00.995 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\RedShipCrashedAsteroid.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.014 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\reef_ast.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.017 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\rift_base_smaller.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.029 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Russian_Transmitter_2.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.064 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\ScratchedBoulder_128x128x128.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.070 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_3_1.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.073 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_3_2.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.076 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_Asteroid.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.076 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\small2_asteroids.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.077 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\small3_asteroids.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.078 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\TorusWithManyTunnels_256x128x256.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.100 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\TorusWithSmallTunnel_256x128x256.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.120 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\VangelisBase.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.138 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIsland_128x128x128.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.141 - Thread: 16 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIsland_128x256x128.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.152 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIslandStorySector_128x256x128.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.152 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\small_largestone.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.154 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\AsteroidDebris.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.174 - Thread: 16 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Leedah_Asteroid.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.191 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Quantorea.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.204 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\SuperRock_001.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.256 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\SuperRock_002.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:01.697 - Thread: 15 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid_011.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.190 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\stone_mediumstone.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.191 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\VoxelstoneStoneFe.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.201 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-001.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.205 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-002.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.216 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-003.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.219 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-004.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.223 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-005.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.225 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-006.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.230 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-001.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.244 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-002.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.255 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-003.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.264 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-004.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.282 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-005.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.292 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-006.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.306 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-007.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.327 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-001.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.408 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-002.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.423 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-003.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.437 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END 2021-04-21 22:47:02.462 - Thread: 1 -> Timer Frequency: 10000000 2021-04-21 22:47:02.462 - Thread: 1 -> Ticks per frame: 166667 2021-04-21 22:47:02.484 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-004.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.544 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-005.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.559 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-006.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.644 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-007.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.647 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-008.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.723 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-009.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.724 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-010.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.795 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-011.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.799 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-012.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.878 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-013.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.882 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-014.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.956 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-015.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.962 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-016.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:02.998 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-017.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.030 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-018.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.032 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-019.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.058 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-020.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.078 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-001.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.079 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-002.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.349 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-003.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.366 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenIntroVideo MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2021-04-21 22:47:03.387 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-004.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.410 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-006.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.612 - Thread: 1 -> MyVideoModeManager.Apply(MyGraphicsSettings1) 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Flares Intensity: 0.1 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Field of view: 1.22173 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> PostProcessingEnabled: True 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.GrassDensityFactor: 1 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.GrassDrawDistance: 159 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.DistanceFade: 1000 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AntialiasingMode: FXAA 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.ShadowQuality: MEDIUM 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.ShadowGPUQuality: NORMAL 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AmbientOcclusionEnabled: True 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.TextureQuality: MEDIUM 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.VoxelTextureQuality: HIGH 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AnisotropicFiltering: NONE 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.VoxelShaderQuality: NORMAL 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AlphaMaskedShaderQuality: NORMAL 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.AtmosphereShaderQuality: NORMAL 2021-04-21 22:47:03.620 - Thread: 1 -> Render.ParticleQuality: NORMAL 2021-04-21 22:47:03.634 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-007.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.660 - Thread: 1 -> Analytics uuid: 9968186a-6c49-33c6-5661-bca869a2a1e9 2021-04-21 22:47:03.662 - Thread: 1 -> Analytics session: 8f0d933b-3222-4f32-8043-047fa3379872 2021-04-21 22:47:03.674 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-008.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.674 - Thread: 1 -> Sending event to ElasticSearch: SessionStart 2021-04-21 22:47:03.702 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-009.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.779 - Thread: 17 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-011.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.783 - Thread: 1 -> Analytics helper process start reported 2021-04-21 22:47:03.808 - Thread: 14 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-012.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:03.979 - Thread: 10 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-013.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:04.067 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'I:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-014.vx2' 2021-04-21 22:47:04.923 - Thread: 10 -> MyDefinitionManager.GetSessionPreloadDefinitions() - START 2021-04-21 22:47:09.942 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenIntroVideo MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2021-04-21 22:47:09.949 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenIntroVideo MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2021-04-21 22:47:09.959 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenIntroVideo MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2021-04-21 22:47:09.959 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMainMenu MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2021-04-21 22:47:10.056 - Thread: 10 -> MyDefinitionManager.GetSessionPreloadDefinitions() - END 2021-04-21 22:47:10.056 - Thread: 10 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - END VANILLA SOUNDS AND VOXELS 2021-04-21 22:47:10.056 - Thread: 10 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - END 2021-04-21 22:47:12.975 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenProgressAsync MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2021-04-21 22:47:12.975 - Thread: 10 -> Loading available saves - START 2021-04-21 22:47:12.975 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenLoadSandbox MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2021-04-21 22:47:12.981 - Thread: 10 -> GetWorldInfoFromDirectory (Exists: True) 'C:\Users\Fox\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\76561198083919527' 2021-04-21 22:47:14.396 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:15.387 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:15.490 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:15.588 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:15.649 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:15.669 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:15.687 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:15.709 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:15.735 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:15.793 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:15.975 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.068 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.076 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.084 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.095 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.104 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.113 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.123 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.135 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.189 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.195 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.200 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.209 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.222 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.235 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.248 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.270 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.351 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.373 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.391 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.424 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.444 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.476 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.515 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.551 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.590 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.634 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.689 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.769 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.792 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.810 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.831 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.857 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.878 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.906 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.942 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.966 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:16.994 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:17.024 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:17.158 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:17.166 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:17.173 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:17.192 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:17.219 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:17.327 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:17.363 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:17.443 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:18.927 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:18.946 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.063 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.105 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.120 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.378 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.652 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.661 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.672 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.695 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.707 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.723 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.736 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.753 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:19.770 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:20.796 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:20.800 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:20.803 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:20.806 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:20.808 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:21.594 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:21.600 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:21.608 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:21.619 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:21.636 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:21.745 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:23.249 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:26.479 - Thread: 10 -> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyLocalCache.LoadWorldInfo(Stream stream) 2021-04-21 22:47:29.148 - Thread: 10 -> Loading available saves - END 2021-04-21 22:47:29.148 - Thread: 10 -> Corrupted worlds: 2021-04-21 22:47:29.148 - Thread: 10 -> Asteroids 2016-06-02 1956 Create&Test CreativeShipBuild1 Empty World 2016-06-12 1116 FACTION WARS Creative FACTION WARS SURVIVAL 1 FACTION WARS SURVIVAL moon land test FACTION WARS SURVIVAL move ship FACTION WARS TEST FACTION WARS TEST2 Creative FACTION WARS2 FIGHT TO SURVIVE FIGHT TO SURVIVE1 FIGHT TO SURVIVE2 FIGHT TO SURVIVE3 FIGHT TO SURVIVE4 FIGHT TO SURVIVE5 FIGHT TO SURVIVE6 FIGHT TO SURVIVE6 Fox Backup1 Fox Backup2 Fox Backup3 Fox Base02 Fox Base03 Fox Base04 Fox Base05 Fox Base06 Fox Carrier Test Fox Carrier Test01 Fox Carrier Test02 Fox DIRECTX12 Fox Planets Fox Planets1 Fox Planets2 Fox Planets3 Fox Planets4 Fox Planets6 Fox Planets7 Fox RECOVER1 Fox RECOVER2 Fox RECOVER3 Fox RECOVER4 Fox RECOVER5 Fox RECOVER6 Fox RECOVER6 Temp Fox RECOVER6 Temp1 Fox RECOVER6 Temp2 Fox RECOVER6 Temp3 Fox RECOVER6 Temp4 Fox test Fox test2 Fox test3 Fox Weapon Test Fox Weapon Test1 Fox Weapon Test3 Fox Weapon Test4 Fox World20 LETS HAVE FUN ANYTHING GOES LETS HAVE FUN ANYTHING GOES MARS LAND LETS HAVE FUN ANYTHING GOES2 LETS HAVE FUN ANYTHING GOES3 LETS TAKE ON EVERYTHING NEW FACTION WARS2 PLantes with cyber hounds and spiders PLantes with cyber hounds and spiders1 PLantes with cyber hounds and spiders2 PLantes with cyber hounds and spiders3 PLantes with cyber hounds and spiders4 PLantes with cyber hounds and spiders5 PLantes with cyber hounds and spiders6 PLantes with cyber hounds and spiders7 PLantes with cyber hounds and spiders8 Space and Earth Create Space and Earth Create1 Star System 2016-04-11 0817 Star System 2016-05-26 0004 Star System 2016-06-02 2331 survival to test my creative ships survival to test my creative ships survival to test my creative ships1 survival to test my creative ships3 survival to test my creative ships4 survival to test my creative ships5 Wall of Battle World WAR Of WORLDS 2021-04-21 22:47:29.307 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMessageBox MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2021-04-21 22:47:29.390 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenProgressAsync MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2021-04-21 22:47:29.395 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenProgressAsync MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2021-04-21 22:47:34.924 - Thread: 1 -> GUI Stats: Update 1.09673361111111, Draw 0.119700388888889 2021-04-21 22:48:04.925 - Thread: 1 -> GUI Stats: Update 0.853660111111111, Draw 0.0567028333333334 2021-04-21 22:48:28.241 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMessageBox MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2021-04-21 22:48:28.247 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMessageBox MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2021-04-21 22:48:30.891 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenLoadSandbox MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2021-04-21 22:48:30.896 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenLoadSandbox MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2021-04-21 22:48:32.640 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMessageBox MyGuiScreenBase.LoadContent 2021-04-21 22:48:34.925 - Thread: 1 -> GUI Stats: Update 1.03459377777778, Draw 0.0732192777777779 2021-04-21 22:48:35.592 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Save() - START 2021-04-21 22:48:35.597 - Thread: 1 -> Path: C:\Users\Fox\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\SpaceEngineers.cfg 2021-04-21 22:48:35.624 - Thread: 1 -> MyConfig.Save() - END 2021-04-21 22:48:35.624 - Thread: 1 -> Application closed by user 2021-04-21 22:48:35.625 - Thread: 1 -> Sending event to ElasticSearch: GameQuit 2021-04-21 22:48:35.625 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenIntroVideo MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2021-04-21 22:48:35.631 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenIntroVideo MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2021-04-21 22:48:35.650 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMessageBox MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2021-04-21 22:48:35.657 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMessageBox MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2021-04-21 22:48:35.657 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMainMenu MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - START 2021-04-21 22:48:35.666 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenMainMenu MyGuiScreenBase.UnloadContent - END 2021-04-21 22:48:35.666 - Thread: 1 -> Exiting.. 2021-04-21 22:48:35.667 - Thread: 1 -> Sending event to ElasticSearch: SessionEnd 2021-04-21 22:48:35.667 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.UnloadData() - START 2021-04-21 22:48:35.677 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.UnloadData - START 2021-04-21 22:48:35.681 - Thread: 1 -> MyAudio.UnloadData - END 2021-04-21 22:48:35.683 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.UnloadData() - END 2021-04-21 22:48:35.891 - Thread: 1 -> Havok memory statistics: hkFreeListMemorySystem memory overview: ======================================= Allocation totals: 438712 allocated by heap 832 allocated by debug 16777216 allocated by solver ------- 17216760 computed total 17216760 reported total Heap usage: 75024 (17%) unused in thread local freelists 148472 (33%) unused in main heap 215216 (49%) used in main heap ------- 438712 allocated by heap Peak usage: 361120 (59%) peak heap used (versus current) 0 ( 0%) peak solver used (versus available) 2021-04-21 22:48:36.181 - Thread: 1 -> Steam closed 2021-04-21 22:48:36.450 - Thread: 1 -> Log Closed