00:00:00.8745 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "[1]" 1000 Blue' 00:00:01.5521 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Savin game before restart. 00:00:01.5521 [INFO] Torch.Commands.TorchCommands: Restarting server. 00:00:02.1385 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:00:08.7967 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Karl (76561198054548576) Disconnected. 00:00:12.5247 [INFO] Concealment: 446/545 grids are concealed (81.83 %), 4 new. 00:00:13.4622 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Hindenburg died = 1 total death 00:00:15.5038 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 8 grids near players. 00:00:18.5956 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:00:18.5956 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:00:19.4233 [INFO] Torch: Saved game 00:00:19.4233 [INFO] Torch: Stopping server. 00:00:19.4662 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloading torch session for [EU 24/7] UD Alpha World 00:00:19.4662 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game ending.... 00:00:19.4662 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session Unloading, suspend backup timer! 00:00:19.4662 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloading 00:00:19.4662 [WARN] ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartManager: Restart Watchdog disabled! Will not attempt any restarts if server is stuck! 00:00:19.4662 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Removed steam authentication intercept 00:00:19.9390 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:00:59.8941 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Unloaded torch session for [EU 24/7] UD Alpha World 00:00:59.8941 [INFO] SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin: Unloading Discord Bridge! 00:00:59.8941 [INFO] SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin: Discord Bridge Unloaded! 00:00:59.8941 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Unloaded 00:01:01.6245 [INFO] Torch: Server stopped. 00:01:02.0484 [INFO] SteamCMD: Checking for DS updates. 00:01:04.5686 [INFO] SteamCMD: Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation 00:01:04.6693 [INFO] SteamCMD: -- type 'quit' to exit -- 00:01:04.7701 [INFO] SteamCMD: Loading Steam API...OK. 00:01:04.8708 [INFO] SteamCMD: 00:01:05.5679 [INFO] SteamCMD: Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK 00:01:07.0978 [INFO] SteamCMD: Waiting for user info...OK 00:01:07.4868 [INFO] SteamCMD: Success! App '298740' already up to date. 00:01:08.5968 [INFO] SteamCMD: force_install_dir ../ 00:01:08.6976 [INFO] Initializer: Loading config C:\UDInstanceAlpha\Torch.cfg 00:01:09.4216 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 00:01:09.5842 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 2/12. (16%) 00:01:09.6321 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 3/12. (25%) 00:01:09.6321 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 4/12. (33%) 00:01:09.6321 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 5/12. (41%) 00:01:09.6321 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 6/12. (50%) 00:01:09.6381 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 8/12. (66%) 00:01:09.6381 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 9/12. (75%) 00:01:09.6381 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 10/12. (83%) 00:01:09.6381 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 11/12. (91%) 00:01:09.6381 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 12/12. (100%) 00:01:09.6381 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 00:01:09.7418 [INFO] Torch.Patches.PromotePatch: patching promote 00:01:09.7597 [INFO] Torch: Initializing server 00:01:10.6693 [INFO] Torch: RELEASE 00:01:10.6693 [INFO] Torch: Torch Version: v1.3.1.127-master 00:01:10.6693 [INFO] Torch: Game Version: 1.196.13 00:01:10.6693 [INFO] Torch: Executing assembly: Torch.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 00:01:10.6693 [INFO] Torch: Executing directory: C:\UDInstanceAlpha\ 00:01:10.6693 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugins... 00:01:10.8069 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Checking for plugin updates... 00:01:12.5782 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 00:01:12.5782 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin HerdBGone does not have any releases on torchapi.net. Cannot update. 00:01:12.5782 [ERROR] Torch.API.WebAPI.PluginQuery: Plugin query returned response NotFound 00:01:12.5782 [WARN] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Plugin FoogsNoFamilySharing does not have any releases on torchapi.net. Cannot update. 00:01:12.8355 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Updated 0 plugins. 00:01:12.8664 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at AdminLogger.Main 00:01:12.8664 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Admin Logger' (v1.1.0) 00:01:12.8904 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeathLocationFix.DeathLocationFixPlugin 00:01:12.8904 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeathLocationFix' (v1.0.0.3) 00:01:12.9133 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_DeleteTracker.DeleteTrackerPlugin 00:01:12.9133 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE DeleteTracker' (v1.0.2.1) 00:01:12.9412 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin 00:01:12.9412 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Backup' (v1.0.3.5) 00:01:12.9671 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridExporter.GridExporterPlugin 00:01:12.9671 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Grid Exporter' (v1.0.1.1) 00:01:12.9931 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_Ownership_Logger.OwnershipLoggerPlugin 00:01:12.9931 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Ownership Logger' (v1.0.4.0) 00:01:13.0469 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin 00:01:13.0469 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE PCU Transferrer' (v1.1.10.0) 00:01:13.0739 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_RestartWatchdog.RestartPlugin 00:01:13.0739 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE Restart Watchdog' (v1.0.2.1) 00:01:13.0978 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin 00:01:13.0978 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'ALE ShipFixer' (v1.0.5.1) 00:01:13.1267 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Concealment.ConcealmentPlugin 00:01:13.1267 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Concealment' (v1.4.1.21-21-g96540b3) 00:01:13.1646 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin 00:01:13.1646 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'CrunchUtils' (v1.2.2) 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyBeaconPatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyGyroPatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyJumpDrivePatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyLargeTurretBasePatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyLightingBlockPatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyMechanicalConnectionBlockBasePatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyMotorStatorPatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyMotorSuspensionPatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyOreDetectorPatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyPistonBasePatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyProjectorBasePatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyRadioAntennaPatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MySafeZonePatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MySensorBlockPatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyThrustPatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] DataValidateFix.MyWarheadPatch: Patching Successful! 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DataValidateFix.DataValidateFixPlugin 00:01:13.1856 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DataValidateFix' (v1.0.1.3) 00:01:13.2165 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at DeathCounter.Core 00:01:13.2165 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'DeathCounter' (v1.0.1) 00:01:13.2873 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Essentials.EssentialsPlugin 00:01:13.2873 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Essentials' (v1.7.1.62-132-g2cd7b68) 00:01:13.3062 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic 00:01:13.3062 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HaE PBLimiter' (v1.1.1.1) 00:01:13.3192 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at HerdBGone.Main 00:01:13.3192 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'HerdBGone' (v1.0.0) 00:01:13.3820 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at IPBanPlugin.IPBanPlugin 00:01:13.3820 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'IP Ban List' (v1.0.2.2) 00:01:13.3980 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at NoFSPluginNs.NoFSPlugin 00:01:13.3980 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'FoogsNoFamilySharing' (1.0.1) 00:01:13.4189 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at Profiler.ProfilerPlugin 00:01:13.4189 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Profiler' (v3.0.0.12-1-g8cd3dea) 00:01:13.4698 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at QuantumHangar.Hangar 00:01:13.4698 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Quantum Hangar' (v2.4.0) 00:01:13.5027 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at FoogsRewardsPluginNs.FoogsRewardsPlugin 00:01:13.5027 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Rewards' (1.1.11) 00:01:13.5177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at RexFix.FixPlugin 00:01:13.5177 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'RexFix' ( 00:01:13.6762 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin 00:01:13.6762 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'SEDiscordBridge' (v1.9.12) 00:01:13.6912 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin 00:01:13.6912 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'StaticMarker' (1.0.0) 00:01:13.7601 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at TebexTorchAPI.Tebex 00:01:13.7601 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'Tebex Server Donations' (1.0.0) 00:01:13.7730 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin at VoxelDefender.DefenderPlugin 00:01:13.7730 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loading plugin 'VoxelDefender' ( 00:01:13.8039 [WARN] HerdBGone: Initilizing HerdBGone 00:01:13.8129 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Attempting to load config from C:\UDInstanceAlpha\Instance\TebexTorchAPI.cfg 00:01:13.8718 [INFO] QuantumHangar: Starting plugin WITHOUT the Hangar Market! 00:01:13.8718 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Init Foogs_NoFamilySharing 00:01:13.8718 [WARN] FoogsNoFS: Foogs_NoFamilySharing initialized 00:01:13.9286 [INFO] SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin: Starting Discord Bridge! 00:01:14.0453 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Init FoogsRewardsPlugin 00:01:14.0692 [INFO] VoxelDefender.DefenderPlugin: Attempting to load config from C:\UDInstanceAlpha\Instance\Defender.cfg 00:01:14.0822 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Loading Crunch Utils 00:01:14.1101 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBLimiter_Logic: PBLimiter loaded! 00:01:14.1101 [INFO] Essentials: Attempting to load config from C:\UDInstanceAlpha\Instance\Essentials.cfg 00:01:14.1460 [INFO] IPBan: Attempting to load config from C:\UDInstanceAlpha\Instance\IPConfig.cfg 00:01:14.1640 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PluginManager: Loaded 26 plugins. 00:01:14.3624 [INFO] Torch.VRageGame: Setting up serializers 00:01:15.5263 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerPatch: Finished Patching! 00:01:15.5263 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 00:01:15.5403 [INFO] InstanceManager: Loading instance C:\UDInstanceAlpha\Instance 00:01:16.1197 [INFO] Torch.Managers.UpdateManager: Torch is up to date. 00:01:20.1988 [INFO] ModListControl: Instance loaded. 00:01:20.2008 [INFO] Torch: Initialized server 'UD Alpha' at 'C:\UDInstanceAlpha\Instance' 00:01:20.2008 [INFO] Torch: Starting server. 00:01:21.7018 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 00:01:21.7018 [INFO] Torch.Server.ViewModels.ConfigDedicatedViewModel: Mods Info successfully retrieved! 00:01:25.9853 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 00:01:26.0142 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 7/70. (10%) 00:01:26.0491 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 14/70. (20%) 00:01:26.0761 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 21/70. (30%) 00:01:26.1000 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 28/70. (40%) 00:01:26.1229 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 35/70. (50%) 00:01:26.1419 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 42/70. (60%) 00:01:26.1548 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 49/70. (70%) 00:01:26.1548 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 56/70. (80%) 00:01:26.1798 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 63/70. (90%) 00:01:26.1877 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patched 70/70. (100%) 00:01:26.1877 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 00:01:26.2037 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 00:01:26.2037 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 00:01:26.2186 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.RemoteAPIManager: Remote API started on port 8080 00:01:45.9502 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_AirtightHangarDoor/shangar3 00:01:45.9502 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Drill/SmallBlockDrill 00:01:45.9502 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Drill/LargeBlockDrill 00:01:46.4350 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Passage/(null) 00:01:46.4350 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Passage/Passage_Small 00:01:46.4499 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_InteriorLight/LightedPassage 00:01:46.4499 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_InteriorLight/LightedPassage_Small 00:01:46.4499 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_InteriorLight/LightedPassageGlassSide_Small 00:01:46.4499 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Door/PassageDoor 00:01:46.4499 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Door/PassageDoor_Small 00:01:46.4499 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Door/PassageDoorSide_Small 00:01:46.4499 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock/PassageStairs_Small 00:01:46.4659 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_TextPanel/LCDPassage 00:01:46.4659 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_TextPanel/LCDPassage_Small 00:01:46.4818 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Conveyor/PassageConveyor_Large 00:01:46.4818 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Conveyor/PassageConveyor_Small 00:01:46.4818 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock/EnclosedPassage 00:01:46.4818 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock/PassageEnc_Small 00:01:46.4818 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_InteriorLight/LightedPassageEnc 00:01:46.4818 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_InteriorLight/LightedPassageEnc_Small 00:01:46.4968 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Door/PassageDoorEnc 00:01:46.4968 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Door/PassageDoorEnc_Small 00:01:46.4968 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_TextPanel/LCDPassageEnc 00:01:46.4968 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_TextPanel/LCDPassageEnc_Small 00:01:46.5128 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Conveyor/PassageConveyorEnc_Large 00:01:46.5128 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Conveyor/PassageConveyorEnc_Small 00:01:46.5128 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock/HalfPassage_Large 00:01:46.5128 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock/HalfPassageEnc_Large 00:01:46.5287 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock/HalfPassage_Small 00:01:46.5287 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock/HalfPassageEnc_Small 00:01:46.5437 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_InteriorLight/HalfPassageL_Large 00:01:46.5437 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_InteriorLight/HalfPassageLEnc_Large 00:01:46.5437 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_InteriorLight/HalfPassageL_Small 00:01:46.5437 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_InteriorLight/HalfPassageLEnc_Small 00:01:46.5756 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Ladder2/PassageLadder_Large 00:01:46.5756 [WARN] Keen: BlockVariants are obsolete. Use block groups instead for block: MyObjectBuilder_Ladder2/PassageLadder_Small 00:01:46.7282 [ERROR] Keen: Stage block MyObjectBuilder_InteriorLight/LightedPassageGlassSideEnc_Small doesn't exist 00:01:46.7282 [ERROR] Keen: Block-pair MyObjectBuilder_LargeGatlingTurret/LargeVulcan MyObjectBuilder_LargeGatlingTurret/SmallVulcan is not in the same block-variant group 00:01:47.3136 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Starting new torch session for [EU 24/7] UD Alpha World 00:01:47.3136 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loading 00:01:48.1306 [WARN] Keen: Missing definition MyObjectBuilder_DemoComponentDefinition/Default : for session component DemoComponent 00:02:33.9561 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Inserted steam authentication intercept 00:02:33.9711 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching begins... 00:02:33.9711 [INFO] Torch.Managers.PatchManager.PatchManager: Patching done 00:02:33.9711 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whatsmyip' 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'help' 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'longhelp' 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ver' 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'plugins' 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop' 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart' 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'notify' 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'restart.cancel' 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stop.cancel' 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'save' 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'uptime' 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] Torch.Session.TorchSessionManager: Loaded torch session for [EU 24/7] UD Alpha World 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Game started.... 00:02:33.9840 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/information 00:02:33.9840 [INFO] QuantumHangar: GridBackup Reference added to backup grids upon hangar save! 00:02:33.9840 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Starting AutoGridBackup System! 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin: Starting Discord Bridge! 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] ALE_GridManager.GridManagerPlugin: BlockLimiter Plugin not found! Uses vanilla Limits only! 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Session loaded, start backup timer! 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] CrunchUtilities.CrunchUtilitiesPlugin: Session-State is now Loaded 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'conceal' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reveal' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reveal.all' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'conceal.on' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'conceal.off' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridcluster.find' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'donate' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:secret' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:forcecheck' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tebex:info' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.save' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.load' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.list' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.remove' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.sell' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.removeoffer' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.info' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangar.help' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.save' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.load' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.AutoHangar' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.list' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.info' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.remove' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'hangarmod.SaveAll' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.reload' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.link' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.get' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.verify' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.unlink' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.enable' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sedb.disable' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'seedcleanup.all' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridcleanup' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.ownedby' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.buildby' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deleteblocks.noauthor' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsowner' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsauthor' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgrids' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listgridsrange' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnoauthor' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'protect' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unprotect' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'freebuild' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checklimits' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.player' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkusage.faction' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkowner' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkauthor' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listblocks' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listallblocks' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'findblock' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfer' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransfer' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcu' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'forcetransferpcu' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferowner' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfernobody' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferpcunobody' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transferownernobody' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'repair' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gps' 00:02:34.0000 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gps.reload' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.list' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.restore' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.save' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.run' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridbackup.clearup' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'exportgrid' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'importgrid' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixshipmod' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixship' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'reward' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadm' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rewardadmt' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalance' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'checkbalanceplayer' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoney' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'addmoneyplayer' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'transfermoney' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.reload' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'crunch.config' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makeship' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'removebody' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.makestation' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'stone' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'claim' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'convert' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rename' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fixme' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getsteamid' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listids' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'listnames' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'updatename' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.balance' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdrawall' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.deposit' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.withdraw' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'giveitem' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'fac.promote' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'broadcast' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.take' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.give' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.pay' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'w' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'msg' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.giveplayer' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetplayer' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.resetfac' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'getfacid' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleargrid' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'deletenoworkingbeacon' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'gridtype' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takeplayer' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.givefac' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.rep.change' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'player.rep.change' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'eco.takefac' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'death.count' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'pblimiter.status' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.refresh' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.stop' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.delete' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.kill' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.find' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweroff' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.poweron' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'entities.eject' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.setowner' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.ejectall' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.static.large' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.stopall' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.list' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.export' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'grids.import' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'say' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tp' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tpto' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'tphere' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'w' 00:02:34.0179 [ERROR] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Command path w is already registered. 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'kick' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'ban' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'unban' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'motd' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.give' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.take' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.set' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.reset' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.top' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.check' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'econ.pay' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.cancel' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'no' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'yes' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.debug' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'vote.reset' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.stats' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playercount' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.playerlist' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.runauto' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.set.toolbar' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.setrank' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.reserve' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unreserve' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.mute' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.unmute' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.list.mute' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'admin.give' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.type' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.subtype' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.type' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.subtype' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.remove.type' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.subtype' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.on.general' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'blocks.off.general' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.scan' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.list' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.delete.floatingobjects' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'cleanup.help' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.all' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.asteroids' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.cleanup.distant' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planets' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'voxels.reset.planet' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clean' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.purge' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'identity.clear' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'rep.wipe' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.clean' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.remove' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'faction.info' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'sandbox.clean' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'info.list' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocktypes' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.blocks' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.grids' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.factions' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.players' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.scripts' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.cleangps' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'profile.help' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.on' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.off' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.add' 00:02:34.0179 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Registering command 'whitelist.remove' 00:02:34.0648 [INFO] HaE_PBLimiter.PBProfilerManager: Attached 00:02:34.2264 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Server Information 00:02:34.2264 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: ================= 00:02:34.2264 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Server UD Alpha for webstore Upside Down Donation Portal 00:02:34.2264 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Server prices are in EUR 00:02:34.2264 [INFO] TebexTorchAPI: Webstore domain: https://upsidedown.tebex.io 00:02:41.2817 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 0 reorder calls. 00:02:41.6736 [WARN] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards initialized 00:02:41.6856 [INFO] Torch: Starting server watchdog. 00:02:41.7415 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198034567766 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197991887158 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198181038507 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198074233924 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197968020611 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198033715291 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198280260911 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198144453481 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197981028590 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198161453112 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198043431786 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198006673200 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198014157375 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197985338890 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198007404448 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198087103762 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198016279851 from 00:02:41.7504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197973814915 from 00:02:42.2591 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Boborjan1986 joined (76561198034567766) 00:02:42.2651 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2651 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Calíope, Muza de la Elocuenzia joined (76561197991887158) 00:02:42.2651 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2651 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Benutzer 321 joined (76561198181038507) 00:02:42.2651 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player weewilly5 joined (76561198074233924) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Rustergroovie joined (76561197968020611) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player TheDutchman joined (76561198033715291) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Mrmrfiks joined (76561198280260911) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Dudlomudlo joined (76561198144453481) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player RJ joined (76561197981028590) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player marvel joined (76561198161453112) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Mantz joined (76561198043431786) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player flogi joined (76561198006673200) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Blynov joined (76561198014157375) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Gordon Shumway joined (76561197985338890) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Herr Vader joined (76561198007404448) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Buschrolle joined (76561198087103762) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player INSID joined (76561198016279851) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Suisse joined (76561197973814915) 00:02:42.2780 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:42.3099 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198132551502 from 00:02:42.5044 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.5443 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.5682 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.5912 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.6261 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.6500 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.6929 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.7158 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.7388 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.7677 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.8116 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.8395 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.8624 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.9263 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.9642 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:42.9871 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:43.0320 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:43.0589 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:02:43.6852 [WARN] FoogsRewards: FoogsRewards ProcessQueue start 00:02:53.1943 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198024018616 from 00:02:56.6267 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player dr.foldingue joined (76561198132551502) 00:02:56.6267 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:02:56.7902 [INFO] Concealment: 527/546 grids are concealed (96.52 %), 527 new. 00:02:56.8271 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:03:00.3836 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player PaPaJoE joined (76561198024018616) 00:03:00.3836 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:03:00.6242 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:03:01.3632 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 14 grids near players. 00:03:03.3617 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 5 grids near players. 00:03:04.3587 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 3 grids near players. 00:03:05.3597 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 19 grids near players. 00:03:06.3590 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 00:03:08.3588 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 12 grids near players. 00:03:09.3595 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 2 grids near players. 00:03:10.3590 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 4 grids near players. 00:03:12.3733 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 00:03:14.3619 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 00:03:15.3592 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 12 grids near players. 00:03:19.3777 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: TheDutchman died = 1 total death 00:03:21.3616 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 17 grids near players. 00:03:21.9008 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197965291169 from 00:03:21.9178 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Strotter joined (76561197965291169) 00:03:21.9178 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:03:22.0195 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:03:22.2619 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: 1 00:03:22.2629 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to RJ): You have 1/4 stored grids: [1] - L&M.Tremors 00:03:22.2629 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player RJ ran command '!hangar list' 00:03:25.3816 [INFO] Concealment: 441/546 grids are concealed (80.77 %), 5 new. 00:03:27.2097 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to RJ): Grid doesnt exist! Admin should check logs for more information. 00:03:27.2097 [FATAL] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: Grid doesnt exsist @C:\QuantumHangar\76561197981028590\L&M.Tremors.sbc.sbc 00:03:27.2097 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player RJ ran command '!hangar load L&M.Tremors' 00:03:28.3603 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 9 grids near players. 00:03:28.7743 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Benutzer 321): Your PB SpaceBase1[1]-Programmable block 8 has overheated due to excessive usage! 00:03:29.3600 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 3 grids near players. 00:03:33.7113 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Gordon Shumway): You have 1 mins before you can perform this action! 00:03:33.7113 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Gordon Shumway ran command '!hangar save' 00:03:33.9986 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:03:33.9986 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:03:36.7015 [INFO] Chat: (to RJ): Invalid Syntax: !hangar sell 00:03:41.2878 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 62189 reorder calls. 00:03:42.1071 [INFO] Chat: (to dr.foldingue): Reward player 00:03:42.1071 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player dr.foldingue ran command '!reward' 00:03:42.2168 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User Voted = yes 00:03:42.2877 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User claimed = no 00:03:42.2877 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.320907637626355/ichance = 1 00:03:42.2877 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(Component/SuperComputer) 00:03:42.2877 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.700240638433136/ichance = 1E-07 00:03:42.2877 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.196457204500426/ichance = 1 00:03:42.2877 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/Welder4Item) 00:03:42.2877 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.364795555996148/ichance = 1 00:03:42.2877 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/AngleGrinder4Item) 00:03:42.2877 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.593491722174683/ichance = 1 00:03:42.2877 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/HandDrill4Item) 00:03:42.2877 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.896856725633543/ichance = 0.5 00:03:42.2936 [INFO] Chat: Server (to dr.foldingue): You have been rewarded with: All Elite Tools and Quantum Computers, thank you for your vote. 00:03:42.2936 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-130320991763618187 item: SuperComputer amount: 5 00:03:42.2936 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-130320991763618187 item: Welder4Item amount: 1 00:03:42.2936 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-130320991763618187 item: AngleGrinder4Item amount: 1 00:03:42.2936 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-130320991763618187 item: HandDrill4Item amount: 1 00:03:44.3009 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to RJ): !hangar save (Saves the grid you are looking at) !hangar list (Lists all the grids in your hangar with their number) !hangar load [NameOrNumber] (Loads the specified grid from hangar) !hangar sell [NameOrNumber] [Price] ["Description"] (Put grid up for sale) !hangar info [NameOrNumber] (Provides info about the grid in your hangar) !hangar removeoffer [NameOrNumber] (Removes a ship form the market) 00:03:44.3009 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player RJ ran command '!hangar help' 00:04:03.8509 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198222701936 from 00:04:03.8679 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player UsedInGold joined (76561198222701936) 00:04:03.8679 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:04:04.0803 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:04:04.5321 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: dr.foldingue died = 1 total death 00:04:15.3768 [INFO] Concealment: 432/546 grids are concealed (79.12 %), 3 new. 00:04:16.5480 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Blynov (76561198014157375) Disconnected. 00:04:23.6857 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: Successfully BackedUp grid! 00:04:23.6857 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: C:\QuantumHangar\76561197985338890\HSA sm. Miner.sbc 00:04:23.7266 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Gordon Shumway): Save Complete! 00:04:23.7266 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Gordon Shumway ran command '!hangar save' 00:04:24.8500 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: dr.foldingue (76561198132551502) Disconnected. 00:04:28.9003 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Gordon Shumway (76561197985338890) Disconnected. 00:04:31.5506 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198014157375 (76561198014157375) Disconnected. 00:04:31.6234 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 3 grids near players. 00:04:39.8641 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198132551502 (76561198132551502) Disconnected. 00:04:41.2917 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 109455 reorder calls. 00:04:41.8901 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197988068695 from 00:04:41.9071 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Oliprik joined (76561197988068695) 00:04:41.9071 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:04:42.1917 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:04:43.9424 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561197985338890 (76561197985338890) Disconnected. 00:04:52.1914 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198007318363 from 00:04:52.2074 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Priappe joined (76561198007318363) 00:04:52.2074 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:04:52.3101 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:05:03.4418 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Strotter : 76561197965291169 00:05:03.4418 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:05:04.6400 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198036960071 from 00:05:04.6570 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Déms____ joined (76561198036960071) 00:05:04.6570 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:05:04.8734 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:05:08.7171 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 4 grids near players. 00:05:11.7175 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 00:05:30.9408 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198036582303 from 00:05:30.9588 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Not a virus joined (76561198036582303) 00:05:30.9588 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:05:31.1263 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:05:34.0026 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:05:34.0026 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:05:41.2923 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 120950 reorder calls. 00:05:54.7359 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 3 grids near players. 00:06:02.3260 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: RJ (76561197981028590) Disconnected. 00:06:04.0653 [INFO] Concealment: 435/546 grids are concealed (79.67 %), 14 new. 00:06:17.3433 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561197981028590 (76561197981028590) Disconnected. 00:06:20.8280 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Server succesfully saved with grid HSA sm. Miner in hangar! Clearing ID! 00:06:20.8280 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:06:41.3015 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 139109 reorder calls. 00:07:34.0169 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:07:34.0169 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:07:37.4621 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198028364245 from 00:07:37.4731 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Hindenburg joined (76561198028364245) 00:07:37.4731 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:07:37.7228 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:07:41.3074 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 129338 reorder calls. 00:07:50.9730 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Priappe : 76561198007318363 00:07:50.9730 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 00:08:26.7020 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561199021149470 from 00:08:26.7190 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Kilgharrah OPENCASES.CHEAP joined (76561199021149470) 00:08:26.7190 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:08:26.9683 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:08:41.3119 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 136353 reorder calls. 00:08:59.7975 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 00:09:01.9012 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from PaPaJoE : 76561198024018616 00:09:01.9012 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 00:09:34.0300 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:09:34.0300 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:09:41.3207 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 131528 reorder calls. 00:10:05.4515 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198205147836 from 00:10:05.4685 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Francis McFadden joined (76561198205147836) 00:10:05.4685 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:10:05.5353 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:10:10.2937 [INFO] Chat: (to weewilly5): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm. 00:10:10.2937 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player weewilly5 ran command '!fixship' 00:10:15.5020 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198052309708 from 00:10:15.5180 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player kenterfreak joined (76561198052309708) 00:10:15.5180 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:10:15.6536 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:10:15.6785 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin: Player weewilly5 used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid Wee.Space Miner 1 for cut & paste! 00:10:15.6905 [INFO] Chat: (to weewilly5): Ship was fixed! 00:10:15.6905 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player weewilly5 started! 00:10:15.6905 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player weewilly5 ran command '!fixship' 00:10:21.9552 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from PaPaJoE : 76561198024018616 00:10:21.9552 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 00:10:32.6313 [INFO] Concealment: 435/546 grids are concealed (79.67 %), 1 new. 00:10:41.3215 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 143662 reorder calls. 00:10:59.7190 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Francis McFadden): Use [ !reward ] when you voted on the website ! Use it in your space suit ! 00:11:14.6553 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Vote for us by using !votelink in chat and get Quantum Computers and all Elite tools rewards with the command !reward. You can vote every day and win extra prize at the end of the month." "[REWARD]" 255 201 21 true' 00:11:20.8445 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:11:34.0452 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:11:34.0452 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:11:41.3223 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 144703 reorder calls. 00:12:17.8348 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: 3 00:12:17.8348 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): You have 3/4 stored grids: [1] - SMW.Fighter Kenter [2] - SMW.MinerKenter [3] - SMW.Schlitten 00:12:17.8348 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!hangar list' 00:12:31.0692 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: Grid is force load from originial position 00:12:31.0692 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): You must be near where you saved your grid! A GPS has been added to your HUD 00:12:31.0692 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!hangar load 2' 00:12:40.9027 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Hindenburg : 76561198028364245 00:12:40.9027 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:12:40.9376 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 00:12:40.9376 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:12:41.8293 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 156435 reorder calls. 00:12:55.1635 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198260897277 from 00:12:55.1804 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player V supreme joined (76561198260897277) 00:12:55.1804 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:12:56.7633 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:13:18.6629 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Kilgharrah OPENCASES.CHEAP): Use [ !reward ] when you voted on the website ! Use it in your space suit ! 00:13:20.7797 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Kilgharrah OPENCASES.CHEAP: ello 00:13:27.2101 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: ello 00:13:29.9744 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from PaPaJoE : 76561198024018616 00:13:29.9744 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 00:13:32.2237 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Kilgharrah OPENCASES.CHEAP: haha ello 00:13:34.0457 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:13:34.0457 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:13:40.7582 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: hows it going 00:13:41.8464 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 169504 reorder calls. 00:13:46.6940 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Kilgharrah OPENCASES.CHEAP: fine and you ? 00:14:00.9998 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: chileld got a headache shoudl proabbly sleep 00:14:06.5434 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Kilgharrah OPENCASES.CHEAP: yeah me too 00:14:13.4794 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from PaPaJoE : 76561198024018616 00:14:13.4794 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 00:14:41.8488 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 146885 reorder calls. 00:15:12.7297 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: Grid is force load from originial position 00:15:12.9701 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): There are potentially other grids in the way. Loading near the original point. 00:15:12.9701 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): Load Complete! 00:15:12.9701 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!hangar load 2' 00:15:14.3390 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 00:15:34.0471 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:15:34.0471 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:15:41.8500 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 156143 reorder calls. 00:16:08.1138 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player V supreme ran command '!grids list' 00:16:10.7611 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198218404228 from 00:16:10.7789 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player fuck off joined (76561198218404228) 00:16:10.7789 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:16:11.0592 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:16:20.7672 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Server Successfully saved with SMW.MinerKenter loaded in server! Deleting sbc! 00:16:20.7672 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:16:20.7971 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] V supreme: hm so my stuff dissapeared 00:16:28.1494 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 00:16:28.1494 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:16:30.8482 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] V supreme: i wasnt online for a week 00:16:31.1135 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 00:16:31.1135 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:16:32.3003 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 10 grids near players. 00:16:33.2198 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198291142257 (76561198291142257) Disconnected. 00:16:41.4348 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] flogi: its in your hangar then 00:16:41.8565 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 150045 reorder calls. 00:16:43.5705 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] marvel: check the hangar 00:16:52.6873 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] V supreme: how do i check the hangar? 00:17:00.7376 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Suisse: !hangar list 00:17:01.2713 [INFO] Chat: (to Kilgharrah OPENCASES.CHEAP): Reward player 00:17:01.2713 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Kilgharrah OPENCASES.CHEAP ran command '!reward' 00:17:01.3830 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User Voted = yes 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User claimed = no 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.645293768330148/ichance = 1 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(Component/SuperComputer) 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.948999440273735/ichance = 1E-07 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.642975307369128/ichance = 1 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/Welder4Item) 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.563430498150843/ichance = 1 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/AngleGrinder4Item) 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.131339719580179/ichance = 1 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/HandDrill4Item) 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.572453946607399/ichance = 0.5 00:17:01.4419 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Kilgharrah OPENCASES.CHEAP): You have been rewarded with: All Elite Tools and Quantum Computers, thank you for your vote. 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-137258703871774655 item: SuperComputer amount: 5 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-137258703871774655 item: Welder4Item amount: 1 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-137258703871774655 item: AngleGrinder4Item amount: 1 00:17:01.4419 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-137258703871774655 item: HandDrill4Item amount: 1 00:17:02.2254 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] marvel: command is !hangar list 00:17:04.4477 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: 1 00:17:04.4477 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Kilgharrah OPENCASES.CHEAP): You have 1/4 stored grids: [1] - MRB Heavy Base 00:17:04.4477 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Kilgharrah OPENCASES.CHEAP ran command '!hangar list' 00:17:10.8941 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: 5 00:17:10.8941 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to V supreme): You have 5/4 stored grids: [1] - UNK. v 1 [2] - UNK. SCURGE [3] - UNK.SENSOR TURR [4] - UNK.HB0 [5] - UNK.VBASE01 00:17:10.8941 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player V supreme ran command '!hangar list' 00:17:28.4773 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198291142257 from 00:17:28.5032 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player katafalkk joined (76561198291142257) 00:17:28.5032 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:17:28.5032 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Identity not found 00:17:28.9443 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:17:34.0603 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:17:34.0603 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:17:35.0276 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] V supreme: jup they are there, thank you! 00:17:41.8622 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 142071 reorder calls. 00:17:48.6932 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] V supreme: how do i get them back? 00:17:57.8766 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] V supreme: fro the hangar 00:18:03.4721 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] V supreme: from 00:18:03.6325 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Suisse: !hangar load 00:18:17.0117 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] V supreme: oh, great thank you! 00:18:17.4449 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: UsedInGold died = 1 total death 00:18:19.7804 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Suisse: the number is the one at the begining of the line 00:18:35.3831 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Suisse: you will need to be within 100m of the original save (it will put you a GPS mark if you are too far ;)) 00:18:41.8642 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 149006 reorder calls. 00:19:02.1732 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): You have 11 mins before you can perform this action! 00:19:02.1732 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!hangar save' 00:19:07.1464 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: 2 00:19:07.1464 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): You have 2/4 stored grids: [1] - SMW.Fighter Kenter [2] - SMW.Schlitten 00:19:07.1464 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!hangar list' 00:19:14.6620 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from kenterfreak : 76561198052309708 00:19:14.6620 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 00:19:34.0752 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:19:34.0752 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:19:38.8907 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Priappe : 76561198007318363 00:19:38.8907 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:19:41.8810 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 149864 reorder calls. 00:19:55.3278 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] V supreme: ok, cool, thanx! this is a better sistem than absence form 00:20:09.8009 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 00:20:09.8009 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:20:14.3468 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Join our discord with the command !discord. We are waiting for you." "[DISCORD]" 255 201 21 true' 00:20:25.6190 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 00:20:25.6190 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:20:25.6430 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Priappe : 76561198007318363 00:20:25.6430 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:20:31.0079 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Mantz died = 1 total death 00:20:41.0995 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] V supreme: so i should go to the last location gps, and load it there? 00:20:41.8812 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 145578 reorder calls. 00:20:42.4427 [INFO] Concealment: 429/548 grids are concealed (78.28 %), 5 new. 00:20:57.0494 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Herr Vader: yes 00:21:04.1637 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] V supreme: k, thank you 00:21:11.7462 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: V supreme (76561198260897277) Disconnected. 00:21:20.8725 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:21:26.7967 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198260897277 (76561198260897277) Disconnected. 00:21:28.8731 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Kilgharrah OPENCASES.CHEAP (76561199021149470) Disconnected. 00:21:34.0951 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:21:34.0951 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:21:34.6456 [INFO] Concealment: 430/546 grids are concealed (78.75 %), 1 new. 00:21:41.8813 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 128992 reorder calls. 00:21:43.9338 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561199021149470 (76561199021149470) Disconnected. 00:22:41.8829 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 131753 reorder calls. 00:23:34.1108 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:23:34.1108 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:23:41.8842 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 123816 reorder calls. 00:24:41.8845 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 132080 reorder calls. 00:24:58.0168 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 00:24:58.0168 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:25:09.3255 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): You have 5 mins before you can perform this action! 00:25:09.3255 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!hangar save' 00:25:34.1362 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:25:34.1362 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:25:41.8868 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 134592 reorder calls. 00:26:20.9191 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:26:41.8976 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 135672 reorder calls. 00:26:43.6289 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198021326050 from 00:26:43.6609 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Derill_West joined (76561198021326050) 00:26:43.6609 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:26:43.8364 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:27:34.1372 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:27:34.1372 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:27:41.8978 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 142567 reorder calls. 00:27:47.5044 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 00:28:41.8990 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 143652 reorder calls. 00:29:02.5153 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 5 grids near players. 00:29:14.9094 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Upside Down is looking for new moderators, artists, developers. Contact us on discord to apply." "[WE WANT YOU]" 255 201 21 true' 00:29:34.1390 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:29:34.1390 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:29:41.9000 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 141903 reorder calls. 00:29:53.6405 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: TheDutchman died = 2 total death 00:29:59.2170 [INFO] Concealment: 432/549 grids are concealed (78.69 %), 9 new. 00:30:07.4272 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 9 grids near players. 00:30:17.6278 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 00:30:17.6278 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:30:41.9064 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 151431 reorder calls. 00:30:57.8970 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198048485275 from 00:30:57.9099 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player MC Drizzle joined (76561198048485275) 00:30:57.9099 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:30:58.1742 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:31:14.7789 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "[Support us by Donating - We need your help]" 20000' 00:31:15.7712 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Donate for a Reserved Slot or Quantum Computers" 19995' 00:31:16.7855 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Use [!donate] in main chat" 19995' 00:31:20.9191 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:31:28.5098 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: TheDutchman died = 3 total death 00:31:34.0699 [INFO] Concealment: 432/551 grids are concealed (78.40 %), 9 new. 00:31:34.1517 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:31:34.1517 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:31:40.6573 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 9 grids near players. 00:31:41.9169 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 156684 reorder calls. 00:32:01.4957 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Benutzer 321 died = 1 total death 00:32:34.0159 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 00:32:41.3016 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: Successfully BackedUp grid! 00:32:41.3146 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: C:\QuantumHangar\76561197960349234\INS.Miner.sbc 00:32:41.4881 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: Successfully BackedUp grid! 00:32:41.4961 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: C:\QuantumHangar\76561197960349234\INS.BASE.sbc 00:32:41.9259 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 181123 reorder calls. 00:33:06.7406 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198291142257 from 00:33:06.7406 [WARN] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Player 76561198291142257 has already joined! 00:33:06.7446 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: katafalkk (76561198291142257) Disconnected. 00:33:08.4411 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Priappe : 76561198007318363 00:33:08.4411 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:33:08.6256 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: TheDutchman died = 4 total death 00:33:16.3629 [INFO] Concealment: 430/550 grids are concealed (78.18 %), 9 new. 00:33:17.7133 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 9 grids near players. 00:33:21.7884 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198291142257 (76561198291142257) Disconnected. 00:33:34.1525 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:33:34.1525 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:33:41.9305 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 166371 reorder calls. 00:33:48.1231 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 74107ms (748ms CPU) 00:33:48.1231 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 20 days were deleted. 00:33:48.7874 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 20 days were deleted. 00:33:49.8507 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561197981028590 from 00:33:49.8707 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player RJ joined (76561197981028590) 00:33:49.8707 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:33:50.0532 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:34:12.9870 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198291142257 from 00:34:13.0040 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player katafalkk joined (76561198291142257) 00:34:13.0040 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:34:13.2733 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:34:14.1788 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: UsedInGold died = 2 total death 00:34:25.4381 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 14 grids near players. 00:34:41.9306 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 172090 reorder calls. 00:34:45.3136 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: TheDutchman died = 5 total death 00:34:48.9571 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: Successfully BackedUp grid! 00:34:49.2922 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: C:\QuantumHangar\76561197981028590\VOY.Deepcoreminer.sbc 00:34:49.3381 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to RJ): Save Complete! 00:34:49.3381 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player RJ ran command '!hangar save' 00:34:59.5024 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: 2 00:34:59.5024 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to RJ): You have 2/4 stored grids: [1] - L&M.Tremors [2] - VOY.Deepcoreminer 00:34:59.5024 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player RJ ran command '!hangar list' 00:35:11.8881 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: RJ (76561197981028590) Disconnected. 00:35:26.9174 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561197981028590 (76561197981028590) Disconnected. 00:35:31.9103 [INFO] Concealment: 412/536 grids are concealed (76.87 %), 5 new. 00:35:34.1832 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:35:34.1832 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:35:35.7200 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 00:35:35.7200 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:35:41.9314 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 168905 reorder calls. 00:35:43.8388 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: Successfully BackedUp grid! 00:35:43.8707 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: C:\QuantumHangar\76561198052309708\SMW.MinerKenteralt.sbc 00:35:43.9146 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): Save Complete! 00:35:43.9146 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!hangar save' 00:35:47.7975 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Strotter ran command '!grids list' 00:36:16.4431 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: hum no more quantum computer wtf 00:36:20.9210 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Server succesfully saved with grid INS.Miner in hangar! Clearing ID! 00:36:20.9210 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Server succesfully saved with grid INS.BASE in hangar! Clearing ID! 00:36:20.9210 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Server succesfully saved with grid VOY.Deepcoreminer in hangar! Clearing ID! 00:36:20.9210 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Server succesfully saved with grid SMW.MinerKenteralt in hangar! Clearing ID! 00:36:20.9210 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:36:32.5400 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:260708309926488431] flogi: GPS:Uran_im_Berg:-737770.02:850717.3:1986324.24:#FFF17575: 00:36:33.2331 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: there was a lot of them??? 00:36:39.3129 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from TheDutchman : 76561198033715291 00:36:39.3129 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 00:36:41.9319 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 161735 reorder calls. 00:36:53.7682 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: check on welders ships around 00:36:53.9847 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 00:36:53.9847 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:37:00.0678 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: either it was > 1000 or 1000k 3-4 days ago 00:37:08.8520 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Strotter died = 1 total death 00:37:29.1274 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 00:37:33.3191 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: yes i know and few days before there was 30K QC 00:37:34.1840 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:37:34.1840 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:37:39.1119 [INFO] Concealment: 411/536 grids are concealed (76.68 %), 1 new. 00:37:41.9381 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 154552 reorder calls. 00:38:04.6697 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: well, 4k here in a grinder ship 00:38:14.5856 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Subscribe to all our mods to join UD faster. Use !mods in main chat to access the mod collection." "[FAST CONNECT] " 255 201 21 true' 00:38:15.3029 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: damanged grinder ship :/ 00:38:27.5191 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: ^^ 00:38:41.9384 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 150099 reorder calls. 00:39:21.0019 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: connecte les vaisseaux qui ont des compo a la station et active le prog block de manager inventory 00:39:29.7770 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 00:39:29.7770 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:39:30.8929 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: ca va retirer les compos des vaisseaux 00:39:31.4099 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 00:39:31.4099 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:39:34.2005 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:39:34.2005 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:39:41.9449 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 145647 reorder calls. 00:39:47.4433 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 00:39:47.4433 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:39:47.4593 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Priappe : 76561198007318363 00:39:47.4593 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:40:37.0457 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: MC Drizzle (76561198048485275) Disconnected. 00:40:38.8164 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 00:40:41.9483 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 157300 reorder calls. 00:40:52.0619 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198048485275 (76561198048485275) Disconnected. 00:40:52.8012 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 00:41:20.9120 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:41:23.0632 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 00:41:23.0632 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:41:34.2144 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:41:34.2144 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:41:41.9484 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 156844 reorder calls. 00:41:45.6627 [INFO] Chat: (to kenterfreak): Could not find your Grid. Check if ownership is correct 00:41:45.6627 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!fixship' 00:42:09.2963 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: fuck off died = 1 total death 00:42:11.2125 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: le nano utilise 1 resource/sec... wow 00:42:15.6103 [INFO] Concealment: 418/545 grids are concealed (76.70 %), 9 new. 00:42:19.2709 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: ^^ 00:42:30.7216 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 5 grids near players. 00:42:41.9490 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 130929 reorder calls. 00:42:42.4815 [INFO] Chat: (to kenterfreak): Could not find your Grid. Check if ownership is correct 00:42:42.4815 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!fixship' 00:42:46.8090 [INFO] Chat: (to kenterfreak): Could not find your Grid. Check if ownership is correct 00:42:46.8090 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!fixship' 00:43:07.5355 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: mais perso je resterai avec un vaisseau welder et tous les compos necessaires dans un coffre pour d'autres vaisseaux 00:43:34.2150 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:43:34.2150 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:43:41.9492 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 126605 reorder calls. 00:43:44.1292 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198085523387 from 00:43:44.1422 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player willthirty joined (76561198085523387) 00:43:44.1422 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:43:44.2768 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:43:48.6746 [INFO] Chat: (to kenterfreak): Could not find your Grid. Check if ownership is correct 00:43:48.6746 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!fixship' 00:43:51.0573 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] kenterfreak: w 00:44:10.8956 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Francis McFadden : 76561198205147836 00:44:10.8956 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:44:25.7075 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 5 grids near players. 00:44:41.9516 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 145698 reorder calls. 00:44:45.5577 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198251377628 from 00:44:45.5796 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player slinkywizard joined (76561198251377628) 00:44:45.5796 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:44:45.8319 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:44:57.1214 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Francis McFadden : 76561198205147836 00:44:57.1214 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 00:44:57.1574 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Priappe : 76561198007318363 00:44:57.1574 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 00:44:59.9889 [INFO] Chat: (to kenterfreak): Could not find your Grid. Check if ownership is correct 00:44:59.9889 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!fixship' 00:45:31.9124 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to willthirty): You are not the owner of this grid! 00:45:31.9124 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player willthirty ran command '!hangar save' 00:45:34.2302 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:45:34.2302 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:45:41.9621 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 126449 reorder calls. 00:46:14.0094 [INFO] Chat: (to kenterfreak): Could not find your Grid. Check if ownership is correct 00:46:14.0094 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!fixship' 00:46:20.9180 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:46:31.9614 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: 3 00:46:31.9614 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): You have 3/4 stored grids: [1] - SMW.Fighter Kenter [2] - SMW.Schlitten [3] - SMW.MinerKenteralt 00:46:31.9614 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!hangar list' 00:46:40.2227 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Mrmrfiks died = 1 total death 00:46:41.9631 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 128700 reorder calls. 00:46:42.7011 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: Grid is force load from originial position 00:46:42.7011 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): You must be near where you saved your grid! A GPS has been added to your HUD 00:46:42.7011 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!hangar load 3' 00:46:45.6081 [INFO] Concealment: 414/537 grids are concealed (77.09 %), 12 new. 00:46:54.9698 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 00:46:55.1773 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Strotter died = 2 total death 00:47:02.2691 [INFO] Concealment: 414/537 grids are concealed (77.09 %), 1 new. 00:47:14.8433 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Read the rules and info of the upside down server. EN: /rules FR: /regles RU: /rulesru DE: /rulesde NL: /rulesnl" "[RULES]" 255 201 21 true' 00:47:25.3366 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: 3 00:47:25.3366 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Mrmrfiks): You have 3/4 stored grids: [1] - ARC.Miner Thorium 2.0 [2] - ARC.Miner Mrfiks nr 2 [3] - ARC.Fiter Mrmrfiks 00:47:25.3366 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Mrmrfiks ran command '!hangar list' 00:47:34.2435 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:47:34.2435 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:47:35.9656 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: Grid is force load from originial position 00:47:35.9656 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Mrmrfiks): You must be near where you saved your grid! A GPS has been added to your HUD 00:47:35.9656 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Mrmrfiks ran command '!hangar load 2' 00:47:41.9649 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 141733 reorder calls. 00:47:48.7566 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: Grid is force load from originial position 00:47:48.9571 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Mrmrfiks): Load Complete! 00:47:48.9571 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Mrmrfiks ran command '!hangar load 2' 00:47:49.0339 [INFO] QuantumHangar.Utilities.HangarChecks: Grid is force load from originial position 00:47:49.2124 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): Load Complete! 00:47:49.2124 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!hangar load 3' 00:47:51.0572 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 00:47:51.0572 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:48:41.9696 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 132237 reorder calls. 00:49:34.2459 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:49:34.2459 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:49:41.9797 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 130186 reorder calls. 00:50:14.4281 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 00:50:14.4281 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access Compose 00:50:14.4281 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 00:50:14.4281 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access Compose 00:50:14.4281 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 00:50:14.4281 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access Compose 00:50:41.9797 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 141628 reorder calls. 00:50:57.2115 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Hindenburg : 76561198028364245 00:50:57.2115 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access Compose 00:50:57.2115 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Hindenburg : 76561198028364245 00:50:57.2115 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access Compose 00:50:57.2115 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Hindenburg : 76561198028364245 00:50:57.2115 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access Compose 00:51:20.8676 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Server Successfully saved with ARC.Miner Mrfiks nr 2 loaded in server! Deleting sbc! 00:51:20.8676 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Server Successfully saved with SMW.MinerKenteralt loaded in server! Deleting sbc! 00:51:20.8676 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:51:31.7545 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: weewilly5 (76561198074233924) Disconnected. 00:51:34.2597 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:51:34.2597 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:51:38.2361 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198074233924 from 00:51:38.2520 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player weewilly5 joined (76561198074233924) 00:51:38.2520 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:51:38.4944 [INFO] Concealment: 418/541 grids are concealed (77.26 %), 4 new. 00:51:38.5104 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:51:41.9874 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 128779 reorder calls. 00:51:53.7720 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Derill_West (76561198021326050) Disconnected. 00:51:55.1607 [INFO] Concealment: 419/540 grids are concealed (77.59 %), 1 new. 00:51:57.2695 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 00:51:57.2695 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access Compose 00:51:57.2695 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 00:51:57.2695 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access Compose 00:51:57.2695 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 00:51:57.2695 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access Compose 00:51:59.8579 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): This hangar slot is empty! Select a grid that is in your hangar! 00:51:59.8579 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!hangar load 3' 00:52:05.1258 [INFO] Chat: (to kenterfreak): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm. 00:52:05.1258 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!fixship' 00:52:06.9420 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin: Player kenterfreak used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid SMW.Miner Kenter for cut & paste! 00:52:06.9710 [INFO] Chat: (to kenterfreak): Ship was fixed! 00:52:06.9710 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player kenterfreak started! 00:52:06.9710 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!fixship' 00:52:09.4758 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 4 grids near players. 00:52:28.8996 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198021326050 (76561198021326050) Disconnected. 00:52:41.9887 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 138745 reorder calls. 00:52:43.4025 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 00:52:43.4025 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:52:43.4454 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Priappe : 76561198007318363 00:52:43.4454 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:52:49.1080 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: fuck off (76561198218404228) Disconnected. 00:52:54.1032 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198218404228 from 00:52:54.1510 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player fuck off joined (76561198218404228) 00:52:54.1510 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:52:54.2577 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:53:33.6821 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: katafalkk (76561198291142257) Disconnected. 00:53:34.3091 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:53:34.3091 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:53:42.0016 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 121882 reorder calls. 00:53:48.6995 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198291142257 (76561198291142257) Disconnected. 00:53:54.0484 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to kenterfreak): You have 9 mins before you can perform this action! 00:53:54.0484 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player kenterfreak ran command '!hangar save' 00:54:28.2310 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: TheDutchman died = 6 total death 00:54:42.0019 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 148687 reorder calls. 00:55:03.6804 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198291142257 from 00:55:03.6974 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player katafalkk joined (76561198291142257) 00:55:03.6974 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:55:03.9719 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:55:22.8475 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: Successfully BackedUp grid! 00:55:22.8784 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: C:\QuantumHangar\76561198085523387\cargo.sbc 00:55:22.8864 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to willthirty): Save Complete! 00:55:22.8864 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player willthirty ran command '!hangar save ' 00:55:28.1327 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: willthirty (76561198085523387) Disconnected. 00:55:34.3218 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:55:34.3218 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:55:34.7546 [INFO] Concealment: 419/539 grids are concealed (77.74 %), 5 new. 00:55:42.0159 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 147731 reorder calls. 00:55:43.1119 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198085523387 (76561198085523387) Disconnected. 00:56:13.4069 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 00:56:14.2637 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Can't find asteroids ? Try the ring all around the Moon where there is a much higher density." "[UD TIP]" 255 201 21 true' 00:56:15.4043 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 2 grids near players. 00:56:20.8880 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Server succesfully saved with grid cargo in hangar! Clearing ID! 00:56:20.8880 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 00:56:41.6120 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 00:56:41.6120 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 00:56:42.0169 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 141968 reorder calls. 00:56:47.2933 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Hindenburg : 76561198028364245 00:56:47.2933 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 00:56:47.3431 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 00:56:47.3431 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 00:57:34.3402 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:57:34.3402 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:57:42.0283 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 136818 reorder calls. 00:58:34.3927 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198989055110 from 00:58:34.4097 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Peanut_butter_jedi joined (76561198989055110) 00:58:34.4097 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 00:58:34.8537 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 00:58:42.0291 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 144275 reorder calls. 00:58:49.3437 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Mrmrfiks): You have 4 mins before you can perform this action! 00:58:49.3437 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Mrmrfiks ran command '!hangar save' 00:59:34.3535 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 00:59:34.3535 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 00:59:40.3116 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 6 grids near players. 00:59:42.0400 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 166630 reorder calls. 01:00:42.0408 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 146632 reorder calls. 01:00:52.0212 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: heyy 01:00:52.9469 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 01:00:52.9469 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:01:05.8798 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Hindenburg : 76561198028364245 01:01:05.8798 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:01:05.8798 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:01:05.8798 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:01:05.9177 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:01:05.9177 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:01:17.1124 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "[Support us by Donating - We need your help]" 20000' 01:01:18.1130 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Donate for a Reserved Slot or Quantum Computers" 19995' 01:01:19.1128 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Use [!donate] in main chat" 19995' 01:01:20.8691 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 01:01:21.4436 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Peanut_butter_jedi died = 1 total death 01:01:31.0419 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 01:01:34.3690 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:01:34.3690 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:01:34.7252 [INFO] Concealment: 415/551 grids are concealed (75.32 %), 6 new. 01:01:38.3445 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198187443769 from 01:01:38.3614 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Tekton joined (76561198187443769) 01:01:38.3614 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 01:01:38.7793 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:01:42.0508 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 135019 reorder calls. 01:02:42.0596 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 131467 reorder calls. 01:02:58.0188 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: Successfully BackedUp grid! 01:02:58.0607 [WARN] QuantumHangar.GridMethods: C:\QuantumHangar\76561198280260911\ARC.Miner Mrfiks nr 2.sbc 01:02:58.0926 [INFO] Chat: Hangar (to Mrmrfiks): Save Complete! 01:02:58.0926 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Mrmrfiks ran command '!hangar save' 01:03:12.3400 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 01:03:34.3977 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:03:34.3977 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:03:37.0336 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Strotter died = 3 total death 01:03:42.0684 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 156426 reorder calls. 01:03:44.6657 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: ola 01:03:48.1220 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 01:03:54.5543 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 01:04:07.5555 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 01:04:16.5797 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Mrmrfiks died = 2 total death 01:04:18.9805 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] katafalkk: can i live into moon? 01:04:22.0562 [INFO] Concealment: 413/541 grids are concealed (76.34 %), 1 new. 01:04:25.6298 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: you can try 01:04:26.1277 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: no dangerous 01:04:30.2203 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: its very big on PVP 01:04:36.2001 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 12 grids near players. 01:04:37.6074 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: PB 01:04:41.0360 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: yea? 01:04:41.9891 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: what if its a childs myth 01:04:42.1577 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 149846 reorder calls. 01:04:44.9135 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: to keep ppl away 01:04:48.5405 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: like its a paradise 01:04:53.2417 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: role play 01:04:58.2415 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: nd we being told to stay away ;) 01:04:59.4078 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] fuck off: where is the most peacful place to live 01:05:01.8936 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 73771ms (829ms CPU) 01:05:01.8936 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 20 days were deleted. 01:05:02.5209 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 20 days were deleted. 01:05:07.6194 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Hindenburg (76561198028364245) Disconnected. 01:05:09.5183 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: space 01:05:19.2763 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] fuck off: on asteroids? 01:05:32.9853 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: not on near 01:05:34.4154 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:05:34.4154 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:05:36.1039 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:260708309926488431] kenterfreak: GPS:kenterfreak #1:-620689.05:836402.18:1974381.54:#FF75C9F1: 01:05:38.6721 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198028364245 (76561198028364245) Disconnected. 01:05:42.1726 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 136773 reorder calls. 01:05:56.1022 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 01:06:14.9371 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Vote for us by using !votelink in chat and get Quantum Computers and all Elite tools rewards with the command !reward. You can vote every day and win extra prize at the end of the month." "[REWARD]" 255 201 21 true' 01:06:20.9489 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Server succesfully saved with grid ARC.Miner Mrfiks nr 2 in hangar! Clearing ID! 01:06:20.9489 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 01:06:34.8396 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:06:34.8396 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:06:34.8566 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:06:34.8566 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:06:42.1784 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 119295 reorder calls. 01:06:52.6801 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 01:07:14.5235 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Tekton): Use [ !reward ] when you voted on the website ! Use it in your space suit ! 01:07:34.4293 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:07:34.4293 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:07:42.1919 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 107709 reorder calls. 01:07:57.7226 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Strotter died = 4 total death 01:08:10.0348 [INFO] Concealment: 400/538 grids are concealed (74.35 %), 1 new. 01:08:11.6818 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 2 grids near players. 01:08:21.4233 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:08:21.4233 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:08:21.4233 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:08:21.4233 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:08:35.0277 [INFO] Concealment: 399/539 grids are concealed (74.03 %), 1 new. 01:08:42.1937 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 117964 reorder calls. 01:08:47.1896 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: trotter was ARC yours? 01:08:52.6418 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Strotter: yes 01:08:58.4766 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: was nicely designed 01:09:02.1053 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Strotter: ah 01:09:06.8679 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Strotter: that was smokescreens 01:09:18.0184 [INFO] Concealment: 402/538 grids are concealed (74.72 %), 3 new. 01:09:26.3461 [INFO] Concealment: 403/538 grids are concealed (74.91 %), 1 new. 01:09:34.4303 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:09:34.4303 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:09:42.2010 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 121049 reorder calls. 01:10:16.8263 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 01:10:16.8263 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:10:38.9595 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:10:38.9595 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:10:38.9924 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:10:38.9924 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:10:39.0094 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:10:39.0094 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:10:42.2122 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 144813 reorder calls. 01:10:51.6265 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:10:51.6265 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:10:51.6824 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:10:51.6824 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:10:51.6824 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:10:51.6824 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:11:04.7037 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 2 grids near players. 01:11:20.8823 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 01:11:28.9740 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:11:28.9740 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:11:29.0069 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:11:29.0069 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:11:34.4460 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:11:34.4460 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:11:42.2264 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 120026 reorder calls. 01:11:57.9900 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:11:57.9900 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:11:58.0398 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:11:58.0398 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:11:58.0907 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 01:11:58.0907 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:12:03.3262 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Strotter (76561197965291169) Disconnected. 01:12:03.6095 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: TheDutchman died = 7 total death 01:12:05.9143 [INFO] Concealment: 403/539 grids are concealed (74.77 %), 2 new. 01:12:13.4738 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: wheres the killing happening 01:12:18.3025 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561197965291169 (76561197965291169) Disconnected. 01:12:27.4037 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:12:27.4037 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:12:29.1534 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:12:29.1534 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:12:29.4698 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198025881131 from 01:12:29.4867 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player dweidenb joined (76561198025881131) 01:12:29.4867 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 01:12:29.4867 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Identity not found 01:12:29.7041 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:12:42.2389 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 121401 reorder calls. 01:13:01.3204 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:13:01.3204 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:13:21.8036 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Tekton died = 1 total death 01:13:22.4869 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Strotter died = 5 total death 01:13:29.4318 [INFO] Concealment: 405/539 grids are concealed (75.14 %), 2 new. 01:13:31.0371 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Francis McFadden : 76561198205147836 01:13:31.0371 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:13:31.0540 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 01:13:31.0540 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:13:34.4599 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:13:34.4599 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:13:42.2391 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 138833 reorder calls. 01:14:03.0363 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Tekton died = 2 total death 01:14:27.7570 [INFO] Concealment: 410/540 grids are concealed (75.93 %), 5 new. 01:14:28.4124 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 21 grids near players. 01:14:37.4716 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: kenterfreak (76561198052309708) Disconnected. 01:14:42.2391 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 143490 reorder calls. 01:14:52.7600 [INFO] Concealment: 393/545 grids are concealed (72.11 %), 4 new. 01:14:55.8414 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: TheDutchman died = 8 total death 01:15:01.2124 [INFO] Concealment: 402/539 grids are concealed (74.58 %), 9 new. 01:15:04.5297 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 9 grids near players. 01:15:15.2227 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Join our discord with the command !discord. We are waiting for you." "[DISCORD]" 255 201 21 true' 01:15:15.3045 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198052309708 (76561198052309708) Disconnected. 01:15:18.3238 [INFO] Chat: (to fuck off): Command not found. Use the !longhelp command and check your Comms menu for a full list of commands. 01:15:18.3238 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player fuck off ran command '!help' 01:15:28.3097 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player fuck off ran command '!longhelp' 01:15:34.4613 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:15:34.4613 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:15:42.2416 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 132845 reorder calls. 01:16:19.3059 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:16:19.3059 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:16:19.3398 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:16:19.3398 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:16:19.4226 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:16:19.4226 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:16:20.8819 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 01:16:42.2422 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 121168 reorder calls. 01:16:46.1725 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198024083527 from 01:16:46.1894 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player DildoSwagginz joined (76561198024083527) 01:16:46.1894 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 01:16:46.7719 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:16:56.7061 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:16:56.7061 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:16:56.7230 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:16:56.7230 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:16:56.7390 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:16:56.7390 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:16:59.4563 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: awwwww freeaaaak what happened? 01:17:05.2903 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: i jumped my ship and it exploded 01:17:11.3817 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:17:11.3817 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:17:11.3976 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:17:11.3976 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:17:11.4685 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:17:11.4685 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:17:20.3889 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 2 grids near players. 01:17:27.7809 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] DildoSwagginz: :D 01:17:29.9626 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: flogi died = 1 total death 01:17:33.5022 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Sidonus died = 1 total death 01:17:34.4754 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:17:34.4754 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:17:36.3686 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: ohhh god nooooooooo 01:17:40.8323 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: ye its been doign that 01:17:41.6387 [INFO] Concealment: 393/539 grids are concealed (72.91 %), 2 new. 01:17:42.2443 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 114285 reorder calls. 01:17:44.7082 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:17:44.7082 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:17:44.8089 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:17:44.8089 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:17:44.8089 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from INSID : 76561198016279851 01:17:44.8089 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:17:46.6185 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 01:17:47.6161 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 6 grids near players. 01:17:48.0256 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: RIP my secret outpost 01:18:00.4449 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: i saw the explosion so not so secret ;) 01:18:13.9931 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: how did u see the explosion 01:18:15.0022 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: flogi (76561198006673200) Disconnected. 01:18:15.4460 [INFO] Concealment: 387/539 grids are concealed (71.80 %), 1 new. 01:18:27.8174 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: im not im just making idiotic conversation 01:18:28.4856 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198006673200 from 01:18:28.5015 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player flogi joined (76561198006673200) 01:18:28.5015 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 01:18:28.6361 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:18:33.1189 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: u had important stuff in that ''secret'' outpost? 01:18:42.2444 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 116787 reorder calls. 01:18:45.1735 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: yes 4000 qcs 01:18:45.7568 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: give me coords ill jump save you 01:18:47.5336 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 01:18:49.9032 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] DildoSwagginz: same 01:18:53.0969 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: the ones i got from u adding up over time 01:18:57.7354 [INFO] Concealment: 406/538 grids are concealed (75.46 %), 20 new. 01:19:02.6297 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: put them in this secret location so no one would touch them 01:19:12.1800 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: but now i crashed into it somehow, wasnt even near it 01:19:14.8121 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: and what happen to it 01:19:18.4867 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Tekton (76561198187443769) Disconnected. 01:19:32.2353 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: cargo contianer destroyed with all the stuff im not sure theres a way to get it back 01:19:33.7544 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Oliprik died = 2 total death 01:19:34.4771 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:19:34.4771 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:19:42.2545 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 140291 reorder calls. 01:19:56.4273 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: pick em up fast b4 they disaper 01:20:01.2897 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198187443769 (76561198187443769) Disconnected. 01:20:04.2451 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: it takes like 5 min 01:20:07.8971 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: TheDutchman died = 9 total death 01:20:08.3644 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: INSID died = 1 total death 01:20:13.4944 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: woah i mean... what... 01:20:14.3226 [INFO] Concealment: 415/550 grids are concealed (75.45 %), 9 new. 01:20:16.1106 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: search for em leave chat 01:20:17.4111 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: where is all the fightign occuring 01:20:20.7624 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: INSID (76561198016279851) Disconnected. 01:20:25.2944 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: slinky u just performed magic on this 01:20:30.1628 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 9 grids near players. 01:20:38.7452 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: u got em? 01:20:40.6614 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: as soon as i got my welder out the cargo container returned wtih all the stuff in it like nothing had ever happened 01:20:42.2631 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 144388 reorder calls. 01:20:50.3778 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: OMG IM MAGIC 01:20:51.8094 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198016279851 (76561198016279851) Disconnected. 01:20:54.8951 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: :) 01:20:57.5780 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:20:57.5780 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:20:57.5950 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 01:20:57.5950 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:21:11.9271 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: please do what i ask u now 01:21:17.9933 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: ok... 01:21:19.8434 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: u have a sz? 01:21:20.9426 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 01:21:22.5184 [INFO] Concealment: 407/541 grids are concealed (75.23 %), 1 new. 01:21:27.0932 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: back at my base 01:21:31.7926 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: this is my secret location 01:21:34.4904 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:21:34.4904 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:21:37.9595 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: this is the most safest spot 01:21:42.2636 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 113814 reorder calls. 01:21:50.0771 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: dweidenb died = 1 total death 01:21:55.8626 [INFO] Concealment: 408/540 grids are concealed (75.56 %), 1 new. 01:21:56.1598 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: if u have secret location it need sz too 01:22:07.9092 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: take all ur qc to ur sz 01:22:10.2432 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: 25 blocks to go! 01:22:11.7592 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: ok ill put one here 01:22:15.3261 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: ^^ 01:22:15.8092 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: and disable dmg 01:22:22.5225 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 01:22:42.2676 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 136782 reorder calls. 01:22:42.3992 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: that way nothing will get harm and no qc lost 01:22:45.0656 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: i can't count, 60 -.- 01:22:51.0318 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198071171657 from 01:22:51.0498 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player [HG] Train joined (76561198071171657) 01:22:51.0498 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 01:22:51.0498 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Identity not found 01:22:55.0826 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:22:57.0660 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:22:57.0660 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:22:59.4492 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:22:59.4492 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:23:10.7993 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: ok doing that 01:23:11.5382 [INFO] Concealment: 408/542 grids are concealed (75.28 %), 1 new. 01:23:21.0828 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: hey what the freak 01:23:25.0155 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: when i jump i dont move 01:23:34.4917 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:23:34.4917 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:23:42.2684 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 181461 reorder calls. 01:23:44.0331 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from PaPaJoE : 76561198024018616 01:23:44.0331 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:23:44.3830 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: ur desync 01:23:44.5993 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:23:44.5993 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:23:52.6247 [INFO] Chat: (to slinkywizard): Forced replication of 1213 entities. 01:23:52.6247 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player slinkywizard ran command '!entities refresh' 01:23:53.2131 [INFO] Concealment: 413/541 grids are concealed (76.34 %), 5 new. 01:23:53.7989 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856648] Peanut_butter_jedi: ok... now i just teleported 01:24:14.3491 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Upside Down is looking for new moderators, artists, developers. Contact us on discord to apply." "[WE WANT YOU]" 255 201 21 true' 01:24:17.5522 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: slinkywizard (76561198251377628) Disconnected. 01:24:19.7012 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Oliprik died = 3 total death 01:24:24.6492 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: flogi died = 2 total death 01:24:32.5686 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198251377628 (76561198251377628) Disconnected. 01:24:34.8803 [INFO] Concealment: 414/541 grids are concealed (76.52 %), 1 new. 01:24:42.2698 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 179230 reorder calls. 01:24:44.8333 [INFO] Chat: (to Peanut_butter_jedi): Forced replication of 53 entities. 01:24:44.8333 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Peanut_butter_jedi ran command '!entities refresh' 01:24:51.3329 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from UsedInGold : 76561198222701936 01:24:51.3329 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:25:23.1997 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:25:23.1997 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:25:24.6160 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:25:24.6160 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:25:34.5081 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:25:34.5081 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:25:42.2704 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 173606 reorder calls. 01:25:48.5267 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 01:25:50.5242 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 3 grids near players. 01:25:57.3821 [INFO] Chat: (to Peanut_butter_jedi): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm. 01:25:57.3821 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Peanut_butter_jedi ran command '!fixship' 01:26:00.9834 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin: Player Peanut_butter_jedi used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid AMF.smileyface for cut & paste! 01:26:01.0273 [INFO] Chat: (to Peanut_butter_jedi): Ship was fixed! 01:26:01.0273 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player Peanut_butter_jedi started! 01:26:01.0273 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Peanut_butter_jedi ran command '!fixship' 01:26:14.6377 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 5 grids near players. 01:26:20.8864 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 01:26:42.2717 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 153338 reorder calls. 01:27:26.6705 [INFO] Chat: Server (to flogi): Use [ !reward ] when you voted on the website ! Use it in your space suit ! 01:27:28.2367 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198251377628 from 01:27:28.2526 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player slinkywizard joined (76561198251377628) 01:27:28.2526 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 01:27:28.5554 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:27:34.5225 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:27:34.5225 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:27:39.4532 [INFO] Chat: (to flogi): Reward player 01:27:39.4532 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player flogi ran command '!reward' 01:27:39.5509 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User Voted = yes 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User claimed = no 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.983981354154638/ichance = 1 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(Component/SuperComputer) 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.51834833925513/ichance = 1E-07 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.972553663874303/ichance = 1 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/Welder4Item) 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.415435676190739/ichance = 1 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/AngleGrinder4Item) 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.352012933395809/ichance = 1 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/HandDrill4Item) 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.787597454519755/ichance = 0.5 01:27:39.6028 [INFO] Chat: Server (to flogi): You have been rewarded with: All Elite Tools and Quantum Computers, thank you for your vote. 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-133715978913981821 item: SuperComputer amount: 5 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-133715978913981821 item: Welder4Item amount: 1 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-133715978913981821 item: AngleGrinder4Item amount: 1 01:27:39.6028 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-133715978913981821 item: HandDrill4Item amount: 1 01:27:42.2735 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 143103 reorder calls. 01:28:42.2750 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 137502 reorder calls. 01:29:18.8335 [INFO] Concealment: 407/545 grids are concealed (74.68 %), 2 new. 01:29:34.5363 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:29:34.5363 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:29:35.7035 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 1 total death 01:29:36.9707 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 01:29:36.9707 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:29:42.2751 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 145464 reorder calls. 01:29:44.5270 [INFO] Concealment: 411/546 grids are concealed (75.27 %), 4 new. 01:29:50.8869 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198181038507 from 01:29:50.8869 [WARN] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Player 76561198181038507 has already joined! 01:29:50.8869 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Benutzer 321 (76561198181038507) Disconnected. 01:30:00.8447 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 24 grids near players. 01:30:05.9382 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198181038507 (76561198181038507) Disconnected. 01:30:07.6031 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198024083527 from 01:30:07.6031 [WARN] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Player 76561198024083527 has already joined! 01:30:07.6031 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: DildoSwagginz (76561198024083527) Disconnected. 01:30:09.5263 [INFO] Concealment: 388/547 grids are concealed (70.93 %), 1 new. 01:30:22.6050 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198024083527 (76561198024083527) Disconnected. 01:30:42.2758 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 142213 reorder calls. 01:31:00.8463 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 6 grids near players. 01:31:03.0368 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 2 total death 01:31:16.1989 [INFO] Concealment: 406/553 grids are concealed (73.42 %), 24 new. 01:31:19.8451 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 4 grids near players. 01:31:20.0869 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "[Support us by Donating - We need your help]" 20000' 01:31:20.9757 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 01:31:21.1074 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Donate for a Reserved Slot or Quantum Computers" 19995' 01:31:22.0997 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Use [!donate] in main chat" 19995' 01:31:34.5376 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:31:34.5376 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:31:42.2854 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 130037 reorder calls. 01:31:50.1306 [INFO] Concealment: 407/553 grids are concealed (73.60 %), 5 new. 01:32:06.7879 [INFO] Concealment: 411/553 grids are concealed (74.32 %), 4 new. 01:32:35.9446 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:32:35.9446 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:32:39.1349 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 01:32:40.4279 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: TheDutchman died = 10 total death 01:32:42.2972 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 105966 reorder calls. 01:32:48.9460 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Francis McFadden : 76561198205147836 01:32:48.9460 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:32:48.9779 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Priappe : 76561198007318363 01:32:48.9779 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:33:14.7508 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Subscribe to all our mods to join UD faster. Use !mods in main chat to access the mod collection." "[FAST CONNECT] " 255 201 21 true' 01:33:15.9833 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: suisse you've got some inside blocks unbuild 01:33:34.5389 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:33:34.5389 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:33:42.3029 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 123484 reorder calls. 01:34:01.5670 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:34:01.5670 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:34:02.1007 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:34:02.1007 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:34:02.8514 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:34:02.8514 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:34:05.1507 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198148362000 from 01:34:05.1677 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player LegoFox joined (76561198148362000) 01:34:05.1677 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 01:34:05.1677 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Identity not found 01:34:07.6325 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:34:24.0173 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: inside your ship everything is build? 01:34:42.3034 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 132154 reorder calls. 01:34:54.0515 [INFO] Chat: (to Herr Vader): Could not find your Grid. Check if ownership is correct 01:34:54.0515 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Herr Vader ran command '!fixship' 01:35:01.8338 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: katafalkk died = 1 total death 01:35:01.8927 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 01:35:12.3504 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: [HG] Train died = 1 total death 01:35:19.3929 [INFO] Concealment: 411/551 grids are concealed (74.59 %), 1 new. 01:35:29.2844 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Herr Vader): Use [ !reward ] when you voted on the website ! Use it in your space suit ! 01:35:34.5525 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:35:34.5525 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:35:42.3036 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 141737 reorder calls. 01:35:48.5263 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:35:48.5263 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:35:49.1031 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:35:49.1031 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:35:52.3615 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 01:35:53.3618 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 3 grids near players. 01:36:01.3679 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 5 grids near players. 01:36:13.9921 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 72099ms (799ms CPU) 01:36:13.9921 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 20 days were deleted. 01:36:14.6443 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 20 days were deleted. 01:36:20.8997 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 01:36:37.8664 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 2 grids near players. 01:36:42.3100 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 125445 reorder calls. 01:36:50.0577 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: [HG] Train died = 2 total death 01:36:58.7572 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: best place to spawn? 01:37:00.0413 [INFO] Concealment: 402/553 grids are concealed (72.69 %), 2 new. 01:37:06.2925 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: didn't yet look for that 01:37:10.0174 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 2 grids near players. 01:37:10.6757 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: safety or resources? 01:37:12.7942 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: was starting to setup the cockpit 01:37:18.3104 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: resources 01:37:22.8079 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: pace 01:37:26.6894 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: TheDutchman died = 11 total death 01:37:29.6041 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: i know there will be 6 blocks it can't build (DLC) 01:37:32.5869 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: [HG] Train died = 3 total death 01:37:33.8981 [INFO] Concealment: 410/553 grids are concealed (74.14 %), 10 new. 01:37:34.2362 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: that answers both 01:37:34.5562 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:37:34.5562 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:37:39.6818 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 8 grids near players. 01:37:42.3143 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 125206 reorder calls. 01:37:42.3632 [INFO] Concealment: 404/553 grids are concealed (73.06 %), 2 new. 01:37:47.3392 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: Do you need to join a faction? 01:37:52.6310 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: nope 01:38:00.6342 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: o u want to? 01:38:22.0951 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: I dont really know yet. 01:38:27.9297 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: then wait it out 01:38:28.1661 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: so how do i do anything in space without start craft? 01:38:36.6066 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: u will start wiht one 01:38:42.3265 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 126169 reorder calls. 01:38:42.7722 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: tart on moon pof 01:38:44.7931 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: pod 01:38:47.2053 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: nd fly away 01:38:51.1671 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: aight 01:38:54.9718 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: [HG] Train died = 4 total death 01:39:09.9734 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: LegoFox (76561198148362000) Disconnected. 01:39:34.5581 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:39:34.5581 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:39:38.3872 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: geeeez my lagg is badd 01:39:38.8873 [INFO] Chat: (to weewilly5): Reward player 01:39:38.8873 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player weewilly5 ran command '!reward' 01:39:38.9801 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User Voted = yes 01:39:39.0280 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User claimed = yes 01:39:39.0280 [INFO] Chat: Server (to weewilly5): You already claimed your reward today. 01:39:42.3276 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 125706 reorder calls. 01:39:45.7029 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: same 01:39:47.4822 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: hhhh 01:39:50.4095 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: shhhh 01:40:05.7543 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from slinkywizard : 76561198251377628 01:40:05.7543 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:40:05.8050 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Suisse : 76561197973814915 01:40:05.8050 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:40:16.2218 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: ok 2day im finding out whats wrong with my miners jump drive once and for all 01:40:27.3455 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: k 01:40:38.5463 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:40:38.5463 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:40:42.3318 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 120287 reorder calls. 01:40:59.7463 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: honestly im gonna need to grind and rebuild it but thats gonna take a while 01:41:20.9482 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 01:41:34.5817 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:41:34.5817 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:41:36.6233 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:41:36.6233 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:41:40.3566 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: u checked if ur jumping normal with other ships 01:41:42.3321 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 124420 reorder calls. 01:41:43.4794 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: ? 01:42:15.1840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Read the rules and info of the upside down server. EN: /rules FR: /regles RU: /rulesru DE: /rulesde NL: /rulesnl" "[RULES]" 255 201 21 true' 01:42:30.7003 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: wdym 01:42:37.8792 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: an u jump with other ships 01:42:42.3326 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 123580 reorder calls. 01:42:42.9789 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: process of elimination 01:42:46.5150 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:42:46.5150 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:42:51.5812 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: ohhh 01:42:59.9643 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: yea other ships can be finicky but they work fine 01:43:15.6758 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: ohh how about i do the entities refresh thing with this ship 01:43:25.7948 [INFO] Chat: (to Peanut_butter_jedi): Forced replication of 643 entities. 01:43:25.7948 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player Peanut_butter_jedi ran command '!entities refresh' 01:43:33.9040 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: refresh work for all ships 01:43:34.5831 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:43:34.5831 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:43:41.5329 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:43:41.5329 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:43:42.3352 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 122534 reorder calls. 01:43:46.0665 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: i assume u tried fixship 01:43:49.1010 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: yea 01:43:50.8454 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: many times 01:43:54.6616 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198148362000 from 01:43:54.6785 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player LegoFox joined (76561198148362000) 01:43:54.6785 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 01:43:54.6785 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Identity not found 01:43:55.0964 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:43:57.8284 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: grind the jd 01:44:00.7045 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Not a virus : 76561198036582303 01:44:00.7045 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:44:04.0043 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: ok now... it says 0% charged instead of 69% 01:44:13.1191 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: yea that looks like what im gonna have to do 01:44:42.3392 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 127580 reorder calls. 01:44:42.4874 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: does anyone actually live on earth? 01:44:49.3121 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: I do 01:45:10.9794 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:45:10.9794 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:45:25.5917 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:45:25.5917 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:45:34.5968 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:45:34.5968 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:45:42.3480 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 131051 reorder calls. 01:46:12.5456 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:46:12.5456 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:46:12.5785 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 01:46:12.5785 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:46:20.9576 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 01:46:33.0093 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: 19 blocks, WHERE THEY ARE IT WILL BE FASTER I WELD THEM 01:46:33.3754 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 01:46:33.3754 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:46:42.3491 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 140314 reorder calls. 01:47:21.4592 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: here 01:47:27.2085 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Francis McFadden : 76561198205147836 01:47:27.2085 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:47:27.2255 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Priappe : 76561198007318363 01:47:27.2255 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:47:34.6125 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:47:34.6125 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:47:42.3608 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 144201 reorder calls. 01:47:48.4080 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: check inside fisrt 01:47:51.3136 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: How to save ship 01:47:59.6350 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198014278167 from 01:47:59.6520 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Pesters joined (76561198014278167) 01:47:59.6520 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 01:47:59.6520 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Identity not found 01:47:59.9680 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: q will enlarge the b&r by 20 01:48:00.0867 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:48:12.7852 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: You can save ships? 01:48:15.9097 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: what u mean save? 01:48:17.2910 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: ctrl b 01:48:17.4854 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: ok ^^ 01:48:22.1786 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: blue print? 01:48:22.3122 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: you know there is only like 15 blocks left? i will have fun searching for them 01:48:23.1251 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: hes alos aware of the double pcu isuue 01:48:29.9248 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: yea thats blueprint 01:48:30.2986 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: here 01:48:34.2243 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: LegoFox (76561198148362000) Disconnected. 01:48:40.6647 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: like save to server 01:48:42.3617 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 134616 reorder calls. 01:48:49.2413 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198148362000 (76561198148362000) Disconnected. 01:49:10.8725 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: u gotta name it tag.something 01:49:15.2464 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: tag is your faction tag 01:49:19.4477 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: like mine is amf 01:49:31.1618 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: 1 camera + 1 cockpit to build 01:49:34.6127 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:49:34.6127 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:49:37.3284 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: the cockpit is a DLC 01:49:41.7610 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: now? 01:49:42.3634 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 148872 reorder calls. 01:49:45.8948 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: *no 01:49:49.7113 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: 1 lcd and blocks 01:49:57.4953 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: the lcd is a dlc 01:49:59.5944 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: ah oki 01:50:06.5080 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: ok... finally done 01:50:06.9845 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: it is the one in the front of the ship 01:50:08.3337 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: and... 01:50:10.5659 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: 1 cam 01:50:25.4652 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Francis McFadden : 76561198205147836 01:50:25.4652 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:50:25.4821 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 01:50:25.4821 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:50:32.3149 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: still says 0% but it might just be taking a while 01:50:42.3513 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: on off? 01:50:42.5632 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: power usage says 0 still 01:50:42.7972 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 137524 reorder calls. 01:50:44.8276 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: found it but I can't build it 0o 01:50:49.7600 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: recharge is on i confirmed that 01:50:50.6414 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from PaPaJoE : 76561198024018616 01:50:50.6414 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:50:56.6911 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: restart pc? 01:50:56.8455 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: how much reactors u got on there? 01:50:58.8568 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: so even though im already in a faction i have to actually name it tag.something? 01:51:04.5349 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: oops 01:51:05.9349 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: i can 01:51:14.3020 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: yes 01:51:14.4785 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Can't find asteroids ? Try the ring all around the Moon where there is a much higher density." "[UD TIP]" 255 201 21 true' 01:51:16.3175 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: whats your faction tag 01:51:17.4671 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: in the info panel 01:51:20.0683 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: computer 01:51:20.9080 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 01:51:25.2484 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: my faction tag is vlk 01:51:27.1453 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: ok it is odd the way I need to aim 01:51:29.7454 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: just dont have grids named GRIND 82093 01:51:33.2417 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: so name it vlk.something 01:51:34.6140 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:51:34.6140 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:51:36.7583 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: ^^ 01:51:42.8112 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 142310 reorder calls. 01:51:53.2424 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: so ic ant just name it like "China" or something i have to do "vlk.China" ? 01:51:54.9364 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: ERVER CLEANS WILL REMOVE ANY UNNAMED GRIDS 01:52:00.3317 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: the welder is still building inside your ship some blocks 01:52:03.0485 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: u can 01:52:03.6792 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: so completely rebuilding my jump drive did NOT fix the problem 01:52:07.9730 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: jut VLK.CHINA 01:52:11.4415 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Buschrolle (76561198087103762) Disconnected. 01:52:15.8484 [INFO] Concealment: 407/565 grids are concealed (72.04 %), 3 new. 01:52:16.8401 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: What factions are there that I could join? 01:52:20.8871 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: okay. and im naming the grid not the survival station? 01:52:25.6928 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: dweiba 01:52:26.3175 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from PaPaJoE : 76561198024018616 01:52:26.3175 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:52:28.0684 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: me later 01:52:28.5202 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 01:52:28.5202 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:52:34.4868 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: but rememebr u said u have trust issues 01:52:37.7471 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: 11 blocks remain 01:52:38.7972 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: and me 01:52:42.8128 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 144725 reorder calls. 01:52:43.5914 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: im gonna try the power thing now 01:52:44.7410 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: ho wmany reactors u got on that ship? 01:52:50.1741 [INFO] Chat: (to fuck off): Invalid Syntax: !vote 01:52:51.2240 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: how many* 01:52:51.4414 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: ...? 01:52:54.1612 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: mk3 reactor 01:52:59.2956 [INFO] SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin: Server ran command 'gridbackup list "RJ"' 01:53:09.0422 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198087103762 (76561198087103762) Disconnected. 01:53:13.5577 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from PaPaJoE : 76561198024018616 01:53:13.5577 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 01:53:16.1737 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Rustergroovie died = 1 total death 01:53:17.8235 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: i wish the air tight was on 01:53:18.3092 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: oh, you rename it in info tab 01:53:19.6580 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Rustergroovie (76561197968020611) Disconnected. 01:53:21.6393 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: derp 01:53:22.7693 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: even if everything may look completed i will do a full "rescan" with the welder in case they were uncompleted block 01:53:24.3431 [INFO] Concealment: 411/565 grids are concealed (72.74 %), 4 new. 01:53:25.0874 [INFO] SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin: Server ran command 'gridbackup list "RJ" "VOY.Deepcoreminer"' 01:53:26.0364 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: derp 01:53:27.2221 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: you should stop the rotor to let the welder do the job properly maybe section by section? 01:53:34.6282 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:53:34.6282 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:53:34.6571 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561197968020611 (76561197968020611) Disconnected. 01:53:37.2386 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: ah oki 01:53:42.8392 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 128615 reorder calls. 01:53:59.1049 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: for armored block it is capable of at this speed :P 01:54:10.4383 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: likely to be something else 01:54:14.9920 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.BackupCommands: Server restored backup from path: C:\UDInstanceAlpha\Instance\GridBackups\144115188075856629\VOY.Deepcoreminer_96786703654438801\2020_08_13_00_34_48.sbc 01:54:14.9920 [INFO] SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin: Server ran command 'gridbackup restore "RJ" "VOY.Deepcoreminer" 1 true false' 01:54:15.0777 [INFO] Concealment: 425/577 grids are concealed (73.66 %), 14 new. 01:54:17.7968 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: how do you obtain computer parts anyway? 01:54:21.4821 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: ok 01:54:30.3704 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: now my assember isnt working even tho i confirmed its on 01:54:31.1381 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: QC? 01:54:34.2989 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: or computers? 01:54:39.0472 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198148362000 from 01:54:39.0632 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player LegoFox joined (76561198148362000) 01:54:39.0632 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 01:54:39.5280 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 01:54:42.8492 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 131395 reorder calls. 01:54:46.5801 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: this game just HATES me lately 01:54:48.2181 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: :( 01:54:55.5332 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: PB reinstall the game 01:55:00.2263 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: XD 01:55:05.6875 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: QC 01:55:06.8981 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: noooo 01:55:11.0088 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: UsedInGold (76561198222701936) Disconnected. 01:55:14.2905 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: thorium 01:55:15.3776 [INFO] Concealment: 433/578 grids are concealed (74.91 %), 8 new. 01:55:22.0054 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: uhh what? 01:55:23.7752 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: for god sake just add more power 01:55:25.8423 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: is it a bad idea to do fixship on my whole base? 01:55:26.0560 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198222701936 (76561198222701936) Disconnected. 01:55:27.2210 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: thorium is harvested on thorium planet on other servr 01:55:34.6440 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:55:34.6440 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:55:36.0811 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: i cant i dont have enough reactor comps 01:55:38.8999 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: it is all power issues 01:55:39.5668 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: so you have to farm thorium on the other server and then do what with it 01:55:42.8501 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 138884 reorder calls. 01:55:43.4471 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: thats why im trying to build them 01:55:44.1690 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: also on earth there is a outpost that generates thorium very slowly 01:55:51.6012 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: refine it 01:55:54.7952 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: dont try to calculate ur power usage like u do 01:55:55.5939 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: nd build QC 01:55:58.5524 [WARN] ALE_Core.GridExport.GridManager: Error Loading ShipBlueprints from File 'C:\UDInstanceAlpha\Instance\GridBackups\144115188075856629\VOY.Deepcoreminer_96786703654438801\2020_08_13_00_33_37.sbc' 01:55:58.5524 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.BackupCommands: Server failed to restore backup from path: C:\UDInstanceAlpha\Instance\GridBackups\144115188075856629\VOY.Deepcoreminer_96786703654438801\2020_08_13_00_33_37.sbc 01:55:58.5524 [INFO] SEDiscordBridge.SEDiscordBridgePlugin: Server ran command 'gridbackup restore "RJ" "VOY.Deepcoreminer" 2 true false' 01:56:02.0979 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Oliprik: wait what, other server? 01:56:02.5791 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: 90 gold for each 01:56:12.1767 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: u are linked to other server liek another world 01:56:13.1883 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: hmm 01:56:18.6552 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: yeah its like a cluster 01:56:20.9269 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 01:56:21.0775 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: u can upload ships and down load the mthere 01:56:23.0272 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: like in ark 01:56:24.1073 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: what do i do if i have no more reactor stuff and no power to make more? 01:56:27.3786 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: yea liek ark 01:56:29.8081 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: Was it a smart idea to start on earth 01:56:32.1225 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: ah crap 01:56:39.4391 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: u get ice 01:56:42.3799 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: just add more u always have to be at 30% more than ideal usage 01:56:42.8510 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 117763 reorder calls. 01:56:42.9467 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: ? 01:56:43.0967 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: PBJ ICE!!!! 01:56:43.5488 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: j'ai oublié que le welder va essayer de welder les objects DLC 01:56:46.1316 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: ICE ICE BABY 01:56:52.2210 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: Ice is good 01:56:52.8284 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: slow start 01:56:53.0462 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: donc en apparence il weld quelque chose, mais en fait il ne fait rien 01:57:00.0726 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: slinky i cant... 01:57:00.4318 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: tu veux que je te les construise? 01:57:00.9820 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: earth is a slow start 01:57:06.2299 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: im on earth 01:57:07.7621 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: non pas besoin ;p 01:57:08.7953 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Peanut_butter_jedi: i have no reactor comps 01:57:08.9496 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: dweibie 01:57:09.2837 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: add power, do fix ship 01:57:13.0673 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: c'est juste du screen 01:57:13.6005 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: Me too 01:57:18.0996 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: obj ill jump to you 01:57:23.8824 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: va y alors :P 01:57:24.4160 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: when you say slow start. would you say its 10x slower than space? 01:57:25.4716 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: and u see u would jump and assmble 01:57:28.2213 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: set a way point far away 01:57:30.4717 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: probably best to start in space and then go to planet 01:57:31.7198 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Herr Vader (76561198007404448) Disconnected. 01:57:33.3004 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: yes 01:57:34.6578 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 01:57:34.6578 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 01:57:38.0086 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: lower but more scenery 01:57:39.8253 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: oh 01:57:42.3367 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 01:57:42.3367 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:57:42.6040 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Oliprik : 76561197988068695 01:57:42.6040 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 01:57:42.8554 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 117315 reorder calls. 01:57:48.1054 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Peanut_butter_jedi (76561198989055110) Disconnected. 01:57:49.3530 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: PBJ 01:57:50.2022 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: and if its fieff grids i only assume they both need more power 01:57:54.0184 [INFO] Concealment: 441/577 grids are concealed (76.43 %), 8 new. 01:57:58.0693 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: how many reactor parts u want me to bring 01:58:03.1011 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198989055110 (76561198989055110) Disconnected. 01:58:08.8394 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: i think he just left to rejoin or he DC 01:58:09.9879 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198007404448 (76561198007404448) Disconnected. 01:58:13.1520 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: and by power i say at least 3 large mk3 reactors to the base 01:58:17.2354 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: oh 01:58:19.2110 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: dweidenb died = 2 total death 01:58:27.2278 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856047] slinkywizard: and add some small mk3 to miner 01:58:27.9149 [INFO] Concealment: 443/576 grids are concealed (76.91 %), 2 new. 01:58:38.8336 [INFO] Chat: [Discord: PB Jedi] (to ID:0): need to take a break 01:58:41.5114 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: dwebie u new to space engineers? 01:58:42.8572 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 129405 reorder calls. 01:58:50.0041 [INFO] Chat: (to fuck off): Reward player 01:58:50.0041 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player fuck off ran command '!reward' 01:58:50.1138 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User Voted = yes 01:58:50.1268 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: Jedi ill bring you stuff 01:58:50.1547 [INFO] Chat: [Discord: PB Jedi] (to ID:0): she* 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User claimed = no 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.924541606998323/ichance = 1 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(Component/SuperComputer) 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.23450483672065/ichance = 1E-07 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.345997391429729/ichance = 1 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/Welder4Item) 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.650557447993456/ichance = 1 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/AngleGrinder4Item) 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.420360071780328/ichance = 1 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/HandDrill4Item) 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.816661227874766/ichance = 0.5 01:58:50.1627 [INFO] Chat: Server (to fuck off): You have been rewarded with: All Elite Tools and Quantum Computers, thank you for your vote. 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-115037063091113403 item: SuperComputer amount: 5 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-115037063091113403 item: Welder4Item amount: 1 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-115037063091113403 item: AngleGrinder4Item amount: 1 01:58:50.1627 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-115037063091113403 item: HandDrill4Item amount: 1 01:58:52.2580 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: for power 01:58:59.4686 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: 1 lcd fait mais je sais pas les autres 01:59:02.9187 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: JEDI IS A SHEE? 01:59:05.0757 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: WTF 01:59:06.9775 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: GRILLL 01:59:08.3639 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: l'autre, le cockpit? 01:59:13.1309 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: RILL ACTIVATE ZOMBIE MODE 01:59:18.8722 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: je le fais aussi 01:59:22.1553 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: im gonna get my GF into space eningeers so i can get free stuff 01:59:27.7734 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: pourquoi pas 01:59:29.1899 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: lol 01:59:32.3191 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: c'est celui devant 01:59:42.8721 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 135242 reorder calls. 01:59:50.4682 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: ima get Jedi into me so i can get free stuff 01:59:56.4538 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: lawl 01:59:58.6571 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: traps arnt gay 02:00:24.4455 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Not a virus (76561198036582303) Disconnected. 02:00:31.3768 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: il manque quoi d'autre en dlc dessus? 02:00:34.3599 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: les pistons se rétractent en ce moment 02:00:34.6591 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:00:34.6591 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:00:37.0932 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: je ne pense pas 02:00:39.4618 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198036582303 (76561198036582303) Disconnected. 02:00:42.8774 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 139170 reorder calls. 02:00:49.2932 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: Im on the moon now 02:00:49.4398 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: normalement il devrait rester que des blocks armored 02:01:09.0493 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: Complete! 02:01:12.7822 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: ^^ 02:01:15.0330 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Vote for us by using !votelink in chat and get Quantum Computers and all Elite tools rewards with the command !reward. You can vote every day and win extra prize at the end of the month." "[REWARD]" 255 201 21 true' 02:01:20.9254 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 02:01:23.0757 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "[Support us by Donating - We need your help]" 20000' 02:01:23.2612 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: i claimed an astroyed 02:01:24.0860 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Donate for a Reserved Slot or Quantum Computers" 19995' 02:01:25.1033 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Use [!donate] in main chat" 19995' 02:01:25.5870 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: yaw yeet 02:01:26.6930 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 2 grids near players. 02:01:28.6668 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: les elements dlc devaient bloquer la fin de build 02:01:31.7664 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: attendre que les pisotons reviennent à leur position 0 02:01:36.4160 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: oui effecitvcement ;( 02:01:42.8858 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 127425 reorder calls. 02:02:01.4495 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: j'aurais dû les grinders pour la prochaine fois 02:02:03.0496 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: par contre faut load a la main les armements 02:02:04.5827 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Pesters: what do I need to do to keep my spawn ship 02:02:18.4005 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: merge it with an asteroid 02:02:27.6248 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: okay i renamed my starter ship. will it still be here if i respawn? 02:02:28.7767 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: ith merge blocks 02:02:34.5489 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: probably not 02:02:34.6788 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:02:34.6788 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:02:40.4564 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: so should i merge it with the roid first? 02:02:42.4396 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: u need to merge it with the asteroid 02:02:42.8862 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 129143 reorder calls. 02:02:46.7345 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: yea 02:02:48.3725 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Oliprik: You have to merge it with a merge block to a station and then rename it 02:03:00.4827 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: Im very confused 02:03:16.0958 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: tomorrow thorium guys? 02:03:30.3299 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: if were ready on time ye 02:03:42.9010 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 115590 reorder calls. 02:03:45.3150 [INFO] Chat: (to LegoFox): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm. 02:03:45.3150 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player LegoFox ran command '!fixship' 02:04:00.0474 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: u have to trick the game 02:04:04.4155 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] LegoFox: 1fixship 02:04:10.5563 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: respawn ships get removed 02:04:15.3581 [INFO] Chat: Server (to katafalkk): Use [ !reward ] when you voted on the website ! Use it in your space suit ! 02:04:16.2312 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin: Player LegoFox used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid ARC.Miner LEGO for cut & paste! 02:04:16.2881 [INFO] Chat: (to LegoFox): Ship was fixed! 02:04:16.2881 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player LegoFox started! 02:04:16.2881 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player LegoFox ran command '!fixship' 02:04:31.7118 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: suisse if you want to move your printed ship with the little mk3 you've got here...be well prepared XD 02:04:34.6887 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:04:34.6887 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:04:38.5121 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: so merge it with the asteroid 02:04:42.9049 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 126702 reorder calls. 02:04:43.6024 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: ie make it one 02:04:47.1142 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: become the roid 02:04:50.0886 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: feel the roid 02:04:53.6100 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: be the roid 02:04:54.3237 [INFO] Chat: (to katafalkk): Reward player 02:04:54.3237 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player katafalkk ran command '!reward' 02:04:54.4190 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User Voted = yes 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User claimed = no 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.258029792577973/ichance = 1 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(Component/SuperComputer) 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.451334924181614/ichance = 1E-07 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.757772250919497/ichance = 1 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/Welder4Item) 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.684927823340952/ichance = 1 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/AngleGrinder4Item) 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.544671241913303/ichance = 1 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/HandDrill4Item) 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.148307177307227/ichance = 0.5 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(Ingot/ThUFuelCell) 02:04:54.4738 [INFO] Chat: Server (to katafalkk): You have been rewarded with: All Elite Tools and Quantum Computers, thank you for your vote. 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-93254125104073667 item: SuperComputer amount: 5 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-93254125104073667 item: Welder4Item amount: 1 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-93254125104073667 item: AngleGrinder4Item amount: 1 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-93254125104073667 item: HandDrill4Item amount: 1 02:04:54.4738 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-93254125104073667 item: ThUFuelCell amount: 5 02:05:01.7735 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: yaas 02:05:06.2893 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 3 total death 02:05:15.0506 [INFO] Concealment: 444/577 grids are concealed (76.95 %), 4 new. 02:05:21.7028 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 24 grids near players. 02:05:30.7719 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: i works when thoriums spawn 02:05:33.1056 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: Im heading for a roid right now 02:05:42.9053 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 133449 reorder calls. 02:06:11.4995 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: no pb. we'll see if shaka or rpr will come and if you can come slinky 02:06:13.9923 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 02:06:20.9245 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 02:06:24.7872 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: PaPaJoE (76561198024018616) Disconnected. 02:06:34.6891 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:06:34.6891 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:06:39.8055 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198024018616 (76561198024018616) Disconnected. 02:06:42.0702 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: need to build a ship 02:06:42.9057 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 126301 reorder calls. 02:06:50.2202 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: we see how it goes 02:07:27.0242 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: Is it easy to build on an astaroid 02:07:27.3680 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 73376ms (731ms CPU) 02:07:27.3680 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 20 days were deleted. 02:07:27.9853 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 20 days were deleted. 02:07:42.9124 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 114730 reorder calls. 02:08:02.1103 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: dwebie how far are you from the thorium outpost 02:08:08.7500 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: oh u in space nvm 02:08:10.8453 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: what is that 02:08:12.3983 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: yes easy 02:08:12.7414 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 02:08:16.7485 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: what button is for merge block docking? 02:08:24.4070 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: set it 02:08:25.7482 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: or connector 02:08:28.1279 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Priappe died = 6 total death 02:08:31.3979 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: no building on roids 02:08:32.6220 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 4 total death 02:08:34.6902 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:08:34.6902 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:08:37.7936 [INFO] Concealment: 443/571 grids are concealed (77.58 %), 24 new. 02:08:42.9178 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 109201 reorder calls. 02:08:43.4430 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 4 grids near players. 02:08:43.4988 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: no building on roids 02:08:45.6892 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: wee can I just join your faction? 02:08:47.9053 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: does the other side of the merge block need power? 02:08:48.3186 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: no i have to figure out how to use that PAM 02:09:01.8562 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 02:09:01.8562 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:09:04.5890 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: no jsut one side 02:09:06.0890 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: probably i think 02:09:11.0950 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: ty slinky 02:09:12.7038 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Priappe died = 7 total death 02:09:13.5354 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: UsedInGold died = 3 total death 02:09:20.4669 [INFO] Chat: (to LegoFox): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm. 02:09:20.4669 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player LegoFox ran command '!fixship' 02:09:26.8463 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin: Player LegoFox used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid ARC.Miner LEGO for cut & paste! 02:09:26.9082 [INFO] Chat: (to LegoFox): Ship was fixed! 02:09:26.9082 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player LegoFox started! 02:09:26.9082 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player LegoFox ran command '!fixship' 02:09:29.1919 [INFO] Concealment: 441/569 grids are concealed (77.50 %), 2 new. 02:09:42.9190 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 106235 reorder calls. 02:09:43.9655 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: wait so you can build on roids? 02:09:48.1966 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: @Dweidenb yes most likely, I do have serious trust issues and issues with loafers :) 02:09:57.1377 [INFO] Concealment: 442/569 grids are concealed (77.68 %), 1 new. 02:09:59.6322 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: I wouldnt recommend buildign on roids 02:10:03.5047 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: build in roid or underground will cost all u build on it 02:10:04.5432 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: they get reset 02:10:14.3600 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: it's easy and you can find on steam workshop tutorials 02:10:15.3427 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Join our discord with the command !discord. We are waiting for you." "[DISCORD]" 255 201 21 true' 02:10:27.6332 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856986] weewilly5: Ola 02:10:30.8159 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: so you can build on one 02:10:31.7524 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: or youtube etc etc 02:10:34.6995 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:10:34.6995 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:10:36.9691 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856986] weewilly5: I have trust issues and issues with loafers 02:10:39.7974 [INFO] Concealment: 443/570 grids are concealed (77.72 %), 1 new. 02:10:41.6854 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: no 02:10:42.9191 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 116691 reorder calls. 02:10:50.8334 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: seem slightly odd I have to configure a start position at the base 0o 02:10:54.3831 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: only on planets and space 02:10:57.5718 [INFO] Chat: [Private:144115188075856986] weewilly5: but im willing to have you start on my earth base and then see if u can get to space? 02:11:00.7059 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: and not underground 02:11:17.9328 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: ok 02:11:20.9395 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 02:11:20.9395 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: to dock but you've to reserve for your only ship 02:11:24.4571 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: every day gusy u can vote and get daily rewards too 02:11:28.0704 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: tier 3 tools 02:11:36.8459 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: use !votelink 02:11:41.9090 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: and !reward 02:11:42.9250 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 111097 reorder calls. 02:11:49.0840 [INFO] Concealment: 444/570 grids are concealed (77.89 %), 1 new. 02:11:57.7742 [INFO] Concealment: 445/569 grids are concealed (78.21 %), 1 new. 02:11:57.7971 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Pesters: is grinder same as drill? 02:12:01.6210 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Pesters: on ship 02:12:06.5669 [INFO] Concealment: 461/569 grids are concealed (81.02 %), 16 new. 02:12:12.5903 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: yes just use scroll wheel on mouse 02:12:15.9680 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198329764374 from 02:12:15.9859 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player ?????? ????? joined (76561198329764374) 02:12:15.9859 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 02:12:16.1694 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 02:12:17.2681 [INFO] Chat: Server (to [HG] Train): Use [ !reward ] when you voted on the website ! Use it in your space suit ! 02:12:34.7221 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:12:34.7221 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:12:42.9296 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 105079 reorder calls. 02:12:52.7255 [INFO] Chat: (to [HG] Train): Reward player 02:12:52.7255 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player [HG] Train ran command '!reward' 02:12:52.8283 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User Voted = yes 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: User claimed = no 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.662889758899291/ichance = 1 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(Component/SuperComputer) 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.678501714336919/ichance = 1E-07 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.806344669222061/ichance = 1 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/Welder4Item) 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.0635774839034199/ichance = 1 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/AngleGrinder4Item) 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.0314894714539356/ichance = 1 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(PhysicalGunObject/HandDrill4Item) 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: (DBG rand) rchance = 0.102410961921518/ichance = 0.5 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: Votes chance item re?ieved!(Ingot/ThUFuelCell) 02:12:52.8761 [INFO] Chat: Server (to [HG] Train): You have been rewarded with: All Elite Tools and Quantum Computers, thank you for your vote. 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-130587946818484855 item: SuperComputer amount: 5 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-130587946818484855 item: Welder4Item amount: 1 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-130587946818484855 item: AngleGrinder4Item amount: 1 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-130587946818484855 item: HandDrill4Item amount: 1 02:12:52.8761 [WARN] FoogsRewards: AddToInv-130587946818484855 item: ThUFuelCell amount: 5 02:12:59.7475 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: dweidenb died = 3 total death 02:13:05.8643 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: oh snizzle, that was so worth it 02:13:27.1510 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: what? 02:13:36.3070 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: thanks for the voting tip 02:13:42.9396 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 102787 reorder calls. 02:13:42.9706 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 5 total death 02:13:47.1823 [INFO] Chat: Server (to Oliprik): Use [ !reward ] when you voted on the website ! Use it in your space suit ! 02:13:52.4633 [INFO] Concealment: 465/572 grids are concealed (81.29 %), 4 new. 02:13:55.2950 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 24 grids near players. 02:14:15.8752 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198084989036 (76561198084989036) Disconnected. 02:14:24.8826 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198272317725 from 02:14:24.8995 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player SpaceNader joined (76561198272317725) 02:14:24.8995 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 02:14:24.8995 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Identity not found 02:14:29.8527 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Oliprik (76561197988068695) Disconnected. 02:14:31.0651 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: np 02:14:31.3364 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198084989036 from 02:14:31.3533 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player barnabas joined (76561198084989036) 02:14:31.3533 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 02:14:31.3533 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Identity not found 02:14:31.6386 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 02:14:32.8865 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: whats the button to connect? 02:14:33.6596 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 02:14:34.7528 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:14:34.7528 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:14:36.5783 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Pesters: no ship drills? 02:14:37.0889 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 02:14:37.0889 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:14:39.3623 [INFO] Concealment: 442/573 grids are concealed (77.14 %), 1 new. 02:14:40.5332 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: np u owe me those QC 02:14:42.9520 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 118182 reorder calls. 02:14:51.1400 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: use scroll wheel PESTER 02:14:56.3047 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Pesters: ah 02:15:02.9662 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Francis McFadden : 76561198205147836 02:15:02.9662 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:15:03.0161 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Priappe : 76561198007318363 02:15:03.0161 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:15:15.3003 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] weewilly5: Deweiden u played SE before? 02:15:36.9290 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 6 total death 02:15:42.9544 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 112215 reorder calls. 02:15:49.8436 [INFO] Concealment: 466/575 grids are concealed (81.04 %), 24 new. 02:16:21.0164 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 02:16:30.8122 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 4 grids near players. 02:16:34.7846 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:16:34.7846 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:16:42.9570 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 107068 reorder calls. 02:16:51.9108 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Francis McFadden : 76561198205147836 02:16:51.9108 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:16:51.9278 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Priappe : 76561198007318363 02:16:51.9278 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:17:03.8707 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: nyone else lagging? 02:17:11.0487 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] fuck off: yes 02:17:27.7774 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198084989036 from 02:17:27.7774 [WARN] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Player 76561198084989036 has already joined! 02:17:27.7803 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: barnabas (76561198084989036) Disconnected. 02:17:35.8448 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: will be over soon 02:17:42.4565 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: few more blocks 02:17:42.7816 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198084989036 (76561198084989036) Disconnected. 02:17:42.9611 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 103594 reorder calls. 02:18:19.7930 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: what button to lock and unlock landing gear 02:18:25.5371 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: p 02:18:27.2133 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] weewilly5: press G 02:18:29.3455 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 02:18:29.3455 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:18:31.4966 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: what about connectors? 02:18:34.7962 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:18:34.7962 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:18:35.1183 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: press G 02:18:39.8338 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: slect the compenent 02:18:42.9651 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 102230 reorder calls. 02:18:46.8134 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: dweidenb died = 4 total death 02:18:47.0139 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: nd select switch lock 02:18:50.7760 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: en français ça donne quoi le truc pour le docking? 02:18:54.0880 [INFO] Concealment: 463/573 grids are concealed (80.80 %), 1 new. 02:18:58.1801 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: all it sais for merge block is on and off 02:18:58.9463 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: u need to choose it in your hot bar 02:19:00.5622 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: en bout de ligne on s'en fou un peu? 02:19:01.7454 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: p 02:19:06.1016 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198079109660 from 02:19:06.1176 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Asage Foi joined (76561198079109660) 02:19:06.1176 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 02:19:06.5857 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 02:19:07.4315 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: (est-ce qu'il est capable d'utiliser le jump drive?) 02:19:10.9188 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: climb into the cock pit 02:19:14.9724 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Upside Down is looking for new moderators, artists, developers. Contact us on discord to apply." "[WE WANT YOU]" 255 201 21 true' 02:19:19.9914 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: linky says P 02:19:21.0134 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: pour le jumpdrive je pense pas 02:19:21.8030 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: i am in the cockpit lol 02:19:27.2342 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 02:19:35.6554 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: LegoFox (76561198148362000) Disconnected. 02:19:42.9744 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 80906 reorder calls. 02:19:50.6972 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198148362000 (76561198148362000) Disconnected. 02:19:51.6456 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: sinon il te faut etre sur le connecteur de depart et tu selectionnes comme etant la maison 02:20:32.9674 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: mais le PAM sera plus simple a utiliser quand tu te places devant l'asteroide et tu geres les axes X-Y-Z 02:20:34.7968 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:20:34.7968 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:20:42.9859 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 94995 reorder calls. 02:20:47.7502 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: pour lui indiquer les dimensions de son travail 02:20:57.6667 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: mais perso je m'en sers pas dans l'espace 02:21:02.4703 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: yeah my merge blocks aren't connecting. only one side has power 02:21:08.1974 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: c'est mieux sur planete je trouve 02:21:19.9644 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Francis McFadden : 76561198205147836 02:21:19.9644 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:21:19.9803 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 02:21:19.9803 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:21:20.9870 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 02:21:23.8374 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: nvm there we go. wasnt close enough xD 02:21:25.5738 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: la dampeners OFF a 0.5 et c'est bon 02:21:33.8716 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: there is no button for merge block 02:21:43.0005 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 97388 reorder calls. 02:21:43.8152 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: sans PAM bien sur le dampeners ^^ 02:21:44.3147 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] weewilly5: dweindbe 02:21:44.3646 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: allined them up and push 02:21:46.2410 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] weewilly5: u there? 02:21:51.0582 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: one side need power 02:21:59.1332 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 7 total death 02:22:06.0391 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Francis McFadden : 76561198205147836 02:22:06.0391 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:22:06.0561 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 02:22:06.0561 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:22:10.3996 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 24 grids near players. 02:22:11.7458 [INFO] Concealment: 442/566 grids are concealed (78.09 %), 4 new. 02:22:27.0568 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 02:22:27.0568 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:22:30.7011 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: thx bro 02:22:30.7509 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Francis McFadden : 76561198205147836 02:22:30.7509 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:22:30.8038 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Déms____ : 76561198036960071 02:22:30.8038 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:22:34.7996 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:22:34.7996 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:22:36.7717 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Francis McFadden : 76561198205147836 02:22:36.7717 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:22:36.8206 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from Priappe : 76561198007318363 02:22:36.8206 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:22:39.1082 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 02:22:43.0119 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 101722 reorder calls. 02:22:43.4261 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: just few blocks ^^ 02:22:48.9996 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: if i had it on my list i would just delete it long ago 02:22:52.3805 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 02:22:52.3805 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:22:58.7439 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: loll 02:23:40.6674 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Priappe died = 8 total death 02:23:41.5230 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: even my pcu stuck the same 02:23:43.0167 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 91667 reorder calls. 02:24:06.3450 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: its gone 02:24:07.1119 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: TheDutchman died = 12 total death 02:24:19.3741 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: but i feel its here with us in spirit :) 02:24:22.2288 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Asage Foi: LOL 02:24:29.5247 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 8 total death 02:24:29.8079 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: loooolll 02:24:34.8131 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:24:34.8131 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:24:40.6686 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 4 grids near players. 02:24:42.7997 [INFO] Concealment: 461/565 grids are concealed (81.59 %), 24 new. 02:24:43.0277 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 97461 reorder calls. 02:24:57.8328 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] marvel: leaving guys. good night 02:25:02.9758 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] slinkywizard: gn\ 02:25:37.0110 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 02:25:37.0110 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:25:43.0294 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 115557 reorder calls. 02:25:47.4943 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] weewilly5: Deindbe u here? 02:25:51.7283 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: marvel (76561198161453112) Disconnected. 02:26:06.7487 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198161453112 (76561198161453112) Disconnected. 02:26:20.9744 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 02:26:21.6412 [INFO] Chat: (to slinkywizard): Forced replication of 1198 entities. 02:26:21.6412 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player slinkywizard ran command '!entities refresh' 02:26:29.7744 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] [HG] Train: the only way to unmerge blocks is to basically grind one right? 02:26:34.8300 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:26:34.8300 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:26:43.0304 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 121116 reorder calls. 02:27:01.7740 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:259144577470691146] Suisse: if you build two block yes, you can "undock" connectors or mergers block 02:27:39.9475 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 02:27:39.9475 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:27:40.1308 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 02:27:40.1308 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:27:43.0326 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 99597 reorder calls. 02:27:50.6764 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Suisse: if you buil two blocks yes 02:28:02.9914 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Suisse: if you built connectors or mergers you can unmerge them 02:28:09.3199 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Suisse: without grinding them I mean 02:28:15.1437 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Subscribe to all our mods to join UD faster. Use !mods in main chat to access the mod collection." "[FAST CONNECT] " 255 201 21 true' 02:28:18.5875 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: what would you do if a dude joins and doesnt answer :( 02:28:27.2165 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: joins faction 02:28:34.8438 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:28:34.8438 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:28:43.0450 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 96475 reorder calls. 02:28:44.5334 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: honestly 02:28:47.4751 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: yea 02:28:49.9487 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: kick him asap 02:29:03.0686 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: safety first questions later 02:29:04.8828 [INFO] Concealment: 465/566 grids are concealed (82.16 %), 4 new. 02:29:30.5866 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: mmm 02:29:36.5817 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: savbing gps and comes later 02:29:41.1261 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: but we have nothing 02:29:43.0464 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 87786 reorder calls. 02:29:47.0061 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: literally still starting up 02:29:58.1304 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 02:29:58.1304 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:30:00.0835 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] slinkywizard: hes he online? 02:30:30.7006 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 02:30:30.7006 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:30:31.0676 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from fuck off : 76561198218404228 02:30:31.0676 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Kick, Controlled Compose 02:30:34.8587 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:30:34.8587 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:30:43.1328 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 83460 reorder calls. 02:31:20.9852 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 02:31:25.2668 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "[Support us by Donating - We need your help]" 20000' 02:31:26.2840 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Donate for a Reserved Slot or Quantum Computers" 19995' 02:31:27.2814 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Use [!donate] in main chat" 19995' 02:31:42.5053 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: was 02:31:43.1400 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 80909 reorder calls. 02:31:45.3249 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 2 grids near players. 02:31:54.4096 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: anyone have a dmge report script? 02:31:58.8954 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: I fixed the thing 02:32:03.3563 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Pesters died = 1 total death 02:32:11.4191 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: what thing? 02:32:13.5334 [INFO] Concealment: 486/566 grids are concealed (85.87 %), 23 new. 02:32:14.8773 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: now u reply XD 02:32:34.8758 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:32:34.8758 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:32:35.4016 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: The ctrl H thing 02:32:43.1424 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 71847 reorder calls. 02:32:50.5407 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Francis McFadden: there is no asteroids ? 02:33:09.9311 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: lol 02:33:19.5832 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: where are u dweiden 02:33:28.2317 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: there are asteroids 02:33:33.0329 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: somewhere on earth 02:33:38.5565 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: re apply to me 02:33:43.1474 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 79658 reorder calls. 02:33:45.2114 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: dweidenb died = 5 total death 02:33:59.0063 [INFO] Concealment: 487/566 grids are concealed (86.04 %), 1 new. 02:34:09.5799 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: [HG] Train (76561198071171657) Disconnected. 02:34:15.9001 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: weewilly5 (76561198074233924) Disconnected. 02:34:16.3378 [INFO] Concealment: 492/566 grids are concealed (86.93 %), 5 new. 02:34:24.6155 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198071171657 (76561198071171657) Disconnected. 02:34:30.9379 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198074233924 (76561198074233924) Disconnected. 02:34:33.6777 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 24 grids near players. 02:34:34.9042 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:34:34.9042 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:34:43.1496 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 72296 reorder calls. 02:34:59.0006 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: ok Im at earth base 02:35:43.1502 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 65476 reorder calls. 02:36:21.0166 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 02:36:34.9204 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:36:34.9204 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:36:42.7875 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: the one with the snow 02:36:43.1576 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 69227 reorder calls. 02:36:43.5076 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198074233924 from 02:36:43.5156 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player weewilly5 joined (76561198074233924) 02:36:43.5156 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 02:36:43.8266 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 02:37:15.3642 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Read the rules and info of the upside down server. EN: /rules FR: /regles RU: /rulesru DE: /rulesde NL: /rulesnl" "[RULES]" 255 201 21 true' 02:37:22.3475 [INFO] Chat: (to slinkywizard): Are you sure you want to continue? Enter the command again within 30 seconds to confirm. 02:37:22.3475 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player slinkywizard ran command '!fixship' 02:37:27.3738 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 02:37:27.6652 [WARN] ALE_ShipFixer.ShipFixerPlugin: Player slinkywizard used ShipFixerPlugin on Grid ICY.utility-slinky for cut & paste! 02:37:27.7370 [INFO] Chat: (to slinkywizard): Ship was fixed! 02:37:27.7370 [INFO] ALE_ShipFixer.Commands: Cooldown for Player slinkywizard started! 02:37:27.7370 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Player slinkywizard ran command '!fixship' 02:37:37.8302 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 4 grids near players. 02:37:43.1685 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 79370 reorder calls. 02:37:52.2011 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: are you there? 02:38:34.9218 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:38:34.9218 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:38:41.6087 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Backup took 74234ms (771ms CPU) 02:38:41.6087 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Start deleting backups older than 20 days were deleted. 02:38:42.2051 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.Utilities: Backups older than 20 days were deleted. 02:38:43.1693 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 75721 reorder calls. 02:38:57.3693 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Mrmrfiks (76561198280260911) Disconnected. 02:39:01.4446 [INFO] Concealment: 477/567 grids are concealed (84.13 %), 13 new. 02:39:29.4004 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: im here 02:39:34.0744 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198280260911 (76561198280260911) Disconnected. 02:39:36.0721 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: i dc'd quick 02:39:36.2955 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: k 02:39:41.9569 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: u on earth? 02:39:43.1796 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 73473 reorder calls. 02:39:46.3111 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 9 total death 02:39:48.1606 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: yes 02:39:52.3510 [INFO] Concealment: 481/567 grids are concealed (84.83 %), 4 new. 02:40:06.9879 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198074233924 from 02:40:06.9879 [WARN] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Player 76561198074233924 has already joined! 02:40:06.9879 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: weewilly5 (76561198074233924) Disconnected. 02:40:21.9906 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198074233924 (76561198074233924) Disconnected. 02:40:34.9538 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:40:34.9538 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:40:43.1910 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 61367 reorder calls. 02:40:55.8336 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198074233924 from 02:40:55.8336 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player weewilly5 joined (76561198074233924) 02:40:55.8336 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 02:40:56.4559 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 02:41:21.0013 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 02:41:38.1749 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: dweidenb died = 6 total death 02:41:43.1933 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 63087 reorder calls. 02:42:34.9824 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:42:34.9824 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:42:43.1939 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 70268 reorder calls. 02:43:01.1254 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] dweidenb: hello 02:43:13.8358 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: hello 02:43:25.8246 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] weewilly5: /f 02:43:33.7747 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] weewilly5: forward slash f is friend chat 02:43:40.6418 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] dweidenb: oh 02:43:43.1971 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 88923 reorder calls. 02:43:43.6253 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] weewilly5: invite me on steam 02:43:54.3747 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] weewilly5: forward slash g is back to globa lchat 02:43:55.9013 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 11 grids near players. 02:44:02.4580 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] weewilly5: weewilly5 02:44:02.9252 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] dweidenb: k 02:44:10.0580 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] weewilly5: my steam name weewilly5 02:44:15.1210 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561197972075000 (76561197972075000) Disconnected. 02:44:28.2549 [INFO] Concealment: 472/569 grids are concealed (82.95 %), 2 new. 02:44:43.1973 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 102677 reorder calls. 02:44:53.2251 [INFO] Chat: [Faction:223323832910612738] weewilly5: whats your steam name 02:45:23.0255 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198025881131 from 02:45:23.0255 [WARN] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Player 76561198025881131 has already joined! 02:45:23.0275 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: dweidenb (76561198025881131) Disconnected. 02:45:34.9973 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:45:34.9973 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:45:38.0603 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198025881131 (76561198025881131) Disconnected. 02:45:43.2103 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 108930 reorder calls. 02:45:59.8576 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198295038607 (76561198295038607) Disconnected. 02:46:10.9050 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Invalid network message received from katafalkk : 76561198291142257 02:46:10.9050 [WARN] RexFix.Patches.ValidationPatch: Additional information: Access MyCubeGrid.OnStockpileFillRequest 02:46:14.6049 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Can't find asteroids ? Try the ring all around the Moon where there is a much higher density." "[UD TIP]" 255 201 21 true' 02:46:16.9049 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: very stressful this is 02:46:21.0020 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 02:46:31.4712 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198295038607 from 02:46:31.4882 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Psyko joined (76561198295038607) 02:46:31.4882 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 02:46:31.4882 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Identity not found 02:46:31.7376 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 02:46:43.2243 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 102553 reorder calls. 02:47:11.1238 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 10 total death 02:47:16.6873 [INFO] Concealment: 496/573 grids are concealed (86.56 %), 24 new. 02:47:33.7166 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 4 grids near players. 02:47:35.0149 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:47:35.0149 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:47:43.2248 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 107296 reorder calls. 02:47:59.0569 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: timer or [hell] did u come right? 02:47:59.9793 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] Psyko: hiya 02:48:04.0810 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: ola 02:48:28.4513 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Psyko (76561198295038607) Disconnected. 02:48:32.2558 [INFO] Concealment: 493/572 grids are concealed (86.19 %), 1 new. 02:48:43.2346 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 124518 reorder calls. 02:48:43.4689 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198295038607 (76561198295038607) Disconnected. 02:49:35.0287 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:49:35.0287 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:49:43.2349 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 97543 reorder calls. 02:50:32.0816 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: Priappe died = 9 total death 02:50:41.4384 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 4 grids near players. 02:50:43.2503 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 98425 reorder calls. 02:50:46.1313 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: lol 02:51:05.0913 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198007318363 from 02:51:05.0913 [WARN] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Player 76561198007318363 has already joined! 02:51:05.0913 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Priappe (76561198007318363) Disconnected. 02:51:10.9559 [INFO] Concealment: 493/575 grids are concealed (85.74 %), 4 new. 02:51:20.0764 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198007318363 (76561198007318363) Disconnected. 02:51:21.0015 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 02:51:31.1657 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 02:51:35.0450 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:51:35.0450 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:51:36.3605 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: slinkywizard died = 1 total death 02:51:43.2619 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 84638 reorder calls. 02:51:44.8610 [INFO] Concealment: 506/573 grids are concealed (88.31 %), 14 new. 02:52:04.7065 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 3 grids near players. 02:52:43.2661 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 72167 reorder calls. 02:52:44.7099 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Asage Foi (76561198079109660) Disconnected. 02:52:47.2740 [INFO] Concealment: 505/571 grids are concealed (88.44 %), 2 new. 02:52:59.7232 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198079109660 (76561198079109660) Disconnected. 02:53:33.3556 [INFO] Concealment: 506/570 grids are concealed (88.77 %), 1 new. 02:53:35.0472 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:53:35.0472 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:53:43.2817 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 54609 reorder calls. 02:54:18.4772 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: off topic 02:54:27.3985 [INFO] Chat: [Global:0] weewilly5: how do i know who added me recently on steam friends? 02:54:43.2822 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 58088 reorder calls. 02:55:20.5549 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198056021619 from 02:55:20.5717 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player CharlosQ joined (76561198056021619) 02:55:20.5717 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 02:55:20.5717 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Identity not found 02:55:20.8968 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 02:55:35.0752 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:55:35.0752 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:55:43.2852 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 59173 reorder calls. 02:56:05.0504 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198079109660 from 02:56:05.0623 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player Asage Foi joined (76561198079109660) 02:56:05.0623 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 02:56:05.5635 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 02:56:15.1960 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Vote for us by using !votelink in chat and get Quantum Computers and all Elite tools rewards with the command !reward. You can vote every day and win extra prize at the end of the month." "[REWARD]" 255 201 21 true' 02:56:21.0771 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 02:56:38.9965 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 02:56:43.2906 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 51439 reorder calls. 02:57:35.0767 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:57:35.0767 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:57:43.4940 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 59738 reorder calls. 02:57:45.8726 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: weewilly5 (76561198074233924) Disconnected. 02:57:48.6943 [INFO] Concealment: 509/571 grids are concealed (89.14 %), 4 new. 02:58:01.1865 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198074233924 (76561198074233924) Disconnected. 02:58:43.4989 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 60255 reorder calls. 02:59:08.0625 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198074233924 from 02:59:08.0804 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Player weewilly5 joined (76561198074233924) 02:59:08.0804 [INFO] StaticMarker.MarkerPlugin: Connected 02:59:11.5978 [INFO] ALE_DeathLocationFix.MySessionPatch: Stipped LastDeathPositions from world for client connect. 02:59:35.0917 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 02:59:35.0917 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 02:59:43.7781 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 52937 reorder calls. 02:59:54.1022 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 4 grids near players. 03:00:25.9625 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 3 grids near players. 03:00:27.2240 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 03:00:43.7790 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 59787 reorder calls. 03:01:21.0936 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 03:01:28.1934 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "[Support us by Donating - We need your help]" 20000' 03:01:29.2087 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Donate for a Reserved Slot or Quantum Computers" 19995' 03:01:30.2090 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!notify "Use [!donate] in main chat" 19995' 03:01:35.1079 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 03:01:35.1079 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 03:01:43.7827 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 62956 reorder calls. 03:02:10.1872 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: slinkywizard died = 2 total death 03:02:20.5090 [INFO] Concealment: 503/567 grids are concealed (88.71 %), 3 new. 03:02:26.3038 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 14 grids near players. 03:02:43.7934 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 73024 reorder calls. 03:03:27.6886 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 11 total death 03:03:34.3165 [INFO] Concealment: 493/566 grids are concealed (87.10 %), 4 new. 03:03:35.1203 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 03:03:35.1203 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 03:03:39.1912 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 2 grids near players. 03:03:43.7972 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 72273 reorder calls. 03:03:52.0998 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 24 grids near players. 03:04:43.8082 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 68624 reorder calls. 03:05:15.4829 [INFO] Torch.Commands.CommandManager: Server ran command '!broadcast "Join our discord with the command !discord. We are waiting for you." "[DISCORD]" 255 201 21 true' 03:05:35.1217 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 03:05:35.1217 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 03:05:43.8157 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 69963 reorder calls. 03:06:21.0884 [WARN] QuantumHangar.Utilities.GridTracker: Deleted Hangar Files via GridTracker! 03:06:43.8269 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 65203 reorder calls. 03:06:50.9420 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 03:07:12.9047 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 03:07:35.1342 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 03:07:35.1342 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 03:07:41.7275 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 1 grids near players. 03:07:43.8284 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 71531 reorder calls. 03:08:12.0161 [INFO] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Connection attempt by 76561198079109660 from 03:08:12.0161 [WARN] Torch.Server.Managers.MultiplayerManagerDedicated: Player 76561198079109660 has already joined! 03:08:12.0161 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: Asage Foi (76561198079109660) Disconnected. 03:08:20.0836 [INFO] Concealment: 464/565 grids are concealed (82.12 %), 1 new. 03:08:27.0435 [INFO] Torch.Managers.MultiplayerManagerBase: ID:76561198079109660 (76561198079109660) Disconnected. 03:08:41.6145 [INFO] ALE_GridBackup.GridBackupPlugin: Start Backup process! 03:08:44.0509 [INFO] RexFix.Patches.ClusterReorderPatch: Clusters reordering. Prevented 69091 reorder calls. 03:08:54.2777 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 12 total death 03:09:18.5308 [INFO] Concealment: 465/565 grids are concealed (82.30 %), 1 new. 03:09:25.8239 [INFO] DeathCounter.DamagePatch: weewilly5 died = 13 total death 03:09:28.2628 [INFO] Concealment: 466/565 grids are concealed (82.48 %), 1 new. 03:09:35.1348 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: Checking for commands to be executed... 03:09:35.1348 [WARN] TebexTorchAPI: GET https://plugin.buycraft.net/queue 03:09:36.0358 [INFO] Concealment: Revealed 4 grids near players.